Roads and Deadends

April 8, 2017:  The current road for Syria will lead to Russia next making a military move.  On this road, in 4 -6 years, Syria will be a dead zone.  With prayers, this could be helped some.


April 8, 2017: Venezuela will have 5 years of the collapse it is going through now with a few false starts in about 2-3 years.  The energy to manifest which I described in 2015, but which was raised in vibration still had to have a manifestation, but at a slightly higher level of life consciousness, and so it has been manifesting socially and personally.  While the land under their feet has been spared, their social structure has faced destruction because there have been people willing to be channels for the destructive energy.

Venezuela will begin truly and finally growing out of its own great depression and social disaster in the early 2020’s, after some years of up then down, then up then down, again. By 2020-2021, they will slowly but persistently continue to grow out of what is occurring now.  It will take years because it still has 2 more years of collapse of floundering before it even begins to “find its feet again.”  Still, finding its feet only gives an opportunity to have a false start before it collapses again during this decade.

April 8, 2017: I still see the US economy starting to falter and stumble beginning in the 1st half of 2018.  Prognosticators on TV will be giving warning signs of potential economic problems in December, 2017.

April 8, 2017:  Today, I see the upswell and pushback by so many people in the US, which people have been creating since the election – begin to quiet down until mid-2018 when the economic problems begin to show themselves.

April 8, 2017:  Eventually, electric cars will be the dominant fuel/vehicle combination, but it will take several decades.  The automakers won’t focus specifically on these for several decades because there will still be a market for fossil fuel vehicles during those decades.

April 8, 2017: One of the reasons why Space oriented movies / TV shows / stories are so popular is because these stories help bring Extraterrestrial connection into the minds of people, opening up the possibilities for when the day comes that open contact is made.  When open contact begins, there will be less fear.  However, not all of those beings that come from the stars will be respectful or fully trustworthy.  Many of them have their own agendas which serve them, and not all.  Just because they have higher levels of technology doesn’t mean they’re free from selfishness.  Look at how people of high-tech countries today are towards people of lower tech countries.  For the most part, we have a general respect, but there are many that look for ways to exploit those who are unable to stop the exploitation.

April 18, 2017: I do see high potential for another war with North Korea and it beginning soon.  I am not yet seeing nuclear weapons being used.  I see it starting off big but slowing down after about 5-6 months, but lasting several years.  I see it contributing to another great depression worldwide.  War doesn’t come without a great price to pay in very many ways.  Many prayers are needed to avoid this.

April 18, 2017:  Food prices are consistently going to go up.  Gasoline prices at the pump will consistently, but slowly go up.

April 18, 2017:  I’m seeing 10 years of political stalemates in the US and other countries, unless people pray for something better.

April 18, 2017:  In 2018, unless effort is made to change this, the Republican effort to end Obamacare will succeed, but with little or nothing to replace it.  The path will be to dismantle “Obamacare” piece by piece and replace it with little to nothing.



Over a year ago, I saw physical disasters hitting Venezuela.  As time passed, and as more prayers for the people were brought forth, the predictions I gave did not happen as I saw.  Instead I was shown that up to the end, there was a need for prayers for them.  I was also shown that the prayers changed the outcome.  Prayers change things.

When prayers come forth, they raise the vibrations of the energy that is ready to manifest in destructive patterns.  The energy and pattern are both changed in the same way a higher pitch tuning fork affects lower pitch sounds.  The higher vibrations blend with and raise the lower vibrations.

When the amount of energy to manifest is so great that it would affect millions of people, it takes the prayers of millions of people to heal the energy.  When we don’t have millions of people praying, we do what work we can, with who we have praying.

With the prayers of those who we have to pray, we can lift the vibration some, and in the case of Venezuela, lift the energy from destroying the physical land to the level of the energy moving through the people and society, instead.  This actually is a healing/evolutionary step forward.  One perspective is that instead of destructive events affecting and possibly killing hundreds of thousands of people, the energy is manifesting through emotions and giving the choice to individuals to face that which is within them (us) through the freewill choices they (we) can make.  The destruction is then a choice instead of physical destruction without choices.

Make no mistake, the energy is strong and the patterns within the energy are triggering WILLING destructive action from within some people’s hearts and minds.  For, one main factor here is not whether it manifests through the Earth or through people, but do we get to have the choice of whether we manifest destruction or not.  It is better if we get to choose, because with souls doing the choosing, there are many who choose to heal that which is within their hearts and minds instead of it being forced upon all people.

Souls will always be given freewill.  With this freewill, we can do many things to help healing.  Prayer being one thing.  We can also bring forth many things to enact destruction.  Rage and hatred being two of those things.

Venezuela will find peace again, after much time, suffering and  effort (and prayers) – just like New York City and the U.S. did after the WTC attack, as well as New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.  Healing comes from effort to bring forth healing.  There was suffering from all these events, and there is suffering going on in Venezuela, too.

Always when we bring God into the mix of things – through prayers, meditations, kindness, mercy, love, openness, etc – there will be a raising of the vibrations and healing will occur according to the strength of the souls working for this healing.

We are always given a choice.  Through prayer, and that listed above, we have the choice to answer what He said, “As I love you, love each other.”

We can determine our life and change our future by the choices we make.


I’m working on an article updating/reviewing some of the predictions I’ve made in the past.  As people change, so does the future.  If you’re subscribed, you’ll receive an email about it.

Hurricane Patricia and the 2nd of 3 Events

I spoke a lot about the energy of the 2nd of 3 events still needing to find a way to manifest.  What I’ve been studying and working to understand is the “how” and “what will it look like”.

It would be easy for me to jump on the band wagon and say hurricanes like Hurricane Patricia are the manifestation of this 2nd of 3 events, but I can’t and we can’t make that jump without examining the Akashic information and energy connections.

This is what I do see having potential and what we can watch for:

  1. A lot of the energy related to the 2nd of the 3 events is destined to manifest in the Atlantic area. The energy related to the 2nd of 3 events has attached itself to this area – i.e. created a vortex holding to this area through time, until the energy is rebalanced, dissolved, used up or healed.
  2. Some of the energy in the Atlantic area hasn’t yet found a channel through which to manifest, but some has which I’ll describe.
  3. Still – watch for social/political or other problems in the Venezuela area, because when energy like this doesn’t manifest through the Earth, it can manifest through people.  Venezuela is still a strong potential location for manifestation.
  4. There will be more smaller and localized natural disasters in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Eastern Atlantic coastlines that are manifestations of this energy.
  5. Some of the energy will continue to be spread out in time – occurring over several years with most of it manifesting through to the end of this decade.  With this time span expanded there is also more that can be rebalanced thus making the manifested events less harmful.  (The purpose of all these events is to help raise vibrations in the Earth.  Prayer does that.  Calling out to God does that.  It’s better to raise the vibrations before the events manifest than afterwards.)
  6. Watch for a destructive natural event or a harmful human event in February or March, 2016 in this same area.  This would be an example of the energy manifesting through people via human’s freewill choices to cause a harmful/destructive act.
  7. I see the ocean bottom in the area of where Poseidia existed rising more – not surfacing, but the measured depth of that area (off the east coast of the Bahama and Bimini Islands) will become shallower.  This could take up to two years to be fulfilled.
  8. Related to this energy, I’m seeing an earthquake happening in the western Atlantic to the east of the Caribbean Sea in about 28-29 months.  Although this is an exact time frame now, this can be changed.  It will be in a deeper part of the Atlantic.
  9. All of our prayers for these areas will change things.  I’m becoming more and more aware that one of the strongest and most important messages coming from the Spirit Side of existence is that prayer changes energy, changes our lives and changes the world we live in.
  10. I still don’t see much of this energy being focused on the Eastern Coast of the US, because of its distance away from the vortex that this energy has come to create.
  11. All natural events, like disasters, have an energy source which seeks manifestation.  All of them.  The 2nd of 3 events was such a dramatic and huge amount of energy that I was able to see it as a distinct coalesced manifestation.  The very real prayers which people really did pray served to vibrate this coalesced energy in such a way as to make it into multiple smaller individual pockets of energy.
  12. Hurricane Patricia – as hard as it may be to believe this, I see Hurricane Patricia’s source energy coming from the consciousness of hatred and violence from the Mayans and others in the ancient area, beginning about 6000 years ago to about 2500 years ago.  There was much hatred in the peoples which led to vengeful and destructive warring on others and the disregard of human life leading to human sacrifice.  This consciousness of violent hatred coalesced and the Karmic processes of “returning to where it came from” then contributed to the forming of this hurricane here in 2015.  (I should have a “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” category.)  That’s all I’m going to say about this.

I’m ready for questions, if anyone has any.


“Having faith has always been God’s answer to a problem.
Not having faith has never been God’s answer to a problem.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Down to Yellow Alert

I’ve been foreseeing events since the 1960’s, as a child. Some of the events happened, and some had been changed. I foresaw WW3 happening in the late 1990’s, when I was doing readings in the 1980’s. It didn’t happen. But, also in the 1980’s, I foresaw hurricanes going up the east coast and the issues with water via rationing and bottling of water, and that has happened. I foresaw droughts and harsh winters which did happen and I foresaw storms and other events which didn’t happen.

Each of the predictions felt the same, presented themselves the same, and I sensed/saw them all the same.

In addition to this, I’ve had *literally* hundreds of thousands of psychic experiences happening every day throughout the majority of my life, which helped me to be familiar with and have confidence in the process I’m involved in. I’ve studied the Edgar Cayce materials. I’ve read and learned from other psychics. I’ve been psychic many past lives and have been on this planet this time now for over 5 decades.

No amount of comments or beliefs from others will change my paradigm which I’ve worked on and been involved in for all these years. But, from time to time, what I’ve foreseen hasn’t happened.

In those times, almost each time, when I can study the “changed” situation in depth and look back on the process, I have come to see a greater Higher Spiritual involvement at work than I had seen earlier. Psychically, sometimes, I’ve been able to see Christ involved directly. At other times, I’ve seen people join together to bring a stronger Spirit into the Earth that became immersed into our day-to-day lives, flowing like the atmosphere around us, helping influence actual Earth and human events. Some of those times, I also have become aware that I had focused on and continued to focus on a timeline that we had outgrown and no longer was playing out for us.

God’s words I once heard in meditation were/are “Come unto Me, and I will come unto you.” And with this, as humans on this planet, I’ve seen many human beings do just that through meditation, prayer and “random acts of kindness, etc” (not really so random and I know it’s a cliche.) To me, this has been our side of the picture – “Come unto Me”. For me, this phrase means – “connect with Me” while in the Earth, and which God then fulfills the 2nd part with “I will come unto you” in the Earth.

In no way does this mean that this should now be a living paradise and everyone getting along. There is no getting around the fact that we have freewill, and this means we can hate anyone we want to hate. Freewill also means we can condemn anyone we want to condemn, hurt anyone we want, ridicule and belittle, disrespect, criticize and judge, and on and on. We all have freewill and so plenty of people are choosing these.

But, some of us are choosing to practice the presence of God – seeking to “Come unto Me”. For this reason, God is active in the Earth. In essence, the ‘Son’ comes out and ‘dries up the storms’ – both human storms and physical storms. For me, premonitions and visions are a call for prayer to help heal what can be healed before anything harmful happens. I’ve always held that this is their purpose.

I’ve looked back at notes, dreams and written entries which I write down sometimes. I found references to these particular “2nd Event” visions. The message I got a few weeks ago, in my written notes, actually said, “The visuals have changed.” (not the word, ‘appearance’). This tells me that much of the energy destined to manifest physically still exists, but the ‘how, what and how much’ has changed. We prayed for the people of the area where I saw the 2nd event destined. These people are currently not going through the predicted natural disasters.

I’ve seen how the energy of disasters can be spread out over time to not be as strong in any one time and place. Originally, I saw this event as already having been spread out. And yes, now I see it being spread out even more over time and place. This information I did NOT go looking for until a few days ago, when I had the vision of “a kitchen counter being swept clean and empty by an arm.” To me this signified “start with a clean slate or start from scratch”.

When it doesn’t happen, I want to know why. Sometimes it’s obvious, but this time I’ve learned that there’s more going on than what I’ve been seeing so far – a much bigger vision. It could be that one of the most important things to learn is that God is a great deal more active in our lives than we know. Prayer and meditation help us to open our minds and hearts to this but even with that, we are hardly aware of the extent to which God comes into our lives when we ask and seek. What I suggest is that the praying for this planet and these human beings has a very real and helpful effect.

What I understand now, is that what I saw can be considered what would have happened without prayer and meditations for the people and the area – without asking God’s help.   What did happen is *with* our prayers and meditations for the people and the area.

I think this means that the “3rd event” may have been changed somewhat, too. I’m not going to write about this, yet, because it’s several years away and I’ve got studying to do.

BTW, anything I see is available in the Akashic records for anyone to see. We are in the times where each of us may connect to God directly, through prayer, meditation, dreams, and ‘random acts of kindness, etc’ and get information directly. Practicing getting in touch with all these methods is the beginning of the journey of getting better at connecting directly with that Spirit of Infinite Kindness – God.

What I see from here on for the next few weeks in the Caribbean is still some minor earthquake activity. I see *potential* for a volcanic eruption but at much smaller level with A LOT LESS destructive impact than what I was seeing before. I’m going back down to yellow alert. It’s not finished, but it’s not where it was. After October 1, I see it becoming quiet again, until the spring, 2016, when I see one more possible destructive event in that area. I encourage anyone to continue to pray for the people of the area, and expand the prayers into the Pacific Rim. E.J. and others have reported a lot of Pacific Rim prayer targets for potential danger from natural disasters. Or better yet, pray for the entire planet. Where is there not a need for prayers in this Earth?

Finally, for some reason when I look at the center of the Gulf of Mexico, I’m seeing good sword-fishing and sail-fishing. If anyone goes fishing out there, let me know how you do.


“Common Sense is also a spiritual quality just like Mercy and Forgiveness.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

A Clairaudient Message

While I’ve been trying to see if changes are still possible, I received a clairaudient message saying, “The appearance has changed.”

I believe it pertains to the 2nd of the 3 events, and I am trying to see what it’s changed to.

“Appearance” could mean the time it happens (when it shows up) is changed, or “appearance” could mean the actual circumstances or events to manifest (what it looks like) could be changed – or both.  I don’t yet have that information.

I asked, “How can this serve us?” At this, I get a vision of Spirit’s having an overall healing influence on the circumstances which have been seen so far.  This is a message of prayer having an effect on even the most dangerous of situations.   This is also a message of God being present and effective from our prayers and meditation which are said and done.  I’ve seen this effect and change be true for many events set to manifest.

This does not mean that it is finished.  Psychically, I see that physically, some of the physical pressure causing the natural events has been resolved/released/dissolved.  But not all of it.

The future can be changed, and prayer and meditation change the future.  There is a book of the old testament which gives this scenario.  I don’t remember which book it is, though.  In it, God tells a prophet to warn the people.  The prophet warns the people of a disaster, and they heed the warning – praying and seeking atonement.  The event then doesn’t happen.  The prophet gets upset with God and says something to the effect of “Why didn’t you reign destruction down on them?”  God’s answer is to him, “You don’t worry about what I do.  If they offer prayers and atonement, then I can change what happens.”  This is what happened to Edgar Cayce’s world predictions for this period in time – earth changes, and the New York prediction – prayer, meditation, “at-one-ment”.

In past precognitive events and premonitions, I’ve also seen the Light of the World, the Christ Energy, coming in through prayers and meditations, and completely dissolve “storms” (storms being human, natural or event storms.)

Meanwhile, I’ve been seeing this whole 2nd of 3 events spread out over a month’s time frame.  I’ve also been seeing it be completely over by October 1, 2015.

My advice is stay alert.  This time frame has only just started.  But, the hope now, is that at least the amount of events is diminished or the timing is changed – “the appearance has changed.”

As I get more information, I will post it.  I still see it being a most HOT spot, so “appearance” might mean “time”.  I lean towards thinking that “how it looks/manifests” could be the meaning because of the answer to my question above.


PS. After writing this article, I remembered that the message, “the appearance has changed”, first came in a dream several days ago.  In addition, I’ve received a 2nd message, “It is reported missing.”  This second message pertains to Friday’s event not happening as foreseen.   The understanding of the message came with the message.

I’m reminded over and over that a very real purpose of premonitions and precognitive visions is to do something to help change the future from happening as the vision shows.  This change can be brought in many ways, and one of the most effective being – as I’ve already said – prayer and meditation.

It’s like having a car full of people driving down a road.  If the passengers all see a sign that says, “Warning.  Bridge out ahead.  Beware.”  I can bet that all the passengers in the car are going to make the driver turn that vehicle around.

As We Wait

There are a few days before that which I’ve been seeing is predicted to happen.  At this time, if there is an article which you feel best gives a “heads up” about this, do go ahead and post that article on the Internet wherever you feel it could help.  At this point, the only thing I can suggest is to let people know that this has been foreseen beginning Friday, August 14th and the foreshadowing signs have been happening all summer as predicted – including the quiet time in the 1st half of August.  If you want to do more, ask within what else to do.

Even though I think I see Friday’s part being a large earthquake, with Sunday night bringing the volcanic activity, I also see “rumblings” starting to happen Wednesday.  I think the alert level will go back up to ORANGE on Wednesday, Thursday at the latest.

Anyone who is just now joining reading the articles, go to the “Categories” on the right and select “2nd of 3 Events” to bring up the articles/predictions for the weekend of August 14th on, dealing with the Caribbean / Venezuelan Event which I’ve been psychically seeing for 10 years now.


“Psychic ability is not a power.  It is a tool.  But, used in service to God and others, it can be a power tool.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Open Possibilities; Florida

I’m going to let you know that it is still possible that I’m not seeing this accurately.  This is a real possibility.  I mention this because it’s true.  The future can change in great ways.

With that said, if it happens as I’ve been seeing it, and to answer a question about Florida – the impact on Florida will be minor compared to the Caribbean. I’m seeing ash in the air over Florida – not at dangerous levels for the general public and at a higher elevation than would be dangerous, but a problem for those with respiratory problems – like the elderly, who may have breathing issues. I’m seeing relief agencies going into the “direct-hit” areas to help. These relief agencies are helped by donations. Radios will be the reliable source of communication. Cell phone service will be hindered in many areas, because of everyone trying to call in and out at the same time and with towers and service junctions being damaged. Most cell phone service will be out in directly hit areas.  However, cell phone service will be one of the first things to get working again.


For what it’s worth, if the future were to change from what I’ve been seeing, I’m truly okay with it not happening as I’ve been seeing.  The issue for me is not whether or not I’m accurate.  I always hold out hope that I can be accurate, and I always hold out hope that these events won’t happen hurting so many people.

The real issue for me is whether or not we work to change the future by holding to our spiritual path, through our prayers, meditations and practices bringing God into our lives and the lives of those we seek to help.  This speaks to God’s involvement in a very real ways in our lives.



For those of you following these many months who live in the area which is currently in danger of this 2nd of 3 events happening, now is the time for preparations to take place.

Now is the time for gathering water, food, medical supplies, batteries, and all manner of supplies needed to face the several weeks ahead.

Help will be slow at first to arrive and get in place.  Not because of any lack of desire to help – there is none of that.  But, because of continued dangers and difficulties in getting all supplies to where they will be needed.

The worst hit of these will need a great deal of water.  There will be many who don’t prepare because they’re not aware of the need.  This is a time to help not just self, but your family, friends, neighbors, community members and anyone in need.

No one person will be expected or asked to carry the burden, but each one who prepares can help many others in the same way that our prayers go to help many more than just ourselves.

Medical needs will be high.  For those in the areas of the volcano, in the areas where ash will be present, do include any kind of breathing help.  The ash won’t last for weeks, but for days.    Again, I see the need for medical help being great.  That means that many people will be injured.  Whatever medicinal supplies can be gotten early will be helpful.

Don’t wait until after the different parts of the event starts. That is when all the supplies will be gone from stores.

Those who arrive bringing outside help will eventually make it, but remember, for many smaller islands and desolate areas – help will be slow in getting there.  The help will arrive at the most populated areas in order to help the most people as quickly as possible.

At this  point, I can only say, don’t wait to see if I’m accurate or if I’m wrong.  On Friday, August 14th, it will be too late.  There will be a run on supplies.

Anyone who feels called to post this anywhere is welcome to.  Anyone who has an article on any updates, you’re welcome to list them here.  Remember, I said the next few days will be mostly quiet before it hits.  I’m getting no information that I’m wrong – just the opposite.  Each time I look, I see it.

Finally, those in the area, it is possible to make it through this – like one makes it through hurricanes.  Keep an open mind and be wise in preparing.  Be alert to the volcanoes in the area, earthquakes contributing to the volcanic eruptions, and tsunami’s (whether tsunami’s are believable or not.)   Call on God for guidance through every moment.


We are in this together.  We need to prepare for each other and support each other.   There are predictions and prophesies of this for a purpose.  That purpose is so that people will be helped and saved.  God is committed to life.  The well-being of each of our lives is part of this commitment. The greater awareness of God’s presence and involvement in our lives is an even greater part of this.  God seeks to help all of us in very real ways provided we answer His/Her call, open our hearts and minds, and let God indeed help.

There will be miracles – the miracles of lives being saved.  Although few can see it, the prayers we have been giving are in place helping now and continuing to help.

Don’t trust the doubt you have in yourself, others and God.  The doubt is not the truth.  Have faith in yourselves, have faith in others, and have faith in God.

For those in the closest areas, it will begin very loudly – not heard in all areas, but in the closest.  If you hear it, it has begun.  I think…. I think it will begin with a large earthquake on the 14th.  Possibly in the late afternoon or evening of the 14th.

Finally, if you feel I’m engendering fear, you’re right.  But, more important I want to engender what I believe is God’s wisdom and common sense – to engender preparation, courage, caution, openness, and willingness to help each other.  No one is alone in this.  No one.

While it may seem odd for me to say this, I see the Christ Spirit walking/working through and among/within those helping and needing help, serving to guide those helping.  Christ helps to the extent that we seek, are open to and invite Him.

I will finish this with saying, even now, our prayers can go to help lessen the impact and help people.  While I’ve seen all the different parts be spread out on the calendar in the past, there is no reason it can’t happen more.

God bless you and keep you.

My August 3, 2015 Input

At this time, I’m seeing Friday, August 14th, to be the beginning of the many parts that make up this 2nd of 3 world events.  Friday, 8/14/15, we’ll see a significant event.  It will be a major part – significant in size and impact.  Then Saturday, August 15th, I see that day not contributing a large significant part, but having many small parts of the event.  Then Sunday morning will begin a time of activity building up to what will happen in the evening/night, which I see being the very worst of what will happen in August.  This will happen during the night of Sunday, August16, and the early morning of Monday, August 17, 2015.

I’m still seeing the whole of the event having been spread out with another major part happening in mid-September.   All that will be left after this mid-Sept. part will be aftershocks.  The whole event which I refer to as an “event” technically will last from mid-August to mid-September.  This doesn’t mean the ‘in-between’ times will  have major parts still happening, just that all the major parts will be finished by mid-September.   There will not be 30 days of major parts, but there will be continued activity – aftershocks, ash, and the like.

I know many of us are a bit weary from watching, waiting and praying.   But, it is for us also to take it one day at a time and keep at it.  Please, if you’re willing, add your prayers to all those who pray on whichever particular days you may pick.


“There are prayers and meditations happening every minute of every day, by someone, somewhere.  No matter when we pray or meditate, there are two or more “gathering” together – with each one being somewhere on Earth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Fear of Fear (#2)

Does fear have a place in spiritual circles?  Does it warrant addressing when on a spiritual path?  Yes, it does.  As human beings, we are going to experience fear.  It can be fear of anything and everything.  It even can be fear of being a human being, fear of being a man or a woman, fear of ourselves, fear of being honest, and we can even have a fear of experiencing fear.

Everyone of us faces not being able to protect ourselves in every situation we face during our path from infant to the grave.  There are real dangers living in this Earth.  Not dangers to our spirit, but dangers to the physical body amongst others.  There are also dangers to our desired purpose during this particular life sojourn.  There is no limit to what could trigger any of the fears and bring them to the surface, in turn, which triggers our reaction based on fear.

There is a term that many people on spiritual paths know.  It is “Flight to light.”  It refers to being on a spiritual path based on the fear we have towards aspects of living as a human being.  It is when the fear is so strong that we run for the light to run away from what we are fearing – whether conscious of the fear or unconscious to it.  If we’re lucky, we eventually figure out we can’t run from that which causes us to be afraid.  We can’t “run to the light” to get away from “darkness”.  As children, it is an expected (and sometimes hoped for) reaction, but as we grow to adult spiritual beings, we are called to come face to face with fear.

The journey to dealing with both our fear and being afraid of experiencing fear, is a long one.  We must go back to face all we have within us – all we have in our subconscious.  This takes time, willingness, patience, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, a sense of humor, faith, trust, letting go, and many other qualities – all directed towards our self.

FDR said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.”  It was helpful at the time, but this isn’t quite true at the soul level.  After we begin our spiritual path and awakening, we must also learn and eventually figure out how to practice – “There is nothing to fear, not even fear itself.”  To be afraid of fear is to perpetuate fear.

When I write about or discuss any of the 3 world events, including the 3rd of the 3 events, (and I will do this,) I won’t be withholding what I see based on a fear of what fear can manifest.  Regardless of what fear can manifest, Love cannot be stopped.  Fear, and a fear of fear must be faced.  The evolution and change that is happening is already in place and on its way.  The fear of fear, is going to be coming to the surface for each of us to address – not to address with others, like in a group – but with ourselves within the solitude of our self where we both hide our fear and hide from our fear.  Within our own solitude is, if we’re willing, where we can be most honest with ourselves, because the only one with us in this solitude is God – along with God’s Infinite Patience, Infinite Understanding, Infinite Mercy, Infinite Acceptance, Infinite Kindness and Infinite Love helping and supporting us, one day at a time.


“Fear is like having a huge pile of dirty dishes.  Of itself, it just sits there, doing nothing but staring at us and waiting until we decide to get our hands wet and wash it clean.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We can hold onto our fears for eternity if we want to.  We can hold onto our judgements for eternity if we want to.
However, if we want to, there are better things to hold onto for eternity- love, kindness, oneness, etc.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Commenter’s Information about 2017

There was a summit of 300 plus world´s best psychics ….a gathering ….Something very bad will occur in a year and a half time. A danger to the world in 2017. Evil forces of this world are preparing very bad things to happen. So, best world´s psychics came together to see what could be done about this. Don´t know what will happen ….a very big event in a bad way for this world. Could be this evil forces the IS atempt to throw an atomic bomb? They are capable to do such even if this way destroy themself too. Wish to know more about this Psy [Psi] summit, sadly have no further information on a subject.  M.

Please add a link to information about the Summit if you have or find one.  Meanwhile, you can add my name to the voices mentioning this 2017 Event.  I’ve been seeing it for about 10 years, also.  I will begin writing about it after the event in the Caribbean happens.   I see it having warning signs in 2017, but I see the beginning of it at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018.  There are steps we can take to prepare for the 2017-2018 event, but I’m not getting into it until after August, 2015.  We have time to prepare for 2017-2018.  It is not a natural disaster like the 1st and 2nd of the 3 disastrous World Events.  It is economic in nature.  I will NOT write about it until the event in the Caribbean is responded to and people are being helped through our prayers and other methods.  This is more important right now.

Don’t guess at what it can be.  Go within, sit in silence and stillness, and ask the question in the stillness of meditation.  Pray for information.  In the quiet moments are when you’ll sense information or be open to a visual image coming to help you understand.

All of us can get information in the quiet of meditation, but it comes as a “whisper” (metaphorical word) in the silence.  Use your intuition to try to tune into the “tapestry” of the whole.  If you “pull on a thread of the tapestry” you can begin to understand and get clear on the  information.

Also, all of us can get helpful information in dreams – about the past, present and future.  But, remember 99% of dreams ARE NOT literal.  They will come in picture messages, like hieroglyphics, and “action” messages, like movies that have a message – not in English speaking sentences.  They must be studied and examined to gain help and guidance.    We do a disservice to and mislead ourselves if we only look at dreams as literal.  I recommend joining dream study groups or reading any of the good books on studying dreams.

Those that sincerely seek guidance from spiritual help – God, Holy Spirit, Christ, our angels, our guides and guardians on the other side, saints – will get guidance from spiritual help – but we have to do our part to learn the language and method in which they convey their help.

This method is more often holistically – meaning multi-level, all together, multi-faceted  – like a very orderly orchestra playing – all coming together.  We have to unravel the tapestry to gain the whole thing.  We have to listen for specific parts which leads to the whole.  Their method of conveyance is through consciousness and not linear language like we speak and write here on Earth.

This is why listening, studying, being open and even writing down what we get is so important.  In the same way that Dumbledore said, “Help will always be available at Hogwarts to those that ask for it,” in the 2nd book/movie, spiritual help will always be available to each and everyone of us who sincerely ask for it in prayer and meditation.


“Do not trust the doubt you have in yourself.  Do not trust the doubt you have in God.  These doubts are not the truth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Too often we trust self-doubt simply because we know it so well, and it has been with us for so long.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Commenters’ Questions

Hey good night i am from the island of Barbados and yesterday July 23 around 1-30-3 am there was increased seismic activity with Kick em Jenny volcano that is located north of Grenada and as a result Grenada, Barbados and Trinidad were placed on an Orange Level of warning of seismic activity and the possibility of tsunami but the media are saying the volcano is too deep under the ocean and therefore tsunamis are unlikely. But i am a bit concerned as we have been getting quite alot of earthquakes of the northeastern coast of Barbados. I was just wondering the 2nd world event you have been mentioning is it kick em jenny or do you see a bigger volcano eruption some where near Barbados and in terms of the volcano, tsunami etc. how will Barbados be affected in relation to the entire 2nd world event? and do you think this will happen very soon do you have a specific date that keeps coming to mind?
Thank you. God Bless!  J.G.

Rather than answer all the questions you have on this blog, again, you’ll get more detailed answers if I refer you to select the category “2015” or “South America” (and a few articles from “2014”) where I already have about 3 dozen articles which go into detail about what I’ve been seeing.  I don’t want to give a short version here now, when details are really what are needed.  You’ll get those details from the articles in the Categories in the right hand column of this page.

FYI, as far as I’m concerned, there is no such thing as “too deep.”

*****As of July 27, 2015:  I’ve added 3 categories referring to the articles on the 1st of 3 world events, 2nd of 3 world events and 3rd of 3 World Events which I’ve been writing about.  Select any of these categories and all the articles tagged will come forward.

Any word on Barbados at this time – they are under orange alert for the next 24 hours
from kick em Jenny  J.M.B.

If what I’ve been seeing is accurate, and these are the signs I’ve been expecting, then the entire area, not just Barbados, but the entire area needs to be on alert.  I strongly suggest you take precautions as you would a major hurricane – store extra food and water, medical supplies, batteries, radio, etc.

Unfortunately, I see it being so much worse than a hurricane.

As for the volcano, I see a volcanic opening on an old volcano but also new area.  Not two separate unconnected areas, but both being connected to each other.

I see many, many people being destructively affected, so prepare.  The dates again as I’ve written in other articles – I see mid-August being the start of many parts of the whole event and mid-September being the last of all the parts that are the whole event.  By October 1st all of it will be completed.  But, the response to help will have already begun and some of the debris will travel the winds across the Atlantic.

Folks, every time I look, I see it happening.  I wish I could say “maybe it won’t” but every time I look, I see it happening.  But, I’m not God, so being human, I can still be wrong.  However, prepare.  Don’t wait and see if I’m wrong.  If you do nothing else, you should start preparing.  Water, food, medical supplies, living supplies, “loss of electricity and water utilities” supplies, and more.  Not just for yourselves, but to share with those who need.  People will die without help.  I see every area around there being affected in some way.  Some more so, some less so.  It’s time to prepare.  It’s already been time to pray and send light.

I am curious to know what do you foresee what will happen to my country Guyana i humbly look forward to your reply. P.J.

Guyana is also in the area and I see it being affected.  Although long ago, I thought the center of the whole event might have been Guyana, I have for a while now seen it happening off the coast of Venezuela.  People of Guyana would do well to prepare, also.  You’re too close to not be affected.

Dear Jodie , signs are already here . Seismic activity in the Caribbean has increased significantly. This has already started , is going like you said. Keep us informed and please pray for us. C.75

I see the “signs” diminishing during the 1st week of August, and being quiet the 2nd week of August.   If they start back up on the 14th or 15th, then the whole thing is starting.  And if that, then the night of the 16th and/or morning of the 17th will be the worst of it, but not all.  The whole of it is now stretched out, so that all of it doesn’t hit at once.  This is good and is part of the help already coming from peoples’ prayers and higher Spirit’s working.

Believe me, I’m praying along with everyone else.  Regardless of our location, we’re in this together.


God is committed to helping us.  We need to be committed to helping each other, as well.

Puerto Rico, Preparations and the Signs

How bad will the damage be to Puerto Rico due to the tsunami/earthquakes? Its a very small island and I live near the coast. I’m not afraid of dying, but I’d like to know. You said the event might be scattered in a certain time-frame. When would Puerto Rico see damage? Thank you for your time.  D.H.

I’m seeing some damage, but most of the directional force will be Eastward and Southward.   My suggestion – prepare as you would a major hurricane. Expect high water levels along the coasts.  Collect extra water, medical supplies, an emergency route inland, extra food, a radio and batteries.  Expect loss of water systems along the coastline including septic systems.  Possibly loss of electricity for some areas.  If there is air debris, consider breathing masks, flashlights, more water and be alert to early warnings.  There is more to do to prepare, but this is a start.  Go to the emergency preparedness websites for more information on preparing.

Quake reports over 5 come into my mailbox. Today (July 16) the first quake of that magnitude came into my mailbox from the North Atlantic region, north (slightly east) of the coast of Venezuela: 5.3 – Barbados region, Windward Islands. 11:01:47 UTC.


Just in case you hadn’t heard about it. There are earthquakes occurring near Barbados, off the northeast coast of Venezuela.  (Link to the report.)
Just now a stronger quake in the same area, right on schedule, Jodie, as you predicted there might be some earlier signs of the August events. This area had been very quiet until recently. All the quakes were happening on the western side of South America. Today: 6.4 magnitude – 16 Jul 2015 15:16:31 UTC, Windward Islands. (There is also a cluster of smaller quakes in the same general area.)  T.H.
Thank you for the updates.   If this 2nd of 3 events is going to happen in any form whatsoever, the time is literally knocking at the door, now.
The following older articles hold information related to either the signs I mentioned or preparations.
Questions from Commenters– April 27, 2015
The Nepal Earthquake-April 27, 2015
“It isn’t God that brings pain and turmoil into our lives, it’s God that helps us through them to heal them.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1982-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Summer Months of 2015

As time continues through 2015, I’m seeing energy being worked on in the same way that currents work inside the flow of a river or in the sea.  I see this being from help from higher consciousnesses, so I consider this to be good.

With the earthquake in Alaska several weeks ago (May 29, 2015) and even energy manifesting as flooding in Texas (May 30, 2015), I see this helping to move and change forces which are acting upon the Venezuelan coast.  There is a potential that the event can be stretched out over a longer time, but I’m still seeing the timespan of the event ending by October, 2015.  This means that different aspects of this event could be spread out over more than a month’s time frame.  If this is accurate, the people could face the challenges better with time to recover.

While the potential is there, the probability is higher yet for the parts of the event to still all happen during the middle to end of August time frame.  I use the term ‘probability’ to convey the potential for change yet to occur.

I see a connection between the recent volcanic activity in Mexico and the 2nd Event.  When I looked at the signs, the signs were connected to the 2nd Event.  I interpret the Mexico volcanic connection to mean that Mexico’s volcanic activity is one of the signs.

Let’s keep up the prayers for this region.  They are worthy of our prayers.


“Pray for all those that are judged to be unworthy of prayers.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

War and Terrorists?

Will there be any more terrorist attacks on US soil?

With Americans attacking Americans every single day in countless ways, who needs terrorists? How many internal “American on American” attacks happen every single day – whether physical, emotional, or even verbal attacks?  Compare that to an organized officially named “terrorist” attack.  “We have met the enemy and it is us.” (I don’t know who first said this.)  There are statistics online showing mass shootings monumentally outnumber terrorist attacks in the U.S.

Will we have WW3 in our lifetime?

Only if we’re willing to and want to, and plenty of people are willing to and want to, especially in the U.S.  More of us have war, conflict, and are attack-ready in our hearts than have peace, brotherhood, acceptance, understanding, cooperation, kindness, patience, oneness, mercy and forgiveness in our hearts.

All we need to do is come face to face with the truth of war – what war really is.  To almost all of us, war is only a TV show, a news item or an electronic game.  We turn it off in one push of a button, go outside and get the mail.

But, look at the effect war has on the soldiers coming home.  Look at the wars of the past and the wars of the present.  Look at the costs inside people’s hearts and minds.  Look at the suffering and pain that war guarantees.   All wars offer and guarantee the same things.  This is war and its rewards.

War is death.  War is destruction.  100% guaranteed.  War is injuries.  War is suffering.  War is family members and loved ones coming home in boxes.  War is when people die, and these people are never again able to hold their loved ones in their arms, or be held, ever again. This is war and its rewards.

War guarantees 100% that many fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters will never be at another Christmas or Birthday or graduation or wedding.  War guarantees 100% that those killed will never offer anything more to their families or their communities ever again.  Those family members killed won’t support or love or interact or relate or teach or contribute or cooperate or offer kindness or anything of any kind ever again.  100% guaranteed.  This is war and its rewards.

Every person’s contribution based on their caring and love, kindness and belonging, they could have made to the Earth, to their communities, to their friends and their families will never happen ever again.  Every person’s moment of help they could have offered, every ounce of love which they could have given out, every act of support will never happen ever again.  This is what war really is.   100% guaranteed to be never again.  This is war and its rewards.

It is painted as being worthwhile by some of us, but there is nothing at all that is worthwhile about war.  Yet, it is justified and rationalized as being a worthwhile option for getting what we want.  We come up with so many “wonderful” reasons to carry out what is in our hearts – war.

Those of us that want war in our hearts, will wage war and support war.  God gave us all freewill.

Those of us that seek peace and ask God for help in gaining it, will receive from God that bread for which we ask.


“Those that sincerely want war, never sincerely pray for peace.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2002-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“War doesn’t start in the halls of governments.  War starts in the hearts of human beings.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)