Predictions for Health Care: 2017 – 2018

It is a time for calling for meditation and calling for prayer.  I’ve seen this future for quite some time and I see it still in place. I’ve not shared it, because I hoped and prayed for something better.  I still do.

The elected officials feel they were given the mandate to make policy to change what their voters were angry about. But, not to help all the people of the country – only certain people. So, policy is made to ensure that certain things would happen to some people. Quite literally, some people would not be able to continue living.  Many people – adults and children will struggle to stay alive.

What I see if all things stay as they are today:  With the Republican’s efforts to be successful at ending the Affordable Health Care Act, very little to nothing will replace it.  With this change, some people are going to die – some will die a very slow death. Their deaths won’t be in worldly dramatic ways. Their deaths won’t be in the media – although the numbers will be reported. It is the future in place.

Many will go into great debt having to pay huge medical bills until unable to pay any more. Many will have medical bills that drain their savings and funds until they run out. The economy will suffer greatly, because the money will dwindle that would have stimulated growth. Citizens will slow down on spending to try to save for when medical bills hit them.  All finances of many people will be going to pay medical bills and medicines.

This is the beginning.  This is the beginning of the 3rd of the 3 World Events.  It starts small, insignificantly and will grow “seemingly” slowly through several years.  But, remember, the future can be changed through prayer and meditation.

2017 and 2018 are the years that the officials and their staff are helping ensure that this policy becomes law.

I hoped and prayed for something better to happen, but I see this future remaining in place over and over, every time I look. I am not seeing the public stopping this from happening.

It’s like being in a very skimpy tiny flotation device in the middle of nowhere and seeing a very large alligator eying you and approaching closer and closer. The danger is real. Not enough people are acting and praying to stop this.

There are 300 million souls living in the U.S.  This means there are 300 million hands on the steering wheel selecting the direction this country goes.  Those who put forth effort to turn the wheel a certain direction are the ones who influence the direction the country goes.  Prayer and meditation adds strength to the hands of each one that seeks to turn the steering wheel.  Our efforts to strengthen God’s presence with this can help.  “With God, all things are possible.”


You can find me on Facebook, at Jodie Senkyrik.  I post many different things there, as well.  I post “public”ly, so friending is not necessary.


Poland – What I See

No one ever mentions Poland in their readings and it seems we r in a great danger with NATO troops and other strange things happening in my country. With our history u can imagine how concerned i am…. could you pls look into it? Justyna

Poland is one of the progressive countries in the world, when comparing it to the major developed nations.  Its small size has allowed it to progress more rapidly than many larger nations.  It is a country worth visiting.

It’s also a “bridge” country.  By that, I mean through many ages, Poland and it’s areas has been in position to bridge two different continental areas.  For this reason, it has been invaded many times – being used as that bridge for other nations to “travel through” on to other horizons.

Because today’s Polish people are on edge watching the political and military maneuverings happen all around them, I am seeing a heightened sense of anxiety and concern.  For good reason, because of WW2 and the Soviet occupation being recent enough for people to remember the very real suffering of those generations very keenly.  Those that suffered were/are family members.  Almost every single Polish person knows of someone who suffered through those times.

But, Poland is in a good position – economy-wise.  As Polish trade policy with Russia stays in place – helping to strengthen the current partnership, as well as hopefully increasing trade with its northern neighbors, this can strengthen Poland’s economic foundations.  I’m seeing Poland not benefiting much from effort to create more trade with Britain, but rather maintaining what is already in place.  (Britain’s focus is elsewhere, right now and won’t see Poland as a place to increase trade until around 2018-2020.)

Poland’s economic foundation will be tested and hurt a little by the military maneuverings, because there will be a slowdown of investment in new trade – because of the uncertainty of what will happen.  Courage with regards to new investments will help Poland.

I’m seeing Poland being a good partner in the European Union and having benefited from being a member.  However, the people in positions of decision should know not to rely only on the EU to provide strength to the Poland’s economy.  There will be times that the EU won’t be able to offer support to strengthen individual nations’ economies.

I am seeing anxiety, but I’m currently not seeing certain danger.  However, Poland’s people – the nation of Poland – will be challenged in the next 5 years – because of the military and political powers around them, wrestling with each other.  Poland’s military will be challenged by outside forces in specific incidences, but not in 2017 and only in a small way in 2018.  While NATO is increasing its visibility, I’m currently not seeing certain disaster.

Poland’s economy within it’s borders is one of the stronger economies, because it has a good foundation.  It may not be breaking economic records when it comes to amazing advances, but its foundation is good with the industries Poland has, I mention this, because tensions will rise on into the 2020’s, not just in Poland, but in all of Europe as well as many other countries all around the world.

My prediction of world economic problems beginning in the year 2018 (mid – 2018 will show the most evidence) is still in place.  Major political happenings will come forth mid-2018 triggering this.  By 2019-2020, the world will be having economic problems.  Poland will struggle too, but as I said, it has a strong foundation, so it will do better than many other countries.

Mary, the mother of Christ, hears the prayers of the Polish people.  Let these prayers grow.

God be with you.


Previous Article: Love and Hate

The previous article was heavy.  It wasn’t very uplifting, inspirational, supportive or light.  Hatred is like that, isn’t it.

God’s gift to us isn’t hatred.  God’s gift to us, is that which we are made of – that which is our very essence – that which our spirit existence is based on – Love.  Love is our essence.  Love is our substance.  Love is the material of which we are made of.  God made us in His/Her own image and that image is Love.  We are made out of the spirit substance that is known and recognized to be Love.  For this reason, and from this substance, we live and exist.

We naturally gravitate to love, are attracted to love and long for love.  To all of us beings, love is the round peg finding a round hole – a square peg finding a square hole.

In contrast, we must struggle with all our might to avoid love, to disconnect from love and to push love away (and we do that.)  We must work hard to deny love, because our very own essence is what we are denying.

Many will say, “rubbish” to all this, in an effort to run away from love, in an effort to push away love, in an effort to say “no” to love – which in turn, is running away from ourselves, pushing our self away and saying no to our self.  We do this, because we’re so used to thinking this way – to say no to love.

Being True to Ourselves

We need not do anything to be true to Love.  We need not reach outward to find it, but rather settle into it.   We need not carry out any thought or activity in order to be the essence of love, because it is the substance of which our spirit is made of.  Even if we have shown very little of this essence of which we are, we were created at the beginning of existence as love, and we will exist as love – as our self and the true essence of our self – for all eternity.  Nothing will change this truth – no thought, no action, no behavior.  This is true for every living being.

The challenge is for us to choose how, and when we express the “true-ness” of our love existence.  At any moment, we can choose in that moment to express our true self, or on the other hand, express any of the other imagined necessary reactions to the experiences we consider not worthy of love or not worthy of a form of love.

God is the Consciousness of Love – the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love.  All the different levels of consciousness which we perceive in the Earth, from the “lowest” form of life to the highest form, are part of this Infiniteness and what is being referred to here.  Therefore, every action, thought, and behavior impacts God and therefore ripples out to Infinity and our self.

If we are unwilling to make these choice to express the truth of the substance of our essence – love – to be our self – our true self, how can we expect others around us or those we are aware of through the media or in positions of prominence to make these choices. If we choose to demonstrate expressions of “non-self/non-love”, how can we expect others to demonstrate the self that is love in return to us. If we are not willing to change our own expressing of that which is not love, how can we expect those who are learning from observing us – our personal example (of which their are many) to learn to change their ways of expressing.

From the essence of the substance of God that we call our individual self with our freewill, we choose how we express life in this world.  No one can force us to hate.  We can only agree to it.  Likewise no one can force anyone to love.  We can only decide to be willing and then carry love out.

Regardless of how much we argue that we were forced to act a certain harmful way, we still know that we were not forced to feel the feelings that led to that harmful act.  We were not forced to think the thoughts that fed the feelings.  We were not forced to perceive the other as worthy of harmful acts.


What this means is the phrase, “Be yourself” has a bigger meaning.  For us to be ourselves, we need only to be willing to love and to be loved – in other words, to BE LOVE – to exist as our self – Love.

It’s not easy, but with desire, hope, practice, patience, forgiveness, mercy, compassion and effort one day at a time, we can let ourselves be ourselves, more and more.

“Hatred is Not Justice”

(The title is a quote from the book, “Nosso Lar” by Francisco Cândido Xavier.  It is translated from Portuguese to English in the book, “Astral City”. )

There are many people in the world right now, who currently say that their hatred leads them to bring justice.  We see and hear many people all over the world saying that their hatred brings justice.  But, all sane people know that their saying this, doesn’t make it true.  Yet, frustratingly, like the others, all of us still have times when we grasp hold of the idea thinking that with our hatred, we can enact justice.

But, hatred is not justice.  When we catch ourselves and step back – stepping back from our own hatred, which we can do, albeit asking God’s help to do this – we can acknowledge that the words of the title statement are true words.

In the moments of hatred rising, why do we take hold of the idea that hatred might bring justice?  More often, it is because of our suffering.  We may believe that to be rid of the pain of hatred as well as the suffering of others or our own being attacked by our human brothers and sisters, we must act out of hatred in return, calling it justice.

But, hatred is not justice.  God’s gift to us is not hatred.  In that vein, we may wonder, ‘then what do we do with criminals and terrorist’s?’

There are many things we can do.  We start with God.  Our prayers, our meditations, our acts from the heart – all of these are where we start.  In addition, as the human race, throughout human history, we also have progressed on a path of developing laws designed to govern behavior.  This evolutionary path is not finished.  We are not at the end of evolving lawfully or socially.   Our efforts to walk a higher road has led humans to strive to design laws and create consequences to breaking those laws according to ever higher principles of honest justice.

For us as individuals, we can take a look at our self.  We can choose to let the statement live in our own behaviors and choices. This can help us as individuals to choose a different behavior towards the people in our lives and the people who we only know about on TV.  We can choose to hold onto the principle that hatred is not justice, and then look for ways to make it real in our day-to-day lives, activities and relationships.

When we choose to remember that hatred is not justice, we can also act from this awareness towards those who think that their hatred is their source of justice.  When we act from hatred, we don’t always realize that our hatred is the same as others’ hatred.  We may deny our hatred, and they do, too.  We may justify our hatred, but so do they.  In the end, where is the difference in hatreds?

There are too many examples in the news, every day, of when people act from the belief that their hatred is different – their hatred is righteous – their hatred is justified – their hatred is a gift from God.  No one religion holds the monopoly on these acts of hatred – every philosophy and religion has people who have acted believing hatred (whether in large ways or small ways) is their way to justice.

But, hatred is not justice.  We will evolve beyond hatred, learning this, if we remember one day at a time, that justice does exist, even though we may never, in our own minds and our own paradigms, understand fully how it could be.  We can evolve beyond hatred, with God’s help.  We can evolve beyond hatred through our prayers, our meditations, one day at a time, through our efforts on each day that we remember God and God’s Infinite and unending Love for each of us.

God will never give up on teaching us – “hatred is not justice” – that God is the Justice we seek, in addition to God being Infinite Understanding, Infinite Patience, Infinite Kindness, Infinite Love, Infinite Forgiveness, Infinite Peace, Infinite Mercy and more.

These are God’s true gifts to us.


“What would you want heaven to be like?  Are you creating that in your heart and mind, right now?  Are you helping to create that for others in the world?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“It is best that we don’t believe everything we hear about someone.  It is also best that we don’t believe everything we say about someone.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“For us to release ourselves from prison, we must release everyone else, as well. For us to release ourselves from karma, we must release everyone else from the karma we assign to them and expect them to go through, as well. Mercy and Forgiveness are the keys.  We cannot move on, when our hands are holding on to the chains we place on others.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)