You Are Valuable

Each of us is so valuable.  We need others, and others need us.

Each of us is so worth our effort to help, to offer for others, to each one in need.

We are needed, even if we only help one other person.  Our life matters to that one other person.  We are valuable to that other person.

Each of us is so valuable.

Each individual, each person, each one of us – we are valuable.  We may feel forgotten.  We may feel worthless.  We may feel lost to the world, alone, disconnected, and unfriended.

But, the Truth is the opposite.  We are so valuable.

Would that I could give everyone who reads this the ultimate feeling and experience of being loved, by Infinite Love, across all time and across all space – known for who we are, and how we have lived, and yet still love for just being our self, … I would make it so.

But, each of us must choose for ourselves if we’re going to open to this experience or not open to it.

“I stand at the door and knock” – Infinite Love says to us every moment of every second, of every minute, of every day.

This is how close we are to welcoming in Infinite Love – Unending Love – the Love that enlivens us, and gives us life abundantly – to being loved Infinitely and without end.

Each one of us is so Valuable.

Whomever told us that we were worthless, was misguided, and has not yet chosen to be loved by Unending Love.  Whomever believed we are not valuable has never known how truly valuable each of us is.

For so many of us, our suffering is so deep.  Our suffering and sorrows lay deep within us, likely unknown to the people around us.  We may come to think and believe any number of things about ourselves or others, related to this suffering.   We may lose our own awareness of Love, of value, of worth and of others.  We may only experience being alone, having no one in our life who knows us anymore.

But, with every experience of alone-ness any of us go through, others of us are knocking at the door.  With every sorrow and pain any one of us – you – me – may go through, others of us are trying to find you.  We are your family and friends whose names you may not even know.

We are here to help you.

And, we need you, too.

We are your brothers and sisters.  We are your family members, your friends.  We are your parents and your children.

We are also the ones alone and forgotten, and we are the ones who ask for someone to help us, too.

We are the ones who are ready to help you – who know and love you, and know how valuable you are.

We are your friends, because we want to be, not because you have something we want, but because you are you and you are valuable …. and so are we.

We are together.  We need one another.  You are so valuable, because you are.  Even if momentarily forgotten, we are all valuable to each other.  And we try to remind each other of this when we stand at your door and knock.


God Bless you, you valuable friends and family.

Suggestions from a Naturopathic Practitioner

I have been sent this helpful information via email from a family member who is a Naturopathic Practitioner.  They are general helpful suggestions.  Some of the information is related to Texas stores, so it might not be relevant to your own location.


  • WHOLE FOODS -has senior hours from 7-8am. They have a location on Wm. Cannon [Austin, Texas] about 35 minutes from Wimberley [Texas] (Costco is next door and has senior hours from 8-9am on T/TH).

I went Thursday and was able to not only get the organic frozen vegetables and fruits I need but also a good collection of healthy produce, meats etc. While there was a short line , there are benches peppered throughout and I was done within an hour (including line and shopping for a friend with MS).

At whole foods the line was short enough that we all had baskets between us and the next person, … so I recommend if you have a walker, bring it with you to create some space. I did not need to go to Costco so cannot speak to the specifics and am not a Sam’s Club Member, perhaps someone else has info about this.



  • RECYCLING is open on T/TH from 10am-3pm Wimberley
  • SAN MARCOS, Texas LIBRARY-if you call in your order, when it is filled, call and someone will deliver to you in the parking lot (in a plastic bag). The doors are locked but they are there to help you over the phone with instructions about this procedure and other useful information; like how to download their on line books, etc.


HELPFUL HEALTH HINTS- I am not going to mention specific items that might not suit you or be counter indicated to your specific condition and or what other meds you might be taking but you might find the following useful:


HAND SANITIZER FORMULA-6TBS 70% Alcohol (4TBS if you can get 99% or 180 proof Everclear), 1TBS ALOE VERA GEL-alcohol is very drying to the skin, and 10-20 drops of good grade Essential oils (oregano, thyme, tea tree, frankincense, and lavender are good choices).


MASKS-Viruses are incredibly tiny and masks offer minimal protection, however many essential oils are anti-viral, fungal, bacterial (including oregano, tea tree, and thyme); so if you put some on your hands and rub lightly over outside of mask it gives you much more protection.


LUNG SUPPORT-Onions are full of Quercitin which lowers mucous and clears the lungs; cook a few in water and sip the broth throughout the day (you can even use the onions as a poultice)-DO not turn into French Onion soup; cheese and bread create mucous. Greek Lemon Soup is also good; chicken broth, egg yolks (whites create histamines), lemon and white basmanti rice. I know a lot of herbal support formulas as well, but without knowing your specifics am hesitant to mention them, however you might check out Traditional Medicinal Herbal Teas (available on Amazon) Breath Easy, Sore Throat, etc. But again some herbs can be contra-indicated for specific conditions; ex. Breath Easy has herbs in it that would not be good for gall bladder conditions. Garlic is great for overall Immune support as is Echinacea.


EMOTIONAL SUPPORT-I cannot recommend Bach Rescue Remedy highly enough. It is a blend of five flower essences which restores emotional stability; it does not act on the physical body perse so is perfectly safe and can be taken as often as needed; while Wimberley Pharmacy carries it, I prefer ordering from the Flower Essence Society in California; there it is called 5 Flower Formula and is cheaper and better quality. This little miracle in a bottle is so powerful that when I gave some to a traumatized dog in the Lourdes (miracle site in France linked to St. Bernadette and Mary) airport the dog went into an immediate state of calm and everyone kept staring at me like I had performed a miracle, the miracle is the gift of this formula.


SACRED SOUNDS-This is an app you can get with Roku or Amazon fire stick  on your TV (possibly computer) and it is really quite wonderful.

It is filled with not only meditations and other calming influences it also has specific frequencies linked to specific conditions and anatomy; ex. Inflammation, kidneys, etc. It even has the Gregorian Chants. It is free with commercials, for 99c a mo. Or  one time fee of 4.99 no commercials.

I turn it on the first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening, the sounds turn your house into a Cathedral.


I hope you find some of these suggestions helpful, but regardless I wish everyone well and ask you all to remember that regardless of your religious persuasions, take shelter in them and the knowledge that you are loved. After writing books, teaching, and seeing clients for many years, the one thing I know is that regardless of your circumstances, you are not alone and you are loved.


Blessings, Dalmara


My thanks to Dalmara.  I also reiterate that we are in this together, and no one need feel isolated or alone.  While we may have some physical separation among family members, friends, we are not separated from their love, and our love for them does not stop because we’re not in physical contact.  Remember, there is no physical barrier to love.  Distance does not diminish love.

God bless everyone.


The May, 2020 1-day Retreat Not to be Scheduled

As I’ve written about on this site, we are in the time of the Earth where we have entered into the dark times (low vibration) manifesting as serious problems in the Earth.  There is so much going on spiritually, making this one of the most important times in human history (but we must do our inner work to help.)

I’ve written a lot about it, and you can find it on the website, (then select “3rd of 3 World Events” on the right side categories’ list.)  Several articles will come forward.  Only one of which is, “The New Age of Man Approaches: Part 1 of 2“.

There is a lot of upheaval manifesting.  And it’s going to affect us as well – individually and collectively.  It’s time to get creative and “see ourselves” as part of a community which needs us, as much as we may need them.  As I’ve mentioned, the Federal Govt. is NOT where help will come – it’s in the small communities which we are a part of – including our own retreat community.

It is a truth that we’re already behind in what should have been done, but no one is to blame for this.   We, the human race, are doing the best we can with what we have.  And we are not capable of or at the level of consciousness in which we could be handling this perfectly or magnificently.  We are still at a significantly educational level of consciousness.  So many are coming along kicking and screaming, while so many of us are turning the “human/spiritual evolutionary” gears – one gear tooth at a time.

Right now, I am NOT going to schedule a May, 2020 retreat. Instead, I’m going to try to do more writing online.  I’ve signed up for a Twitter account, and am sllloooooowwwwwwwwlllllyyyyyyyy learning it.  It is under the name Jodie Senkyrik or @JodieSenkyrik

I hope to use this to help be more active with questions, concerns, and the like which people may have.  That includes questions which all of you may have, which you believe I may be able to help with.

We’re now in the thick of things with regards to this time.  Much of this low vibration energy (called dark because it was created almost absent of the LIGHT) will manifest as painful events – suffering in the world.  As an example, in my own life, my dog of 9 years developed inoperable cancer and in a matter of 7 weeks, the tumor grew to the point that I had to euthanize her. Before that, her energy level was VERY HIGH for a dog of 13, and I might have thought she’d live to be 17 or 18, if I had not had psychic information telling me different.  I do see this as part of the energy manifesting in real ways in people’s lives – in this case, mine.  Where she might have lived another 4-5 years, she and I faced cancer.


Light in the Darkness

Our prayers and meditations will help to bring light to “darkened” times, so, I encourage each and everyone to keep up with their spiritual efforts, study, pray, meditate, talk to God, listen to the voice within, interact with your own guides and angels, remember we are part of a team which has many non-physical beings as spirit helper teammates, also, and them wanting to help even more than we tend to accept.  I’ve written a few articles which lists specific activities and practices which can help.  The Edgar Cayce readings are also one of the best places to go to get support and encouragement.

Remember, common sense, is a spiritual quality as well.  And when it happens that any of us gets caught up in panic or fear, simply step back and breathe, then ask for help and guidance within. Christ seeks to show how He is a best friend and can be called upon.  One of His favorite songs is, “You’ve Got A Friend.”  He likes to sing, “You just call out my name, and you know wherever I am , I’ll come running, to see you again.”

And I’m ready to do whatever I can to help, too, as part of this (t-His) team.

God bless all of you.

Q and A: Covid-19

I am living in Sweden and, as to date, there has not been any cover-up stories to soothe anxiety. It is the opposite among the news channels – they constantly talk about it and reporting numbers and rates. At first I thought it is the same as with the bird flue – a lot of panic but little substance to justify it. Now I am not so sure anymore. Jodie, if you have any information to us here in Europe about this virus that will help in taking precautions or put it in the right context (if the news are only catastrophical in order to sell), please let us know. I have tried to find other psychic predictions but only managed to get those who are feeding the fear rather than helping. I like you because that is not your approach.  M.

My apologies about my wording leading to your use of the words “cover-up”.  I don’t consider what I see as being a standard “cover-up”.  My apologies also about talking about the US with regards to this slant of trying to “be reassuring” in reporting and not giving an indicator about that not being the slant everywhere.

The European nation government representatives are taking this challenge and facing it head-on.  The governments of Europe have no choice but to do that – with as much inter-European travel that occurs, it is vulnerable to spreading it in the extreme.  High travel areas like Europe are very vulnerable, and so the choice to be as transparent and stark does have advantages and yet, some disadvantages.  Sadly, there are areas of the globe which, because of unsanitary living conditions in some areas – when they reach those areas, the virus will spread quickly.  India is jumping out at me, as having some of these areas – but not the only area.

Do believe that much work is being done by many people in organizations and companies to find effective ways of treating Covid-19 infections …. and will eventually over much time find a vaccine.

The feelings and fears of the people of the world are pulling on the media to report whatever information is collected – the more up-to-date, the better.  Sorely, some of the information coming out feeds the fears of the people.  And the fears of the people are the real trouble-making sources.  Fear is the world’s single greatest trouble-making process.  Even hate comes from fear.

What’s going to happen?

The results of spreading – numbers of infections and deaths – what I see is all over the board for all the different locations, and not possible to pinpoint as to any one path or a few paths of how things will manifest and how many people will be affected.  The paths of numbers, based on behaviors, are too numerous and diverse to discuss, and all of these paths – these different scenarios are looking to be fulfilled somewhere in someway.  Having freewill, people can and do change their minds on how to react and to act.  In the case of the spreading of the virus, caused by the actions or non-actions of people, I only see the action and non-action which people MOST-LIKELY, MAY and CAN carry out, because they are not collectively making all reasonable choices which they will ABSOLUTELY CARRY OUT.  Individual choice is never taken away from anyone.  So, people are acting from fear and panicking and that means Erratic with a Capital E.  So, what I see is “people panicking.”

That which I can see, which is easy to see, is the response to this spread of infection.  The response is strong and it will move those who can develop treatments – to do just that.  So far, I do see the slowing down of the world’s people from their extremely busy, active lives, which in turn, having the effect of  slowing down the spread, but not stopping it.  7.5 billion people are not able to stop living their lives.  We need food, shelter, water, income, etc, to live in this world.

The 3rd of 3 “Events”

Now, … I will add that I’ve written and shared here in the blog through the years, that I’ve been seeing very, very difficult times coming and BEGINNING in 2020, and going until 2026, when finally in 2026, greater cooperation starts happening in order to solve problems in each nation and in the world.  We are now in these difficult times and these things happening are the manifesting of the energies which bring these times of pain.  We are not able to put off or resolve much of the “low vibration”, or “dark times”, and the next 6 plus years.  We are now facing these difficulties in our lives.

By itself, the virus is not the entirety of the 3rd of 3 World Events, but rather 1 of many happenings which make these years added together as the “3rd of 3 World Events”.  The difficulties we are beginning to have and will have from this, is an example of the years 2020-2026 for the people of the world.

The Media

Don’t think of the media, as a whole, as “adding fuel to the fire”.  The consciousness of the people everywhere are pulling on the media to provide information and provide it quickly.  So, the media are each seeking to fulfill that which they are being sought to provide.  Also, this is not as much a media-fueled panic as one may believe, but rather a “people of the world” fueled panic.  Believe me, if no information was being provided, “WE” people would panic more, and then more damage would be done, because we don’t have enough information.

So, consider adding the awareness that there is also good coming from the media’s reporting.  The constant flow of information is – in fact – serving to help many calm themselves.  It’s like going to bed with a radio going in your arms during a time of hurricanes or storms.  People feel better when we believe we have our thumb on the pulse of what is happening.  We feel better when we think we know or someone knows where things stand.  It is easy to perceive the media as being a catalyst, but regardless, it is serving a purpose, as well.  There are enough responsible sources of reporting that are helping to bring as much information, as much “common sense” and as much hope as possible.

At the same time, there are some who are indeed throwing their version of gasoline onto the fire.


So, sift through it as best you can, and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray for all life. And know that within our own hearts and minds, we can CHOOSE to have faith and trust in God, and believe that our prayers can help us through these very difficult times – no matter how these times manifest.

Wise Steps

Steps to Take

  1. Maintain one’s own good health.  Do that which improves or maintains a healthy body.  One’s own good health, if we can attain or build this, will serve us the best.  As we say in the US, “The best defense is a good offense.”  This means that all wise healthy decisions will serve as a stronger foundation for the possibility that the virus finds its way into our own lives.
  2.  Work to maintain one’s own  spiritual path and practice.  Our effort at prayer and meditation help to bring about the higher vibrations which in turn, move us out of “the lower vibrations” – also known as the dark times – dark because of the lack of the light – which is higher vibration energy.  We are the tuning forks of this world.  We can choose to help raise the vibrations or we can choose to do nothing to help.
  3. Put forth effort to try to sift through all the information that is being put out in the world about this and other problems.  Most of it !!! is simply opinions, conjecture, educated guesses and personal beliefs based on feelings, but facts do exist.  It takes effort.
  4. Let go of judging people harshly for being afraid.  All of us have been afraid and so we can understand how easy it is for any human being to lose ourselves in our own fears for ourselves and fears for those we love.
  5. Read the article I posted in 2018 on how to face these times:  The New Age of Man Approaches: Part 1 of 2.  In this article are some, hopefully, things to consider on how to approach facing our problems.




Please, feel free to post questions or comments in the comments area.



To Access the “Psychic Predictions for 2020 (!)” Reading …

I am presenting “Psychic Predictions for 2020” and it is posted below this one.  The fee for accessing these predictions is $7.50.  Some of you will not consider this information to be something for which you would want to pay a fee.  I understand.  (Regrettably, I will not offer refunds.)


As I have in previous years, within the reading, I share what I see on the national and international political scene, world weather predictions, the economy, immigration issues, medicine and health care, natural disasters and more.  Again, I will answer questions to clarify or gain more information, and then post the question and information at the end of the article.

To access “Psychic Predictions for 2020“, click on the Paypal button below.  After payment, within 24 hours (I will try hard to honor this), you will be sent the password via the email address you use when paying with Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account to pay through Paypal.  But, you do need either a Paypal account or a credit card.  If you wish to pay by cash or check, you may email me and I will email you back with instructions.

To read the entire “Psychic Predictions for 2020” follow instructions below.

  1. Click on the Paypal button below
  2. Type in the $7.50 fee amount when prompted and follow Paypal directions for payments.
  3. After I’m notified of the payment by Paypal, I will use the email address you used with the payment process and send you the password for the “Psychic Predictions for 2020” article.  If you’re not prompted to give an email address, email me or post a comment, and I’ll send you a return email with the  password. (For credit card use, scroll down on the Paypal page.)

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Thank you to all of you who may be interested.