2nd of 3 World Events – Possible Changes

I’ve been seeing shifting change with regards to the 2nd of the 3 Events which I’ve been seeing.  As time gets closer, it is necessary to take a fresh look at everything, so that I’m on the current timeline.  (I know it sounds weird.)

The Bible tells us that the prayers of a few will save many.  The Bible also tells us of the mercy of God.  I mention both of these, because I’m seeing some changes to what I’ve been seeing previously.

I’m now seeing the different parts of the 2nd event being spread out over several weeks.  Earlier I mentioned September, 2015 as a possible time for parts of the Event to occur.  I’m now seeing some parts of the Event happening in August, but other parts possibly happening in September.  The different parts of the Event look to be spread out over a longer time period instead of them all happening on top of each other – timewise.

I attribute this change to prayer and forces acting upon the energy which is destined to manifest into the physical world in the forms of which we’ve been discussing here.

From another perspective, we can consider this to be a most “merciful” change.  Think about it, if one part of this event happens and the other parts happen spread out, the time in between gives people and responders time to help – time to arrive – time to prepare.  This also means that some helping organizations will be in place ready to  help during the secondary parts of the Event.

At the same time, I am seeing October, 2015 as being a cutoff time period.  If it doesn’t happen by October, 2015, I see the prediction not coming true as I’ve seen in the past several years.   If it doesn’t happen by October, 2015, I see a few parts of the 2nd event being spread out over a great deal more time – like the next 6-12 months overall, which means the total impact would not all happen at once.   That would be good.

I see the recent natural disasters, – the flooding in Texas, the earthquake in May, in Alaska, as helping to alleviate some of the energy destined to manifest destructively.

I attribute the possible change in the formation of the parts of the event as coming from people praying.  I’m reminded of Abraham and what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.  Abraham sought mercy from the angels and was shown mercy for the city to the extent that if only 10 good people (down from 50) could be found, the city would be spared.

In the effort put forth by all of us, I believe I’m seeing many more than 10 people praying.  I’m seeing many people praying and the strength of these prayers can indeed help Venezuela and the islands and lands in that region in the ways I believe I’m seeing.

It was the prayers and meditations of many decades that changed Edgar Cayce’s prediction from the entire city of New York being destroyed to just one block – the  twin towers.  It was the prayers of millions that called forth the Christ who protected the entire Gulf Coast from the 2006 and 1/2 the 2007 hurricane season.  While we may not have numbers like those events, I believe I’m seeing our efforts for prayers and meditations for this area having a helpful effect, as well.

It has been quiet in that area, but I don’t think I felt that the “signs” of which I spoke, would happen in the same area as the event – Venezuela.  So far, the “signs” I see – 7.0 earthquake in Alaska in May, 2015. and a 35 ft wall of water flowing down the Blanco River in Central Texas, (as well as Austin, TX and Houston, TX) causing massive flooding and destruction in June, 2015.  I thought of this wall of water as a “River Tsunami”.  Hmm.


“If you’re having trouble praying, just ask God to help you with it.”  (Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Future?

I’ve received information which, on first glance, appears rather foreboding. I live in the Texas Hill Country area where the floods happened, destroying hundreds of families’ homes, causing the deaths of some of the residents and visitors, with the destructive value estimated in the many millions of dollars. I’ve seen the destruction and have had some of it within walking distance from my home. As the recovery progressed with the help of thousands of people over the last many weeks, I’ve written about it, and posted some on Facebook, opening the articles up to be available to the public.

For anyone with a Facebook account, one does not need to be “Friends” to read the articles.

About a week ago, while working outside at a friend’s home, inwardly, I asked the question, “How does the flood serve us?”  The answer I got was, “To help prepare you for things to come.”  While this can be considered dire, indeed, I did not get any direct sense or information that this was referring to more floods.  However, with the climate changing in such drastic ways, that can be one possible understanding.

I also did not get a sense that the statement referred only to more destruction.  However, I’ve written about some destructive events that I’ve been seeing in the future.

I’m going to suggest that one side of the statement can mean that witnessing the coming together of thousands of people to help one another in this great time of need for this area, can be what this message is also trying to convey.  Preparation for things to come can point to opening our minds and hearts in great ways to each other to help one another with whatever needs are present.  The statement can also suggest that what we are called to prepare for is to open ourselves to our communities and societies to help people in whatever way is needed.

For many years of doing readings, I’ve seen challenging times and difficult times ahead for humankind.  At the same time, I’ve been seeing that the way to face these difficult times is to both support and rely upon the local community.  All of us can say that we are a part of our local community, but the uniting of each other mostly comes when we help each other.  It is in this moment of helping others that we become neighbors.  With a strengthening of our connection to each other, we are able to face what may come our way, as individuals and as members of communities. ******

Attacks and Attackers Part 2: Karma

“If we meet insults, contention or other unpleasant experiences, it is not the fault of the aggressor, but actually our own. The reason is that they are simply a manifestation of our heart. If we have no roots or thoughts of contention or insulting speech in our heart, this would not happen. Thus, by wiping away our greed, hatred or ego with kindness, virtue and forgiveness, we eradicate our past/current evil karma and habits and change the outside for the better.” Bc

What a good opening to present Part 2.

How you’ve written your comment could potentially be confusing, so I want to use this as a way to write about Karma.

To me, it’s not quite as simple as you’re presenting – with respect to responsibility and Karma.  Remember, everyone has freewill to decide their own thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviors, beliefs, etc.  This means that we are not responsible for others’ actions – those others who have freewill.  We are all responsible for our own steps we take on our path.  This means we are all responsible for our own thoughts, our own feelings, our own behaviors and more.

To try to explain Karma would be daunting, but this much I’ll offer.  When we throw a pebble into a lake, the ripples go out in all directions.  As the ripples go out, some ripples then also return back to the thrower of the pebble.  In effect, we have created the ripple that returns back to ourselves.

When we create an experience within life for someone else – for that person to go through – we are also creating the same experience for ourselves – and as hard as this is to fathom – we are creating this experience for all life in all existences – even for God, Himself, to experience.  The same ripple must then also return home.

Part of the experience we have as human beings is that when we receive back the experiences of life, we don’t remember throwing the pebble – creating the experience.  We blame others for what we experience or we (most of the time) erroneously blame the person we are today for what we experience.  As humans, our memories tend not to include soul memories of past lives and past experiences.  Many times this is a merciful thing for us, helping us to start over without remembering the person we were back then.

The soul or the Higher Consciousness of each human being remembers, however.  In time, we will come to understand how each experience we have in life is an experience which we helped to create for ourselves and others.  In addition, what experiences we create in the lives of others now – experiences which even God is touched by – will be what our path will include further down the way.  This includes whether we, of our own freewill, choose to attack with bitterness and vengeance, or to heal with understanding, mercy, and compassion.

What this means of Karma is that there is no judgement with karma.  There is no censure or condemnation.  There is no punishment with Karma.  Karma is simply the pebble’s ripple which has arrived back to where it started.

But, that’s not all.  The healing of “karma”, or rather the healing of experiences can happen by raising the vibrations of the “ripple”, which actually exists in time, space, and consciousness.  Since all things are vibration, the addition of higher vibration actions can affect the lower vibrations actions.  What is it that brings forth higher vibrations? Prayer, meditation, Loving kindness, forgiveness, patience, mercy, understanding, compassion, cooperation, and the like.  Each of these fruits of the spirit when brought forth into the world for another to experience opens the doors for the God Consciousness to be present in the moment.  The God Consciousness is Love and is the Highest of all High vibrations.  This vibration affects all vibrations/events/experiences with which it is present.

So, the bringing forth of God Consciousness through prayer, meditation and demonstrating the fruits of the spirit raises the vibration of the ripple.  This raised combination of vibrations goes out to all existence, and also returns back to us.  While sometimes the ripple vibration that goes out also comes back unchanged, with the presence of God, the presence of Love, kindness, mercy, etc, the ripple vibration is changed and returns in a higher vibration form.

The purpose of Karma is to raise vibrations to the level of God Consciousness – Love.   With this done, Karma is absorbed into the experience of understanding and awareness.  This is why prayer can help change human experiences.  This is also why mercy, kindness, cooperation, etc, can help change human experiences.


“Experiencing bliss is not experiencing God.  Helping someone else experience bliss is experiencing God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1996-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Attacks and Attackers – Part 1

“…what if the soul is so much attacked by others that the body becomes ill and they have no other option but to leave? I ask this because sometimes the soul is forced to leave not because they lived unhealthy or work was finished but because their cycle was cut short. Those who attack simply move on to the next victim. Therefore I would also like to ask what can be done for souls like these who have been decimated in their existence and died because of this? Thank you in advance for your reply and blessings.”  L. L.

As odd as this may sound, your question and view are both coming from a very human perspective within a very human paradigm.  In essence, you’re applying human standards and understanding to an issue that isn’t really what it seems.

As human beings on this Earth, we have a paradigm of experiencing “attacks”.  There are verbal attacks, physical attacks, emotional, psychological, financial, electronic, … etc.  even “self-attacks”.  As human beings, we have experiences of being attacked and being the ones doing the attacking.

As long as we continue with the way of thinking that we are humans in a physical world, attacks and attacking will be part of our human lives and human deaths.  As long as “attacking” is part of our perspective and paradigm, we will continue to participate in both sides of this “attack” issue for a long time.

However, to understand this issue more, let’s take a look at it in a different way.  Let’s take a look at the thought and belief of “attacking and being attacked”.  The “attack” paradigm sets one being against another.  This view can only exist in the human world.  This view is not the reality of what is referred to as the spiritual or non-physical world, because the spiritual/non-physical world doesn’t really work the way the human/physical world works.

The real issue here is who is the attacker and who are we attacking.  We, ourselves, our own personal selves – attack – ourselves.   We are the attackers and we are the attacked of our self as the attacker.  We do so while pointing the finger of blame at others – saying “You are attacking me” or words and thoughts to that effect.  (We do this for specific reasons which I won’t get into at this time.)


It is a true statement that the person who is 100% completely at peace with themselves is not attacked by anyone.  In other words, a person who does not attack themselves, in turn, does not attack others, and also in turn, does not hold the attack idea when dealing with others.  This is because “attacking” is not a part of this one’s paradigm.  Another person’s actions usually perceived as “attacking” become recognized only to be an attack upon themselves.  In this case, what do we do when we see someone attacking – beating up – harming themselves?

Who among us can say that any of us are completely at peace with ourselves?  And in asking this, who among us can say to ourselves, that we are 100% honest about how we treat ourselves – attacking or any other behavior towards ourselves?

Who among us never thinks anything critical and judgmental about ourselves?  Who among us never says anything critical and judgmental about ourselves – our bodies, our looks, our behavior, our stature, our culture, how we treat others, what we think about others or our place in society, or … anything?  Who among us doesn’t beat ourselves up, when we’re upset with ourselves or someone else?  Who among us looks in the mirror and completely accepts ourselves for who we are – with love in our hearts and the peace that passes understanding inside our souls? And can then know that this is true even deep within the subconscious, and the full consciousness of their full Self?

It is true for ourselves, as well, that “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone” applies to how we think, feel, and treat ourselves.  If you think it’s not true, then answer this question – When was the last time you carried on a conversation or thought up an argument or fight inside your own mind with someone (or yourself) in your mind with criticisms, judgment, anger or condemning insults being a part of this event in your mind? The conversation/fight/argument is happening in our own consciousness/mind between one part of our self and another part of our self.  Both sides of the conversation (the fight, argument, criticisms, etc.) are our self.  We are condemning ourselves, judging ourselves, criticizing ourselves, beating ourselves up, and all of this is 24/7, because we live with ourselves 24/7.

If we are attacking ourselves within our own subconscious or unconscious, then what does it matter if we stop someone else from attacking us – we will be continuing to do it to ourselves.  If we learn to stop attacking ourselves or anyone else, from deep within our own consciousness, via accepting, forgiving, being merciful, understanding, being patient and kind towards ourselves as well as towards others, then what does it matter what another soul chooses to do with their mind, heart and soul that appears to be against us.  In the end, our changes will bring in Light that will also be present for them, when they’re ready to choose Light.

As Christ said to Peter along the shore after Christ rose when Peter asked about others, “Peter, you don’t worry about them, I’ll worry about them.  You follow me.”  It is our task to follow in the footsteps of the One who is the Infinite Peace – who is the Infinite Loving Kindness.

I’m not saying don’t worry about those you see attacked.  I’m saying we are called to change in order to stop being the attackers of our self and others, and in turn, learn that as we let go of attacking ourselves, we are also letting go of attacking others.  In the human Earth, when we let go of attacking other humans or other beings of any kind, those other beings lose their illusions of attacking eventually, also.

And those that come forth into our presence for any reason who are lost in the illusion of attacking, we then can pray, “God Bless All Life in all forms, and all that are here with us for any reason, and in any context, and in Your Infinite awareness.  God Bless Us All in all ways, now and for all time.”

If we’re so busy attacking ourselves (and others) in our own mind, heart and subconscious, then no amount of “psychic kung fu” will do anything to protect us from anyone outside ourselves, when the real attack is coming from our self inside ourselves.

If we are intent on believing that we (and others) should be attacked, and then continuing to attack ourselves (and others) within our own consciousness, and seek to fulfill our own attack, then we will find and latch onto others that will carry this out alongside us.  Like attracts like – attackers attract attackers.

Is this going to take some time to heal?  Oh, my God, Yes!  But, the axiom is true – “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”  How do we change this?  Forgiveness – of ourselves and others for the things over which we assign guilt.  Letting go of judgment – of ourselves and others for the things we’ve decided to judge.  Being aware when we criticize others and ourselves over things that we heretofore considered worthy of criticizing.  Patience – towards ourselves and others while knowing that with God all things are possible … even forgiving, letting go, being patient and kind, and changing ourselves.

We are called to know ourselves.  This includes knowing our own subconscious, so that we may let go of attack thoughts and attack behaviors.  We are a cosmos unto ourselves, and as such have much to learn about who we are within ourselves.  But, we have eternity to do this.

“We can escape from the world that we see by giving up attack thoughts.” The Course in Miracles

“Remember, those that are prayed for have God in their presence more than those that are not prayed for.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

PS.  I expect questions with this topic.  It is vast in its scope and not comprehensively explained in only one article.  I left a lot of loose ends untied.

As of June 2, 2015: The 2nd of 3 World Events

During the time which remains between our current time and the time in August which I’ve been seeing this event, I continue to look for potential changes to the event. After having seen that it’s possible for me to be inaccurate because of “seeing” the wrong timeline, (my article of 2006’s hurricane season) I psychically look for the timeline as it goes forward from the current moment I’m in. I do this because I have psychically seen the strength and ability of prayer and meditation to change the future. Because freewill is paramount in people’s choice to pray or not to pray and to meditate or not to meditate, the future can fluctuate.

At this time, with minor events happening around the globe, and prayers being prayed for the area which is predicted, I’m seeing a change of some of the force which is foreseen to manifest.

I’m seeing the volcanic activity force now changing from focusing it’s power southward onto Venezuela. I see the force being focused more upward into the atmosphere and slightly pointing almost directly eastward from the volcanic “ground zero” site. I believe I’m seeing that this means that most of the force will be directed over the Atlantic.

I believe I’m seeing this happening because of minor events happening around the globe and these having an impact on the movement of the depths of the Earth in the “north of Venezuela” area. In other words, events happening around the world are changing the land underneath this particular part of the planet.

I still see tsunamis happening in the surrounding islands of this Caribbean area as well as the South American continent – for the most part, all the areas I’ve already written about. One cannot have this powerful a volcano happen without other simultaneous events happening as a result.

I believe I’m seeing that less damage will happen as a result of this change in the direction of the force. Since it won’t be focused directly southward as much, as I was seeing it before, it now is focusing more eastward. Those islands that are in the range of eastward to south southeastward will still be hit by the volcano’s residue.

In presenting this, I also sense that I’m not able to give the whole picture of what will finally happen or rather manifest into physical existence. I’m only able to give some specific portions – some main portions – of the total event. This sense comes from being aware of limitations to my perspective of what I’m interpreting of what I’m seeing and sensing.

Without it being obvious, we are witnessing higher spiritual forces helping the Earth. With the energy that is the source and core of the 2nd Event set to manifest, the higher spiritual forces are in effect, “splitting the energy up, so that no one area of land will take the whole brunt of it.” This is mercy at its greatest. The Higher Consciousness forces have no motivation to punish or ring destruction onto anyone. This event is not punishment. (We ring it down upon ourselves.) It is natural Earth/planet activities brought about by energy which I’m only seeing partially where its source is from and have written some about.

Higher Consciousness forces can affect lower consciousness forces, but only to the degree that peoples’ efforts to raise consciousness in that plane (the Earth) works to bring forth higher consciousness. In other words, only to the degree of the effort towards prayer, meditation, love, forgiveness, patience, etc bringing forth the Spirit of the Infinite and all the fruits of this Spirit.

As a side note, the Higher Spirit Forces I speak of above are not just coming from a non-Earth/non-physical Universe source.  The Higher Spiritual Forces are also coming from life on Earth – those that strive to connect to Higher Spirit Consciousness and bring it into our planet at the physical level.


For anyone coming into these forecasts recently, in the columns to the right of this webpage, are specific categories of articles.  Select “2015” and you’ll get all the articles (and some extras) that pertain to the 2nd of 3 world wide events on which I’ve been seeing and reporting.  You’ll read that the Japanese event in 2011 was the 1st of the 3 events.  I see each event getting worse than the previous event.


“Whether we succeed or not, when we try to do our best, we are supported by forces beyond our imagination and comprehension. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)