Disinformation – Incomplete Information

Have you ever put together a jigsaw puzzle? whether 100, 200, 500 or a 1000 pieces? Have you ever put it almost together and find you have 1 or 2 pieces missing?

With the picture on the box, and an understanding of what its supposed to look like, it’s possible to put the puzzle together even with 1 or 2 pieces missing, and give an exact rendering of the picture on the box.

What if we had a box of 500 pieces, of which about 250, or even 450 pieces were missing – which we didn’t know about, and there was no picture of any kind to guide us.

Hypothetically, we might still work very hard to put together whatever picture we believed could be assembled. (More likely, we’d throw it away.) But, whatever work was needed, we would do because we believed we had all the pieces and it was going to show us a picture of some kind.

We would be totally unaware of any pieces which were not available or we didn’t find. We would be unaware that any other pieces even existed, believing that we already had all there was.

In other words, within our own paradigm, we would believe we have all the information, whatever picture we assembled in our minds, and that this was the truth of the puzzle. It would not matter if someone else said they had other pieces of the puzzle – we did not have those pieces and we believed we had all the pieces needed to render the final puzzle picture.

Right after the attack of 911, I was asked for and gave a 3-day reading about many different facets of the attack. I psychically saw much information coming from many viewpoints, in the Akashic records about Atlantis, the Middle East, Edgar Cayce, that present day’s government, and much, much more. I worked on the psychic reading for 3 days. Having full confidence in my work and what I saw, (and even today, I still do), I began giving workshops and presentations on the information, because there was much to learn.

One aspect which I presented was how one particular person was an Atlantean and in the Atlantean military, at the level equal to today’s Colonel. He was a very strong military commander and his general orders were to subdue and control the Middle Eastern people.

(Sidenote: Later on in history, during the Roman Empire, this person was a high ranking Roman Centurion, still seeking ways to subdue the middle eastern peoples, considering them a constant thorn in his side, and with having a desire to continue his warring on them as a Roman soldier.)

(Now, to return to Atlantis,…) at that time in the Atlantean history, it meant government factions in Atlantis were much of the time attacking, killing, controlling and/or enslaving the human beings of many areas of the globe. Atlantis was a high technology level civilization, even with flying machines, and during this time in its history, factions used Atlantean higher levels of technology to work to command, subdue and control as much of the land mass and peoples on the Earth as it could acquire.

This warring mentality of trying to control other regions and peoples, created a lot of enemies in other peoples around the globe, including in the area now known as the Middle East. But, the Atlanteans were the technological leaders on the planet.

These global peoples being attacked were souls/spirits like today, and the hatred Atlantis engendered in others through their military actions, stayed within the consciousnesses of many, many souls on the receiving end of these harmful actions.

[Sidenote: Hatred and Love both are part of Souls’ experiences, and we have the freewill to hold on to it or to let it go. What we experience in our past lives, stays with us as part of us – and we always have the freewill of acting on whichever aspects are within us, whether harmful or helpful aspects, and harmful or helpful attitudes and feelings.]

In my workshops/presentations, I shared that the 19 hijackers were souls who had been part of the Middle East peoples during some of those days, and who were attacked by the higher technological civilization of their time – the super power of their time – Atlantis.

In the process of doing the Reading, I could see that this was the reason they were so willing to carry out these acts today – their hatred which had been with them for thousands of years (The last part of Atlantis didn’t finally finish sinking until about 10,000 BC, which led to the final mass migrations into North America, South America and northern Africa.)

During the workshops, many in the audience volunteered that they held to the beliefs that the 911 attacks were “an inside job” orchestrated by President GW Bush, and there were explosives planted to make the buildings explode on command.

I saw none of that in the Akashic records. Even when they brought it up during the workshops, I looked for the information and if it had been true, it would have been in the Akashic records. I did not find it.

Instead what I psychically saw was that these people – who believed Pres Bush was responsible for the 911 attacks, as an inside job – some were around in Atlantis during the times of the Atlantean military conquests. (Not all Atlanteans were of this mindset of militarism and conquest towards other peoples.)

What I was also becoming aware of was that they had an unconscious sensing of the involvement of GWB. But, they didn’t have the psychic tools to flesh out all the details recorded in the Akashic Records. They didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle or a complete picture of the puzzle to help them. What they did have, though, was a sense that he was involved somehow. Within their own paradigms they put together whatever understanding they could with the pieces of the puzzle which they had.

With the limited information plus the intuitive sense that GWB was involved, they put together some of the only scenarios which made sense to them – ‘an inside job’.

What I haven’t yet mentioned here is that GWB was the Colonel and the Roman Centurion. By no means was he the only Atlantean who carried out military conquests like this, because Atlantis lasted for tens of thousands of years, with hundreds and thousands of leaders and military conquests.

GWB was one of many who did have an influence on the people of the Middle East and in a negative way. The US is a super power and has a high level of technology. It was a perfect storm ready for Osama Ben Laden (a Middle Eastern village leader in Atlantean days) and the 19 hijackers to try to strike back at the 21st century version of Atlanteans.

The point of all this is that the people in my workshops only had a small number of pieces of the puzzle from which to draw from to explain the attack of 911. But, from their own non-fully-psychic, but yet intuitive-based paradigms, they formulated their own scenario which they proclaimed as Truth- that GWB was directly involved as the causal source of carrying out the destroying of the Twin Towers.

I did share as much as I could of what I saw with regards to the attack, including that I saw no Akashic information saying GWB was directly involved in our time, as being the perpetrator – but rather the 19 men used the US as symbols of the destruction and death they experienced at the hands of the Atlanteans when they were souls in the Earth at the Atlantean time in history. (The 19 only knew the conscious reasons – not the unconscious Atlantean connection.) What anyone then does with receiving more information – more pieces of the bigger picture puzzle – is always up to the individual freewill which we all exercise.

The current world is not the Atlantean world, but in the 19 hijackers paradigm, it was only one piece of the incomplete puzzle they had. In my workshop, there was no Akashic information presenting that GWB was directly responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers, but in the attendees’ paradigm, it was only one piece of the incomplete puzzle they had in their minds and hearts.

And now, you have additional information about the whole picture.

For us in the world NOW, we see disinformation and misinformation. We are taking sides in what we believe. Do we believe conspiracies? Do we believe whatever someone posts on the Internet? I know I’m included in this tug-of-war, always having to work hard to stay clear, and be honest with myself about what I see psychically – always working to NOT be influenced by negative emotions and personal resentments or bitterness – which is DIFFICULT TO DO, but still possible, because we are not machines which are automatic and can’t choose.

We’re always going to have freewill to make choices of what we believe. ALWAYS! No one can legislate or command what we believe within ourselves or whether we love or hate. Our choice is to cooperate with either someone saying to Love and unite, or someone saying to hate and attack. We have freewill to choose to participate in Love or to participate in hate.

If any of us are confused about misinformation or disinformation, or incomplete information, we can also keep our minds open.

We can also pray very sincerely and earnestly, “Lord, teach us the Truth”. If we believe that Christ is Truth, then we can say this prayer all the time, over and over and believe (as long as we’re willing to stay open to what comes.)

Misinformation, disinformation, and incomplete information comes from the same place – not knowing. We try to put together the puzzle from only the pieces we have, and think that’s all there is. There is no more.

But, that’s NOT all there is. There are paradigms beyond our own self-established and current paradigms, understanding beyond our own self-chosen and current understanding, insights beyond our own current insights, and answers beyond our own current answers.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what we believe, as much as it matters what and how we use our beliefs to motivate us to treat our neighbor. This is one of Christ’s most important messages – “Love one another, as I love you.”

It does work better for us though to recognize that none of us have all the information about any topic which is subject to disinformation. Some of us may have more pieces of the puzzle than others. And we all think we’ve got the whole Truth. In reality, it’s like we’re all stereotypical teenagers thinking there’s nothing left to learn, and we, (now that we’re teenagers,) know it all.

Pity the world where no beliefs are ever challenged.

It helps to challenge beliefs. It helps us to challenge our own beliefs and to challenge others beliefs. It also helps us to remember that this process of challenging beliefs has been going on throughout all history of life on the planet.

In essence, the question asked through all generations is Do we believe we have to stay the same/believe the same as all generations before us, or do we believe we can change and become/believe something different than all the generations before us?

One of the greater challenges for every soul, for every spirit, and for every human being is to recognize that we learn without realizing we’re learning, we grow sometimes without realizing we’re growing, and we change because we are alive and exist, and all of this happens regardless of what we believe, but it happens better and easier when we have an open heart and an open mind.

Remember, when we were 6 years old, we were smarter about life and the world than we were when we were 3 years old. When we were 10 years old, we were smarter about life and the world than we were when we were 6. When we were 14 vs 10, when we were 18 vs 14, when we were 25 vs 18 and on and on. At no time did we stop learning, growing, and changing. Even back then, it went smoother when we had an open heart and an open mind.

There is no time that we’re not changing, and so when we ask ourselves the above question, “Do we believe we HAVE TO stay the same (or think) as all generations before us or do we believe we can change and become (or think) something different than all the generations before us?” (just like the first single-celled organisms that existed hundreds of millions of years ago) we face a big challenge for our self in cooperating with who and what we will become. And it probably will work better for us if we have open hearts and open minds.