The Eclipse

There are many functions and messages of the Eclipse. When examined, they can seem more simple than we believed, in a “Of course! It’s so obvious now” kind of way.

One of the more spiritual purposes of the Eclipse is for us have the message to have faith and trust that Light still exists when all around seems dark. The Light has not diminished, just because times seem dark.

One of the more emotional messages of the Eclipse is – with familiarity and effort to discover, explore and understand, we can grow to no longer fear those things which we feared when we did not discover, explore and understand.

One of the more physical messages of the Eclipse, is – the heavens hold wonders which we have yet to see, but each of the wonders which heaven has for us will be shared with us in time on this planet.

One of the more mental/intellectual messages of the Eclipse is – even with an intellectual understanding of how things work, these events still inspire awe.

There are many levels to an event like this. Even though it is a normal event – the sun always casts a shadow on the far side of the moon, even if the shadow only goes out into space – that which is normal or ordinary is still a function of God and the heavens – even if is is so common as to be taken for granted or go unnoticed.


How Not to Be An Activist

Christ, Gandhi and Martin Luther King all demonstrated non-violent activism. They lived lives giving themselves human rights, as well as others, and then living those human rights. Others have tried to take these human rights away, but no one can take away our living of our human rights. We can only throw them away ourselves.

We have to remember that no matter what we fix out in the world – the external world – external to what is within our hearts and minds – that if we do not change ourselves, as well – what is within ourselves – healing that which needs healing, facing the challenges of changing our own self – we will create the exact same problematic world that we live in today. With no change within ourselves, there will be no real change in humanity’s creation of the world.  That which is within is reflected externally.

We can war with each other placing ourselves on either side of the battle, with all efforts still being “to go to war”. We simply tell ourselves that we’re righteous and the other side is in the wrong. This is how war is created. Both sides consider themselves righteous. Both sides consider the other side to be ignorant.  When violence is chosen by both sides – violence of deeds and words – there is no difference in the violence either side inflicts upon the other side whether it’s a violence of deeds or a violence of words. If we ignore the need for the inner change within our own self, we are part of the problem, regardless of which side we’re on and regardless of what changes we seek in the external world.

This may not be the popular view of our world. The popular view is addiction to violence and conflict – where conflict and war are acceptable.


“As souls, we have the freewill choice to choose any and all life options – to stop, turnaround, run away, hide, freeze, get lost, shrink, and say ‘no’, or at any time, we can choose to get back up whenever we fall flat on our face, and renew our feelings and determination to never give up on our seeking Oneness with God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“He who is determined enough to succeed, will never fail.” Og Mandino.

A First View of the Pacific Troubles

I apologize for not posting earlier.  Although, I’ve not looked psychically concerning this, for the first time, – the news is reporting and I’m psychically seeing POTENTIAL military conflict happening between N. K. and the U.S.  I’m also seeing that prayers can help to transform the animosity between both governments.  I see that it could be similar to the military efforts of 1990 with regards to the time of active conflict.  We can commit to help all involved, which is what so many of us were born into this world to do.  We can send prayers, send light, enter meditation sending our energy to all parties, practice our own patience, persistence, and participation.  We can also practice our faith in the One God’s presence and influence, when all those in authority on both sides choose battle instead of brotherhood.

I will add that while it appears that both governments want to go to war, I see people on both sides being mixed in the belief that it would help their own intentions.  Each side has people who support and oppose this action.


“When faced with difficulties, why not start by going to the One who has full capacity for helping and being successful.  Praying is step #1.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)