Praying for Those Who Have Passed

There’s a story that describes a child in prayer and the child is simply saying the alphabet over and over.  An adult asks why the child is simply saying the alphabet.  The child replies, “God already knows what I’m  praying for, so the words don’t matter.”

First thing to consider, as many of us know, the act of praying is not the act of reciting words.  Even though words are used and reciting can occur, as in saying The Rosary, anyone who prays, knows that it isn’t the words that are the most important part.  It is the feelings, determination, effort and “meaning it” within our hearts which are the most important parts – not for trying to “reach” God, but rather to open ourselves up to God.

Second thing to consider, God does not make barriers to love.  That’s the same as thinking God makes barriers to God.  This is not the purpose, desire or essence of The Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love who tells us, “Come unto me, and I will come unto you.”

This also means that Death is not a barrier to love or rather Nothing is a barrier to love.  It is our own mind and heart that establish barriers to love, and hence the barriers to our loved ones who pass away.  It is our beliefs that establish barriers.  From our beliefs, we get our motivation.  So, the question is, “Are we motivated to pray for our loves ones who have passed away?”

Our Guides and Angels

Each of us has a host of beings on the other side of the veil of death who want to help us in our life here on Earth.  But, we can help them, as well.

If we are willing to allow the belief that “with God, all things are possible”, then it is possible to send our love to those who have passed on.  And it is possible that they will receive it.  In fact, for those who have been able to develop their intuition or psychic ability, we can see the benefit that is made for those on the other side, when we continue to send them our love, throughout our life.  They receive the energy of this love and they are helped and strengthened by the love – in similar ways that we are while we are in the Earth.  Sending them our love, buoys them, helps them to acclimate to their new surroundings, helps them to further their ability to learn while on the other side, helps them to greater recognize the connection and oneness which we have with each other, and much more.

At the same time, our prayers for them are like for them to stick a finger in an electric prayer plug and absorb the prayer energy which is for them to receive.  Prayers for those who have passed, can help them to open their own consciousness to the omnipresent consciousness of the higher forces.  This can bring a spiritual healing and consciousness healing in the same way that it would if they were in the Earth when prayers were given for them.

Whether in the Earth or no longer in the Earth, our love sent to another (or others) and our prayers sent for another (or others), are worthwhile and brings forth the “Living Food” which each of us are starved for, to our body, mind, and soul.

“The prayers of a few will save many,”  and these many can be anywhere in the Infinite realm of the Infinite Consciousness of God.  We can choose to open our minds and our hearts to realms even beyond death, or we can choose to believe that death is too great a barrier – it’s always up to us to decide which beliefs we will select.  If we put ourselves in our loved ones shoes, would we want to be on the receiving end of them sending their love beyond death’s illusionary veil?  If we were on the other side, would we hope that others care for us enough to pray for us?

Our love and our prayers for those who have passed on, can accomplish a great deal for the well-being of those we still love even though they are no longer with us.


“We select our beliefs from all the beliefs presented to us throughout our life.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, by Jodie Senkyrik)

“Pray for All Life.” Christ

“Where there is willingness, there are ways. Where there is no willingness, there are no ways.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

There is still time to register for “Putting the Apple Back: Healing our karma” (©) Retreat, November 16-17, 2019

You can still join us for a relaxing weekend at Camp Capers in Waring, TX, and gaining a better understanding of how to shift one’s consciousness and step out of the Karmic Merry-go-round: moving from Karmic consciousness to Transformation consciousness.

Welcome to another 24-hour retreat at Camp Capers in Waring, TX, the weekend of November 16-17, 2019, which you may be interested in.

Entitled “Putting the Apple Back: Healing our karma”, this program explores the concept of Karma, the mechanics of Karma, our understanding of Karma, and how it’s possible to nullify or heal Karma.

Topics we’ll discuss:

  • What it means to Put the Apple Back on the Tree (©)
  • The Infinite Consciousness of God
  • New concepts of Karma
  • The Hows and Whys of Karma
  • Karma DNA
  • The Spiritual Path and Healing Karma
  • It’s All in the Vibrations
  • The Echoes of Karma
  • The School of Enlightenment
  • Two worlds on One Planet


Information and Itinerary

  • Check-in: 2:30-3:00 at the Camp Capers Welcome Center
  • Introductory presentation: 3:15-5:15pm with a break
  • Dinner: 5:30-6:30
  • Evening presentation: 7pm-9pm
  • Breakfast: 8am-9am
  • Morning Presentation (with break): 9:30am-noon
  • Lunch: noon-1pm
  • Afternoon Presentation: 1:30-3:00pm with a break

The related costs:

Accommodations (pick 1):

  • Hotel-like room – $72/person double occupancy
        • $83 single occupancy
  • Health Services rooms – $52/person double occupancy
        • $62 single occupancy
  • cabins – $31/person (bunk beds)

Meals (Excellent !) – Sat. dinner, Sun. breakfast and lunch

  • Dinner – $15/person
  • Breakfast – $10/person
  • Lunch – $13/person

Insurance – $.23/person/day for Saturday and Sunday ($.46/person)

Tuition – $50/person

Day-only attendees:  $25 tuition + chosen meals + 1-day insurance + $16 Camp day use fee.

Payment can be made through cash or personal check up through the day of arrival OR you may use Paypal or your Credit Card through the Paypal button below.

For questions you may email me at .

Bio: Jodie Senkyrik began having psychic experiences growing up, but didn’t begin his spiritual path until his early 20’s during the 1980’s. He began giving clairvoyant readings in 1985, yet broadened his clairvoyant readings with a background in psychology, being trained in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and having earned an M.A. degree in Transpersonal Psychology in 1993 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies.

Jodie has been, and is still, a regular workshop presenter for the A.R.E. in Texas during some of their Spring and Fall retreats since 2001, having given workshops on such topics as The Karmic Connection to the 9-11 Attack, A Psychic View of Love & Death, Psychic Ability in Human Beings, Meditating for Answers, Prayer without Words, Atlantis, the Atlantean Hall of Records, Creating Heaven on Earth, and many others. On the blog, “A Psychic’s View of …” are posted over 300 articles on spiritual and psychic topics. He continues to present regularly at retreats and workshops in the Texas area.


Registration :

To register, send an email to me at on or before November 1, 2019.  (Yes, late-comers are welcome and can register on the day of arrival, but, let me know, if possible.)

I need:

1. the number of people you are registering,

2. the number of people per meals each desires, and

3. your choice of rooms/beds.

Camp Capers requires (A) our best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) our best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.

Credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) can be accepted only through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register, send an email with your information to  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal Retreat purchase page – enter your fee grand total, (the ‘quantity’ will remain 1), then select Continue.  Then you should  see the Paypal login page.  Instead of entering Paypal, scroll down on the login page and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people for whom to prepare rooms and meals.)

For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

For anyone wanting to attend Sunday only, and arriving in the morning, then I’ll have registration before breakfast, from 7:45-8am at the office front patio.  If you can’t find me, look for me in the Dining Hall.

As always, if you wish to pay by check, you can pay by mail, or when you arrive, and it is still a good idea to register beforehand, as soon as you know. C.C. needs to prepare many days before for the number of people eating any of the meals.

Thank you for your interest.

Psychic Predictions for 2019

[The password is removed from this article originally posted in Jan, 2019, making it now available to the public.]

2019 is going to be a somewhat more difficult year for so many people on his planet, and I’m not going to hold back in what I write in this article. There are disasters and there are positives. Life, as we know it, will change, but life will also persevere in all locations. 2019 by itself will not be a painfully more difficult year for every one of the 7+ billion people, but everyone will be affected by several things throughout the year. It is one of the 2 remaining years which are moving us deeper into the darker, low vibration energy/manifestations. These low-vibration energy manifestations will be recognized by disasters both human-derived and natural. By “moving us deeper”, I mean the beginning of the years will appear and be experienced as being better than the end of the years, in many ways.

I will mention FIRST, that prayers and meditation for the goodwill for all people and the well-being for all life, are that which will strengthen the Spirit and Energy of the Family of Man and all life, if and when we’re willing to bring forth Light – through expressing Love, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Encouragement, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Support, and more (flowing through ourselves) – and for all life on this planet – especially during this time. Prayers for all life will absolutely help all life. Absolutely – as in ‘absolute help’ – real help – to persevere through these coming times and experiences.

Humanity won’t easily see the difference between the two possible futures – with prayers vs. without prayers, (a few will), but changes happen when one’s heart is the source of prayers – for the goodwill and well-being of all people. Why for “the goodwill and well-being of all life”?  Because this prayer will have the strongest impact on humanity, all of nature, and the future. The predictions I speak of here are drastic to some parts of the planet. They will affect, to greater or lesser degrees, all of the planet. While many people’s lives will be minimally impacted, many people’s lives will be greatly impacted. The news is already reporting regular disasters, both natural and man-made, which are affecting people in a wide variety of places – sometimes places which are surprising.


For Britain: The Brexit is considered a mess, and it will become an even bigger mess in the 1st 5 months of 2019. After that, many of the loudest voices will consider the act of screaming the loudest isn’t working for their side anymore and will then begin working on solutions. See efforts beginning April and May. I see another 13-16 months of work for things to reach a point of acceptance. The reason why efforts are not working out is because of the energy of so many of the British people not wanting Brexit. The consciousness of the people is a formidable energy force, and it can prevent events from happening – whether the events are positive or negative.

“The more prayer that we put forth, then the more change, the more help, the more the presence of the Spirit of God will be felt and heard.” The Rainbow Cards

Weather 2019:

Worldwide – As one person put it, “The predictions that were made – are happening.” (This includes my own.  Scroll down to see the right hand column Category list: Weather)  During 2019, we will see more natural disasters which will affect millions of people. Weather related disasters are both caused by natural patterns and the effects of Climate Change/Global Warming. “Let those who have eyes to see, let them see. Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear. Let those who are blind, stay blind. Let those who are deaf, stay deaf.” These are famous words and referring to this time in history. Let there be no doubt here, weather is caused by human consciousness.  Climate Change is being caused by humans.  We will continue to have fights in the US about Climate Change, brought on by different people with different political agendas, rather than the science being questionable, which it is not.

The overall weather throughout the world will help bring greater flooding in the southern Asian nations, colder weather in Russia, erratic temperatures and erratic rainfall in Europe, and destructive drought and extreme heat without rain in the Midwest of the US.

In the US, more extreme temperatures will be experienced and the stamina of the people struggling with these effects will weaken due to growing tiredness and discouragement from the onslaught of damaging weather. The fires in California in 2018 are only a forerunner for the heat that will enter into the Rocky Mountains, and eventually potentially turning the Midwest into scorched land. The day is coming that the Midwest will see hotter temperatures than it has ever seen – drying up the land and making it unable or extremely difficult to grow crops. While not all of this will manifest in 2019, it will begin in 2019, and will eventually move towards that, on through the next 7 years with the very worst of it being 2025 before relief comes in the form of temporary better weather.  [PRAYERS CAN CHANGE THIS!]

Europe’s problems with Climate Change will grow, as well. The weather will bring greater amounts of rain throughout most regions – causing more flooding in various areas. The winters will be colder, in general, through central Europe. In 2019, Europe will face these changes, but this pattern will become regular from now on. There will be no year that Europe will not continue with this scenario when comparing it to the past decades. Europe’s growing seasons will be affected, and it will take several years to adapt the agriculture industry to the changes in weather. The weather changes are here and will remain with the next few generations of people through this century. This will create greater yearly demands for energy during the winter months.

Asia, in 2019, will begin to see regular yearly massive weather systems which will do massive damage to distinct yet massive areas of the continent. We, in the US, will hear about some of this via reporting the news, but many of the people of Asia will be going through devastating weather. By many, I see mostly rural areas being affected long-term in Asia as opposed to urban areas, because cities tend to have collective systems and structures in place to recover from the weather related disasters quicker, while rural residents have less collective support and structure helping to recover. Mountainous regions, in general, will be very much affected – with many large mudslides related to more rain than normal, and news of these will be heard around the world – because some will be great in size.

[For specific areas of the US, or other countries, please ask in the comments section.  And don’t forget, you can let others know about this blog article, too.]

“The Infinite Consciousness of the Heart of God is completely and fully aware of all things in our life. There are no surprises to Infinite Consciousness, and there are no factors which could ever separate us from God’s Infinite readiness to help.” The Rainbow Cards

Natural Disasters:

With regards to natural disasters, the years 2019 and 2020 will have a greater than average share of natural disasters – volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. I consider these effects on humanity to be different than man-made or economic disasters, like recession (which is slowly beginning,) war, and erratic, non-stable economies.

We will enter into 2019 with open eyes, watching for disasters, and on the whole, they will continue happening in South America – where they already are happening, the Pacific Rim will have a mixture of earthquakes and volcanic activity, Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean. I see fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2019 only, and the larger ones (right now I’m seeing this) will not threaten the US much.  I see two (1 larger and 1 smaller) storms which will come into the Southeastern states of the US – Florida, Georgian, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina: mostly rain affecting these states. Right now, what I’m seeing is that they are not as destructive as the last 2 years have been.  While there will be concern, I don’t see the same amount of danger happening in these states.

There will be some natural disasters outside of these examples, but I’m not yet identifying their locations. I see small storms (compared to large hurricanes) come into or rather build within the Gulf of Mexico.  One may develop into a tropical storm.

Every area of the planet and all people of the planet will be affected by Climate change and natural disasters. The smoke from fires, the ash from volcanoes, the mosquitoes from flooding, as well as drought causing some agriculture failures. These affect everyone – even those people and life not in the area of the destruction.  People will adapt somewhat. Wildlife and ‘nature’ will not adapt in the same way and much damage will come.  Extinctions will happen.

In 2019, Puerto Rico is not a target for another hurricane, but I do see storms which will bring much rain. The Caribbean areas will also have a year similar to the last 3 years. I see 3-4 storms. There is a chance they won’t develop into large hurricanes. HOWEVER, if any develop into hurricanes, I can see 1 grow to a category 2-3 while in that area. I’ve mentioned this possibility before, and I still see it going north of Puerto Rico. At this time, I still see 1 storm hitting Puerto Rico in 3 years, possibly in 2 years, but it won’t be equal to Maria in 2017. Even though it can be easy to dismiss the statement about praying, prayers can, will, and do truly help to change destructive weather. The more prayers and meditations for this purpose, the more change. The more Light we bring in, the more change happens.  Whether believed or not, weather is a manifestation of human consciousness and it can be changed by human consciousness.

“Faith unused does nothing.” The Rainbow Cards


Around the world, even more advances will happen in medicine. In some parts of the world, these advances will reach people – Europe especially. In 2019, the health care industry in the US, will offer no solutions to the erratic state of health care in the US. Financial devastation will still happen to some people. Many will be looking towards Alternative Healing Methods in order to find hope and help. While Alternative Healing Methods are derided and criticized – and sought to be shut out of being used, because they are anecdotally helpful, they will continue to be suggested and noted via the Internet. The pharmaceutical corporations will continue to lobby against Alternative Healing Methods, and in 2019, we will see their efforts increase with much media and online statements intending to turn people away from Alternative Healing Methods and make them illegal. In the US, the pharmaceutical corporations will seek to spread this “war”. (It is an effort to eradicate use of Alternative Methods, so I use the term “war”.) They will try to further this agenda in Europe, Canada and some East Asian nations. Their efforts in Mexico and East Asian nations will not be successful because their influence cannot reach the different consciousnesses of the peoples. But, in the US, fear will be generated by the Pharma. Corps. and this will effect the consciousness in general.

Still, the Alternative Healing cottage industry and the presence of Alternative Methods information on the Internet will continue to be present. Anecdotal information – information people share of their own experiences with certain healing methods or ingredients – will continue to influence the trying of Alt. Healing Methods. The Pharmaceutical information against non-pharmaceutical treatments will be meant to cause fear, and dissuade people away from them. It will succeed in some measure. An individual’s own effort at studying and researching healing methods will be the strongest force against the fear-based information onslaught. The interesting result will be several things – more and more Americans will look to Canada as a source of Medical Treatments, those informed more thoroughly with Alternative Medicine will grow a stronger and more entrenched base of people seeking to further it, and over time the reputations of the Pharmaceutical Corporations will suffer from being recognized as fostering misinformation and fear. Many doctors will work to help bring truthful information to the public. The struggle with health care in the US will continue for many decades, yet. I don’t see medicare for all happening in this decade even though support for it will grow. I see some changes to who qualifies being changed in the next decade, though, but not until after 2026.

Tremendous medical research discoveries will happen in the next 8 years. The treatment of childhood diabetes will make great strides over the next 5 years and will see magnificent treatments come forth. For 2019, I’m seeing a little bit of advances in the treatment of Alzheimers. Some medications will slow it down.  The effort to continue to raise prices of medicine treatments will continue, while the public push back will also continue. Pressure from the people can bring about better options.

With a change in elected officials, the ACA will continue, but there are still ways in which wrenches can still be thrown into the gears.  There will be efforts in the House of R. to make some changes to make it better, but the path to passing such a bill in the Senate and the president signing it, is “uphill”.  For the most part, there will not be any major changes to it in 2019.

“What we, personally, believe in, with the Infinite Consciousness of God, begins our opening to Infinite Possibilities.  What we, personally don’t believe in, limits only our-self. It doesn’t limit others, the truth or the Infinite Consciousness of God. ” The Rainbow Cards


In 2019, Cholera will begin to spread in a few areas of the planet, that are affected by natural disasters, including Asian nations and Cholera will increase somewhat over the next 7 years to come. There will be small outbreaks with other diseases in South American because of the massive rural destruction from weather related disasters PLUS diseases coming from (of all things), deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. There will be new evolved/mutated diseases coming from the Rainforest itself. No amount of destruction of the Rainforest would stop it. The natural life in those particular regions of the Amazon Rainforest have adapted to the evolved/mutated diseases and humans not native to the regions will contract the new diseases.

China will be hit with outbreaks of diseases in particular areas, but we won’t hear about them here in the west. In general, they won’t threaten large numbers of people outside China. They have the ability to eventually handle these outbreaks, but many lives will be lost.  In the west, the CDC will be strained from the work they will have over the next 7 years.

Ebola will not be eradicated, and will continue to be present in a few areas of Africa for years to come (with some of it moving north). Many other diseases will be faced because of the disasters which are coming. Dysentery will be one of those diseases coming from disasters.

The conflicts in the US over vaccinating children will continue for many years yet, because of the distrust of the US money driven health care system, – a system of treatments based on whether you have money to pay, rather than one based on care for the individual, distrust of the vaccine manufacturers, as well as a persistent distrust of the general medical profession’s attitude that doctors always know what’s right, and research which points to better protocols needing to be examined for use.  (Somewhat related to this – The US has an extremely hard lesson to learn: learning that trusting money more than trusting the heart will lead to serious problems of all kinds – problems which can eventually end the existence of the US as we know it. This can contribute to the US changing its structure in the 23rd century with the US split into 3 or 4 different countries with separate governments.)

Meanwhile, I’m seeing several medical progress announcements being made in 2019, but I’m not yet able to identify which diseases or medical issues they will be announcing about.  One major one will be this spring, with another announcement happening in July.

“Hell is not forever and ever, amen. God is the way out of hell – amen.” The Rainbow Cards

Spiritual Experiences and Spiritual Connections:

We will see more spiritual seeking in the latter part of 2019. “We will see more” refers to media attention and Internet information on individual experiences rather than great groups of people opening to spirituality. The true spiritual journey happens on the individual level, not on the group level.  While this will NOT be a widespread movement, this will begin a process of slow, more often, reporting of individual stories that help to open individual people’s minds and thoughts to spiritual involvement in everyday life. Over the next 7 years, during these “some of the most difficult” times for humanity, there will be many other stories of spiritual experiences and connections which will spread throughout the communication methods (Internet, media, etc.)

“The heaven or hell we have destined for our-self, is the heaven or hell which we create for others.” The Rainbow Cards


2019 will start January with political hope for Democrats and those who elected them. The Republicans will be working to solidify their bases. Except for introductory announcements in January, around mid-Feb (13th?) the public will hear about Congressional plans – The Democrat’s plans for putting forth legislation and Congressional investigations, and Republican’s plans for fighting them all the way. Mid-Feb through March will begin the process of conflict. The conflict will be loud, and this wave of conflict will continue through into the summer. Meanwhile, other investigations will begin in the spring, building up through into the fall. President Trump will face political challenges, but not yet serious enough to threaten his presidency, until the Fall when serious threats and challenges are then appearing. Whether we are pro-Trump or anti-Trump, and while the questions will come up as to the future, I do see Donald Trump as the President still, at the end of 2019. Some will be happy about this, some will not.

The public will see a few more governmental positions change around mid-Jan & Feb (2019), early spring, then again at the end of summer. These will not be top positions, but a few (what I consider) “2nd tier” positions.

This is another year which will shift both political parties’ directions away from Trump in 2020. The Democrats will feel emboldened. The Republicans will begin to resign themselves to the inevitable – run someone else or lose to the Democrats. 2019 will have many candidates announce themselves as running for the US President in 2020. Republican candidates will begin to announce themselves throughout the Spring. Lindsay Graham will be one of them and Mitt Romney possibly. Three other Republican Senators will also announce they will run. I see eventually about 4-5 Republicans seriously running to replace President Trump. I see a slew of Democrats – 14-15 that will announce their candidacy. Senators and House Representatives, and three women candidates announcing. I do NOT see Hillary Clinton running again although the question will be coming up for her and her supporters. I will not state in this article what I see as potential outcomes at this time.  I have stated in other public readings what I see for 2020’s elections.

I see many people considering there to be very serious information and testimony which has yet to be made public in the reports from those investigations happening. They consider the allegations to be valid and serious.  The investigations will not be considered frivolous.  The information revealed will shift Republican support to having a new 2020 candidate.  However, the Republican Party will have two factions – 1 faction for Trump continuing to be the 2020 candidate, mostly from his base, and 1 faction for a new candidate, mostly from the Republicans in Congress.

I’ve already mentioned much about what I see regarding the person who will be our next President. I have mentioned in several places that Donald Trump will be a 1-term president. I also had mentioned that if Hillary Clinton had won, she also would have been a 1-term president.

In 2019, little progress beyond saying nice words, will happen between China and the US. Tariffs will continue. The hidden reason and use for them by both sides is as a method of punishment. In 2019, the current relationship the US has with North Korea won’t get better, but it won’t get much worse, either. There will be posturing and “surface” challenging words, but this is more for show on both sides.

Most information coming forth regarding the Russian government will be about how the Russian government is involved with political situations and arenas in the nations surrounding Russia.  The Russian government will prove to be very active in world politics, involving themselves in ways on the world front.   This is an effort to control more countries, as the Soviet Union did.  Meanwhile, the Russian people are facing entering into more difficult times for them, with 2019 the beginning of more difficult economic times in the years ahead.  While the Russian people are used to hard times, in general, the Climate Change, in the next 6 years for them will bring disasters in Russia which no one could have imagined, and they will not easily be ready for.   Fortunately, these won’t be in every year.  Prayers are needed for the people of Russia and of Asia.

In 2019, the US and Canada relationship will be strained again by President Trump’s criticism. I see the Canadian government more acting to stay quiet and not contribute to more conflict – staying back mostly from engaging in return criticism.

In 2019, immigration policy problems will continue, and April/May will see a rise in media attention surrounding legal proceedings. However, attention to this will diminish as we move into Summer. As summer ends, then all media will be focused on what comes out of the investigations on through the end of 2019. I do see construction begin on a border wall, but then I see it abandoned – not from lack of money, but from lack of political will/support. If things continue as I see now, I do not see a border wall being completed.

I see more US businesses individually planning actions for addressing Climate Change, much in line with the Paris Agreement. I also see the US returning to the Paris Agreement after the new president is in office in 2021. (Not in 2019, though). Little change will happen in 2019 regarding the US place in the Paris Agreement. 2019 will also be another year where a huge amount of political news will take center stage.

“For others, pray not against others’ freewill, against others’ right to choose for their own life. Instead, pray that God’s presence, love and energy, be with them, surround them and bless them, more and more every day, so they might draw from God when the time comes that they make decisions for their life.” The Rainbow Cards

The US Economy:

In the Spring, 2019, and some after then, because of the greater political upheavals, the Stock Markets are going to react with erratic spikes, both up and down. This intermittent spiking will continue through at different times of the year – end of March to April, midsummer, 1st half of October. I don’t see it being as bad as we’ve seen recently (Dec, 2018), but it will happen too often for people to feel confidence. This Wall Street instability will influence the larger corporations to pull back on risk-taking. There will be mostly a desire to “play it safe” and not expand. Small businesses, in general, won’t immediately feel a drop in business, but over time in 2019, the slow down will start to be felt. Recessions are coming, but 2019 will only show some unmistakable evidence of this during the 2nd half of the year. When we move into the 2020s, we will be entering into a time of several years that a recession will develop, ultimately to 2023/2024.

“Forgiveness is letting go of our need to have others suffer.” The Rainbow Cards


I see more “grass roots” efforts to move away from fossil fuel derived energy. This will be done by smaller energy companies rather than large nation-wide efforts. I see alternative energy businesses continue to do well.  Consider these to invest in.  Whether popular or not, electric cars are the future.  Whether electric cars are selling right now or not, electric cars are the future.  Innovations in the next few decades will bring this about.

Problems in the Middle East will escalate.  Watch for this during May, June and July.

While not readily known, the Pope’s health will keep him home.  If he chooses to travel for humanitarian meetings and causes, his health will take a downturn and it won’t remain hidden from the public.

In 2019, Facebook will run into more trouble with more announcements of customer information being “allowed” to go to outside interests. Watch for this at the beginning of the summer.

In 2019, as I mentioned in many prediction pages before, I still see local involvement and community involvement being the strongest and most productive place for efforts where people can help each other, as opposed to Federal efforts. It will be local connections and local communities where the real work gets done to help people’s lives.

The reason that psychics are announcing what we’re seeing for the future is because we are facing some of the worst of the difficulties – economic and natural disasters – that people of Earth are going to go through from 2019-2026. We will slooooooowwwwwllllyyyyyy begin to come out of the difficult times in 2026-2027 to the mid-2030s and afterwards. Here at the beginning of 2019, we have not seen the worst of it.

There will NOT be a planetary breakdown in society and nations. This will not be what happens. Societies around the world did not breakdown during the Great Depression or during WW2, but during WW2, in some unique places (not all places) in the Earth, because of unique circumstances and unique politics in certain places, living individual and community-based lives became harmful and deadly for those unique places.

We can have a positive perspective of these times if we base that positive perspective on an attitude of fortitude, determination, helpful cooperation, friendship, and brotherhood. We will see many positive local community endeavors helping people.  We are a resilient species, and we’ve been through equally difficult times in our history, coming out the other end with greater understanding and higher levels of strength and ability to forge new ways into the future.

“We can be among the very last to follow the old ways of thinking and living of the past, or we can be among the very first to forge new ways of thinking and living for the future.” The Rainbow Cards


If you have any questions related to these predictions which would serve to clarify or expand on an item, please post them in the comments, and I will add the answers to this document.

If you think this article has been helpful and informative, please, pass the Internet address of this article on to anyone whom you think would be interested, this includes social media sites.  Thank you.

If you wish to make a donation to the Animal Rescue Efforts, go to the GoFundMe notice located in the right hand column.   Even though everyone says it, it’s still true – your financial support is helpful and very much appreciated.  Thank you.


The world gets better when any of us says, “I’m willing to try – to see what I can do to help.” Not when we say, “YOU didn’t do enough.” The Rainbow Cards


Questions, Comments and Additions

Added January 6, 2019

  1. In 2020, a change to the Presidency is possible, and could grow more probable as 2020 progresses.  If Donald Trump is caused to leave office early, or removed from being active, Mike Pence takes over as possibly “Vice-President as Acting-President”. He would make full use of the opportunity.  Some would be happy about this, some would not.
  2. “Can you elaborate more on the statement, “Problems in the Middle East will escalate. Watch for this during May, June and July.”? … Thank you.”  D.M.
    I’m seeing many more problems and increasing heated verbal battles regarding Saudi Arabia.  This will be like a pot boiling over.  Increasing conflict will continue to rise with the worst beginning around this spring.  There may be less media information, but some of the backlash within and with S. A. will be hidden from the outside world.  Some of the push back actions from the S. A. government will be hidden from the public.
  3. “I finished reading your 2019 predictions. In them you mention that you’ve discussed the results of the 2020 elections in other postings, but I don’t recall seeing this information, except in your reading shortly after the 2016 elections. Could you elaborate on what you see for the 2020 presidential elections? Thanks!” L.
    Yes, I go into some detail in the audio file of the 2016 elections reading.  There is more information there, so I’m just going to refer you to that, right now.  You can also check out the right hand column section of “Categories” where I list the “Presidency/Politics” category.  I’ll go into detail on the 2020 elections in the 2020 predictions.  I will say that we’ll see the campaigning start ramping up this spring and right before summer arrives.  We’ll then see the field of Democratic candidates.
  4. “What will happen to the Kurds?” E. B.
    The Kurds, as well as many other groups of people around the world, will continue to suffer from the actions of others and other governments.  The late spring and early summer months will be especially difficult times for the Kurds, specifically.  Their lives are another example of people who need help from those who are willing to help.  We have seen many human examples of mass cultural suffering and sorrow throughout the 20th century and now in the 21st.  Pray for the Kurds, also, because all prayers that go out for them will help these people in some way.
  5. (Added Feb 4, 2019) Now, I’ve read your psychic predictions for 2019 with high interest. You mention “Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean”. In this context, as I’m living at the outskirts of Tokyo, what can you see in particular for Japan? Many thanks in advance! L.P.
    As of today, in 2019, I do see the southern half of Japan most affected by storms, but not taking a direct hit from any Typhoon.  However, this can change, as I see potential (potential only) for a small but major storm which could move across Japan.  This would be between April and June.  I do see that the affect on the southern half of Japan will be enough to be very alert to dangers.  The main force of the storms will go into China and more southerly.  In the last 5 months of 2019, I see a possible 3 typhoon/storms for the Pacific Ocean, but the path being south of Japan (with 1 possibly going north of Japan.)  The southerly path puts the Philippines in danger with a real possibility of taking another direct hit.


“We live each day with the choice to pray, to love, to show mercy and compassion towards others for their own sake, knowing inside our very soul that these things are worthwhile, and are needed in a weary, weary world in order to bring that world out of the manifestation of those destructive acts which we created lifetimes ago, yet haven’t yet healed.
We can heal [destructive] events like the one in Las Vegas, before it happens. We have already done so much healing. Events destined to manifest, have been dissolved and healed, [never to happen]. We need only keep on keeping on with this work.” (Excerpt from “Las Vegas Horror”)


“Putting the Apple Back: Healing our karma” (©) Retreat, November 16-17, 2019

Welcome to another 24-hour retreat at Camp Capers in Waring, TX, the weekend of November 16-17, 2019, which you may be interested in.

Entitled “Putting the Apple Back: Healing our karma”, this program explores the concept of Karma, the mechanics of Karma, our understanding of Karma, and how it’s possible to nullify or heal Karma.

Topics we’ll discuss:

  • What it means to Put the Apple Back on the Tree (©)
  • The Infinite Consciousness of God
  • New concepts of Karma
  • The Hows and Whys of Karma
  • Karma DNA
  • The Spiritual Path and Healing Karma
  • It’s All in the Vibrations
  • The Echoes of Karma
  • The School of Enlightenment
  • Two worlds on One Planet


Information and Itinerary

  • Check-in: 2:30-3:00 at the Camp Capers Welcome Center
  • Introductory presentation: 3:15-5:15pm with a break
  • Dinner: 5:30-6:30
  • Evening presentation: 7pm-9pm
  • Breakfast: 8am-9am
  • Morning Presentation (with break): 9:30am-noon
  • Lunch: noon-1pm
  • Afternoon Presentation: 1:30-3:00pm with a break

The related costs:

Accommodations (pick 1):

  • Hotel-like room – $72/person double occupancy
        • $83 single occupancy
  • Health Services rooms – $52/person double occupancy
        • $62 single occupancy
  • cabins – $31/person (bunk beds)

Meals (Excellent !) – Sat. dinner, Sun. breakfast and lunch

  • Dinner – $15/person
  • Breakfast – $10/person
  • Lunch – $13/person

Insurance – $.23/person/day for Saturday and Sunday ($.46/person)

Tuition – $50/person

Day-only attendees:  $25 tuition + chosen meals + 1-day insurance + $16 Camp day use fee.

Payment can be made through cash or personal check up through the day of arrival OR you may use Paypal or your Credit Card through the Paypal button below.

For questions you may email me at .

Bio: Jodie Senkyrik began having psychic experiences growing up, but didn’t begin his spiritual path until his early 20’s during the 1980’s. He began giving clairvoyant readings in 1985, yet broadened his clairvoyant readings with a background in psychology, being trained in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and having earned an M.A. degree in Transpersonal Psychology in 1993 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies.

Jodie has been, and is still, a regular workshop presenter for the A.R.E. in Texas during some of their Spring and Fall retreats since 2001, having given workshops on such topics as The Karmic Connection to the 9-11 Attack, A Psychic View of Love & Death, Psychic Ability in Human Beings, Meditating for Answers, Prayer without Words, Atlantis, the Atlantean Hall of Records, Creating Heaven on Earth, and many others. On the blog, “A Psychic’s View of …” are posted over 300 articles on spiritual and psychic topics. He continues to present regularly at retreats and workshops in the Texas area.


Registration :

To register, send an email to me at on or before November 1, 2019.  (Yes, late-comers are welcome and can register on the day of arrival, but, let me know, if possible.)

I need:

1. the number of people you are registering,

2. the number of people per meals each desires, and

3. your choice of rooms/beds.

Camp Capers requires (A) our best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) our best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.

Credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) can be accepted only through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register, send an email with your information to  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal Retreat purchase page – enter your fee grand total, (the ‘quantity’ will remain 1), then select Continue.  Then you should  see the Paypal login page.  Instead of entering Paypal, scroll down on the login page and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people for whom to prepare rooms and meals.)

For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

For anyone wanting to attend Sunday only, and arriving in the morning, then I’ll have registration before breakfast, from 7:45-8am at the office front patio.  If you can’t find me, look for me in the Dining Hall.

As always, if you wish to pay by check, you can pay by mail, or when you arrive, and it is still a good idea to register beforehand, as soon as you know. C.C. needs to prepare many days before for the number of people eating any of the meals.

Thank you for your interest.

Who or What Are We Changing?

It is said, “what does it benefit a man to gain all he wants, if he loses his soul in the process?” It is the same for all of us. What does it gain us, if we save the Earth, but lose our souls, our own selves, our community, our society, our nation, our civilization, our human race in the process? We can do both, but we can only save the Earth, if we save our own Self, as well.

Put another way, the Earth is a reflection of humanity’s consciousness, and we will create in the Earth that which is in our own consciousness. If we are polluted, we will pollute the Earth, as well. If we are destructive, we will destroy the Earth, as well. If we are abusive, we will abuse the Earth, as well. If we are in conflict with each other, we will be in conflict with the Earth, as well.

But, if we are kind to each other, we will be kind to the Earth. If we show compassion to each other, we will show compassion to the Earth. If we are forgiving to each other, or show mercy to each other, we will be forgiving and merciful to all things of the Earth. If we are tolerant of each other, our tolerance will extend to our planet and all life on the planet, as well.

We can be willing to try to save the Earth all we want. But the real issue is are we willing to save our own SELF – our own heart, mind and spirit?

We, human beings, too often, choose conflict over and over and over again. We, too often, choose war and violence towards others, whether in entertainment or in real life. We, too often, choose abuse of others as a way of expressing ourselves.

We may easily condemn those we see as doing this, but if we were to walk in their shoes, we could easily be the ones doing this. We condemn those who sell the weapons of death, those who make the money, those who pollute the world, those who stand on the backs of others to make their own infinitely short life easy and themselves rich, but…. we are the ones who attend movies watching superheroes show us how to use violence to save the world, buy the products to make our lives easier, who buy the stocks in the companies to make the money, who imagine ourselves living easy and suffering-free.

We can and do point the finger at corporations and companies who sometimes make the world a worse place to live, but we are the workers at these places, we are the managers, we are the ones who make money in the offices, and we are the ones who say, “I care about my life first. I can’t afford to save the world. I’ll do something if it’s easy and convenient.”


If we don’t start with our self – our own hearts and our own beliefs and our own thoughts – changing where the conflict and warring starts – inside ourselves – as individuals – then we will only create the same problems over and over again.  No change will happen externally of ourselves, if no change happens internally within ourselves. We might be willing to work on ourselves or change things in the Earth – for one generation – but without the change inside our own soul, we are simply changing things for others who are just like us – in wanting war, and in wanting conflict, and in wanting the golden calf.

A spiritual life is “building for eternity”. I’m not talking about a constructed “religion-based” heaven of “spending eternity with the angels singing hymns in perfect bliss” – but the eternity where we work on ourselves to change who we are inwardly, how we relate to other people – how we relate to our brothers and sisters at whom currently we throw bullets of every kind.  I’m talking about the eternity of growth, change and possibilities referred to when He said, “With God, All Things Are Possible.”

We are born to come into the Earth, challenging us to learn about our real relationships to others – not our physicality and not our religio-city, but our spirit existence – inhabiting a body for a very short time to grow and learn to find better ways to be among ourselves as people.

God sends us into the Earth to practice Love in every manifestation. God sends us into the Earth for a very short time, to demonstrate the bounty of Love- through Kindness, Compassion, Patience, Service, Mercy, Forgiveness and other fruits of the spirit.

And when this very short life is over, we get a chance to examine how much we learned, how much we extended kindness, compassion, patience, mercy, tolerance, and more. We get the chance to look back and see if we learned anything, and what it is we actually then taught to others.  We get the opportunity to look forward to see what we can work on during our future sojourns.

We get the chance to look back at this life compared to all our other previous lives, try to understand what helped and what hurt our efforts.  We can ask where we used this opportunity to help, where we used this opportunity to harm, or both. Did we change? Did we grow? Did we learn? Did we waste anything of this life ignoring our purpose?

“With God, all things are possible”, includes learning, growing, and bringing forth love.  This includes, learning, growing and practicing changes within our own hearts and minds.  With this, we find encouragement to help us get back up and dust ourselves off when we get tripped up by the billions of things that we thought were important, but turned out not to be, or at least, not to be as much as we thought.

“With God, all things are possible” includes helping change to come into the Earth, and it then to come in via the changes we make in our hearts and minds – bringing real change, lasting change, and the change that is passed down to generations instead of being lost in the next generation.  The external changes of the world are like dust in the wind.  The internal changes are built on that which lasts for eternity.


“With all that we are within ourselves, right now, are we the person we want to spend eternity with?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Faith unused, does nothing.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We tend to think of God being on the outside of us, hoping to get in, when in truth, all along, God has been on the inside of us, trying to come out.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


The Importance of One Person Meditating

Having trouble with your efforts to meditate?

What if I told you that each of us, individually – one person – meditating could help reduce the violence in the world?

What if I told you that each of us, individually, meditating with others in a group could help reduce the violence in the world?

What if I told you that each of us, individually, regularly joining with people all over the world and meditating could help reduce the violence in the world?

What if I told you that each of us, individually, regularly joining with people all over the world in prayer and meditation could help reduce the violence and killings in the world?

So, I will say it here.

The joining together of many “one person”s all over the world in prayer and meditation can help reduce the violence and killings in the world.

This is how each one of us, individually, is important.



Commencement Address: Do Something Hard to Do

We live in a time where living is difficult.  We live in a time where living is easy.  We live in a time where the Light is coming forth.  We live in a time where darkness is coming forth.  We live in a time where learning is cherished.  We live in a time where ignorance is cherished.

The times of change are upon us. The times to change how we live are upon us. Instead of seeking to have an easy life, we can argue that it’s time to do the hard things in life.

Many of the greatest things of life in our human history have been things that have been hard to do. Meanwhile, many of the worst things of our human history are from people seeking to have easy lives at the expense of others.


In looking at our history, the greatest accomplishments and the greatest changes of human life have come as difficult choices – not easy choices.

Instead of looking for something “easy” to do, look for something hard to do.  Not to punish oneself, but to challenge oneself.  Not to keep the old, seemingly easy ways of life, but to create new, challenging ways of living.

Set your sights on a goal, even one that is hard to do, and if it takes your whole life, go for it.

Do something hard and not something just for oneself, because helping only oneself is easy.  Look for something very worthwhile and not just to make one’s own life easy, but to help others, as well.

Do something hard.

Look at today, and feel the challenge to look not for only an easy way out, or an easy this or an easy that, and instead look for that something that you know is hard to do, but better or greater.

Look for that something hard that is right and good and worthwhile, and helps oneself AND can help others, and makes life – not easy – but better because of that hard thing to do.

Do that something that is hard to do.

Look for ways to be more respectful. Look for ways to be kind when we haven’t been before.  Look for these ways.  Look for ways to forgive yourself, and then others for the very same thing. or for different things.

Do that something hard.

Be willing to seek ways to be compassionate to those one doesn’t want to be compassionate towards.

Do something difficult.

The only thing stopping its accomplishment is the not doing of it.  The only thing stopping kindness is not doing of it.  The only thing stopping being patient with another is not doing it.  The only thing stopping forgiving is not doing it.  The only thing stopping showing mercy is not doing it.  The only thing stopping learning and growing is not doing it.  The only thing stopping “loving one another as I love you” is not doing it.

Doing that hard and difficult task has brought all of us to here, today. Doing that difficult task has already brought us to what we’ve accomplished up to now.  We can look back at our lives, and see many things that we’ve accomplished that were hard to accomplish.  Was doing that which was hard to do worthwhile in doing it?

Do something that is hard to do.

Like loving. We think loving is easy. We think all we have to do is find the right person and we’ll love.  We think all we have to do to love someone is to be open to loving and it will fall in place.

But, loving those we don’t love is a hard thing to do. Loving those who we don’t like is a hard thing to do. Loving others as human beings when we’d rather take the easy road to disregard them, dislike them, hate them, disrespect them, insult them, not care about them, or even wish them dead or kill them.

Do something  hard.  Stop disrespecting another.  Stop hating.  Stop insulting.  Stop wishing others dead.

Do that something that is hard.  Stop.

Stopping these things is hard.  Then turn around 180 degrees from hating, disrespecting, and wishing others dead.

Turning around from these things is very hard.

Do that something that is hard to do.  Turn around.

Instead, let love exist as potential within us in the same way that Christ is within us with all His potential and all possibilities when He said, “With God, all things are possible.”   Let God’s eternity of Infinite Love exist for us to hope for that we can one day share.  Let it be the place to start to let tolerance grow inside of us, to let patience with another or others grow inside of us, to practice acceptance of others and the diversity of who we are, to check our own reflex fear, and our instant preconceptions to stop looking at ourselves and others only on the surface of life, and dig deeper into who we are individually and as people.

Do something hard.

Strive for that something that we know in our hearts is absolutely valuable and absolutely worthwhile for ourselves and everyone else.

Do something that’s hard to do.  On purpose.

Live life from the heart instead of from resentment.  Live life with a willingness to forgive someone at a moment’s notice, just for the purpose of forgiving, rather than to gain something.  Live life from a place of showing mercy only for the sake of mercy existing more in the world – rather than to gain something in return.

How many of us feel that what we’ve achieved in life so far has been hard or difficult? How many know others who have gone and done something that is hard to do?

It’s the hard and difficult things in life that we value and that are worthwhile to us. It is the hard things to do that we’re happy about looking back on our lives – raising and loving our family, education, vocations, contributing to our community, helping others, working on changing ourselves for better ways of living. It is the love that we’re glad about as we live life. It is the compassion and healing which we offer to those who’s lives we touch.

How many people do you know who have said on their death beds, “As I lay here dying, I’m so glad that I’ve been able to be bitter and resentful throughout my life, .” or “I’m so glad that I never apologized for any of the suffering and pain I contributed to in other’s lives”?  It doesn’t get said, but it does happen inside many of us and  it’s the easy thing to do.

Do something that’s hard to do. Forgiveness is hard to do.  Sometimes, it is.  Apologizing is hard to do.  Sometimes, it is.  Live from a deeper place in the heart. Think hard on how to help not just ourselves, but all of us, everyone.

Do something that’s hard to do.  It is a decision that one makes.

Not an Easy Thing to Create

It’s a call to give of our time, our resources, our prayers, our thoughts and our heart – to ourselves AND to others – everyone. It’s a call to work at balancing ourselves in all aspects of life – giving even to ourselves when we are the one in need, but not stopping with ourselves but rather going further to give to others equally.

Do something that’s hard, because too often, these hard things don’t get done on the road to wanting only an easy life. But, doing something hard to do, is so often the very thing that is worthwhile to do, and brings the greatest of all riches into our lives.

Finally, another challenge of a prayer to pray – presented to us through the movies –

“God bless us – everyone.”



Spiritual Activities, Human Activities

I’m reminded of a story of a holyman who was meditating in a semi-secluded park. There were people around, but he decided to meditate. He believed it to be pastoral enough to give him a good meditation.

After a while, a woman with 4 children came into the park. They began playing and running around, and the mother trying to keep up with her kids, was so focused on her children, following them to keep them safe and together that she didn’t see the holyman and stumbled over him.

During this time, he was hearing all the noise the children were making and beginning to feel he made a bad choice. When the woman then stumbled on him, he stopped and expressed his being upset, “Can’t you see I’m trying to meditate here.”

The woman apologized profusely and told him, “I”m sorry, I was so focused on my children, that I did not see you at all.”

Upon first knowing this story, one might think the woman was wrong to interrupt the holyman, after all, he was doing what was spiritually recognized as being a consciousness raising thing. After all, meditating is so important to all mankind.

But, look at the story in a deeper way, it was the woman who was raising consciousness and the holyman was not – not because she was taking care of children, but because she was focused on her calling within her heart and serving others.

The holyman was getting his consciousness raising from outside himself – the socially accepted idea of how to be spiritual – and hoping for a good meditation for himself.


In another story, … someone once told me, “You’re not here to grow vegetables, you’re here to grow consciousness.”

There may be a number of meanings in the statement, but on the surface, this statement and it’s premise has several things that are incorrect.

It presupposes that one activity is more important than the other. From the comment, you may be inferring a judgement of one over the other – looking up to one and looking down on the other.  It presupposes that there is “Growing Consciousness” and there is “Growing vegetables” and the two are initially in opposition or at least, taking the path in different directions.  The comment presupposes that the spiritual and the physical are separate realms and one needs to take precedent over the other.  In discussing it here, it also presupposes that one is to be pursued and another is to be let go.

While there may be other meanings, these are inherent in the statement.

Each of these, conveys that spirituality and consciousness raising requires one to be less and less interwoven in the physical realm and its requirements, and more and more interwoven with spiritual practices and their requirements.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

In this case, growing vegetables is the same as growing consciousness. We recognize many times, that before we start on a spiritual path, we are chopping wood and carrying water. After we start a spiritual path, we chop wood and carry water (the water is for growing vegetables, isn’t it.)

What I offer is that being alive is the spiritual path. At no time are we not on a spiritual path. Even when we are asleep and unconscious to the spiritual nature within us, and the voice and presence of God, we are nonetheless, on a spiritual path. This is true, because we have the presence of God guiding us within our own self. We may make wrong choices and create harm and destruction for others, but with every moment, the voice of God within our hearts, within our consciousnesses, whispers into our unconscious better ways by which to live life. Sometimes, we call this whisper a conscience.

All activities in life are activities in which a spirit is acting. Therefore, there is nothing in any realm or existence – no action, no belief, no behavior, no habit, no anything, no nothing, that is not part of spiritual reality.

In other words, there is no level of physical activity and no level of spiritual activity, no participation of physical existence and no participation of spiritual existence that are not the exact same thing in consciousness.

If we’re consciously seeking on a spiritual path, growing vegetables and growing consciousness are exactly the same thing… when we’re willing to let them be so in our hearts. There is no difference between the physical realm and the spiritual realm,… when we’re willing to let them be so hearts. There is no difference between the physical tasks and the spiritual tasks … when we’re willing to let them be so. All physical tasks are spiritual tasks. All the physical realm and everything in it is the spiritual realm and everything in it. These two worlds exist together and are one world – even as and when we deny this.

In saying growing vegetables is not growing consciousness, we would also be saying one is only spiritual work, the other is only physical work. In essence, that is like separating our self from our soul. How would you do that?

When all of God is Infinite, there is nothing that exists that is not God. When all that exists is God Consciousness, there is nothing that is not God Consciousness. Even building nuclear missiles and flying planes into buildings happens and exists inside the same Infinite Consciousness of God that Christ heals all the sick, raises the dead, and transforms the Earth.

So, physical realm activities (gardening) are spiritual activities. To become aware of this, all we need to is to ask ourselves, “How much love, kindness, patience, forgiveness, mercy, compassion, or long-suffering do I bring to this activity? More often, we don’t ask ourselves this, because we’re paying bills or typing away at the computer.

All activities in the physical realm are also spiritual activities in the spiritual realm. All activities are consciousness activities. It depends on us as to whether we become aware of this.

There is a story in the New Testament of Lazarus’s sisters, Mary and Martha, with Jesus at their home.  He gathers followers in one room to teach them, as Martha is in the other room preparing food.  She chastises Mary for not helping her prepare the meal.

But, look at what is going on inside Mary’s heart. No doubt, there is elation within Mary’s heart – listening to Christ teach in that moment. Learning wisdom and truth in those moments, from the Master, Himself. And look at what is going on in Martha’s mind – “women’s duties” of preparing the meal, work to do, criticism of Mary for not doing what Martha considers the women’s work. In Martha’s heart is not joy, not elation.

Christ’s message to Martha was that Mary had chosen the better choice. Notice the story doesn’t say, “the right choice”, but rather “the better choice”.

In the very first story, the woman was raising consciousness, the holyman was not, because the woman was carrying out a focused inner purpose and that focus was directed for the well-being of others.

In the story of Mary, Martha, and Christ, it is easy to first believe that Mary’s external activities were the spiritual path and not Martha’s – that Jesus was talking about.  It is more of a challenge to look deeper at that which was within both their hearts to see a deeper lesson.

A final, third story – There is a saint written about, and one of the stories about him was of a time praying in his room. During this praying, Jesus appeared to him. He could see Jesus at this moment, but it was also time to go serve the poor, giving them food and the help they needed. Reluctantly, he left his room where he was still able to see Jesus.

He came back afterwards and Jesus was still in his room. Then Jesus spoke to him. He said, “If you had stayed, I would have had to leave. It is because you went and served that I was able to stay with you.”

The lesson is about that which we hold in our hearts with regards to the activities we do. And in our hearts, do we hold it for our own benefit or the benefit of all?

It begs the question, what does it benefit us to carry out external acts called spiritual acts, if we have not included our heart – love, kindness, compassion, unity or oneness, unselfishness, etc, in the activity, and for all? What does it benefit us to act spiritual but lose our soul in an activity that is for the self rather than for the Oneness of All?


We can continue to believe that we will eventually move beyond this earth to greater realms so we can gain greater levels of consciousness raising. But, this evolution won’t occur until we wake up to the spiritual presence in walking the path of the human being. How can we graduate to greater schools if we haven’t yet learned what this school of human life teaches?

It is also true, that we exist in full consciousness raising capability right where we are. All that this universe offers, all that God offers in consciousness is available right here, right now. We need travel nowhere – not to other galaxies or other dimensions, or other realms or other books or other retreats to gain Infinite Consciousness at Infinite Levels. It is all within us, already and we need only open to that which is within our hearts – the dwelling place of Love – the dwelling place of the God that is Love.

So, it is another lesson that there is no difference between raising consciousness and raising vegetables, … if we’re willing to let that be so in our hearts.

Q and A’s, (questions 8-16)

8.       What is Russia’s near to medium term future?  … They too are asserting themselves, but their demographics don’t support it over the long term. D.M.

First, put this in the context of this physical Earth plane being a school of spirituality.

Then, as odd as it may be to say this, they struggle also with the forces that are in play – being human and subject to human issues, as well as spiritual forces.  These human and spiritual forces are the Will of the People.  Even though Russia has the government that it is known for in today’s world, the Will of the People (souls) is still a strong force.  Do not make the mistake of thinking that the Russian people/souls are like Americans in their way of thinking and behaving.  They do have a different collective consciousness and so their future as a nation and the past as a nation go along the lines of THEIR (Russian) collective consciousness and not OUR (U.S.) collective consciousness.  And I am NOT referring to citizenry ideals, but rather soul ideals when I refer to “collective consciousness”.  Individually, as souls, they have many different feelings and thoughts, some like Americans, but the collective force of their souls is what is paramount and thus more important.

Yes, they have conflict and struggle with themselves within – person with him/herself, citizens against citizens, citizens struggling with the government, citizens who accept the government the way it is – as much as outside themselves.  All of us struggle with ourselves internally, and that internal conflict then shows itself in our conflict with what is external to us.

To say what their specific future is would simply read like any other nation.  Don’t all nations, (even Canada), have these same patterns in consciousness of the people, and therefore the same patterns represented by different groups of citizens?  For this reason, at the same time, it is possible to say that the people, and government representatives are no different than the people and representatives of the UK, the US, or any other area of the planet.

People are still people.  (Not really profound, but true none the less.)  While their own unique government has it’s own characteristics and traits and problems, the people face many of the same internal issues which we all face all over the world.  We all have similar desires – to have a home, raise children, put clothes on their backs and food on the table, etc.  Their future has very little difference from anyone else’s future.  The issues of the past are the issues of the present and future.  While this may not answer your question distinctly, it is still an accurate description of their future.

As a political force, they are known to work more behind the scenes, but then how is that different from so many other governments?  There is not enough of a difference between the  past, present and near future to mention anything specific.  In their spiritual growth as a people, they have the opportunity to seek to call out to God… as we all do.  As time progresses for Russia, the prayers of a few will save many.  The prayers of many will save even more.  Prayer changes things.  Those who are prayed for will have God’s energy and spirit in their energy fields than those not prayed for.  As the Russian people continue to pray, so will their nation have ever more of God’s presence, which does lead to change.

The fact that we are all human beings on the planet does mean very sincerely, that we’re going to be having similar feelings, similar desires and similar sufferings.  Yet, as Americans, we cannot say “Everyone wants to be an American.”  It simply isn’t true.  Souls all over the world, are born where their evolutionary path is best for them.  People/souls are where they want to be, and like trees planted where they are, the lesson becomes NOT “Where do I need to go to grow best?”  BUT rather “How can I grow best in the place that I am?”

Look at Russia’s  issues today and you’ll see the same issues on into the next decade.  The timeline I’ve spoken of here – the most difficult times to 2026, then slowly start pulling ourselves out of the most difficult times as we decide to cooperate and work on our collective problems collectively, and this leading back to climbing out of the hole we seem to be in by 2038 – is the same timeline for Russia and all other nations and peoples on the planet.

9.   Jodie, please correct me if I am wrong on this, ok?  It seems to me like a huge impediment to the world is the US’s continuing militarism.  President Harding famously said that “The business of America is business.”  It seems to me now that the business of China is business, but the business of America is war.  What do you see happening over the next 20-50 years or more?

I will address this more in the future.  Regrettably, I would not be able to do it justice here at this time.

10.   I am seriously looking at Islam as a way of life, not just because I am moving (once more) to an Islamic country.  How will my family and people here in Charlotte who know me react to this once I inform them?  I feel drawn towards it.  It started back in the early 1980’s when I lived there.  How will my life change as a result of that choice?  It is a big choice.  All choices bring about consequences but big choices like that one can bring about big consequences, positive and negative, even neutral.

Every religion that teaches there is One God – (what I extrapolate as ‘One Infinite Consciousness with Infinite Possibilities and Infinite Capacity’) is worth studying and integrating into what we believe – every one.  The choices we make with walking our spiritual path, – what beliefs to hold to, or practice, what beliefs to gather from other religions, what spiritual beliefs we develop through our own efforts – in other words, whether an organized, established belief system, or an eclectic smorgasbord of personal beliefs – are all valid and worthy of being studied.  Not because we should practice all religions, but so we understand others and in turn, ourselves.

But, remember, first and foremost:  The most important thing is not what religious beliefs we hold to, but rather how we use our religious beliefs to motivate us to behave in relation to our fellow human beings.  Both good and bad choices can be made in every religion or belief system (or paradigms, philosophies, scientific structures or ways of thinking) in which we use to motivate us to behave certain ways towards and in relation to other human beings.

To change a little bit what Edgar Cayce said about people, namely his words of “There is good in the worst of us, and there is bad in the best of us” (E.C.), I would add, there is good in the worst of religions and there is bad in the best of religions. – WHY IS THIS TRUE?  Because, they’re made up of PEOPLE!  and it is the people who take on the beliefs and manifest behaviors.  Again, it is Edgar’s words above – and I’ll add, every organization that people are members of (or adhere to,) is only a reflection of the people who are this organizations’ members (or adhere to it.)  No system of thought or belief can be more than the people who make up its rolls.  However, all systems of thought and belief have the potential for growing into what the “Spiritual Teachers” teach, though.

My own recommendation to people is to study them all and choose which rituals, precepts, and practices fit you.  I recommend this, because while I encourage the study of all religions, I make the suggestion that there is no need to strictly adhere to only one religious belief system when much of the others have meaning for anyone, as well.  One can gain much by practicing all of a person’s interested religions or aspects of religions more as an integration of the available spiritual and religious belief systems.  It is not the “adhering” to one religious belief system that accomplishes spiritual growth.  Remember also, “mankind and mankind’s spiritual evolution was not made for religions and systems of thought.  These religions and system of thought were made for mankind’s evolution.”

In this “adding to” that I mention above, the understanding and knowledge of many religions to our mind and world view, we can slowly begin to open our eyes to a greater depth of how each religion offers the very same principles and teachings as other religions.  A deeper understanding of each can come forth recognizing that the same message is included among all – that we are all the children of One God.  Therefore, there is unity in the family of religions on this Earth – and that is what all the religions are – a family proclaiming a Father/Mother God at the Center.

Get to know the whole of the family and you’ll be able to see what each family member can add to the whole, rather than just one member of the family and only knowing that one member.  This can bring forth then a vision of the existence of the greater Family of Man.  What I suggest is embrace/integrate more, and segregate less.

All the special teachings of each religion (and even non-religions) – put together – can provide a closer Earthly comprehensive understanding of God.  No single religion can contain all there is to learn about God…… or Christ…… or Buddha …. or Krishna ….. or Mohammad….  or Elijah, … or Zarathustra, … or … etc.  Remember, it is the ***Infinite*** Consciousness of God which contains all the religions within this Earth.  Yet, even all the religions put together are not enough to give complete insight into the Infinite Consciousness of God.  Put another way, only God has a complete understanding of God.

A good metaphor for this is comparing the Earth to the entire Universe.  Do we have everything in the Universe here on Earth?  Does living on the Earth give us a complete view and comprehension of all things in the Universe?  Can we say that we completely understand life in the Universe and all it has to offer in our education, if we haven’t even completely understood life here on Earth?  See what I mean?  This is our collection of religions as compared to the Infinite Consciousness of God.  What we don’t know about God fills an entire Universe (or more.)

Christ said, “All things that come into being, come through Me.”  He also said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”    This is NOT saying Christianity is the best or should be followed or anything of the sort.  This is NOT saying that Jesus, during His life known as Jesus, only brought forth Truth during the life that we know about, when known as Jesus.  Who here thinks He is limited by only the life we currently know as Jesus?

This is saying, by any name, that the Consciousness of God which we also call Christ, Emmanuel, or The Son of Man, has many names and many presentations and many languages and many paths and many manifestations through many human generations and lifetimes and many entrances into the Earth during humanity’s existence, for all the many different children and life forms of the Infinite Consciousness of God.  This includes in relation to God’s Children that don’t reside on the Earth or in the physical Universe.  This also includes those spirits evolving in forms which human beings don’t recognize or acknowledge.  Teachings exist in the Universe, even, which we don’t know about here in the Earth.

The reason we have so many religions is because we are so diverse in our individual consciousnesses, and like the colors in the rainbow, “Allah loves variety.” [A movie quote reference.]  Infinite Creativity can create all possibilities, all languages, all ways of living, all ways of believing, all dimensions, all ways of everything – and bring all life to Infinite Oneness with God using all the Infinite paths that exist.

There is a family of religions because we are a Family of Man.  All religions are united in One God, because all life is united in One God.  Finally, because all life is united in God, and the diversity of consciousness being manifested as life forms is potentially Infinite, (as I say above) religions on the Earth were/are created to serve the spiritual evolutionary paths which lead to awareness of our own connection and oneness with that which is Infinite in Consciousness – our own Higher Self.  This family of religions is meant to and created to serve the Family of Man.

We are One with God, which means we are Infinite in Consciousness, but to be aware of Infinity, eventually, we must grow into our awareness.  (This might not be done fully while existing as human beings.)  We have Infinite time in which to do this, and we need not reject any family member in order to add more family members.

Finally, for your personal situation, the fear of rejection of personal shared religious beliefs, which can be triggered through a shift in religious beliefs like you’re mentioning, can contribute to a fear of rejection of the close emotional ties, connections and relationships with those with whom the religious beliefs were shared. This fear comes from people having seen emotional ties painfully disconnected in human experience before and knowing it can happen, so therefore fear of it comes, thinking it will happen again.

To prove there are no reasons to fear disconnection of the emotional ties, means one must prove that the emotional ties won’t disconnect.  That can only be demonstrated through our actions and behaviors of not-disconnecting, as well as pro-active behaviors making sure the connections stay in place.  No amount of words without actions will calm fears.

Religion and spiritual beliefs are personal and unique to each individual.  In essence, it is another language of understanding used to relate to each other.  Religion is a shared “language” of spiritual understanding – helping us to know what each other means when speaking of our spirituality.  However, each person’s language is still in its totality, unique to themselves, and there will be some misunderstandings, because even though our language is similar to the person sitting next to us, it is not 100% exact to anyone’s language.

For this reason also, I recommend the expansion of beliefs to include and integrate other religions rather than a trading of beliefs going from one complete religion to a different complete religion. With this comes the learning of new “languages” rather than trading one language for another.  With this expansion, also comes the making of the spiritual path into “one’s own path” unique in it’s own way, put together in it’s own way, and designed specifically by and for the person who does the choosing.

God does not care which spiritual path or which religion leads one to God.  God does care that we love God above all else, and love our neighbor as our self.  No one ever has said, “God is religion.”  However, over and over again, multitudes have said, “God is Love.”

11.   Back to my new teaching job in Kuwait:  how do you see me being of service to others?

You, also, have the opportunity to teach “how a seeking human lives a life”.  We are not just a boxed in robot meant to serve through an occupation, but rather a comprehensive individual consciousness – life being – who by our efforts to learn and grow in the different ways of searching for Oneness with all, we demonstrate to those who observe us – how to learn and grow and practice in the different ways of searching for Oneness with all.

On a smaller scale, you, also have the opportunity to serve by being kind, by being patient, by being helpful, by being understanding and forgiving, by showing mercy, by showing compassion, (to ourselves as well as to others), by listening, by having courage, by laughing and having a sense of humor, by listening within to the Still, Small Voice of God who resides inside our heart, and yes, by experiencing long-suffering and what long-suffering means.  By trying, by keeping on keeping on, by doing the best we can with what we have.  By asking questions and seeking the best answers we can grasp in the moment. By living one day at a time, but seeking wisdom, by trying, by being supportive to those who struggle, by calling on (remembering) God as much as we can, and by striving to be true to ourselves, and keeping an open heart and open mind.  How we live our life is what we teach, even to those we don’t know are observing and learning from us.  This is service, because this is Love.

So, you (and all of us) have one way to be of service – Love.  You (and all of us) have infinite ways to manifest this love.

12.   All of us have our talents which are really meant for serving one’s fellow beings.  How do you see me best serving others whether it is at the school, the community, or even the world at large?

The very foundation of this answer is one that you already know in your heart, and which will not be defined by your mind.  It is not an aspect of life that is found outside of us, but rather within us.  It will always be this way – and always will be a challenge for us when we are faced with this question throughout all the different environments of life – always being the challenge which is one that exists within us – and only is then reflected/manifested in the external environment of which we find ourselves a part.

How to best serve:   Love and all the ways we can create to manifest love, thus making it real in our everyday life.  It is love that brought us into existence.  It is love that brought all things into existence.  It is love that helps us to individually get to know ourselves – and find it within ourselves to forgive ourselves and others, to show mercy to ourselves and others, to have compassion for ourselves and others, to let go of judgement of ourselves and others, to be patient with ourselves and others, and on and on.

When we find the willingness to do this – towards ourselves as well as others – we are then opening ourselves to the awareness of the Infinite Love and the Consciousness of Infinite Love that exists with our very hearts at all times.

Offer service to that which is in one’s own lap to offer service to.  Remember, we need not travel the world to find what is in one’s own lap.

13.  I am now convinced that I still have the great potential for being materially very well off in this incarnation.  However, I am even more convinced that I will gain far more joy and purpose in my life by being of service.  I feel deeply and clearly now as I type this (probably due to fasting) that this particular incarnation is meant to be more of service.

I will entitle this answer as The Wise Use of Money

Yes, this is the challenge for each of us individuals – to see the inner gain as the real gold and to recognize money as one tool of many.  Money, material wealth, is like a hammer.  How much money we amass is like how many hammers we can amass.  But, how many hammers can we use at once?  How many hands do we have?  If we only have ourselves, then we have 2 hands, but if we share it with many others, we can have millions of hands.  Do we hold on to these millions of hammers selfishly for our self, or do we strive to share what we have unselfishly with others?

Money is a tool, just like hammer and nails, building materials, wood, metal, etc.  It can be used to build.  Used through us by the Inner Spirit, it can do many things, but of itself, it can do nothing.  Just like a human being.  When we take the hammer in our hand and put it to use, that is when we build something.  In essence and in truth, we are the tool, we are the hammer and nails and we are the money- the currency that God uses.

And at the same time, when has amassing wealth, by itself, ever been what leads us to go within on our inner journey to know God?  When have we ever needed money to enter within and commune with God in the silence of our own inner being – in prayer and meditation?  When has money, of itself, ever been required to love God above all else or love your neighbor as yourself.  Yet still, neither does it need to get in the way of doing all this (both sides of the coin can be seen in the last sentences if we look closely.)

Both, money and the human heart/mind is like the water at the Canaan wedding.  When these are poured forth in the service of others, they become worth so much more.  Money only has value when it is put to use.  The human heart/mind has value for others when we pour forth the fruits of the spirit.  The water in the urns at the Canaan wedding, only became wine when it was poured forth.

We all imagine that we can accomplish great things with great amounts of money, but the great things we think we’ll accomplish tend to be all external world things – and not the internal world things.  It is therefore important to always remember that we won’t take any external world things with us when we move on from this world, however, …  of the internal world within us – we will take everything which we have gained or become.

Money is a material tool, and like water, it accomplishes material things, but only when it flows with us and through us and keeps on moving.  It is like a river that must move or it becomes stagnate.  Hence, why so many in the world are involved with making and spending it – everyone, for the most part.  It serves as a means for all souls to be involved with the world we live in.  The only one who doesn’t use money is the person who has closed themselves off from the entire world – like the person on a deserted island by themselves.  The use of money has served to help us stay connected to society and the world.  We must go out into the world to obtain some.  We must involve ourselves with other people. We must connect with others to obtain our material needs.

We wish we had more, because we are challenged to ride the eddies, the white waters, and currents of the river of life – and we have to work and be challenged to navigate this river of life.  We get tired and weary of the river of life – but this weariness lesson also is an internal struggle/challenge in itself, isn’t it – our attitudes and judgements towards what we find on the river of life is also a spiritual exercise in play.  In turn, as we connect with others on this river, we are able to strengthen our presence in the river, making the journey better capable of providing for us and others.  It is this uniting with others that is even one more spiritual lesson, isn’t it.

You may pursue more material gains.  While money doesn’t automatically come into your life for the purpose of tripping you up spiritually, the potential is there for imbalance of attitudes towards money and thus tripping up – falling flat on one’s face.

In the doing so – the pursuing of work and payment – do so with a real purpose – and watch out for those imagined purposes.  Seek wisdom in life and all life offers.  Seek wisdom in gaining of money and the using of it.  Humanity has never had a billionaire as a real spiritual leader – as a teacher of humility.  More often, we have them as examples of stumbling, but not as spiritual examples.  Still, in our observance of those with money, we tend to think, “if we had that money, we would do a lot better job of handling it.”  Of course, that is what that other soul said, too.  AND God will give us that chance, if we so choose it, but … what will it serve us if we lose our soul during that chance.  If it is our egotism that says “I would do a better job of handling lots of money”, that same egotism will be present when we are in that position.

God, in His Infinite Mercy, spares most of us the path of being a billionaire or millionaires.  Still, it is an experience where we tend to run straight towards, though – thinking that our suffering and struggle would be less, if we had so much money.  But, in having the amount of money in our life that we currently have – as an average person – are we now extending all the love that we have in our hearts to the people in our lives?  Are we now forgiving all those in our minds and hearts because of money?  Are we now showing mercy, unselfishness, understanding, tolerance and compassion to all the people that we come across – only because of money?  Are we extending our support and help when we can, only because of money?  No, it’s because of what is in our hearts.

It is all in the consciousness of the person – in the heart of the person, and in the fears or courage of the person.  If we’re not helping with the current monies that we do have in our life, how would having more money change our attitudes and our feelings?

It is this path that Jesus was referring to when He said, “What does it benefit us to gain all [the material gains] that we want, but lose our soul in the process.”

Money is not selfishness of itself, nor are we meant to learn to condemn it or be afraid of it – not at all.  It is a hammer and nails, tools, with real purpose, meant to serve us to help us be a part of this Earth community.  As we gain understanding of this – how to use the hammer and nails we have while building our hearts and minds, we are given more to hammer with.  God does not overwhelm us with more than we can handle – that includes material wealth.  We are not given 3 hammers when we only are capable of using 2 hands.  We may be given 3 hammers if it is already in our consciousness and history to share what we have with others.  If we seek and learn wisdom, part of our classroom will also be to use the money in wise ways.

Finally, the millions of dollars in these large corporations don’t only go to a few people, but these people then hire other people, giving them money for their services, they then hire others, they then hire others, and on and on.  Each of the places are employers who provide jobs to people who then help establish and continue with other jobs.  This is the story that Jesus told of the 4 servants.

14.   Will fasting bring a huge benefit to my health?  How much?  In Islam, Muslims fast for the month of Ramadan but that really means just from sunrise to sunset.  Maybe one week of out each month?

When done appropriately and wisely, fasting can bring benefits to physical health and the spiritual journey.

But, not fasting can also bring benefits to physical health and the spiritual journey.  The issue and question is not whether fasting brings benefits or not, but rather, where is the heart and mind in the journey of spiritual learning.  One saying that is mentioned in spiritual teachings is, “It is not what goes into the mouth that causes mistakes [or is kept from going into the mouth].  It is what comes out of the mouth [the words we say to others].”   Look at the heart and mind in the dedication to the spiritual path and all that the spiritual path calls us to do inwardly.  This is because fasting of itself can do nothing, but rather it is what is in a person’s heart and mind that takes our religious practices and turns them into true purposeful acts of dedication.

With that said, fasting can support a person’s spiritual practice and is a helpful health related activity for you and many people, in general.  For you, it can enhance the spiritual journey you are on, but remember, by itself, it can do nothing to help the spiritual journey, but with God, all things can help the spiritual journey.  Do so with wisdom, and seek a deeper understanding rather than acting by rote without understanding.

This means that even if we spent all our life doing physical fasting, but still spent all our life not working on fasting of the heart and mind – the letting go of judgment, condemnation, blame, guilt, shame, prejudices, criticisms, hatred, fears, impatience, etc – then we haven’t accomplished anything.

Finally, all three parts of us are connected – spirit, mind and body.  What affects one affects the other two, also.  This also is relevant when the body is involved in our spiritual practices.

If you’re seeking a detailed description of what food fasting can do for you, then I would also offer that food fasting is not the #1 thing that God asks of us for our spiritual path – “The Father does not seek sacrifice from us, but rather mercy.”  So, while you practice food fasting, (which I see can be some health benefits, as will other health activities) also take the deeper step and fast from the negative things of the heart and mind, as well.

For you personally, I can see food-fasting for about 4 days to be the optimum physically – a 5th day if you feel up to it.

15.   What do you see for the future in a country like Kuwait?  It is an oil producer but eventually they will need to diversify away from that.  There is only so much accessible petroleum in the ground and their country is small.

Yes, that is a good assessment of the decades ahead for Kuwait.  They will provide oil for the world for about the next half century before their economy begins to suffer.  Open minds with foresight can help them to steer into the future, leading them to expand on opportunities and draw upon their own inner, national resources – which includes people and what people offer.  (I say the next half century, because other energies will come forth, but petroleum will not become useless.  Kuwait’s exporting will diminish some, but they will continue to export at levels which will still contribute to their economy.)

16.   North Korea…..what is their future?  That is all I can think of for now.  As always, I truly appreciate your answers!!!

This nation will have a slow evolution as compared to much of the rest of the planet, but it is their own rate of evolution none-the-less.  As the 2020’s close, going into the 2030’s, then is when they will open up noticeably but slowly to outside opportunities reaching out to friendly nations to help them to enter into more of a world arena.  This will be a slow process, but the NK of the end of this century will be different than the one at the beginning of this century – as all nations are.

But, all nations have their own serious problems to work on.  No nation has all the answers and no nation stands out above all others as being the best.  Each nation is different and cannot really be compared to any other, although this has never stopped anyone from comparing.


Do not be discouraged about the stories of people in government being involved with intrigues and all the back-room deals, back-stabbing, international conflicts and such that causes great fear to grip people.  These exact same things have been happening on this planet coming from human involvement for over 20,000 years and even in greater ways than today.  And those of us human beings who choose to bring about the destructive parts and harmful parts always do find ourselves, as souls, coming face to face with the acts which we inflict on others.  NO SOUL ever escapes the responsibility connected to the return of the pain and suffering we created for others.  NEVER.  But, sometimes, it does take many lifetimes to come full circle in order to heal these created experiences for others, learn from our mistakes, put things back together, clean up the mess we make, and find that which we’ve lost.  And remember, all that happens comes from the hearts and minds of individual people joining with other like-minded and like-hearted people.  No institution of itself can do anything.  It is the people who are involved inside the “institutions”.

So, from a spiritual point of view, this Earth plane of existence is a school of spirituality.  We will face our own acts with the purpose of cleaning up the mess we make or have made in a past life, learning from our mistakes and growing beyond them.  Even the darkened souls of WW2, will one day, as souls, come into a lifetime where they will reverse the injuries they created, and lead people back to healing and light.  There are many famous people who’s name you would recognize, who have found their way back onto their better paths – working to bring healing this life instead of the harm which they did in their pastlives.  I will not mention names.


And with that, I end this particular set of questions, because in truth whole books could be written with these questions.


Thank you to everyone who sends in questions.  I hope this offers you much.  Meditate on the answers and even more will come.

Q and A’s (Questions 1-7)

Some of what I have written in response to the questions, are general in their statements, rather than specific.  This is because part of our growth is to learn the general principles of Spirit and apply them in personal ways in our lives.  We are not meant to be like computers – told what to do and do only what we’re told to do.  We’re meant to take our understandings and apply them in personal and unique lives, practicing the wisdom and the principles, so that we can make these learned lessons real and applicable to a human life in the world.  At no time will freewill be taken from us to turn us into machines answering only to commands.  We are meant to develop our comprehension of all we learn and practice in order to learn more.  We practice by applying the lessons in our real life situations.


1.        I think you mentioned … about the children now seeing things in their lifetimes that we can’t imagine.  I am very interested in First Contact.  I would love to be around when that happens.  Do you have a rough ballpark estimate?  Are they waiting until we collectively evolve more; stop this senseless violence towards each other, ourselves, animals, the planet? D.

First contact has been “made” thousands of times already.  There is regular interaction with many species for generations and even today.  What you’re talking about is a public recognition of regular and recognized interrelations.  This won’t happen in a “Star Trek”-like way for many, many years.  There is possible public recognition in 30 years to 60 years, but not in a big way.  More in the “long distance” phone call way.  Then the times will be un-exciting again.  So, lots of time will pass, yet.

Look at our world and all the conflict and wars we have.  THEY DO NOT WANT TO GET CAUGHT UP IN THAT!!  Look at the ways that the politically powerful people want more power or the place in our lives where we humans place money.  WE DON’T WANT TO GET MORE PLAYERS INVOLVED LIKE THAT!!  Look at what we’re doing to this planet.  THEY DON’T WANT US DOING THAT TO THEM.

There are some that think that technology is our savior and that is absolutely an incorrect understanding.  Atlantis had higher levels of technology than we do today and wiped itself off the map and out of historical records.  Technology is the external to our internal inner spiritual guidance – and the external is never where the Savior exists.

There are some ET visitors that would help and some that would harm.  In the 2nd half of this century, we will be able to go beyond the moon.  Help with this from ETs will begin in very small ways sometime at the end of this/beginning of the next century in ways more than they have so far.  You and I will not see that this life, but more in future lives.  As a planet we are moving in this direction and it is our species future.  You will be able to see this evolution as a soul, as you continue.  Your interest in this is because you like being a traveler/ adventurer.

2.       You gave an overview of this year, 2019.  What will 2020 be like?  I know those challenging years of low energy are coming and soon.  I also know that so much hinges on choices made so I am aware that you can only do this from a big picture perspective.

I’m waiting to talk about 2020.  I’ll be posting as much as I can about 2020 in the Fall, near the time that we enter into 2020.  It is a very significant and important year.  I will also post this year’s 2019 predictions publicly in October, 2019.  [My 2019 predictions were available to the public beginning in January, 2019, for a fee of $6 – through this blog.]

3.       Speaking of those years of challenge (i.e. great opportunity), how can I prepare myself best to make it through those years and even thrive?  While material comfort is certainly nice, I guess the question really ought to be how to best prepare myself spiritually.  That’s always the key, isn’t it?  The real foundation of all things? 

The years of challenge, 2020-2026:  the best spiritual way to prepare is to practice, practice, practice.  There is no romantic activity to be a part of and no special outward or external participation that we are called towards – except —- Service and help to those who need help – including giving the help and service to our own inner being, because sometimes we are called to — “physician, heal thyself”.

The call is to respond to the outward struggles with our inward connection to the Christ or God or Higher Self or Buddha within (whichever name we use when referring to the Father/Mother God within our own hearts).  We prepare through the manifesting of the fruits of the spirit in our everyday lives: patience, loving kindness, mercy, compassion, understanding, faith, forgiveness, support, comforting, humility, charity, long suffering and the others, as well as continue to pray and meditate.  This is not just for extending and expressing to others, but also to ourselves as one more who must find our way, as a being who is united with others – and others who are united with us.

We are called to go deeper within to discover ourselves, and to discover why we sometimes choose to not love, choose to not be kind, choose to be afraid, choose to not pray or meditate.  All of this is the walking of the spiritual path, at times alone, and at times in groups and communities together.  It is from this learning process and practicing process which we develop the inner tools to help each other and make it through the Time of Challenge. 

Be open-minded and open-hearted, as Christ was/is.  It is the open mind that God fills with wisdom, understanding, and insight.  It is through the open heart that God’s love and consciousness come into this physical world.

4a.       With the evolution of computer processors and AI, how is this all likely to play out over the next 20-30 years?  I mean, there are two extremes in predictions.  The free market libertarians always say that advances in technology create more new jobs than what gets destroyed.  The doomsayers are claiming that half of us will be made redundant and rendered useless. 

The doomsayers are not saying those things for the reasons they think they are.  The libertarians are not saying those things for the reasons they think they are.  Many Doomsayers say this, because they aren’t seeing the Infinite Creative Spirit of God within each living spirit living in the Earth.  Many Libertarians say this, because they seek to promote their views of the future, and know nothing other than seeing technology and money as the primary force bringing creativity. 

Both fall short in seeing this as having an evolutionary potential, and both fall short in understanding how God, mankind and technology relate to each other.  No amount of technology will cause souls to Love God above all else and Love our neighbor as ourself.  We advanced to the point of splitting the atom and putting a man on the moon, but did these advances help us to unite as human beings across the planet?  We have created the Internet, but has the Internet ended hatred, prejudice, condemnation of those who are different or who hold different beliefs?  Technology is not a savior, but like all tools, they have their purpose and uses.  It is through the human heart that Infinite Love can come into this world.   Infinite Love is the Infinite Savior.

The extremes are not where we will be going – but sometimes we human beings have the desire to want to be important to others or promote our own views.  We want to be loved, we want to be held in high esteem – and mostly because inwardly we tend to believe just the opposite about our own self – that we are not lovable and we are not worthy of being respected, well-regarded or even to be alive on this planet.  Of course, this is a simplistic explanation, but we are faced with dealing with two directions – selfishness or unselfishness – us against them or all of us uniting together as One – putting ourselves first before others or putting all of us together on equal standing. 

And although it is easy to see these issues played out in others, we are not called to heal others where these issues are concerned.  Rather, we are called to heal ourselves.  Jokingly, I offer that after we have made ourselves perfect, then and only then, we can make others perfect.

To say human beings will be useless is like saying God is useless, evolution is useless, eating and breathing is useless, growing, learning, evolving is useless.  Humanity and evolution are synonymous.  They are equal.  There is none of one without the other.  The fear comes up, but only because fear comes with looking backward. 

The “new jobs” come and will continue to come and will continue more – being created as needs arrive.  To say there will be no jobs is to say there will be no needs to be fulfilled.  Having no needs to be fulfilled has never been the case with human beings, and will never be the case, because human beings as physical beings have needs, which are always evolving.  Human beings are constantly evolving, and therefore, our needs are always evolving.

Look at the technological influx we have now as compared to 500 or 1000 or 2000 years ago.  Question:  In our times, now, are people sitting at home with nothing to do because all their needs have been met?  No.  However, the idea is still in our consciousness that this is what we want.  The surprise to humans, as we continue to live our life is that we don’t want to “do nothing”, we want to evolve, and with this, we always have “needs”.  One of these needs will only be fulfilled by going within and developing our awareness and awakening to our relationship with God.

Creativity comes in to the picture for us to come up with “something to do” and “fulfilling the needs”.  This creativity is Infinite and is a manifestation of the Infinite Creativity of the Infinite Consciousness of God.

4b. Where on this continuum do you see the true being located?  Of course, my concern in all of this is where and how do I fit in with the emerging economy?  Anyone who claims that age discrimination is not widespread needs to talk to people over the age of 50, which I am approaching before too long.

The TRUE BEING can and will continue to create the methods and processes AND avenues in which to fulfill learning, and evolution, whether in the Earth or out of the Earth.  Many “forms” (like jobs,) are created when they are needed.  We manifest what we, as souls, need, when we need it. Notice I didn’t say, “…as humans…”


The emerging economy is one where we will ALL face the up and down cycles, … each in their own way.  The Bible tells us, “It rains and sunshines on the good and bad.”  It also rains and sunshines on both the rich and poor.”  Living in the Earth, all are subject to the Earth’s laws and circumstances.  Your own circumstances, although not the same as the other 7+ billion, they also will not be different than the other 7+ billion.  Your own situation will go through cycles.  This is a time for ALL souls to make decisions and choose.


There is no human being who has not been discriminated against in some way, whether during this life or a past life.  The fear of this coming forth again in our own current life, can trigger more discrimination.  In other words, we manifest towards others what we are afraid will happen to us.  But, we don’t always learn the lesson of not participating in discrimination towards others, the first time we experience it.  So, here we are on Earth, smack dab in the middle of discrimination alley.

While the demonstration of discrimination is noticeable, it can serve to teach spiritual lessons to those who had discriminated against others in the past.  The avenues used for spiritual lessons which are available to any who are ready to “get busy and get their hands into the good soil” – get to work on our spiritual path – are readily available – just, not always in the way we want or have decided in our head that they must look like or must show up.  Therefore, the experience of pain and suffering, including discrimination, while painful and full of suffering, have been chosen by souls as a way to experience spiritual lessons – the main one being – That which we create for others to experience, is that which we are creating for ourselves to experience.

Many souls have chosen to inflict pain and suffering onto others (including ourselves choosing to inflict pain and suffering onto others).  By choosing this, we have deemed pain and suffering to exist and if it then exists for one, it exists for all of Infinite Consciousness.  The experiences of pain and suffering which we create for others will then go full circle and come back home to the one who created them, for the creator of the experience to then be on the receiving end.  Can you see areas of your own life where you’ve experienced pain and suffering?  We all have, which means we all have helped create pain and suffering for others – whether in this life or in past lives.

The way things work is not – “God, make my will happen, not yours.” but that is how we want things to happen sometimes, isn’t it.  We want others to learn their lessons, but not always our self.   Therefore, as with other forms of harm inflicted on others, discrimination is also a “created” experience, and therefore also subject to this “full circle” principle.

The healing of discrimination, like the healing of pain and suffering, is the same principle.  The experiences we create for others is the experience we create for ourselves.  Some say a person must go through their karma, guilt, shame, pain, or on and on.  If that is what we are creating for someone – to go through their karma, guilt, etc, then we are creating the experience of going through karma, guilt, etc for ourselves, as well. If we create the experience of sincere forgiveness, compassion, tenderness, mercy, kindness, patience, understanding, support, etc, then it is that experience which we are creating for ourselves. 

This means that recognizing others in ourselves and ourselves in others is the way to healing discrimination as well as other forms of pain and suffering.  When we see someone else suffering in some way, we are also witnessing our self suffering, because when it is created for one person to experience, it is created for Infinite Consciousness of God to experience.  All souls are part of Infinite Consciousness, therefore all souls are impacted in some way by the experience. 

To see one person suffer, is to see all people suffer.  When this lesson is learned, many will choose something other than pain and suffering for others to experience.


The creativity of God is infinite, and creativity is infinitely happening.  Infinite creativity is always creating Infinity.  We can see this in a small way with the ever expanding physical Universe, but won’t understand the Infinite part until after we integrate an awareness of the existence of life beyond the physical world – into the spiritual plane of existence – something which we can “see” with our “beyond the physical plane” senses.

As we connect to the Infinite Spirit of God within us, and ask/seek that guidance from within, we tap into this Infinite Creativity which is creating brand new possibilities and opportunities always.  Those who say we will be rendered useless are unfamiliar with Infinite Creativity.  Look back hundreds and thousands of years in the history of human beings.  Question:  When was there never evolution occurring (socially, physically, etc)?  When was there ever lives who were rendered useless?  Now remember, though, technology has never, in all history, been the savior of mankind.  The higher mind/ heart-centered learning and evolution guided by the Infinite Spirit of Love – has indeed been the savior of mankind – regardless of how much technology or lack of technology has existed.

5a.       One place of interest I would like to live in for a time is the UK.  Big reason for me is the awesome National Cycle Network.  With me being an avid casual bike rider, that is the place despite the rainy weather.  I am curious about the future of the UK and Europe in general.  The native population is ageing, becoming more atheistic, and more pessimistic about the future.  It’s like they have been taught to hate themselves and everything about their culture and traditions.  Then you have a growing population of Muslims.

As the years progress, in the UK as other places, the different cultures will make efforts and some successes at coexisting.  It’s like trying to fit more people at the supper table when they weren’t expected.  Things get shuffled around, effort is called for, but the world is now this way and no one is exempt from being in the world of today.  While there are conflicts, (some at the supper table get upset with having to make more room at the supper table) there are also lessons for every single individual that is alive in the UK, and the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love is actively working to help every single person alive in the UK.  All the forces at work at all Infinite levels of Consciousness are at work to help all these people who exist there.  Sound familiar?

Yes, there will be “butting heads” between people who want to keep life in the UK the way that it never was and never will be.  There will be “butting heads” between peoples who want to make life in the UK shape into ideas they hold in their own heads.  Sound familiar?

The UK will not be free from the cracking of the eggshell of consciousness, with the new chicks being born.   All children of God cannot stay where we were in our awareness and consciousness of Spiritual truth – not even those of us who think we are aware and conscious of Spiritual truth.  All of us are being remade in the image and likeness of our maker and our maker is the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love.  Who among us as a finite human can claim that we are Infinitely Aware of the Infinite connection to Infinite Consciousness?  :-)

5b.    Europeans overwhelmingly eat pork, drink alcohol, and have casual attitudes towards sexuality and how revealing they dress.  What is going to likely happen between the two groups:  native Europeans and Islamic newcomers?  I hope both of them learn to simply coexist and accept one another.

The absolute need for infinitely diverse circumstances of life, which we all find ourselves in – are what is needed for all the diverse souls that enter into the Earth in order to evolve in our journey of spiritual awareness and learning.  Eating, drinking, casual attitudes towards sexuality, revealing dress codes are all manifestations of the different needs and manifestations of the different levels of consciousness of souls. 

Look at any one human being, even one’s own self for example, and we find lessons specific to our self and our own learning.  Look at any other human being and we find lessons specific to that person that are so foreign to us as to make us think they’re from another planet or they’re literally insane.  These are not similar souls but diverse souls, … and not all the same lessons to learn the same principles, but diverse in lessons and diverse in principles.  Different foods, different drinks, different attitudes towards sex, different political views, and more and more are all manifestations of the Infinite Creativity of the Divine, for helping all of us to struggle and learn of who we are as a diverse humanity. 

This is why our beliefs being different from each other are not as important as what our beliefs motivate us to do to each other.  Different attitudes towards drink, food, sex, politics, etc are always going to be different from one person to the next.  This is why our most important spiritual lessons are practicing compassion, patience, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness, loving kindness, understanding, and the like – especially with people who are very different from ourselves.  (Continued after the July 29, 2019 segment.)


Added July 29, 2019: 

Practicing the fruits of the spirit-loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, charity, etc – are not just meant to provide something to do, biding our time, until the day comes that we all believe the same way so that there is peace among us.

It is the opposite – it is the diversity of thought, beliefs, and ways of living that have the purpose of calling us to practice the fruits of the spirit.

It is for the development of the fruits that all the diversity exists. The purpose of diversity is for us to do the work of developing loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, charity, etc –  in order to create peace among us. Put another way, the purpose of diversity is to have relationships, environments and circumstances in which the practicing of the fruits becomes the path to finding peace and goodwill towards all men.


(Continued from previously)  For myself, my learning has taken me to learn that it is not what is external of ourselves (eating, drinking, clothes) that causes problems (“sins”), but what is internal – those attitudes and feelings within us — the heart and mind, the feelings and judgements, the openness or closed-ness of our own heart and our own mind.  There is plenty of open heartedness and openmindedness in society, but there is also plenty of closed heartedness and closedmindedness.  It is the open mind that learns more from God.  It is the closed mind that stops learning from God.  It is the open heart that loves more.  It is the closed heart that stops loving. 

Choose for yourself, and know that it is the judgement of the Infinite Existence and possibilities which the Infinite Consciousness of God brings forth – that throws us off balance on our spiritual journey – and what we judge becomes a magnet to which we are drawn into, if we refuse to learn what is it like for the soul who we are judging, and instead judge and condemn them.  That which we judge and those whom we judge – mirror parts of our own infinite consciousness which we have yet to learn to “Let Go of Judging” as well as that part of ourselves being judged — will come forth if we are needing to learn to let go of judging this aspect, but instead have chosen to only let go if we come face to face with it within ourselves.

Remember, all that exists, exists inside the Infinite Consciousness of God.  There is nothing that exists that does not exist inside the INFINITE Consciousness of God.  So, those souls we judge, we are blocking out a part of the Infinite Consciousness of God.  We need not experience all things on the Earth, nor do we need to create pain and suffering for others, but to judge and condemn others’ lives is to judge and condemn the efforts of God to teach and bring forth growth.  We can choose the path we walk – the life we live, but because we are not yet Infinite in our own understanding of the evolution of all life, we cannot take the Infinite Consciousness of God’s place in being a judge over another person’s life or over another person’s circumstances.  We cannot judge different possibilities in Infinity with having a human finite understanding of all the different ways to live life.

However, we all have freewill to listen to the guidance of God, and we all can learn from both experiences of 1. listening to the Still, Small Voice of God within our hearts or 2. not listening to the Still, Small Voice of God within our hearts.  We can pray for others and send light to others, so that they (and we) can hear the guidance of the Infinite Consciousness of God. And through Infinite Mercy, God can take our “Not listening” experiences and turn them into learning lessons for us.

6.       If Donald Trump gets reelected, then what do you see in the Middle East in terms of war and peace?  I asked you with my last reading about that.  Right now everyone is sort of waiting to see what happens in the US.  If Trump gets reelected, then support for Israel will be such that they have carte blanche to keep doing what they have been doing (my hypothesis).   If he does get reelected, what are the consequences for the US and the world at large?

Regardless of the political leanings of readers, I will write what I see. 

The percentage chance of Donald Trump getting elected is less than 3% in the range of possibilities.  It is so low that I’m not going to look into that time line.  We are not in that timeline or dimension.  The percentage would have to move from 3% to over 50% and the forces in our world are just not there for that to happen.  In 2012, I foresaw the Republicans winning in 2016.  It was clear. But, look how many people believed Hillary Clinton would win – a shoe in.   I’ve foreseen the 2016 winner being a 1-term president for years and there is no “change” to this.

To use a metaphor, (positive to some, negative to some) the door is being bolted shut for that to happen and the only thing that has not happened yet to make it complete is that we haven’t removed our fingers off the bolt knob as we are locking the door.

While that can come across as anti-Trump, if Hillary Clinton had won, I would be saying the same thing, only it would be about Hillary Clinton – and that the Republicans would win in 2020.  Whomever won in 2016, both candidates would have been 1-term presidents.  Also, regardless of peoples’ feelings about Donald Trump, both sides can truthfully say, that he is someone who got in the game and gave it a shot.  Many become the target when they get in the game, but getting in the game is how the game is won (and sometimes lost).  No one wins if no one gets in the game.  Those who criticize others the most need to throw their hat in, and GET IN THE GAME!  Don’t pity those who get in the game and get criticized for their level of play.  Pity those who never choose to get in any game.  It is one thing to try and then win or lose, but it is another thing to never try.

7.       I am interested in getting a glimpse into China and its future as well as how the rest of the world will be impacted by their growing role in global affairs.  Will they dominate, become part of a multi-polar world, or will they get old before they become that powerful?  Their society is ageing too, more quickly than ours.

They will change much in this century, however, it will be a natural, evolutionary change and not a radical change.  Their energy and change comes through different ways than the US and other parts of the world.  This works for them.  They are a billion people and this force is one that is strong enough through natural evolution to make changes that are right for all the people.  This means that we won’t automatically see much change unless we study the country and people in depth.  The “controlling” part of some people’s attitude will all but disappear naturally through government officials’ policy to meet the changing times — by the end of this century.  Change naturally happens when the older generations (people) die and newer generations (people) are born.

No section of people of the earth “gets old” culturally or socially from physical aging.  It is more a shifting of focus.  The physical aging process merely adds to the anchoring of the evolution energy which I speak about earlier.  They are a dominant group, but the other 6.5 billion people currently elsewhere on the planet have their own intentions on which way to go, also.  The Earth is governed by all souls living on it, and the needs of each soul to grow in our/their spiritual awareness.

We will see the individual level of activities there and have the chance to catch quick glances at different parts of their society, but these are small points to consider and like tides in the ocean – will come and go in cycles.  On the small time scale, in our lifetime, we will see them solidify their commercial base in their own country.  Trade is their best avenue.  And their desire to “control” things will only be manifested in the short time scale.

Animal Rescue Efforts

“Miracle” (Rescued Oct 2016)

“Tigger” (Rescued Oct 2018)

If you ever wonder if I regret having to ask for help, on my GoFundMe page and Facebook, to care for the animals – the answer is both yes and no.  I run up against my own erroneous thinking that I need to be a man and do it all alone, stand on my own two legs, get a better paying job, to make lots of money and pay for it all by myself…..
And in my mind I hear Dr. Phil saying, “And how’s that thinking working out for you?….. or all other males?…. or all other people?”

But, then another part of me thinks, with regards to my asking, and caring more and more and more for the well-being of these cats and dogs, which I’ve taken in to care for, I remind myself of a very important spiritual lesson – God didn’t create us to need no one. God created us to need each other.  We are designed to need one another. Needing each other is designed into us. For the purpose of coming together, joining together, uniting together, helping each other, relying on each other, leaning on each other, giving and receiving from each other, sharing with each other, loving each other and eventually learning to see ourselves as all being One, together.

“Smart” (Rescued Nov 2011)

I am caring less and less what others think of me, because I’m letting go of being judgemental of others who may judge me… and letting go of judging myself. I work at letting those who think differently, go ahead and think differently, and also accepting that I’m slowly releasing my own erroneous thinking.

And so, I applaud all of you who have joined in on helping with the animals I care for, and other animals, and other rescue centers and other people in need, and other … everything. We’re in this together, learning that more and more we all are fitting into one family – a very big family – a Family of all Life. God bless you.

“Lucy” (Rescued April 2015)

Finally, please, if you’re willing and also able, I’m asking for your help via my GoFundMe page. All the money goes to pay for the animals’ needs.


Just of few of the animals.

Changes to “The Sum of Ourselves” 24-hour retreat

My apologies to everyone.  Because of a mistake in how I worded the retreat’s registration and my not listing a registration deadline, I’m faced with moving the retreat to May 4 – 5, 2019 in order to set up a new registration deadline giving everyone more information and time.

This is official.  The April 6-7th weekend retreat will not happen.  Instead we will meet May 4-5, 2019.  Everything else stays the same except now the mid-priced Health Services rooms will be available (2 single beds).

My previous registration information was misleading.  I had listed Registration from 2:30-3:30 on  April 6th.  This was actually “Check-in” time and not registration.  Registration and sign-up had a deadline of March 6th, and has since passed without anyone knowing of its existence.

I apologize for this mistake and I hope this will not create problems for anyone interested.

Jodie Senkyrik

Please note the few changes below marked with *****.


We think looking at our past lives is like looking into the distant past. But, our past lives are with us all the time. We lived them. We thought, felt and learned through our own previous times of being a person in the Earth. We walked in our own previous shoes. We spoke our own previous languages.  We sat at our own previous tables.  These past lives are our own, and we can learn from them any time we’re willing by simply scraping underneath the thinnest of surfaces.


Welcome to another 24-hour retreat at Camp Capers in Waring, TX, on *****May 4-5, 2019, which you may be interested in.

Entitled “The Sum of Ourselves”, this program covers different ways to examine our lives-past, present & future- in the Earth.

Topics we’ll discuss

  1. Introduction: The Evolution of the soul through past lives and future lives
  2. Our current life as a past life
  3. Continuity through lifetimes: strong/significant relationships, developed talents, interests etc.
  4. Development of the “Fruits of the Spirit” – Loving kindness, patience, tolerance, more patience, mercy, forgiveness, etc.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in attending, then ….


*****This retreat will begin Saturday, May 4, 2019, ending Sunday, May 5, 2019.  The deadline for registering is April 3rd, 2019





  • *****Check-in:  2:30-3:30 at the Welcome Center*****
  • Introductory presentation: 3:45-5:15pm
  • Dinner: 5:30-6:30
  • Evening presentation: 7pm-9pm
  • Breakfast: 8am-9am
  • Morning Presentation (with break): 9:30am-noon
  • Lunch: noon-1pm
  • Afternoon Presentation: 1:30-3:30pm with several breaks

The related costs:

Accommodations (pick 1):

  • Hotel-like room – $72/person double occupancy ($83 single occ.)
  • *****Health Services room – $62/52 (single occ./double occ.)*****
  • cabins – $31

Meals (Sat. dinner, Sun. breakfast and lunch)

  • Dinner – $15/person
  • Breakfast – $10/person
  • Lunch – $13/person

Insurance – $.23/person/day for Saturday and Sunday ($.46/person)

Tuition – $40/person

*****Registration deadline is April 3rd, 2019.

Payment can be made through cash or personal check up through the day of arrival OR you may use Paypal or your Credit Card through my blog website @

For questions, you may email me at .

Bio: Jodie Senkyrik began having psychic experiences growing up, but didn’t begin his spiritual path until his early 20’s during the 1980’s. He began giving clairvoyant readings in 1985, yet broadened his clairvoyant readings with a background in psychology, being trained in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and having earned an M.A. degree in Transpersonal Psychology in 1993 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies.

Jodie has been, and is still, a regular workshop presenter for the A.R.E. in Texas during some of their Spring and Fall retreats since 2001, having given workshops on such topics as The Karmic Connection to the 9-11 Attack, A Psychic View of Love & Death, Psychic Ability in Human Beings, Meditating for Answers, Prayer without Words, Atlantis, the Atlantean Hall of Records, Creating Heaven on Earth, and many others. He continues to present regularly at retreats and workshops in the Texas area.

Registration :

To register by the April 3rd, 2019 deadline, send an email to me at  I need:

1. the number of people,

2. the number of people per meals each desires, and

3. your choice of rooms/beds.

One week before we arrive, I will send Camp Capers (A) the best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) the best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.

Credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) can be accepted only through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register by the April 3rd, 2019, deadline, send an email with your information to  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal Retreat purchase page – enter the total and the number of people, then select Continue.  Then you should  see the Paypal login page.  Instead of entering Paypal, scroll down on the login page and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people for whom to prepare rooms and meals.)

For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

For anyone wanting to attend Sunday only, and arriving in the morning, then I’ll have registration before breakfast, from 7:45-8am at the office front patio.  If you can’t find me, check in the Dining Hall.

As always, if you wish to pay by check, you can pay by mail, or when you arrive, and it is still a good idea to register beforehand as soon as you know. C.C. needs to prepare many days before for the number of people eating any of the meals.

Thank you for your interest.

Photo courtesy of

“The Sum of Ourselves” 24-hr Retreat on April 6-7, 2019

Welcome to another 24-hour retreat at Camp Capers in Waring, TX, on April 6-7, 2019, which you may be interested in.

Entitled “The Sum of Ourselves”, this program covers different ways to examine our lives-past, present & future- in the Earth.

Topics we’ll discuss

  1. Introduction: The Evolution of the soul through past lives and future lives
  2. Our current life as a past life
  3. Continuity through lifetimes: strong/significant relationships, developed talents, interests etc.
  4. Development of the “Fruits of the Spirit” – Loving kindness, patience, tolerance, more patience, mercy, forgiveness, etc.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in attending, then ….

This retreat will begin Saturday, April 6, 2019, ending Sunday, April 7, 2019

Information and Itinerary

  • Check-in: 2:30-3:30 at the Camp Capers Welcome Center
  • Introductory presentation: 3:45-5:15pm
  • Dinner: 5:30-6:30
  • Evening presentation: 7pm-9pm
  • Breakfast: 8am-9am
  • Morning Presentation (with break): 9:30am-noon
  • Lunch: noon-1pm
  • Afternoon Presentation: 1:30-3:30pm with several breaks

The related costs:

Accommodations (pick 1):

  • Hotel-like room – $72/person double occupancy
        • single occupancy add $11
  • cabins – $31 (bunk beds)

Meals (Excellent) – Sat. dinner, Sun. breakfast and lunch

  • Dinner – $15/person
  • Breakfast – $10/person
  • Lunch – $13/person

Insurance – $.23/person/day for Saturday and Sunday ($.46/person)

Tuition – $40/person

Day-only attendees:  $25 tuition + chosen meals + 1-day insurance + $16 Camp day use fee.

Payment can be made through cash or personal check up through the day of arrival OR you may use Paypal or your Credit Card through the Paypal button below.

For questions you may email me at .

Bio: Jodie Senkyrik began having psychic experiences growing up, but didn’t begin his spiritual path until his early 20’s during the 1980’s. He began giving clairvoyant readings in 1985, yet broadened his clairvoyant readings with a background in psychology, being trained in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and having earned an M.A. degree in Transpersonal Psychology in 1993 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies.

Jodie has been, and is still, a regular workshop presenter for the A.R.E. in Texas during some of their Spring and Fall retreats since 2001, having given workshops on such topics as The Karmic Connection to the 9-11 Attack, A Psychic View of Love & Death, Psychic Ability in Human Beings, Meditating for Answers, Prayer without Words, Atlantis, the Atlantean Hall of Records, Creating Heaven on Earth, and many others. On the blog are posted 300 plus articles on spiritual and psychic topics. He continues to present regularly at retreats and workshops in the Texas area.


Registration :

To register, send an email to me at  I need:

1. the number of people,

2. the number of people per meals each desires, and

3. your choice of rooms/beds.

By March 29, 2019, Camp Capers requires (A) the best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) the best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.

Credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) can be accepted only through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register, send an email with your information to  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal Retreat purchase page – enter the total and the number of people, then select Continue.  Then you should  see the Paypal login page.  Instead of entering Paypal, scroll down on the login page and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people for whom to prepare rooms and meals.)

For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

For anyone wanting to attend Sunday only, and arriving in the morning, then I’ll have registration before breakfast, from 7:45-8am at the office front patio.  If you can’t find me, check in the Dining Hall.

As always, if you wish to pay by check, you can pay by mail, or when you arrive, and it is still a good idea to register beforehand as soon as you know. C.C. needs to prepare many days before for the number of people eating any of the meals.

Thank you for your interest.

“Psychic Predictions for 2019” and “Revelations, Today” articles- Prologue

I am presenting 2 articles here, and I will be charging a fee of $6.00 for accessing each of them.  This is different than how I usually offer articles.  I usually offer the beginning of the year “Psychic Predictions” article free.  I am raising funds for the Animal Rescue Efforts to cover rising vet costs, medicines, food, and costs related to this effort.  These two articles are unique compared to my other blog articles.  Both articles are password protected.  The first article is “Psychic Predictions for 2019” and it is posted below this one.  I hope to have the second article, “Revelations, Today” by Jan 7, 2019.  For both articles, I will answer questions to clarify or gain more information, and post the answers at the end of the password protected articles.

Some of you will not consider this information to be something for which you would want to pay a fee.
I understand.  (Regrettably, I will not offer refunds.)


A preview of the first few paragraphs:

Psychic Predictions for 2019

“2019 is going to be a somewhat more difficult year for most people, and I’m not going to hold back in what I write in this article. There are disasters and there are positives. 2019 by itself will not be a painfully more difficult year for everyone, but everyone will be affected by different items I mention. It is one of the 2 remaining years which are moving us deeper into the darker, low vibration energy/manifestations. These low-vibration energy manifestations will be recognized by disasters both human-derived and natural. By “moving us deeper”, I mean the beginning of the years will be better than the end of the years for many people and life, in general, in our world – in many ways.

I will mention FIRST, that prayers and meditations for the goodwill for all people and the well-being for all life, are that which will strengthen the Spirit and Energy of the Family of Man and all life, if and when we’re willing to demonstrate the Light through demonstrating and sharing Love, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Encouragement, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Support, and more (flowing through ourselves) – and for all life on this planet – especially during this time. Prayers for all life will absolutely help all life. Absolutely – as in ‘absolute help’ – real help – to persevere through these coming times and experiences.

Humanity won’t easily see the difference between the two possible futures – with prayers vs. without prayers, (a few will), but changes happen when one’s heart is the source of prayers and the sending of Light – for the goodwill and well-being of all life. Why for “the goodwill and well-being of all life”?  Because this prayer will have the strongest impact on humanity, all of nature, and the future. The predictions I speak of here are drastic to some parts of the planet. They will affect, to greater or lesser degrees, all of the planet. While many people’s lives will be minimally impacted, many people’s lives will be greatly impacted. The news is already reporting regular disasters, both natural and man-made, which are affecting people in a wide variety of places – sometimes places which are surprising. . . . ”


Within the reading, I share what I see on the national and international political scene, world weather predictions, the economy, immigration issues, medicine and health care, natural disasters and more.  Again, I will answer questions to clarify or gain more information, and then post the question and information at the end of the article.

To access “Psychic Predictions for 2019“, click on the Paypal button below.  After payment, you will be sent the password via the email address you use when paying with Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account to pay through Paypal.  But, you do need either a Paypal account or a credit card.  If you wish to pay by cash or check, you may email me and I will email you back with instructions.

To read the entire “Psychic Predictions for 2019” follow instructions below.

  1. Click on the Paypal button below
  2. Type in the $6.00 fee amount when prompted and follow Paypal directions for payments.
  3. After I’m notified of the payment by Paypal, I will use the email address you used with the payment process and send you the password for the “Psychic Predictions for 2019” article.  If you’re not prompted to give an email address, email me or post a comment, and I’ll send you a return email with the  password. (For credit card use, scroll down on the Paypal page.)

Buy Now Button

Thank you to all of you who may be interested.