The Importance of One Person Meditating

Having trouble with your efforts to meditate?

What if I told you that each of us, individually – one person – meditating could help reduce the violence in the world?

What if I told you that each of us, individually, meditating with others in a group could help reduce the violence in the world?

What if I told you that each of us, individually, regularly joining with people all over the world and meditating could help reduce the violence in the world?

What if I told you that each of us, individually, regularly joining with people all over the world in prayer and meditation could help reduce the violence and killings in the world?

So, I will say it here.

The joining together of many “one person”s all over the world in prayer and meditation can help reduce the violence and killings in the world.

This is how each one of us, individually, is important.
