Update on the Ukraine/Russian War

I do semi-regularly look for hope in this war. There is still a great need for prayers. Please, continue to add prayers for God’s energy and peace to grow stronger in the midst of this war.

Putin wants to continue to wage war against Ukraine until there is very little or nothing left of Ukraine. He is willing to cause greater problems for the Russian people – to do it.

It is a time to continue to pray for the people of both countries.

For him, any End of War Talks are a tool to help him continue to delay the stopping of the attacks. His DESIRE! is to demolish the Ukraine as an independent nation, and he won’t voluntarily or willingly tell his Generals and troops to stop and withdraw. He means to be in the Ukraine until the end of Ukraine as we know it. He wants Ukraine for its resources and to show the world his strength.

Putin sees the Western/European nations as an annoyance, he does not see them as deterring his actions – simply as a buzzing bee around him – not strong enough in any way to stop him.

Our prayers can and do help, when we remember to pray for the end of this war and the people of both countries. The more prayers from all people willing to pray, the stronger and more available the path to end the war. If prayers do not come, this war could last almost up to 2 more years. We can bring this war to an end for everyone through our prayers.

Reasons why ET has not publicly announced they are present

Imagine yourself entering into the Earth’s sphere and spending time observing the societies all around the globe.

You see human beings at their best and at their worst.

It’s the “worst” that you take note of most.

Having learned “Human Nature” and how humans make decisions, respond to problems, what humans consider most important, how honest or dishonest we are, our government models, our elected officials, our states of mind throughout our societies, how we solve problems, how we create problems, how we respond to problems, and the areas we focus on in our lives – how we live our lives,…

…what do we consider is likely to happen when introducing oneself to humans?

If you thought, utter and complete chaos, you’re right. FIRST, in this time period, there would be panic, there would be fear, there would be RED ALERTS everywhere.

After things settled down, all of human nature would come down upon the visitors like a ton of bricks. There would be tolerance and intolerance. There would be cooperation and non-cooperation, respect and disrespect, suspicion and blind trust. In other words, how we treat people on earth is how we would treat people not from earth. There is no change in how we would respond to them, than how we respond to each other, right now. We are the people that we are.

Currently, we don’t treat each other that well. We try. We really do try hard, but we still have much in the way of conflict, wars and non-cooperation. Why would they want to get mixed up in this?

We do offer a lot of great and wonderful things. There are many great and wonderful qualities within us. But, right now, …………….. there’s also a great and wonderful need for “improving.”

In general, we humans make our big and small decisions based not always on facts, but on desires, opinions, sometimes prejudices, – the best of our nature and the worst of our nature. There are plenty of humans who love to get mixed up in the best of our nature and the worst of our nature. There are plenty who seek to demonstrate both the best and the worst of human nature.

We humans treat other people sometimes with respect and kindness, but other times with abuse, hatred, and insults. When we disagree, sometimes we attack and sometimes we kill.

All of these aspects of human behavior will not go away just because non-earth beings show up. They know this.

There would be great demands for their technology. There would be demands to solve the problems on our planet. There would be demands for them to not interfere with how we decide our own planet, (ie. stay out of our wars – “They’re our wars, not yours, and you don’t get to decide who we kill.”)

The only thing safe for them is to let us know they exist and then stay away. And that is how it has happened already, which allows for the status quo to remain and progress to move slowly for everyone.

Human beings generally would want the visitors to solve all the human beings’ problems, because we tend to think technology solves all problems. It doesn’t. We struggle with this truth even without ETs.

We tend to think those who have greater resources should give what they have to those who don’t have resources – even now, that doesn’t solve problems. We don’t have enough Earth resources to give to everyone. We tend to be an unselfish, as well as a selfish species. Like winning the lottery sometimes negatively affects winners – this instant change also can cause destructive problems to expand and get worse. Societies could gain some strengths, but the weaknesses would grow, as well.

The Star Trek Prime Directive goes both ways. They are not currently making themselves known, because it would create so many more problems – for them, and for us.

Even Hollywood has never had aliens land and say, “We’re here to solve all your problems for you.” Anyone who comes saying that is not to be believed, as we’ve learned by watching commercials on TV when the commercial says, “We’ve got the products that will solve all your problems.

Any ETs that land publicly would only be another player on the planet – dealing with all the turmoils with which the people of Earth are still struggling. Why announce oneself and get mixed up with the problems we humans currently have, if it only creates more problems for everyone.


There will be a day when they do come forth publicly. There is a time range which this could happen, and it depends on the growth of the human race on this planet. The earliest from this point on, that I am seeing, would be the mid 2050s and the latest would be at the beginning of the next century in the 2110s. The highest potential time is around the turn of the century. In the meantime, they make themselves known to some individuals in the manners which we already are involved with, for the purpose of furthering insight, cooperation and understanding – and respect for self-determination and boundaries.

Love, Imagination, and Thinking

Human love exists because God’s love is the source and foundation. Human love cannot exist without God’s love being present. Hence why we can learn that when love is present, God is present.

God is Love, and Love is God. They cannot be separated. Until this awareness is part of our very cells and atoms, we only scratch the surface of knowing God, and we only slightly grasp an awareness of Christ.

This is the message of God and Christ – the Oneness of God, Christ and Love. From this Oneness comes all other lessons and principles to learn. From this Oneness is why God has given us freewill and why God has given us eternity to learn the Infiniteness of God.

From the Infiniteness of God and the Oneness of this Infiniteness comes Infinite Kindness, Infinite Mercy, Infinite Patience, Infinite Compassion and Understanding, etc. In addition, from the Infinite Consciousness of God comes Infinite Imagination, of which we have within us, as well. This means that if we can think it, we can do it. If we can think it, we can manifest it. So, it behooves us to examine how and what we think – especially when it comes to our relationships with others. We cannot pour anything forth from within us, if we don’t first think to do it.

The questions will always be – “Are we thinking love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness?” or “Are we thinking bitterness, resentment and vengeance?” What we think is now and will always be our own choice. We can think differently whenever we choose to simply because “With God all things are possible” including thinking love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness.

When we have trouble offering these, consider thinking of God, first.

Truths on Truth

All Truth comes from God.

God gives Truth to those who seek it and consciously want it.

Those of us who want Truth, seek it out.

Truth can come through many channels, but the source is always from God.

A good prayer for Truth is “Lord, please, teach me/us the Truth.”

Truth is found by those who seek Truth.

Many times, we choose to seek Truth, and therefore find Truth.

Many times, we want our beliefs to be Truth.

Many times, we will only accept our own beliefs as Truth.

God does convey messages that some beliefs we hold are NOT Truth. Some of us accept the messages, some of us don’t. AND Sometimes we accept the messages and sometimes we don’t.

When we seek Truth, we are called to learn to let go of our beliefs which are not Truth.

Letting go – of believing some false beliefs – is not always a peaceful experience.

It can be painful to learn some of our beliefs are false.

When we do not want the Truth, we do not seek the truth, and therefore do not believe or recognize the Truth which we hear it.

God does not force us to seek the Truth.

God does not force us to believe the Truth.

“He stands at the door and knocks” and respects both if the door is opened to the Truth or is locked up solid against the Truth.

God does not take away any soul’s freewill to choose.

God’s ear is always listening for those of us who say in our hearts that, “I want the Truth”, but it’s always us who decides if we accept it and keep it once Truth is presented to us.

God gives the Truth abundantly and without hesitation to those of us who seek and want the Truth.