Psychic Predictions Revisited

For the 2016 Hurricane season

I’m seeing a total of 2 (at most 3) major storms come into the Gulf of Mexico and affecting the US during this Hurricane season.  I’m seeing a possible 7, maybe 8 hurricanes/tropical storms affecting Latin America and Mexico.

The 2/3 storms in the US, I see all affecting the Southeast states, with (not in order) 1 going up the west coast of Florida, then into Georgia, Alabama, and Kentucky.  I see one going up into Mississippi and Alabama and then north and east.  And a 3rd, going into Louisiana and Mississippi, then north and northeast.

I also think these South Eastern states will get a lot of rain with flooding beginning in September, that is not related to any hurricane.  However, I’m also seeing the next storm at the same time, so maybe the rain will happen after it downgrades and goes inland.  Maybe that’s what it is, but, I also see a weather front coming from Texas and going into the South Eastern states contributing to rain amounts.

I see possibly 2 hurricanes/tropical storms going upwards along the East Coast, but will dissipate or go out to sea rather than inundate the states, but that doesn’t mean they won’t get storms.  I do see a strong storm for South Carolina.

The Gulf is getting more storms this year because of the location of the birth of these storms – more westward than in past years.  The further out in the Atlantic – eastward – they begin, the more their chances of going up the East Coast.

The Election

I’m looking at the coming factors and circumstances of each of the two main candidates. If Donald Trump wins vs if Hillary Clinton wins.

I’d like to preface this with the statement that even though there are rabid party supporters on both sides that have demonized their opponent, in effect saying, this is a good vs evil battle.  This demonization is not reality.  It is America’s version of extremism and can be/is harmful to the individuals that drink of this cup.  No extremist views are truth or reality, but that doesn’t stop individuals from choosing to be extremists.

It is truth that there is both good and bad in both candidates.  This is true, because there is both good and bad in all souls.  The Edgar Cayce Readings state it as, “There is good in the worst of us.  There is bad in the best of us.”  Those that choose to see this political time as black and white, good and evil, are the ones who are losing the battle with themselves within their own hearts and minds.  Seeing only good in someone or only evil in an opponent is not honest and therefore unhealthy for an individual’s own consciousness.  There are prices to pay in the mind and heart for extremism.

First prediction – I see some people with financial and political power in the US (not candidates) that want to own the government, and will do whatever they think they have to in order to do just that.  (Yes, this is exactly what I see.)  I see these currently being mostly Republican Candidate Supporters because the Republicans are vulnerable to the mindset needed.  These people will choose whomever they think can be allied with them.

If Donald Trump wins, these people mentioned above will think they’ve got it made and can have what they want.  However, Donald Trump won’t be their puppet.  That is working in his favor, but they will still put all the pressure they can on him to try to get what they want. Unfortunately, with that kind of super-pressure, about 18-24 months into his presidency, he will succumb to some demands they have.  His policies will mostly benefit the financial industries and businesses with little change to social or populace services and policies.

If Hillary Clinton wins, this group will pull out all stops and go after her administration with all effort in order to reclaim their hunger for control of the government.  They will not stop at legal acts only.  Their hunger and thirst for political power will seemingly “have no end”.  They will be spurred on by their abject rage at losing the election.  They want the power and they will take it at all costs.  I can honestly use the phrase, “They will come out swinging.”  They will do all this behind the scenes, but with all prejudice and LOTS of money.

What I see psychically is that what President Obama went through with regards to opposition, will not compare to what Hillary Clinton will face.  Her ability to accomplish anything significant will be minimal.  History abounds of many examples of people of power wanting to regain political power and doing whatever they could to get it.  It happened a millennia ago to Christ, – a group of men conspiring behind the scenes to regain their authority and control – and I see it being tried, again.

The only other candidate that can have an impact is the Green Party candidate.  Like past 3rd party candidates, Jill Stein, can also pull a significant number of votes in order to be someone to be aware of.  Ross Perot was a significant 3rd party candidate.  Ralph Nader was a significant party candidate.  3rd party candidates are part of the process.  In 1864, Abraham Lincoln was a 3rd Party candidate beating the Republican and Democrat candidates.  3rd party voters represent citizens who don’t like either candidate.  It can split voters of one party, but as for throwing away votes, I only consider people who don’t vote as throwing away their vote.

I see both candidates being 1-term presidents.

There is a spiritual battle happening, also.  It is not being played out through political boundaries, but rather consciousness boundaries.  The power to persevere within the soul is what will win.  I’ve said it before, sometimes the future doesn’t progress until those that hinder progress die off.

The Economy

Again, if all things stay the same….

I see the whole world’s economy taking a serious downturn.  If Donald Trump wins the presidency, the world economy will begin its downturn in 2017, with the full downturn in place by 2018.  With Hillary Clinton winning, the world economy will begin its downturn in 2018 with the full downturn recognized and in place in 2019 – 2020.  It will not be the fault of the President, but this person will get blamed.

This world economy downturn will become a whole world depression by around 2021.  The US will fare a bit better than the world as a whole.  Either way, it will begin in 2018, and we will begin experiencing its effects at this time, with it getting worse as time continues.  Many will believe it won’t last, but it will be, on average, 2030 before we are able to start pulling ourselves out of it.  Some will claim we’re out of it in the late 2020’s, but that’s just “selling spin”, or “spinning a tale”, (whichever is correct.) 

At this point in time, I’m seeing possible gas prices averaging around $3.50-$4/gallon in the US sometime in 2021.  Still, gas prices fluctuate so much, that they can spike and drop many times yet.  If Mr. Trump wins, I see $3/gallon gas in 2017.  If Ms. Clinton wins, I see $3/gallon gas in 2018, but fluctuate until the beginning of the 2020’s when it stays up.


The energy of destruction which I predicted to manifest in the physical Earth had been raised with regards to it’s vibration through prayer and meditation.  So the energy did not manifest in the large Earth event that it could have.


Some of the energy was dissipated around the world and manifested in the form of other localized events (instead of a massive world-size event).  Nepal’s earthquake is one example of this redirection of energy meant to manifest.  Other earthquakes through the northern countries of South America are also examples of this energy being spread out.


Some of the energy, after having been raised, became manifested through human beings in Venezuela and that is now happening.  Instead of the Earth being the channel for destructive energy, souls have taken on a lot of the raised vibration energy and it is manifesting as destructive events in mass numbers of peoples’ lives in Venezuela, now.

This is so, because there are people/souls/individuals who are willing to allow the energy of hatred, vengeance, bitterness, rage, abuse, come to manifest through their own minds and hearts.  Everyone of us who acts from these feelings and thoughts are part of this.  As the numbers of people willing to bring hatred, vengeance and more grow in ranks, into the individual and group relationships – into the lives of those around them – this energy grows and grows and grows.  When the numbers reach into multiples of millions of people, we see mass destruction happening.  The willingness within hearts then becomes the channel which the destructive low-vibration energy manifests into the Earth.




Over a year ago, I saw physical disasters hitting Venezuela.  As time passed, and as more prayers for the people were brought forth, the predictions I gave did not happen as I saw.  Instead I was shown that up to the end, there was a need for prayers for them.  I was also shown that the prayers changed the outcome.  Prayers change things.

When prayers come forth, they raise the vibrations of the energy that is ready to manifest in destructive patterns.  The energy and pattern are both changed in the same way a higher pitch tuning fork affects lower pitch sounds.  The higher vibrations blend with and raise the lower vibrations.

When the amount of energy to manifest is so great that it would affect millions of people, it takes the prayers of millions of people to heal the energy.  When we don’t have millions of people praying, we do what work we can, with who we have praying.

With the prayers of those who we have to pray, we can lift the vibration some, and in the case of Venezuela, lift the energy from destroying the physical land to the level of the energy moving through the people and society, instead.  This actually is a healing/evolutionary step forward.  One perspective is that instead of destructive events affecting and possibly killing hundreds of thousands of people, the energy is manifesting through emotions and giving the choice to individuals to face that which is within them (us) through the freewill choices they (we) can make.  The destruction is then a choice instead of physical destruction without choices.

Make no mistake, the energy is strong and the patterns within the energy are triggering WILLING destructive action from within some people’s hearts and minds.  For, one main factor here is not whether it manifests through the Earth or through people, but do we get to have the choice of whether we manifest destruction or not.  It is better if we get to choose, because with souls doing the choosing, there are many who choose to heal that which is within their hearts and minds instead of it being forced upon all people.

Souls will always be given freewill.  With this freewill, we can do many things to help healing.  Prayer being one thing.  We can also bring forth many things to enact destruction.  Rage and hatred being two of those things.

Venezuela will find peace again, after much time, suffering and  effort (and prayers) – just like New York City and the U.S. did after the WTC attack, as well as New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.  Healing comes from effort to bring forth healing.  There was suffering from all these events, and there is suffering going on in Venezuela, too.

Always when we bring God into the mix of things – through prayers, meditations, kindness, mercy, love, openness, etc – there will be a raising of the vibrations and healing will occur according to the strength of the souls working for this healing.

We are always given a choice.  Through prayer, and that listed above, we have the choice to answer what He said, “As I love you, love each other.”

We can determine our life and change our future by the choices we make.


I’m working on an article updating/reviewing some of the predictions I’ve made in the past.  As people change, so does the future.  If you’re subscribed, you’ll receive an email about it.

Wisdom in Life

Every person has wisdom within them.  Every. Single. Person.  And yet, we have questions and struggles, and confusion, and problems, destructive behavior, hatred, violence, rage, etc.

All wisdom is within us.  We keep our wisdom within our inner refrigerator/freezer.  Sooner or later, in this life or the next, or the next after that, we will dig into our freezer, pull out some wisdom, thaw it out, devour it, digest it, integrate it into our cells, and thus putting it to use, it will be part of us.

Obviously, it will never be part of us – our muscles, our organs, our brain, our heart – if we only look at it and study it.  It must be put to use – like vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, etc.  In addition, none of this wisdom will help us while it is still being kept frozen deep within us, not sought after and not considered.

Sometimes a willingness to learn helps to motivate us to dig into our freezer of wisdom.  Sometimes pain and suffering helps motivate us to venture into our freezer.  Obviously, a willingness to open our minds and hearts – a willingness or desire to learn – feels a lot better than the pain and suffering experiences.  That’s been my experience, having gone through both.

Kindness – on Purpose

Right now in the US, we face a kind of craziness.  It is brought on by the political situation in the US.  It is brought on by the stress, the fears, the concerns, the words, the actions of the people.  Very few of us are immune to all these above.  All these issues show themselves via people across the nation arguing with each other (and worse) – people who usually don’t argue (and worse) with each other.

For the people of this country, (or anyone you choose) – it’s time for those of us who pray and meditate to do so – pray and meditate for the people of this country (and anyone you choose.)  Those of us who pray – pray.  Those of us who meditate – meditate.  Anyone of us who doesn’t do either – do acts of kindness – on purpose.

Acts of kindness are not meant to be accidental, so let them be on purpose.  Look for opportunities to do a kindness for someone – on purpose.  Look for an opportunity to speak a kindness – on purpose.  Look for an opportunity to think a kind thought – on purpose.  Random kindness is no longer enough.

These acts or words or thoughts of kindness are not automatically done by us.  Kindness is not always automatic.  Kindness isn’t  always second nature.  These acts are not always our automatic response when someone does or says something that causes anger or pain in us.

Many times, the opposite is our automatic response.  Anger is our automatic response. Resentment and bitterness are our automatic response. Unkind thoughts are our automatic response.  Verbal arguments and abuse are our automatic response.

If this is the country we choose – one of anger, resentment, bitterness, abusive words, blame, etc.  we are moving towards that, now.  What we see happening in our country will only get worse.  As we continue along this road of anger, resentment, bitter arguments, and abusive words, we will move into the next decade building mountains and mountains of even greater anger and abusiveness.

Christ started a trend when He walked the roads of the Middle East.  He started a trend of looking for opportunities to offer kindness – through His healing, through His actions towards others one on one, and through His words.  It caught on with His followers because it offers something a whole lot better than what we automatically offer through anger, bitterness and abusiveness towards others.

Blessed are those who do kindness on purpose, for they are offering a medicine that we need much more of.


A word of warning:  Don’t you dare think it’s going to be easy.  Remember, kindness is rarely an automatic response.  Those times you we fail, we practice “Kindness on purpose” on yourself ourselves, as well.

By the way, the kindness we give to others, the kind acts we do for others, with regards to receiving back from them – think of all the kindness that God extends to us every moment of every day.  We aren’t even aware of His kindness, are we?  But, yet His kindness comes and comes to us without end.  Such is the gift from the Spirit of Infinite Kindness.  The question is how many times have we given an equal amount of kindness back to God?  We all know the answer to that.  So, we can let God extend the kindness through our human hearts so that the other person will have had the experience of receiving kindness from God, through us – this being the purest kind of kindness.


“Being patient towards someone is one of the most important acts of kindness there is.  You can be sure that being impatient with someone has no kindness in it whatsoever.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1996-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)