Step by Step Out of Illusion

Step by Step Out of Illusion

There are a lot of us who are saying that this world is an illusion. And the only reason so many people are saying this, is because – It Is True. At the same time, it is also true that we have physical eyes that see this world, and we have physical ears that hear this world, and physical fingers, nerves, mouths, noses and bodies that also experience this world.

But, these eyes and ears and all other parts of our physical body are part of the illusion, as well. All these parts exist, in this illusory world, so that we can come into this particular world of illusion, and both interact and experience this world of illusion.

[Unrelated side note: This illusionary aspect is the foundation for why and how paradoxes exist, but this is a topic for a later time and not for this article.]

To continue – We come into this world of illusion, not primarily to be able to manipulate the world of illusion, but more importantly, to transform our inner world – within ourselves – to bring about change within our own self as an individual. We do this, through our freewill, by responding in ever more healing ways to circumstances, challenges and people – including our own and other people’s actions, behaviors, thoughts and feelings while in this realm of illusion.

We do this, because we are working to reestablish the awareness that all of us are spirit beings. We seek to spread the realization that all life is spirit – spirit in consciousness and essence. We are entering into this illusory world, so that we can help ourselves and others to recall that this physical realm is not reality, as well as that our spiritual self/realm IS reality.

We seek to help all recall this, so that we can find ways to release ourselves from what feels sometimes like endless cycles of physical lives. We do this, so that all life can return to the realm of spirit with an awareness that all of life can return to a process of growth and learning, and move on to ever greater/higher levels of consciousness, and ever greater levels of awareness of being One with the Infinite Consciousness that is God – not awareness as in a theoretical or philosophical way, but in a very real experiential way.

The practicing of meditation and prayer gives us our first steps into becoming aware that there is more than just a physical aspect to ourselves. Meditation helps us to learn to sense our consciousness energy and our connection to our own spirit, or rather, ourselves as spirit, and, in turn, our connection to All Spirit by the practice of quieting the outer world of physicality, so we can be more aware of the “inner” subtle world of Spirit.

Prayer helps us to activate our spirit consciousness to reach out to all Spirit. It is the sending of our own energy into higher realms in order to add to the forces/energies that are helping to bring healing into this world.

We practice Love, Kindness, Patience, Mercy, Forgiveness, and these higher qualities in order to help ourselves and others know the qualities which connect us to the Infinite Consciousness, and with which the Infinite Consciousness is imbued.

This helps us to bring forth the presence of the Infinite Consciousness into the level of this world – into the illusory world by demonstrating these higher qualities. As we demonstrate these higher qualities, our higher Spirit activates and moves in this lower realm. The essence of our connection to God, moves in this realm and impacts the vibration of this realm, in turn, helping to speed up the vibration of the realm. This vibrational speeding up is in order to help all life and all spirits to evolve to ever higher vibratory levels of consciousness.

In addition, the purpose of bringing forth the presence of the Infinite Consciousness of God into the level of this world through demonstrating these higher qualities is to bring healing of body, mind and spirit to each individual and life form.

From this healing point of view, the healings by this infusion of higher qualities and higher energy – the Love/Light/Christ energy – into this world, also brings about an evolutionary process to the mental understanding of the world we physically live in, with one result among all results being the recognition that this realm is also a realm existing within the God Consciousness of All Things – and hence showing that even the physical experience is not separate from God.

Furthermore, this ever increasing vibration of energy happening within this realm of existence, impacts on every life form, ever influencing each life form and helping to guide each life form to address any issues, factors, beliefs, feelings, etc., which cause inner stagnation of the consciousness – the inner stagnation which, in effect, has been what has trapped souls, entities, life forms in what seems like endless cycles of lives – all happening within this physical realm.

This entrapment has come from developing consciousnesses of fear, hate and vengeance. With this fear, hate and vengeance which we take on and act from, if we use these to motivate our actions, behaviors, thoughts and feelings, we are growing further and further away from manifesting the higher vibration energy and consciousness of the Infinite Consciousness. We instead manifest lower and lower vibration energy through our actions, behaviors, feelings and thoughts.

Regardless of what we choose of our own freewill to manifest, because we are, by our very nature, a part of the Infinite Consciousness, (often without awareness of it), our actions, behaviors, etc, become part of all of Infinite Consciousness, by vibrating through Infinite Consciousness, impacting all of Infinite Consciousness, including eventually coming around to impacting our own self, because there is no separation of any life form from the Infinite Consciousness of God (hence why we are impacted, albeit in different ways, as well).

This process we call Karma, which reflects our own consciousness and the experiences we create for others…. and ourselves. This is why it is true, that the experiences we create for others are the experiences we’re creating for ourselves. (This is also why it is true that the prayers we pray for others are the prayers we’re praying for ourselves, the guilt or shame we place on others is the guilt/shame we’re placing on ourselves, as well as the blessings we place on others being the blessings we’re placing on ourselves.)

If we choose to continue to manifest lower vibration energy through any means, we are in opposition to the evolutionary energies which seek to reach higher vibratory levels which bring about healing to all life in this realm. We therefore are unable to rise to the higher levels to heal, leave this realm and end this cycle of lives. (This choosing of lower vibration behavior, etc, does not negate the ever-increasing and evolving of the vibratory rates of the physical realm in which this living of all life takes place, i.e. the Universe.)

This is one understanding of the entrapment in which so many have found them/ourselves. Every experience we create for ourselves and others, is either a higher or a lower vibration manifesting in this realm. We manifest according to the level of vibration we have in our own consciousness at that moment. We bring into the world, that which is within us which we create in that moment.

If, of our own freewill, we choose to manifest a lower energy/consciousness in living our life – that consciousness which is further away from the Loving Kindness consciousness – we are, by definition, not lifting ourselves out of this lower vibration illusory environment realm to become aware of the higher realms. Rather we are choosing to stay at the same level, which, in turn, leads to lifetime after lifetime, after lifetime – this cycling back which we refer to as the entrapment (but to occur within the constantly changing arena which the vibratory increase brings about.)

Thus we return lifetime after lifetime continuing to experience that which we create, until we make other choices which are higher vibration in nature. As I’ve mentioned above, these higher vibration choices are the choices of bringing forth Loving kindness, compassion, courage, patience, forgiveness, mercy, selflessness and other higher consciousness qualities – the qualities which Christ demonstrated in the Earth – the qualities which He referred to when He said, “Follow Me” in bringing forth higher manifestations and healing manifestations – the manifestations which are also known as His bringing Love into all life in this world – a spiritualizing of physical life.

And yet, …
Christ’s spiritualizing all of life, all experiences in this realm, all that manifests, all circumstances, all responses to living in this realm, has established the path into this realm as also having a way out of this realm to ever higher consciousness realms.

The entrapment which has been part of this realm’s characteristics, can be eliminated as each individual spirit chooses to transform through the opening up to the Infinite Consciousness within each individual. The Infinite Consciousness of God exists within us and within an ability and willingness to Love. This “opening up to” – this willingness to Love – helps us to bring forth and manifest the higher energies and higher qualities, which are the nature of the Infinite Consciousness of God.

In essence, when we Love, we are bringing forth the Higher Infinite Consciousness of God – the Love Consciousness into this realm. God is Love. Christ came into this world to demonstrate that God is Love. He spoke the words – “If you see me, you see the Father.” Christ Jesus, being one with the Infinite Consciousness, demonstrated the Love that is the Consciousness of the Infinite, which we call God.

This process of transformation, of our own consciousness through manifesting higher energy responses to this world, then triggers the change of the total vibration ever increasing, which we are to go through leading to our own vibrating at higher levels, thus moving us into ever higher realms of existence which await us.

In essence, we attract and are attracted to realms at the same vibration of which we currently maintain. As we maintain, but then work to grow to higher vibrations, no matter what realm we currently inhabit, we then evolve to ever higher levels of existence. The Spiritual law – “Like attracts like” is evident in this process. We gravitate to that level of consciousness, which we have reached in our own consciousness.

Since we have freewill, many souls, including Christ Jesus, do choose to continue in the physical realm in order to continue to help others come to these realizations, as well. (This does impact and help increase the vibratory rate of the entire realm.) Jesus referred to this even when He said, “He who is first will be last.” This means that Christ Jesus will be the last one to leave this realm making sure all souls and spirits are not forgotten or forsaken, and there will be many who also help all the way to the end.

All souls will go through these transformations and pass beyond this realm before Christ finishes The Father/Mother’s work. This is because God’s will is to give to every life form in existence, the fullness of all God Consciousness.

All life is evolving. All life is increasing in vibratory rates (with some of us sometimes metaphorically coming along kicking and screaming.) All life is a part of the Infinite Consciousness of God. All life is united and One. All life benefits from help through our meditations and prayers, therefore, as Jesus Christ says to us, …

“Pray for All Life”.

God Creates Variety

In America, we haven’t been holding back when it comes to insulting, criticizing or attacking other’s cultures. Especially right now – insults, verbal and physical attacks, ostracizing, ridiculing, calling others names, minimizing, demoralizing, belittling others.

Yet, every! single! human being! in this country and in this world, can stand on a stage in front of an audience and be recognized for being a member of some culture who has been the target of some other person or persons’ insults and attacks – being ridiculed, belittled and worse just for being who we are.

Yes. Every! single! human being!

We wake up in the morning being of that culture or group and we go to bed at night being a member of that culture or group, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, year after year after year – being a member in any number of different cultures – everyone being in more than one culture.

We can never know what it is like to be someone else’s culture – because we are not their culture – we are our own. No one can know -if we’re not that culture – what it is like to wake up and go to bed, 7 days a week, year after year of being a part of a culture of which we are never going to be a member. Our own is not theirs, and theirs is not ours – for this entire life. (Even the metaphor for waking up in the morning and going to bed at night is part of one group, but not a part of other groups, because some people wake up in the evening and go to bed in the morning.)

The main point though is this – this experience of being targeted – with all the horrible parts of life which could come with it – is this the experience we want to give to others, from us? Do we want others to be targeted like we have been and do we want to be the ones who target them?

I believe inside myself that there is one thing that is certain – God loves variety – and so God creates variety. I know of no part of life in which there is no variety. Therefore, variety is exactly who and what we are. And we always will live being the immense variety which God loves.

“The Nature of Technology” by Mark Lewis Wagner

“Blessed are they who love who and what God loves.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2022, by Jodie Senkyrik)