Q & A

In which countries do you see the food shortages being most severe?

In this decade, worldwide, we’ll see the current shortages in Africa and Asia continuing, and we’ll see movement towards shortages caused by drought in North America & Europe.  I state it this way because growers ship their food products across country borders.  The food shortages will be felt at the continent level in some areas.

This will be a slow process and not really recognized as being anything but a natural progression from the past and current weather extremes that bring about drought vs. floods.

However, I’m not saying that the whole Earth will have food shortages.  There will be areas that are still abundant with food, but at increasing prices.

As I will always say, local production of food is the most effective way of facing this problem.  Relying on the giant factory farms to produce the food is a great way to avoid healthier foods.  Food that must travel more than several hundred miles has a different energy than the home energy.  This can be felt by those who can sense or feel energy.  Still, if a person is hungry, it doesn’t matter where the food comes from as long as it comes.

When you say you see an ‘event’ happening in 2015 and it’s man made and economic, do you mean a stock market crash? If it is, will it be global or isolated in a certain area?

It is not a stock market crash, which actually cannot happen as it did in 1929, because of laws and precautions put in place to stop a crash in progress if it began.  Downturns, yes, but crash, no.

The event will begin in an isolated area and spread to have global effects.  I think what I see is that it will begin at the beginning of the summer of 2015, or signs of it happening beginning in the summer, but will have a culmination and highest impact in August, 2015.  The impact on the economy will be seen as time progresses.  I’ll continue to look at this and begin posting about it in 2014.

At one time on this planet, there were creatures much larger than us who probably ate a lot more (of course I mean the dinosaurs). So why won’t the earth have enough food to feed everybody? Will the GMO foods that Monsanto is pushing have anything to do with it? Will organic food prevail?

Currently, people choose what to eat based on many socioeconomic factors.   This means that there are many “tastes” as to what people want to eat and are willing to eat.   People’s different tastes will always be varied in quality, ingredients, price, etc.  This means there will continue to be a market for the variety of “foods” that exist even like today.  As today, so tomorrow.  Some will choose convenience.  Some will choose cheap.  Some will choose healthy, etc.  Organic food will be available for those willing to buy it.  Non-organic food will be available for those willing to buy it.  If people buy it, others will supply it.  What we will see is more of an effort to try to curb the food wasting but even this is done voluntarily.  The most impact on people will be the price of food going up.  And another opportunity to say it – local food production – including personal gardening – is a tremendous solution for these problems and will become more prevalent as people recognize this.

And in all of this, remember, by the 2040’s we’ll have reached in the neighborhood of 8.5 billion people on the planet.  I’m not seeing it ever get above 9 billion – ever.

There are people who believe in a Christ figure – they call him Maitreya – and that he has manifested himself on earth and is waiting for a period when people are ‘ready’ to receive him.

They say his message is one of sharing.

What do you see in this? It strikes me as similar to the extraterrestrial visitors in nature and I wonder if these are related in any way.

There are also many other figures that yet others believe to be the Christ figure.   Christ’s message wasn’t to go “out” looking for the Christ, but rather go “within” looking for the Christ – always the Christ within – in the heart and higher mind – listening to the still, small voice within.

His message also, with regards to whomever may claim they are from “Higher sources”, – you will know them by the fruits of the spirit which they demonstrate – not walking on water, or other physical miracles, but sincere loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, true understanding, courage, a sense of humor, cooperation, faith, and more.

Do you think that gas prices will still be high given that we now have lots of wells producing natural gas and oil?

If by high, you mean 2013 prices, then, unfortunately, yes, the gas prices will remain high, because of the growing demand for oil and gas around the world.  It is the demand, rather than the supply that influences prices, as well as how oil and gas are bought and sold on the market.  Oil and its byproducts are used in the creation of hundreds of thousands of products of many kinds.  Even if all the cars in the world were electric, oil would still be in high demand.  We can deal with this draw on our pocketbooks on an individual level, but worldwide, we won’t see prices drop much – of course, there will be some price drops at times, but not very far drops.

We have drought conditions here in Southern California. How long do you see this lasting? Will we have an unusually hot summer this year in SoCAL? The weather has been so warm that we have early spring like conditions – plants are flowering all over the place.

I see the drought in Southern California lasting at least 5 more years.  I do wish I saw better than that, but I see this.  Prayer and meditation can have a healing and balancing effect on weather patterns.  The more prayer, the more balancing.  Praying is like rowing a boat to another location – the more people rowing, the faster one gets there.  If they give up rowing before they arrive, they’ll never get there.  If they only have their hands on the oars and aren’t putting their hearts into it, they’re not doing anything.

This new energy source sounds like an answered prayer for all the people of the world who are lacking resources – water, energy, etc. Will this bring about better crops and more water (through desalination – a usually expensive process)? Will it be decentralized or will it be able to be a little unit of energy for each dwelling? And will it be a lot less expensive and dangerous than nuclear energy?

Don’t misunderstand what I’m trying to mention.  While the beginning of the process for bringing forth this new energy has indeed begun – and by beginning, I mean, the formulation of theories that would eventually contribute to it’s manifestation and eventual useability – the process is a long ways away.  We will indeed have different energies at our disposal by the end of this century.  But, obviously, they won’t come on their own.

First of all, we have many paths before us as a nation, as a planet, and as a species.  Which path we take depends on our own efforts at spiritual levels, mental levels, financial levels, scientific levels, emotional levels and physical levels.  We can just as easily miss the path of bringing forth this energy by the choices we make.  This new energy can be put on the back burner and forgotten.  This act has been done before by us humans.

Bringing it forth is not set in rock, but there will be commercial efforts to bring it forth.  It also will be hidden to many during its development because of theft reasons.

Now to answer your questions.  It could become an answer to our prayers.  The impact can potentially bring down pollution levels including water pollution levels.  It would allow the waters and air to rebalance and cleanse.  This process would be several decades in the manifestation of this result.

It can be used for many purposes which will depend only on ingenuity and imagination.  Right now, I see it having potential for both centralized and individual units.  The individual units of generation of useable energy being portable units like gas generators are portable today.  Larger units would be able to serve larger groups.  There would be a need for some new type of commercial processes for those suppliers to make money from it.  The demand for it would drive its manufacturing.

Nuclear energy will be with us on into the next century.


“Imagine life if we put forth no effort of any kind.
Imagine life if we put forth as much effort as possible.
Imagine life if we put forth no effort towards prayer of any kind.
Imagine life if we put forth as much effort towards prayer as possible.”
(From The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007)

Radiation from Japan

Many are talking about future disasters, including radioactive fallout from Japan.  I’m not seeing radioactive fallout from Japan being the bear others are saying it is or will be.  If you look back, though, on my blogs, I do see radiation high in the atmosphere.  However, I don’t see the amount in the atmosphere causing widespread harm to people in the US.  Those few at very high sea levels – above 9000 ft, will get some of the radiation, but again, the amount is not at a level that would cause widespread harm.  In the US, I see more fear than reality regarding people who will come into harm from radiation, and then it’s exacerbated – the people made vulnerable – from the high altitude and the sun’s effects.  The amounts will be measurable, but the harm to U.S. citizens will be negligible.

I see some of the western Pacific waters around Japan being harmed by the radioactivity, but I also see this being dissipated by the wide oceanic expanse eventually.  Will this harm the waters off Japan?  Yes, and it already has.  But, this part of the mess does have the ocean’s size helping it dissipate.  It will eventually be resolved.

Still, I will also admit that it’s prudent to stay alert to potential harm.

Predictions for 2014: Weather #16

When this winter is behind us, (end of February, 2014) I will give what I see for the winter and summer weather in the years ahead, especially what I see for the rest of this decade.

I’m taking it one winter at a time right now.  What is ahead is not all bad, but some is and being forewarned is being forearmed.   The pendulum swings in both directions and includes normalcy plus great extremes.  Global warming is real and there will be more evidence of it and more witness to it.

We can think that our own efforts to help bring about change are too small and therefore not worth doing.  Or we can think that this is just a cycle and will go away.  Both of these ways of thinking are what will change, because both are false and will be shown to be so – especially in our generation’s lifetime.  We have gone beyond the point of our generation seeing a return to “normal”.  We will not see it in our own personal lifetime.

We’re not alone with regards to effort.   Christ is not sitting on His hands or twiddling his thumbs.   Just remember, Christ also must work through our own hearts and minds.  “Here I am, I stand at the door [of our hearts and minds] and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelations 3:20.


“Effort is not a one-time step to take, unless we want one step to be all that we ever take.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001)

“Sometimes, we prefer to still think we’re right, rather than accept that we’re not and correct it.  And boy, how visible this is to the other people who watch us and know us.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001)

“The real truth of the world we live in vs. our perspectives and understanding of the world we live in – are worlds apart.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001)

“God has hope, because God knows of possibilities for success far beyond our own awareness, knowledge and understanding.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001)

“To successfully heal [even the planet and climate], we must let go of the benefits we believe we get from getting sicker.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001)

Predictions for 2014: Weather #15

“I would love to receive another update on cities around Denver.” Tee Meyer

Today – right now, January 6-7, 2014, is a good example of what all of Colorado and the Midwest will be experiencing throughout January.  Expect some small breaks between fronts, but what you’re experiencing now, will continue.

In February, expect temperatures to drop just a bit more than January’s will have been and stay longer with no breaks until after mid-February.

This is for all of Colorado, and not just around Denver.

“anything specific for the northeast?” Ed

What I see happening in Colorado will be equaled in the New England states.  The impact is to be weighed against the ability to ride out the severity of the weather, which the Northeast has practice with.

Select the “Weather” category in the right column to pull up the articles about the Winter 2014 predictions – that is now here upon us.


This winter will be remembered, not just for the severity but because there will be fatalities from the severity of the cold.


“Having faith has always been God’s answer to a problem.  Not having faith has never been God’s answer to a problem.” (The Rainbow Cards,  ©, 2000)

“Have faith in God, have faith in others, have faith in yourself.” Edgar Cayce

Predictions for 2014: Winter #14

What do you see for Ohio during winter 2014 (particularly the Cincinnati area)? Thank you for all that you do.  (Curious)

The people of this area are also going to have one of the worst winters they’ve seen.  January is here, and we’re starting the entrance into the worst of it.   For Cincinnati, expect more of the same of these types of Arctic fronts to come through.  Several of them in January.  Colder temperatures will be all through January.  As hard as it is to believe, though, February will be even worse.  For Cincinnati and all of Ohio and that region of states, expect blizzards almost continuously for the first 16-24 days of February (Feb. 1 or 2, to Feb. 23 or 24).   The cold weather will continue for the people of Ohio on throughout all February, but the last week of Feb. Ohioans will see the worst of it behind them.  Some raising of temperatures will come as March comes but it will be slow and the winter temperatures will be around until the 2nd week of March.  Spring temperatures will come, rising, as normal, in the 2nd half of March, but I’m seeing a late cold spell happening in the 1st half of the month of April.

Expect to see food prices at the grocery stores to start rising by mid-February and the steadily increase by the time March arrives.

This past summer was beyond average here in Germany and I’m wondering if the heat will continue to be extreme this year in 2014. I know you’ve been speaking of the US, but do you see anything for Germany? (My Muted Voice)

I see a normal winter through to the end of March.  With the mid-April entrance of warmer temperatures, I see only a small amount of rain.  I see some rain in April but going into May and June, the water Germany needs will come from the melting mountain snow.   At the moment I’m seeing: (this could change) by the time July and August arrive, Germany will have near-drought conditions with extremely low amounts of rain in June to no rain during July through to October.  During these few months, what rain comes will be negligible and only sprinkling.
The temperatures during May – October in Germany will be higher than average, but not as bad as 2013’s summer’s temperatures.  It’s the drought that will hurt most.

For several years, Germany’s weather will be erratic with wide swings.  This goes for all of Europe.  There will be pendulum swings with almost all the regions/countries.  The abnormal weather patterns are planet-wide.  And as a pendulum swings, there will be times of “normal” weather, but only as the pendulum is swinging back the other direction, if you know what I mean.  This means that the potential for Germany to have a strange 2015 winter/spring is present.

USA experiencing lots of snow and freezing temps. You are right on! (Kathy)

I’m glad I can help.  Remember that taking steps to be able to handle this weather is what these predictions are for.   And remember – when considering what to do to prepare, we also need to consider what we may be able to do to help others during this time.  Cooperation, contribution, and community are three things that are always worth the effort.

“God designed us to need one another.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1988)