Can We Heal Karma?

Is there a way to pray to erase bad karma? Can we undo bad acts and bad thoughts before they boomerang on us?  Lisa H.

Karma, or rather a Karmic energy pattern, manifests because of previous causal actions’ vibrations at a certain level “finding” an appropriate circumstance and environment to manifest in a particular person’s life – circumstances and opportunity in which the vibrations of the original causal act/behavior can match. It’s like a round peg finding a round hole to fit in.

Every act we make goes out into the Infinite Consciousness of all Life and gets experienced by all Consciousness – including ourselves when circumstances and the environment match up. We use the term Karma to label causal acts that are painful or harmful. We tend not even to think of positive and helpful acts in the same way, even though all acts/behaviors impact upon Infinite Consciousness and all beings experience them in some manner.

Because the original causal acts are carried out at a certain level of vibration, based on the individual’s and the environment’s vibration, AND because prayer and meditation help to raise vibrations, YES, our prayers can help to raise the vibrations of “Karmic” acts. The influence of prayer and meditation can raise the karmic vibrations set to manifest, like a tuning fork can raise vibrations of lower level tuning forks, and in turn, diminish the impact of Karmic manifestation, and potentially heal it altogether with enough prayer and meditation.  In addition, healing our relationships through kindness, forgiveness, love, compassion, understanding, patience, mercy, humility and more, can also bring in the higher vibrations of God’s Love flowing through our own hearts and minds, which also brings in higher vibrations that can heal or diminish karmic events.

An example of the impact of prayers and meditations is the prediction Edgar Cayce had about New York City. During his reading, he saw New York City being devastated by a city-wide earthquake which leveled the entire city. But, because of prayers and meditations throughout the decades between Edgar Cayce’s time and our time, the karmic manifestation of destructive energy that was returning to its matching starting point was diminished.

On Sept. 11, 2001, only the Twin Towers were destroyed instead of the entire city. Thankfully, this diminishing happened because much of the karmic energy was healed/diminished by people’s efforts. However, sadly, not all of the karmic energy was healed. In doing a reading on it, I saw that it would have taken twice the number people praying and meditating through the decades to keep one building up and 5 times the people to keep both buildings standing. Still, with the people praying and meditating through the decades, we were able to help in the amount demonstrated.


“It is irrelevant whether we can or cannot do something.  What matters is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart.  It is the one who is not willing, who cannot.  It is the one who is willing, who can.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

Staying on Our Spiritual Path in Times of Troubles

We may feel that it is especially difficult to stay on our spiritual path in these days of political difficulties.  As Christ said, “Many of the elect will fall away.”  This statement also pertains to when we stumble and fall flat on our faces when trying to maintain our spiritual center.

The real issue is not that we stumble and fall away from our center, but rather that we work to try again and again to return to that center.  It is entirely reasonable to recognize that we will stumble and fall flat on our faces when we struggle with that which we see and hear which can be harmful to ourselves and other people.  We are at a place in our paths where we face strong challenges from within our very own selves – to practice our learning of that which is a higher path to walk in life.

How do we stay on our spiritual path?  When so much upsets us?  by praying for guidance, being willing to try over and over again – one day at a time, holding to and trying to live from a chosen higher ideal, and asking a very important question.  “God, how do I serve You?” [instead of my own fears, anger and aggression towards others]

Remember also Christ’s words to Peter, before Christ ascended.  “Don’t be concerned about those others.  They are my concern.  You follow Me.”

The Illusion of Battle

What is the purpose of all this fear, anger, and aggression? When it’s on both sides of any issue?

There really can be a purpose created from this struggle. One purpose can be to learn what it’s like to walk in the other person’s feelings and thoughts, but from inside ourselves. During this unique learning, if anyone can step back from the fear, anger and aggression, and look at the whole “fear and anger” experience, then we can see that this whole fear, anger, and aggression experience is exactly what the other person is feeling and thinking, too – only on a different side of the issue.

It’s the exact same feelings – fear – anger – aggression, and even righteousness in these feelings. Step back from the motivating issue and look only at the feelings.

If anyone is wondering why the other side is so entrenched in their viewpoints, we can begin to understand at least their fear, their anger and their aggression. We feel the exact same feelings.  There is no better teacher than to walk in another person’s shoes – to feel the same feelings (even when it’s from different thoughts and beliefs.)

Would you give up your current viewpoints when you’re feeling this fear, anger and aggression against opposition to these viewpoints? If you would not, then you can understand, now, why “they” don’t either.

Is there a purpose to being inside the experience of fear, anger, and aggression? There can be. It is to give us a chance to decide whether we want to learn something from this whole 2-sided battle going on.

Moving from 3rd to 4th

If anyone wants to fight, to get their 3rd chakra’s adrenaline going, we can stay in the 3rd chakra for eons and eons and eons – for thousands of millenniums. And if any of us wants to move into our 4th chakra – the chakra of the heart – the chakra from which we can love God above all else, and love our neighbor as our-self, then we can choose that, instead.  In the 3rd chakra, we can readily experience 2-sided battles.  In the 4th chakra, we move out of duality into recognizing a Oneness among us.

The winning of a battle is an illusion. But, using the 3rd chakra, one feels adrenaline in the battle, which brings the belief that adrenaline means power. However, there is no winning of any argument or battle, because we stay in the 3rd chakra when we bring forth our contribution to battle. We only win, when we realize that life isn’t about winning the battle within the 3rd chakra – the battle of fear and adrenaline. We win when we realize there is no battle, only learning.  This realization happens when we move into the 4th, the heart chakra.

It literally is like moving from one world or plane to another world or plane. The experience is very different, and it can only be understood after the move is made.

There is no convincing another to leave their 3rd chakra when it is the adrenaline which they seek from the experience. As it says in the movie “War Games”, the only way to win is to not play.  There is only one way to conquer fear – as Christ says, “Perfect Love casts out fear.” Choosing to move into the heart chakra moves us out of the Solar Plexus chakra.

There is only a choice of where to live – the 3rd chakra or the 4th.  In giving all of us freewill, God lets all of us make our own choice.  Moving into the heart chakra, we can then see that part of the expression of the heart is to let others choose for themselves the lessons and their timing on when to learn them.


“An idea is like the stars in the heavens.  An ideal is like all of Space in which all the stars exist.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Preparation for Some Future Items

I don’t usually recommend itemized suggestions for getting ready for future events, but I will this time.

First, for those who would like some stock tips, with the government appointees that are being chosen, there will be some protectionist legislation which will be happening.  A lot of this protectionist legislation will set laws in place until 2026, when significant change happens in the congress.  So, my recommendation is that the Oil Company stocks will be good investments for a number of years, including Exxon/Mobil.

Part of this will be because the price of gasoline will be going up.  Part of this will be because the oil companies will have protection for expanding their business processes.  So, the oil company stocks will be lucrative.

Another recommendation, for those so inclined, the Automakers currently are selling large trucks and SUV’s, with little demand for small cars that get higher gas mileage.  This means now is the time to purchase smaller cars that get higher gas mileage.  Demand is down which means their prices will be down – with the newer and used vehicles.  This includes the smaller, more gas efficient pickups as well.

I’m still psychically seeing gas prices go up and up.  2017 is not going to be the year that the gas prices are double what they were in 2016, but that year will be coming around the corner.  There is a little time (2017) to move in the direction of preparing.  But, when the gas prices do go up, the demand and prices of small vehicles with higher gas mileage (and electric and hybrid cars) will go up again, also.  If you only drive a large SUV or low-mpg truck during that time, you’re going to feel it at the pump.

Meanwhile, for those of you who want to make greener investments, do so.  It is a good time to invest in alternative energy industries and green companies because it’s time to “put one’s money where one’s mouth is”.  Make your actions count.  Pick up the bat and step up to the plate.  If you consider the greener businesses worth having around, then get in the game.  We make our feelings and considerations real by investing our time, our energy, our intelligence in projects and even our money in these companies.  Don’t sit on the fence.  Pick one thing that you feel is important and if you’re not sure, then begin your involvement small to see how it works for you and your life.  Try it and see.

Remember, we’re all in this together.  The more people with our hands on the oars, rowing the boat in a certain direction, the stronger the forces to go in that direction.  There is the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”  There are plenty of people who speak many empty words loudly, but carry out little action.  We don’t need to speak loud words when our actions become strong enough to speak for us.  We can let our actions do the speaking.   Hope plus action causes manifestation.

Some of the action I recommend – prayer and meditation.  Both of these bring in more help than we can ever imagine.  When real help is needed, we can go to the One who can bring forth that real help.


“Faith unused, does nothing.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2005-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“It is always true that sometimes we try to go after what we want, and we fail, . . . but to not even try???” (unknown)

Climate Change Discussion

Well, I’m still skeptical that warming would increase weather extremes but think it would enhance rainfall and lead to more flooding. My reasoning, the polar regions heat up a lot but tropical regions temps remain about the same. That reduces the temperature gradient which would reduce energy available for severe storms to form. But I don’t think CO2 is causing the warming. It’s a trace gas, only 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. Something else bigger is going on that’s warming the climate. Anyway I really enjoy your website. You probably have the best spiritual messages out of all thy psychics online. Have a happy new year.  Joel

First of all, thank you very much for your good wishes for the new year, and may you truly be blessed by God during this next year.  Also, thank you for contributing to the discussion on the blog.

Now, you did not request this, but I would like to try to mention some information which could offer some thoughts on the climate.  I offer it as an effort only to give a simplified and much condensed perspective of some of the forces influencing climate and weather.

You’re right to think there are also other deeper forces at work with regards to climate change.  By itself, CO2 build up wouldn’t cause changes if the CO2 stayed in one place.  But, what CO2 does (plus many other factors) is throw off the balance of atmospheric pressure by the CO2 molecules’ activity generated by sunlight in the atmosphere.  Greater heat (CO2 activity) creates greater pressure from greater total molecular activity, like heating the air in a hot air balloon causes the balloon to expand (expansion is an increasing of the molecular activity that happens).  The heated air molecules are vastly more active pushing against each other creating that higher pressure (more active than non-heated air molecules).

Greater pressure builds up in certain areas.  This pressure pushes on the atmosphere (up, down and sideways) creating more activity in the atmosphere.  More activity in the atmosphere causes different patterns of atmospheric behavior than has been the usual atmospheric behavior in a particular area.  More pressure creates stronger atmospheric forces pushing on the atmosphere, which cause changes in how the normal weather behaved around the planet.  To use the balloon metaphor, as the balloon expands, it pushes the outside air outwardly like ripples in a lake when a boat is set down upon the water.

This means there are more planetary high pressure zones sometimes keeping low pressure zones from moving into an area- low pressure zones being that which helps bring rain – therefore an area has more droughts and heat buildup.  This also means the higher molecular (air) activity of the high pressure atmosphere both pulls (yes, “pulls”) and pushes on the colder arctic air sending it further into previously non-arctic regions thus bringing temperatures lower further than they have been in usually hot regions.

It is the stronger of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet or put another way, the hotter of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet.  Heat is building up in the arctic regions as well as other regions and therefore pushing the changed atmosphere out of the normal patterns – like coloring outside the lines in a coloring book.

What I mentioned before in other articles is something you hit upon in your previous comment – plants – namely trees.  If humanity planted billions, billions and more billions of trees – instead of cutting down billions and billions of trees, we’d have a reversing force helping to make rebalancing happen, with a normalization happen in the atmosphere.

One of the other many factors which I alluded to at the beginning of this article and in the past is that as trees are cut down, the soil/land/dirt is exposed to the sun heating up the soil.  Soil does not hold heat like trees hold/absorb heat, and so the sun heated soil allows greater heat to escape into the atmosphere at night – that’s why deserts are cold at night.  Unfortunately, as more and more land is made desert-like by cutting down trees, more and more soil-born heat rises into the atmosphere, fewer trees utilize the CO2 and the “warming” process continues.

Again, this is by no means all the forces that are active in this process.  This is only a simplified and much condensed explanation of some of the forces happening.


“Imagine a world where no science existed.  On our planet, that world existed during ‘cave-man’ days.   Imagine a world where no religion or spirituality existed.  On our planet, that has been attempted in a few communist countries.  Now, imagine a world where both science and religion/spirituality existed, even sometimes in conflict.  This is the world we live in.

Both science and spirituality either serve humanity or harm humanity – determined by the heart of the person who chooses.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Psychic Predictions for 2017

Predictions for the United States

In the days immediately after the swearing in ceremony, I see a stepping up of assaults against the North Dakota Standing Rock protesters.  It will last for at least 3 weeks, possibly 5 or more, before those in authority step back to examine other strategies.  Many will seek ways to circumvent the decision by the Corp of Engineers and go ahead with completion of the pipeline.

For the year of 2017, I see the US economy starting off well in the winter and spring months with only a few “not too worrisome” economic ups and downs happening until the summer of 2017.  The general public will not be aware of much of this.  As the US exits summer, greater economic ups and downs will happen.  The economic road in the last few months of 2017 will become rocky indeed.  By the end of 2017, many will be worried because of economic instability starting to be clear and visible to more than just a few.  The year will end with a general feeling of “getting a little beat up.”

Gasoline prices at the pump will slowly begin to climb at the beginning of the year, but will level off through the spring.  By mid-Summer, I see a slight drop before the beginning of Fall when I see gas prices begin to rise again.   I’m seeing a range from $2.40-$2.80/gallon coming back in 2017, although it’s fluctuation could still be all over the place.  What I definitely see is it not staying at the level it is now.  Gasoline prices are going up.

Alternative energies in the US, will not get a lot of government support, and so these companies will call on the people of the US to help the industries grow.  This call from those people in the industry will help generate some popular support, but the general population are also going to be dealing with the beginning of having less spending power.  Those industry leaders who call for finding ways to streamline or lower the costs for people will keep a steady business pace.  Some areas of R&D will slow down because of budget cuts.

2017 will see a continuing growth of personal involvement in grass-roots efforts and activism.  More people will seek ways to become more active in influencing directions the country goes.

For the US, during 2017, I see the potential for some mostly small earthquake activity in Arkansas, related to the fracking in Oklahoma.

The topic of extraterrestrial activity will get attention in the central to Midwest states.

A town in western Florida will have a wonderful event happen.  Somewhere around Quincy, FL area.  I don’t see what it is, but it will make them delighted and happy.

2017 is not the year that affordable health care coverage in the US will be made unavailable for many people.  That’s 2018.

In general, in the US, we will see more extreme weather events in 2017.  Most of it will be during January thru May.

The World

The Pope will travel more in Europe in 2017.  I also see him making a trip to South America and a potential trip into central Africa.  His message will be consistent with his overall message so far.  He is seeking to give hope to people.

In 2017, there will be little progress for peace in the Middle East.  Some cease fire agreements will happen, but eventually they will be broken.

In general, India’s economy will stay at the level it is now.   I don’t see much growth, if at all.  It won’t get worse, though.  India will be waiting to see how other countries go with regards to the new presidency in the US, so they won’t be taking risks in their economic progress.  Ideally, India would do better not waiting to see how the US goes, but step forward to take a lead in economic directions.  This next 50 years is India’s half-century and India has the potential to become a stronger leader than it currently is in the world’s economy.  However, the poverty in India will continue to be a very big problem for people for decades to come.  I’m not seeing progress for the general health care conditions.  But, I do see progress in the decades ahead in the area of education – especially in the 2020’s.

Minor progress will be made in the field of archaeology around the world.  I don’t see any significant discoveries in 2017.  However, there will be further understanding and expansion of those discoveries already made.  Archaeological discoveries in Egypt will not progress that much, or as much as many want.

China’s economy will continue to grow through the 1st half of the year.  It will become rocky during the 2nd half of the year making Chinese government officials nervous.  The Chinese economy in the 2nd half won’t be bad, but it won’t perform as many hoped it would.

In 2017, Japan’s economy will continue to be stable and a good place to invest.

2017 is not the year of direct dangerous activity from Russia.

Canada will be a productive nation in 2017.  I see much good energy and good progress for Canada in 2017.

2017 will be another difficult year for Great Britain.  There will be more governmental upheaval (around April-July) which will cause the country to “stumble” some.  In time, it will stand back up, but it will take more than just 2017.

Australia will have fires to deal with in 2017, with at least one that is massive in size.  The economy in Australia will be strong and stable throughout the year, but I don’t see much growth.  However, I don’t see it going down unless its a very small amount – still strong though.


More to come