Prediction for 2015: World Disaster Event 2 of 3

March, 2014

(Update: For more information on this topic, read the updated article, “More of the 2nd of 3 events – A Call to Prayer“)

I’m now seeing more of the 2015 “Event 2 of 3” that I’ve been seeing for several years now and commented about before here in this blog.  The area I’m seeing it occurring  is the Atlantic Ocean at the northeast section of South America.  I see it being larger than anything that has been experienced in that particular area. I don’t see it being a Level 5 Hurricane.  I see it being worse for some reason but worse because it spreads throughout the Atlantic Ocean – slowly – but spreads nonetheless. It could be triggered by another earthquake, but it is not an earthquake by itself.

I have seen there being two months of warning signs, but I don’t think the warning signs will be readily understood.  I think the warning signs might be upheavals of some type but this isn’t clear, yet.  The upheavals could be social, economic, or physical.  And this whole happening event begins in June of 2015 with the 2 months of “warning” then culminating in August of 2015.

We actually may not know of some of it until December, 2015.  The full impact will not be felt immediately, but alarms of the potential impact will become public.

The results of this event will eventually affect a vast area of the Atlantic, including the East Coast of the US in major ways. This event will devastate the people of the islands in the area. It will be slightly more impactful than the Japanese Tsunami/Nuclear disaster.  It could come from inland in the Northeast corner of South America – in the Guyana, Surname, Venezuela areas or the central most point of this event could be in the Northern most area of Brazil. But, it could also come from off the coast of these countries and be a combination of inland and offshore events which would cause greater devastation.

Naturally, the area of effect would include all the islands in the Caribbean and Florida.  The impact area will spread up along the Eastern Coast of the US.  The impact will eventually also affect the western coast of Africa and in time, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and areas around the Atlantic Ocean. This brings just as many questions as it does information.

I’ve looked at Volcanic activity, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear explosion and I’m not seeing any one of these being the cause.  That’s why I believe it will be a combination as well as more, just like Japan’s disaster was.

Our prayers would go to the people affected by this – citizens of the area.  The event itself is not stoppable.  This is the area where Atlantis existed.

June 26, 2014

Again, I see the event begin not as a cataclysmic event but rather as a gradual increase of devastating circumstances – growing and spreading over time via the Atlantic Ocean.  I believe natural phenomenon are going to help this happen, but there will be some man-made aspect to it, also. It could take many months to experience the full impact upon the areas.  But, people will be impacted severely.  I also see Europe being affected by the time the Autumn of 2015 moves into Winter.