Did Jesus have children? – 2

This posting is a reply to a comment at the end of the “Did Jesus Have Children? – 1” posting.

In Fulfillment of a Law?

With regards to the belief that He had to have children as fulfillment of a “first” commandment of “Go forth and multiply”, you could also be saying, by Jesus or anyone not having children, they are breaking God’s law. This presupposes that anyone who dies before having children, any priest or nun of any religion that chooses the religious life instead of family life, any woman who remains a virgin all her life, any person in any circumstance whereby it’s impossible for them to have children – all of these are breaking God’s law.

If you believe this, then know that I whole-heartedly don’t believe that God would create any situation whereby we would be forced to break God’s law. How could any child that dies be breaking God’s law by not having children before they died?

Do you see what I mean? To maintain that it is God’s first Commandment that we “go forth and multiply” and that this is a command or law, rather than a general invitation, doesn’t work in so many ways.

However, to give you the benefit of the doubt, I’ll take your point of view and say that Jesus did indeed follow the “law” as you have set forth, but not as Jesus. Jesus fulfilled that particular “law” as Adam.

Adam was Jesus’ first life as a human being. (Did I hear a shoe drop?) It can be said to be very fitting then to refer to this soul as “God’s only begotten son.” The Edgar Cayce readings speak of Jesus and His previous lives quite extensively. As Adam, he fell, and as Jesus, He was raised up. As Adam, he brought death, but as Jesus, He brought Life.

Jesus demonstrated the full evolutionary potential of all human souls in the Earth, by walking the path that every soul must take to evolve in the Earth. Adam/Jesus went through every human experience in order to create in this earth, a way back to our oneness with God. Jesus succeeded wonderfully in doing just this. He gave us the blueprint for how we as souls in our own evolutionary path can return to a oneness with God.

Did Jesus have a child?

While the belief can and most likely will still be held onto, the belief that Jesus had children points away from Jesus’ real mission. From many sources, including Jesus, we get that His mission and purpose is to demonstrate God in every way possible. This includes demonstrating God’s love for each of us, God’s willingness to help us at any time, God’s willingness to teach us, to guide us, to unite with us, to enjoy life with us, and more and more.

It was not in Jesus’ mission, during this one particular life, to set up special relationships with only a few people. That’s what family relationships are – special relationships. We are connected to family members in different ways that to others. From His own words, we learn that His family – his mother, his brothers and sisters are those that follow and do the will of God. (Matthew 12:50)

Jesus had a very definite purpose. His mission was to demonstrate God and in doing this, to do this equally to all souls, so that all souls know that they can at any time come to know that God is a real Being, that we can approach God, be welcomed by God, have a relationship with God, be loved by God, and live from this relationship with God as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. How many ways can we say this? Jesus’ is meant to show God’s love and attention to all soul’s equally.

For Him to show a special love to one or two is to get off course of the mission of showing God’s love to everyone equally. If we insist on maintaining he had special relationships, then think of all of us, human beings, as the “Mary Magdalene” in His life. He is always ready to bestow all love to each of us, if we are willing to accept it. We don’t need a sexual relationship with Him to be “special”, because every human being is “special” to Him, and to God.

One contributing factor to push the belief that Jesus had a relationship and children from it, is that through the centuries, organized religious belief has raised Jesus to a level of Him far above the normal human being to the point of Him no longer being a human being, but being God – above all life – above all human beings. Unfortunately, the result of this has been to separate Jesus Christ from human beings – making Him “special” and at the same time separate. This makes it seem impossible to connect to Him, call Him when we need Him, follow His example, to learn from Him, to be friends with Him and have Him as our friend, and to help us come to know that we can walk beside Him.

Unfortunately again, with Jesus placed in “too high a level that we cannot reach” – with this perspective, we come to think that it is no longer possible to live a life of love, of service, and of goodwill to others. The belief grows that there is a gulf between Jesus Christ and real people, and it becomes greater and greater.

The more we put Jesus on the pedestal, the more we place ourselves so far below Him that our connection to Him becomes unseen and unattainable. We no longer consider Him in touch with our own suffering, our own struggles and our own lives, and He becomes someone not “real” as we know “real”.

By believing that Jesus had a wife and/or children, for some, it is an attempt to try to make Him into a regular person once again. It is an attempt at trying to bring Him back into the realms of real people by having Him take on regular people circumstances – family, sex, children. Among other things, we want Him to be real, so that we can be closer to Him. But, believing this way isn’t really necessary to make Jesus a real person again or to have Him closer. The truth is Jesus always was and is a real person, like you and I. He calls us brothers and sisters, not subjects or pets. He sees us eye to eye, not by looking down. We don’t need to make Him into what He wasn’t in order to make Him real and close.  Putting Him on a pedestal is what makes Him seem unreal.

The bottom line for so many of us is, that we want to be close to a real Jesus Christ – one that isn’t on a pedestal. We can stop putting Him on a pedestal, and walk side by side with Him carrying on a conversation like any good friends who share their hearts and minds together.  Something to consider that may help this is to understand that at any time, instead of waiting for Jesus to move back closer to us, we can move closer to Him. Instead of waiting to have an experience of Jesus Christ, we can give Jesus Christ an experience of us – let Him have our company.

Are you wondering how? The same way that we usually let anyone have our company.