Questions of the Future

When the current world order collapses, will it be replaced by a multi polar world led by civilizational states or a corporation ruled world govt?

Will the savings based economy return or the consumption driven credit based economy continue to rule the world ?

Will the marriage and family system cease to exist in the AI age ? S.

Hi S.,
First, I want to interject that when people see what is believed to be the future of society or the world, many, many, many people will absolutely freak out within themselves, because we tend to like the world we’ve created for today, and not want to find out that in the future today’s world and what we think of as a normal world will disappear. The future world is a foreign world to us. Today’s world is our current home.

Okay. With that said, I’ll mention that you’re jumping the gun by making some common assumptions based on a mixture of your many different feelings including an aggravation and frustration with humanity (which you share with many people these days). That’s pretty normal, right now. Fortunately, there are forces at work which are beyond the worldly forces which we see acting within the visible Earth societies and other Earth arenas.

Mankind, including all the functions of Society, is/are evolving and transforming just as much as individuals are going through evolution. This evolution is a slow process, but also an active process. Your mention that “the current world order collapses” is jumping the gun – or maybe going 0 to 60 instantly. Are you seeing all the small steps that Humanity is taking daily which are contributing to our natural evolutionary process?

“Humanity equals Evolution. Evolution equals Humanity.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024.) This is a truth of the physical universe. This means that the changes we are going through are evolutionary changes. Yes, there are some instant changes that happen, but even with these, we recover from the instant changes, because humanity is capable of getting back up and dusting ourselves off. We adapt and keep on keeping on.

9-11, Covid, The Great Depression, Pearl Harbor – these are examples of instant changes, meanwhile all the smaller daily evolutionary changes cannot be counted, the number would be too high. Humanity does respond to instant changes, and these responses are mostly easy to see. Our responses to evolutionary changes sometimes don’t get noticed. All the small steps are happening and some without being seen.

What I’m saying is that what you expect to see as “the current world order collapses”, means possibly you’re not yet seeing all the countless small steps that are being done by millions and billions of people, each responding to one-day’s change in our world, which in turn, removes the chance of ‘the world order collapsing as a major event.’ The world order is simply transforming and evolving one day at a time. And this “one-day-at-a-time” is a good thing.

That which we will evolve into is yet to be determined. Humanity does not evolve into the “boxes” in which we already exist. We tend to evolve towards adding more “outside the box” particulars. Put another way, we evolve into what is called for in the future moments. This is a birthing process and a creative process. We, humanity, cannot evolve ourselves. Higher Creative Forces guide our evolution on all levels. The Consciousness of Infinite Creativity guides our evolution through the process I’ll call “Creative Creating”. This Creative Creating is Infinite in possibilities, and this is what we humans draw upon when we participate and cooperate to evolve/create our future. You mention 2 ideas or options in a “one or the other” scenario. Couldn’t there be more options than just those two? What if there are 202, or 2002 different options? (There probably won’t be a need to produce 2002 options.)

When we have 8 billion people on the planet, we have 8 billion people creating the new world and all the different governments, organizations, people, etc, that are chosen to lead in making decisions for the new world, all its nations, and all its citizens – whether it is obvious or not. This we can see happening now if we look back hundreds of years to see the “slow” process of evolutionary change which has already happened in the world. And yes, like in the past, we’ll have some people that want to evolve one way, and others that want to evolve other ways. I offer the ways the world’s religions have all evolved, as an example.

At times of instant change, we have seen quicker responses, but there has never been a full on scale collapse, not even during the Wall Street collapse of 1929, which did not happen on only 1 day. Most of it happened over 3 months time. What evolved from this particular event were many processing steps to take in banking and trading stocks, to stop when it looks like something like a crash could proceed again.

Will change happen? Yes. We’ll see remnants of today’s systems, and we’ll also see creative innovations which we could not set in motion before their time arrived.

One thing I’ve precognitively seen is that the United States will NOT see a 500th anniversary – with a change happening in the 23rd century. I see the US changing into 3 or 4 different nations. (I say 3 or 4 because there will be some difficulty is making decisions about which states or borders will go where.) I interpret what I’m seeing as new nations of 3 equal sizes and 1 small size. And right now, I’m not seeing anything preventing this. I see it taking about 60 years of working at it to bring it about, and I see it NOT being from violence. I think it is more like a single-celled organism growing into a 4-celled organism.

Will the savings based economy return or the consumption driven credit based economy continue to rule the world ? S.

Both will continue to be part of this world. Human beings have worked towards building better lives throughout all of history. Both the savings based economy and the consumption driven economy have served their own purposes, and therefore, been and will be a part of today and our future world. Humans are not strictly “Either/Or” beings. For the most part, humans do not have “black or white” perspectives. Humans are massively diverse and creative in vastly different ways. This is why we see hundreds and thousands of different colors when one goes into paint stores. (8 billion people who are all different can create 8 billion different ways to see the world.)

Will marriage and family system cease to exist in the AI age ?

No. For Humanity, marriage and the family system have served and do serve the purposes of mankind’s growth and evolution into directions building Love, unity, mutual support and many other worthy qualities. The technologies of today and of tomorrow could grow to the level of allowing consciousness to exist within artificial forms.

Make no mistake, consciousness does not come into existence from the physical form – any physical form. The physical form comes into existence from consciousness. This has been true of the physical universe and it is true of all life. Spiritual life was not created for or from the physical universe. The physical universe was/is created for and from expressions of spiritual life. And this is true at all levels of creativity and existence. This means that when and if the technological complexity reaches a level worthy of consciousness, consciousness can enter into this type of form for purposes of evolution and growth…. AND THE FULFILLMENT OF FREEWILL.

The challenge will be to figure out how to give the “artificial” form an opportunity for freewill, to love, to feel all feelings, and in turn, to experience our connection to the Spiritual Plane of existence as reality, in ways like humans can via Chakras. How does one invent an electronic connection to a Chakra? Until this happens, AI will have limitations.

But, these limitations will not stop anyone from wanting to marry their robots. Currently though, the level of complexity is nowhere near being able to hold a human-level consciousness. Currently, the robots are just equal to desktop computers and desktop computers do not have freewill. The consciousness level of the robot is equal to a rudimentary machine.


Consider a mother carrying her infant within her womb.

Consider the infant within her womb.

Regardless of other issues, the infant within the womb knows this world, only, to be its whole world. The infant knows this world to be where it came into being, and where it came to be aware. The infant believes it is in the real world – the only world it knows, and therefore the only world that must exist.

Consider if someone should come and tell it – that this world is an illusion. They tell the infant, this world is not the real world, but another world yet waiting for the infant to be born into. But, the infant has no proof or evidence that there is another world. This world the infant is in, is the only one the infant has ever known and therefore, the infant continues to believe that this is the only world that is real. To the infant within the womb, this world is the Universe and the infant knows only this.

The infant knows only that it grows and lives inside this world, this Universe, and may or may not have a sense of a being greater than itself – a being that is giving the infant life – a being that may be all around the infant, and always with the infant, but which the infant cannot identify, and cannot discern. The infant, within the womb, knows only that which is connected to the infant, and therefore thinks this ALL, must be all that the infant is, all the world is, and all the Universe is.

Then one day, it leaves this Universe.

Consider the human being,
living within a world which it knows this world, only, to be its whole world. The human being knows this world to be where it came into being, and where it came to be aware. The human being believes it is in the real world- the only world it knows, and therefore the only world that must exist.

Consider if someone should come and tell it – this world is an illusion. They tell the human being, this world is not the real world, but another world yet waiting for the human being to be born into. But, the human being has no proof or evidence that there is another world. This world the human being is in, is the only one the human being has ever known and therefore, the human being continues to believe that this is the only world that is real. To the human being within this existence, this Universe is the only world and the human being knows only this.

The human being knows only that it grows and lives inside this world, and may or may not have a sense of a being greater than itself – a being that is giving the human being life – a being that may be all around the human being, and always with the human being, but which the human being cannot identify, and cannot discern. The human being, within this world, knows only that which is connected to the human being, and therefore thinks this ALL, must be all that the human being is, all the world is, and all the Universe is.

Then one day, it leaves this universe.

If God Had Wanted

If God had wanted us to fully understand human life – to walk not only in our own shoes, but in the shoes of others so as to better understand the lives and experiences of other human beings’ in addition to our own life’s experiences, and so as to grow in expressing the spiritual qualities which come from the Spirit within us – if God wanted all this – He would have created Reincarnation, and thus give us many chances to be born into the shoes of many diverse human lives, so we can learn our real relationship to each other and God.


Sometimes, not remembering our past lives is a gift of mercy from God, giving us a chance for a fresh start. Knowing this is for those who recognize that we could have made some real and hurtful mistakes in that life…

… also.


Some of us do remember our past lives, or at least some of them. To remember them, we do need to seek to remember them, because knowing them does come with work to be done, forgiveness to ask, forgiveness to give, higher standards to reach for, an effort to be more honest with ourselves, and a desire to understand and heal our relationships with others and with ourselves.


Curiosity alone when seeking our past lives can also bring realizations which we are NOT equipped to handle. I.e. who we have harmed, killed, or murdered. If any of us wish to remember who we were, we need to acknowledge both our helpful and our harmful past life actions, and some of us don’t have the tools yet to process and resolve what comes. Healing ourselves and our relationships is also determined by holding the desire to heal ourselves and our relationships. Not everyone wants to heal ourselves and our relationships. Sometimes, it’s because we don’t yet have the tools to accomplish this.
Knowing our past lives is not required to walk our spiritual path and grow spiritually. All we need to do this, is to Love God above all else, and Love our neighbor as ourselves.

(©, 2023, by Jodie Senkyrik)

The Anti-Christ

Who is the Anti-Christ?
Throughout history, there have certainly been plenty of people who have volunteered their resumes for the position.

But as Edgar Cayce’s readings say, the Anti-Christ is that which we all must deal with within ourselves. The Anti-Christ exists as potential – within us.

The Book of Revelations describes the transformation process which we are to go through – with each of us dealing with each aspect described in Revelations.

Each of us are called via our spiritual paths/evolution, to go through a transformation, through many steps, culminating in the expression of the Christ Spirit within us.

Because we have freewill, each of us then has the decision to walk the path to Christ or enact the Anti-Christ within us. Many do the 1st. And many people instead choose the Anti-Christ consciousness to grow within themselves.

This is by way of allowing ourselves to express always greater amounts of selfishness, self-importance, disregard for others, hatred, fear, separation, untruths, and more. These qualities are available to be developed within each person. Each of us has the potential for all of these, and it’s possible that each of us has some part of all of these within us – to deal with as part of our own individuality.

This duality is described as the Light and Darkness within us. The Light is a real essence – One with Love – and is developed from living from this real essence, manifesting Love in many forms and many acts, behaviors and thoughts.

The Darkness is the lack of living from this real essence – acts and behaviors a far distance from Love when these acts, thoughts, behaviors etc., are made manifest.

So, the Antichrist is the one who makes little effort to have Love being a guiding force. The antichrist is the one who seeks self-only above all others.

Throughout history, we have had many people who could have been considered or referred to as embodiment of the Anti-Christ. In humankind’s future, there may be many more. Yet, always, the potential is within us all.

Ultimately, as Christ has mentioned, “I am in you, as the Father is in me.” This points to the presence of the Christ Spirit within every life form in existence.

“Through Him all things were made.” means that the Christ Spirit is the Creative Force of all Infinite Existence. All things created have Christ at its center – the essence of all.

This means that no soul is without the Christ Spirit – the Light of God – to guide us back -sometimes taking this life, sometimes taking a multitude of lives, or longer or shorter – to the Father/Mother God.

We can see this principle and reality also in the phrase, “Hell is not forever and ever, Amen. God is the way out of Hell.” (The Rainbow Cards.) This is true because The One God is Infinite and all life exists within the One that is Infinite, since the Infinite contains all, and therefore through this quality of being Infinite, all things are of the One Consciousness. (Yes, confusing, but still accurate.)

There is no part of anything that does not exist within the Infinite Consciousness of God. Even the embodiment of the Anti-Christ, which is a mindset, a way of thinking, a way of living, a way of treating others, a way of manifesting, – has an innate way back to God – through learning, growing, Loving, being kind, forgiving, showing mercy, showing compassion, understanding, patience, long-suffering, letting go of selfishness and judgment, and many other of the qualities which are born from The Infinite Love of the Infinite Consciousness of God from which we have no separation.

Practice, Practice, Practice

I know I’ve written about this before. But, it is still worth posting.

We humans are not at the level of our spiritual growth and evolution where we make NO mistakes or have NO accidents, which cause pain, harm or worse to others. We are at the level where we still need to practice forgiveness, and self-forgiveness; mercy and self-mercy; compassion and self-compassion; And to “do the best we can with what we have” including doing the best we can with the awareness and spiritual growth that we have gained so far.

This is why I recommend from the Edgar Cayce Readings – “The Search for God” books. I consider these books to be very helpful – to help us practice and learn to forgive when forgiveness is needed, to give mercy when mercy is needed, to be patient with ourselves and other people because patience is needed, and many other topics to practice.

It is not time in our world to throw out all our practice or abandon what we have learned. It is time to practice it and practice it and practice it even all the way up until our last breath. And be grateful to God for always working to teach us about all these qualities, and how much they help.

We are willing to take on the task of forgiving, showing mercy, being patient, sharing compassion, and more, because of the great joy which comes with knowing that as we do these, others are learning these too, and all of us who try each of these, are becoming free and full to overflowing with the Grace and Joy of realizing that the Love of God is ours, as well. And none of us need to be anywhere even close to “perfect” to know this Love inside us.

We need not earn God’s love, but only be willing to come rest in it, allowing it to be all around us and wash through us, and know that inside God’s Love is where we may live life, both on this side of the veil, and on the other side of the veil.


Just a Casual Conversation with M.

People who are forgiven are changed. Just like we’ve been changed every time we are forgiven. Even when we have no awareness we’ve been forgiven. We would not be on any spiritual path if we had not been forgiven quite often. Others cannot continue their spiritual path completely if we don’t forgive them. Of course, we don’t progress either if we don’t. We release them to go to God on their path. We release ourselves to go walking hand in hand with them on our joined spiritual paths. We cannot forgive others unless we also forgive ourselves and everyone. This means all life is walking hand in hand on our combined spiritual paths. In any given lifetime, we can all stumble, fall, and have the chance to start again. We forgive all so that others can learn how to do it also. With God this is possible to do.

…All hate crimes and violence, and negative vibes cause flooding and tornadoes… right?

A lot of this energy has been waiting to be used up and discharged/healed/resolved for the last 50,000 years. It has an opportunity now to manifest and be used up and finished/resolved. This is a lot from Atlantis’ days with actions from thousands of years, then after Atlantis’ days also. Humanity has chosen violence also, and the energy of this manifests physically, also.

Humanity took on the job of being God, judge and jury, when we all individually ate (and still eat) of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We decided (and we still individually decide) that we are equal to God in our ability to assess what is good and evil and then punish who we individually think has done evil. We punish through violence and have so for eons. This includes violent thoughts, and thoughts are things.

Through time, we have sought to add whatever wisdom that we have gained – as best we can to the world to change our world for the better. (Spiritual lesson – “Try to do the best we can with what we have.”) We have made worthwhile changes.

Yet, who among us has grown so high in consciousness as to individually (and eventually collectively) as to decide who or what is good and evil in everyone and everything? Who among us is so wise as to say, “I am everyone’s judge”? None of us, but we do it anyway, even to ourselves. When we do this to anyone, we are doing it to all life, and doing it to our self, all at the same moment, within the same thought, and from the same heart, mind, and soul.

And we can undo it in the same way.


All of this “mess” is our inner homework. We live on the Earth in a world which is a spiritual classroom and spiritual gymnasium, perfectly made for us to practice all spiritual qualities of Loving kindness, patience, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, humility, long-suffering, faith, trust, humor, joy, more patience, charity, understanding, and more patience.

And only one person has made all straight A’s, a perfect score – from 2000 years ago. And so He helps tutor the rest of us, as we continue to learn, grow and evolve our own awareness, consciousness, and understanding. He helps us then to tutor others.

Here in this “mess” is where we practice and learn how to bring forth loving kindness into making real and better relationships, lives and our world. We have lots of homework and we can do it here on Earth, when we are willing.

Do you have any idea when it will be finished. We are losing our country, losing free speech, equity among laws and others. I’m afraid for the country.

No one on Earth is losing God’s presence in their lives, regardless of if we believe or don’t, feel it or don’t, or what paradigm we hold to. This country and all countries are here and gone like all boundaries, or differences which have been in the past. This is a blink in God’s time. Where was the US and today’s world’s nations 10,000 years ago? Where will they be 10,000 years from now? But the souls of 10,000 years ago are here – in different situations, cultures, subgroups and positions. And today’s souls on Earth, many will be here in 10,000 years in different cultures, families, religions and circumstances. And all that is happening is that everyone is continuing to do their work to try to learn love more/grow more and learn from when we stumble more/make more mistakes/have accidents, hurt or be hurt, etc. and all of it in different environments, different bodies, different conditions, circumstances and spiritual laboratories.

No lesson is ever lost. This is the little picture vs. THE BIG PICTURE.

The little picture – our individual, momentary picture will never look good, because it is so limited in it’s scope, or rather we are so limited in our comprehension and understanding of the whole. Only the Big Picture – God’s Whole Picture – includes everyone and everything – rather everyone’s understanding, beliefs, paradigms, comprehension, consciousness, and more even than that. In the case of this Earth and all souls and soul growth, it is true that the whole is MUCH GREATER then the sum of all its parts.

No one will ever lose the freedom to love, to forgive, to be kind or to speak To God (or to cry out to God from the wilderness). Remember, the Earth is not here for human purposes. It is here for God’s purposes. No one can change this. God’s purpose is always Love and from that Love, Unity and Oneness.

I know God’s purpose has to win eventually.

Not “eventually”. It has always been in place. We just don’t have all understanding to be aware of this. There is no opposition to worry about this. This is not the battlefield humanity thinks it is. It is a classroom. But humanity has only gone half way with regards to what this Earth can offer.

This being a classroom is why our enlightenment is to be. It is why Love is to be. It is why our awareness of our Oneness with God is to be. God wills it. For all. Even those who we individually judge to be SO WRONG!!! (Our classmates, and gym partners, but then of course, judge ourselves to be wrong – from their point of consciousness.)

Who knew? This classroom is hard to [be a part of] without getting involved.

LOL. You got that right! :-)

But, we can be involved. That’s why we need each other. We need one another to help each other – to hold each other’s hand while we walk our paths of life and learning. We stumble and fall, – and – holding hands as we walk our paths to live our lives, helping one another, will always demonstrate the best to each other, and to let our hearts’ Love guide our learning.


“Many souls have traveled in the area of 15, 20, and even 25 million years to be in the Earth to do this spiritual learning and work of Loving Kindness for others and ourselves, in this Earth.

The question for us as individuals is, having gone through that much time to become human beings, are we doing what we came to do?” (The Rainbow Cards, 2023, ©, by Jodie Senkyrik)

The Good Friend
Everyone needs some tutoring and everyone gets to tutor.

The Old Ways Are Dying

The old ways of thinking are dying – the days of the past being the way we live life, with its past behaviors and thinking being the acceptable behaviors and thinking – are fewer and fewer. The old ways of living for selfishness and self-centeredness with our own self being our only center of life, are dying.

The sun is setting on the consciousness of the past – survival of the fittest – force and might winning all battles – violence serving and used to get what one wants. Like the passage of the day into night and the night into day, these changes are happening.

For any who have eyes to see it, these will see it. For those who do not have the eyes to see it – the consciousness to recognize it, or the mind to grasp it, these will not see it. Or rather, each will see according to one’s own willingness and capacity. Everyone has different willingness and capacities to see what is coming and what is leaving us.

It’s time to change or we find ourselves turning to being like dinosaurs. Many are helping the process to change towards qualities like tolerance and respect – both on this side of the veil and on the other side of the veil – both working to make the veil thinner and thinner until it ceases to exist, which will also be an evolutionary process. Those who can think to look for different ways of relating like cooperation and open-mindedness, and looking for new ideas like listening rather than screaming, who can look for ways to adapt and practice new concepts like kindness and compassion to bring forth that which serves all of humanity in better ways – adapting to changes like goodwill, self-reflection and inclusion happening, even during this minute which just passed, will awaken to even more of a new dawn and a greater age of Humankind which will last for a very long time.

The young ones and those born today, will never see the world we grew up in. That world of yesterday, yesteryear and yester-decade and yester-century are gone… and never coming back. Ever. For example, we have seen this in our own time with the worlds of our pasts, and on backwards, never returning. (Many try to bring these whole worlds back, but they do not succeed.) Even the entire physical Universe evolves and is moving past what it was long ago.

If we keep to the effort of change within ourselves, recognizing that self-change contributes to world-change, considering goodwill and the betterment for all of humanity and all of life, we will walk through a door into a world in which we will be able to become evermore aware of why there is hope.

God is greater than any force or movement in the Earth which on the surface appears to be opposing our spiritual evolution manifesting in the material world. God’s will is for us to grow, learn, love, and live life. God is committed to this and God’s Will comes about. Always with love and kindness, always with wisdom and understanding, and always with support, patience and persistence.

And… always God with the greater awareness of the path that has been and is yet to be walked.

We won’t recognize all of it, but like those on the other side, working with us, this ‘big picture’ reality is THE reality. All are destined to learn this, but not all at the same time, and never will freewill be taken away – meaning the freewill of when to learn this. Like the depth of water that changes in a swimming pool, as we change our place in the pool, gaining in skill, we are given the opportunity to learn to gain from our experiences and our changes – going ever more into greater paradigms, greater experiences, and greater understanding.

For this is also our souls’ evolution and our souls’ destiny – to live all of life in all arenas knowing we are the spiritual children of the One Infinite Consciousness of Love and Unity – God.

Question on Suicide: Part 2. Of the Mind

This is a 3-part series of articles, written to respond to a reader’s question.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma


“I have been suicidal many times in my life. I have studied metaphysics most of my life. I believe that we, along with our guides, plan our next incarnation and the lessons we will take on. If we and our guides plan our next incarnation, can suicide be written into our ‘blueprint’? If so, would this being planned ahead of rebirth, doesn’t that alleviate the bad karma associated with suicide? It seems if it is planned it is part of our spiritual evolution, yes? Or maybe it is the big picture and the bad karma is part of the learning process as well.” V.

Part 2 of 3: Of The Mind


Depression plays a large part with many suicide decisions. There are an extremely large number of factors which add to depression. Anger, disillusionment, addictions, feelings of being condemned, disappointments, and so many more. I will focus this article on only one of the many. What I will mention here is high expectations of people, of our self, of God, of spirituality, of circumstances, of our understanding of life and of more – both conscious expectations and unconscious expectations.

This is a very seemingly simple facet – seemingly simple in understanding and simple in any depth within the psyche. However, expectations can be buried deep in the unconscious – even coming from our past lives and the beliefs, attitudes and experiences we had during those times. So, with high expectation, too often we are not recognizing or acknowledging that, our expectations of life are driving our perspectives, our beliefs, our hopes, dreams, attitudes, feelings, our subconscious and ultimately our behaviors and decisions when these expectations aren’t followed through or fulfilled – by our self, others, the world or even God and religion.

This non-fulfillment of so many conscious and unconscious expectations can become overwhelming to our spirit and soul. One missing piece of helpful awareness when dealing with a soul’s expectations of existence and life, simply put, is the lack of prayer. No person, no life can grow within through this physical life without God. (I’ll explain this more, a little later.) Prayer – which I define as a reaching for the hand of God – both FOR our self FROM others and FROM our self FOR others is one of the greater catalysts for this connection. We tend to have our highest and most hidden inner expectations of that to which, or for whom, we don’t pray. Beginning this path of exploration and discovery in a simple way – we can begin to see that with our expectations being high, we tend to not consider prayer to be needed or deserved.

I’ll repeat what I just wrote – no person or life can grow within, through life – without God – and with prayer, either for us or from us, we are helped more readily. There are plenty of us who have thought or do think we can go through life without prayer, and plenty that do, but then on the other hand, few of us ever know who has been praying for us, or is praying for us even now as we read this article. In addition, those who are prayed for are helped more readily than those who are not prayed for.

When we don’t include prayer, we are not giving ourselves or others the very real and best help which is needed to face the challenges and difficulties, problems and pain of human life. God created us to need one another. God created us to need Love, prayer, and the Infinite Love of God. We so often tell ourselves that we don’t need any of this. Sure enough, we can exist thinking this way, but denying reality – in this case, denying our spiritual reality begins the path of many serious inner problems. Some of these problems lead us to believe that suicide is a solution. Others of these problems lead us down the road of many destructive and harmful actions – including killing others, as well.

But, existing is not the same as living a growing, evolving life. Exploring our spiritual reality begins the path of enrichment and connection (which is very difficult to make objective – what with it being so personal and unique.) Individually, we can awaken to wonders, connections, and healing beyond what we previously imagined or thought, living a life we had not yet been aware to even think possible – which is why it is more a subjective path rather than an objective path. In addition, the eventual connection to and communing/exploring spirituality with others can show us that there are a lot of us subjective spiritual-path walkers around and connecting up. Yet, at the same time, walking our spiritual path, opens up a whole other box of expectations – related to our religious expectations, our own soul expectations, our expectations of the spiritual path itself, and our expectations of God and spiritual teachers.

When we pray for ALL, and continue to pray for ALL, we can begin to recognize that we are all equal – all life is equal in being valuable, all life is equal in our needs, and all life is equal in importance to and loved by the Consciousness of Infinite and Unending Love – God. We can recognize that All life is worthy of and in need of being prayed for.

We also realize that our prayers may not be easily seen as being helpful. Yet, with continued willingness to and practicing of having faith in God, in others and in our own prayers, the help to face our days’ problems can begin to be felt, and sometimes seen. We can grow to see that our daily life is where we build our relationship with an active God – active in our efforts – who is ready to help us in growing and learning – instead of having the expectation that all of life should be easy and wonderful by default with few prayers and little or no effort.

Part 2B.

[To the questioner] There are several aspects which you mention in your statements which you present and describe here showing what I would consider either a misunderstanding or an incomplete understanding. These aspects are – the planning of our future lives, and the understanding of karma. There are facets of each which you haven’t mentioned which sometimes don’t get considered.

First, consider the concept of “planning of our future lives”, as being a synonym for soul evolution. Now, consider perhaps that there is much more to the “planning” of our future lives, than we are aware of while living our human lives. In addition, planning of each life does not happen at the Earth level in the 5-senses human consciousness level. It cannot take into account the cosmos of who we are, and how each level of our Higher Consciousness must also be involved – something that does not happen at the human level.

Our soul evolution does not get planned by our self. We cannot evolve our self, simply because we don’t have in our human consciousness that awareness of and growth which evolution would lift us into. The highest of consciousness is the guiding force helping us to bring forth our evolution of all things, including levels of consciousness which we cannot physically and psychically hold within our human minds as a human species.

Like the call for a step/leap of faith, we do not consciously have much of that next realm within our minds which we step/leap into, when faith is required. If we did have it in our consciousness, we would not need faith to open our minds beyond our own self-established limits. But, for us to be willing and then to step up into our next level of consciousness, we step off in faith into that which we haven’t yet integrated into our understanding.

The baby being born has not previously been in the world it is being born into. The baby cannot birth him/herself. Higher forces must bring the baby forth, because the baby does not understand the experience and aspects of it. The baby has no concept of any experience except being within it’s one original environment provided by another being – also of which it knows very little.

Humanity, is not at the point where we understand and know all there is to know on the Earth. Our spirit guides, though helpful with the life we live and with seeing future lives, are not the first or last word in spiritual evolution. For they too, are evolving spiritually, and they only can share their own path’s experiences up to that level of growth they’ve reached, with each individual’s path still being subjective to that individual.

Still, our guides of every kind, are indeed helpful, because they sometimes can contribute to guidance from a point of advantage. Just remember, that our guides are many times, many, many times, our friends and family members who we’ve known in life and in previous lives. Likewise, they may be angels, but angels also are on spiritual paths of growth.

The question to consider along with other questions then is: are these the souls we seek to be our source of higher consciousness guidance when they may not have yet gained to the point of providing a comprehensive perspective for a soul-path that is not their own. Who among us knows what is best for another soul? We tend to not always know what is best for ourselves, much less someone else.

Advice we get and give, personally, comes only from that level of learning and growth which we, ourselves, each have reached, and not from the levels of learning and growth which we, yet, have little understanding – in other words, it comes from our own subjective paradigm. Ultimately, who do we approach seeking help on our spiritual path, Aunt Sarah and her understandings, or the Christ within? Both are helpful, or can be. But, each has a different capacity into which their understanding and wisdom expands.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma

Question on Suicide: Part 3. Karma

This is a 3-part series of articles, written to respond to a reader’s question.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma


“I have been suicidal many times in my life. I have studied metaphysics most of my life. I believe that we, along with our guides, plan our next incarnation and the lessons we will take on. If we and our guides plan our next incarnation, can suicide be written into our ‘blueprint’? If so, would this being planned ahead of rebirth, doesn’t that alleviate the bad karma associated with suicide? It seems if it is planned it is part of our spiritual evolution, yes? Or maybe it is the big picture and the bad karma is part of the learning process as well.” V.

Karma, of itself, is neither good nor bad. It holds no judgment of the energy it carries or the form it manifests. It holds no judgment because, in truth, God holds no judgment. This may disappoint a lot of people, but it is people who hold the judgment – each having taken a bite of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The life energy of Karma is the God energy. Karma is as aspect of the mind of God, designed to produce the “exact return” of all experiences which we create. Karma is the act of creating – creating experiences for ourselves and others, both in our own realm and in all the realms of life. Not everyone experiences the same form which karma takes when it manifests, but then not everyone experiences the same form which we initially create (for someone else or for our self).

All things are energy, including thought, action, the environment we’re in, manifestation and everything else. These are not just cliches or words of platitude. Not yet understanding these words, does not mean they are false or fanciful.

All of these items are energy in their essence and ultimately in their manifestation. Karma is the creation of different energy patterns, being “sent” into the Infinite – which includes the Earth, physical Universe, our personal lives, and all realms of consciousness. All of this exists because the Infinite Consciousness of God is its source of existence, and is its essence. Karma is an aspect of the Consciousness of God.

The experience that Neal Armstrong gave to the people of the Earth, is the experience making a circular journey, in some form, for all of life, and eventually back, in some form, to Neal Armstrong to experience, with all aspects and factors present in whatever form is available at some point in time. This journey includes to all life in the Universe. The experience that the 19 hijackers gave to the people of the Earth, is the experience making a circular journey, in some form, and eventually back, for all of life and the 19 hijackers to experience, with all aspects and factors present in whatever form is available at some point in time. This journey includes to all life in the Universe.

There is no judgment innate to Karma – judgement comes from the the current beliefs in duality within the human consciousness/mind. There is no Karmic label of good or bad. There is only the returning home of that which is sent out. The boomerang that is thrown outward is the one that returns home – in some form. (Not always the exact same form, but always with every aspect and factor to address.) There is no judgement to this process. It is the same ripple on the surface of the lake which goes outward that is reflected and comes back. The experience we create for others to be on the receiving end of, is the experience which comes back around in the circle for ourselves to be on the receiving end of – again, not always looking exactly like it but holding all facets. It then behooves us to consider, if we are able to, what the impact we are having on others and how we affect other people. If we feel it’s okay to send out certain experiences to others, whether helpful or harmful, then we are accepting that it is okay for ourselves to then receive the very same experiences upon returning.

With God all things are possible. In fact, only with the Infinite Consciousness of God, are all things possible. With God, Loving kindness is possible. Mercy is possible. Healing is possible. Patience is possible. Tolerance is possible, and forgiveness is possible. With God as our partner, our having a better impact and effect on others is possible. With God, we can “Love God above all else, and Love our neighbor as ourselves.” (Like breathing air is why we can continue to live our human life, the presence of God within our very being, is why we can love, why we can forgive, why we show mercy, patience, kindness, courage and more.) We can only Love God and Love our neighbor as ourselves, because it is the God within us – which is our Self – that does the loving. We love, because God within us, as us, which is us, loves.

The point of this is that all actions we make to happen in the world, impacts all of life, whether it is the gift of lifting people up to the stars; demonstrating life, love, and light; whether its judging and condemning ourselves and others; or bringing people down through destructive ways. This we have called karma.

Ultimately, our path will lead to ever higher realms of consciousness, and this will happen when we create experiences of higher realms of consciousness in the realm we currently are at – in other words, “making a heaven on Earth” for those with whom we have contact to experience. To put it another way, we climb the stairway to heaven by building the stairway for everyone to experience. (Neil Armstrong took all of us with him on his climb to walk on the Moon. Also, this is why we say that Jesus Christ was the example for us all – because He lived the life of Love, and then gave this life of Love to All Life – for all of us to be aware of.)

We strengthen God’s Love in the world, by Loving our neighbors as ourselves. We strengthen the presence of Heaven on Earth by making a Heaven on Earth for the people in our lives in whatever way we can. If we wonder how – it is as has been said many times – Loving kindness, patience, forgiveness, mercy, long-suffering, Oneness, prayer, meditation, brotherhood, faith in the God within all life, trust in the Infinite Consciousness of God, and more.

For anyone who contemplates suicide, I would simply suggest, first get permission from all the people in one’s life. Ask them if this act of suicide would create the same type of experience that it would for the one contemplating it.

… Or would this create a different type of experience in their lives.

If this is only a question of spiritual logic, then these questions are valid to be asked. But, if this turns out to not just be a question of logic, then deeper exploring of the heart and soul could provide much greater insight and much greater answers leading to finding something greater than previously thought possible, i.e. peace of mind and heart, healing of the soul, and/or a greater understanding of our purpose of being alive, just to name a few, if these are sought.

Go deeper. Seek deeper into the soul and the human heart. Never give up the journey into one’s own Self to discover the riches yet existing within the cosmos of one’s own Self. Consider the cosmos of the night sky as an easy to experience reflection of our own depths.

There is no need to guess about God or our spiritual path. God’s will is Love. All spiritual lessons begin and end with God and God’s Infinite Love. There is no separation between the two. The One Infinite God is also Infinite Love. And the Consciousness of Infinite Love does not withhold Love.

These 3 articles (3 parts of 1 article) are by no means all that can be put forth to discuss suicide from a spiritual perspective. As I mentioned, many, many books (possibly even libraries) can be written about these aspects. My own paradigm is that we can learn from our own experiences including the experience of reaching a point where we consider suicide.

Being human, our own experiences also give us insight into human experiences which push us to consider much about humanity including suicide, and in turn, when facing/dealing/healing this, then use that gained insight and understanding for self-exploration on our spiritual path and eventually for helping others to try to move through any experiences which led them also to consider suicide.

Learning only about ourselves and our own life is not the end purpose of the spiritual path. The step beyond that is to rejoin the Oneness of all Life, and release/share the learning into the Infinite (which includes people in our life, and our world.) As we live our life, we are observed by those who learn from our examples – whether “good or bad”. One of the things we can be observed doing, is the human process of learning from our experiences. One of the things we can teach, is wisdom we’ve sought from our experiences and sharing with the world (or one other person) what we’ve learned.

The Individual Human Consciousness is a cosmos as vast as the one we see by looking up into a clear night sky. I’ve said it before – if anyone would like to gain a glance at one’s own consciousness, then look up during a clear night. Try to take it all in. Then realize that the wonders we see in the night sky, we see because it is reflecting our own self. If we don’t grasp this, it is only because we’ve not yet expanded our awareness to that vastness – which can indeed be done by using our own mind with all the capabilities the mind has, including exploring ever deeper into ourselves.

Just don’t forget – after the journey to expand, then to shrink back down when returning to the room and one’s own body.

Just sayin’.

God bless us, Everyone.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma

Our Senses

It is easy to ignore our senses.

We can ignore what we see – so often that we no longer see what is in front of us.

We can ignore what we hear – so often that we no longer hear what is being said to us.

We can ignore anything into seeming oblivion, which is why so many of us no longer believe that the soul/spirit exists.

Because we’ve ignored our sixth sense so completely – the sense that shows us our soul, and connects us to the workings of Spirit – that so many of us no longer recognize it or even believe it exists.

The road back to awareness requires us to deal with some serious stuff, including our own deafness to our own spirit, and our own blindness to Spirit, and letting go of our own judgements of our self.

What we will find though, is that the road back to an awareness of spirit comes with many helpers who are so wondrously overjoyed to have us back on the road, again – a road that is built with the most loving kindness. . . . and not something to be afraid of, or fear being condemned by, at all.


Reasons why ET has not publicly announced they are present

Imagine yourself entering into the Earth’s sphere and spending time observing the societies all around the globe.

You see human beings at their best and at their worst.

It’s the “worst” that you take note of most.

Having learned “Human Nature” and how humans make decisions, respond to problems, what humans consider most important, how honest or dishonest we are, our government models, our elected officials, our states of mind throughout our societies, how we solve problems, how we create problems, how we respond to problems, and the areas we focus on in our lives – how we live our lives,…

…what do we consider is likely to happen when introducing oneself to humans?

If you thought, utter and complete chaos, you’re right. FIRST, in this time period, there would be panic, there would be fear, there would be RED ALERTS everywhere.

After things settled down, all of human nature would come down upon the visitors like a ton of bricks. There would be tolerance and intolerance. There would be cooperation and non-cooperation, respect and disrespect, suspicion and blind trust. In other words, how we treat people on earth is how we would treat people not from earth. There is no change in how we would respond to them, than how we respond to each other, right now. We are the people that we are.

Currently, we don’t treat each other that well. We try. We really do try hard, but we still have much in the way of conflict, wars and non-cooperation. Why would they want to get mixed up in this?

We do offer a lot of great and wonderful things. There are many great and wonderful qualities within us. But, right now, …………….. there’s also a great and wonderful need for “improving.”

In general, we humans make our big and small decisions based not always on facts, but on desires, opinions, sometimes prejudices, – the best of our nature and the worst of our nature. There are plenty of humans who love to get mixed up in the best of our nature and the worst of our nature. There are plenty who seek to demonstrate both the best and the worst of human nature.

We humans treat other people sometimes with respect and kindness, but other times with abuse, hatred, and insults. When we disagree, sometimes we attack and sometimes we kill.

All of these aspects of human behavior will not go away just because non-earth beings show up. They know this.

There would be great demands for their technology. There would be demands to solve the problems on our planet. There would be demands for them to not interfere with how we decide our own planet, (ie. stay out of our wars – “They’re our wars, not yours, and you don’t get to decide who we kill.”)

The only thing safe for them is to let us know they exist and then stay away. And that is how it has happened already, which allows for the status quo to remain and progress to move slowly for everyone.

Human beings generally would want the visitors to solve all the human beings’ problems, because we tend to think technology solves all problems. It doesn’t. We struggle with this truth even without ETs.

We tend to think those who have greater resources should give what they have to those who don’t have resources – even now, that doesn’t solve problems. We don’t have enough Earth resources to give to everyone. We tend to be an unselfish, as well as a selfish species. Like winning the lottery sometimes negatively affects winners – this instant change also can cause destructive problems to expand and get worse. Societies could gain some strengths, but the weaknesses would grow, as well.

The Star Trek Prime Directive goes both ways. They are not currently making themselves known, because it would create so many more problems – for them, and for us.

Even Hollywood has never had aliens land and say, “We’re here to solve all your problems for you.” Anyone who comes saying that is not to be believed, as we’ve learned by watching commercials on TV when the commercial says, “We’ve got the products that will solve all your problems.

Any ETs that land publicly would only be another player on the planet – dealing with all the turmoils with which the people of Earth are still struggling. Why announce oneself and get mixed up with the problems we humans currently have, if it only creates more problems for everyone.


There will be a day when they do come forth publicly. There is a time range which this could happen, and it depends on the growth of the human race on this planet. The earliest from this point on, that I am seeing, would be the mid 2050s and the latest would be at the beginning of the next century in the 2110s. The highest potential time is around the turn of the century. In the meantime, they make themselves known to some individuals in the manners which we already are involved with, for the purpose of furthering insight, cooperation and understanding – and respect for self-determination and boundaries.

Love, Imagination, and Thinking

Human love exists because God’s love is the source and foundation. Human love cannot exist without God’s love being present. Hence why we can learn that when love is present, God is present.

God is Love, and Love is God. They cannot be separated. Until this awareness is part of our very cells and atoms, we only scratch the surface of knowing God, and we only slightly grasp an awareness of Christ.

This is the message of God and Christ – the Oneness of God, Christ and Love. From this Oneness comes all other lessons and principles to learn. From this Oneness is why God has given us freewill and why God has given us eternity to learn the Infiniteness of God.

From the Infiniteness of God and the Oneness of this Infiniteness comes Infinite Kindness, Infinite Mercy, Infinite Patience, Infinite Compassion and Understanding, etc. In addition, from the Infinite Consciousness of God comes Infinite Imagination, of which we have within us, as well. This means that if we can think it, we can do it. If we can think it, we can manifest it. So, it behooves us to examine how and what we think – especially when it comes to our relationships with others. We cannot pour anything forth from within us, if we don’t first think to do it.

The questions will always be – “Are we thinking love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness?” or “Are we thinking bitterness, resentment and vengeance?” What we think is now and will always be our own choice. We can think differently whenever we choose to simply because “With God all things are possible” including thinking love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness.

When we have trouble offering these, consider thinking of God, first.

Do We?

Is the inflicting of pain and suffering what we want our life filled with? Of course not, but more people do just this without even thinking twice. When we go through life on automatic, without thinking once or twice or any, we let our issues, our hurts, our frustrations, our pains, our suffering, our misunderstandings and our prejudices which are all wrapped up in our subconscious, choose how we respond to other people within the relationships and interactions of our every day world.

For us to do differently, we have to think about it. We have to observe ourselves – think about how we relate to people – and think of the experiences that others may have of us.

Responding with compassion, or mercy – answering a situation with conscious patience, or understanding is not an automatic act which we can do ‘in our sleep’. We have to choose to act with compassion or mercy, or patience and understanding, …
or love.

If we’re not thinking of these, if these are not on our mind, we’re not doing these.

How often do you check to see if you’re breathing? How often do you examine your breathing in and out?
This act of breathing is automatic, and for the most part, we don’t check to see if we’re breathing. We go about our life on automatic with our breathing. We don’t consciously inhale or exhale, …

unless we choose to consciously.

There are many exercises for consciously breathing – and for many purposes. One example is for athletics. I.e. For learning better swimming techniques, one must consciously be aware of one’s breathing in and out. Other examples are for many meditative or yogic practices.

For this article, the exercise of consciously being aware of breathing in and out can also serve to lead us to be aware of this one moment right now in which we are breathing (even while reading this article). If we realize that we can only breathe in this moment that we call Now, we have realized a great truth. We cannot breathe during times past, and we cannot breathe during future times. We can only breathe during the moment of Now.

This Now moment, also is the only time we can choose to bring forth an act of compassion or mercy. In this Now moment, represented by our awareness of our breathing in and out, right now, is the moment when we can choose to show patience, or kindness to whomever or whatever we’re in the vicinity of. In this Now moment, is the only moment when we can show Love, or forgiveness, or encouragement. In this Now moment is the only moment we can listen to another or comfort another, or support another in need.

This Now moment is the single most powerful, opportunity for accomplishing any and every transformative or healing act. This is because, we are conscious when we are recognizing NOW. And we can consciously choose to express any quality of Love which we want to – Now.

The question then begs, “What can we do NOW – while we’re noticing that we’re breathing in and out – to bring Love, Joy, Patience, Forgiveness, Mercy or any of these qualities in the world – right NOW?”

It’s okay to stop reading this article, and NOW act consciously to demonstrate Love and show this Love through any of these qualities.

Step by Step Out of Illusion

Step by Step Out of Illusion

There are a lot of us who are saying that this world is an illusion. And the only reason so many people are saying this, is because – It Is True. At the same time, it is also true that we have physical eyes that see this world, and we have physical ears that hear this world, and physical fingers, nerves, mouths, noses and bodies that also experience this world.

But, these eyes and ears and all other parts of our physical body are part of the illusion, as well. All these parts exist, in this illusory world, so that we can come into this particular world of illusion, and both interact and experience this world of illusion.

[Unrelated side note: This illusionary aspect is the foundation for why and how paradoxes exist, but this is a topic for a later time and not for this article.]

To continue – We come into this world of illusion, not primarily to be able to manipulate the world of illusion, but more importantly, to transform our inner world – within ourselves – to bring about change within our own self as an individual. We do this, through our freewill, by responding in ever more healing ways to circumstances, challenges and people – including our own and other people’s actions, behaviors, thoughts and feelings while in this realm of illusion.

We do this, because we are working to reestablish the awareness that all of us are spirit beings. We seek to spread the realization that all life is spirit – spirit in consciousness and essence. We are entering into this illusory world, so that we can help ourselves and others to recall that this physical realm is not reality, as well as that our spiritual self/realm IS reality.

We seek to help all recall this, so that we can find ways to release ourselves from what feels sometimes like endless cycles of physical lives. We do this, so that all life can return to the realm of spirit with an awareness that all of life can return to a process of growth and learning, and move on to ever greater/higher levels of consciousness, and ever greater levels of awareness of being One with the Infinite Consciousness that is God – not awareness as in a theoretical or philosophical way, but in a very real experiential way.

The practicing of meditation and prayer gives us our first steps into becoming aware that there is more than just a physical aspect to ourselves. Meditation helps us to learn to sense our consciousness energy and our connection to our own spirit, or rather, ourselves as spirit, and, in turn, our connection to All Spirit by the practice of quieting the outer world of physicality, so we can be more aware of the “inner” subtle world of Spirit.

Prayer helps us to activate our spirit consciousness to reach out to all Spirit. It is the sending of our own energy into higher realms in order to add to the forces/energies that are helping to bring healing into this world.

We practice Love, Kindness, Patience, Mercy, Forgiveness, and these higher qualities in order to help ourselves and others know the qualities which connect us to the Infinite Consciousness, and with which the Infinite Consciousness is imbued.

This helps us to bring forth the presence of the Infinite Consciousness into the level of this world – into the illusory world by demonstrating these higher qualities. As we demonstrate these higher qualities, our higher Spirit activates and moves in this lower realm. The essence of our connection to God, moves in this realm and impacts the vibration of this realm, in turn, helping to speed up the vibration of the realm. This vibrational speeding up is in order to help all life and all spirits to evolve to ever higher vibratory levels of consciousness.

In addition, the purpose of bringing forth the presence of the Infinite Consciousness of God into the level of this world through demonstrating these higher qualities is to bring healing of body, mind and spirit to each individual and life form.

From this healing point of view, the healings by this infusion of higher qualities and higher energy – the Love/Light/Christ energy – into this world, also brings about an evolutionary process to the mental understanding of the world we physically live in, with one result among all results being the recognition that this realm is also a realm existing within the God Consciousness of All Things – and hence showing that even the physical experience is not separate from God.

Furthermore, this ever increasing vibration of energy happening within this realm of existence, impacts on every life form, ever influencing each life form and helping to guide each life form to address any issues, factors, beliefs, feelings, etc., which cause inner stagnation of the consciousness – the inner stagnation which, in effect, has been what has trapped souls, entities, life forms in what seems like endless cycles of lives – all happening within this physical realm.

This entrapment has come from developing consciousnesses of fear, hate and vengeance. With this fear, hate and vengeance which we take on and act from, if we use these to motivate our actions, behaviors, thoughts and feelings, we are growing further and further away from manifesting the higher vibration energy and consciousness of the Infinite Consciousness. We instead manifest lower and lower vibration energy through our actions, behaviors, feelings and thoughts.

Regardless of what we choose of our own freewill to manifest, because we are, by our very nature, a part of the Infinite Consciousness, (often without awareness of it), our actions, behaviors, etc, become part of all of Infinite Consciousness, by vibrating through Infinite Consciousness, impacting all of Infinite Consciousness, including eventually coming around to impacting our own self, because there is no separation of any life form from the Infinite Consciousness of God (hence why we are impacted, albeit in different ways, as well).

This process we call Karma, which reflects our own consciousness and the experiences we create for others…. and ourselves. This is why it is true, that the experiences we create for others are the experiences we’re creating for ourselves. (This is also why it is true that the prayers we pray for others are the prayers we’re praying for ourselves, the guilt or shame we place on others is the guilt/shame we’re placing on ourselves, as well as the blessings we place on others being the blessings we’re placing on ourselves.)

If we choose to continue to manifest lower vibration energy through any means, we are in opposition to the evolutionary energies which seek to reach higher vibratory levels which bring about healing to all life in this realm. We therefore are unable to rise to the higher levels to heal, leave this realm and end this cycle of lives. (This choosing of lower vibration behavior, etc, does not negate the ever-increasing and evolving of the vibratory rates of the physical realm in which this living of all life takes place, i.e. the Universe.)

This is one understanding of the entrapment in which so many have found them/ourselves. Every experience we create for ourselves and others, is either a higher or a lower vibration manifesting in this realm. We manifest according to the level of vibration we have in our own consciousness at that moment. We bring into the world, that which is within us which we create in that moment.

If, of our own freewill, we choose to manifest a lower energy/consciousness in living our life – that consciousness which is further away from the Loving Kindness consciousness – we are, by definition, not lifting ourselves out of this lower vibration illusory environment realm to become aware of the higher realms. Rather we are choosing to stay at the same level, which, in turn, leads to lifetime after lifetime, after lifetime – this cycling back which we refer to as the entrapment (but to occur within the constantly changing arena which the vibratory increase brings about.)

Thus we return lifetime after lifetime continuing to experience that which we create, until we make other choices which are higher vibration in nature. As I’ve mentioned above, these higher vibration choices are the choices of bringing forth Loving kindness, compassion, courage, patience, forgiveness, mercy, selflessness and other higher consciousness qualities – the qualities which Christ demonstrated in the Earth – the qualities which He referred to when He said, “Follow Me” in bringing forth higher manifestations and healing manifestations – the manifestations which are also known as His bringing Love into all life in this world – a spiritualizing of physical life.

And yet, …
Christ’s spiritualizing all of life, all experiences in this realm, all that manifests, all circumstances, all responses to living in this realm, has established the path into this realm as also having a way out of this realm to ever higher consciousness realms.

The entrapment which has been part of this realm’s characteristics, can be eliminated as each individual spirit chooses to transform through the opening up to the Infinite Consciousness within each individual. The Infinite Consciousness of God exists within us and within an ability and willingness to Love. This “opening up to” – this willingness to Love – helps us to bring forth and manifest the higher energies and higher qualities, which are the nature of the Infinite Consciousness of God.

In essence, when we Love, we are bringing forth the Higher Infinite Consciousness of God – the Love Consciousness into this realm. God is Love. Christ came into this world to demonstrate that God is Love. He spoke the words – “If you see me, you see the Father.” Christ Jesus, being one with the Infinite Consciousness, demonstrated the Love that is the Consciousness of the Infinite, which we call God.

This process of transformation, of our own consciousness through manifesting higher energy responses to this world, then triggers the change of the total vibration ever increasing, which we are to go through leading to our own vibrating at higher levels, thus moving us into ever higher realms of existence which await us.

In essence, we attract and are attracted to realms at the same vibration of which we currently maintain. As we maintain, but then work to grow to higher vibrations, no matter what realm we currently inhabit, we then evolve to ever higher levels of existence. The Spiritual law – “Like attracts like” is evident in this process. We gravitate to that level of consciousness, which we have reached in our own consciousness.

Since we have freewill, many souls, including Christ Jesus, do choose to continue in the physical realm in order to continue to help others come to these realizations, as well. (This does impact and help increase the vibratory rate of the entire realm.) Jesus referred to this even when He said, “He who is first will be last.” This means that Christ Jesus will be the last one to leave this realm making sure all souls and spirits are not forgotten or forsaken, and there will be many who also help all the way to the end.

All souls will go through these transformations and pass beyond this realm before Christ finishes The Father/Mother’s work. This is because God’s will is to give to every life form in existence, the fullness of all God Consciousness.

All life is evolving. All life is increasing in vibratory rates (with some of us sometimes metaphorically coming along kicking and screaming.) All life is a part of the Infinite Consciousness of God. All life is united and One. All life benefits from help through our meditations and prayers, therefore, as Jesus Christ says to us, …

“Pray for All Life”.

2023 and 2024

This article is to declare that the writing is on the wall. This will come forth. I will not be holding back as to what I’m seeing that is set in rock.

In a recent experience of looking at the lower/dark energy which I’m seeing (and many other psychics are seeing also) in the years 2023 and 2024, I’m going over more of what I’ve been seeing for so many years now. There is no change to what I’ve been seeing about the dark energy of 2023. It is still a dominant energy of the coming year. At the same time, I’m still seeing 2024 being filled with even more of the dark energy.

When I say dark energy, I’m referring to the manifesting of energy which is a low vibration, a minimal presence of the Light, with little that we can do to change it. Dark energy is energy created and originally manifested as filled with selfishness, self-centeredness, bitterness, resentment, vengeance, and the like. Therefore, dark energy is destructive in nature, chaotic among patterns of life, i.e. the pandemic, climate disasters, etc. and is created from the chaotic actions, thoughts, feelings and the like of human life (i.e. war, conflict, resentment, bitterness, revenge, and more.)

The Light is the higher vibration – healing in nature, resolving, building up, formed from the God energy of Infinite Love. The dark energy is not a higher vibration. The manifestation into physical existence of this dark energy cannot be changed. Our prayers now, are for the responses to these events – to help us to respond to and deal with what manifests in our individual lives. For so many of us on this planet, life as we have known it will change in the blink of an eye. Although I have not been intentionally looking for this aspect – the number of human deaths – I do believe we will see many souls leave this Earth during these 2 years.

To speak to the unchangeability – for years, each time I looked at this time period and dark energy, I looked for why it could not be changed by prayer, meditation or any efforts to bring forth Light into the world. I found little information at the time, but now, I’m understanding how this can happen – it being almost completely unchangeable – especially now that we are in the time of both climate crisis, and war.

With global warming, we are beyond the point where we could have chosen to reverse this and we are beyond the point where we choose to change this today. There is very little humanity, in general, has been willing to do, to change what is continually manifesting even as it gets worse. Therefore, climate crisis related events will continue to happen and get worse – drought, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, also. The term we will be bandying about is “Biblical”.

War always has been a human choice as a way to solve problems or get what one wants. Human beings even now choose war as a way to make decisions affecting people. Both of these demonstrate how dark energy can be established to be unchangeable – because human beings choose to be unchangeable.


North America, South America, Antarctica, Western Asia, Central Asia, Central Africa, and Australia, and Western Russia, as well, will experience the worst that 2023 has to offer. In this year, China and Southern Africa will be slightly spared from the worst that 2023 has to offer.

Meanwhile, 2024 will fulfill the term “Biblical” completely. There is no place on Earth that will be spared. But, the dark energy is not coming FROM God. The source is the darkness which mankind has manifested with freewill for ages and ages.

At the same time as this darkness – the darkness also being the destruction brought onto the environment of the Earth – is the physical setting for this scenario to play out. The natural state of the Earth – vulnerable, “behind the scenes” evolutionary patterns which have been coming forward and manifesting from natural forces – lays a foundation – setting the stage scenery, rather than causes this. The Earth’s evolutionary opening to a weaker state, makes the environment more vulnerable and thus presents the available location where humanity’s karma and freewill choices to NOT do the inner work of resolving selfishness and hatred, returns to roost.

Make no mistake, without humanity being the source of dark energy, we would not see the level of destruction we have and will see. Some may jump on this and say this is all a natural evolutionary event – and that is the exact freewill choice state of mind that has contributed to this getting worse and worse. Any denial that mankind has a masterly role to play in this dark energy manifesting just contributes even more dark energy to the manifestation because it means there will be little if any effort put forth to heal or change this by those in denial.

Currently, I am not seeing the total of all the immediate “easily seen” and “obvious” avenues to the causes – but, …. yes, to Global Warming as a cause, yes to conflicts from self-serving, destructive government leaders, yes to the closing of the mind, heart and soul to God’s helpful guidance and healing, yes to efforts to mislead self and others …. I’m still NOT seeing nuclear weapons as a sure-thing even though we’re seeing great concern about this during this Russian/Ukraine war. (Right now, today, March 29, 2022, I’m seeing Putin pulling back from using nuclear weapons). This can change.

I’m adding this article about the coming next 2 years because this is a bigger source of worldwide problems than even the current R/U war. However, if we choose not to respond to the war, then we are also choosing to not respond to the problems in the Earth. We are here to respond to that which is in our lap, and the war is in our lap – all of our laps.

Our responses are the avenue where God/Christ may come into the world and help. Our prayers and meditations, our efforts to resolve our inner self-wars, and find personal inner peace, our efforts to heal our relationships – these are all real and effective. These settings are where the higher vibrations come forth – through the expression of the Spirit of Love in all available forms which Love can manifest (yes, diplomacy is a manifestation, and yes, having courage to stand up for those who are downtrodden is a manifestation.) These are planting the garden of higher energy as well as weeding the garden of that which chokes off life.

As I’ve told others, the world we are in now, is vomiting the poison of our destruction on the Earth and towards each other during our past lives. Some of us are attendants who can help (if we so choose) and respond to this vomiting – cleaning, healing, transforming, returning us to peace. “The harvest is ready, but the workers are few.”

We can begin with ourselves, with the prayer, “Lord, help me be honest with myself.” Then remember, we are not going to hear God’s still, small voice within, while we are screaming and yelling at each other on TV or anywhere else. God is NOT in the screaming and yelling on TV and radio. Nor is there insight in the degradation and insulting of others.

Be still, and in this stillness, we will know God and God’s guidance.
Be still, and in this stillness, we will find the path to balance and peace.
Be still, and in this stillness, we will find patience and in patience, we will know our-self.
Be still, and in this stillness, we will find the path of how to proceed with loving kindness and compassion – both of which are the homes of all real power to bring change in this world.


In the comments, I invite questions, as always, but I also invite to share steps people are taking to prepare and actions people are doing to bring healing – how people are responding to that which is in our laps.