A Random Act of Kindness

Letting go of our judgement of others and remembering we cannot take God’s place in judging another – is that random act of kindness.

Showing mercy is a random act of kindness.

Forgiveness is an act of kindness.

Being patient with others is an act of kindness.

Pausing to understand another person’s experience, mind and heart, is an act of kindness.

Compassion is that random act of kindness.

Letting go of placing guilt or shame on another – is an act of kindness.

Praying for someone instead of just being disappointed in them is an act of kindness.


The vast numbers of people in the Earth who say, “May God bless you” mean it sincerely. (The Rainbow Cards, ©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2021)

Karma Is and Isn’t

Karma is not a magic calculator that keeps tabs on everything. Karma is consciousness.

Karma is when the pebble is thrown into the Infinite Ocean and all drops of water experience the pebble thrown, – including the drop of water who threw it – and each experiencing the pebble thrown in different ways based on their own placement in the Infinite Ocean.

Karma isn’t a black box which something goes in and something comes out.

Karma is shouting “Hello” in the Grand Canyon and the echo going out to all points in the Infinite Universe. Each point of the Universe gets to hear the “Hello”, – including the point who yelled it – and all in different ways based on their position in the Infinite Universe.

Karma is not judgement.

Karma is our own getting to experience our own created action, thought or feeling. There is no judgment – only returning to us with some type of congruency to when we sent it out.

Our created action, thought and feeling, goes out to all things, because there is only One, albeit, Infinite Consciousness and this One Infinite Consciousness experiences all things within each consciousness which exists as part of the One Infinite Consciousness.

Karma is cause and effect, but not simply physics.

Karma is when we think a thought, any thought, and our toes experience the thought, because our body is altogether united and One with itself.

Karma is, …

because everything is alive and exists as United in One. We’re not always aware of karma, but we’re not always aware of this Oneness of Unity, either. We have much yet to learn and much more to which we can open our minds and hearts.

God bless us, Everyone.