Psychic Predictions for 2024

Introduction: I am offering this year’s predictions article for no fees. If you feel there is value in this year’s document, though, I am asking for a donation of any amount. (The donation button is in the right-hand column of the blog page.) I am also asking for those who are familiar with this work and value my work to please consider sponsoring me for this task this year via a donation of $25, $50 or $100. (The donation button is in the right-hand column of the blog page.) Any amount is appreciated, but no fee of any amount is required.

This is a multi-page document, and it’s a lot of information if desiring to read it in one sitting. The written structure of the predictions is very different this year. I have written predictions along with an effort to offer some understanding of the hidden and underlying forces, principles and machinations involved with the year 2024. I’ve also designed this Predictions blog in a different way. It might feel like this year’s document is more like a class than a list of predictions.
I will be focusing on the planet as a whole, and not necessarily all the different personal locations. This is because I’m seeing the events as all together affecting the entire globe – each connected to others, and spreading problems across the planet.

I have not looked to see individually who will be impacted and in which way. However, those who consider being alert locally and awake to potential disasters globally will benefit more. Help is available to all and it is up to us individually to choose whether we listen and stay alert.

“May God bless us, Everyone.”
Jodie Senkyrik


“The years 2020 through 2026 are the Third event of three. This 3rd Event is the culmination of the disasters on the Earth and the most difficult of the 3 Events which mark the closing of this chapter of mankind. This is not the worst that could have happened to the Earth at this time, but rather the least of that which could happen on the Earth at this time. With this 3rd of 3 events, humanity will begin the finishing of this Age of Man, readying itself for the next Age of Man beginning in the year 2038 and lasting for thousands of years.” (Paraphrased from the previous 2 decades of predictions from Jodie Senkyrik)

2024 is the year (including a few months both before and after – which we’ve already entered into) of the beginning of the ending years of the current age of Mankind. It is not the end of the physical Earth or the world we live in… except…. It is the year of the most conflict of the remaining years before the next age of Mankind begins in 2038. It is the last year of any souls being confident that they/we will win with violence and destruction – as has happened in the past. It is NOT the year of the end of violence, though. It is the year of the greatest potential and greatest opportunity for change. It is the year where our prayers and meditation will do some of the greatest good. It is the year of Opportunity for us to become ever more aware of our spiritual connection.

2024 is the year where we will experience greater gain and growth in meditation even with facing the lowest vibrational energy. It is the year we will be challenged more and at almost every turn with opportunities to strengthen ourselves as one would in a gym – by facing our challenges with courage as best we can. It is the year where we can learn the most about how to join with others to gain in strength to overcome tragedy and hardship either to seek help or to offer help. It is the year where those who seek any old, selfish ways of human beings, while ending this current Age of Man, will begin to find their hands empty of the old ways which led to their past selfish ways of gain. It is the year where things will appear the worst, but will provide opportunity after opportunity to help one another bring forth the best part of us humans.

Metaphorically speaking, 2024 is the year in which the contractions of birth will be the most painful, although they’ll not completely end, yet. This is the year before the long birthing process of the next Age of Man begins. This is the year of faith that the unseen world, will be felt more, and if humans are willing, we can be aware of the unseen world demonstrate their help in our own lives. This is the year of gain from listening. This is the year of opportunity to be the human angel to someone in need of help.

It is not an evil year. It is not a year to be judged to be different than any other. It is also not a year where we should expect to be just like any other. It is not a year to be judged as being bad even if we only see the bad. It is not the year where many learn that violence and destruction will not win, but rather, learn eventually that these will only delay the loss. It is not the year of helpless despair, but rather the year of opportunity to believe in spiritual first responders, as well – ready to help us in any and all difficulties, challenges, and dangerous situations, and with some even living among us.

Each and every manifestation of the lower energy gathered together through many millennia, destined to come into the Earth in this generation, culminating in the year 2024, will bring outer change and opportunity for open willingness for inner change. This change is guided by the Purpose God has for the Earth. One could easily say, and be correct, that this is a Biblical time. Influenced by this, I will be writing with some of the Biblical phrases – not to lay down judgement or condemnation, but to show how many things in the Bible apply to our lives – again, not as judgement but as help, support, recognition of spiritual help and timely warnings (which human beings sometimes tend to ignore.)

But, this Biblical time is not the end of the Earth, not a “Rapture”, not a time for self-righteous hubris, and not a time of criticism and judgement from God. The darker energies, described herein, and their subsequent manifestations are the return of that which humanity has sent into others’ lives and into the Universe. It is the year which will return as some of the degree of the heaven or hell which we human beings have created for each other. The lives and experiences which have been created by human beings for eons, and for others to experience, comes full circle for human beings to experience.

It is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another chapter – a time of change, a time of opportunity for a better spiritual connection and relationship – of which we have been presented with evidence for many decades, and no small amount of “Writing on the Wall”. It is similar in many ways to the year of Noah.

But, it won’t manifest as Bible Study. Still, it is an opportunity to have some greater meanings come forth from the Bible. It won’t manifest according to fixed beliefs. It is not here to serve Mankind’s traditional and embedded beliefs of God. It comes into this Earth, to serve God’s purpose for the entire Earth, the entire Solar System, the entire Galaxy, the entire Universe, and all planes of existence, … and God’s purpose for every soul and all life which enters the Earth, sometimes with us entering the Earth many, many times, and with us one day moving past the Earth into greater realms for greater expressions of life, love, and learning. Remember, God’s ways are not necessarily man’s ways and man’s ways are not necessarily God’s ways.

2024 is the breaking and tilling of the soil of the Earth readying it for planting new seeds. 2024 will contain the painful contractions of the Mother, including Mother Earth, who now needs to PUSH with great effort to bring in new life. It is the Dark Night of the Soul for the Earth and all life on the Earth. As the species of Mankind, we will not collectively recognize it as such. Collectively, we will only face the turmoil of the soil being broken, tilled and overturned – through natural disasters, war and other factors ….. until we see that which is new gradually show forth. We will go through the cyclical contractions readying to bring forth transformation and new life – some in this lifetime and some in our later lifetimes.

We stand at the brink of this major transformation. But, it will not be done to us, or for us or automatically. It will be done according to the prayers, meditations, spiritual growth, inner work and inner change – and the amount of effort AND willingness we have already brought forth, and we have yet to bring forth. It will come forth according to how much conscious willingness we have to cooperate with the unknowns of God’s evolution for us at this time period – the willingness which relies on trust and faith in that which is not fully understood, but still believed in.

The complete fullness of this transformation will also come forth according to how much UNwillingness we have in the Earth, as well, because many will continue to be UNwilling. This is because no one’s freewill will be taken away with regards to choices to be made to proceed. Acceptance of other’s unwillingness is part of this. Tolerance and patience are qualities to develop to help with this aspect and help with evolution.

Cooperation with our Higher Self begins with willingness to Cooperate with Our Higher Self, then a willingness to listen within our hearts – the seat at which our Higher Self connects to us – the seat/center/Chakra where the Love of God is known – the center where Kindness and Forgiveness, Mercy, Understanding and Patience begin, and more.

Those who seek power using the old ways of violence, manipulation, misleading, and the like – OR put another way – when WE human individuals and groups seek power using the old ways of violence, manipulation, intimidation, misleading, and the like, we will use these aspects to the end, to try to keep these old ways of living. We will try for these old ways to continue to be effective for us to get what we want from others and the world. I use the word “WE” because even we, who work at our walking our spiritual paths – even ourselves, in our own way – still use these methods when we do so habitually and without paying attention, or without working to better our thoughts, feelings, actions and words. We will be learning that these old ways will not give us that which we want – and we will be learning this either the way of willingness or the way we call, “The Hard Way.”

As the state of consciousness is within all life (life-forms) on the planet, so does this state then manifest on the planet. The troubles on this planet reflect the troubles within the life on the planet – especially within Humanity being the dominant creative consciousness. Because there is no taking away of freewill, those who say NO to this evolutionary step are within their right to say, “NO.” Coercion, force or any other factor will not be effective in impacting anyone’s willingness. Eternity is a gift to all life for working this all out. This is why acceptance, patience and tolerance are part of this evolutionary step. Practicing patience, tolerance and each of the other qualities is how we take the steps through evolution and transformation. Many religions call this “surrendering”, but it is not. It is “cooperating.”

This cooperating and willingness is a paradox which exists within Spiritual evolution. This includes ‘All souls have freewill’, and ‘some will say “no” to evolution at this time’. This choice will impact the Spiritual evolution on this planet at this time. The evolutionary process will not exclude anyone’s freewill, leave anyone behind, and will not exclude anyone’s state of consciousness, but rather will include all choices and all states of consciousness.

*There are vast numbers of humans who are already working at and bringing forth the evolution of humanity and life on this planet. For those who learn about this and integrate this understanding, we will begin to see this at the end of this decade, more in the 2030’s and it will be established and in place – for those who know how to take it in. That traditional image people today imagine of how it will manifest – IS GOING TO BE WAY OFF from the beliefs of how it will really manifest.

Why will today’s imagined manifesting be way off? Because it will not come into being by today’s consciousnesses and imagination or by standard socially accepted religious beliefs. It will come into being also by the consciousnesses and imaginations of those yet beyond today’s level of consciousness – in order to bring it all forth. I mention this because the standard socially accepted religious beliefs incorporate beliefs in short-cuts to get to heaven. I’ll state clearly – there are NO shortcuts. This is true of evolution and this is true of changing our individual consciousness. There is no such thing as “loving God above all else” and then treating God’s creations with disrespect and hatred. If we’re doing the second, we’re not doing the first.

(To return to evolution) Being patient with those who say, “no” is a necessary and important factor in this spiritual evolution. Acceptance of the states of spiritual evolution which come from ALL living beings, is a necessary factor in spiritual evolution. Without demonstrating either of these two qualities – patience and acceptance, and still other qualities – without allowing the “NO” choice, we would evolve less. Including those who say “No” will help us to evolve to greater expressions of Spirit Consciousness.

Do you see/understand the paradox?

There is room in God’s creation for everyone and everything.

—the evolutionary process also includes every soul/spirit who chooses “no” to the evolutionary process.
—the evolutionary process also includes respecting each life form’s right to freewill.
—the evolutionary process also includes our efforts at developing patience.
—the evolutionary process also includes: If we have no room within us for those who say “no” to the evolutionary process, then we are saying “no” to our own spiritual evolution.

This points to the importance of freewill being greater than the importance of how this evolution is perceived or thought to proceed. This points to how important willingness is compared to a person outwardly going through the motions as rote, but not inwardly examining one’s own deeper intent and willingness. This points to the importance of the inner state of the soul, over any outer visible presenting appearance, over any results, and over the superficial expectations of spiritual evolution.

The “Inner” is everything, the “outer” is only the perception and resulting sum total of all manifestation – like an artist inwardly bringing forth that going onto the canvas, and then creating a canvas that has the result on it. One is the heart – the intention, thought, and manifestation – all being the transformative moment of creation happening within the artist. The second is the result of this, now existing in the outer world. The “movements” within are the important elements, the result is a canvas witness to the previous movements within. It is equal to the saying “It is the journey that is important, more than the goal.”


The opportunities are numerous in 2024 for spiritual awakening within our minds and hearts, spiritual activity within our lives, spiritual presence in our lives, and spiritual relationships with God, Christ, and our other spiritual guides, guardians, angels, helpers and teachers.

These opportunities are coming through via our experience of being challenged by some of the most difficult events for humans and other life to go through on this Earth, similar to what we have been experiencing in the years leading up to this, and then our willingness to help and heal. Throughout our lives, we’ve experienced many challenging factors in life and many of us have cried out in our own wilderness, “God, Please, help me/us!!” In our lives, we have seen and/or experienced major disasters/difficulties in many forms.

Up to now, and including now, we have the opportunity to join with many others to serve as the Earth’s Spiritual First Responders, accepting the manifesting of events as they honestly are, but also to accept them as an opportunity to respond – to respond in a way that will bring God’s help into the situation and event. We are called to help – to respond to events through the raising of Spiritual Presence, Life, and Light, and doing this through how we respond to events in our lives.

God is the First Responder to us when we cry out in our own wilderness, for God to help us in all our life problems, dangers, and challenges. God is the One throwing us a rope when we fall down a deep hole, the One sending us a rowboat in a flood, giving us radio warnings that the hurricane is coming and to evacuate, telling us to evacuate the volcano area when it’s ready to erupt, sending us helicopters/ambulances to save us when we are injured, giving us shelters when the tornadoes happen, … running INTO the buildings to help guide people out of the buildings before they collapse from planes flying into them. We see these responses come to us through humans who are willing to have the best of God flow through us to those in need. Indeed, we cannot do these things without God, because God is not separated from our own hearts and souls.

For us humans, a Spiritual First Responder is like human First Responders, and our effort is done with our spiritual tools: Willingness – Patience – Cooperation – Kindness – Mercy – Forgiveness – Compassion – Tolerance – Charity – Service – Humor – Joy – Long Suffering – Encouragement – Trust – Faith – and the greatest of these – Love, which is the umbrella of all of these. The channels through which we strengthen these within our own hearts, minds and souls is prayer and meditation – and practice, practice, practice. (PS. I placed Willingness first, because from sources like the Course in Miracles, and others, we come to learn and practice the principle: “all we need is to be willing in our hearts and minds, and through us, the Holy Spirit will do the rest.”)

It is sad that humanity as a whole, and many of us individually will have to go through this time, but the Light is present, and our awareness can increase when on the other side of this time period. The Light will be seen by some, felt by some, experienced by some, and not noticed and denied by just as many. Not noticing and denying the Light when the Light of God is present is more sad.

I will add finally, the road to the previously predicted apocalyptic disasters (but no longer in effect) for the planet has been averted/changed (including many of Edgar Cayce’s predictions). These planet-wide, Earth-as-a-whole disasters would have been so widespread that possibly billions of people would have died. For me to describe what has been averted would make many not even believe what was set to happen – but which has been transformed, changed, shifted and spread out over longer times.

A metaphor to help understand the shift from previously predicted apocalyptic disasters to the current predictions would be the difference between the destruction of a vehicle by being in a massive vehicle accident where many were killed, and the vehicle is horribly destroyed, needing replaced, vs having a vehicle damaged 1 piece at a time by breaking down, piece by piece, with 100 pieces and parts breaking down over a long period of time needing replaced. The second description would be a struggle, difficult, somewhat costly and annoying series of events facing it over a long period of time, but the first description would immediately be the end.

This shift shows the willingness of God – the willingness to bring forth mercy, to bring forgiveness, to express support, patience, kindness, compassion and grace. The shift shows the willingness within the act of Love. God has done it this way before.

God has done it this way, this time, so that many people will live.

This is the end of the Preface.


The major areas of impact will be through earth, wind, fire and water. I know this is a “Duh” statement. Earth – i.e. earthquakes, mudslides, damage to farm land. Wind – hurricanes, typhoons, high winds, tornadoes. By fire, I mean not just the forest fires, fires from the burning of land, trees and areas in the environment, and volcanoes, but the fires from war – manmade fire from the sky. By water, I mean hurricanes & typhoons again, flooding, mudslides, torrential rainfalls, rising water along coasts, the melting of the poles, and damage done in connection with water.

Many events will be combinations of many of these elements.


Putin is going to get more fierce, trying to increase the amount of destruction. I see this happening before 2024, but I see this happening more in 2024. Yes, he is not intending to stop. (Sadly in previous months, looking at why I saw it stopping, was because so many billions of people want it to stop, and this strength of desire, which is also psychically readable, did influence me.)

I do see one avenue whereby the war could end in 2024. This is if he no longer leads Russia. I can also see a potential timeline where his government or himself could crumble and collapse, but this particular timeline is not the dominant or the expected timeline. This is not THE timeline which we’re on right now, though, but just one of many timelines. However, in this mentioned timeline he could leave office – either his health will undermine him or his reasoning ability. But, these are NOT strong timelines. I mention them simply to say that it would take something this major to bring about a major change to the war.

The current timeline I see us in, I do not see him leaving his office anytime soon. Psychically, I see in 2027, there will be some changes to his role, possibly because of health issues, but he will still hold most of the power. So I’m seeing him in position through to at least 2027-28. Again, an alternate timeline has that if we see him in power into the 2030’s, it’s because he’s being helped and “held up” in ways that he’s not needed before, but does need at that time because of his health, and that will be invisible to the public.


While in 2024, there will be some news stories of national leaders having doubts about continuing to support the Ukraine, I do see the vast majority of nations struggle to continue to support Ukraine. It takes an economic toll on supportive nations, as well. But, many leaders see no choice. I do see that if Ukraine falls to Russia, Putin will then go after the next nation, and then the next. If he is prevented, however, this will not be his path.

Putin’s war is not just against Ukraine, but even now is against Europe as a whole. His war is also economic in nature, and Europe as a whole is suffering from the economic attack. His war is also against the people of Russia, who are and will suffer more because of it. He wants something the people don’t, and the people want something which he doesn’t.

He has already changed the face of Asia and Europe. Not only has his soldiers spread massive destruction throughout Ukraine, destroying cities, families and people’s lives, with the Russian people and his soldiers leaving this legacy of destruction over vast areas, but his personal decision to wage war has moved other European nations to become NATO members. This joining has been a wise move, because of his desire to rebuild a stronger Russia through annexing other nations to gain their resources and control. When any nation’s people accept their nation’s role of destroyer of other’s lives, the people of this nation will receive back home that which had been sent out to be done to others, LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION THAT DOES THIS IN WHATEVER FORM.

While few see this, the Putin/Ukraine war has economically and personally damaged the entire planet – all nations – even those few nations who support it.


In the same way that the Nazi’s spread harmful propaganda about Jewish and other people in the 1930-40’s, and so many people then believed the propaganda, so has Russia spread its own disinformation about the Ukraine. This is the nature of war and of human beings. We have a small amount of information, but paint a large painting of what we think is true. Many people, of their own freewill, choose to believe this disinformation, even though like on a beach-sand-load of statements being said about someone or something, there is only a single grain of sand of truth.

It is the nature of propaganda to be believed by those who choose to. In general, we humans tend to choose to believe statements about “OTHERS” which support our own previous attitudes about particular people. Propaganda and disinformation support the attitudes that are already present, but somewhat undeveloped. It brings the previous attitudes and any prejudices to the surface of each individual’s consciousness carried on the resentment, bitterness and potential hatred towards the selected group of people. Disinformation plants seeds in the soil that welcomes the seeds.

It doesn’t take a psychic to know that we’ve created a world where misinformation is believed, because someone spreads it successfully. It spreads, because of MANY reasons having to do with humans being humans on a planet full of humans.

We all contribute to this – some in large ways and some in small ways. It simply calls for every one of us to be alert to our own thoughts, comments and feelings – by taking ever more responsibility for what is in our own hearts, minds and souls.

Whatever our patterns of our thoughts, intentions and our behaviors are in small aspects of life, these will be our patterns of behavior and thought in the big aspects of our life. Whether it is a small thing of life or a large thing doesn’t matter, because we are still the person that we are, and thinking the way we do. Only when we purposefully and intentionally change ourselves – our thoughts, intentions, our attitudes and our behaviors – do we begin to change our self which then shows forth in both the small and large both.

One aspect of this pattern is the effort to stay loyal to those who we have supported and aligned with in the past – whether we are loyal to a family member, parent, favorite public personality or whomever. When we seek deeper understanding and insight, we face straining difficulties in our relationships, because the deeper understanding can lead to developing different beliefs than those we aligned with before. We’ve all faced this challenge and we will continue to face this challenge.

In 2024 and further years, the disinformation campaign will continue because many people want disinformation. It feeds the 3rd Chakra’s shadow, which feeds adrenaline into the body and in turn, supports greater fearful and anger based attitudes. Only moving into the 4th Chakra, where Love comes forth will we move beyond fear. As Christ said, “Perfect Love casts out fear.” Moving into the 4th Chakra moves us out of the fear and adrenaline of the 3rd Chakra’s shadow aspect.


It has been happening for decades. It is visibly getting worse and will continue to worsen with each year that comes. The climate/weather problems today’s children will face, when they grow up, are unimaginable to today’s adults. For example, when was the last time we had an Atlantic hurricane in December through March? Expect more than a few in this century.

Climate Warnings are coming from every scientific direction. We are hearing different weather scenarios affecting the different parts of the Earth. I’m seeing that the general unwillingness to cooperate in our world societies and nations, in order to address these problems at many levels of society and across the globe, is and will continue to be – the major reason why we will enter into the decades ahead, with an ever-worsening weather system. This is not a surprise to many people anymore.

This atmospheric weather will in turn trigger more earthquakes, because there is a connection between the atmospheric forces and the forces in the crust of the Earth. There is more yet to learn of the connection between the atmosphere and the movements of fault lines and tectonic plates which leads to earthquakes as we progress into the future.

Many do seek to be involved with and support changes, but economically unable to follow-through. Others choose to go the route of those who ridiculed Noah, who steadily built his Ark. Make no mistake, Noah was a real person and he really did build an Ark. (No, it didn’t contain 2 of every animal on the Earth. It contained 2 and more of many different animals, though.) Many who took no steps to prepare for it, paid with their lives and the lives of their friends and families – in the same way that people still die from destructive weather, today – when it comes, it can come extremely quickly. In general and unfortunately, humanity can be swayed to ignore and reject warnings of approaching problems, like ignoring a road sign saying “Bridge Out Ahead! Do Not Go This Way!” or “Slow down. Deadly Curve Ahead.” or “Cigarette Smoking Causes Cancer”.

We will see extreme weather events, in the US, in other nations and all over the world. There will still be hope, but the UN guidelines and reports which will continue to come out and give more dire warnings, will stimulate only small little actual actions towards fulfilling these goals. The warnings from the research will continue to come, though, and the awareness by public citizens around the world that this is not fake news will be growing more in 2024. The “Noahs” of today will not stop.

Regrettably, when even greater disasters happen, there will be some who will blame the warning-givers and say, “Why didn’t you make us listen to you?” But, we know that we cannot force someone to listen and act, when they choose to fight for their right to not address problems.

Yet,… in past prediction articles, I have given a series of predictions about what energy innovation could offer much help. I began telling about this aspect of hope around 2005, and have watched and waited to see if there is progress of any kind to help this factor/aspect come forward. I have recently seen and heard of progress on this topic, and so I believe the 2nd half of this century could see it come to fruition helping to relieve some of the disastrous environmental situations which mankind’s shortfalls and lack of mass cooperative effort have brought about. I am not going to speak of it, until it is further along, but there is information posted which one can find. However, it is not a magic pill.

But, we are not in the 2nd half of this century. We are 30 years away, and possibly 80 years away from benefiting from what I speak of.

In 2024, there will be the desire to curb carbon emissions, but in the US, especially, there will be no MAJOR congressional measures or bills coming forth from Congress to address this – some small amount of legislation, but so small as to be of little impact. Better steps for this will occur in the years following 2024, but not in 2024.

Many times throughout history, there have been warnings given to peoples and cultures and societies, and the warnings have been ignored with destructive events. There will be many destructive events in 2024, all around the world – Earthquakes in South America, Hurricanes in the Atlantic/Gulf with at least 3 going through Florida. Deadly flooding from rain in India and East Asian nations, and getting worse there. All nations in the world will suffer changes to their weather patterns. Even worse drought in Africa, and Australia.

In the US, in 2024, I see much destruction from the hurricanes coming up and inland on the Eastern coast of the US—much destruction. Florida will face some destruction along its eastern coast, but not as much as the other Eastern coastal states north of Florida. The state of North Carolina will take the worst brunt, South Carolina, Georgia, and even Kentucky will take its share. I’m not giving specifics, because the hurricanes will not be specific in the areas of destruction in these states.

If you live in these areas, I encourage you to recognize that this is now normal for hurricane seasons. This will continue to gradually get worse, partially because the hurricanes will get larger as the years go on. AND – what we get in hurricanes in this decade will be overshadowed by what we get in 2 more decades – the 2040’s, which I’m seeing potentially worse.

Teach your family members and children how to appropriately respond to hurricane threats, warnings and landings. In the 2040’s, it will be today’s children who will be facing these massively large hurricanes and it’s best that they are knowledgeable and ready to deal with them. 190mph (Hurricane Allen – 1980) is the highest “maximum sustained winds” measurement (not “gusts”) hurricane to date. I’m seeing that we will see this record be surpassed in the 2030’s.

The days are happening – coming and going – where people are saying, and will say more, to those who are speaking out to warn people – the Noahs of today – “We wish you would have tried harder to make us listen to you (even though we have been determined to NEVER listen to you!!”) There are some who are willing to do nothing but watch the burner heat turn higher underneath us and say, “there’s no problem.”

While the voices saying “there’s no problem” are loud, the realization that Climate Crisis is real, is growing within humanity.


In the US, in 2024, I see an increase in polarization of beliefs, including among and inside individual church congregations. (In the world, this polarization will be within individual churches as well as in societies, but for this item, I’ll focus on the category “church congregations”.) Not more people separating themselves from church, but those who seek to polarize will separate themselves more within the churches. This is related to acceptance vs rejections of what many consider progressive directions with issues including LGBTQ+ inclusion, as well as political affiliation as a foundation of the polarizations. This has been in the news and will be in the news as congregants voice their opinions, beliefs and decisions. This will continue to happen around the globe.


Regardless of how record breaking hot it is, next summer of 2024 is going to be even hotter than this past summer, 2023, especially in mid-summer. Temperatures for the end of summer will drop a hair from mid-August in some places, but that’s all. Those places that do not yet experience record breaking July heat, will eventually see their temperatures then go up in August.


In 2024, we’ll face more weather-based natural disasters. This is one area which we will see increase as the years progress. However, our responses, preparations and fore-knowledge will increase as well, helping us to respond better.

In 2024, we’ll have more hurricanes and tropical storms. So far, I can see a minimum of about 15 named storms, and a maximum of 27 in the Atlantic and Pacific. I see 2 massive ones in the Pacific, hitting the Philippines and then the eastern Asian coastline. Both will be devastating to the areas. There will be loss of lives.

We’ll have a minimum 2 major earthquakes, both in S. America. I see 5-7 earthquakes throughout the year that will be destructive in some extent – Alaska, S. America, and ? IDK yet, but I’m not seeing one in the US in 2024, except for a possible 5.2 in the California Southern Rockies on the Nevada side of the continental divide. The location could switch to the western side of the continental divide due to air pressure related changes. I don’t know the “why” link yet.

The range of the 5-7 earthquakes mentioned above will be 5.0-ish to a high of a possible 8-9.0 which I think I see in the northern area of South America with a possible 6.0-ish in the western area of S. America. I’m seeing 2 small tsunamis on the west coast of S. America. I’m seeing drought for half the area of the planet – including Australia and spread in different areas of Africa. We’ll have flooding across large areas of southern Asia, and sporadic areas in 25% of the globe. 60% of the disasters I’m seeing are related to weather. We’ll have 2 smaller volcanoes cause great concern, and threaten their areas, but will not be catastrophic. Some damage to human areas will happen, but they won’t be a “worst case scenario”. I see one meteor of a small significant size land, but it will not be major. It will get press, though.


In the US, I’m seeing more gun violence all over the US continuing in the number of events, at the rate it is now. Other nations will be reporting what happens in the US. The whole world will see this happening in the US. I see a potential mass killing of a very high number of victims potentially happen. I believe it could be in a “west of the Mississippi River” state. The events will be much like the mass killings that we’re already having, but the number of events will be slightly more than happen in 2023. I do see the results of the Donald Trump trials inciting violence from his followers. Psychically, I can see that some of these followers did not attend the Jan 6th event but stayed back to see what would happen. (I have more further on in this document.)

Christ’s words to Peter are true. When Peter drew his sword and cut off the servants ear, Christ said to Peter, “We are not here for that. Know that he who lives by the sword will die by the sword.” These words are coming true.

Who among us thinks He only referred to swords, and NOTHING else ever? All through the ages of mankind, the evolution of war and the weapons of war have also been occurring. His words are “He who lives by the weapons of death, will die by these weapons.” He didn’t say it would be the same lifetime in which we commit any act, but the event will one day return home from where it came. These are not acts of God. These are choices made by us – human beings. 

Our prayers will help. Some of our prayers will help prevent a person from going that far into darkness. Some of our prayers will help law enforcement stop it before it happens. Some of our prayers will help the numbers of victims to be smaller. Our prayers will help. The phrase “The prayers of a few will save many” speaks to how important and strong our prayers are with events like this. While there are no writings or physical evidence anywhere that would give witness to the help from our prayers, we go forth on faith and trust that God is with us, fully aware and helping us as much as we allow God in.

Pray, pray, pray.

“If you will be my children, I will be your God.”

SIDENOTE: We as the human race on this planet are going through all of these events. Even though each individual event won’t directly affect every person, collectively we humans on this Earth, are going through this time period. This means that individually, all of us are going through these events if one of us is going through it. We as a planet are going through this. There is no more separation based on location even though so many will argue against this factor.

It has been said before, ‘there is no thing about our self and our life, that makes us better or worse than any other person.’ Regardless of our character, all are equal in potential and capacity to Love. Those who deny this with judgement and condemnation of others are destined to learn this lesson by walking in the shoes of those judged and condemned. All of these are truths within Infinite Time and Infinite Space. There is no separation from our Oneness. We all go through this as part of the unified reality. Our personal beliefs and awareness have little effect on the reality of this or the manifestation of this reality. Our beliefs affect our own limitations, either creating limitations inhibiting our own growth and healing by closing our minds and hearts, or releasing limitations to encourage our growth and healing by opening our minds and hearts.

“Sometimes, we just have to get down into the ditch, and put our shovel to work.”
(Rainbow Cards, ©, 2023)


2024 will be the year of war. The current wars – Putin/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas are just two of several others that can come along in 2024. I can see small wars and rumors of wars happening with China and a western neighbor, with Iran within its own borders. We won’t hear much of these, but we will hear of them.

In addition, not all of these wars of 2024 will be fought with guns and bombs, even though a small percentage will. 70% of these wars will be through words, attitudes and thoughts, like the wars we have in the US. I do NOT see a civil war in the US like we had in the 1860’s. We already see that this is an uncivil war – with words, attitudes, and thoughts.

We have war on this planet for countless reasons, including because human beings have not prayed enough for wars to end. We human beings are content to continue with the wars of words, attitudes, and thought. Because we are content with these wars of words and thoughts, the escalation into wars with guns and bombs will continue. Wars can be prayed away, by people willing to pray and people willing to let go of the personal wars we wage against people in our daily lives – by letting go of the attack words and attack thoughts. Wars can be prayed away because “with God, all things are possible.” (God alone won’t remove wars because many humans want war and choose to wage war against an “other”. God will not take away our freewill.)

“With God, All things are possible” means that with God, all things that are injured can be healed; with God, all things lost can be found again; with God, all things broken can be made whole, and with God, all things messed up can be cleaned up.”

2023 has been gearing up for war. This war in the minds and attitudes, has been simmering for thousands of years. There is a reason why it can be compared to the battle between the angels. This is because this battle is also raging.

In Ukraine,

The physical wars going on now, symbolically, the war of Russia/Ukraine, has been within the architect’s intention, and desire for hundreds of years. An old king’s return and desire for glory and resources. He is willing to destroy many lives in both nations via using Russia, to bring glory to himself and to add land to his kingdom. We’ve seen this story play out before, and the old king’s legacy to the world is destruction and suffering. What he offers his people and the world is destruction and suffering. What he will give his people is something they don’t want. Russia is forming a slow metaphorical “sink hole”. In 2024, symbolically, the first small foundations will begin to give way underneath – although not widely seen by the world.

Israel and Hamas,

These are souls on both sides, who have chosen war for thousands of years in many past lives. Regardless of where on the Earth they’ve been born into, and regardless of under what banner, war is their choice for their own life. And as these souls pass on to future lives, they will carry this with them, until… they get tired of only pursuing war after war, and move on. Meanwhile, many of those who do not choose war, will bear the suffering.

The middle east has been consistent in it being the arena of many wars. Any cease fires before 2026-2028 will not last. After this 3-year time period, cease fires will last longer gradually growing in time length. A lasting peace will not happen in this half of the century, but effort will continue on into the future. Sometimes, things change only when those who oppose change, grow old and pass on, leaving this Earth arena.


In 2024, in the entire world, the battlefields will be religion, politics, economy, the environment, business, and many other arenas – all of them warring using attitudes, opinions, beliefs and individual truths as weapons. Sound familiar? It is a continuation and escalation on many levels and in many arenas of what we’ve seen and heard in the recent years. In 2024, this will not change but rather increase – not just in the US, but internationally.

There has been conflict in these structures of human life for thousands of years. Now more of this attitude and energy will come forth and manifest than has been manifesting at any particular time for thousands of years.

We have been witnessing the escalating of this world of war everywhere – the internet, the streets, the cities, the halls of government, and across borders of countries. It is the war of idealisms, and the war of angels. This time, the battlefield is the entire planet.

I describe what anyone could easily say “Duh, who doesn’t know that?”

What I am saying here is that this conflict is also in the Soul world – the Spirit world. And with this, it is established in the psychic energy – the Akashic Records – as deeply carved into the Records as if it were a landslide rolling downhill and which few would have the ability to change in its direction or path.

Imagine 100 people are driving a single vehicle downward on a very steep embankment. The vehicle for the most part cannot be put in reverse and go backward up the steep hill. How much of any effort or willingness would it take to bring the car to a stop or change directions, when of those 100 people, only 10 want to stop it from its path. This is an analogy for making changes in the world.

We are told that 10 righteous souls can save a city. If you’re wondering how many people are needed to save a nation or the entire Earth, let’s find out by adding our prayers to the Choir of Souls lifting up our hearts and minds to the One who can help each of us to grow both inwardly within ourselves and outwardly towards the entire planet and its people.


Many will be cushioned or blanketed from much of this energy/war. This is not determined by economic means as much as one would imagine. It is determined by spiritual means. It is The LIGHT energy which is more powerful than the manifesting energy. It is the efforts and work of those seeking to help us all heal on this planet that bring in the spiritual Light energy. The cushioning energy comes from a cooperation between those souls on Earth and those working on the other side and is extended to everyone equally. (We are also told, “it rains and sunshines on both the good and the bad. The cushioning does, too.) All of these working seek to bring in as much higher energy as possible to cushion the lowest level of manifesting darker karmic energy coming from Nov, 2023 through 2024, with the last of this lowest energy manifesting through Jan/Feb, 2025 (before we begin climbing out of it in 2025 and on – like coming outside to assess things after a hurricane or tornado.

There are other forces and souls intentionally seeking to continue to manifest darker energy (and aspects within our own selves even – sometimes unintentionally to manifest this darker energy), with many times believing it is the better thing to do. This darker energy seeks to – not eradicate the Light, because it can’t, but delay it, diffuse it, misdirect it, and confuse it – with “It” being the Light which has been and is growing within individuals.

Those seeking darker energy know in their souls (not consciously as humans) that they cannot stop the Light, and when the Light is established, they will lose their power and placement. Do not assume at all that YOU, the reader, knows who this is that I am referring to. God alone knows what is in everyone’s soul, and it is in this part of us that God alone knows who I’m referring to. No human knows the soul of another human. Besides, each of us has some part within us, which has conflict with our own Higher Self and our evolution to become one with our Higher Self. It is better for us as individuals to determine and intend to bring forth the better spirit and qualities from within ourselves.

We humans bring this inner conflict into the world from our own prejudices, bitterness, and resentful attitudes – NOT from insight gained from God. No matter what efforts anyone would put in to bring forth raising blaming views and attitudes towards others, —- the Spiritual Light coming from within us is greater, stronger and more enduring. There is no stopping evolution. Our evolution is led by spiritual evolution and will be following along with social evolution, which we will witness even in our own lifetime, if we hold to our own faith developing our own eyes to see the very real activities of the Light manifesting in the societies existing in our world.

There are “almost” equal amounts of strength in both sides of this struggle to establish the Light in this planet. There is no failure here. This is a move brought about by the forces of the physical Universe as well as the forces of the Spirit realm. There can be no more “not” moving into this time as there could be to try to stop the different seasons from coming.

There is and will be a persistent and continuous increase in the higher vibrations/energy over the next 200 years at a minimum, like working to climb up a mountain, ever putting one foot in front of the other, to keep our eyes on the path to climbing higher – through our effort, inner work, practice, patience and persistence. (I mention 200 years, because it is a time period which current national maps will still be mostly accurate – except for shorelines.)

All people of the nations around the world have been and will continue to evolve through changes of which we don’t yet know about in our personal and individual paradigms. (All individuals will not all choose to evolve now, and many will struggle against it, or leave and not want to be in the planet at this time, or any of a number of options. As souls, we perceive this as freewill and our choices made, but of course, as human beings, we see this as tragedy because of the shortness of each particular life we live.)

When the time comes for this particular nation to evolve as a recognized nation, it will be part of the natural process of growth and change. To describe the process, I will use the metaphor of a single living cell which grows from one cell to 2 cells to 4 cells. Each cellular organism does not know consciously as what it will come to be but nevertheless – comes to be anyway.


For 2024, I see very little and very slow progress yet, with efforts to convince governments to speed up changes. Like in some other years, in 2024, I see the Climate Crisis warnings being lost in the cacophony of voices yelling about problems we’re facing. Compared to what could be, very little progress will happen with moving towards the goals of diminishing the carbon emissions. Some of this delay is understandable, because there is no shortage of issues to deal with in our world at this time.

Tornadoes. In 2024, most of the Earth’s reported tornadoes will be happening in the US, and in Italy (and Spain)(sometimes this is the norm) but tornadoes can happen almost anywhere in the world. With global warming, the planetary areas for tornadoes will expand. In 2024, MOST of the tornadoes in the US will happen in the usual areas called Tornado Alley – the central Midwest US – Kansas, Oklahoma, N Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Iowa, Louisiana, Kentucky, some in Nebraska, Iowa and Ohio. The states surrounding these will all see some or at least a few. The numbers of Tornadoes in the US in 2024 will be one of the higher yearly recorded totals for tornadoes during the yearly timetable. I do not see 2024 breaking the record for number of tornadoes in a year, but within 10 years, we will see the record broken. I see this during one of the later 2020’s years. 2027 or 2028.

Besides the flooding, India and the nations nearby will also have an increase in tornadoes. In 2024, mostly I see tornadoes happening in the Central and Eastern regions of India, and east of this. I see Tornadoes being regular in their continuance in these areas.


I’m mentioning MIRACLES in order to alert readers to look for miracles in our day-to-day lives. Do not underestimate the potential occurrence and potential witnessing of miracles. It is the open-minded person who allows for the existence, and therefore the welcoming, prayers for, and receiving of miracles, and recognize them when they happen. The ever-strengthening of the awareness of the presence of spiritual help brings with it a greater awareness of spiritual involvement in physical events and our physical lives, which we can accept as very real miracles. 

Pray for miracles.

It will always be an individual’s subjective decision/choice to believe in God, the Christ Consciousness and Christ Spirit, Buddha, Allah, Jehovah, Spiritual reality, Souls, Spirit, miracles and the teachings of Spiritual teachers. This is why an open-mind and a welcoming-heart are helpful. And then Gratitude. The Miracle is very real help from a very real source – sometimes which can even be a physical helper, (which does not negate the involvement of a Spiritual source.)

I will always encourage people to pray specifically for Miracles. Ask for Miracles. The one who sincerely prays for Miracles, will recognize them more than someone who does not pray for them. In 2024, when dealing with manifesting natural disasters and violent actions, Miracles can shine out in the darkness of despair and sorrow.

Don’t worry if people you know don’t believe in Miracles or a Spiritual presence helping. While
our mindset helps open up our awareness, it does not determine whether a miracle is brought forth, and which may go unnoticed. Always, a person’s beliefs are best used to help motivate us in how we treat one another, not in determining what is TRUTH or not. Our beliefs are our own and will always be. We share ours and we integrate others’ sometimes, but always we are in charge of shaping our own beliefs.


We’re going to see conflict in many arenas. In the US, 2024 will be an election year, and so the political conflicts will be in front of everyone in the US. This is true with many nations that are also facing elections. Conflict will be fueled, and blame for conflict will ignite ever more verbal and some physical entanglements/wars.

My Psychic predictions are as follows: The Russian/Ukraine war will still be in process, but the people of Russia are growing weary of it, and the Ukraine, though tired, intend to continue their defending of their own country. There are no surprises there. China does not want the R/U war to be happening, but they will fulfill obligations to Russia, mostly as an effort to NOT side with the US thus keeping their neighbor appeased. In 2024, I’m seeing China will continue to support Russia, but it does take a bite out of China’s support of it’s own people. Russia is promising much to China for this assistance. One Russian promise is to provide more cooperation and leniency along their shared borders. China will take advantage of this, but not in a big way, rather in a “forgiveable” way. Russia will be more forgiving to China. China sees this as a gain and will move to use this advantage.

China and North Korea, although already enjoying a relatively good relationship, will continue to be “working neighbors”, meaning how things are now, is working for them both. This will continue throughout the 2020’s decade, but will face more conflicting challenges in the 2030’s when North Korea demands China do more for them.

With regards to NATO, NATO does not want to escalate the R/U war. Adding more offensive weapons or taking direct military action coming from the NATO nations would most likely do that, forcing Putin into using more deadly weapons. This is what they believe could happen.

Putin desperately wants to use “limited nuclear weapons”, but he is getting some advice that this would trigger NATO to step up their involvement, which it would. He is also getting some advice saying that NATO would not step up their opposition. But, he doesn’t trust that advice as much. It’s not hard to figure out what the other nations of the world would do and the positions nations would take if Putin used a nuclear weapon. The members of NATO will continue to support Ukraine as much as possible.

What I psychically see is this, he wants to get away with using a nuclear weapon. He also wants to get away with invading Ukraine. If he could, he would NOT change his mind about invading Ukraine. He has been planning the Ukraine invasion after his success with Crimea. It has been on his short list since even before the Crimea invasion. (Our prayers are needed here, as well.)

More psychic seeing: Some NATO nations want to enter the war if he does use a limited nuclear weapon. But by using a nuclear weapon, Putin would not get what he thinks he would get. He would get almost the opposite. I believe I’m psychically seeing China would not abandon being his ally, but the world would then turn their attention to China and without any message of opposition to Russia and the Nuclear attack, China would be seen as complicit and supportive of the use of a nuclear weapon. And this would be correct. China even now, knows that Putin could use a nuclear weapon, and has shown only the mildest opposition to it.

As I wrote this part in April, 2023, I saw no visible use of a limited nuclear weapon in 2023. However, if there is any way to hide the use of a nuclear weapon, Putin would pursue this in 2024 and 2025 at the latest. As we enter into the beginning months of 2024, I see negotiations and talks happening. He will want to go the route of using weapons that are not easily visible or seen or recognized. I don’t see chemical weapons being overtly used, but they’re not completely off the table.

As of the posting of these predictions, I’m seeing this timeline potentially taking the war to 2027. The earliest a Cease-fire or end of the war is 2025 and the latest time for the ending could be 2029 with a cease-fire in 2027, but the cease-fire only lasting about 1 year to 1 ½ years, then the war ending in 2029. Yes, this seems long and is a very disheartening prediction. With this prediction, I hope I’m wrong and it ends earlier. Always with prayers, these kinds of man-made events may end earlier or bring a different type of help.

With regards to Nuclear weapons, Russia is not the only government wanting to use one to solve its problems. The results for any who do use it will NOT be what they seek. We are entering into a time in Mankind’s existence where long-term success now comes through negotiation and diplomacy. Using war as the method of solving problems will no longer solve problems but create more problems for nations.


At this time, I request and encourage people to pray – especially for those who are in war situations – the people of both sides – pray for Miracles for all of them, and then keep praying for Miracles. Pray for Christ to be present with the people of this Earth, in all we will face and all with which we will struggle and from which we will suffer.


Particularly in the US, I see escalating violence in the US. I won’t predict the events I see as being solidly set in rock to happen, because there is hope and prayers for events to not happen. Hope and prayers can help people, through bringing the presence and kindness of the Spirit of A Loving God into the lives of those who are lost in anger, rage, bitterness, vengeance and hatred. It will always be true, that with God, the lost, can be found.

In Colorado is a high chance of another show of violence within the first 9 months of the year. I’m seeing a higher potential for violence in New Mexico, but which could be moved to Texas, and in Texas (3 in Texas), in the Eastern states – mostly Kentucky and Tennessee.

Always and forever, our prayers will help – possibly even to prevent some of what I’m seeing psychically, and therefore, writing about.

In the US, in 2024, I’m seeing a high number of mass shootings – not a record breaking number -at least 4 of these are in schools again, possibly as many as 8. Others are in work places, a few churches. This I see, and for these events, we pray.

Always and forever, our prayers are real. The One who listens and hears our prayers is the One who can help bring change and healing.

Not so many of these events happening in Georgia and Florida. I see a clash of people in Ohio in an event. There are seeds of violence in Southern California, which could take hold and grow. There is something in the air in West Virginia. (How I’m writing these is how I’ve seen them.)

I see some of former President Trump’s supporters acting on their anger and rage – similar actions to the Jan 6th action but not in D.C. – rather around the US. For 2024, the worst of this will be during the summer of 2024.

Metaphorically, psychically, I’m seeing the firewood is in place and the question is will those who would bring the matches of violence to the fuel and proceed. This violence is by human choice and I will always mention this. We have a choice. This human violence only happens if people choose to proceed – choose to light the match and set it to the fuel.

With God, even these events of violence can be tempered, changed, prevented or be made to not happen through some process.

When a soul is immersed in our own viewpoints, feelings, beliefs, anger, and rage – and that’s all – reason and logic will not readily get through to help. This is a soul illness and an illness of the state of mind. Change can still happen by empathy, understanding, patience, kindness and compassion. There is pain and suffering from the barbed wired tightly entangled and twisted around any of our hearts and minds. The barbed wire is the hatred, rage, beliefs and bitterness which is used to fuel activities.


We are already seeing an increase in volcanic activity. We will see volcanic activity increasing in this decade, even up to the 2060’s, when the increase in activity will stabilize. This does not mean Yellowstone will erupt. I don’t see that happening anywhere in looking at the next 200 years. This also does not mean we’ll have volcanoes erupting all over everywhere. It means the few that are active will continue to be active with a few more becoming active. This is significant because of the ash and gases released into the atmosphere. Volcanoes are disruptive.


In 2024, there is so much happening in the world which affects us as individuals, that leads us to consider ourselves to be global citizens, rather than only national citizens, because that which happens on Earth, the whole globe, impacts all people on the Earth and this will show more in 2024. Events affecting the economy will impact everywhere. We’ve seen this with the Putin/Ukraine war especially.

Stay alert to red flags like immediate natural disasters wherever they occur. Some red flags will be related to nations around the world going through many different natural disasters which can have global impacts.

I am seeing No collapse of any major economies or world-wide economy. I am seeing no fulfillment of what many say is going to happen. I support preparation for high prices, and developing self-sufficiency skills, but not because of any collapse, nation-wide or world-wide. I see economic hard-times for many, but this is why I’ve been saying to build a network of helping and helpers. Local communities are a very good source for where we can give and receive support.

In 2024, the stock markets around the world, will be reacting erratically to natural disasters as much as to wars. Wars cause havoc everywhere. War affects the whole globe in direct and indirect ways. The particular piece of economic growth that most likely would have happened – if there had been no wars at all at this time – is no longer going to happen, and economic growth is a world-wide economic systemic process whether we support this or not.

2024 is a year to NOT speculate on stocks. Rather it is a year to sit on any stocks owned until 2026. Purchasing is okay, but let the purchases be for long term. As wars and rumors of wars continue & as natural disasters happen around the globe, these will bring greater fluctuation and unpredictability to the stock markets which can’t help but react to each man-made or natural disasters.

If someone has already invested in the stock market, the markets will mostly and generally not provide a great increase in value for about 2 years – 2024 and 2025, but it will become more stable and strong in 2026.

Later in this decade, car manufacturers, especially Japanese, will focus more and more on electric cars. Honda will have breakthroughs in the technology and is determined to make electric cars be their main focus with the company becoming one of the main suppliers of electric vehicles. I don’t usually recommend stocks but I do recommend the 2 Japanese car companies, Honda and Toyota, but to sit on the stocks as long as possible or through to the end of this decade at least, if not longer.


In the US, psychically, I’m seeing that, in 2024, the rhetoric about stolen elections will increase DRAMATICALLY. The threats against election workers will continue. I do see law enforcement able to investigate and charge many of the people who threaten or act on threats.

I see the Democrats winning the 2024 presidential election. For a while now, I’ve seen the Democratic Nominee be Joe Biden, and him winning. If this will change, which it can, the Democratic Nominee will still win.

For a long while, I have seen Donald Trump NOT being the Republican nominee. However, if he is, I’m seeing it be a lopsided loss. Afterwards, I see him continuing with his statements that the elections have been stolen from him, and even louder and angrier after 2024’s loss.

I see many people who desire the condition of the 2020 elections to be an “election having been stolen” state of affairs, and therefore are only willing to believe what they want to be true, as it aligns with the current anti-election comments.

One of the difficult things for many Americans is that there are still also non-democratic foreign influencers involved with this Anti-Democracy effort. It has already been shown that Russian government directives to it’s own govt agency people have been to contribute to American election mistrust, and disinformation. This effort by persons in the Russian government will continue for years. The attack upon the US is not just from within by some citizens of the US, but also from outside of the US by those who seek to prevent Democracy growing in their own country.

Psychically, I’m seeing that there are more than a few Russian government “agents” in the US here to coordinate some of the anti-election results movements, and encourage/further the beliefs that the elections cannot be trusted. The Russian government’s agenda is to work to show to those people in non-Democratic nations, especially Russia, that Democracy is fraught with unsolvable problems and it is not worth seeking to have.

For readers, I will say that I don’t have specifics. I see this psychically, like a person would look at a rainbow and see a particular color. I do not look for specific information but general information. I see it like I see the direction of a river that I see looking down from a high shoreline. From this information, I call for prayers for protection from those forces and people who seek to cause harm.


Christ: “Blessed is the Peacemaker.” His words and teachings are to bring people together, healing relationships, and to unite/resolve those relationships which are in conflict. There are a lot of people saying a lot of things. How many of them are Peacemakers – who seek to bring people together, healing relationships, and uniting/resolving those relationship in conflict? It helps us to consider this when we read what some people send out over the internet and via emails. God does NOT send out messages of attack or blame. Christ does not speak through those who stir up vengeance, blame, antagonism and attack words. It is always for us to ask ourselves, “Is what we’re reading, making peace?” It is ALWAYS easy to for us, individually, to let ourselves be NOT peacemaking.


I plan to add to and/or update some of this information for 2024, during the year. I want to update or clarify information – or even assess it for my own confidence level. I will place these additions in red type with the date added.

Jodie Senkyrik

#1 Update added 12/21/2023


#2 Update added 1/8/2024

Update #3, 1/8/2024


Update #4 1/8/2024


Update #5, 1/12/2024



13 thoughts on “Psychic Predictions for 2024

  1. Good work Jodie.
    You mentioned that you picked up on Priests and Monks in the Himalayas praying for peace in the middle east – what you may not know is that for many years Israelis after the army service take a gap year and have been going to India /Himalayas – here is an interesting article about an Israeli who is a Chabad Rabbi and lives in the Himalayas…


    • Wow! Interesting article. Thank you for listing it. Each thread of the tapestry touches every other thread. We are all connected in very surprising and unseen ways.


  2. Hi Jody! Question about climate change. Will the car industry build cars with batteries that can go longer, charge faster, and resist temperature change (most batteries lose about 40% from cold weather) in the near future? Will they be affordable? I’m sure this will go a long way in helping with climate change if they could.


  3. Wow a lot of meat to chew on. Where does the UAP/ufo phenomenon stand in 2024 with regards to government disclosure or maybe someone or group leaking evidence. Any blowback? Any truth to the malicious side of government behavior?


  4. Dear Jody!

    Happy New Year and blessings for 2024!
    Now, there has been a severe earthquake in Japan on New Year’s Day, and the aftershocks don’t seem to stop. Luckily not here in Tokyo but on the other side on the Sea of Japan towards Korea, but it still feels threatening. Can you say something about that?


  5. Jodi, Thank you for your work. With the indigenous history of Ohio, and the connection to the Roswell aliens here, did Ohio play an important role in the past? Will it play an important role in the future?


  6. Hello Jody!

    Where do you see cryptocurrency headed in the year of 2024? Should keep it or get rid of it if we are holding it? I hear so many conflicting messages about it. Thank you in advance!


    • (The full answer is at the end of the predictions article.) In the year 2024 alone, it will continue as it has been, both up sometimes and down sometimes. It will fluctuate, neither growing over the long term or falling in the long term. Regular cycling up and down, several times during this one particular year.
      But, in looking at it long term, it will NOT replace cash. Cash will still be with us throughout this century and on into the next, at least. This is because societal change is slow. We can see this over the last 100 years and project it into the next 100 years.
      I define a good investment as one which can consistently grow. With cryptocurrency, I see it fluctuating somewhat wildly. It is based on demand for speculation purposes. It will be with us on into a few decades, both with it going up and going down and then up, then down.
      As to whether to keep it or get rid of it in 2024? Don’t expect longterm gains like other investments can offer by sitting on them, unless you want to sit on them for many decades – meaning, I don’t see them offering the same rate of return as so many other investments.
      My final offering here, now, is I don’t recommend investing in cryptocurrency, unless you’re okay with high risk investments, which offer high gains or high losses. It can quickly turn into crypto-nite. If you want your money to grow, consider long-term stock investments, bonds and the like.


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