2030’s Prediction for the growing population

Twenty years from now,  in the 2030’s….

If you think about this, 20 years ago was 1990’s, which we all remember, so this is the time frame I’m talking about here.

The world population and each national population is going up.  We’re estimated to be at 7 billion people on the planet now.  Starting from this perception, I can see us at 8 billion in the 2030’s.

In looking at this time period, I’m seeing the need for food to be so great that governments and corporations will use chemistry to make a “greenish” food made from tree leaves and other non-human foods.  It’s possible that it will be made from plant life that is more than just from trees and eventually made from grass.

It isn’t unthinkable that some chemical company would seek and find a way to make plant-life that animals eat readily into a food that humans can digest.  It will be sold in any nation that has a shortage of regular human food or vegetables.  With each country’s population growing, this could mean that it will be sold worldwide.  And purchased by those who are hungry – which could be everywhere, also.

Only 20 years away.

Added September 5, 2013:

This just in – Turning Wood Chips into Nutritious Food

Draught in Texas 2011 to 2013

I’m currently seeing and have been seeing that the drought In Texas which started in 2011 will continue on for another 2 years.  This will go into the end of summer, 2013.  However, the “good” news is that the level of drought will be only half of what it was during the summer of 2011.

What I see is not the complete lack of rain, but rather that the rain will be light and not enough to replenish what the needs will be.  While we will have sprinkles during some of this time, it will be below the normal level and we will officially continue to be under drought conditions.

Here in Texas, we had one strong rain in Oct, 2011.  I’m seeing only sprinkling from then on until possibly in March, 2012.  But, very little again repeating the 2011 Spring and Summer, with some sprinkling during that time, but not enough to be normal.