Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce lived in the latter part of the 19th and first half of the 20th century.  Hi’s life may be read about in the following books:

There is a River by Thomas Sugrue

The Sleeping Prophet by Jess Stearn

A Seer Out of Season or The Life of Edgar Cayce by Harmon Bro

Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet, by Sidney Kirkpatrick


4 thoughts on “Edgar Cayce

  1. Edgar Cayce had a remarkable blessing. He was instrumental in the healing of many people during his lifetime. I enjoyed reading the book on his life.


  2. Each book tells a little bit different side of his life story. Some of the information overlaps, but a lot doesn’t and can be read about only from that particularly book.


  3. Edgar cayce is very relevant today. If you make his way of thinking your life work ie eating food grown within 100km of home you would be making huge consciouness shifts for this planet. Just go about your life quietly and walk his walk and talk his talk and soon we will have more ‘sleeping prophets’ amongst us. He was the paver of the way but the rest of us must help by utilising more of his healing methods, prayer and way of thinking to get all of these wonderful gifts ‘mainstream’ so the whole world can vibrate higher.


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