The Economy in 2018

Are you publishing your predictions for 2018? I live several states away and was unable to attend your 2018 retreat. I am particularly interested in what you are seeing economically for the US in the next few years. Are you seeing any kind of Government crash or will the problems be more in the private sector?… L.B.

I have now published the audio files of the “2018: Looking Ahead and Going Within”. It covers the efforts of enhancing how prayer and meditation can change the future, in addition to many predictions. The files cover the use of prayer and the use of meditation.  These both can help in working to change the future.

For many years, I’ve been seeing a very difficult and dark time coming for the Earth – not just the U.S. alone.  I’ve been seeing 2018 as the year things begin to take the “downward” turn. This is why I offered a retreat and the audio files on how to change the future. I’ve seen prayer and meditation (by multiples of millions of people around the world) help to change the future predicted to one where there is less destruction and economic problems.

Currently, I still see the next 8 years as being the worst of times for the planet – this year, 2018, as the year this starts. I’m seeing 2026 as being the year things begin to climb out of the worst of times – with that climb taking another 8-12 years. Again – this is why I’ve been offering presentations and articles about prayer and meditation – because they are effective in helping the future.  (Also because of the continuation of prayer and meditation – I’m seeing the darkness be less.  This shows our efforts are helping.)

This won’t happen by itself.  There are many factors that will contribute to this – including natural disasters, social and governmental acts, and climate change, among others.

One final point – the future is not a light switch – on or off – and flicked on or off by one prayer. The future is a huge ship that is steered and propelled by the effort of many billions of people. This ship either goes it’s course or through great effort by many people, changes course. 1 person praying and meditating helps.  Joined with others, then 1,000,000 people praying and meditating helps, also. Right now, there are people praying and meditating somewhere in the world in such a way that someone or many someones are praying or meditating all the time 24/7. We can join with them and help at any time.


“It’s okay to ask Jesus to pray with us, since He also asks us to pray with Him.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1998-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God’s answer to a problem has Never been ‘Don’t pray. Don’t trust.  Don’t have faith.’ ”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)


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