Supporting Israel

Things happen for a purpose. I chose to psychically look into what would unfold if the US pulled out of supporting Israel.

The great purpose of God is active, always. God’s ways are not man’s ways. We are not capable of taking God’s place in being judge or jury, or completely understanding events and how they come to be, in God’s big picture.

The US under President Biden is adamant about supporting Israel. This is rock solid, and it is happening for a reason – although it is NOT the reason so many of us think or assume. That’s why I’m writing this article.

What I see psychically:

It is known that Israel has more enemies than just Hamas and Iran, and these enemies, I will write about, are quiet. They are quiet for a reason. The US is a strong power and ally.

If the US should pull out of supporting Israel: I hope it doesn’t because of what I see then unfolding, (I know many people hope it does.) If it pulls out, it will be a statement to Israel’s enemies saying, “Do what you want to do.”

What then would unfold is that the enemies (both known and visible as well as those that are unknown and quiet) will come forth and attack Israel like a great pack wolves attacking a deer, like Jackals attacking an antelope, like a pack of hyenas attacking – until the prey is dead and gone.

I see this on this different timeline, because I see lesser minds and lesser souls would then become dominant and the scent of blood will be in the air. There are lesser minds in positions of power and they will seize this opportunity believing God gives them their enemy to cause their enemy to cease to exist. In this case – effort to cause Israel to cease to exist. Nazi Germany tried to do similar acts.

(Many will think this ludicrous, and won’t believe – like others before who consider warnings to be “ludicrous”. That’s okay. With God’s help, we won’t walk down that timeline.)

(to continue) The enemies of Israel will cause so much damage and destruction that Israel as we know it, will no longer exist.

Israel has silent/hidden enemies in the Middle East, enemies in North Africa, and north of Israel. These will mobilize in various ways.

The presence of the US keeps the lid on the boiling pot, not because it would boil over, but because it would explode.

With that, Israel would be forced to take the most drastic of measures just to exist. This would include (as of 4/20/2024, I see this as a 75-93% chance if we go down that road) the use of nuclear weapons. This would then open the door to WW3, and a nuclear war would begin in the region which would soon spread its results through the world.

Few nations would survive this.

If the US pulls out, a vacuum would form, and this vacuum would be filled by Israel’s military enemies who seek to destroy Israel completely. This type of vacuum did happen in Afghanistan when the US pulled out. The Taliban came in and filled the vacuum. Women and children suffered the most from this and still suffer the most.

Those few Arab nations which would respect the close ties to the US, would step back and not interfere.

Our prayers need to go for the healing of all the people to be helped and for keeping WW3 from happening. Let go of prayers against any one side or the other, but rather the healing of all who God can help at this time. Because these different sides are brothers in blood, our prayers need to be for the family of mankind in the Middle East. These are family members, and all sides have the right to exist even though many want to cause the deaths of other family members.

Those who seek to stop the existence of the other will face themselves their actions in time and space, just like all the rest of us do even though we’re not aware of this. All we send out to others returns to us. We call this karma. Prayers for healing can help at this time in the same way prayers for our own personal family’s problems and conflicts can be helped from our praying for healing.

Right now in the Earth, we are dealing with karma that reaches back tens of thousands of years. Few know this – that so much of the serious problems humans are facing, are karmic, and fewer people still know specifically what started the karma. Yet, now much of it manifests in disasters and will manifest more.


Our praying to God for help is needed. Currently, the timeline we’re on – it will get worse yet still during April – August, 2024. Tremors, disasters, wars – it will be as if the Earth itself is going to war to defend itself against our damage.

We are capable of destroying the Earth. We are either praying for God’s help to heal or we’re adding fuel to the fire to cause more burning. We’re either praying to try to bring people together or we act to separate ourselves and others. Bringing people together will not happen without God’s help.

We need only look at how we treat one another individually, including our family members, neighbors, friends and strangers. Anger is normal, but if we’re angry without praying for help, then we are again, adding gasoline to the already out-of-control fire.

If all we have is rage, bitterness, abusive words and actions, but no prayers, no patience, no bringing in Light or no effort to try to understand, then we are NOT helping, we are the ones who seek to scorch the Earth. If we’re not working to help heal our own individual relationships, then we’re doing nothing real to help the planet or the human beings on this planet.

Right now, the US and parts of Europe are supporting Israel. And Israel itself is angry. There are people still alive who directly remember Nazi Germany, the death and concentration camps, and the 16 million people who were killed across Europe.

So, there is anger in Israel, in Palestine, and everywhere else on both sides, but not everyone is saying, “Okay, go ahead and exist.”

We can work to prevent a nuclear war or we can let it happen. Those who support a nuclear war to annihilate one’s enemies will also die from it. But, then a nuclear war will bring death and destruction to the entire planet. There is no such thing as a limited nuclear war.

In a smaller way, if we provide more conflict, abuse and condemnation in our own families and relationships, then we aren’t helping anywhere in the world. We are adding to the conflict in the world.

Be vigilant in praying, and please, join us in praying. If it helps anyone when we pray, we can verbally and in thought, ask Christ to pray with us, as we pray.

He also is asking us to join Him in praying for all of us.


Psychic Predictions for 2024

Introduction: I am offering this year’s predictions article for no fees. If you feel there is value in this year’s document, though, I am asking for a donation of any amount. (The donation button is in the right-hand column of the blog page.) I am also asking for those who are familiar with this work and value my work to please consider sponsoring me for this task this year via a donation of $25, $50 or $100. (The donation button is in the right-hand column of the blog page.) Any amount is appreciated, but no fee of any amount is required.

This is a multi-page document, and it’s a lot of information if desiring to read it in one sitting. The written structure of the predictions is very different this year. I have written predictions along with an effort to offer some understanding of the hidden and underlying forces, principles and machinations involved with the year 2024. I’ve also designed this Predictions blog in a different way. It might feel like this year’s document is more like a class than a list of predictions.
I will be focusing on the planet as a whole, and not necessarily all the different personal locations. This is because I’m seeing the events as all together affecting the entire globe – each connected to others, and spreading problems across the planet.

I have not looked to see individually who will be impacted and in which way. However, those who consider being alert locally and awake to potential disasters globally will benefit more. Help is available to all and it is up to us individually to choose whether we listen and stay alert.

“May God bless us, Everyone.”
Jodie Senkyrik


“The years 2020 through 2026 are the Third event of three. This 3rd Event is the culmination of the disasters on the Earth and the most difficult of the 3 Events which mark the closing of this chapter of mankind. This is not the worst that could have happened to the Earth at this time, but rather the least of that which could happen on the Earth at this time. With this 3rd of 3 events, humanity will begin the finishing of this Age of Man, readying itself for the next Age of Man beginning in the year 2038 and lasting for thousands of years.” (Paraphrased from the previous 2 decades of predictions from Jodie Senkyrik)

2024 is the year (including a few months both before and after – which we’ve already entered into) of the beginning of the ending years of the current age of Mankind. It is not the end of the physical Earth or the world we live in… except…. It is the year of the most conflict of the remaining years before the next age of Mankind begins in 2038. It is the last year of any souls being confident that they/we will win with violence and destruction – as has happened in the past. It is NOT the year of the end of violence, though. It is the year of the greatest potential and greatest opportunity for change. It is the year where our prayers and meditation will do some of the greatest good. It is the year of Opportunity for us to become ever more aware of our spiritual connection.

2024 is the year where we will experience greater gain and growth in meditation even with facing the lowest vibrational energy. It is the year we will be challenged more and at almost every turn with opportunities to strengthen ourselves as one would in a gym – by facing our challenges with courage as best we can. It is the year where we can learn the most about how to join with others to gain in strength to overcome tragedy and hardship either to seek help or to offer help. It is the year where those who seek any old, selfish ways of human beings, while ending this current Age of Man, will begin to find their hands empty of the old ways which led to their past selfish ways of gain. It is the year where things will appear the worst, but will provide opportunity after opportunity to help one another bring forth the best part of us humans.

Metaphorically speaking, 2024 is the year in which the contractions of birth will be the most painful, although they’ll not completely end, yet. This is the year before the long birthing process of the next Age of Man begins. This is the year of faith that the unseen world, will be felt more, and if humans are willing, we can be aware of the unseen world demonstrate their help in our own lives. This is the year of gain from listening. This is the year of opportunity to be the human angel to someone in need of help.

It is not an evil year. It is not a year to be judged to be different than any other. It is also not a year where we should expect to be just like any other. It is not a year to be judged as being bad even if we only see the bad. It is not the year where many learn that violence and destruction will not win, but rather, learn eventually that these will only delay the loss. It is not the year of helpless despair, but rather the year of opportunity to believe in spiritual first responders, as well – ready to help us in any and all difficulties, challenges, and dangerous situations, and with some even living among us.

Each and every manifestation of the lower energy gathered together through many millennia, destined to come into the Earth in this generation, culminating in the year 2024, will bring outer change and opportunity for open willingness for inner change. This change is guided by the Purpose God has for the Earth. One could easily say, and be correct, that this is a Biblical time. Influenced by this, I will be writing with some of the Biblical phrases – not to lay down judgement or condemnation, but to show how many things in the Bible apply to our lives – again, not as judgement but as help, support, recognition of spiritual help and timely warnings (which human beings sometimes tend to ignore.)

But, this Biblical time is not the end of the Earth, not a “Rapture”, not a time for self-righteous hubris, and not a time of criticism and judgement from God. The darker energies, described herein, and their subsequent manifestations are the return of that which humanity has sent into others’ lives and into the Universe. It is the year which will return as some of the degree of the heaven or hell which we human beings have created for each other. The lives and experiences which have been created by human beings for eons, and for others to experience, comes full circle for human beings to experience.

It is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another chapter – a time of change, a time of opportunity for a better spiritual connection and relationship – of which we have been presented with evidence for many decades, and no small amount of “Writing on the Wall”. It is similar in many ways to the year of Noah.

But, it won’t manifest as Bible Study. Still, it is an opportunity to have some greater meanings come forth from the Bible. It won’t manifest according to fixed beliefs. It is not here to serve Mankind’s traditional and embedded beliefs of God. It comes into this Earth, to serve God’s purpose for the entire Earth, the entire Solar System, the entire Galaxy, the entire Universe, and all planes of existence, … and God’s purpose for every soul and all life which enters the Earth, sometimes with us entering the Earth many, many times, and with us one day moving past the Earth into greater realms for greater expressions of life, love, and learning. Remember, God’s ways are not necessarily man’s ways and man’s ways are not necessarily God’s ways.

2024 is the breaking and tilling of the soil of the Earth readying it for planting new seeds. 2024 will contain the painful contractions of the Mother, including Mother Earth, who now needs to PUSH with great effort to bring in new life. It is the Dark Night of the Soul for the Earth and all life on the Earth. As the species of Mankind, we will not collectively recognize it as such. Collectively, we will only face the turmoil of the soil being broken, tilled and overturned – through natural disasters, war and other factors ….. until we see that which is new gradually show forth. We will go through the cyclical contractions readying to bring forth transformation and new life – some in this lifetime and some in our later lifetimes.

We stand at the brink of this major transformation. But, it will not be done to us, or for us or automatically. It will be done according to the prayers, meditations, spiritual growth, inner work and inner change – and the amount of effort AND willingness we have already brought forth, and we have yet to bring forth. It will come forth according to how much conscious willingness we have to cooperate with the unknowns of God’s evolution for us at this time period – the willingness which relies on trust and faith in that which is not fully understood, but still believed in.

The complete fullness of this transformation will also come forth according to how much UNwillingness we have in the Earth, as well, because many will continue to be UNwilling. This is because no one’s freewill will be taken away with regards to choices to be made to proceed. Acceptance of other’s unwillingness is part of this. Tolerance and patience are qualities to develop to help with this aspect and help with evolution.

Cooperation with our Higher Self begins with willingness to Cooperate with Our Higher Self, then a willingness to listen within our hearts – the seat at which our Higher Self connects to us – the seat/center/Chakra where the Love of God is known – the center where Kindness and Forgiveness, Mercy, Understanding and Patience begin, and more.

Those who seek power using the old ways of violence, manipulation, misleading, and the like – OR put another way – when WE human individuals and groups seek power using the old ways of violence, manipulation, intimidation, misleading, and the like, we will use these aspects to the end, to try to keep these old ways of living. We will try for these old ways to continue to be effective for us to get what we want from others and the world. I use the word “WE” because even we, who work at our walking our spiritual paths – even ourselves, in our own way – still use these methods when we do so habitually and without paying attention, or without working to better our thoughts, feelings, actions and words. We will be learning that these old ways will not give us that which we want – and we will be learning this either the way of willingness or the way we call, “The Hard Way.”

As the state of consciousness is within all life (life-forms) on the planet, so does this state then manifest on the planet. The troubles on this planet reflect the troubles within the life on the planet – especially within Humanity being the dominant creative consciousness. Because there is no taking away of freewill, those who say NO to this evolutionary step are within their right to say, “NO.” Coercion, force or any other factor will not be effective in impacting anyone’s willingness. Eternity is a gift to all life for working this all out. This is why acceptance, patience and tolerance are part of this evolutionary step. Practicing patience, tolerance and each of the other qualities is how we take the steps through evolution and transformation. Many religions call this “surrendering”, but it is not. It is “cooperating.”

This cooperating and willingness is a paradox which exists within Spiritual evolution. This includes ‘All souls have freewill’, and ‘some will say “no” to evolution at this time’. This choice will impact the Spiritual evolution on this planet at this time. The evolutionary process will not exclude anyone’s freewill, leave anyone behind, and will not exclude anyone’s state of consciousness, but rather will include all choices and all states of consciousness.

*There are vast numbers of humans who are already working at and bringing forth the evolution of humanity and life on this planet. For those who learn about this and integrate this understanding, we will begin to see this at the end of this decade, more in the 2030’s and it will be established and in place – for those who know how to take it in. That traditional image people today imagine of how it will manifest – IS GOING TO BE WAY OFF from the beliefs of how it will really manifest.

Why will today’s imagined manifesting be way off? Because it will not come into being by today’s consciousnesses and imagination or by standard socially accepted religious beliefs. It will come into being also by the consciousnesses and imaginations of those yet beyond today’s level of consciousness – in order to bring it all forth. I mention this because the standard socially accepted religious beliefs incorporate beliefs in short-cuts to get to heaven. I’ll state clearly – there are NO shortcuts. This is true of evolution and this is true of changing our individual consciousness. There is no such thing as “loving God above all else” and then treating God’s creations with disrespect and hatred. If we’re doing the second, we’re not doing the first.

(To return to evolution) Being patient with those who say, “no” is a necessary and important factor in this spiritual evolution. Acceptance of the states of spiritual evolution which come from ALL living beings, is a necessary factor in spiritual evolution. Without demonstrating either of these two qualities – patience and acceptance, and still other qualities – without allowing the “NO” choice, we would evolve less. Including those who say “No” will help us to evolve to greater expressions of Spirit Consciousness.

Do you see/understand the paradox?

There is room in God’s creation for everyone and everything.

—the evolutionary process also includes every soul/spirit who chooses “no” to the evolutionary process.
—the evolutionary process also includes respecting each life form’s right to freewill.
—the evolutionary process also includes our efforts at developing patience.
—the evolutionary process also includes: If we have no room within us for those who say “no” to the evolutionary process, then we are saying “no” to our own spiritual evolution.

This points to the importance of freewill being greater than the importance of how this evolution is perceived or thought to proceed. This points to how important willingness is compared to a person outwardly going through the motions as rote, but not inwardly examining one’s own deeper intent and willingness. This points to the importance of the inner state of the soul, over any outer visible presenting appearance, over any results, and over the superficial expectations of spiritual evolution.

The “Inner” is everything, the “outer” is only the perception and resulting sum total of all manifestation – like an artist inwardly bringing forth that going onto the canvas, and then creating a canvas that has the result on it. One is the heart – the intention, thought, and manifestation – all being the transformative moment of creation happening within the artist. The second is the result of this, now existing in the outer world. The “movements” within are the important elements, the result is a canvas witness to the previous movements within. It is equal to the saying “It is the journey that is important, more than the goal.”


The opportunities are numerous in 2024 for spiritual awakening within our minds and hearts, spiritual activity within our lives, spiritual presence in our lives, and spiritual relationships with God, Christ, and our other spiritual guides, guardians, angels, helpers and teachers.

These opportunities are coming through via our experience of being challenged by some of the most difficult events for humans and other life to go through on this Earth, similar to what we have been experiencing in the years leading up to this, and then our willingness to help and heal. Throughout our lives, we’ve experienced many challenging factors in life and many of us have cried out in our own wilderness, “God, Please, help me/us!!” In our lives, we have seen and/or experienced major disasters/difficulties in many forms.

Up to now, and including now, we have the opportunity to join with many others to serve as the Earth’s Spiritual First Responders, accepting the manifesting of events as they honestly are, but also to accept them as an opportunity to respond – to respond in a way that will bring God’s help into the situation and event. We are called to help – to respond to events through the raising of Spiritual Presence, Life, and Light, and doing this through how we respond to events in our lives.

God is the First Responder to us when we cry out in our own wilderness, for God to help us in all our life problems, dangers, and challenges. God is the One throwing us a rope when we fall down a deep hole, the One sending us a rowboat in a flood, giving us radio warnings that the hurricane is coming and to evacuate, telling us to evacuate the volcano area when it’s ready to erupt, sending us helicopters/ambulances to save us when we are injured, giving us shelters when the tornadoes happen, … running INTO the buildings to help guide people out of the buildings before they collapse from planes flying into them. We see these responses come to us through humans who are willing to have the best of God flow through us to those in need. Indeed, we cannot do these things without God, because God is not separated from our own hearts and souls.

For us humans, a Spiritual First Responder is like human First Responders, and our effort is done with our spiritual tools: Willingness – Patience – Cooperation – Kindness – Mercy – Forgiveness – Compassion – Tolerance – Charity – Service – Humor – Joy – Long Suffering – Encouragement – Trust – Faith – and the greatest of these – Love, which is the umbrella of all of these. The channels through which we strengthen these within our own hearts, minds and souls is prayer and meditation – and practice, practice, practice. (PS. I placed Willingness first, because from sources like the Course in Miracles, and others, we come to learn and practice the principle: “all we need is to be willing in our hearts and minds, and through us, the Holy Spirit will do the rest.”)

It is sad that humanity as a whole, and many of us individually will have to go through this time, but the Light is present, and our awareness can increase when on the other side of this time period. The Light will be seen by some, felt by some, experienced by some, and not noticed and denied by just as many. Not noticing and denying the Light when the Light of God is present is more sad.

I will add finally, the road to the previously predicted apocalyptic disasters (but no longer in effect) for the planet has been averted/changed (including many of Edgar Cayce’s predictions). These planet-wide, Earth-as-a-whole disasters would have been so widespread that possibly billions of people would have died. For me to describe what has been averted would make many not even believe what was set to happen – but which has been transformed, changed, shifted and spread out over longer times.

A metaphor to help understand the shift from previously predicted apocalyptic disasters to the current predictions would be the difference between the destruction of a vehicle by being in a massive vehicle accident where many were killed, and the vehicle is horribly destroyed, needing replaced, vs having a vehicle damaged 1 piece at a time by breaking down, piece by piece, with 100 pieces and parts breaking down over a long period of time needing replaced. The second description would be a struggle, difficult, somewhat costly and annoying series of events facing it over a long period of time, but the first description would immediately be the end.

This shift shows the willingness of God – the willingness to bring forth mercy, to bring forgiveness, to express support, patience, kindness, compassion and grace. The shift shows the willingness within the act of Love. God has done it this way before.

God has done it this way, this time, so that many people will live.

This is the end of the Preface.


The major areas of impact will be through earth, wind, fire and water. I know this is a “Duh” statement. Earth – i.e. earthquakes, mudslides, damage to farm land. Wind – hurricanes, typhoons, high winds, tornadoes. By fire, I mean not just the forest fires, fires from the burning of land, trees and areas in the environment, and volcanoes, but the fires from war – manmade fire from the sky. By water, I mean hurricanes & typhoons again, flooding, mudslides, torrential rainfalls, rising water along coasts, the melting of the poles, and damage done in connection with water.

Many events will be combinations of many of these elements.


Putin is going to get more fierce, trying to increase the amount of destruction. I see this happening before 2024, but I see this happening more in 2024. Yes, he is not intending to stop. (Sadly in previous months, looking at why I saw it stopping, was because so many billions of people want it to stop, and this strength of desire, which is also psychically readable, did influence me.)

I do see one avenue whereby the war could end in 2024. This is if he no longer leads Russia. I can also see a potential timeline where his government or himself could crumble and collapse, but this particular timeline is not the dominant or the expected timeline. This is not THE timeline which we’re on right now, though, but just one of many timelines. However, in this mentioned timeline he could leave office – either his health will undermine him or his reasoning ability. But, these are NOT strong timelines. I mention them simply to say that it would take something this major to bring about a major change to the war.

The current timeline I see us in, I do not see him leaving his office anytime soon. Psychically, I see in 2027, there will be some changes to his role, possibly because of health issues, but he will still hold most of the power. So I’m seeing him in position through to at least 2027-28. Again, an alternate timeline has that if we see him in power into the 2030’s, it’s because he’s being helped and “held up” in ways that he’s not needed before, but does need at that time because of his health, and that will be invisible to the public.


While in 2024, there will be some news stories of national leaders having doubts about continuing to support the Ukraine, I do see the vast majority of nations struggle to continue to support Ukraine. It takes an economic toll on supportive nations, as well. But, many leaders see no choice. I do see that if Ukraine falls to Russia, Putin will then go after the next nation, and then the next. If he is prevented, however, this will not be his path.

Putin’s war is not just against Ukraine, but even now is against Europe as a whole. His war is also economic in nature, and Europe as a whole is suffering from the economic attack. His war is also against the people of Russia, who are and will suffer more because of it. He wants something the people don’t, and the people want something which he doesn’t.

He has already changed the face of Asia and Europe. Not only has his soldiers spread massive destruction throughout Ukraine, destroying cities, families and people’s lives, with the Russian people and his soldiers leaving this legacy of destruction over vast areas, but his personal decision to wage war has moved other European nations to become NATO members. This joining has been a wise move, because of his desire to rebuild a stronger Russia through annexing other nations to gain their resources and control. When any nation’s people accept their nation’s role of destroyer of other’s lives, the people of this nation will receive back home that which had been sent out to be done to others, LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION THAT DOES THIS IN WHATEVER FORM.

While few see this, the Putin/Ukraine war has economically and personally damaged the entire planet – all nations – even those few nations who support it.


In the same way that the Nazi’s spread harmful propaganda about Jewish and other people in the 1930-40’s, and so many people then believed the propaganda, so has Russia spread its own disinformation about the Ukraine. This is the nature of war and of human beings. We have a small amount of information, but paint a large painting of what we think is true. Many people, of their own freewill, choose to believe this disinformation, even though like on a beach-sand-load of statements being said about someone or something, there is only a single grain of sand of truth.

It is the nature of propaganda to be believed by those who choose to. In general, we humans tend to choose to believe statements about “OTHERS” which support our own previous attitudes about particular people. Propaganda and disinformation support the attitudes that are already present, but somewhat undeveloped. It brings the previous attitudes and any prejudices to the surface of each individual’s consciousness carried on the resentment, bitterness and potential hatred towards the selected group of people. Disinformation plants seeds in the soil that welcomes the seeds.

It doesn’t take a psychic to know that we’ve created a world where misinformation is believed, because someone spreads it successfully. It spreads, because of MANY reasons having to do with humans being humans on a planet full of humans.

We all contribute to this – some in large ways and some in small ways. It simply calls for every one of us to be alert to our own thoughts, comments and feelings – by taking ever more responsibility for what is in our own hearts, minds and souls.

Whatever our patterns of our thoughts, intentions and our behaviors are in small aspects of life, these will be our patterns of behavior and thought in the big aspects of our life. Whether it is a small thing of life or a large thing doesn’t matter, because we are still the person that we are, and thinking the way we do. Only when we purposefully and intentionally change ourselves – our thoughts, intentions, our attitudes and our behaviors – do we begin to change our self which then shows forth in both the small and large both.

One aspect of this pattern is the effort to stay loyal to those who we have supported and aligned with in the past – whether we are loyal to a family member, parent, favorite public personality or whomever. When we seek deeper understanding and insight, we face straining difficulties in our relationships, because the deeper understanding can lead to developing different beliefs than those we aligned with before. We’ve all faced this challenge and we will continue to face this challenge.

In 2024 and further years, the disinformation campaign will continue because many people want disinformation. It feeds the 3rd Chakra’s shadow, which feeds adrenaline into the body and in turn, supports greater fearful and anger based attitudes. Only moving into the 4th Chakra, where Love comes forth will we move beyond fear. As Christ said, “Perfect Love casts out fear.” Moving into the 4th Chakra moves us out of the fear and adrenaline of the 3rd Chakra’s shadow aspect.


It has been happening for decades. It is visibly getting worse and will continue to worsen with each year that comes. The climate/weather problems today’s children will face, when they grow up, are unimaginable to today’s adults. For example, when was the last time we had an Atlantic hurricane in December through March? Expect more than a few in this century.

Climate Warnings are coming from every scientific direction. We are hearing different weather scenarios affecting the different parts of the Earth. I’m seeing that the general unwillingness to cooperate in our world societies and nations, in order to address these problems at many levels of society and across the globe, is and will continue to be – the major reason why we will enter into the decades ahead, with an ever-worsening weather system. This is not a surprise to many people anymore.

This atmospheric weather will in turn trigger more earthquakes, because there is a connection between the atmospheric forces and the forces in the crust of the Earth. There is more yet to learn of the connection between the atmosphere and the movements of fault lines and tectonic plates which leads to earthquakes as we progress into the future.

Many do seek to be involved with and support changes, but economically unable to follow-through. Others choose to go the route of those who ridiculed Noah, who steadily built his Ark. Make no mistake, Noah was a real person and he really did build an Ark. (No, it didn’t contain 2 of every animal on the Earth. It contained 2 and more of many different animals, though.) Many who took no steps to prepare for it, paid with their lives and the lives of their friends and families – in the same way that people still die from destructive weather, today – when it comes, it can come extremely quickly. In general and unfortunately, humanity can be swayed to ignore and reject warnings of approaching problems, like ignoring a road sign saying “Bridge Out Ahead! Do Not Go This Way!” or “Slow down. Deadly Curve Ahead.” or “Cigarette Smoking Causes Cancer”.

We will see extreme weather events, in the US, in other nations and all over the world. There will still be hope, but the UN guidelines and reports which will continue to come out and give more dire warnings, will stimulate only small little actual actions towards fulfilling these goals. The warnings from the research will continue to come, though, and the awareness by public citizens around the world that this is not fake news will be growing more in 2024. The “Noahs” of today will not stop.

Regrettably, when even greater disasters happen, there will be some who will blame the warning-givers and say, “Why didn’t you make us listen to you?” But, we know that we cannot force someone to listen and act, when they choose to fight for their right to not address problems.

Yet,… in past prediction articles, I have given a series of predictions about what energy innovation could offer much help. I began telling about this aspect of hope around 2005, and have watched and waited to see if there is progress of any kind to help this factor/aspect come forward. I have recently seen and heard of progress on this topic, and so I believe the 2nd half of this century could see it come to fruition helping to relieve some of the disastrous environmental situations which mankind’s shortfalls and lack of mass cooperative effort have brought about. I am not going to speak of it, until it is further along, but there is information posted which one can find. However, it is not a magic pill.

But, we are not in the 2nd half of this century. We are 30 years away, and possibly 80 years away from benefiting from what I speak of.

In 2024, there will be the desire to curb carbon emissions, but in the US, especially, there will be no MAJOR congressional measures or bills coming forth from Congress to address this – some small amount of legislation, but so small as to be of little impact. Better steps for this will occur in the years following 2024, but not in 2024.

Many times throughout history, there have been warnings given to peoples and cultures and societies, and the warnings have been ignored with destructive events. There will be many destructive events in 2024, all around the world – Earthquakes in South America, Hurricanes in the Atlantic/Gulf with at least 3 going through Florida. Deadly flooding from rain in India and East Asian nations, and getting worse there. All nations in the world will suffer changes to their weather patterns. Even worse drought in Africa, and Australia.

In the US, in 2024, I see much destruction from the hurricanes coming up and inland on the Eastern coast of the US—much destruction. Florida will face some destruction along its eastern coast, but not as much as the other Eastern coastal states north of Florida. The state of North Carolina will take the worst brunt, South Carolina, Georgia, and even Kentucky will take its share. I’m not giving specifics, because the hurricanes will not be specific in the areas of destruction in these states.

If you live in these areas, I encourage you to recognize that this is now normal for hurricane seasons. This will continue to gradually get worse, partially because the hurricanes will get larger as the years go on. AND – what we get in hurricanes in this decade will be overshadowed by what we get in 2 more decades – the 2040’s, which I’m seeing potentially worse.

Teach your family members and children how to appropriately respond to hurricane threats, warnings and landings. In the 2040’s, it will be today’s children who will be facing these massively large hurricanes and it’s best that they are knowledgeable and ready to deal with them. 190mph (Hurricane Allen – 1980) is the highest “maximum sustained winds” measurement (not “gusts”) hurricane to date. I’m seeing that we will see this record be surpassed in the 2030’s.

The days are happening – coming and going – where people are saying, and will say more, to those who are speaking out to warn people – the Noahs of today – “We wish you would have tried harder to make us listen to you (even though we have been determined to NEVER listen to you!!”) There are some who are willing to do nothing but watch the burner heat turn higher underneath us and say, “there’s no problem.”

While the voices saying “there’s no problem” are loud, the realization that Climate Crisis is real, is growing within humanity.


In the US, in 2024, I see an increase in polarization of beliefs, including among and inside individual church congregations. (In the world, this polarization will be within individual churches as well as in societies, but for this item, I’ll focus on the category “church congregations”.) Not more people separating themselves from church, but those who seek to polarize will separate themselves more within the churches. This is related to acceptance vs rejections of what many consider progressive directions with issues including LGBTQ+ inclusion, as well as political affiliation as a foundation of the polarizations. This has been in the news and will be in the news as congregants voice their opinions, beliefs and decisions. This will continue to happen around the globe.


Regardless of how record breaking hot it is, next summer of 2024 is going to be even hotter than this past summer, 2023, especially in mid-summer. Temperatures for the end of summer will drop a hair from mid-August in some places, but that’s all. Those places that do not yet experience record breaking July heat, will eventually see their temperatures then go up in August.


In 2024, we’ll face more weather-based natural disasters. This is one area which we will see increase as the years progress. However, our responses, preparations and fore-knowledge will increase as well, helping us to respond better.

In 2024, we’ll have more hurricanes and tropical storms. So far, I can see a minimum of about 15 named storms, and a maximum of 27 in the Atlantic and Pacific. I see 2 massive ones in the Pacific, hitting the Philippines and then the eastern Asian coastline. Both will be devastating to the areas. There will be loss of lives.

We’ll have a minimum 2 major earthquakes, both in S. America. I see 5-7 earthquakes throughout the year that will be destructive in some extent – Alaska, S. America, and ? IDK yet, but I’m not seeing one in the US in 2024, except for a possible 5.2 in the California Southern Rockies on the Nevada side of the continental divide. The location could switch to the western side of the continental divide due to air pressure related changes. I don’t know the “why” link yet.

The range of the 5-7 earthquakes mentioned above will be 5.0-ish to a high of a possible 8-9.0 which I think I see in the northern area of South America with a possible 6.0-ish in the western area of S. America. I’m seeing 2 small tsunamis on the west coast of S. America. I’m seeing drought for half the area of the planet – including Australia and spread in different areas of Africa. We’ll have flooding across large areas of southern Asia, and sporadic areas in 25% of the globe. 60% of the disasters I’m seeing are related to weather. We’ll have 2 smaller volcanoes cause great concern, and threaten their areas, but will not be catastrophic. Some damage to human areas will happen, but they won’t be a “worst case scenario”. I see one meteor of a small significant size land, but it will not be major. It will get press, though.


In the US, I’m seeing more gun violence all over the US continuing in the number of events, at the rate it is now. Other nations will be reporting what happens in the US. The whole world will see this happening in the US. I see a potential mass killing of a very high number of victims potentially happen. I believe it could be in a “west of the Mississippi River” state. The events will be much like the mass killings that we’re already having, but the number of events will be slightly more than happen in 2023. I do see the results of the Donald Trump trials inciting violence from his followers. Psychically, I can see that some of these followers did not attend the Jan 6th event but stayed back to see what would happen. (I have more further on in this document.)

Christ’s words to Peter are true. When Peter drew his sword and cut off the servants ear, Christ said to Peter, “We are not here for that. Know that he who lives by the sword will die by the sword.” These words are coming true.

Who among us thinks He only referred to swords, and NOTHING else ever? All through the ages of mankind, the evolution of war and the weapons of war have also been occurring. His words are “He who lives by the weapons of death, will die by these weapons.” He didn’t say it would be the same lifetime in which we commit any act, but the event will one day return home from where it came. These are not acts of God. These are choices made by us – human beings. 

Our prayers will help. Some of our prayers will help prevent a person from going that far into darkness. Some of our prayers will help law enforcement stop it before it happens. Some of our prayers will help the numbers of victims to be smaller. Our prayers will help. The phrase “The prayers of a few will save many” speaks to how important and strong our prayers are with events like this. While there are no writings or physical evidence anywhere that would give witness to the help from our prayers, we go forth on faith and trust that God is with us, fully aware and helping us as much as we allow God in.

Pray, pray, pray.

“If you will be my children, I will be your God.”

SIDENOTE: We as the human race on this planet are going through all of these events. Even though each individual event won’t directly affect every person, collectively we humans on this Earth, are going through this time period. This means that individually, all of us are going through these events if one of us is going through it. We as a planet are going through this. There is no more separation based on location even though so many will argue against this factor.

It has been said before, ‘there is no thing about our self and our life, that makes us better or worse than any other person.’ Regardless of our character, all are equal in potential and capacity to Love. Those who deny this with judgement and condemnation of others are destined to learn this lesson by walking in the shoes of those judged and condemned. All of these are truths within Infinite Time and Infinite Space. There is no separation from our Oneness. We all go through this as part of the unified reality. Our personal beliefs and awareness have little effect on the reality of this or the manifestation of this reality. Our beliefs affect our own limitations, either creating limitations inhibiting our own growth and healing by closing our minds and hearts, or releasing limitations to encourage our growth and healing by opening our minds and hearts.

“Sometimes, we just have to get down into the ditch, and put our shovel to work.”
(Rainbow Cards, ©, 2023)


2024 will be the year of war. The current wars – Putin/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas are just two of several others that can come along in 2024. I can see small wars and rumors of wars happening with China and a western neighbor, with Iran within its own borders. We won’t hear much of these, but we will hear of them.

In addition, not all of these wars of 2024 will be fought with guns and bombs, even though a small percentage will. 70% of these wars will be through words, attitudes and thoughts, like the wars we have in the US. I do NOT see a civil war in the US like we had in the 1860’s. We already see that this is an uncivil war – with words, attitudes, and thoughts.

We have war on this planet for countless reasons, including because human beings have not prayed enough for wars to end. We human beings are content to continue with the wars of words, attitudes, and thought. Because we are content with these wars of words and thoughts, the escalation into wars with guns and bombs will continue. Wars can be prayed away, by people willing to pray and people willing to let go of the personal wars we wage against people in our daily lives – by letting go of the attack words and attack thoughts. Wars can be prayed away because “with God, all things are possible.” (God alone won’t remove wars because many humans want war and choose to wage war against an “other”. God will not take away our freewill.)

“With God, All things are possible” means that with God, all things that are injured can be healed; with God, all things lost can be found again; with God, all things broken can be made whole, and with God, all things messed up can be cleaned up.”

2023 has been gearing up for war. This war in the minds and attitudes, has been simmering for thousands of years. There is a reason why it can be compared to the battle between the angels. This is because this battle is also raging.

In Ukraine,

The physical wars going on now, symbolically, the war of Russia/Ukraine, has been within the architect’s intention, and desire for hundreds of years. An old king’s return and desire for glory and resources. He is willing to destroy many lives in both nations via using Russia, to bring glory to himself and to add land to his kingdom. We’ve seen this story play out before, and the old king’s legacy to the world is destruction and suffering. What he offers his people and the world is destruction and suffering. What he will give his people is something they don’t want. Russia is forming a slow metaphorical “sink hole”. In 2024, symbolically, the first small foundations will begin to give way underneath – although not widely seen by the world.

Israel and Hamas,

These are souls on both sides, who have chosen war for thousands of years in many past lives. Regardless of where on the Earth they’ve been born into, and regardless of under what banner, war is their choice for their own life. And as these souls pass on to future lives, they will carry this with them, until… they get tired of only pursuing war after war, and move on. Meanwhile, many of those who do not choose war, will bear the suffering.

The middle east has been consistent in it being the arena of many wars. Any cease fires before 2026-2028 will not last. After this 3-year time period, cease fires will last longer gradually growing in time length. A lasting peace will not happen in this half of the century, but effort will continue on into the future. Sometimes, things change only when those who oppose change, grow old and pass on, leaving this Earth arena.


In 2024, in the entire world, the battlefields will be religion, politics, economy, the environment, business, and many other arenas – all of them warring using attitudes, opinions, beliefs and individual truths as weapons. Sound familiar? It is a continuation and escalation on many levels and in many arenas of what we’ve seen and heard in the recent years. In 2024, this will not change but rather increase – not just in the US, but internationally.

There has been conflict in these structures of human life for thousands of years. Now more of this attitude and energy will come forth and manifest than has been manifesting at any particular time for thousands of years.

We have been witnessing the escalating of this world of war everywhere – the internet, the streets, the cities, the halls of government, and across borders of countries. It is the war of idealisms, and the war of angels. This time, the battlefield is the entire planet.

I describe what anyone could easily say “Duh, who doesn’t know that?”

What I am saying here is that this conflict is also in the Soul world – the Spirit world. And with this, it is established in the psychic energy – the Akashic Records – as deeply carved into the Records as if it were a landslide rolling downhill and which few would have the ability to change in its direction or path.

Imagine 100 people are driving a single vehicle downward on a very steep embankment. The vehicle for the most part cannot be put in reverse and go backward up the steep hill. How much of any effort or willingness would it take to bring the car to a stop or change directions, when of those 100 people, only 10 want to stop it from its path. This is an analogy for making changes in the world.

We are told that 10 righteous souls can save a city. If you’re wondering how many people are needed to save a nation or the entire Earth, let’s find out by adding our prayers to the Choir of Souls lifting up our hearts and minds to the One who can help each of us to grow both inwardly within ourselves and outwardly towards the entire planet and its people.


Many will be cushioned or blanketed from much of this energy/war. This is not determined by economic means as much as one would imagine. It is determined by spiritual means. It is The LIGHT energy which is more powerful than the manifesting energy. It is the efforts and work of those seeking to help us all heal on this planet that bring in the spiritual Light energy. The cushioning energy comes from a cooperation between those souls on Earth and those working on the other side and is extended to everyone equally. (We are also told, “it rains and sunshines on both the good and the bad. The cushioning does, too.) All of these working seek to bring in as much higher energy as possible to cushion the lowest level of manifesting darker karmic energy coming from Nov, 2023 through 2024, with the last of this lowest energy manifesting through Jan/Feb, 2025 (before we begin climbing out of it in 2025 and on – like coming outside to assess things after a hurricane or tornado.

There are other forces and souls intentionally seeking to continue to manifest darker energy (and aspects within our own selves even – sometimes unintentionally to manifest this darker energy), with many times believing it is the better thing to do. This darker energy seeks to – not eradicate the Light, because it can’t, but delay it, diffuse it, misdirect it, and confuse it – with “It” being the Light which has been and is growing within individuals.

Those seeking darker energy know in their souls (not consciously as humans) that they cannot stop the Light, and when the Light is established, they will lose their power and placement. Do not assume at all that YOU, the reader, knows who this is that I am referring to. God alone knows what is in everyone’s soul, and it is in this part of us that God alone knows who I’m referring to. No human knows the soul of another human. Besides, each of us has some part within us, which has conflict with our own Higher Self and our evolution to become one with our Higher Self. It is better for us as individuals to determine and intend to bring forth the better spirit and qualities from within ourselves.

We humans bring this inner conflict into the world from our own prejudices, bitterness, and resentful attitudes – NOT from insight gained from God. No matter what efforts anyone would put in to bring forth raising blaming views and attitudes towards others, —- the Spiritual Light coming from within us is greater, stronger and more enduring. There is no stopping evolution. Our evolution is led by spiritual evolution and will be following along with social evolution, which we will witness even in our own lifetime, if we hold to our own faith developing our own eyes to see the very real activities of the Light manifesting in the societies existing in our world.

There are “almost” equal amounts of strength in both sides of this struggle to establish the Light in this planet. There is no failure here. This is a move brought about by the forces of the physical Universe as well as the forces of the Spirit realm. There can be no more “not” moving into this time as there could be to try to stop the different seasons from coming.

There is and will be a persistent and continuous increase in the higher vibrations/energy over the next 200 years at a minimum, like working to climb up a mountain, ever putting one foot in front of the other, to keep our eyes on the path to climbing higher – through our effort, inner work, practice, patience and persistence. (I mention 200 years, because it is a time period which current national maps will still be mostly accurate – except for shorelines.)

All people of the nations around the world have been and will continue to evolve through changes of which we don’t yet know about in our personal and individual paradigms. (All individuals will not all choose to evolve now, and many will struggle against it, or leave and not want to be in the planet at this time, or any of a number of options. As souls, we perceive this as freewill and our choices made, but of course, as human beings, we see this as tragedy because of the shortness of each particular life we live.)

When the time comes for this particular nation to evolve as a recognized nation, it will be part of the natural process of growth and change. To describe the process, I will use the metaphor of a single living cell which grows from one cell to 2 cells to 4 cells. Each cellular organism does not know consciously as what it will come to be but nevertheless – comes to be anyway.


For 2024, I see very little and very slow progress yet, with efforts to convince governments to speed up changes. Like in some other years, in 2024, I see the Climate Crisis warnings being lost in the cacophony of voices yelling about problems we’re facing. Compared to what could be, very little progress will happen with moving towards the goals of diminishing the carbon emissions. Some of this delay is understandable, because there is no shortage of issues to deal with in our world at this time.

Tornadoes. In 2024, most of the Earth’s reported tornadoes will be happening in the US, and in Italy (and Spain)(sometimes this is the norm) but tornadoes can happen almost anywhere in the world. With global warming, the planetary areas for tornadoes will expand. In 2024, MOST of the tornadoes in the US will happen in the usual areas called Tornado Alley – the central Midwest US – Kansas, Oklahoma, N Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Iowa, Louisiana, Kentucky, some in Nebraska, Iowa and Ohio. The states surrounding these will all see some or at least a few. The numbers of Tornadoes in the US in 2024 will be one of the higher yearly recorded totals for tornadoes during the yearly timetable. I do not see 2024 breaking the record for number of tornadoes in a year, but within 10 years, we will see the record broken. I see this during one of the later 2020’s years. 2027 or 2028.

Besides the flooding, India and the nations nearby will also have an increase in tornadoes. In 2024, mostly I see tornadoes happening in the Central and Eastern regions of India, and east of this. I see Tornadoes being regular in their continuance in these areas.


I’m mentioning MIRACLES in order to alert readers to look for miracles in our day-to-day lives. Do not underestimate the potential occurrence and potential witnessing of miracles. It is the open-minded person who allows for the existence, and therefore the welcoming, prayers for, and receiving of miracles, and recognize them when they happen. The ever-strengthening of the awareness of the presence of spiritual help brings with it a greater awareness of spiritual involvement in physical events and our physical lives, which we can accept as very real miracles. 

Pray for miracles.

It will always be an individual’s subjective decision/choice to believe in God, the Christ Consciousness and Christ Spirit, Buddha, Allah, Jehovah, Spiritual reality, Souls, Spirit, miracles and the teachings of Spiritual teachers. This is why an open-mind and a welcoming-heart are helpful. And then Gratitude. The Miracle is very real help from a very real source – sometimes which can even be a physical helper, (which does not negate the involvement of a Spiritual source.)

I will always encourage people to pray specifically for Miracles. Ask for Miracles. The one who sincerely prays for Miracles, will recognize them more than someone who does not pray for them. In 2024, when dealing with manifesting natural disasters and violent actions, Miracles can shine out in the darkness of despair and sorrow.

Don’t worry if people you know don’t believe in Miracles or a Spiritual presence helping. While
our mindset helps open up our awareness, it does not determine whether a miracle is brought forth, and which may go unnoticed. Always, a person’s beliefs are best used to help motivate us in how we treat one another, not in determining what is TRUTH or not. Our beliefs are our own and will always be. We share ours and we integrate others’ sometimes, but always we are in charge of shaping our own beliefs.


We’re going to see conflict in many arenas. In the US, 2024 will be an election year, and so the political conflicts will be in front of everyone in the US. This is true with many nations that are also facing elections. Conflict will be fueled, and blame for conflict will ignite ever more verbal and some physical entanglements/wars.

My Psychic predictions are as follows: The Russian/Ukraine war will still be in process, but the people of Russia are growing weary of it, and the Ukraine, though tired, intend to continue their defending of their own country. There are no surprises there. China does not want the R/U war to be happening, but they will fulfill obligations to Russia, mostly as an effort to NOT side with the US thus keeping their neighbor appeased. In 2024, I’m seeing China will continue to support Russia, but it does take a bite out of China’s support of it’s own people. Russia is promising much to China for this assistance. One Russian promise is to provide more cooperation and leniency along their shared borders. China will take advantage of this, but not in a big way, rather in a “forgiveable” way. Russia will be more forgiving to China. China sees this as a gain and will move to use this advantage.

China and North Korea, although already enjoying a relatively good relationship, will continue to be “working neighbors”, meaning how things are now, is working for them both. This will continue throughout the 2020’s decade, but will face more conflicting challenges in the 2030’s when North Korea demands China do more for them.

With regards to NATO, NATO does not want to escalate the R/U war. Adding more offensive weapons or taking direct military action coming from the NATO nations would most likely do that, forcing Putin into using more deadly weapons. This is what they believe could happen.

Putin desperately wants to use “limited nuclear weapons”, but he is getting some advice that this would trigger NATO to step up their involvement, which it would. He is also getting some advice saying that NATO would not step up their opposition. But, he doesn’t trust that advice as much. It’s not hard to figure out what the other nations of the world would do and the positions nations would take if Putin used a nuclear weapon. The members of NATO will continue to support Ukraine as much as possible.

What I psychically see is this, he wants to get away with using a nuclear weapon. He also wants to get away with invading Ukraine. If he could, he would NOT change his mind about invading Ukraine. He has been planning the Ukraine invasion after his success with Crimea. It has been on his short list since even before the Crimea invasion. (Our prayers are needed here, as well.)

More psychic seeing: Some NATO nations want to enter the war if he does use a limited nuclear weapon. But by using a nuclear weapon, Putin would not get what he thinks he would get. He would get almost the opposite. I believe I’m psychically seeing China would not abandon being his ally, but the world would then turn their attention to China and without any message of opposition to Russia and the Nuclear attack, China would be seen as complicit and supportive of the use of a nuclear weapon. And this would be correct. China even now, knows that Putin could use a nuclear weapon, and has shown only the mildest opposition to it.

As I wrote this part in April, 2023, I saw no visible use of a limited nuclear weapon in 2023. However, if there is any way to hide the use of a nuclear weapon, Putin would pursue this in 2024 and 2025 at the latest. As we enter into the beginning months of 2024, I see negotiations and talks happening. He will want to go the route of using weapons that are not easily visible or seen or recognized. I don’t see chemical weapons being overtly used, but they’re not completely off the table.

As of the posting of these predictions, I’m seeing this timeline potentially taking the war to 2027. The earliest a Cease-fire or end of the war is 2025 and the latest time for the ending could be 2029 with a cease-fire in 2027, but the cease-fire only lasting about 1 year to 1 ½ years, then the war ending in 2029. Yes, this seems long and is a very disheartening prediction. With this prediction, I hope I’m wrong and it ends earlier. Always with prayers, these kinds of man-made events may end earlier or bring a different type of help.

With regards to Nuclear weapons, Russia is not the only government wanting to use one to solve its problems. The results for any who do use it will NOT be what they seek. We are entering into a time in Mankind’s existence where long-term success now comes through negotiation and diplomacy. Using war as the method of solving problems will no longer solve problems but create more problems for nations.


At this time, I request and encourage people to pray – especially for those who are in war situations – the people of both sides – pray for Miracles for all of them, and then keep praying for Miracles. Pray for Christ to be present with the people of this Earth, in all we will face and all with which we will struggle and from which we will suffer.


Particularly in the US, I see escalating violence in the US. I won’t predict the events I see as being solidly set in rock to happen, because there is hope and prayers for events to not happen. Hope and prayers can help people, through bringing the presence and kindness of the Spirit of A Loving God into the lives of those who are lost in anger, rage, bitterness, vengeance and hatred. It will always be true, that with God, the lost, can be found.

In Colorado is a high chance of another show of violence within the first 9 months of the year. I’m seeing a higher potential for violence in New Mexico, but which could be moved to Texas, and in Texas (3 in Texas), in the Eastern states – mostly Kentucky and Tennessee.

Always and forever, our prayers will help – possibly even to prevent some of what I’m seeing psychically, and therefore, writing about.

In the US, in 2024, I’m seeing a high number of mass shootings – not a record breaking number -at least 4 of these are in schools again, possibly as many as 8. Others are in work places, a few churches. This I see, and for these events, we pray.

Always and forever, our prayers are real. The One who listens and hears our prayers is the One who can help bring change and healing.

Not so many of these events happening in Georgia and Florida. I see a clash of people in Ohio in an event. There are seeds of violence in Southern California, which could take hold and grow. There is something in the air in West Virginia. (How I’m writing these is how I’ve seen them.)

I see some of former President Trump’s supporters acting on their anger and rage – similar actions to the Jan 6th action but not in D.C. – rather around the US. For 2024, the worst of this will be during the summer of 2024.

Metaphorically, psychically, I’m seeing the firewood is in place and the question is will those who would bring the matches of violence to the fuel and proceed. This violence is by human choice and I will always mention this. We have a choice. This human violence only happens if people choose to proceed – choose to light the match and set it to the fuel.

With God, even these events of violence can be tempered, changed, prevented or be made to not happen through some process.

When a soul is immersed in our own viewpoints, feelings, beliefs, anger, and rage – and that’s all – reason and logic will not readily get through to help. This is a soul illness and an illness of the state of mind. Change can still happen by empathy, understanding, patience, kindness and compassion. There is pain and suffering from the barbed wired tightly entangled and twisted around any of our hearts and minds. The barbed wire is the hatred, rage, beliefs and bitterness which is used to fuel activities.


We are already seeing an increase in volcanic activity. We will see volcanic activity increasing in this decade, even up to the 2060’s, when the increase in activity will stabilize. This does not mean Yellowstone will erupt. I don’t see that happening anywhere in looking at the next 200 years. This also does not mean we’ll have volcanoes erupting all over everywhere. It means the few that are active will continue to be active with a few more becoming active. This is significant because of the ash and gases released into the atmosphere. Volcanoes are disruptive.


In 2024, there is so much happening in the world which affects us as individuals, that leads us to consider ourselves to be global citizens, rather than only national citizens, because that which happens on Earth, the whole globe, impacts all people on the Earth and this will show more in 2024. Events affecting the economy will impact everywhere. We’ve seen this with the Putin/Ukraine war especially.

Stay alert to red flags like immediate natural disasters wherever they occur. Some red flags will be related to nations around the world going through many different natural disasters which can have global impacts.

I am seeing No collapse of any major economies or world-wide economy. I am seeing no fulfillment of what many say is going to happen. I support preparation for high prices, and developing self-sufficiency skills, but not because of any collapse, nation-wide or world-wide. I see economic hard-times for many, but this is why I’ve been saying to build a network of helping and helpers. Local communities are a very good source for where we can give and receive support.

In 2024, the stock markets around the world, will be reacting erratically to natural disasters as much as to wars. Wars cause havoc everywhere. War affects the whole globe in direct and indirect ways. The particular piece of economic growth that most likely would have happened – if there had been no wars at all at this time – is no longer going to happen, and economic growth is a world-wide economic systemic process whether we support this or not.

2024 is a year to NOT speculate on stocks. Rather it is a year to sit on any stocks owned until 2026. Purchasing is okay, but let the purchases be for long term. As wars and rumors of wars continue & as natural disasters happen around the globe, these will bring greater fluctuation and unpredictability to the stock markets which can’t help but react to each man-made or natural disasters.

If someone has already invested in the stock market, the markets will mostly and generally not provide a great increase in value for about 2 years – 2024 and 2025, but it will become more stable and strong in 2026.

Later in this decade, car manufacturers, especially Japanese, will focus more and more on electric cars. Honda will have breakthroughs in the technology and is determined to make electric cars be their main focus with the company becoming one of the main suppliers of electric vehicles. I don’t usually recommend stocks but I do recommend the 2 Japanese car companies, Honda and Toyota, but to sit on the stocks as long as possible or through to the end of this decade at least, if not longer.


In the US, psychically, I’m seeing that, in 2024, the rhetoric about stolen elections will increase DRAMATICALLY. The threats against election workers will continue. I do see law enforcement able to investigate and charge many of the people who threaten or act on threats.

I see the Democrats winning the 2024 presidential election. For a while now, I’ve seen the Democratic Nominee be Joe Biden, and him winning. If this will change, which it can, the Democratic Nominee will still win.

For a long while, I have seen Donald Trump NOT being the Republican nominee. However, if he is, I’m seeing it be a lopsided loss. Afterwards, I see him continuing with his statements that the elections have been stolen from him, and even louder and angrier after 2024’s loss.

I see many people who desire the condition of the 2020 elections to be an “election having been stolen” state of affairs, and therefore are only willing to believe what they want to be true, as it aligns with the current anti-election comments.

One of the difficult things for many Americans is that there are still also non-democratic foreign influencers involved with this Anti-Democracy effort. It has already been shown that Russian government directives to it’s own govt agency people have been to contribute to American election mistrust, and disinformation. This effort by persons in the Russian government will continue for years. The attack upon the US is not just from within by some citizens of the US, but also from outside of the US by those who seek to prevent Democracy growing in their own country.

Psychically, I’m seeing that there are more than a few Russian government “agents” in the US here to coordinate some of the anti-election results movements, and encourage/further the beliefs that the elections cannot be trusted. The Russian government’s agenda is to work to show to those people in non-Democratic nations, especially Russia, that Democracy is fraught with unsolvable problems and it is not worth seeking to have.

For readers, I will say that I don’t have specifics. I see this psychically, like a person would look at a rainbow and see a particular color. I do not look for specific information but general information. I see it like I see the direction of a river that I see looking down from a high shoreline. From this information, I call for prayers for protection from those forces and people who seek to cause harm.


Christ: “Blessed is the Peacemaker.” His words and teachings are to bring people together, healing relationships, and to unite/resolve those relationships which are in conflict. There are a lot of people saying a lot of things. How many of them are Peacemakers – who seek to bring people together, healing relationships, and uniting/resolving those relationship in conflict? It helps us to consider this when we read what some people send out over the internet and via emails. God does NOT send out messages of attack or blame. Christ does not speak through those who stir up vengeance, blame, antagonism and attack words. It is always for us to ask ourselves, “Is what we’re reading, making peace?” It is ALWAYS easy to for us, individually, to let ourselves be NOT peacemaking.


I plan to add to and/or update some of this information for 2024, during the year. I want to update or clarify information – or even assess it for my own confidence level. I will place these additions in red type with the date added.

Jodie Senkyrik

#1 Update added 12/21/2023


#2 Update added 1/8/2024

Update #3, 1/8/2024


Update #4 1/8/2024


Update #5, 1/12/2024



The Arena

That was an interesting article about information and not seeing it all. Can you help me shed light on the whole thing involving Trump (without taking a ton of your time to do it)? I hear from one side that he is being “taken down” for daring to stand up to the “swamp.” The other side has him nothing short of Hitler. How guilty is he of the accusations in his indictment?

What I know is that even if the prosecutions are bogus and his lawyers prove it, it doesn’t matter. Millions of people will still believe him to be guilty regardless. If the prosecutors have the evidence that anyone can see that he is guilty, it doesn’t matter to millions who will believe Trump regardless. D.M.

Hi, D.M.,

[“without taking a ton of your time to do it” – ROTFLOL – who me? :-)]

First of all, on the surface, we see what seems like a mess. But, what we really have is an arena of countless numbers of souls, all whom are involved in this particular time in Earth history, in these particular locations on this planet, each having many lifetimes of effort and learning leading to this moment in time, with each coming together, trying to pursue what each values in life and what each has learned has value, in order to accomplish what each soul believes to be worth accomplishing in each soul’s journey through the Cosmos on this planet, having come through many different lifetimes as different humans, in different bodies, and on a journey of learning and growing through many more lifetimes ahead, and all hoping to build something worth building.

But all we see as observers is the surface of this one life – the surface of the Ocean, not recognizing the journey of every soul for what it is – not perceiving the soul journey of the thousands of souls, with all aspects of their consciousness, all aspects of the unconscious, all aspects of their past, present and potential future. And yet, this is exactly what this is.

So, here is my “short” answer (knowing that books are being written, and libraries are being filled with these books about this time in history) …………

For humans, there is a human answer, for those who are seeking to walk their spiritual learning path, there is a spiritual answer. For those who seek Truth, there can be even a third answer. And for those who seek Karma, there is another answer. Each of these can teach something, if we’re interested in learning. All four of these deserve their recognition, respect and response.

For humans, of which we are, we have on this Earth and throughout history created governments and governmental laws to live by, both major and minor, based on regulating globally recognized human behavior, (for the most part). These laws are as perfect as humans are perfect, of which I’m really saying – as imperfect as humans are imperfect. We also have religious laws and social “laws”, which are also influential. We sometimes claim religious laws to be more perfect than humans are. We tend to claim social “laws” to be as diversified as humans desire them to be.

As humans, we take various steps to maintain and enforce these laws – with our quality of enforcement being as perfect/imperfect as humans are perfect/imperfect. This all means that when we view human interactions and behaviors, and then the pertinent laws meant to regulate human behavior, we’re going to both apply and enforce the laws as imperfectly as humans are imperfect. All aspects of human-created society and worldly affairs are going to PERFECTLY reflect the imperfections of human beings – the imperfect creators/writers of our Earthly laws and rules, as well as the imperfect enforcers of these laws. This is true even when we strive to do better at it – which also reflects the human effort to “do better”.

In this unique moment in history, the 2020’s, we currently see the imperfection and messiness being a part of this human arena, because the arena can be nothing but a reflection of the imperfection and messiness of humans. This is why we 8 billion humans can do nothing but do the best we can with what we have in the arena of creating and enforcing laws. Humanity has been evolving for eons, and it isn’t finished by any stretch of the imagination, as we give witness to the imperfections and shortcomings of mankind.

But, let’s look deeper for spiritual understanding.

For those who seek a greater spiritual perspective to it all, we can refer back to the teachings of many of the higher Spiritual Teachers. More often I refer back to Christ’s teachings.

Within this spiritual conception, the main issue is not whether Donald Trump is guilty or innocent. It is not whether people are entrenched in their views, beliefs and opinions about any part of this arena we have been a part of. (Because every human has guilt and innocence within ourselves, therefore “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”. Still, how many of us take this to heart and try to practice it. In addition, all of us souls on the Earth have our own unique sets of beliefs, opinions, and paradigms – yes, some similarities, but never completely exactly the same.) The spiritual answers/understandings are not on the surface of these events – like we imagine physical/social answers to be with human laws. Spiritual understanding and learning rarely are on the surface of our understanding – rarely easy to recognize, and rarely easy to integrate and make into a living aspect of our soul, heart and mind – and actions.

The purpose of the Spiritual path is always to learn, grow and evolve in our awareness of our spiritual nature and therefore, our relationship with God. Because of this, I repeat that the real issue of Donald Trump’s guilt or innocence is not the most important aspect. But rather, with all his life experiences he’s having up to now, these and more eventually when he willingly chooses, will lead to his learning and growth – because of the Truth that with God, all things are possible – just like all the rest of us.

But, who are we that we can say that we, personally, can take God’s place in being judge and jury over anyone? We easily react as judgmental beings, because of thousands of fear-based spiritual, physical, mental, psychological and emotional reasons, and because we willingly took and still take a bite of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We believe, with hubris sometimes and without awareness sometimes, that we know what is good and know what is evil in the absolute. So, we choose to see good where we want to and see evil where we want to.

There are no exceptions to this. Since all of us humans have both good and evil within us, both sides are accurate in the claiming that the “other” side is full of demons and “our” side is full of angels. The Truth is that all members of each side have both demons and angels within each of us.

“You follow Me”

After the resurrection, Christ sat with Peter on the shore. Peter mentioned many other people in order to tell Jesus what they were doing with Christ’s teachings. Peter may not have approved. But, Jesus’ response was simple – “Peter, you don’t worry about them. I’ll take care of them. You follow me.” In this, Christ speaks of His mission to be Savior to every soul in the Earth, telling Peter that Peter was to do the work necessary to transform Peter. This is the path of our spiritual evolution – to be in charge of our own path of transformation, and recognize the role God has in each person’s transformation. Our willingness partnered with the earnest absorbing of Christ’s statement – “With God, all things are possible.”

Ultimately, all people involved and all audience members will learn and grow, evolving humanly and spiritually. Some within years, and others within hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions.

We have a hard time with not being aware of the deeper goings-on of this time period in history. So, be human and render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s. But, as we judge others, remember, so are we judging ourselves. With all the past lives and all the future lives we have had, and will have, you can bet that we have done things similar in some way to those that are being judged now. And if we continue to seek to be the judge and jury, we will be judged equally – mostly by ourselves – of which we are harsh judges, indeed.

Many times, we oppose, in others, their behaviors and actions which we find easily identifiable as being immoral or illegal. A big reason is because we’re trying to oppose this subconscious aspect which is also a part of our own subconscious selves. We oppose that which we have done in the past and past lives, and are trying to heal/clean up. When we see it in others, unconsciously and consciously we take the role of judge and jury, because we have been unconsciously judging our past (or present, in some cases) selves. One day we will be called to look back at our past lives and forgive ourselves of those actions/non-actions.

At the same time, we are here to learn a spiritual lesson – that as we do unto others, so are we doing to ourselves. This includes judging others, and condemning others, but it also instead could apply to showing mercy and forgiveness or letting go of this judgement. This would include no longer condemning the “other”.

Whatever behavior it may be, this act which we do unto others, we are also creating the happening of the “doing it to ourselves”. We are saying to the Infinite Consciousness – “If I think it is appropriate to cause this to happen to someone else, it is therefore appropriate for it to happen to myself, as well.”

Several particular aspects (out of thousands) for us to acknowledge – some people are very forgiving of Trump, and this is returned as forgiving of themselves. This is their soul path – a soul path with which they are familiar – the path of one to break laws and seek forgiveness.

Another, but different, aspect is that some choose to have little respect for other people and laws, and this is their soul path then – a soul path where they are shown little respect in return. The little lesson which we can gain from this is that “All we create for others to experience, we are creating for ourselves to experience.” There are no exceptions. AND there is no judgment to this process/principle which we have come to recognize as “Karma”, even if we don’t have that much understanding about how karma works, though.

A Spiritual Truth for all of us, right now: it is important to remember that we humans/spirits have very small capacity for understanding the deepest inner lives of others. We do not have the capacity for being judge and jury over ourselves much less others, because what we show on the surface is rarely the truth of our human life or the truth of our spiritual nature. Yet, we take on the task of being judge and jury, anyway. In time, likely many, many lifetimes, we also will learn to let this go – the judging and condemning of others, as our understanding grows.

If we ask which side is right or wrong in our current political arena, we need to first recognize that we’re all humans and as such, all sides are all things as a “Truth”, because all people are all aspects of right and wrong, good and evil manifesting according to the choices we make. There are no absolutes with humanity. In addition, as a result, all human beliefs about this historical period are viable. It is the same with religious beliefs – viable for the person themselves. (Has anyone ever tried to convince someone that their religious beliefs are wrong and one’s own are right? Yeah, it’s like that.)

Everyone sees and experiences from our own perspectives and learned paradigms. This is why what we see play out on TV, and in the news, and in government, is not the most important part. The very most important part is, when we are faced with these events, whether we are willing – willing to learn and grow – whether we are willing to examine how we treat one another – whether we are willing to work on ourselves, so that we don’t keep entrapping ourselves over and over by thinking of ourselves as being capable of taking God’s place – (from Joseph’s conversation with his older brother who sold him into slavery into Egypt.) When Joseph saw his elder brother, he cried tears of joy, readily forgiving him and told him, “Can I take God’s place? What you meant for evil, God meant for good.”

If it helps, remember, God’s ways are not man’s ways. But we, with our human readiness to judge and condemn others, so often, forget to seek to understand God’s ways or seek to have faith and trust in God’s ways. “With God, all things are possible” includes trying to understand God, and we need not shy away from this effort. It can also help to realize that there is no absolute understanding of any part of this. There are no absolute right or wrong perspectives about human events.

It is important to note that all that happens in the world – ALL. THAT. HAPPENS. IN. THE. WORLD. – comes with the potential capacity for spiritual lessons to be taught and spiritual qualities to be practiced – whether we take on these lessons or not – whether the lesson is “we do the best we can with what we have – in our bodies, in our minds, in our lives and in our paradigms” – or whether it is simply to practice letting go of judgment and condemning others, practicing patience, kindness, tolerance, etc., and then praying for all life – all the time.

The purpose of these world events is not to get all people to believe the same way. It is not to have all people know that what someone says is “Truth”. It is to challenge us all to choose today – life or death – healing or harming – unity or separation. And we will both succeed and fail, on our path to learn these, and in the doing either, we will have the chance to learn of our self and our relationships to each other and ultimately our relationship with God… if we’re willing.

So, Donald Trump is both innocent and guilty of many different things, because he is human, and no part of him, or any part of his life, makes him any better or any worse than any of the rest of us humans. At the same time, no part of any of us humans, or any part of our human lives makes us any better or any worse than him or any other human who exists.

P.S. Jesus was also human.

What we are called to ask in return, is – who among us would like to be judged in the same way we’re judging Donald Trump, Republicans, Democrats, or any group or person we are judging? It doesn’t matter if we deserve it or not. If we require Karma to be played out for others, we are calling for Karma to be played out for ourselves, too. Ultimately, when the people walked away after Jesus challenged them to find one who was without sin to throw the first rock at Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ final words in that moment said to Mary, “Neither do I condemn you.” This response is possible for ourselves, as well – with God.

It is difficult to not take sides. Indeed, we cannot “not take sides” without God. It is true that this time period will be in all the history books, but our effort to keep to our spiritual teachings, to walk our spiritual path, can help move us in consciousness to be able to finally see our world, and all our peoples on this Earth, as One World and One People, all of us succeeding and all of us failing, but still all of us trying to learn, grow, and evolve … even if it takes us many, … many, … many, … lifetimes.

With God, even this is possible.

Update on the Ukraine/Russian War

I do semi-regularly look for hope in this war. There is still a great need for prayers. Please, continue to add prayers for God’s energy and peace to grow stronger in the midst of this war.

Putin wants to continue to wage war against Ukraine until there is very little or nothing left of Ukraine. He is willing to cause greater problems for the Russian people – to do it.

It is a time to continue to pray for the people of both countries.

For him, any End of War Talks are a tool to help him continue to delay the stopping of the attacks. His DESIRE! is to demolish the Ukraine as an independent nation, and he won’t voluntarily or willingly tell his Generals and troops to stop and withdraw. He means to be in the Ukraine until the end of Ukraine as we know it. He wants Ukraine for its resources and to show the world his strength.

Putin sees the Western/European nations as an annoyance, he does not see them as deterring his actions – simply as a buzzing bee around him – not strong enough in any way to stop him.

Our prayers can and do help, when we remember to pray for the end of this war and the people of both countries. The more prayers from all people willing to pray, the stronger and more available the path to end the war. If prayers do not come, this war could last almost up to 2 more years. We can bring this war to an end for everyone through our prayers.

Conversation about March 28-April 4.

This is a recording of a conversation with the Astrologer Stephanie Austin, of, regarding an event which I’m seeing happening beginning March 28th (or late March 27th) and continuing for about 7 days until April 4th – Monday to Monday. I called her to see if there were planetary considerations or forces with this time period.

The volume of my voice is low, so you will have to turn up the volume as high as you can to get my voice clearly. I’m sorry about that. If it helps you to download it and listen, please do. This volume problems is the problem with my own equipment sometimes. You can hear Stephanie Austin’s voice clearly, though.

I tried to turn up the volume on my voice but so far have not been able to get it louder except on my own computer. It did help me to hear it when I ran the mp3 file through a voice editor to listen to it, but, the louder volume did not transfer to another copy of the file. However, if you have voice editor software, feel free to use it for listening.

The recording begins after the conversation has started – about 5-10 minutes from the beginning.

Update: I did stay very alert to anything during this time, and although there are many events during that time, I personally felt a higher level of energy during the time – a lifting up. I consider this more like a buoyant life preserver experience for the current difficult energies and events which are manifesting on the rough seas of life.

Psychic Predictions for 2021

A Psychic's View of 2021:  Psychic Predictions for 2021


When reading psychic predictions, watch for when different psychics agree on topics and the outcomes. These topics and predictions have the highest chance of being accurate, but don’t discount the predictions which only 1 or 2 psychics predict. Each psychic has areas in which we are more able to focus and give accurate predictions. Each psychic has areas of better accuracy.

With my predictions pages, each year’s predictions also hold predictions of further into the future. So, go back and reread previous years predictions also since they may have something about this year or next year.

(Within the body of these predictions, I use blue lettering to show possible assistance with the predictions. At the end, during the QUESTIONS part, I use different colored lettering to show different people who submitted questions for these predictions.)

Stay True

We are in times when greater effort to stay on one’s spiritual path, to keep working at one’s spiritual studies and practices, to practice loving kindness, forgiveness, mercy, patience, compassion, aware of long-suffering, WITH CONSCIOUS INTENT when responding to life’s challenges and problems – is important and will help. We are in times when it is important to “Be true to our own heart.” It is a time to try again, whenever we “stumble and fall,” with our intents to manifest Love. This, and only this, will bring us into the New Age of Mankind on Earth, with our Higher Selves as the potential ever-stronger guide helping us through our Earth plane challenges.

Our Human Family

The Family of Man is still a family regardless of how embattled we are. Remember, as with all life – for the human race, also, no darkness can extinguish the Light. It is the Light which, when manifested, with effort, can light up where it has been dark. And when the Light is increased, those who have been afraid, and blinded in the dark, can be found and brought to Peace, Compassion, and the Loving Warmth of the Spirit of Infinite Peace, … Never-ending Compassion … and the Loving Warmth of the Light who’s Infinite Love has no conditions whatsoever.

This Time in Existence on Earth

We are at a stage equal to a mother having contractions rushing to the hospital to give birth. A New Age of Mankind is real and is coming. This will be visible through the changes in how we work to find ways for all people to live their lives on this planet – ie. less war as the way to solve problems. More effort to negotiate and find ways to get along. People will come forward saying, “We need to find ways to work together to find solutions to these problems” instead of what we have today which is “I’m not working with them to solve anything.”

Meanwhile, we have entered the 6 years of low energy, dark energy, less light energy, less love energy, I’ve been warning about. 2020 showed us the level of difficulty and pain that we’re going to face (in ebbs and flows like the tide, sometimes better, sometimes worse) over the next 6 years. Many different events will contribute to this, but as I describe in the previous paragraph, and as the previous paragraph shows in words, – with a transformation and a change of heart within us, and A WILLINGNESS WITHIN OUR HEART to choose a better response to one another, we will find ways to help make all of our lives better – and during this next 6 years – making our lives better one day at a time. Either we can accept the darker atmosphere of the times and repeat them – or we can step up and willingly build the better way of living our life which we want to be in the world. In other words, we build the better heart-centered ways of living (relating to each person) or the destructive, conflict-motivated world’s ways of living (which we can see in so many arenas) will continue.

Never underestimate each prayer prayed. Never underestimate each time one stops and sits in meditation.

Added 1/6/2021: The future can be changed. Always remember this. We can change the road on which we’re driving, by changing our decisions and choices.



I’ve mentioned this before, that vaccines will be available to the general public beginning in the Spring mostly. Around the world, the process of vaccinating will go through the spring, summer and fall for the majority of those people who will step forth and get the vaccine. I’m psychically seeing the vaccine being safe and helpful. For one, it will help ease the strain on the psyche of people. Secondly, it will be effective …. for the vast majority of people. There will be a small percentage that have unique physical bodily circumstances which will make the vaccine less effective.

There will still be a vast majority of Americans who won’t get the vaccine, thus facilitating the continuation of Covid-19. I see the vast majority of future cases being with people who don’t get the vaccine. Because of this choice some people make, the spread will continue and there will be many who get re-infected. Without the vaccine, for many, each time a person gets infected, (and it is possible to be reinfected) the result can be cumulative, and therefore, worse.

Of the people living in the US, I see many reasons for why some people consider this a fight for individual rights. However, it’s not the fight people promote it to be. While some consider it the right to not believe what the government is saying, it is more the fight to have freewill, and say “NO!” Deep down, subconsciously this has little to do with the government. It has more to do with the fight for freewill and the right to consider worldly warnings (of all kinds) to be less important, and unconsciously perceiving that the opposition is not on the spiritual path, either.

This manifests as opposition to anything The Opposition promotes – and on the surface, it looks like the fight for the right to ignore education, ignore healthy ways, ignore the health of others, ignore the physical needs of others, ignore safety steps, ignore the need to diminish fear. But, deeper in the unconscious, it is the fight for the right to say “NO!” to other people who ALSO are not manifesting the spiritual principles of Love God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself. It is the right to unconsciously oppose anyone who does not have a spiritual center to their cause. ALL OF THIS IS ON THE UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL. It manifests as “I don’t know the best way, but it sure isn’t the way you promote.” While both sides unconsciously think the struggle is to do with the Earth and making it better, unconsciously they are motivated by the spiritual path calling to them, rather than an Earthly path calling to them. The call to the Spiritual path of the inner challenges is what all souls are called to answer. Yet, with Freewill, all souls have the choice as to when we answer the real call.

Again, on the surface, it appears like it is the song which goes, “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to…..” As it has been for all of us at some time in our many lives, it is a statement to people and the world, “It’s my life and I’ll die if I want to, die if I want to, die if I want to….” And all of this is coming from the unconscious, that comes to the surface, manifesting as a fight against the authority which they see as also being inauthentic and false. See!? In the arena of governments, it is a fight against authority who is seen as being inauthentic – not true to oneself – being misled by an inauthentic spirit of judgment, criticism, condemnation, ridicule, and arrogance. To see this more….

In terms from the Bible, this falls within the story of the prodigal son, who leaves the father and family, taking off to fulfill his own desires. While the prodigal son is saying “No!” to be dutiful to the father and then leaves, the elder son stays at home, does what the father tells him, leading the life of the dutiful son. Meanwhile, the elder son feels resentment when the father kills the fatted calf upon the return of the prodigal son, the elder son feels cheated and betrayed by the actions of the father celebrating the 2nd son’s return.

The fight is for the right to not be the dutiful son (because it also is not authentic) – but rather the son that leaves others and takes off to fulfill his own desires. This is the fight for the right to serve one’s own self because of the inauthenticity of the other side – the elder son. This is the fight for the right to say that even the dutiful son has selfishness within him, and so there’s nothing special about being a dutiful son. A dutiful son has inner faults – is self-centered, too.

It is forgiveness, mercy, patience, tolerance and kindness, to the enemy who is not the enemy, which is what the race of people are called towards, and ultimately it is true – “If there is no forgiveness, (even of ourselves) there will be no Peace on Earth”. And to those that have ears to hear, the path of long-suffering is still one that is necessary to continue to walk.

The Covid-19 virus will be with us, going through the world’s population in large scale, until 2023, for the most part. The vaccines will bring the numbers down, but not to zero. Like the medicines for HIV and AIDS, the medicines and vaccines will get even better with time. We will not see the end of Covid-19 in 2021, but rather a lessening that comes with being vaccinated – with a vaccine that is not 100% perfect.




The weather of the planet as a whole is now to be considered extreme compared to decades ago. This is now the standard to be expected. The natural disasters which we’ve seen are going to continue. There’s not much more I can offer with predictions, because for the most part, all over the planet, we now know what we’re going to face from here on out. So much of this that I share here, won’t be a surprise at all. Like I say, sometimes, you don’t need to be a psychic to see this coming.

The Northern Hemisphere: The weather patterns in 2020 are a close predictor of the patterns in 2021. What I see is, in the Northern Hemisphere, the changes will be that the arctic patterns which usually come down in certain patterns will shift some to the west. The ice sheets melting and the warming of the waters in the northern Arctic are causing shifts in different area atmospheric temperatures which triggers the forming of different pressure zones. It is these pressure zones which are strong enough to trigger shifting of wind patterns westward. The patterns will be similar to 2020 but they will be more westward in their paths and positions. On the planet, the arctic winds will bring lower winter temperatures than usual and somewhat earlier. The climate warming on the planet is like a pot beginning to boil. The more heat – rising temperatures – the more agitation caused by pressure. The more agitation, the more mixing and churning of winds and waters which speeds up the changes happening. This impacts everything.

As a result of these changes happening globally, the ocean floor is changing and shifting, as well. This is and will continue to be affecting the Earth’s mantle, which contributes to land/crust/mantle pressures which contribute to earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic activity around the world.

In the US, for the most part, the different regions of the US have now had several years taste of what to expect in the next few years, so there’s not much new that I can offer to prepare anyone. Expectations and preparations should be in place.

But even so, January and February, 2021, will have it’s share of winter storms, but the regular weather in between storms will not be that different from storms. I’m seeing serious cold temperatures, but not a lot of moisture in the western states. Cold temperatures but dry. I see people as they live their lives acclimating to the more severe cold – getting used to the fact that the weather is going to be more extreme. Extremes are becoming accepted as the norm. The dryness will affect the spring snow melt which usually provides water to the western states. With less snow in many (but not all) parts of the Rockies, this means dryer conditions during the spring and summer, which will lead to more fires for the western states during 2021.

The US Midwest, which usually counted at some point on intermittent relief from Arctic weather at different times, will experience longer freezing times. But, again dryer than usual. The New England states will experience solid below freezing winter temperatures and then a sharp and immediate rise in temperatures about mid-March. (But more freezing winter temperatures again, then, earlier than usual in November, 2021.)

The US summer temperatures will spike making it hotter! Again! Setting records again! No surprises there. And as people acclimate to the hotter temperatures, like the frog in the boiling water, little will motivate those who don’t want to be motivated with respect to supporting any steps to curb human behavior contributing to global warming. However, the feelings of these being drastic times will prevail. (Hurricanes are mentioned under “Natural Disasters”)

By doing very little to change our current state, we are guaranteeing that children born now will see the climate crisis be many times worse than today. How much worse? Imagine summer drought and temperatures 9-11 months out of the year.

Across continental Europe, 2021, I see more rain in large amounts – not spread out but more rain in shorter time periods, causing flooding in some places where flooding is not expected. This is a general statement, and Europe is a large area, but Europe as a whole will be dryer. This seems contradictory, but it isn’t. Dry over time with short times of dumping of lots of rain.


The spring of 2021 will be India’s worse weather time in 2021 because of the massive rain, and the rain bringing the massive numbers of mosquitoes, which brings more disease. I see Covid surging again helped by the weather. Even with the promise of the vaccine, India will be overloaded with people getting infected with more than just Covid.


In the Southern Hemisphere, we’ll see more warming of the Antarctic waters. One doesn’t need a psychic to see this happening. It’s already happening and will continue. What I see: the warming of the waters will cause stronger currents in the Antarctic area as warm and cold waters mix. I see this happening at greater depths. This will trigger more “churning” of the waters in the ocean currents at greater depths. This churning will continue to impact ocean currents all over the world, which will speed up the rate of warming as waters of around the world mix with each other more. This will also trigger a slow but consistent change of the ocean’s floors and landscape. All of this will affect ocean life of all kinds.


Australia will have a very dry winter, come May, June-August. Drought conditions will happen again. Each year of the 2020’s will bring more drought for Australia. At the end of the 2020’s is when I see drought conditions lessen.

Added 1/3/2021 – Covid-19: I see Australia as a whole plateauing with infection numbers now until mid-February (a little bit of a rise, but for the most part on an unsmooth plateau) and with efforts, and vaccines, I see your national numbers begin to slowly go down in March thru April then a little more in May.  Slowly go down with cause for optimism being recognized especially during the summer.  
But, not having the numbers end altogether for a few more years.  However, it will be much better, and more medicines coming out – including more vaccines during those years.  
Australia’s main challenge/hard issue – the ones that generate tension and aggravation  besides politics will be the climate crisis throughout most of Australia, for the decade – drought conditions, and fires again especially in 2023-2024.  As always, I see prayer helping – especially helping people to cope.  Around 2028, drought conditions will become less.  
I see the Australian people being determined, and some technological enhancements bring forth some help where water is concerned.  As the decades progress, you will see even more technology help with acquiring water from the oceans and some from the atmosphere.
Meanwhile, life goes on and you will see conditions for Medical workers become less stressful on the whole, for the medical personnel throughout Australia, in the 2021 summer, then more through the end of year and into 2022 to the end of 2022.     I see a vaccination rate eventually reaching to a mid-90’s percentile rate.

I recommend programs for the instruction of meditation for medical personnel.  
And, like I say, the more prayer and meditation, the more help and change.

The Middle East

During the summer, there will be temperatures in the 120’s again. A few more heat records will be broken in 2021, and in subsequent years afterwards.

I’ll add more areas, as people request these areas to be looked at, but there’s not much more I can add that isn’t already recognized to be part of the climate crisis, and therefore expected.

In general, the Earth itself, as a whole, is getting warmer and the weather patterns will become more erratic, even noticeably more erratic in 2021 than was in 2020. Climate change is real. If it were not, I would be able to see that it would not be. Instead, I see that it is.

As I write this, I’m more aware of the need for good news. The good news comes from ourselves – we make our own good news by taking actions to counter this trend. If we don’t make any good news of our changing our individual behaviors and in turn, collective behaviors, there will not be good news. If we don’t act in ways that help, there will not be any good news. This includes the actions of praying and meditating.

So, I present what I have here to help people prepare for what is coming into manifestation. Remember, we choose the roads on which we drive. If the road leads to problems and we as the human race choose to stay on that road, we must face the problems which we have chosen to happen. No amount of wishing, hoping or magical thinking will change the road by itself. Remember the definition of the word, Insanity. In this case, it means driving down a road full of problems and thinking if we keep driving down this road full of problems, sooner or later it will change to not having problems. OR being out in the sun without sunscreen and getting sunburnt, then thinking that if we stay in the sun longer, then something will happen and our sunburn will go away.

I’m phrasing all of this in mostly harsh terms because – worse than the words I use, is the climate and weather which we will have. Prayer and meditation will always help. The more prayer and meditation, the more help. Prayer changes the weather, because prayer changes that which is human made. Ultimately, human consciousness effects the weather. Human behavior creates climate change.



World wide, the economies of each nation is related to how each nation has responded to Covid-19. Those nations that have been strict and disciplined in handling the pandemic will fair better in their economies. Those nations that have been less disciplined and have suffered greater outbreaks of Covid-19 will suffer worse economies.

The economy of nations will NOT bounce back quickly as the vaccine is distributed. In all of 2021, I see very sluggish economies in general. The economies are related to Covid-19’s spread and/or containment.


In the US, the vaccine will help as it is slowly distributed throughout the country. The economy will not spring back quickly, though. The economy will suffer, because there has been a non-strict response from the people, thus creating more avenues for the virus to spread. As the vaccine is taken, through 2021, the opportunity is present for businesses to start back up, but it will be as any other start up at a time when the general population as a whole, the people – don’t have money to spend. In addition, there will be many who refuse the vaccine, thus keeping Covid spreading.

People have mentioned herd immunity. I am looking at this psychically. What I see psychically is that for “herd immunity” by itself to be relied upon (without vaccines) with the human species and Covid-19, 1 to 2.3 billion people would die first. 40-50% of the people on the planet would be infected. This is what would happen if we only relied upon “herd immunity” to help us. Out of every 8 people, 1-2 of them would die- 1 to 2 billion people. Of those 6 still alive, (out of 8), 2-3 more would be infected. Those not infected would mostly be people not exposed to it. If every human being on the planet were exposed to it, the death rate would be 35% of the world’s population, 1 in 3 people. It would rise because many would be exposed several times, impacting them, making them weaker, with each time. The “herd immunity” would develop in about 40-50% then of those remaining alive. This is what I see psychically about “herd immunity”. (Think in terms of the last of the plagues of Moses. The death of the first born in all families.) The real problem with it, though, is that so many people who support the herd immunity path would expect death to happen to “other people” rather than themselves and their loved ones.


Europe’s economy will fair somewhat better than the US. With different social rules in handling the pandemic, they will have a different foundation for reopening their businesses. They are in different circumstances – with their regions being smaller. So, the pandemic impact on the economy was less in some of the regions which will act as a quicker starting point for reopening and thus reigniting the economy. While they also have experienced increasing numbers being infected, they are in better positions in combination with the vaccines, and thus can recover faster.


The OPEC nations will have a very slow economic recovery, because oil will not yet return to it’s previous economic demand levels. Traveling and commuting to work, as well as other driving situations will not return to it’s pre-pandemic high levels in 2021. So, the oil producing nations will not yet have the demand for oil. The demand will go up in 2022, but there will also be other factors which will be working against the oil industry.


Australia’s economy will also be slow in recovering. In the early 4 months of 2021, there will be no change in the Australian economy. There will be some effort to jump-start the economy at the beginning of May/June/July, but this will be less than successful because the people will not be “moving” the economy like usually happens. The Australian people will be cautious, and so the government’s efforts to bypass normal recovery methods will be only partially (small amount) helpful. At the end of 2021, the last 3-4 months, is when Australia’s economy will start improving. The people drive the real economy. The government only reports it.

Many governments, in general, all over the planet will be reporting better economies even though they won’t be better at the level the governments report. The governments report better in order to encourage people to spend. The economies will be slightly better, but one cannot have a healthy economy without the people driving it, and the people will decide for themselves when to spend – especially when people don’t have the money to spend.


Japan’s economy will have many higher highs and lower lows. They have worked harder to contain the virus and so this action will help in some areas. But, there will be deeper than normal cycles in Japan, when it is better sometimes and not better other times. Japan’s economy is one of the main economies in the Pacific/Asian area. Other nations will be and are now, being affected by Japan’s. As Japan’s economy sllloooooooowly stabilizes, this will help the other smaller nations’ economies.


India’s economy will be sluggish all year long, with hope only coming in the last 3 months of the year. They will be struggling with many diseases including stronger outbreaks of Covid. Remember, the people of India in your prayers, as I see much misery as India’s predicted scenarios manifest in people’s lives. The frontline medical workers will suffer greatly as well – not just in being infected but with seeing so many people, almost a seemingly never-ending number of people, needing medical help. I see the sorrow and suffering and ask for all who read this to remember the people of India in your prayers, and please let your prayers be often.


Added 1/3/2021: The economy for the Philippines is connected a lot to neighboring Asian countries, with some economic connections to the US. This means there will be more fluctuation than one might expect. The Pandemic’s effect on other nations in the region affects the Philippines’ economy. The Pandemic’s effect on the Philippine people has a great effect, also. Infection numbers are still on the rise slowly in the Philippines and I see this continuing with a plateauing happening March/April with the vaccines getting to the Philippines slowly. Getting the vaccines to all the people of the Philippines will be a slow process, but as time continues, by the end of 2021, will reach around 92% of the population. Slow, but it will happen.


In general, Nigeria is an active Nation with many aspirations and hopes. It is also a country that faces suffering from the sorrows of many citizens. It is also diverse in what each region provides to the people who live in those regions. I see constant efforts to grow it’s economy. I also see that with these efforts comes imbalances in societies’ arenas that are yet to grow. These imbalances causes some civil unrest which will happen at different times, mostly from people who struggle, but don’t feel they’ve been able to grow out of their life circumstances. I also see that there are some who seek to take what they want through terror and killing.
There is sometimes a belief that the desired changes for a better society should come fast, but there is a lesson here and that is “anything built fast can be torn down fast.” and “anything built with patience and attention to all details will last a longer time.” This includes relationships and includes social change.
There is also a belief by those who use death, that they can take what they want and nothing will happen to them. But, Christ said it to His own followers and it is true for all humans, “He who lives by the sword, will die by the sword.” While this truth is not always visible to humans, it is visible to God. It is true in all things. Those who live by selfishness will be remembered this way in death. Those who live with prayer, will be remembered this way in death.
The prayers of many can help Nigeria. I can also say, unceasing prayers of a few can also help Nigeria. With each prayer, another moment in time is changed. With more prayers comes more help and change and growth.
In addition, there is hope in all nations. There is sorrow and suffering in all nations. All human beings share all things that human beings are within themselves. May God be with Nigeria.

As the Northern African nations try to grow, with the hope of becoming a world player (united together as an African coalition) the pressure will be on Nigeria to make social changes – as will the pressure be on many African nations – with these social changes be to help the citizens of Nigeria. Slowly dying are the decades of days of any one nation being isolated and thus susceptible to harmful policies serving only few in power. But, these changes also happen slowly and can even take a generation or two, after the old ways (and some people) die off, in their turn, and new people, with different ideas and ways of living, come forth. It is a slow process, but a trustworthy process.


The stock markets around the world will remain active with trading. There will NOT be a downward depression-era-like spike which brings great disasters in any nation. There is active trading with the normal Ups and Downs. In 2021, we will see activity, but there will be a slow increase in the amount of trading. On the whole, there is anticipated hope and expectation, which will be driving trading. There is also much “talk” about disasters looming from pundits, but there will be more hope and expectation than talk of disaster. In the Autumn months of 2021, I see sluggish trading in the stock markets, because traders will not have seen a fast economic recovery which they believed would happen.

I DO NOT SEE any massive downturns in the economy which so many are warning will happen. I DO NOT SEE any economic collapse that many political pundits predict. I DO NOT SEE great political or financial armageddons or disasters brought on by the new administration. I DO SEE why people are saying that this will happen, and therefore I see the need for tolerance and patience, and for our understanding as to why they say this that they say, much of which is based on fear, …. and money.

These statements and beliefs of fear of financial disasters will slowly diminish somewhat from the people (not from the pundits) as months and a few years goes on and the fears do not manifest in nationwide and worldwide fashion. However, as the 2020’s progress, statements and beliefs of fear based on political results will continue, because, in all honesty, a lot of people are paid a lot of money to say we’re facing impending societal doom based on the political results — paid Lots of money — LOTS more money than people realize being paid to those who are willing to help sell the concept that doom, based on political results, is coming.

If any of us got paid as much money to sell “societal doom” as those hired to sell doom, we’d probably be selling doom, as well. The selling of doom is a business, and the doom business is booming, especially under the current political hostility and antagonism that people are choosing for themselves. It is the best time to sell doom – the early 2020’s. Many people are hired and paid good money with this “business”.

Meanwhile, the business of selling normalcy – things progressing as usual – doesn’t pay that well. After the adrenaline washes its way through the person, and all the excitement is over, and all the selling of their own particular brand, … then our lives go on. We keep on keeping on. We take life one day at a time. We breathe in and out. We wake up in the morning and go to bed at night. We get back to struggling to deal with our day-to-day issues and bills and all the things we have going on in our own lives. We get back to the basics of surviving and loving our families and friends. We get back to trying to find ways to help make our lives better and help make the world a better place than how we found it.

Human beings are versatile in finding solutions and persistent and dogged in living these livable solutions, even when inconvenient and “not pretty”. The solutions that work are the ones that we can “get our hands on” locally. Many small solutions will be found in the local communities rather than the Federal Government. The strongest arenas for economic growth, are in local economies. Human beings are creative, persistent, and don’t give up easily. This is best demonstrated and most effective through efforts in local communities. These qualities and the qualities of determination and believing in oneself and one’s God, will help people keep on keeping on. The collective effort of people trying to just live our lives, around the globe, will prevent any worldwide financial Armageddon.



While this is a niche market, it will remain a niche market and will not become a readily usable global currency. However, it will continue to be available for a few high speculators throughout the 2020’s decade. Still, it will remain at the level of being a novelty, or much like how stocks are traded, and not become the world currency that some people say it will. It is too volatile, has too many quicksand problems, isn’t “safe”, and cannot be stabilized. The collective consciousness of the human race will not partake of it on a mass consciousness level. The collective consciousness of the human race uses that which already works and/or that which enhances what already works.

Bitcoins will not be replacing paper currency and coinage. Paper money and coins are here to stay for decades and decades yet to come.



We won’t see very much change at the gas pumps in 2021, because the economy is going to be sluggish on the whole. This affects gas prices all along the supply chain producers, and so we’ll see a small increase, but for the most part, in 2021, they won’t move much.


WATER SOURCES (Sources and Quality of Human-use water)

2021 is not a good year for water sources for human use, worldwide, but all the problems with the quality of the water we use will go almost unmentioned because of all the other issues on the forefront of our attention. The amounts of usable water on the whole, will diminish in 2021, and so 2021 is really a year where the “use water” will slip further closer and closer towards a line of scarcity which will be the theme of the 2020’s. Individual nations will begin addressing this as the years move on.



While the Pharmaceutical Companies are the heroes of creating the vaccines to combat Covid-19, this creates a difficult problem for the people of the US. The drug companies have been Super-Influencing health and medical fields and political policy of “drug-use only for treatments” for many years, and I see that this will solidify their positions and influence in the US Congress even more, as well as in some other nations even more. I see this meaning the drug companies will work to have more say-so over Alternative Health Remedies, over supplements, and will have more influence over any medical practice that does not include drug use and drug purchases.

In addition, I see that US medical schools will readily move further into teaching drug-based treatments as the treatments required in many medical problems. The healing philosophies and practices of Alternative or Holistic Medicine will be more and more viewed in teaching arenas as what should be avoided.

The Internet will continue to grow where people go to get more and more non-drug-based medical information and treatments. I’m seeing that Alternative practitioners and organizations will present more and more information to help further Alternative and Holistic Medical knowledge strengthening the ability to get information to people who it may help. There will be some misinformation, as well. Make no mistake, there are very useful Alternative and Holistic Medical treatments and techniques which do bring healing. AND – God is the source of all healing – regardless of the method or treatment through which this healing comes. Even Jesus mixed a mud mixture and put it on the eyes of a man, leading to his healing. (This was to work with the man’s own consciousness which was open to practical (mud) and spiritual methods of healing – thus his healing occurred.)

These alternative medicine websites eventually will be targeted in order to get the websites shutdown. The efforts to keep them open will continue, but it will be a struggle. This path of attempting to shutdown alternative and holistic medicine methods of healing will last all the way through the 2020’s and into the 2030’s when there will be a governmental path and beginning mind-set opposing the shutdown of Alternative Healing websites. In the US, the struggle between Pharmaceutical Companies and Alternative practitioners/organizations will last for decades, and on towards the end of this century. But, both will remain available in some form.

I’m psychically seeing the Pharmaceutical Corporations also working to counter any drug price controls, because the US has always been a profit making location. Of course – they are a business and they seek to make a profit. It is in the US (and Europe) that they make most of this profit. Pharmaceutical Companies’ stocks will be in demand, driving up the value. Now is the time to invest in Pharmaceutical stocks. Business is business, and unfortunately, on the whole, this particular situation will contribute to difficulty in developing a more affordable health care system in the US.



I do want to mention that I don’t see every natural disasters which happens. Some of them even surprise me because I see what I seek to see, for the most part. And many times, no one asks about an event and so I don’t look for an/the event.

In the US, on the East Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico – 2021 will have a smaller hurricane number than the 2020 season, but the image I see is one of “pressing down a metal spring, preparing for the moment that the spring is released.” 2021 is the pressing down of the spring – this means that the 2021 hurricane season will have fewer hurricanes and tropical storms, than 2020. Do not let this fewer number of hurricanes lull anyone into thinking things are easing off with regards to destructive weather. I say this, because the energy that is manifesting into this 6 year time period has much more yet to come forth. This means that I’m seeing that the hurricanes in 2022, 2023, and 2024, over time, will be increasingly EXCEPTIONALLY DESTRUCTIVE and focusing in the southeastern states of the US, but also reaching into the mid-central eastern states.


We have time to energetically work on this through our prayers and meditations before they manifest. I say this, because when Hurricane Rita hit New Orleans and created a massive disaster, there came forth a massive prayer effort – millions of people (much of it came from Utah) directed towards the Gulf Coast. This brought forth the Christ energy in such a great level that the 2006 and ½ of the 2007 hurricane season was healed/dissolved. In other words, the energy that was to manifest at that time as hurricanes, was healed/rebalanced/redeemed, and no longer manifested. I had previously seen (in a 2002 reading – yes, accurately) a hurricane hitting my own family home in 2006, and it never came. It was only afterwards when I was reexamining the information to find out what happened for me to “be wrong”, that I saw the massive prayer effort heal the hurricane seasons. Massive prayer efforts heal massive destructiveness.

Currently, in the 2021 hurricane season, I see up to 7 named storms in the summer months with 5 impacting storms in the Southeast US. (More might happen, but this is what I see, right now.) One of them will be a large hurricane. 2 tropical storms, possibly 3, and 1-2 being less than a tropical storm. The other storms that happen will be small enough to possibly not be named. June will have a few small storms, staying small. One going into Mexico, and others going into Mississippi and the Florida panhandle. July, I see one large going into the Gulf, inland in the Alabama/Mississippi area, then heading up into the eastern states. August, small storms, September, a medium size, possible tropical storm, possibly up to 3 of these total. October, I see a storm to be concerned about – 3rd week of October. Then November, diminishing the chances of one. During the hurricane season, I do see 1 storm enter into mid-Florida from the East , cutting across Florida – a tropical storm growing into a category 1. This will be possibly in August. I’m seeing that if there are more on the East coast, they will stay further out in the Atlantic.

While I’m seeing these in detail, it is a year away and time changes things. Never hesitate to get updates via requesting them online, especially about natural disasters.

The Pacific Ocean – Typhoons: In looking at May to October,…

I’m seeing 1 large storm travel across the southern Philippines. It will be stronger than a small storm going across the mid to northern part of the Philippines. I’m seeing the 2nd, smaller one, following the larger southern one by about 3-4 weeks.

I’m seeing 5-6 storms hitting East China in 2021, with each being close to each other in strength. The time frame seems to be mid-May to mid-August. I do see a possible 2 more in November, 2021. I’m seeing the stronger ones be in the southern half of the eastern coast of China.

In 2021, I see Hawaii facing 3 major storms worthy of mentioning. The strongest of the 3 will be first. All of them will be serious, but not record-breaking.



In 2021, in the Earth as a whole, I’m seeing 2 major earthquakes, with hundreds/thousands/millions of small tremors. I’m also seeing a possible 3-4 more large ones, but they’re not as established to manifest as the 2 “destined” ones mentioned above. The 2 major earthquakes, I see happening in the central area of the northern half of South America.

In the US, in 2021 on the west coast, I’m seeing a relatively light year with regards to earthquakes. I am seeing those earthquakes being 5 or less. In Alaska, I see one in the Aleutian Islands measuring a low 3.5-4. At most it would go to 4.5, but I currently see it being 4 or less.

I do see a massive earthquake happening in Russia – southeast of central Russia. However, this could be part of the “Shock” I describe below.

The largest earthquake in China in 2021, I see being about a 5.0 and happening on or before September.

I list this under Earthquakes because of part of this:

In 2021, I’m seeing what I can only call a “Shock” of some kind. I see it happening over the western half of the Indian Ocean. My first effort to interpret what I’m seeing is possibly a meteor or asteroid grazing the Earth’s atmosphere over the Indian Ocean. In seeing this, and interpreting it this way, I am looking to see if it lands on earth, but I am seeing it NOT land on Earth, but possibly rather bouncing off the atmosphere and moving on or being destroyed. At the same time, I don’t think it is this exactly, but I’m not yet seeing what exactly it is…. unless there is a man-made “Shock” which could be a few different events. I do see it as an event which causes a “Shock”. It is the “Shock” cause that I’m not sure what I’m seeing. It could even be something happening with man-made items in orbit around the Earth – perhaps a collision of some type.

The Shock could also be a meteor which does enter the atmosphere but burns up mostly or completely which is why I’m not seeing a massive splash or landing explosion. And it could be a shock underneath the Indian Ocean, which would cause a Tsunami. It could be human related in the form of a social upheaval event. This means it could be “shocking” to humans – like an outbreak of a war. Finally, it could be an event that happens on the spirit level and could resolve at that level, also. So, at this time, I will keep looking at it to see if the event develops into something recognizable. I mention it here because I’m seeing it. My last thought is that it very much can be a calling for prayer to help it to NOT manifest, hence why it’s not showing as a physical event that I can zero in on. This is how I will take it at this time – a call for prayer for this region. I invite others to pray for this region, also, because there is something.

On the whole, 2021 will be a normal to slow year for earthquakes. I’m currently seeing 2023 being the more active year for earthquakes.



The people of Hong Kong are another people who desperately needs our prayers. Psychically, what I’ve been seeing is that the Chinese government intends to quietly but assuredly show no mercy to them until they fully submit, to instill nothing but full control over them, and intends to show them through violent means if need be, that they have no choices for self-government except what the Chinese government dictates to them. While showing a smiling face to Hong Kong, and the world, the agreement the Chinese government made with Britain was only intended to be fulfilled if convenient and Hong Kong came to submit to the Chinese government completely, and these agreements are now being forgotten. This I have foreseen and unless miracles occur, the next 4 years will end with the Chinese military moving into Hong Kong, and with brutality inflicted upon the people of Hong Kong. Pray for miracles. Pray for miracles. Pray for miracles.



With the pandemic, and the lower food supplies which came with the pandemic, we’ve already been seeing the steady rise in food prices at the stores, and the increasing numbers of people needing food from the food banks. The prices at the grocery stores won’t go down except for small, small amounts after people start coming back out from under the pandemic. In many parts of the world, people are better prepared, because some have had agrarian economies. They grow more of their own foods. In industrial nations, scarcity will be seen and felt more, because fewer individuals grow their own food. Industrial/ factory farms are more relied upon in industrial nations.

The industrial/ factory farms will not be able to meet demand, because of their own lower yields and supplies. There will NOT be food wars as some like to suggest, but we will see regular increases in the costs of food.

The steps to take are to find new and innovative ways to grow one’s own (and one’s own family’s) food. That which one can grow oneself won’t take the place of the trip to the grocery store, but it will help increase the food supply and diminish the scarcity, with home-grown food supplementing what can be obtained still from stores. Obviously, this also will help with the food budget.

The practice of growing some of one’s own food, will also prepare the next generation for food challenges with the continuing growth of population, the greater demand for food due to a growth in population, the worsening climate preventing full-scale farming/harvesting to serve the growing population who is having the greater demand for food, and the higher prices that come with the growing population’s greater demand for food and the worsening climate preventing the past full-scale farming/harvesting. Do you get what I’m writing? Like the frog in the pot of “slowly heating up to boiling point” water, it’s best to know what situation is available to us if we stay in the pot. We have decisions and choices to make, because as time continues there will be a continuing increase in the population and a greater demand for food, and the climate will work against growing more food, thus driving up the prices.



I’m so sorry for what I have to present here. I’m even more sorry for the British people. While an end can be said to be assigned, there will never be a 100% comprehensive agreement, because I see there to be loopholes, and parts that will be left unresolved. The Brexit agreement is going to be a hodgepodge of agreements. I’m seeing that it will take lawyers several years to complete the unsigned parts left still to be done, and more years to understand it.

I am seeing the agreement being the source of causing more problems and confusion over the years to work within it, than it has been to create it. This is not my opinion. These are the problems I see psychically. Challenges to it in the courts, through the years, will only serve barristers/lawyers as having some way to earn money. Some in this profession will focus their whole career on Brexit lawsuits and court challenges. It will be steady work. I’m sorry.

What I see will be named Brexit and will be an agreement, but as it is such, I am seeing it only add to the discouragement of the British people. It will be confusing and loaded with strings attached, making it possible to be abused, as well. In 2021, technically there will be deadlines and continued work but as is said, “The devil is in the details.” and this will be realistic in this case. I’m not seeing any signs at all that there could be good news with it, except one day the elected officials will celebrate telling the people that they’ve got it done (mostly, except not.) I’m so sorry to the British people. In the 2030’s, Brexit will be seen generally by most people as one of the worst decisions ever made, because it will not serve in the way that it has been meant to, and will eventually be thought of as a waste of time.




I see both Senate seats going to the Republicans. One will be a clear winner, but one will be barely a winner.

Added 1/6/2021: I missed this one, (which again possibly shows that the future can change, and that our own interpretation of what we psychically see, can be off – based on our own paradigm,) but I am now predicting the Republicans winning back one of the two houses of Congress in 2022. I’m basing this on my having seen and still seeing a much stronger wall of opposition from Republicans in 2023 and 2024.



In the US, I see the ever present desire to end the Affordable Care Act through the courts into the springtime – March, 2021 and one court case in the summer. After that there will be fewer court challenges as the years move on. I see no improvements passing the Senate, because there will be the 4-year directive in the Republican Senate to not cooperate or make any deals with the Biden Administration. There will be a minimum of legislation being passed in the Senate.



While the emigrating of people within and around the US will be slow in 2021 because of the Pandemic, it will increase in 2022-2025 because of the problems within the economy. People are looking for a better life situation. There will be some of this same thing happening in Europe and China. In smaller amounts, this will happen in nations around the world.



Do you see a conclusion to mask wearing this coming year? I’ll always wear it when necessary because it’s about helping others… but I’m also over the masks. M.L.

Most certainly we all can relate to the weariness of Covid-19 and wearing masks. For a practical solution, try wearing bandanas or any of the other alternative “mask-like” clothes. You’re right, we are doing this to help others, including…. when we wear our masks, it helps show support to all the others wearing their masks. It can shore up others who are weary. It can be a sign of solidarity as well, that we are supporting each other, when we are all wearing a mask. We can gain that feeling of solidarity when we go out and see many others wearing their masks, too. Finally, it is always important to remember that of the people that go into the ICU – the serious patients – some leave ICU when they get well, but others leave ICU when they don’t. As for if we will be able to stop wearing masks in 2021 …. yes, sort of, but keep it with you, because Covid will be around for a while, yet.

Covid numbers are spiking in Ohio. Do you see DeWine doing another shutdown? What about schools… as a teacher, I’m very concerned as those numbers are starting to creep up too with students. Thank you, in advance, for relaying information to us! M.L.

You are correct to be alert to this problem. Common sense tells us that what we are seeing is that of which we can expect more. Ohio is no exception. So, I continue to support prayer, masks, cleaning, and all CDC recommendations. Prayer without practical steps will not save people. Prayer with practical steps will save more. In this case, I rely on the old saying that has been overused to the point of it being ignored – God helps those who help themselves. Unfortunately, this is being ignored. But, individually, it is more wise to heed it.

As of this writing, (the end of 2020), the vaccines will be dispersed, but it will take time. I’m still seeing numbers who contract the virus still growing, but leveling off in January and February, but not coming down until April and May when many will want a full opening of society even though doing it at this time would cause numbers to increase again. In June, I see a slow opening of society being safe.


1. Will the grand convergence of Saturn and Jupiter affect Joe Biden and his administration? C.C.

I asked my friend, Stephanie Austin of to answer these two questions.

1. Yes, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will affect the Biden administration, as it signals the beginning of a new 20 year cycle, a new 200 year cycle, and is also a harbinger of the Age of Aquarius. Jupiter-Saturn cycles mark significant shifts in social, political, and economic policy. Their previous conjunction occurred on May 28, 2000 (at 23º Taurus), a period which saw the burst of the dot-com bubble and the beginning of the real estate bubble. Their last conjunction in Aquarius was on January 16, 1405 at 24º, coinciding with the ending of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Early Renaissance. 

2. Will the grand convergence have an affect on Joe Biden and his administration the next 4 years? C.C.

2. This Great Conjunction will continue to have an effect during the next four years and beyond, as it signals the beginning of a more egalitarian and humanitarian era. Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in one element for approximately 200 years, called the Great Mutation. While the Great Conjunctions were in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), the collective emphasis was on what could be made, used, and possessed, accelerated by the Industrial Revolution and the discovery of electricity. During the last 200 years mechanization, urbanization, and materialism have drastically changed how we relate to the Earth and the material plane. The Great Conjunctions moving into Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) signify an archetypal turn from material to social development, from the control of land and resources to the regulation of information and connection, leading to a greater valuing of creativity and innovation, new networks and alliances, increased shared goods and social reform.

Aquarius’ spiritual task is the development of group consciousness, where we evolve beyond identification with family, religion, race, and country to being a member of the human race. It is the sign of equality and diversity, innovation and reform, collaboration and community. The Age of Aquarius is the age of liberty, equality, and freedom for all, the age of unity in diversity. Unity does not mean uniformity; it is the synergy generated from the expression of each unique individual. The eleventh sign instructs us to be inclusive and inventive. How well we tolerate individual freedom and social justice depends on how well we have mastered the lessons of the previous sign, Capricorn. If we have not developed a healthy sense of sovereignty and responsibility, we fall into the shadow side of Aquarius, which can lead to blind conformity, dehumanization, and technocracy. 

There has not been a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on a winter solstice in the last 5,000 years. This solstice conjunction marks a major turning point in humanity’s evolutionary journey. How skillfully and fully we are able to release the old determines how well we are able to envision and embody the new. The less baggage, resentment, and fear we have, the quicker we can move forward. The more we remember the big picture, that life is about cycles, about learning, about living from the heart, the easier it is to see what’s true, do what’s most meaningful, and hold the light in these challenging transitional times.

Stephanie Austin writes an in-depth astrology update just before each new and full moon, covering the current astrological shifts and including resources to help you work with the energies. Subscriptions are available on a sliding scale. The above is an excerpt from her December 14, 2020 Sagittarius Solar Eclipse update. A full sample, and how to subscribe, is available on her website at this link:

Jodie’s contribution: with both these questions, I see the energy of the planets, galaxy, and universe as a wave washing over the Earth and all life within the realm. I see it as a wave, with the peak of the wave being during this time and like a wave, able to carry whichever life is willing to ride the wave. Once the wave washes through, the experience stays, but the energy can be influential or can be rejected. The experience cannot be erased. We cannot return to what once was.


What are the limits to the questions i can ask and how to you obtain the information? Is it through images? Through complete conversations you hear? Emotions and feelings or a mixture of all of the above and then some? V

When I’m reading anything psychically, I won’t place any limits on what anyone can ask. There are some limitations on what I can connect to – there is a requirement of respect towards other’s lives and the information of their life. This respect includes not sharing that which is private for them. Yet, there is public information about all life.

Otherwise, I obtain information much like a librarian obtains a book requested. When asked, I seek it out. I am able to identify the vibrations of thoughts and feelings of the past and present, and “written” in the Akashic Records, as well as see down the road to the potential futures. I “tune-in” to the vibrations of the person asking, the question asked, and that which I understand to be the answer in the Akashic Records, to the question, then translate these vibrations into images, feelings and thoughts. I don’t “hear” voices when I do readings.

For me, it’s more like reading a book of vibrations, images, thoughts and feelings. And it’s even more than what I describe. For me to reach up to connect with the vibrations of the Akashic Records, I must “reach up” – like reaching up to grab an electrical powerline and holding on. Finally, I do have help in raising up to that vibration level, and I do have help in identifying certain vibrations. I’ve been giving readings for 36 years now, and I’m still learning more on how to get better.

How is the housing market going to be in the United States? Things are still hot. Are foreclosure and evictions going to be serious issues in 2021? Mass homelessness? V

The housing market will be good for buyers, because the interest rates for mortgages will continue to be low with a potential small increase in the interest rate in the spring, 2021, but that interest rate increase will be reversed soon after. The interest rates will be in the lower range for almost the whole year. At the end of the year, we can see a small increase. The potential for a wave of foreclosures will come, because the owners of rental houses will be suffering, and many will not be able to pay the mortgages. The potential for evictions will be upon us, as well. After Jan 20th, I see some action to prevent more evictions as part of dealing with Covid 19 and for relief reasons. It will be difficult for the new administration to keep all foreclosures and evictions from happening, but much of this will be avoided. As for mass homelessness, much effort will come forth to keep this from happening. But, there will be some, just not at the “mass” scale.


Will Trump leave office without starting a war first? Is he going to try and incite his followers to encourage a civil war after he leaves or will things calm down once he is out of office? CC

For your 1st question: A military war – No, but his war on the election system will continue to January 20, 2021. His verbal war will continue afterwards.

2nd question: Again, I don’t see a military civil war in the US, but there are factions in the US who will carry out pockets of violence. I see mostly the violence coming from white supremacist groups and mostly in the Eastern states. The potential exists in Nevada, and I’m not seeing it manifest in Montana unless it’s from 1 or 2 people only. Prayers will help minimize the harm they seek to inflict.

3rd question: As for calming down after he is out of office – not at first. His need for the services of lawyers will become news stories in Feb-March. This kind of news will drag on for a while.

He does mean to run again in 2024, and will have many speaking engagements for the next 3 years (2021-2023) in order to prepare for that run. But, around the end of 2023 to the beginning of 2024, he will step back from running again.


2020 brought us COVID-19 and all of its challenges. What major challenges do you see 2021 bringing to the world, before or after the vaccine will have been introduced?

With the US, the major challenge will be facing the triple threat of the political divide continuing in big ways in the country during the pandemic and with major climate change issues to deal with, in our faces. All three are related and all three are connected. That’s about as major as we can get. This will create a slow economy, for quite some time.

Or, what major challenge(s) do you see humanity facing that isn’t COVID related?

The closed mind and the closed heart – and the belief that this is unimportant. These are far worse and bring greater suffering than any physical disaster ever could. Sadly, we will see this happen often.

What major geopolitical events do you see occurring?

I wish I could say that all we’ll have to deal with is the zombie apocalypse. That would be easy.

I have been speaking about this time period for several years – the dark times – these six years: 2021-2026 – the times of behaviors far away from the Light and Love – the times of hatred of the truth and more hate for those that bring it. We will see too many behaviors of such as this. Hence, why it is a time also, for praying, for meditating, for holding to that which speaks to us from deep within our own hearts – where real and true love, compassion, and kindness resides. It is a time to remember ourselves as caring people, with hearts and souls, who wish to help make all human beings and all lives better, not our own only.

Remember, each geopolitical event is major to the people to whom it happens. For the whole world, the continued prejudice towards the “other” is a geopolitical event, because it will happen in the political arenas. Hong Kong’s fate is a singular major event, and will grow worse as years progress. In the US, the ongoing political war in Washington DC, is another, because nothing like it will have ever been seen before, – where the welfare of the people will not be the focus – where misinformation will be so vast that few will ever be able to identify the facts and the truth – where suffering the attacks from others will be the norm. All of this will grow worse as the years of this time period progress. The positive news will be in local governments where “neighbors” are the ones elected, and they then know the people served.

Will the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan be resolved?

Unfortunately, these two nations and their conflict will continue like they are now in some form, for many years. The inner will to seek out peace is just not in the majority of people or leaders. Those in power feel that it serves them more to be in conflict. In 2021, we will see little progress for peaceful coexistence. The conflict will not increase much beyond what it currently is, yet, we will see a slow and small increase of conflict towards the 2025-2026, when neighboring countries will then add more pressure to work something out. Even then, working something out will barely be the will of a significant enough number of people, but not everyone. However, one ray of hope is in 2024, when a surge of effort could be brought forth to draw up an agreement for mutual self-restraint.

What are the ramifications of Israel having normalized relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in 2021?

This lays the foundation for the 2020’s and 2030’s to be when the roots of peace go deeper in the region. As time continues, other nations will join in, with eventually the great majority of nations developing some plan for normalized relations. It could take another 20 years for all, but it has started.

What positive events do you see occurring in 2021? DM.

Besides the Covid-19 vaccines, I see optimism within people that will buoy spirits and generate efforts to rebuild what has been lost. Slowly people will emerge from the cloud of frustration and discouragement. Slowly. While the economy will be slow to recuperate, people will see progress and will keep trying. The positive events will happen. They will be small events rather than large. They will help spur hope, and they will persist. As for specific events, as time moves on, more and more people will change their minds and get the vaccines… up to a point.


Do you see progress being made in the US toward a greener economy?

This is the hope and plan, but it will be fought against and so will come slowly.

What types of jobs do well and which ones won’t do well.

In general, we will see more skilled labor jobs increase. There really aren’t jobs that won’t do well in 2021. The factor influencing it is the question about when will a particular industry reopen after the pandemic. This means that the hiring process will increase in almost all industries and markets. This will happen slowly, because so many companies won’t have the money to hire right away.

Do you see any positive changes in the news media or still people being funneled according to which channels they watch?

The real factor that affects this is not what news media offers. The factor that affects this is the freewill within each individual to choose what each individual wants to see and wants to hear. This is what drives the choices available. Each of us, as individuals, chooses our own perspectives, beliefs, thoughts and feelings. We then choose those media outlets that convey the perspective which we have, and therefore want to see and hear so as to reinforce our own perspective. It is the people’s views that shape the media, not the media that shape people’s views. I know this is hard to see, but it is the way this works. We are drawn to those who are like us. If no one wants to see some media outlet, or hear what someone has to say, that outlet dries up and gets canceled. The axiom, “Don’t kill the messenger”, shows that the person who receives the message has the will to decide what happens to the one giving the message. In essence, the receiver of news has the power of what happens to the show/news provider.”

Any major hurricanes as well? Maybe you could do a break down for each part of the country like you did in previous predictions.

I’ve covered this above.

Will advancements be made in race relations when there is a change in presidency? M.C.

This aspect of human life will be slow to change also, through many decades, because it’s not a matter of just producing legislation, and it’s not possible to legislate the human heart or human thought.


* How soon do you see high speed internet coming to rural areas as a basic federal right? C.B.

Internet service speeds will continue to be determined and provided by commercial sources and at the rate which the markets decide – for decades to come. I don’t see any Federal involvement or mandate with deciding that high speed service be nationally established by legislation. Since we are a commerce driven nation, for the most part, the commercial markets make most decisions like this. The nearest thing to this, is a govt. program to help support Internet service, to all markets, but not mandate it. I see small govt. programs like this in small spots, but a larger program coming in about 3-4 decades.

* Will colleges and K-12 schools continue to offer remote learning (initiated because of the pandemic) in combination with in-person classes well beyond vaccine rollout, i.e., “hybrid” choice courses as a way of life going forward, or will being mandatory in-person return as the expected education platform for all? C.B.

I don’t see an edict that will be handed down to “All”. There will be few “mandatory” policies as the pandemic winds down and rather there will be a little more flexibility examined by school boards and authorities to see if they can offer any extra opportunities. As safe environments are determined to be available, K-12 will return to offering in-person courses, as they are taught on school grounds previous to the pandemic. This provides the much needed normal socialization opportunities for growing children. Since online courses have been helpful, some small numbers of Internet based courses will be offered to some high school juniors/seniors (mostly) because they will be college prep courses, some even being offered by colleges.

Remote learning by colleges will have been found to provide some benefits and conveniences, and so this will continue to be offered as will a return to classrooms – a move for normalization of college life.

* Framed another way: When or do you see major schools and universities expecting teachers/staff/students to return fully to in-person learning? Fall 2021? Winter 2022? Fall 2022?

Some colleges and universities will begin in the Summer of 2021 since the vaccines will show results by then. Not all will be ready to return, since funds to do this will be scarce for some colleges and universities, and so the return to normal college “business” will be step by step. They will do the best they can with the resources they have. It will take to January, 2022 for the last of the colleges and universities to return to “normal” (again, taking it step by step).

* Is it a US decision or state by state? How can we plan for ourselves if we want to stay remote? C.B.

It will be organization by organization for colleges and universities. It is state by state working alongside school districts for K-12.

It is possible to stay remote, but there are real benefits to teaching and attending classes in person. These benefits are not available to remote courses. The benefits come from the human contact which influences all learning. Remote courses offer information and structure, but cannot offer in-person human contact, which is a real thing – necessary to all humans. Hence why there is a return to in-person schooling for K-12.

* Do you see Covid vaccines becoming mandatory every year or twice a year going forward many years into the future to attend schools, employment in the general sector?

For adults, I see vaccines being a choice and not mandatory, for years to come. And never mandatory for adults to attend schools, or get employment in the general sector. I also see Covid-19 being part of society for a few more years, because there will be so many who choose no vaccine. I see the vaccine for children being considered possibly mandatory right now whether to make it part of their vaccine programs for school. If chosen, it would be for several years. I am not seeing it be made mandatory.

* Or does this fade away at some point years from now and not a requirement for most work? C.B.

Covid won’t be fading away. Like all other viruses, this one too will make sporadic returns. Even though we don’t hear about it, even HIV is still something that people can spread. People will still be asymptomatic carriers of Covid for several years yet. I’m seeing possible small events of mutations which the vaccines will not be 100% effective against. But, I’m seeing this affecting small groups in the future, and because of our experiences with this now, future outbreaks will be handled with greater effort, precision and success. As research continues, I also see vaccines being more effective.

* Do you see more affordable automated products coming to market en masse that allow people to grow some basic food indoors in their kitchens as a pandemic way of life? Not just a couple herbs but real food, easy to grow, looks like part of the standard attractive house setup? C.B.
The decisions to grow food and how to do this, will always be determined by each household, but I do see more effort in 2021 and beyond, by people to find ways to grow more food – whether indoors or outdoors. Many will use innovative methods and products, some on the market now, and some yet to be developed.

As the climate crisis continues, today’s mass-produced food growing methods and their products will fall behind the food demand, and hence, prices will go up. It will always be good for people to grow their own food, and as innovations in doing this occur, they will be shared on the Internet, where there already are many innovations in growing food – innovations from around the entire globe available to the entire globe.

Added 1/6/2021: In addition, locally grown vegetables have a different overall chemistry and energy – native to the area – which contributes to a healthier and more readily assimilated food. This is not a widely known factor, and so for years and years, people have shipped food to other areas of the globe, not realizing that it’s not just the physical characteristics that are important for healthier food, but also the energy and vibration of the food which is important, as well. In addition, the chemistry of locally grown food is different that that food shipped long ways, based on soil, rain, air, irrigated water, fertilizers, wildlife and livestock in the area, and many other less known factors – which go to make up the whole of the vegetables. As it is said, we are what we eat – this is true for plants, too. Therefore, growing one’s own food is a worthwhile endeavor – and worthwhile even if one lives in the urban areas.

* Do you see a trend in local governments in the burbs insulating themselves from future pandemics and potential rationed food supplies with their own mini farms for their big cities/local grocers? C.B.

On the large scale and on a small scale, in general, I’m not seeing any insulation like this going on – separation from any other group (rather the opposite). It is in our DNA – we have been designed – to need one another. People need people.

With experience with disasters, comes ideas for preparation for future events. Also with experience comes the recognition that the more people there are who are connected, the stronger and more stable is the support system. So, insulated groups would usually have less resources and develop less supplies, and therefore not be as strong and stable for providing resources, as those where there are networks/systems who can share over greater numbers of people. People as a whole are resilient and put forth effort in continuing to live their lives as best they can. We have experience and knowledge already as a part of us, which shows us that as we stay connected to each other – as we support our societies and communities, we are able to weather the storms that come along. I’m seeing the spirit within people to survive and thrive being made stronger as more people unite with each other.

* How can families, extended families, friends, acquaintances heal and trust each other again if they’ve had completely opposite views and lifestyles or common sense of keeping others safe during the pandemic? C.B.
First, this is not a question of logic. This is a question of the heart – caring for people – caring for others. Throughout our entire lives, we have been and will be faced with these questions and situations. We will ask ourselves these questions about others, and others will ask these questions about us. Do they have our best interest at heart? Do we have their best interest at heart? Do they make room for us to have differing opinions and beliefs? Do we make room for them to have differing opinions and beliefs? These questions have been asked before pandemics, and will be asked after pandemics are only memories, because there are millions of ways for each of us to act safe or unsafe in life.

Ultimately, it isn’t an issue of whether we have the same or opposite views, but what our views motivate us to do. It isn’t an issue of whether we have different or the same lifestyles, but whether we allow there to be room in the world for each of us to have lifestyles of our own choosing. Giving each other the room to have our own views and lifestyles, is an expression of respect. Giving respect is an expression of consideration of other’s life and choices. Giving consideration of their life, and their choices is an expression of kindness and tolerance of them. Giving kindness is an expression of love. And we love people who’s behaviors sometimes trigger pain for us, in our hearts. And others love us, even when our own behaviors sometimes trigger pain in their hearts. This is the human challenge of loving.

Because there are 8 billion people on the planet, there are 8 billion sets of beliefs, views, opinions, and 8 billion different lifestyles. No two people can ever be the same person, so no two people can ever be the exactly the same within our minds and hearts.

If we so choose it – yes, we can rely on logic to determine who we love, but I don’t recommend logic being the source. What is better is if we can rely on our hearts to determine this, and this is what I recommend. Your question is about loving others who choose differently, act differently, are motivated differently, and let their heart feel differently. There is no way around facing this experience for any human being. We face this challenge every moment of our lives, even if we’re not aware of facing it.

If you are asking for a little logic, when it comes to trusting someone, there are 8 billion people who are human beings, who have both good and bad within them (us). This means there are 8 billion human beings who make mistakes sometimes (but not always), have accidents sometimes (but not always), make poor decisions sometimes (but not always), and lose track of our common sense sometimes (but not always). This means that all people are both trustworthy sometimes and not trustworthy sometimes – this includes ourselves. We CAN learn to trust people when they’re being trustworthy, and we CAN learn to NOT trust them when they’re not being trustworthy, but we must learn when to trust ourselves to strengthen an honest ability to accurately assess this, so that we can learn to tell the difference between when someone is being trustworthy and when someone is being untrustworthy.

Remember, everyone wants to be loved. Everyone is given opportunities to love. Neither of these two is easy, but they’re still both worth our effort, and you know this. And, they come hand-in-hand, together – two sides of one coin.

If it helps any, it is a worthy prayer to pray, “Lord, help me to love and to recognize and accept the love other’s have for me.”

When we have reached this point, then we can decide how to respond in a pandemic. With one possible response being that we express our caring by giving others the respect for their choices, and give ourselves the respect for our own choices, while at the same time, showing we love/care for them in other ways available, and showing them that we also love/care about our own health in ways available to ourselves.

…and as you know, sometimes, there is pain with the love. The term is called “long-suffering”. It is what we feel when we love someone who acts contrary to what’s best for them or best for all.

* I get they might “believe” something different and not a true intent to harm, had they known a virus was “actually” present, and some choose based on financial reasons rather than safety, and both choices to either isolate or mingle about life as usual during these covid days can cause harm to someone somewhere and which one is worse or better when you take into account mental and spiritual health as well, but it’s been hard to realize that the only one really looking out for “you” is “you.” C.B.

This is true, it is hard to be understanding, compassionate, or tolerant when we think“that the only one really looking out for “you” is “you”. It’s hard to be patient or forgiving to others when we think the only one looking out for us is our self. It’s hard to think kindly of others or feel any bond with another, when we believe they have no caring or concern for our health and well-being.

But, no human being is a black and white cardboard cut-out. And no human being is an empty shell. And no human being is a lifeless machine. And no human being exists who is without feelings and beliefs, and hopes and dreams, and aspirations and motivations. And no human exists who has never made a bad choice, or never made a mistake, or never learned something about life the hard way, or never done something which we truly regret.

And so, individually, we choose for our self, how we’re going to be in the world – how we will relate to others, how much we will care for others, and how we will respond to a pandemic. We can’t do anything about other’s choices except express our opinions, our understanding, our forgiveness, or our tolerance of them, but we can do something about our own choices in life … and so we do.

As for making medical decisions based on financial reasons rather than health reasons, this is not new to many people. You’re referring to what the elderly and many others are forced to do when their medications are too expensive to take the correct dosage. They instead opt to do medically unhealthy actions, because they don’t have the finances to pay for their medical needs. The actions by themselves, of anyone, are not the problem. The problem is the spirit/feelings/thoughts – the heart of the person – motivating the action.

* Looking back at old family gatherings, it’s been a given someone usually arrived with a cold or just getting over a flu they picked up at school, or maybe JUST got vaccinated for something contagious before they arrived to your gathering, and you just dealt with, gosh, darn it, now I’ve got a cold or don’t feel well, just great … but going forward now, knowing Covid is out there, questionable immunity down the road, how do you get beyond looking at others like they are … well, sometimes I want to say “pretending” they care about you but are just looking for a good time at someone else’s expense, or realizing they don’t care, or … I don’t know… ending up isolated the rest of your life as the world goes on without you and takes their chances. C.B.

It is something we all ask ourselves, because being human means we are a blend of things we’ve learned and things still unlearned about life. But, as mentioned, no one is only a black and white caricature. What appears to be not caring hides much, much more of our self deeper within that no one sees. What appears to be willingness to have a good time at someone else’s expense, hides much, much more of our self deeper within that no one sees. It will always be our own individual choice as what to do with that which we hold deeper within, which no one sees. Sometimes, we don’t do well at all with this part of us or this task. And it is the fact that we know that no one may ever see this that lies deeper within us, that really isolates us, leading us to feel more alone than any other person, and for this reason, we may act in unhealthy ways to find a way to reach out to have contact with others…. if unhealthy ways are the only ways we think we have.

* How does one enjoy family gatherings again after knowing how each has responded to the pandemic in safe or knowingly unsafe and risky ways? C.B.

By knowing our self as best we can and knowing what it is that we enjoy. Then knowing also what it is that we don’t enjoy. And letting go of taking God’s place in weighing other’s choices and actions.

Then find ways, where we can take whatever steps we can, and still let others decide for themselves. It is not letting our efforts be based on others’ behaviors, but rather on our own desires – to attend or not. In all these times, there is a weighing of – are we choosing based on them, or on ourselves, or both. There are situations where we don’t want to do something because of them, but we do want to do it because of our self. Then we can do “that action” for our self, if we want to, instead of not doing “that action,” because of their choices. It is in these times, we are then making the choice for our self. I hope this is understood.

* How do you enjoy being around other people again without thinking they are a disease or completely irresponsible, or if they show up with some form of cold or symptoms even long down the road after we’re all supposed to be getting back to some kind of normal? That last question seems unanswerable. How do you enjoy … knowing? Or do you just choose to not? How can you appreciate family gatherings again, knowing some people likely really don’t care what they expose you to?

Billions of people around the world are asking these same questions. For some of us, it is an exercise in letting go of our own reaction to be a judge of them, and instead let them choose for themselves – like we do. Then instead, working to respect our own feelings and thoughts (choosing for ourselves) about whichever steps to take for our self. And knowing one day in the future that we will be able to spend time even with those that we still care about or love, who don’t seem to be returning the favor to us, at this time. And with patience, one day in the future, we can be glad that we get to see them again when we do, for the simple reason that we’ve always been glad that we get to see them, when we do, because we’ve always loved them.

* And I’m not ruling out being vaccinated myself just to get through this pandemic response, though I’d prefer to not have one, but I don’t see myself doing it every year or twice a year for the rest of my life. C.B.

I’m not seeing a vaccine be a “rest of our lives” step to take. I am seeing the medicines and vaccines gain in effectiveness as time goes on, and in turn, be needed less and less for any one particular virus.


If whatever we believe, think and feel, helps us to love God above all else, and love our neighbor as our self, then we can hold on to what we believe, think and feel. If what we hold onto gives us joy, helps us feel we’re no longer alone, or gives us peace of mind, helps to heal a relationship or two, or gives us avenues to experience giving and receiving of kindness, compassion, patience with our self and others, and mercy for those desperate for mercy, then we can hold onto our beliefs that give us this. If what we hold onto gives us a connection to caring people, a connection to healing the pain within our own soul and maybe someone else’s, gives us hope in an Infinitely Aware Spirit of Love who know us from the inside out of ourselves, and Loves us more than we love ourselves, or gives us a sense or feeling of recognition of the Spirit that lives within the heart of every single life form, then we can hold onto these beliefs, and hold onto them with all we’ve got.

Of course, if what any one of us believes doesn’t give us these, and instead leads one to resentment, bitterness, insults, targeting any group or person, stereotyping people, blaming others, seeing evil intent behind every action, leads us to be afraid of looking in the mirror from beliefs even about one’s own self, then why not change your mind. Something better, also exists and is available to us. We can pick better beliefs. We can open our mind and ask God to fill it with better beliefs.

Look for “the good” – which may take effort. If it exists in you (and/or me), both good and bad, then it exists in all human beings, because all human beings … are human beings. There are beliefs which offer us better perspectives on the world and the people in the world, for something that does lift us up. We may have seen and experienced the worst of nightmares acted out by humans, but that alone is not what exists. I say this, because I’ve seen both, and know that “Seek and we shall find” includes finding some good in people with whom we only saw the bad – and this includes our self.

God bless us, Everyone.

(Jodie Senkyrik, ©, 2020, All rights reserved)

On The Climate Crisis Again

As I continue to psychically look at the lines of time written in the sand, this is what I see:

With regards to the Climate Crisis which we now are living in and increasing, . . .

For all of our sakes, collectively the general attitude towards changing our living choices/behaviors and such, . . .

WARNING: Many things in this article will be very difficult to read and even MORE difficult to accept. I don’t even want to post this. But, it holds information.

Success, . . . reducing and reversing Climate Change, – is NOT happening, as it would need to, in order to stop or reverse the direction the climate is going. I’m seeing less and less transformation with regards to the collective consciousness in dealing with the Climate Crisis. Currently, those who oppose changing lifestyles – oppose changing government regulations – oppose changing behaviors – oppose changing from “convenient” to “inconvenient” truths – oppose putting the climate needs/Earth needs first — are choosing to not change their stance and choosing to not change. They work to oppose change, and will not participate. (It is their freewill choice given to them by God.) They strive to establish their influence in the behavior of many millions of people around the globe. This “no change” state of consciousness is still strong and therefore, delaying more and more the behavior changes which would prevent ever growing climate disasters in the Earth. It is a case of metaphorically but also realistically: Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

Those who work to support the changes needed – well, I equate it to being equal to: selling the change of behavior ideas, as if selling margarine on TV – “Try our brand of butter. It will help the climate.” As if suggesting to people, and enticing people into buying something. This approach to selling the Climate Crisis is not working. It is trying to convince people logically. It is based on the economics of changing the behaviors and thinking in the world. It is based on convenience as if it were simply a choice to make at the local grocery store. But, the results of climate change – the disasters that are happening to us, now, are not and will not be convenient in any way, because the destruction is happening to people – families, children, women, men, animals, livestock, pets and not just pocketbooks. These disasters don’t offer a choice for people to make. These disasters, that people now experience, and which people (we) are soon going to be experiencing more of, don’t ask politely, or say “please”. The disasters’ only “message” is “Here, people! This is now your life. . . and death.” The disasters’ only choice given to us, when these events happen, is “People, choose today – your life or your death, or your loved ones life or death.”

The people in question – who dominate the decision making around the world – in general, as a whole, are not strongly invested in changing lifestyles, nor are the people who elect them who want “something easy” and convenient. The tendency is to be strongly invested in living the way one always has lived in the past. This entrenchment – this anchoring of one’s life with the perspective which they grew up with – perspectives and beliefs like “everything is fine” – “there is nothing needed to do” – “we can keep on doing the same thing” – this state of consciousness, point of view, perspective, belief system, is so prevalent that it slows down any major changes which would otherwise prevent so much coming destruction. The entrenched belief for the most part is that these events may happen to humanity, but they don’t happen to individuals —- like me.

So, obviously this means that the events we’re going to see in the years and decades ahead will impact us all – the whole Earth – in more stark ways and in more direct ways as time continues. No human being on the planet will be safe from Climate Crisis events – some events of which can/could be diminished – if, collectively, there were stronger and more direct actions taken to change the directions humanity, as a whole, is going. Even though we are experiencing these events now, sometimes in small ways, we are the frog in the pot, with the temperature of the water going higher. For many, the pot is already boiling causing the deaths of families, children, women, men, animals, livestock, and pets.

It is as if, as a planet, we are driving down an old road, and the signs along the road, which are many, are saying “Do not use this road.” “Danger, road ahead is hazardous.” “Danger, bridge ahead is not usable.” “Turn around. Take another route. This route is not safe.” “Bridge is unusable”. Some people in the vehicle are saying, “let’s pay attention to the signs.”, while so many are still saying, “We’re fine. There’s no problem. We’ll keep going as is.”


The population of the planet is nearing 8 billion. I add this in, because this number is growing. This number is absolutely significant because of the impact on the planet – the resources needed to help 8,000,000,000 people live – the speed at which 8,000,000,000 people consume these resources – the waste and trash from 8,000,000,000 people who have consumed the resources – and the lack of any significant handling of the waste and trash of 8,000,000,000 people. Then add in the refusal of so many people to change many different behaviors related to any of these. Then add in the social beliefs, religious beliefs, economic beliefs, everyday beliefs, beliefs that “we should be able to do it without any economic inconvenience”, which are contrary to opening up our minds to different ways of thinking and living.

While we, collectively, have been changing based on behavior convenience and/or economic convenience, the results – some of which the Earth itself will create – that which we are going to face – are not going to be based on any form of convenience. Neither will these results allow anyone to have a choice. The impact is going to be on you and I – unless we are the ones that die. This means that the continued droughts will not be – are not – convenient, nor the hurricanes, or fires, the dwindling of usable water, the mass extinctions which are already happening, the pollution in the oceans, and reduction of food to feed the 8,000,000,000 going on 9,000,000,000 people. All of these will be/are very inconvenient.

That World?

What this also means is that the Covid Pandemic is not the worst problem we’re facing in the decades ahead. Vaccines have been helping a considerable amount, to return a “sort of” normalcy to how we live momentarily. But the climate crisis is decades long and even centuries long. So, there is no such thing anymore as normal. We don’t live in that world anymore. People will not ever live in that world on the Earth ever again, ….. at least not for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. This also means in the US, (yes, this is a contributing factor in 200 years) that the US will one day break up into 3-4 different nations, in the 23rd – 24th century because of many factors which include responses and opposition to responses to climate change, as well as the lack of cooperation and the lack of political will to do what is needed.

If you consider this narrative to be negative, drastic, pessimistic, despairing, fatalistic, doom-saying, hopeless and defeatist, you’re right. It is all of that. The future starting today is written in sand. But, the future that started in 1900, 1945, and 1960 has already been written and is being fulfilled. The future starting 1980, 1990 and 2000 has already been written and is being fulfilled.

Then think of what you’d rather have — — someone crying out in the wilderness – someone yelling that the flood is coming so build an ark! Think about what it was like for Noah, who did listen to what he was told, and did build an ark. Think about how people around him responded to him trying to warn people.

The Biblical story is based on actual events and people. There was a massive upheaval that caused a great flood, and there have been other major Earth changes in the history of this planet, which caused supreme upheavals, major numbers of people who have died, – think Black Plague – think major flooding – think earthquakes – think tsunamis – think ever growing larger hurricanes – think about why Atlantis doesn’t exist above sea level anymore – and think about why people don’t even believe Atlantis ever existed – how this land was so completely and wholly removed from the face of the Earth – so much so that few believe it actually could have ever existed – thinking instead that it couldn’t possibly have happened because events that destructive could never have happened.

Hurricane Harvey

And then think man-made events which have caused great numbers of deaths, injuries, and destruction of property. Now, we’re faced with realizing that we don’t need bombs to go down the old road that leads to “Danger! Bridge out ahead! Your lives are in danger!” (I’ve decided to not even mention the most recent man-made mass-death disasters of Fukushima, the World Trade Center Attack, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, World Wars, the Holocaust, Small Wars, and how many people’s deaths are because of air pollution, water pollution, toxic living conditions, and the like. I don’t mention these mostly because of the fog of personal beliefs and opinions surrounding the consciousnesses when considering the impact of pollution – not realizing that 8,000,000,000 frogs are still sitting in the pot of water that is beginning to boil.)

No One Wants This

No one wants to experience these events of sorrow and suffering, much less think about them. No one ever wants to believe that these levels of destruction can be possible. No one ever wants to think that events like Fukushima or the Indonesian Tsunami would just happen with very little warning. No one ever wants to think that the signs on the side of the road, saying “Turn around, Danger ahead” are real. No one ever wants to think that we generally are making things worse, not better by continuing to live life as if there were no problems.

I Look Ahead

I look ahead and see 20 years from now, and then 30 years from now, and then 40 years from now – years that we may see – and since we are on this particular road – the road of “change only if it’s convenient” – and I see drastic differences – even between now to 20 years from now. It is because of this timeline that I see why the current dominant generation fights against changes – because it’s so hard to believe it’s real. It is because of the drastic Earth and climate changes that are coming on this road, that younger people work so hard to get older people to listen – trying any way at all to change the road at which we’re all driving down collectively. But, too many parents and grandparents aren’t listening.

It is also because we are collectively the frog in the pot of water that is coming to a boil. We don’t see the difference between Monday and Tuesday, or the difference between Tuesday and Wednesday. It all seems to be the same, and therefore, we find it easy to discount and ignore what others are saying – those others who are crying out in the wildernesses – those others whose names are “Noah” . . . or “Greta”. Those crying out don’t say what we want them to, so we tell ourselves anything to deny it – like “it’s all political”.

For so many of us, we are still sitting down and having a picnic on the train tracks. In the distance, there is some sound that sounds like a low whistle. We can choose to believe it’s only the wind – normalcy – and ignore it. But, there are some people over there yelling at us – something to do with a train – but we don’t see it, so we tell them to go away and leave us be, they don’t really know, and we’re not moving, because we don’t see anything. And it is easy to tune them out, turn off our hearing so that we can barely hear anything said or any now-faint whistles . . . or maybe it was wind, that we thought for only one split moment could have been a warning, which we found easy to forget. And so we continue with our picnic on the train tracks, while the tracks are shaking and vibrating more and more for some reason, and we don’t look up.


Is there any good news?

Yes. The good news is not just knowing that human beings are resilient, and the human species will survive the climate related destruction which has happened and will happen in the years, decades and possibly centuries ahead – and without needing to live in bunkers and horde guns and food – which is not helpful or wise. Yes, the human species will survive, but many individual persons won’t, as we’re watching each day in the world.

We have made magnificent transformational change all through the 20th century. The disasters which we have so far been able to avoid would have made today’s disasters look like just stepping into a rain puddle. So, it is possible. Yet, the struggle to move into more transformational change has been and is getting more difficult as more people choose to not participate, and instead, directly oppose helpful steps.

We cannot change those who exercise their own freewill given to them by God. But, we can take a look at our own actions and beliefs. We can take a look each day at what we could do on a particular day. We can take a look at our beliefs, our inner self work, our efforts at healthy living, our efforts at healing our relationships, our efforts at meditation and prayer, our efforts to cooperate with others concerning better decisions for our lives, and we can take a look at how we then may help others in their lives, as well. We can take a look at the different parts of our lives and with inner guidance, find answers to the questions of “What can I do, today, to help?”

Technology won’t save us, by itself. Technology does not have a heart or a mind, which feels compassion for men, women and children, and unity with other people. However, there are some newer technologies that are slow in making headway, which in decades ahead – in this century – will help to slow down the vehicle driving down that old road heading towards even greater disasters.

Technology: In fact, one example: in the 2020’s, Toyota and Honda car manufactures – already working on even better electric cars, will continue to make headway. Toyota’s stock and Honda’s stock are good buys and will be even better as the 2020’s continue and go into the 2030’s. Toyota is a steady good stock, being ahead of the game, and Honda will make a great breakthrough around 2026 that will cause their stock to shoot upward. (Buy, now, though.) And there are other tech areas which are worth mentioning.

Sadly, I see bad news about the Amazon jungle in South America – the size it is now, will be reduced to 1/2 of this size in only 15-18 years. (Do you remember 15-18 years ago? 2006?) There is little progress or willingness by those nations’ powers that be – to stop the devouring of the natural resources. This will trigger even greater numbers of hurricanes in the Atlantic, which will trigger many destructive changes and many lives lost along the US eastern coast – from Florida, all the way up to Virginia, with some hurricanes reaching Maine. Some islands in the Caribbean are foreseen to disappear underwater permanently. Land disappearing underwater has happened before, especially in the Atlantic.

Political Predictions

Politically speaking, Donald Trump will never hold a political office, again. Events in his life in 2023 will determine this. Joe Biden will win a second term in 2024. The disasters of 2023 and 2024 and the Biden administration’s response to help people, will help Joe Biden to win, as well as the Republican Party’s putting all their hope in Donald Trump. Trump won’t come through for them. If they were to reestablish leadership through other people, they would venture better, but for most of them, the strategy is to hang on to glory days and strategies of the past. New leadership for the Republicans will only come in 2026, when better people will move in place.

The presidency of 2017-2021 has served many things – one is to bring forth to the surface, making it known throughout the world, the differences in consciousness across the nation and across the world – those who wish to move forward on new roads of change and readiness for the future and those who wish to move back to using the old roads of past glory — those who wish to reject the call of working together (the call from the Light of the World) and those who wish to seek to build a better world for every peoples, which only comes from bringing forth the Light of the World — those who wish to unify and those who wish to divide — those who wish to increase diversity and those who wish to ignore diversity and choose sameness.

So many of us have had very painful awakenings regarding the people in our own lives, and the deeper beliefs and feelings which have come forth in discovery. Yet, because no one is all one side/way/beliefs or the other, we are called to continue to work to try to bridge the expanse between opposing beliefs, by letting go of judgement of those who have an opposing view. We are called to see the good in those who frustrate and discourage us, as well as know the experience of long-suffering – the suffering which comes from loving those to whom we can’t unite with because they reject unity. It is this that Christ felt when He looked upon Jerusalem and said, “So many times, I would have gathered you all into my arms, but you would not have me.” Christ does not give up and has not quit. Christ never left this world, because His work still continues through those who open the door to mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, when He knocks on the door to one’s heart.

A Minor Prediction for the 2030’s

In the 2020’s the Qphenomenon will grow significantly, and in the early 2030s, the Qphenomenon will come crashing down, because of discovery of the increasing continued criminal activities of its central core originators. What was started as more prank and joke than anything else, caught on because many people wanted ammunition for their prejudices and their fear of change. Qphenom creates this ammunition according to what their customers demand. It absolutely is possible to be misled if someone feeds us exactly what we already want to believe against someone.

Hurricane Irma swept through south Florida leaving behind a trail of debris, flooding and power outages in September 2017. Loren Elliott/Zuma


Yes, there is hope – in letting go of the past way of –
1. continuing to attack people in our minds, hearts and words,
2. behaving without awareness and
3. living without considering consequences.

There is hope in the letting go of
4. trying to get back to what made us comfortable back then – what we think must be easier.

There is hope in looking at our lives today, right now, and asking,

What can I do today?

There is hope in working at enacting new ways of living, and letting go of any old ways of living which brings harm in any form, held onto because we think these ways are easier. There is hope in thinking of ourselves as one member of a multi-member community, and enacting behaviors to further this thought, instead of as an individual who can go it alone. There is hope in looking for new ideas for living, new behaviors for living, new determinations for living.

There is hope in believing that God is not some THING far away, and must therefore not be interested much in helping with “my” facing life’s challenges and hardships. There is hope in believing that we do have help which we don’t even know about. There is hope in finding new resources within ourselves – finding new courage, finding new determination – finding new Willingness to learn and try. There is hope in believing that others “believe in me”. There is hope in believing in others, then in uniting with others.

As I’ve told people for decades, our best source of help – both giving and receiving – is at the local community level. All of us at the local community level are the ones who – when things go horribly wrong – are there with shovels, brooms, rubber boots, bottled water, and muscle to help dig us out of the mountain that just fell on top of us. There is especially hope when we are one of the people with the shovel trying to dig others out, because we then know that hope lives within our self. There is also hope when we care within our hearts for the people in our lives, our family, friends, community, because when we are involved in helping and being helped, we recognize the caring that is the same in someone else’s heart – someone standing right next to us wearing muddy rubber boots and working a shovel, just like us.

There is hope because God lives inside our hope – God is the Hope – God is the caring spirit – alive inside us. God is the Infinite Hope, never-ending Hope. God is the Infinite Caring – never-ending caring – caring about our lives and always working to help us get back up when we get knocked down. God is the one standing next to us carrying a shovel to help dig us out, and God is the one within our own self when we pick up the shovel and help dig someone else out.

Living through the times ahead will be very similar to how we live now, – but only in regards to our “Taking life one day at a time”. What will continue to drive us through living one day at a time is “Doing the best we can with what we have.” There is no going back to a world that will never return to us. But, there is going forward today – starting today – looking for new thoughts, new beliefs even, new ideas, and new actions and behaviors. The perseverance within humanity comes from doing the best we can with the life we live today, and then keeping an eye open to see if anyone else needs help to do the best they can with what they have.

We need most to check on ourselves and others to see if we’re the complacent frog, and we find our self inside a pot of water in our life, and it seeming more and more like the water is getting hotter. Or perhaps, we need to check to see if our hearing is okay, and listen harder for the whistle, while noticing the train tracks are shaking/vibrating even more, . . . then look up to see what is racing towards us and which cannot be stopped quickly – if at all.

Community does not ever mean and has never meant “me first”. It means all of us, together. It means no matter what road we find ourselves on, when we come to the old road, all of us together get our shovels and make the road better for all of us. It means when we come to the bridge that is too horrible for life, all of us together look for ways to build a better bridge to continue our lives together, knowing that we need each other – we need each other, because we’ve been designed to need each other – and we can, with hope, find ways to be the community which we need help from and which needs our help. . . . and sometimes, that community is the whole planet.



As an individual person, we can only do what one individual person can do, affecting our own life and the lives of those around us. As people, we can only do what people can do. But, we can only do what people can do, if we unite with other people, cooperating, and working for everyone’s benefit, instead of using our own individual fear and prejudice as the weapon to strike out at others who are trying to gather people together to get on board the Ark. If we’ve never considered working with or never wanted to work with others around this before, . . . we can never be too late, if we begin and let today be day one. With today being day one, then the future which starts today, and only written in sand, so far, can be rewritten.

Psychic Predictions for 2020 (!)

[Originally posted with password protection on Dec. 30, 2019]

[Do go back and reread the 2019 Predictions because I also do put “post-2019” predictions – more than just that particular year – in with the 2019 predictions.]

Do read the previous blog article, Preface to the Psychic Predictions for 2020, which gives much of the overview of 2020, and the 2020’s decade.

A Spiritual Warning Label for Politics

Politics is on A LOT of people’s minds – not just in the U.S., but all over the world.   AND…. No nation is an island all to itself.   The choices all humans on this Earth make, the beliefs all people select for themselves to believe, the actions all individuals everywhere select to carry out – do indeed affect the entire world and all people on it.

With regards to politics, politics is an adrenaline arena (the 3rd Chakra) in which being involved in, and expressing our political views and opinions about, we tend to get engrossed and pumped with adrenaline.  Yet, we could get “our senses” back if we understand more about this factor.  Jesus gave us a guideline for our involvement when He said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, but render unto God, that which is God’s”.  This statement has relevance to this particular arena of Chakras.

Politics is a THIRD Chakra involvement – fight or flight, conflict, us vs. them, the sports arenas – fear, anxiety, and aggression.  It is in the realm of duality.  Having experienced any of these descriptions, and having been caught up in our own tug-of-war, when we take a step back and breathe, catching ourselves, we can understand then what it’s like for all other humans to walk in the shoes of being caught up in this, as well.  Our own struggle and adrenaline-filled battle helps us to understand why others struggle and go after their adrenaline-filled battles.  Just how easy it is to jump back into the dominance of the 3rd Chakra experiences of politics is also just how easy it is for others to jump back into the dominance of the 3rd Chakra experience of politics.  Understand this.

Moving into the 4th Chakra is how to move out of the 3rd Chakra dominance.  As Jesus said, “Perfect love casts out fear.”  Moving into the Heart Chakra, the Chakra where Love resides and also Christ/God resides, helps us move out of the 3rd Chakra, the Chakra where Fear, Anxiety, Aggression, and the like, can reside.  Moving into the 4th Chakra brings back oneness and unity, where staying only in the 3rd Chakra builds duality and separation.

Therefore, Jesus’ statement above, also means “Render unto the 3rd Chakra, that which is the 3rd Chakra, but render unto the 4th Chakra, that which is the 4th Chakra.”  Render unto this political arena that which politics needs – involvement, but render unto ‘Loving God above all else and Loving our neighbor as our self’ that which ‘Loving God and each other’ then needs.  It is the second part of this which individuals forget.

And finally, it is written that even some of the elect will be misled.  It is important to pay heed to this statement.  Remember, the followers of Christ can be identified by their demonstration of living out the fruits of the Spirit – not by what a person would say or claim.  It is not that difficult to be misled.  Common sense, an open mind, and an open heart are also spiritual qualities.   And mankind will survive this coming decade because, and I repeat what the Edgar Cayce readings say, “There is good in the worst of us, and bad in the best of us.”   We are all human beings and all very similar in our capacity for being human in every sense of the word.

“Where there is willingness, there are ways. Where there is no willingness, there are no ways.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

And So We Begin

2020 Predictions related to U.S. Politics

The US Federal governmental political warring, which we’ve been witnessing so far, will escalate more in Nov/Dec of 2020 and will last for 6 years (added 9/9/2020: “and will include some pockets of violence.”) It will be a war of words, bitterness, and great animosity – a war that could end families and bring death to friendships.

It will be a long and drawn-out war filled with disrespect and contempt. People will walk the streets pretending that all is okay, and there is no problem with where things are. The Republicans will blame all disasters on the Democrats and the Democrats will consider the Republicans to be insane.  The chasm between people who claim to be one or the other will widen due to people individually choosing to see life as black and white, instead of “all colors in between” – the demonizing of the other person out of anger, bitterness and resentment.

SIDENOTE: Because, it is the responsibility of every soul to clean up our own messes made within this Earth from every past life…. And it is the responsibility of every soul, via living successive lives, to heal every injury and to fix everything we’ve individually broken from this and other past lives – including our relationships….  Some Democrats will try to fix their broken mistakes from past lives, and some Republicans will blame everything that’s broken on the Democrats.   And some Republicans will try to fix their broken mistakes from past lives, and some Democrats will blame that which is broken on Republicans.  This carries through elected officials, because it is within the voters’ souls to carry it through.

The path of healing can be guided from the statement:

“The only way to win this game is to not play.”  The only way to win at politics is to not participate in it from ONLY the 3rd Chakra consciousness but rather bring in the 4th Chakra and that which resides within the heart.  Remember that we are a diverse nation of people, and therefore, we value many diverse things of life.  Because we value many diverse things of life, we pursue making all these different things of life better.  With “not having the resources to save the “poor” [those with limited resources to make life better],” we are limited in how we make the world around us better.  But, we are not limited in how much kindness, mercy, patience and compassion which we can bring forth.  Our capacity for these fruits is Infinite.

This means stepping back out of the “fight or flight” 3rd Chakra-only battles.  This means stepping out of the sports arena – to let go of adding attacks, fear (added 9/9/2020: “and aggression”) to the world.  This means letting go of the need to win against another person – the battle of verbal and emotional abuse.  This also means letting go of the call to judge or shame another.

“The Earth is a reflection of humanity’s consciousness.

If we are abusive, we will abuse the Earth, as well. If we are in conflict with each other, we will be in conflict with the Earth, as well.

But, if we are kind to each other, we will be kind to the Earth, as well. If we show compassion to each other, we will show compassion to the Earth, as well” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


The adrenaline will begin with the Impeachment.  As expected, the Senate will not convict Donald Trump.  The months of January – March will be the most charged for this adrenaline-filled time and we’ll see it everywhere in the news and online until the Senate finishes their part.  This news arena will start the “primary races” which will begin in February – and from then until the Conventions in June, everyone will be actively commenting on “everything politics”.  Social media will be more active than even today.  There will be a steady high level of activity and much reporting on the political happenings as they happen.  This is to be expected, and easily foreseen by many.  You don’t need to be psychic to see this.

In the Democratic race, the current top 3 along with one more, will continue to be the four front runners throughout the primaries, leading up to the convention – Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.  Each will win their share of states.  I still continue to see a “white man” chosen as the presidential candidate and I see a woman chosen as vice president running mate.  I believe the woman could be Kamala Harris.  BUT, there is some fluctuation, yet.

If Donald Trump is the Republican Nominee, it is the Democratic nominee who will win in November.  I’ve seen this for many years, and it hasn’t changed  !!  There is a slim chance (3-6% out of 100) that a different Republican nominee could be selected, but at this time, it does look like Pres. Trump will be nominated, again.  I’ve always stated that the 2016 winner would be a 1-term president no matter who won.  I never seen anything changing this.  I also see the person going 2 terms – to 2028.

After the November 2019 elections, the Senate will remain Republican, the House will remain Democrat, and the White House will go Democrat – if voters get out and vote.  If 150 million voters read this blog and decided not to go vote that could change, but I see much, much, much less than that number reading this little, obscure psychic blog.

This means that the conflict in D.C. will escalate to the point of almost metaphorically “setting fire to the town.”  In the 6 years following 2020, when the new administration takes over, there will be more political fighting that ever before.  Little major change will get done in those years and the number of agreed bills will reach a low number.  The conflict I see is so extreme that I’m not even sure I can come up with words to describe it, but this is what I see.  Try this image – someone standing at the door outside and knocking, ever with more vigor as time continues – and inside are some that are pushing against the door preventing it opening with all their strength, barring the door with everything that can muster, like in the movies – piling furniture up against the door to make the door even harder to open.

There will be almost no working together at all, and therefore, no winners to this conflict.  AND the fewer people who get involved with the verbal war, the better the chance of each of us not losing our own souls in this.  The phrase in the Bible is appropriate here – “What does it benefit us to gain what we seek, if we lose our soul in the process?”  There are many who are seeking to lose their soul, something every one of us deeply regrets afterwards, especially when we realize inside ourselves that we were meant to help in these times by following the examples of Christ … and not jump into the fire with even more cans of gasoline in our hands.

The only way to win this war is to not go to war, or put another way – the only way to win in this sports arena is to not enter this sports arena.

Again, I will repeat:   Something to remember,  “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s – political participation – but render unto God, that which is God’s – compassion, patience, and willingness to step back and not participate in the verbal abuse war.  I see many of us people who think and believe our own [4 letter word] doesn’t smell so bad, and so our own participation in the verbal abuse war is okay.  This is the failure.  The only way to win the verbal abuse war is to not participate.  If we feel the adrenaline in our words and actions, then we have stepped out of the healing of the 4th Chakra.


Around the world, there will be a few other elections, but for the most part, there will be little change to those people in leadership positions in 2020.  If anyone sends me a question about their own election (in the comments area of this post), I will answer in the comments area, as well.

In Britain, the results of the Brexit struggle will continue on for another 4 years. Brexit will happen, but it will be only words on paper, not in any way in which the details will be worked out. Some lesser parts won’t be resolved for another 12 years.

“The question is not who is in political power that will help the world. The question is who is in spiritual power that will help the world.” (The Rainbow Cards, 1996-2019, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

I am stating these predictions with much feeling and concern, but at the same time, I also know that there has been no change in the very real fact that Christ, Buddha, the One, Allah, Yahweh, the Father/Mother God, the Infinite Consciousness of God, etc. walks with us as we face any and every challenge.  Love exists in this world and Love will not leave us, ever.  We merely need to draw upon the love inside our own hearts, and the presence of God will be with us in the most real of ways, guiding us and helping us in whatever ways we need.  With faith and trust, we will grow in our knowing this.

Predictions for Climate Change (Global Warming) in 2020

I associate these weather predictions with Climate Change, because I see that these events are more severe because of Climate Change.  In addition, there are more weather disaster events because of these Global Warming patterns.  If we did not have Global Warming, we would have much less weather related events, and much less severe weather. 

In 2020, the people of the world will see new records broken in weather in this year, also.  While the topic is on the front lines of the political scene, it will be on the front lines in people’s lives, also.  This is because, in 2020, thousands will die all over the world because of disasters related to the increase in the climate crisis.  Yes, our prayers can save many, but we have reached the point in time where the metaphor is true – the ship sails and we are either on it or not.  This next decade is being written in time, and the amount of time which healing can happen on a massive scale is all but gone.  Our continued efforts for prayer and meditation can yet help on smaller scales – individuals, and communities.

In general, I see the continued and unending patterns of glacier melting, ice melting in the Arctic region throughout the entire year.

I see massive flooding and deadly mudslides in the mountains of India and Southeast Asia, in the Spring, starting in March with a possible small earthquake off the coast between India and Southeast Asia, sometime in April/May/June (I’ll recheck this as time progresses.)  These major floods and mud slides will cause thousands of deaths.

“We believe that which we believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to believe it, and for many different reasons and agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.

We don’t believe that which we don’t believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to not believe it, and for many different reasons and agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

Hurricanes in the Pacific and the East Coast
I’m currently seeing at least 3 major Pacific Ocean typhoons.   Possibly the Hurricane season/Typhoon season will bring as much as 5-6 storms which will travel across the Pacific. I see 1 hitting the Philippines straight on. Another will graze the Philippines going southwest of it.  FYI, in a previous reading done in 2019, I saw 12 storms in the Pacific.

The southern half of Japan will experience 1-2 of the storms. I think one will go south of Japan going westward.  And another storm in the northern half of Japan.  I see flooding and massive rain from the southern storm. I see loss of electricity in a large area of the southern half of Japan, (during the first half of the year).  I see a minimal loss of life.

I don’t see Hawaii being directly affected by hurricanes in 2020, but they will have a strong storm with high winds and a great amount of rain. I see a lot of people losing electricity.  (March, 2020 and/or early July, 2020)

All these areas mentioned – the people need to be prepared. I have not added the month or time of year they will come, and constant preparation is what is called for because I see them spread out in time.  They will start early and go throughout the season.  With a possible last one in October.

In 2020, in the late spring to late summer time range, I’m seeing a possible small earthquake, about a 4.0 or so, South to Southwest of Hawaii with a possible triggering of a Tsunami going southward. I do see potential damage for people in the islands in the path even if the Tsunami is small. While it won’t be a large tsunami, it will be devastating to them, because they are small islands and won’t have much protection or warning to help them.  In the general direction of the Phoenix Islands.

The other 2 tsunamis are 1 medium size along the S. American coast and 1 smaller one of which I’m not seeing where, yet.

I do see a small earthquake in Alaska in 2020, in the Aleutian Islands.  I don’t see any major effects from it.


The hurricane season in the US is more and more going to see the East Coast  having hurricanes and tropical storms.  At least 6 hurricane/tropical storms in the Atlantic Ocean, 2 going into the Gulf of Mexico, 2 1/2 to 3 affecting the US East Coast, and 2-3 other storms will go north along the coast, but not go inland, instead going out into the Atlantic Ocean.  The hurricanes in the East Coast are caused by the warming of the Atlantic ocean where hurricanes are born, with the Atlantic’s warming caused more and more by the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest as well as other warming factors.  The warming creates higher pressure and within the US, the higher pressure inland pushes the hurricanes up the East Coast and more out to the Atlantic in a northern and northeastern direction.

The 3 strong storms affecting the coastal states of Georgia and the Carolinas will dissipate as they get into the Virginias. There will be a lot of rain and flooding. Expect loss of electricity to last for up to 10-14 days in some areas.  The years ahead will see these states getting hurricanes over and over.

I see 2 small storms go across/or up the west coast of Florida and going into Alabama and Mississippi northward. I see a storm going into the Yucatan Peninsula area, as well.  It’s path will be off the coast of Venezuela and through the Caribbean Sea.  Those going up the East Coast, I see their paths being north of Puerto Rico, which will be affected by winds and rain.  I think 1 will go south of Puerto Rico.

As I mention above, I’ll repeat that these East Coast areas are the areas now that will be more and more in the paths of hurricanes which develop in the Atlantic. This is one of the global warming patterns which is growing more dominant. The patterns of storms during 2020 is a sign of things to come – this season is a good representation of an average new weather pattern which will repeat itself many times in the years to come.

Hurricanes, like Sandy, going further north than usual, will also happen as part of this new established pattern, but these will not be the norm. Not yearly, but at least 1 ever 6-7 years on average.  However, in the further north areas, they will average 1 every 5 years after 2050 through the end of this century.

In Texas, the drought will continue and very little rain if any, will fall from the beginning of May to next October.  Livestock will suffer.  In the Southeastern US states, I see cool weather, and less rain than usual, but not as bad as Texas.

I see California may have an earthquake in Northern California, northeast of Sacramento in March-May.  It will be large enough to cause damage, but will not be a record breaker.

Just because we see nothing but darkness, doesn’t mean the light has gone out. Sometimes, it’s because we’ve closed our eyes.  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Midwestern states

There will be no relief for the diminishing water sources in the Midwest.  The lessening water sources will shrink even more in 2020.  There will be some rain during the first 3 months of 2020, going into April, but it won’t be at the level which previous years brought.  Farmers will struggle with getting water for their crops – getting more water from the region’s rivers, including the Missouri and Mississippi.

Food prices will continue to go up in 2020 and will stay there. The food supplies coming from the Midwest will decrease again.

Nebraska and Kansas – the water shortages will put a strain on water sources.  Both of these states will suffer more in the 2020’s with ever greater water shortages.


In Central Africa, (Sudan or Congo?) I see a darkened energy build engulfing a major area of Central Africa – whether this is disease or drought or human caused, I am not yet seeing.  This dark cloud has started already and will become even worse. While this could be a combination of disease, social upheaval and government not having solutions, I believe I’m seeing it be a severe heat wave and drought.  This heat wave/drought could lead to great unrest – including military actions.

Russia will set low temperature records across Siberia.

In 2020, Britain‘s weather will not have spikes, as other countries, but I see an ever growing increase in wet weather, causing crop problems, and an increase in summer temperatures. Agriculture in UK will fare okay, but it will become more difficult due to this wetter weather. Farmers will call out for some governmental help due to a partial loss of crops.

“If we’re having trouble praying, we can ask God to help us with it.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


The US Economy

In 2020, there is an uneasy, wobbly economy – not stable by any definition of the word.  While it won’t happen in 2020, the second half of the year will bring reports of serious problems and serious signs of serious economic problems coming.  These problems will arrive – some in 2020, at the end, and some in 2021-2022.

in 2021, with the very real battle between the Congressional Republicans and those who they choose as their abject enemies – anyone who is not supporting them or not their base – there will be very little that can be done to help the economy stabilize.  Short-term downturns will be experienced periodically.  The hardest hit in the coming years in the US, 2021-2024, and more in 2025-2026, will be middle and low income people, because these people are the ones who will lose their jobs.  Farmers are going to have even more problems economically besides all the other problems farmers are going to face.  Yet, there is time, again – for prayers.

Because of the major conflicts in the US between the different political groups, the economy of the US will suffer, setting the stage for Europe to become the stable economy of the world – taking the US’s place in prominence.  Many world policies will be changed to recognize this and take advantage of Europe’s strong economic stability.


More Mass Killings in the US (unless more prayer comes)

I mention these because praying can help these events diminish, in the same way that praying can help all destructive – and “low vibration” (dark) energy in the process of manifesting in physical life – to diminish – or be absorbed.  In 2020, I see at least a possible 7 large-number mass shootings which will garner national news reporting, because of the high number of people hurt and killed.  There will be many more that qualify but are small numbers of people killed and so don’t garner major national news reporting.  Again, continued prayers for people will help to diminish these – helping to reduce the numbers of people hurt and killed – as well as help forces to hinder or heal the mind sets which lead people to do this.

At this time, if all things stay the same – with little or no prayers to help heal these, then we have not yet seen the worst that is still to come.  People will feel that we have no way to stop these from happening – what with the battle-lines-drawn situation which exists among the people of the US.  Again, this is a call for prayer – something which we can do – otherwise, we will see this happen over and over and over and over and over, again.

Terrorist Attacks around the World

I do see another Terrorist attack in Southeast Asia.  I believe what I see is a device at a train station in Myanmar in spring, 2020.  However, if it doesn’t happen in spring, the people seeking to do this will move to another location and later time.  Their intention is to do this – to cause harm and death.   AGAIN ! CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE CAN HELP TO DIMINISH OR HEAL THESE EVENTS !

“It is irrelevant whether in our mind, we think that we can or cannot do something. What is more impactful is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart. It is the one who is not willing, who cannot. It is the one who is willing, who can.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

North Korea

I do see the current cross-talk leading to January’s high tension between the US and NK.  February will be quieter, but in March, tensions will rise again, for a different reason than in January.  I do see NK putting a satellite in orbit.  I am NOT seeing efforts to start a legitimate war.  Leaders on both sides are concerned with their public presentation to ensure the morale of their supporters.


For 2020, I see that China’s government desires to increase trade, in order to stimulate the economy within China.  This is a primary goal of the Chinese government.  In addition, in 2020, it will seek to further it’s space program.  China does have a growing economy.  Meanwhile, China, also, has to face Global Warming, and will see their own disasters related to drought in some areas, and severe flooding in others.

[I did not foresee the Covid-19 pandemic for 2020.  However, in 2008, I did see this …. China.]


The prayers from the people of Russia will help Russia.  There is a sense of futility with a major percentage of Russian citizens.  What they’ve lived through – through this century and the last century, has weighted down many people.  God does hear prayers, and it will be through their prayers, that life will change.  However, as long as so many people think that it is futile to try, and therefore they don’t try, and don’t pray, then circumstances will continue as is.

The Middle East

I see many nations’ governments’ leaders working to not have their country take center stage with having all their events be on the front page of media around the world.  They will be seeking to keep mostly low profiles as to not get attention drawn to them.  All of these nations will be watching to see who will be elected in November.

Saudi Arabia

In 2020, I see the Saudi government trying to present itself as a legitimate peace-seeking, cooperation-offering nation of the world … to the world’s people in the media.  Reforms established in 2019, will stay in place with 1 or 2 exceptions/changes.  A few minor reforms will be set in 2020.   There will be information and reports which will tarnish the image.

The economy of Saudi Arabia will be semi-stable.  There will be some general fluctuation during the summer when oil prices fluctuate again at the beginning of summer.


The elections in Israel will not bring much change in the administration currently in place.  The policy and attitudes will be the same – 2020 will bring very little change in policy – bringing similar or the same circumstances and events as we’ve seen in 2019.  I am seeing armed conflicts – explosions at borders – not all year long, but incidences happening in April/May.


I see the situation in Syria continuing to be as it has in 2019.  While I see 2020 being a “quieter” year with regards to what the world is shown, it will be a country of hardship inside the borders.

European Union

I’m seeing the EU, Europe as a whole, establishing policy which will help to make Europe a solid economic and financial presence/power going into the 2020’s.  Europe will be seen as being stronger than any single nation of the world, including the US because of the US’s economic wobbliness.

Poland’s society’s struggles will continue on through many years. While the governments of its neighbors to the East sometimes don’t mind that Poland struggles in this way, their neighbors to the East will have their social struggles as well, and enough to frustrate those in leadership positions with things not going their way. The evolution of societies towards a people-centered “democracy” will not be stopped. While some leaders work to suppress it and can temporarily prevent it, they find that the roots of people-centered governments are alive and strong and continue to grow regardless of reversal tactics. It is only a matter of time.

“There will never be a day that we can stop hatred and violence in the world by opposing it using hatred and violence.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


South America

In 2020, I do see a major natural disaster – an earthquake in Southern Columbia or Northern Peru.  As early as April, or as late as June.  Most likely in May.  In the decade of the 2020’s, South America will be a hotbed of earthquakes through the years.


I see armed conflicts in NE India – between military/police and civilians.  This will be throughout the beginning 8 months of 2020.


I see the tariff “wars” continuing on into the summer of 2020.  More discord will develop between the U.S. and Europe during 2020.  This discord will diminish near the end of the year, with the change in the presidency.  Europe is poised to become a strong economic force in the 2020’s, taking the US’s place, because of the severe internal conflicts and problems which the US will go through from the log jam of the Federal Government.


Examining Australia and Global Warming, I’m seeing a continuation of the fires in Australia.  2020 will continue with the fires, but they’ll begin to diminish in June and July, which is wintertime in Australia.  But, the fires will begin again as Australia enters into its summer – the 2nd half of November and then December of 2020.  Further on, 2021 will be another year of fires, but I see 2022 as having significantly less fires.

Australia is in a position/location on the Earth, in which exists a process of focused pressurizing.  The changes in weather patterns are triggering ever greater atmospheric pressure – pushing away low pressure systems which would otherwise bring rain, as well as create situations which make Australia more capable of having such serious high pressure systems, that make fires more common.  Australia will suffer from these factors for the next 40 years.  This is the reality of Climate Change/Global Warming.  Australia’s government can do little to change this,  anymore.

As the years go on, the lack of replenishing water will motivate much effort to develop technologies to produce water, but even this is almost 2 decades away.

In 2020, Australia’s economy will be stable, but will be slowing down at the end of 2021, going into 2022.


In 2020, I see the stock markets being moderately active – less so than previous years because of the desire to wait and see what happens in the US elections.  While there will still be regular trading, 2020 will be seen to be a slow year.  I am not seeing a recession hit, yet in 2020, but there will be much talk about economists seeing the US economy going in that direction.  Most of this talk will be in the later half of 2020.  The 2nd half of the year, will see mild trading in the US stock markets, because of the major importance being put on the November elections.  Many businesses and investors are waiting to see what happens.


In 2020, the general attitude of voters throughout the US will lean toward focusing on state elections, with the belief that there is more influencing the policies of the state government to move in the directions voters want to go in.  There is some feeling and thought that “if we can’t influence the Federal government, let’s focus on the state elections which could return more control going in the desired directions.”  There will be more effort to sway the state governments to move in policy directions which are independent of the Federal policies.


In 2020, I don’t see a solution being presented regarding the mountains of plastics which are polluting the planet.  There won’t be a recycling path for plastics which would help in a large scale way.  I do see new ideas being made known and begun to be put forward in the fall months, but these ideas would take more time than just 2020 to put into action and see if the impact is large enough.

Plastics is a huge business force, and plastics are made from petroleum.  Both together are a massive force in the economics of the world.  I don’t see much change in the production side during any of the 2020’s.  Currently, I’m seeing a small solution happening in the 2nd half of the 2020’s.  But, this solution won’t be a wide-scale solution.


There will not be a social breakdown after the November elections.  There will be much heated words, and much voiced anger, but not a social breakdown.


Medical Industry

The Pharmaceutical Corporations are anchoring themselves deeper in the fields of Medical Practice.  With their ever deepening influence in the Field of Medicine, more and more of the laws will be written, and licenses will be based on, requiring treatments using drugs rather than Holistic or non-drug treatments.  This influence is for the purpose of ensuring that the drugs which they create are purchased.  While this is not widely viewed, the Opioid Crisis brought, to the forefront, the mindset which directs so many of the pharmaceutical corporations.  The year 2020 will see this become embedded even more.


Oil Industry

The Oil Industry will not fade away.  It will be a strong industry for many decades yet, and in some form, for several centuries yet.  In 2020, there is little to predict except that it will be business as usual.


Renewable Energy Industry

In 2020, I see the R. E. Industry forging ahead, struggling with going against the current of social norms and present day government policy.  The companies producing as well as doing research are the ones which will last into the decades ahead.  In 2020, these companies will be worthwhile investments.  More and more renewable energy systems will be established and producing.  Renewable Energy is the future.  And likewise, the Electric Car is the future.


If you have any questions related to these predictions which would serve to clarify or expand on an item, please post them in the comments, and I will add the answers to this document.

If you think this article has been helpful and informative, please, pass the Internet address of this article on to anyone whom you think would also be interested, this includes social media sites.  Thank you.

Remember – the future can be changed !!!


“No matter where we live on this planet, all 7+billion of us humans – when we look into the sky, we all see the exact same moon, and it’s because we’re all living on, and in contact with, the one exact same planet Earth.  As simple as this sounds, it differentiates us from all the other many planets, systems and galaxies in the universe, because WE, together, are on THIS planet.  This is a fact which unites us all.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


Psychic Predictions for 2019

[The password is removed from this article originally posted in Jan, 2019, making it now available to the public.]

2019 is going to be a somewhat more difficult year for so many people on his planet, and I’m not going to hold back in what I write in this article. There are disasters and there are positives. Life, as we know it, will change, but life will also persevere in all locations. 2019 by itself will not be a painfully more difficult year for every one of the 7+ billion people, but everyone will be affected by several things throughout the year. It is one of the 2 remaining years which are moving us deeper into the darker, low vibration energy/manifestations. These low-vibration energy manifestations will be recognized by disasters both human-derived and natural. By “moving us deeper”, I mean the beginning of the years will appear and be experienced as being better than the end of the years, in many ways.

I will mention FIRST, that prayers and meditation for the goodwill for all people and the well-being for all life, are that which will strengthen the Spirit and Energy of the Family of Man and all life, if and when we’re willing to bring forth Light – through expressing Love, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Encouragement, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Support, and more (flowing through ourselves) – and for all life on this planet – especially during this time. Prayers for all life will absolutely help all life. Absolutely – as in ‘absolute help’ – real help – to persevere through these coming times and experiences.

Humanity won’t easily see the difference between the two possible futures – with prayers vs. without prayers, (a few will), but changes happen when one’s heart is the source of prayers – for the goodwill and well-being of all people. Why for “the goodwill and well-being of all life”?  Because this prayer will have the strongest impact on humanity, all of nature, and the future. The predictions I speak of here are drastic to some parts of the planet. They will affect, to greater or lesser degrees, all of the planet. While many people’s lives will be minimally impacted, many people’s lives will be greatly impacted. The news is already reporting regular disasters, both natural and man-made, which are affecting people in a wide variety of places – sometimes places which are surprising.


For Britain: The Brexit is considered a mess, and it will become an even bigger mess in the 1st 5 months of 2019. After that, many of the loudest voices will consider the act of screaming the loudest isn’t working for their side anymore and will then begin working on solutions. See efforts beginning April and May. I see another 13-16 months of work for things to reach a point of acceptance. The reason why efforts are not working out is because of the energy of so many of the British people not wanting Brexit. The consciousness of the people is a formidable energy force, and it can prevent events from happening – whether the events are positive or negative.

“The more prayer that we put forth, then the more change, the more help, the more the presence of the Spirit of God will be felt and heard.” The Rainbow Cards

Weather 2019:

Worldwide – As one person put it, “The predictions that were made – are happening.” (This includes my own.  Scroll down to see the right hand column Category list: Weather)  During 2019, we will see more natural disasters which will affect millions of people. Weather related disasters are both caused by natural patterns and the effects of Climate Change/Global Warming. “Let those who have eyes to see, let them see. Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear. Let those who are blind, stay blind. Let those who are deaf, stay deaf.” These are famous words and referring to this time in history. Let there be no doubt here, weather is caused by human consciousness.  Climate Change is being caused by humans.  We will continue to have fights in the US about Climate Change, brought on by different people with different political agendas, rather than the science being questionable, which it is not.

The overall weather throughout the world will help bring greater flooding in the southern Asian nations, colder weather in Russia, erratic temperatures and erratic rainfall in Europe, and destructive drought and extreme heat without rain in the Midwest of the US.

In the US, more extreme temperatures will be experienced and the stamina of the people struggling with these effects will weaken due to growing tiredness and discouragement from the onslaught of damaging weather. The fires in California in 2018 are only a forerunner for the heat that will enter into the Rocky Mountains, and eventually potentially turning the Midwest into scorched land. The day is coming that the Midwest will see hotter temperatures than it has ever seen – drying up the land and making it unable or extremely difficult to grow crops. While not all of this will manifest in 2019, it will begin in 2019, and will eventually move towards that, on through the next 7 years with the very worst of it being 2025 before relief comes in the form of temporary better weather.  [PRAYERS CAN CHANGE THIS!]

Europe’s problems with Climate Change will grow, as well. The weather will bring greater amounts of rain throughout most regions – causing more flooding in various areas. The winters will be colder, in general, through central Europe. In 2019, Europe will face these changes, but this pattern will become regular from now on. There will be no year that Europe will not continue with this scenario when comparing it to the past decades. Europe’s growing seasons will be affected, and it will take several years to adapt the agriculture industry to the changes in weather. The weather changes are here and will remain with the next few generations of people through this century. This will create greater yearly demands for energy during the winter months.

Asia, in 2019, will begin to see regular yearly massive weather systems which will do massive damage to distinct yet massive areas of the continent. We, in the US, will hear about some of this via reporting the news, but many of the people of Asia will be going through devastating weather. By many, I see mostly rural areas being affected long-term in Asia as opposed to urban areas, because cities tend to have collective systems and structures in place to recover from the weather related disasters quicker, while rural residents have less collective support and structure helping to recover. Mountainous regions, in general, will be very much affected – with many large mudslides related to more rain than normal, and news of these will be heard around the world – because some will be great in size.

[For specific areas of the US, or other countries, please ask in the comments section.  And don’t forget, you can let others know about this blog article, too.]

“The Infinite Consciousness of the Heart of God is completely and fully aware of all things in our life. There are no surprises to Infinite Consciousness, and there are no factors which could ever separate us from God’s Infinite readiness to help.” The Rainbow Cards

Natural Disasters:

With regards to natural disasters, the years 2019 and 2020 will have a greater than average share of natural disasters – volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. I consider these effects on humanity to be different than man-made or economic disasters, like recession (which is slowly beginning,) war, and erratic, non-stable economies.

We will enter into 2019 with open eyes, watching for disasters, and on the whole, they will continue happening in South America – where they already are happening, the Pacific Rim will have a mixture of earthquakes and volcanic activity, Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean. I see fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2019 only, and the larger ones (right now I’m seeing this) will not threaten the US much.  I see two (1 larger and 1 smaller) storms which will come into the Southeastern states of the US – Florida, Georgian, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina: mostly rain affecting these states. Right now, what I’m seeing is that they are not as destructive as the last 2 years have been.  While there will be concern, I don’t see the same amount of danger happening in these states.

There will be some natural disasters outside of these examples, but I’m not yet identifying their locations. I see small storms (compared to large hurricanes) come into or rather build within the Gulf of Mexico.  One may develop into a tropical storm.

Every area of the planet and all people of the planet will be affected by Climate change and natural disasters. The smoke from fires, the ash from volcanoes, the mosquitoes from flooding, as well as drought causing some agriculture failures. These affect everyone – even those people and life not in the area of the destruction.  People will adapt somewhat. Wildlife and ‘nature’ will not adapt in the same way and much damage will come.  Extinctions will happen.

In 2019, Puerto Rico is not a target for another hurricane, but I do see storms which will bring much rain. The Caribbean areas will also have a year similar to the last 3 years. I see 3-4 storms. There is a chance they won’t develop into large hurricanes. HOWEVER, if any develop into hurricanes, I can see 1 grow to a category 2-3 while in that area. I’ve mentioned this possibility before, and I still see it going north of Puerto Rico. At this time, I still see 1 storm hitting Puerto Rico in 3 years, possibly in 2 years, but it won’t be equal to Maria in 2017. Even though it can be easy to dismiss the statement about praying, prayers can, will, and do truly help to change destructive weather. The more prayers and meditations for this purpose, the more change. The more Light we bring in, the more change happens.  Whether believed or not, weather is a manifestation of human consciousness and it can be changed by human consciousness.

“Faith unused does nothing.” The Rainbow Cards


Around the world, even more advances will happen in medicine. In some parts of the world, these advances will reach people – Europe especially. In 2019, the health care industry in the US, will offer no solutions to the erratic state of health care in the US. Financial devastation will still happen to some people. Many will be looking towards Alternative Healing Methods in order to find hope and help. While Alternative Healing Methods are derided and criticized – and sought to be shut out of being used, because they are anecdotally helpful, they will continue to be suggested and noted via the Internet. The pharmaceutical corporations will continue to lobby against Alternative Healing Methods, and in 2019, we will see their efforts increase with much media and online statements intending to turn people away from Alternative Healing Methods and make them illegal. In the US, the pharmaceutical corporations will seek to spread this “war”. (It is an effort to eradicate use of Alternative Methods, so I use the term “war”.) They will try to further this agenda in Europe, Canada and some East Asian nations. Their efforts in Mexico and East Asian nations will not be successful because their influence cannot reach the different consciousnesses of the peoples. But, in the US, fear will be generated by the Pharma. Corps. and this will effect the consciousness in general.

Still, the Alternative Healing cottage industry and the presence of Alternative Methods information on the Internet will continue to be present. Anecdotal information – information people share of their own experiences with certain healing methods or ingredients – will continue to influence the trying of Alt. Healing Methods. The Pharmaceutical information against non-pharmaceutical treatments will be meant to cause fear, and dissuade people away from them. It will succeed in some measure. An individual’s own effort at studying and researching healing methods will be the strongest force against the fear-based information onslaught. The interesting result will be several things – more and more Americans will look to Canada as a source of Medical Treatments, those informed more thoroughly with Alternative Medicine will grow a stronger and more entrenched base of people seeking to further it, and over time the reputations of the Pharmaceutical Corporations will suffer from being recognized as fostering misinformation and fear. Many doctors will work to help bring truthful information to the public. The struggle with health care in the US will continue for many decades, yet. I don’t see medicare for all happening in this decade even though support for it will grow. I see some changes to who qualifies being changed in the next decade, though, but not until after 2026.

Tremendous medical research discoveries will happen in the next 8 years. The treatment of childhood diabetes will make great strides over the next 5 years and will see magnificent treatments come forth. For 2019, I’m seeing a little bit of advances in the treatment of Alzheimers. Some medications will slow it down.  The effort to continue to raise prices of medicine treatments will continue, while the public push back will also continue. Pressure from the people can bring about better options.

With a change in elected officials, the ACA will continue, but there are still ways in which wrenches can still be thrown into the gears.  There will be efforts in the House of R. to make some changes to make it better, but the path to passing such a bill in the Senate and the president signing it, is “uphill”.  For the most part, there will not be any major changes to it in 2019.

“What we, personally, believe in, with the Infinite Consciousness of God, begins our opening to Infinite Possibilities.  What we, personally don’t believe in, limits only our-self. It doesn’t limit others, the truth or the Infinite Consciousness of God. ” The Rainbow Cards


In 2019, Cholera will begin to spread in a few areas of the planet, that are affected by natural disasters, including Asian nations and Cholera will increase somewhat over the next 7 years to come. There will be small outbreaks with other diseases in South American because of the massive rural destruction from weather related disasters PLUS diseases coming from (of all things), deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. There will be new evolved/mutated diseases coming from the Rainforest itself. No amount of destruction of the Rainforest would stop it. The natural life in those particular regions of the Amazon Rainforest have adapted to the evolved/mutated diseases and humans not native to the regions will contract the new diseases.

China will be hit with outbreaks of diseases in particular areas, but we won’t hear about them here in the west. In general, they won’t threaten large numbers of people outside China. They have the ability to eventually handle these outbreaks, but many lives will be lost.  In the west, the CDC will be strained from the work they will have over the next 7 years.

Ebola will not be eradicated, and will continue to be present in a few areas of Africa for years to come (with some of it moving north). Many other diseases will be faced because of the disasters which are coming. Dysentery will be one of those diseases coming from disasters.

The conflicts in the US over vaccinating children will continue for many years yet, because of the distrust of the US money driven health care system, – a system of treatments based on whether you have money to pay, rather than one based on care for the individual, distrust of the vaccine manufacturers, as well as a persistent distrust of the general medical profession’s attitude that doctors always know what’s right, and research which points to better protocols needing to be examined for use.  (Somewhat related to this – The US has an extremely hard lesson to learn: learning that trusting money more than trusting the heart will lead to serious problems of all kinds – problems which can eventually end the existence of the US as we know it. This can contribute to the US changing its structure in the 23rd century with the US split into 3 or 4 different countries with separate governments.)

Meanwhile, I’m seeing several medical progress announcements being made in 2019, but I’m not yet able to identify which diseases or medical issues they will be announcing about.  One major one will be this spring, with another announcement happening in July.

“Hell is not forever and ever, amen. God is the way out of hell – amen.” The Rainbow Cards

Spiritual Experiences and Spiritual Connections:

We will see more spiritual seeking in the latter part of 2019. “We will see more” refers to media attention and Internet information on individual experiences rather than great groups of people opening to spirituality. The true spiritual journey happens on the individual level, not on the group level.  While this will NOT be a widespread movement, this will begin a process of slow, more often, reporting of individual stories that help to open individual people’s minds and thoughts to spiritual involvement in everyday life. Over the next 7 years, during these “some of the most difficult” times for humanity, there will be many other stories of spiritual experiences and connections which will spread throughout the communication methods (Internet, media, etc.)

“The heaven or hell we have destined for our-self, is the heaven or hell which we create for others.” The Rainbow Cards


2019 will start January with political hope for Democrats and those who elected them. The Republicans will be working to solidify their bases. Except for introductory announcements in January, around mid-Feb (13th?) the public will hear about Congressional plans – The Democrat’s plans for putting forth legislation and Congressional investigations, and Republican’s plans for fighting them all the way. Mid-Feb through March will begin the process of conflict. The conflict will be loud, and this wave of conflict will continue through into the summer. Meanwhile, other investigations will begin in the spring, building up through into the fall. President Trump will face political challenges, but not yet serious enough to threaten his presidency, until the Fall when serious threats and challenges are then appearing. Whether we are pro-Trump or anti-Trump, and while the questions will come up as to the future, I do see Donald Trump as the President still, at the end of 2019. Some will be happy about this, some will not.

The public will see a few more governmental positions change around mid-Jan & Feb (2019), early spring, then again at the end of summer. These will not be top positions, but a few (what I consider) “2nd tier” positions.

This is another year which will shift both political parties’ directions away from Trump in 2020. The Democrats will feel emboldened. The Republicans will begin to resign themselves to the inevitable – run someone else or lose to the Democrats. 2019 will have many candidates announce themselves as running for the US President in 2020. Republican candidates will begin to announce themselves throughout the Spring. Lindsay Graham will be one of them and Mitt Romney possibly. Three other Republican Senators will also announce they will run. I see eventually about 4-5 Republicans seriously running to replace President Trump. I see a slew of Democrats – 14-15 that will announce their candidacy. Senators and House Representatives, and three women candidates announcing. I do NOT see Hillary Clinton running again although the question will be coming up for her and her supporters. I will not state in this article what I see as potential outcomes at this time.  I have stated in other public readings what I see for 2020’s elections.

I see many people considering there to be very serious information and testimony which has yet to be made public in the reports from those investigations happening. They consider the allegations to be valid and serious.  The investigations will not be considered frivolous.  The information revealed will shift Republican support to having a new 2020 candidate.  However, the Republican Party will have two factions – 1 faction for Trump continuing to be the 2020 candidate, mostly from his base, and 1 faction for a new candidate, mostly from the Republicans in Congress.

I’ve already mentioned much about what I see regarding the person who will be our next President. I have mentioned in several places that Donald Trump will be a 1-term president. I also had mentioned that if Hillary Clinton had won, she also would have been a 1-term president.

In 2019, little progress beyond saying nice words, will happen between China and the US. Tariffs will continue. The hidden reason and use for them by both sides is as a method of punishment. In 2019, the current relationship the US has with North Korea won’t get better, but it won’t get much worse, either. There will be posturing and “surface” challenging words, but this is more for show on both sides.

Most information coming forth regarding the Russian government will be about how the Russian government is involved with political situations and arenas in the nations surrounding Russia.  The Russian government will prove to be very active in world politics, involving themselves in ways on the world front.   This is an effort to control more countries, as the Soviet Union did.  Meanwhile, the Russian people are facing entering into more difficult times for them, with 2019 the beginning of more difficult economic times in the years ahead.  While the Russian people are used to hard times, in general, the Climate Change, in the next 6 years for them will bring disasters in Russia which no one could have imagined, and they will not easily be ready for.   Fortunately, these won’t be in every year.  Prayers are needed for the people of Russia and of Asia.

In 2019, the US and Canada relationship will be strained again by President Trump’s criticism. I see the Canadian government more acting to stay quiet and not contribute to more conflict – staying back mostly from engaging in return criticism.

In 2019, immigration policy problems will continue, and April/May will see a rise in media attention surrounding legal proceedings. However, attention to this will diminish as we move into Summer. As summer ends, then all media will be focused on what comes out of the investigations on through the end of 2019. I do see construction begin on a border wall, but then I see it abandoned – not from lack of money, but from lack of political will/support. If things continue as I see now, I do not see a border wall being completed.

I see more US businesses individually planning actions for addressing Climate Change, much in line with the Paris Agreement. I also see the US returning to the Paris Agreement after the new president is in office in 2021. (Not in 2019, though). Little change will happen in 2019 regarding the US place in the Paris Agreement. 2019 will also be another year where a huge amount of political news will take center stage.

“For others, pray not against others’ freewill, against others’ right to choose for their own life. Instead, pray that God’s presence, love and energy, be with them, surround them and bless them, more and more every day, so they might draw from God when the time comes that they make decisions for their life.” The Rainbow Cards

The US Economy:

In the Spring, 2019, and some after then, because of the greater political upheavals, the Stock Markets are going to react with erratic spikes, both up and down. This intermittent spiking will continue through at different times of the year – end of March to April, midsummer, 1st half of October. I don’t see it being as bad as we’ve seen recently (Dec, 2018), but it will happen too often for people to feel confidence. This Wall Street instability will influence the larger corporations to pull back on risk-taking. There will be mostly a desire to “play it safe” and not expand. Small businesses, in general, won’t immediately feel a drop in business, but over time in 2019, the slow down will start to be felt. Recessions are coming, but 2019 will only show some unmistakable evidence of this during the 2nd half of the year. When we move into the 2020s, we will be entering into a time of several years that a recession will develop, ultimately to 2023/2024.

“Forgiveness is letting go of our need to have others suffer.” The Rainbow Cards


I see more “grass roots” efforts to move away from fossil fuel derived energy. This will be done by smaller energy companies rather than large nation-wide efforts. I see alternative energy businesses continue to do well.  Consider these to invest in.  Whether popular or not, electric cars are the future.  Whether electric cars are selling right now or not, electric cars are the future.  Innovations in the next few decades will bring this about.

Problems in the Middle East will escalate.  Watch for this during May, June and July.

While not readily known, the Pope’s health will keep him home.  If he chooses to travel for humanitarian meetings and causes, his health will take a downturn and it won’t remain hidden from the public.

In 2019, Facebook will run into more trouble with more announcements of customer information being “allowed” to go to outside interests. Watch for this at the beginning of the summer.

In 2019, as I mentioned in many prediction pages before, I still see local involvement and community involvement being the strongest and most productive place for efforts where people can help each other, as opposed to Federal efforts. It will be local connections and local communities where the real work gets done to help people’s lives.

The reason that psychics are announcing what we’re seeing for the future is because we are facing some of the worst of the difficulties – economic and natural disasters – that people of Earth are going to go through from 2019-2026. We will slooooooowwwwwllllyyyyyy begin to come out of the difficult times in 2026-2027 to the mid-2030s and afterwards. Here at the beginning of 2019, we have not seen the worst of it.

There will NOT be a planetary breakdown in society and nations. This will not be what happens. Societies around the world did not breakdown during the Great Depression or during WW2, but during WW2, in some unique places (not all places) in the Earth, because of unique circumstances and unique politics in certain places, living individual and community-based lives became harmful and deadly for those unique places.

We can have a positive perspective of these times if we base that positive perspective on an attitude of fortitude, determination, helpful cooperation, friendship, and brotherhood. We will see many positive local community endeavors helping people.  We are a resilient species, and we’ve been through equally difficult times in our history, coming out the other end with greater understanding and higher levels of strength and ability to forge new ways into the future.

“We can be among the very last to follow the old ways of thinking and living of the past, or we can be among the very first to forge new ways of thinking and living for the future.” The Rainbow Cards


If you have any questions related to these predictions which would serve to clarify or expand on an item, please post them in the comments, and I will add the answers to this document.

If you think this article has been helpful and informative, please, pass the Internet address of this article on to anyone whom you think would be interested, this includes social media sites.  Thank you.

If you wish to make a donation to the Animal Rescue Efforts, go to the GoFundMe notice located in the right hand column.   Even though everyone says it, it’s still true – your financial support is helpful and very much appreciated.  Thank you.


The world gets better when any of us says, “I’m willing to try – to see what I can do to help.” Not when we say, “YOU didn’t do enough.” The Rainbow Cards


Questions, Comments and Additions

Added January 6, 2019

  1. In 2020, a change to the Presidency is possible, and could grow more probable as 2020 progresses.  If Donald Trump is caused to leave office early, or removed from being active, Mike Pence takes over as possibly “Vice-President as Acting-President”. He would make full use of the opportunity.  Some would be happy about this, some would not.
  2. “Can you elaborate more on the statement, “Problems in the Middle East will escalate. Watch for this during May, June and July.”? … Thank you.”  D.M.
    I’m seeing many more problems and increasing heated verbal battles regarding Saudi Arabia.  This will be like a pot boiling over.  Increasing conflict will continue to rise with the worst beginning around this spring.  There may be less media information, but some of the backlash within and with S. A. will be hidden from the outside world.  Some of the push back actions from the S. A. government will be hidden from the public.
  3. “I finished reading your 2019 predictions. In them you mention that you’ve discussed the results of the 2020 elections in other postings, but I don’t recall seeing this information, except in your reading shortly after the 2016 elections. Could you elaborate on what you see for the 2020 presidential elections? Thanks!” L.
    Yes, I go into some detail in the audio file of the 2016 elections reading.  There is more information there, so I’m just going to refer you to that, right now.  You can also check out the right hand column section of “Categories” where I list the “Presidency/Politics” category.  I’ll go into detail on the 2020 elections in the 2020 predictions.  I will say that we’ll see the campaigning start ramping up this spring and right before summer arrives.  We’ll then see the field of Democratic candidates.
  4. “What will happen to the Kurds?” E. B.
    The Kurds, as well as many other groups of people around the world, will continue to suffer from the actions of others and other governments.  The late spring and early summer months will be especially difficult times for the Kurds, specifically.  Their lives are another example of people who need help from those who are willing to help.  We have seen many human examples of mass cultural suffering and sorrow throughout the 20th century and now in the 21st.  Pray for the Kurds, also, because all prayers that go out for them will help these people in some way.
  5. (Added Feb 4, 2019) Now, I’ve read your psychic predictions for 2019 with high interest. You mention “Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean”. In this context, as I’m living at the outskirts of Tokyo, what can you see in particular for Japan? Many thanks in advance! L.P.
    As of today, in 2019, I do see the southern half of Japan most affected by storms, but not taking a direct hit from any Typhoon.  However, this can change, as I see potential (potential only) for a small but major storm which could move across Japan.  This would be between April and June.  I do see that the affect on the southern half of Japan will be enough to be very alert to dangers.  The main force of the storms will go into China and more southerly.  In the last 5 months of 2019, I see a possible 3 typhoon/storms for the Pacific Ocean, but the path being south of Japan (with 1 possibly going north of Japan.)  The southerly path puts the Philippines in danger with a real possibility of taking another direct hit.


“We live each day with the choice to pray, to love, to show mercy and compassion towards others for their own sake, knowing inside our very soul that these things are worthwhile, and are needed in a weary, weary world in order to bring that world out of the manifestation of those destructive acts which we created lifetimes ago, yet haven’t yet healed.
We can heal [destructive] events like the one in Las Vegas, before it happens. We have already done so much healing. Events destined to manifest, have been dissolved and healed, [never to happen]. We need only keep on keeping on with this work.” (Excerpt from “Las Vegas Horror”)


“Psychic Predictions for 2019” and “Revelations, Today” articles- Prologue

I am presenting 2 articles here, and I will be charging a fee of $6.00 for accessing each of them.  This is different than how I usually offer articles.  I usually offer the beginning of the year “Psychic Predictions” article free.  I am raising funds for the Animal Rescue Efforts to cover rising vet costs, medicines, food, and costs related to this effort.  These two articles are unique compared to my other blog articles.  Both articles are password protected.  The first article is “Psychic Predictions for 2019” and it is posted below this one.  I hope to have the second article, “Revelations, Today” by Jan 7, 2019.  For both articles, I will answer questions to clarify or gain more information, and post the answers at the end of the password protected articles.

Some of you will not consider this information to be something for which you would want to pay a fee.
I understand.  (Regrettably, I will not offer refunds.)


A preview of the first few paragraphs:

Psychic Predictions for 2019

“2019 is going to be a somewhat more difficult year for most people, and I’m not going to hold back in what I write in this article. There are disasters and there are positives. 2019 by itself will not be a painfully more difficult year for everyone, but everyone will be affected by different items I mention. It is one of the 2 remaining years which are moving us deeper into the darker, low vibration energy/manifestations. These low-vibration energy manifestations will be recognized by disasters both human-derived and natural. By “moving us deeper”, I mean the beginning of the years will be better than the end of the years for many people and life, in general, in our world – in many ways.

I will mention FIRST, that prayers and meditations for the goodwill for all people and the well-being for all life, are that which will strengthen the Spirit and Energy of the Family of Man and all life, if and when we’re willing to demonstrate the Light through demonstrating and sharing Love, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Encouragement, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Support, and more (flowing through ourselves) – and for all life on this planet – especially during this time. Prayers for all life will absolutely help all life. Absolutely – as in ‘absolute help’ – real help – to persevere through these coming times and experiences.

Humanity won’t easily see the difference between the two possible futures – with prayers vs. without prayers, (a few will), but changes happen when one’s heart is the source of prayers and the sending of Light – for the goodwill and well-being of all life. Why for “the goodwill and well-being of all life”?  Because this prayer will have the strongest impact on humanity, all of nature, and the future. The predictions I speak of here are drastic to some parts of the planet. They will affect, to greater or lesser degrees, all of the planet. While many people’s lives will be minimally impacted, many people’s lives will be greatly impacted. The news is already reporting regular disasters, both natural and man-made, which are affecting people in a wide variety of places – sometimes places which are surprising. . . . ”


Within the reading, I share what I see on the national and international political scene, world weather predictions, the economy, immigration issues, medicine and health care, natural disasters and more.  Again, I will answer questions to clarify or gain more information, and then post the question and information at the end of the article.

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Thank you to all of you who may be interested.

Mid-term Election Results Question

I was wondering what you thought about Democrats retaking control of the House.  N.F.

There are many levels and aspects to this event.  Some aspects are progressive and some are regressive.

It is progressive in that it can help people to witness the strength and accomplishments which come from joining together.  When we join, we become strong.  When we find common ground, when we seek to “meet in the middle”, we can accomplish much more than we would even imagine.  When we seek to cooperate with each other, we can accomplish so much more.

It is regressive, in that the win moves people to believe that politics, or rather what some think of as “the right politics” and “the right people” can save the world.  This isn’t a truth, because the real issue is not who is the correct person to elect, or what is the better political party, but rather, what is in the hearts and minds of the people that are seeking the positions?  Do they have the heart and mind to serve others, or is their heart and mind set to serve only a few.  This inner state can be in any person and in any political party.

In the Edgar Cayce readings is a statement pointing out a truth about human beings.  There is good in the worst of us, and there is bad in the best of us.  Every one of us humans has a burden to carry and a challenge of character within ourselves to face.

All of these points are relevant to the Democrats retaking control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 mid-term elections.  In this moment in time, very earnest people are looking at all the factors and issues related to humanity in the Earth.  Some are pointing out one set of issues and factors with which they are familiar, and some are pointing out the opposite set of issues and factors with which they are familiar.

This event can be compared to Jesus standing in front of Pontius Pilate and saying, “You have authority… because God gave it to you.”  The question then for everyone chosen is “Now, what are you going to do with this authority?”

Everyone deserves a chance to throw their hat in the ring, and see if they can help make the world a better place than when they came into it.  The diversity of opinions and thought which we have and which shows itself in the political arena in the US, offers the potential for much greater to be accomplished than if we all thought and believed the same way.

Pity the nation, organization or group where all its citizens or members believed exactly the same way.  No growth would happen.  No challenging of ideas would happen.  No deeper examinations would happen.  No one would look beyond the surface beliefs and understanding.  No one would expand on the single ideas that would be in place.  No evolution, no questioning and no creative inspiration would ever take place.

While we may hold to one political party or the other, for every member of the Democrat Party, there is an inner Republican within them.  For every member of the Republican Party, there is an inner Democrat within them.  Yes, sometimes these are unconscious even to ourselves, but existing nevertheless.  For every Yin, there is an inner Yang.  For every Yang, there is an inner Yin. For every male, there is an inner feminine and for every woman, there is an inner masculine.  There is no getting around this.  It is the truth of consciousness for all life.  The Infinite Spirit of the God has both masculine and feminine, and this spirit exists in the same way within us all regardless of which visible form we demonstrate.

Finally, we are at a time where there are important issues in this moment.  I see a need for the people who elected Democrats as their representatives to also join in on the pursuing of the ideas and ideals that are sought to come forth.  Ultimately, progressive ideas will only come from effort by the citizens who manifest their effort – and not by the elected officials alone.  450 or so people can’t affect the US by themselves that much, but 300,000,000 can.  It is the spirit within the 300,000,000 (even if that spirit is in disagreement) as to where the 450 get their direction and strength.

What do I think?  I think and I see that we have the opportunity to choose selfishness or unselfishness – benefits for all people or benefits for only a few.  All of us have both selfishness and unselfishness within us, and we have the freewill to act on one of the other.  A change in direction can come, but only if there is effort by the people of this country to pursue change.  It won’t be quick and it won’t be without battles that show themselves in the media, but no failure will come to those who are determined enough to succeed.  And cooperation is a spiritual quality.


“We can be among the first ones to lead the new ways into the future, or we can be among the last ones to follow the old ways of the past.” (The Rainbow Cards, 2007-2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“The more prayer and meditation, the more God.  The more God, the less war in all its forms.” (The Rainbow Cards, 2007-2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We think of God as being on the outside of us, hoping to get in, when in truth, all along, God has been on the inside of us, trying to come out.” (The Rainbow Cards, 2008-2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

Politics !

We’re right in the thick of it. And it has become more serious for many people in today’s times than it has been ever before. There is a spiritual factor unseen in the world, which also is having an influence. But, the spiritual factor is not what one might assume right off.

From the Spiritual perspective, everything requires looking “deeper into the waters” to understand the fullness of the circumstances and happenings in the world. If we only see things “as we always see things”, we are looking at the surface of circumstances. Rarely does the surface give any clues to what is in the depths where the spiritual forces and influences reside.

To begin with, anyone who has listened to my Nov. 2016 election reading which I’ve made available free of charge, here on the blogsite, knows that, contrary to popular beliefs and feelings right or left, “Things are happening the way they’re supposed to happen.”

How can I say this? I say this in this same way that Christ said to Pontuis Pilate as Christ stood waiting for his fate, “You have authority over me, because God gave it to you.”

This is true today just as much as 2000 years ago. The challenge then put to Pontius Pilate as it is put to all of us given authority or power of any kind – “Now, what are you going to do with this authority?”

All souls are given their turn to pursue that which they believe is their opportunity. This means that God holds no soul as more or less deserving to have a chance to pursue Earthly positions of authority or power. Everyone gets their chance – not all in the same lifetime – but, whether in a past life, the present or a future life, at some point, our turn comes up.

Because we tend to see the quality of work others do, and in turn, think we can do a better job, we put it in our soul to pursue “doing that better job”. Whether we’ve built a spiritual foundation within our hearts determines how we do in our turn.  By spiritual foundation, I mean living from that place which can never be touched by politics – the place from within us in which loving kindness, compassion, patience, forgiveness, mercy, understanding, brotherhood, gentleness, honesty, charity, and other fruits of the spirit come.

This spiritual foundation is based on Unselfishness at the deepest core within our very soul – the part of our soul that stands in front of the face of God and says whether we’re ready or not to move forward. We can choose to speak the truth to God of our readiness and desire, and in doing so, speak the truth to ourselves, or we can choose to lie to God and in doing so lie to ourselves.

FYI, God accepts our choice to lie and does not punish us for lying to God or to ourselves. This is because we have the opportunity then to learn from the results of our lying for ourselves. The saying, “God punishes souls by giving them what they want” plays out in this circumstance, although it’s not really punishment and in truth, comes from our own chosen actions.

This is relevant to politics in some obvious ways and some hidden ways. Politics is mostly a 3rd chakra arena – win/lose, fight/flight, control/controlled, and the like. Service for others, however, begins a movement into the 4th chakra. So, there is a potential for blending of the two chakras.

The individual ideals which we hold at the center of our journey into politics can guide us into either focusing on our 4th chakra energy or reverting back into our 3rd chakra energy.

Although politics tends to be viewed as one side against the other side, there are some that view it as trying to find ways to try to bring both sides together. Our ability to step back and observe our self determines which of these two is our self. Is there a middle ground we can meet in?

Some of us hold on to the “us vs. them” paradigm all the way through, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Bible tells us, “Agree with thine adversary quickly.” This is because of the principles of perception – that we only know our own experiences – having only walked in our own shoes 24/7, 365 days a year for our entire life. We’ve never experienced living anyone else’s life.

This is why that “other” person’s experiences which has led them to develop their own particular paradigm, are relevant and worthy of being considered, and in turn, be recognized as having been learned – FOR THEM – with they having walked in their own shoes all their life. This is how others can “be right” and yet be 180 degrees opposite of our own “being right”.

We gain a “knowing” of our experiences and learning by walking in our own shoes. The other person gains a “knowing” of their experiences and learning by walking in their own shoes. It is the way of things. The heads side of the coin will never be the tail side of the coin and vice versa. But, yet, there is a way to bring both sides of the coin together.

All souls are valid in our path of learning. All of our paths are different and will teach us many different things. We value what we’ve learned more than what we haven’t yet learned, because we “know” it, and in the “knowing” of it, also know it is worthwhile to have learned it.

Christ’s words, “What does it benefit us to gain all we want if we lose our soul in the process?” are relevant in politics. There is a lot of “wanting” and “gain” and “us vs. them” in politics. The challenge is to pursue what we seek, but learn how to stay in the 4th chakra with regards to what we pursue, and hold on to that which is the most important factor involved in this arena – that quality and energy held within the 4th chakra.

As voters rather than someone running for office, our unselfish service can come in the form of praying for others, including our elected officials, or letting go of the “us vs. them” paradigm, while holding on to the awareness that our brotherhood/sisterhood/human-hood is more important than what we seek to gain in the 3rd chakra arena of politics. When we move into the 4th chakra, we move into an arena of service. We can then recognize that with this level of service, everybody can win, because we’re “all in this world together”. In turn, being aware that each opposing “side” holds only 1 part of the whole, and is not the whole by itself.

We have a lot to learn being human. Having walked in our own shoes in life, we have gained an understanding, and can share what we’ve gained, but there are so many other souls’ shoes we haven’t walked in, and can only gain that understanding when we listen to others share the stories of their walking in their own shoes.

PS.  Let there be no mistake – this takes a lot of work – to return ourselves to our spiritual center over and over, each time we stumble and close off our 4th chakra to those “others”.  But, each time we work to stay on or return to our spiritual path – to stay open to all life, we can feel our own return to our path and understand the importance of our efforts.  It is these efforts which will change the world far beyond anything politics can ever offer.


“The Infinite Spirit of Infinite Love, Kindness, Togetherness and Understanding, in other words, – God – can accomplish more in any open hearts and minds of people, than any politician ever could.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Christ never condemned any government or person in authority.  He condemned people who said one thing but did another.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“What is worse, being someone whom others judge, condemn and criticize? or being the person that judges, condemns and criticizes others?” (The Rainbow Cards, 2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

Prayers are Needed

The current world events news includes many stories about what on going on across the Pacific Ocean. There are efforts to bring long disconnected “family” members back together. These efforts need our prayers. There is much “self-serving” going on with all players. Not all of the agendas are seeking peace. But, our prayers can bring about changes which can be helpful to the world in ways others haven’t yet learned. This month of May is a very significant month and will bring surprises – some helpful, but not all of them good. Again, our prayers can be a powerful force for good. Our prayers can and will add another dimension to the related events.


“The real truth of the world we live in vs. our perspectives and understanding of the world we live in – are worlds apart.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God’s presence is strengthened in the lives of those prayed for.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Prayer can change things.  The more prayer, the more change.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

Protected: “2018- Looking Ahead and Going Within” Audio Recordings

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Postponed: New Year’s Eve 24-hour Retreat – “2018: Looking Ahead, Going Within”

Due to worsening weather and a possibility of freezing rain in some parts of central Texas causing possible dangerous driving conditions, and other potential problems, I’m postponing this retreat until a later date. Some of our attendees have long distances to drive. Attending a retreat should not be an endurance test or a gauntlet…. (and for the most part ‘yes’, but I was still hoping.)

2018: Looking Ahead, Going Within
Dec 31, 2017 to Jan 1, 2018:

From Sunday morning, Dec. 31, 2017 to Monday afternoon, Jan 1, 2017, please join myself and others gathering for the purpose of discussion and meditation for the new year – 2018.  Many happenings are being foreseen for 2018 as well as the future years, and I will offer several sessions discussing this. We will also have silent and guided meditations including a meditation joining others around the world.  We will bring in higher energy to help begin 2018.

“2018: Looking Ahead, Going Within” is a smaller ‘24-hour’ event.  Hopefully, it can be the 1st event of some small, quick, and easy-access events.  This event has one overnight.  The sleeping over for one night allows for a later Q&A session, group gatherings, and planning a midnight meditation (Edgar Cayce recommended 2am being the ideal time, but that’s hard to do.)  For those interested, overnight dream incubation covering 2018 will be included.  Discussion of dreams will happen the 2nd day.  (Sharing a dream is up to the dreamer and never required.)

24 hours is quick.  Because of this, Camp Capers costs (for meals and overnight) can be minimal with easy access to San Antonio, Austin, Blanco, Kerrville, Fredericksburg and nearby areas.  Still, the concentration of the program might make the time intense.  Because it is shorter, we can relax some, but we will still have a scheduled itinerary.  In addition, if another person would like to present something about 2018 at this 1st event, please come forth.  So, there are possibilities.

Registration deadline has passed, but it’s still possible to register and attend.  To register, send an email to me at  I need the number of people, the number of people per meals each desires, and your choice of rooms/beds.  By Dec 15th, Camp Capers required (A) the best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) the best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.  Credit cards can only be accepted through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register, send an email with your information to  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal, and you do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal login page, BUT scroll down and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

Information needed in email:
1.    Overnight? Or 1-day?    [$40 overnight or $25/day]
2.    Which room you prefer?  If all the H.S. rooms are taken, you’ll be assigned into a bunkhouse. [Health Services rooms (4 rooms total) with 2 single beds per room @ $62/$52 or the Bunkhouses with many beds/room @ $31]  (When the day comes, there might be a few of the Lodge rooms available at $83/$72.  I’ll let you know when you arrive.)
3.    Which meals you want?   [Lu-$13, Di-$15, Br-$10, Lu-$13]
No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU DO, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people to prepare for.)

Itinerary (subject to change)

Sunday, December 31, 2017

11am -12 noon:     Check-in near the main office.

12-1:30p:        Lunch, getting settled & check out Camp Capers

1:30-2pm:         Introduction to the “24-hour event” model.

2-5 pm:        Program with Jodie Senkyrik
2pm: Presentation about Meditation with others around the world, with meditation; 3:30 – Looking ahead to 2018, discussion about relevant related topics.  Includes several short breaks to stretch.

5 or 5:30pm (TBD)    Dinner

7-9pm            Evening Program “This Moment in Time on Our Spiritual Path/Evolution” including a dream quest for overnight – either asking “What can I do?” or “What is my next step? Or “How do I serve this time?” or any other dream request.

10-11:45pm        Late Program (Q&A)

11:45-12:15pm    2017/2018: Transition Meditation

Monday, January 1, 2018

8 or 8:30am (TBD)    Breakfast

9:30-12 noon        Morning Program (Dream discussion, the role of intuition and psychic experiences; practicing our spiritual nature; more Q & A on 2018)

12-1:30pm        Lunch & free time

1:30 -3pm        Final Meditation, Q&A Discussion and End.  “What do we do with our beliefs?”


For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

Related links:

What information did I leave out?  What questions did I not answer about the retreat?