Psychic Predictions for 2020 (!)

[Originally posted with password protection on Dec. 30, 2019]

[Do go back and reread the 2019 Predictions because I also do put “post-2019” predictions – more than just that particular year – in with the 2019 predictions.]

Do read the previous blog article, Preface to the Psychic Predictions for 2020, which gives much of the overview of 2020, and the 2020’s decade.

A Spiritual Warning Label for Politics

Politics is on A LOT of people’s minds – not just in the U.S., but all over the world.   AND…. No nation is an island all to itself.   The choices all humans on this Earth make, the beliefs all people select for themselves to believe, the actions all individuals everywhere select to carry out – do indeed affect the entire world and all people on it.

With regards to politics, politics is an adrenaline arena (the 3rd Chakra) in which being involved in, and expressing our political views and opinions about, we tend to get engrossed and pumped with adrenaline.  Yet, we could get “our senses” back if we understand more about this factor.  Jesus gave us a guideline for our involvement when He said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, but render unto God, that which is God’s”.  This statement has relevance to this particular arena of Chakras.

Politics is a THIRD Chakra involvement – fight or flight, conflict, us vs. them, the sports arenas – fear, anxiety, and aggression.  It is in the realm of duality.  Having experienced any of these descriptions, and having been caught up in our own tug-of-war, when we take a step back and breathe, catching ourselves, we can understand then what it’s like for all other humans to walk in the shoes of being caught up in this, as well.  Our own struggle and adrenaline-filled battle helps us to understand why others struggle and go after their adrenaline-filled battles.  Just how easy it is to jump back into the dominance of the 3rd Chakra experiences of politics is also just how easy it is for others to jump back into the dominance of the 3rd Chakra experience of politics.  Understand this.

Moving into the 4th Chakra is how to move out of the 3rd Chakra dominance.  As Jesus said, “Perfect love casts out fear.”  Moving into the Heart Chakra, the Chakra where Love resides and also Christ/God resides, helps us move out of the 3rd Chakra, the Chakra where Fear, Anxiety, Aggression, and the like, can reside.  Moving into the 4th Chakra brings back oneness and unity, where staying only in the 3rd Chakra builds duality and separation.

Therefore, Jesus’ statement above, also means “Render unto the 3rd Chakra, that which is the 3rd Chakra, but render unto the 4th Chakra, that which is the 4th Chakra.”  Render unto this political arena that which politics needs – involvement, but render unto ‘Loving God above all else and Loving our neighbor as our self’ that which ‘Loving God and each other’ then needs.  It is the second part of this which individuals forget.

And finally, it is written that even some of the elect will be misled.  It is important to pay heed to this statement.  Remember, the followers of Christ can be identified by their demonstration of living out the fruits of the Spirit – not by what a person would say or claim.  It is not that difficult to be misled.  Common sense, an open mind, and an open heart are also spiritual qualities.   And mankind will survive this coming decade because, and I repeat what the Edgar Cayce readings say, “There is good in the worst of us, and bad in the best of us.”   We are all human beings and all very similar in our capacity for being human in every sense of the word.

“Where there is willingness, there are ways. Where there is no willingness, there are no ways.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

And So We Begin

2020 Predictions related to U.S. Politics

The US Federal governmental political warring, which we’ve been witnessing so far, will escalate more in Nov/Dec of 2020 and will last for 6 years (added 9/9/2020: “and will include some pockets of violence.”) It will be a war of words, bitterness, and great animosity – a war that could end families and bring death to friendships.

It will be a long and drawn-out war filled with disrespect and contempt. People will walk the streets pretending that all is okay, and there is no problem with where things are. The Republicans will blame all disasters on the Democrats and the Democrats will consider the Republicans to be insane.  The chasm between people who claim to be one or the other will widen due to people individually choosing to see life as black and white, instead of “all colors in between” – the demonizing of the other person out of anger, bitterness and resentment.

SIDENOTE: Because, it is the responsibility of every soul to clean up our own messes made within this Earth from every past life…. And it is the responsibility of every soul, via living successive lives, to heal every injury and to fix everything we’ve individually broken from this and other past lives – including our relationships….  Some Democrats will try to fix their broken mistakes from past lives, and some Republicans will blame everything that’s broken on the Democrats.   And some Republicans will try to fix their broken mistakes from past lives, and some Democrats will blame that which is broken on Republicans.  This carries through elected officials, because it is within the voters’ souls to carry it through.

The path of healing can be guided from the statement:

“The only way to win this game is to not play.”  The only way to win at politics is to not participate in it from ONLY the 3rd Chakra consciousness but rather bring in the 4th Chakra and that which resides within the heart.  Remember that we are a diverse nation of people, and therefore, we value many diverse things of life.  Because we value many diverse things of life, we pursue making all these different things of life better.  With “not having the resources to save the “poor” [those with limited resources to make life better],” we are limited in how we make the world around us better.  But, we are not limited in how much kindness, mercy, patience and compassion which we can bring forth.  Our capacity for these fruits is Infinite.

This means stepping back out of the “fight or flight” 3rd Chakra-only battles.  This means stepping out of the sports arena – to let go of adding attacks, fear (added 9/9/2020: “and aggression”) to the world.  This means letting go of the need to win against another person – the battle of verbal and emotional abuse.  This also means letting go of the call to judge or shame another.

“The Earth is a reflection of humanity’s consciousness.

If we are abusive, we will abuse the Earth, as well. If we are in conflict with each other, we will be in conflict with the Earth, as well.

But, if we are kind to each other, we will be kind to the Earth, as well. If we show compassion to each other, we will show compassion to the Earth, as well” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


The adrenaline will begin with the Impeachment.  As expected, the Senate will not convict Donald Trump.  The months of January – March will be the most charged for this adrenaline-filled time and we’ll see it everywhere in the news and online until the Senate finishes their part.  This news arena will start the “primary races” which will begin in February – and from then until the Conventions in June, everyone will be actively commenting on “everything politics”.  Social media will be more active than even today.  There will be a steady high level of activity and much reporting on the political happenings as they happen.  This is to be expected, and easily foreseen by many.  You don’t need to be psychic to see this.

In the Democratic race, the current top 3 along with one more, will continue to be the four front runners throughout the primaries, leading up to the convention – Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.  Each will win their share of states.  I still continue to see a “white man” chosen as the presidential candidate and I see a woman chosen as vice president running mate.  I believe the woman could be Kamala Harris.  BUT, there is some fluctuation, yet.

If Donald Trump is the Republican Nominee, it is the Democratic nominee who will win in November.  I’ve seen this for many years, and it hasn’t changed  !!  There is a slim chance (3-6% out of 100) that a different Republican nominee could be selected, but at this time, it does look like Pres. Trump will be nominated, again.  I’ve always stated that the 2016 winner would be a 1-term president no matter who won.  I never seen anything changing this.  I also see the person going 2 terms – to 2028.

After the November 2019 elections, the Senate will remain Republican, the House will remain Democrat, and the White House will go Democrat – if voters get out and vote.  If 150 million voters read this blog and decided not to go vote that could change, but I see much, much, much less than that number reading this little, obscure psychic blog.

This means that the conflict in D.C. will escalate to the point of almost metaphorically “setting fire to the town.”  In the 6 years following 2020, when the new administration takes over, there will be more political fighting that ever before.  Little major change will get done in those years and the number of agreed bills will reach a low number.  The conflict I see is so extreme that I’m not even sure I can come up with words to describe it, but this is what I see.  Try this image – someone standing at the door outside and knocking, ever with more vigor as time continues – and inside are some that are pushing against the door preventing it opening with all their strength, barring the door with everything that can muster, like in the movies – piling furniture up against the door to make the door even harder to open.

There will be almost no working together at all, and therefore, no winners to this conflict.  AND the fewer people who get involved with the verbal war, the better the chance of each of us not losing our own souls in this.  The phrase in the Bible is appropriate here – “What does it benefit us to gain what we seek, if we lose our soul in the process?”  There are many who are seeking to lose their soul, something every one of us deeply regrets afterwards, especially when we realize inside ourselves that we were meant to help in these times by following the examples of Christ … and not jump into the fire with even more cans of gasoline in our hands.

The only way to win this war is to not go to war, or put another way – the only way to win in this sports arena is to not enter this sports arena.

Again, I will repeat:   Something to remember,  “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s – political participation – but render unto God, that which is God’s – compassion, patience, and willingness to step back and not participate in the verbal abuse war.  I see many of us people who think and believe our own [4 letter word] doesn’t smell so bad, and so our own participation in the verbal abuse war is okay.  This is the failure.  The only way to win the verbal abuse war is to not participate.  If we feel the adrenaline in our words and actions, then we have stepped out of the healing of the 4th Chakra.


Around the world, there will be a few other elections, but for the most part, there will be little change to those people in leadership positions in 2020.  If anyone sends me a question about their own election (in the comments area of this post), I will answer in the comments area, as well.

In Britain, the results of the Brexit struggle will continue on for another 4 years. Brexit will happen, but it will be only words on paper, not in any way in which the details will be worked out. Some lesser parts won’t be resolved for another 12 years.

“The question is not who is in political power that will help the world. The question is who is in spiritual power that will help the world.” (The Rainbow Cards, 1996-2019, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

I am stating these predictions with much feeling and concern, but at the same time, I also know that there has been no change in the very real fact that Christ, Buddha, the One, Allah, Yahweh, the Father/Mother God, the Infinite Consciousness of God, etc. walks with us as we face any and every challenge.  Love exists in this world and Love will not leave us, ever.  We merely need to draw upon the love inside our own hearts, and the presence of God will be with us in the most real of ways, guiding us and helping us in whatever ways we need.  With faith and trust, we will grow in our knowing this.

Predictions for Climate Change (Global Warming) in 2020

I associate these weather predictions with Climate Change, because I see that these events are more severe because of Climate Change.  In addition, there are more weather disaster events because of these Global Warming patterns.  If we did not have Global Warming, we would have much less weather related events, and much less severe weather. 

In 2020, the people of the world will see new records broken in weather in this year, also.  While the topic is on the front lines of the political scene, it will be on the front lines in people’s lives, also.  This is because, in 2020, thousands will die all over the world because of disasters related to the increase in the climate crisis.  Yes, our prayers can save many, but we have reached the point in time where the metaphor is true – the ship sails and we are either on it or not.  This next decade is being written in time, and the amount of time which healing can happen on a massive scale is all but gone.  Our continued efforts for prayer and meditation can yet help on smaller scales – individuals, and communities.

In general, I see the continued and unending patterns of glacier melting, ice melting in the Arctic region throughout the entire year.

I see massive flooding and deadly mudslides in the mountains of India and Southeast Asia, in the Spring, starting in March with a possible small earthquake off the coast between India and Southeast Asia, sometime in April/May/June (I’ll recheck this as time progresses.)  These major floods and mud slides will cause thousands of deaths.

“We believe that which we believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to believe it, and for many different reasons and agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.

We don’t believe that which we don’t believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to not believe it, and for many different reasons and agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

Hurricanes in the Pacific and the East Coast
I’m currently seeing at least 3 major Pacific Ocean typhoons.   Possibly the Hurricane season/Typhoon season will bring as much as 5-6 storms which will travel across the Pacific. I see 1 hitting the Philippines straight on. Another will graze the Philippines going southwest of it.  FYI, in a previous reading done in 2019, I saw 12 storms in the Pacific.

The southern half of Japan will experience 1-2 of the storms. I think one will go south of Japan going westward.  And another storm in the northern half of Japan.  I see flooding and massive rain from the southern storm. I see loss of electricity in a large area of the southern half of Japan, (during the first half of the year).  I see a minimal loss of life.

I don’t see Hawaii being directly affected by hurricanes in 2020, but they will have a strong storm with high winds and a great amount of rain. I see a lot of people losing electricity.  (March, 2020 and/or early July, 2020)

All these areas mentioned – the people need to be prepared. I have not added the month or time of year they will come, and constant preparation is what is called for because I see them spread out in time.  They will start early and go throughout the season.  With a possible last one in October.

In 2020, in the late spring to late summer time range, I’m seeing a possible small earthquake, about a 4.0 or so, South to Southwest of Hawaii with a possible triggering of a Tsunami going southward. I do see potential damage for people in the islands in the path even if the Tsunami is small. While it won’t be a large tsunami, it will be devastating to them, because they are small islands and won’t have much protection or warning to help them.  In the general direction of the Phoenix Islands.

The other 2 tsunamis are 1 medium size along the S. American coast and 1 smaller one of which I’m not seeing where, yet.

I do see a small earthquake in Alaska in 2020, in the Aleutian Islands.  I don’t see any major effects from it.


The hurricane season in the US is more and more going to see the East Coast  having hurricanes and tropical storms.  At least 6 hurricane/tropical storms in the Atlantic Ocean, 2 going into the Gulf of Mexico, 2 1/2 to 3 affecting the US East Coast, and 2-3 other storms will go north along the coast, but not go inland, instead going out into the Atlantic Ocean.  The hurricanes in the East Coast are caused by the warming of the Atlantic ocean where hurricanes are born, with the Atlantic’s warming caused more and more by the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest as well as other warming factors.  The warming creates higher pressure and within the US, the higher pressure inland pushes the hurricanes up the East Coast and more out to the Atlantic in a northern and northeastern direction.

The 3 strong storms affecting the coastal states of Georgia and the Carolinas will dissipate as they get into the Virginias. There will be a lot of rain and flooding. Expect loss of electricity to last for up to 10-14 days in some areas.  The years ahead will see these states getting hurricanes over and over.

I see 2 small storms go across/or up the west coast of Florida and going into Alabama and Mississippi northward. I see a storm going into the Yucatan Peninsula area, as well.  It’s path will be off the coast of Venezuela and through the Caribbean Sea.  Those going up the East Coast, I see their paths being north of Puerto Rico, which will be affected by winds and rain.  I think 1 will go south of Puerto Rico.

As I mention above, I’ll repeat that these East Coast areas are the areas now that will be more and more in the paths of hurricanes which develop in the Atlantic. This is one of the global warming patterns which is growing more dominant. The patterns of storms during 2020 is a sign of things to come – this season is a good representation of an average new weather pattern which will repeat itself many times in the years to come.

Hurricanes, like Sandy, going further north than usual, will also happen as part of this new established pattern, but these will not be the norm. Not yearly, but at least 1 ever 6-7 years on average.  However, in the further north areas, they will average 1 every 5 years after 2050 through the end of this century.

In Texas, the drought will continue and very little rain if any, will fall from the beginning of May to next October.  Livestock will suffer.  In the Southeastern US states, I see cool weather, and less rain than usual, but not as bad as Texas.

I see California may have an earthquake in Northern California, northeast of Sacramento in March-May.  It will be large enough to cause damage, but will not be a record breaker.

Just because we see nothing but darkness, doesn’t mean the light has gone out. Sometimes, it’s because we’ve closed our eyes.  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Midwestern states

There will be no relief for the diminishing water sources in the Midwest.  The lessening water sources will shrink even more in 2020.  There will be some rain during the first 3 months of 2020, going into April, but it won’t be at the level which previous years brought.  Farmers will struggle with getting water for their crops – getting more water from the region’s rivers, including the Missouri and Mississippi.

Food prices will continue to go up in 2020 and will stay there. The food supplies coming from the Midwest will decrease again.

Nebraska and Kansas – the water shortages will put a strain on water sources.  Both of these states will suffer more in the 2020’s with ever greater water shortages.


In Central Africa, (Sudan or Congo?) I see a darkened energy build engulfing a major area of Central Africa – whether this is disease or drought or human caused, I am not yet seeing.  This dark cloud has started already and will become even worse. While this could be a combination of disease, social upheaval and government not having solutions, I believe I’m seeing it be a severe heat wave and drought.  This heat wave/drought could lead to great unrest – including military actions.

Russia will set low temperature records across Siberia.

In 2020, Britain‘s weather will not have spikes, as other countries, but I see an ever growing increase in wet weather, causing crop problems, and an increase in summer temperatures. Agriculture in UK will fare okay, but it will become more difficult due to this wetter weather. Farmers will call out for some governmental help due to a partial loss of crops.

“If we’re having trouble praying, we can ask God to help us with it.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


The US Economy

In 2020, there is an uneasy, wobbly economy – not stable by any definition of the word.  While it won’t happen in 2020, the second half of the year will bring reports of serious problems and serious signs of serious economic problems coming.  These problems will arrive – some in 2020, at the end, and some in 2021-2022.

in 2021, with the very real battle between the Congressional Republicans and those who they choose as their abject enemies – anyone who is not supporting them or not their base – there will be very little that can be done to help the economy stabilize.  Short-term downturns will be experienced periodically.  The hardest hit in the coming years in the US, 2021-2024, and more in 2025-2026, will be middle and low income people, because these people are the ones who will lose their jobs.  Farmers are going to have even more problems economically besides all the other problems farmers are going to face.  Yet, there is time, again – for prayers.

Because of the major conflicts in the US between the different political groups, the economy of the US will suffer, setting the stage for Europe to become the stable economy of the world – taking the US’s place in prominence.  Many world policies will be changed to recognize this and take advantage of Europe’s strong economic stability.


More Mass Killings in the US (unless more prayer comes)

I mention these because praying can help these events diminish, in the same way that praying can help all destructive – and “low vibration” (dark) energy in the process of manifesting in physical life – to diminish – or be absorbed.  In 2020, I see at least a possible 7 large-number mass shootings which will garner national news reporting, because of the high number of people hurt and killed.  There will be many more that qualify but are small numbers of people killed and so don’t garner major national news reporting.  Again, continued prayers for people will help to diminish these – helping to reduce the numbers of people hurt and killed – as well as help forces to hinder or heal the mind sets which lead people to do this.

At this time, if all things stay the same – with little or no prayers to help heal these, then we have not yet seen the worst that is still to come.  People will feel that we have no way to stop these from happening – what with the battle-lines-drawn situation which exists among the people of the US.  Again, this is a call for prayer – something which we can do – otherwise, we will see this happen over and over and over and over and over, again.

Terrorist Attacks around the World

I do see another Terrorist attack in Southeast Asia.  I believe what I see is a device at a train station in Myanmar in spring, 2020.  However, if it doesn’t happen in spring, the people seeking to do this will move to another location and later time.  Their intention is to do this – to cause harm and death.   AGAIN ! CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE CAN HELP TO DIMINISH OR HEAL THESE EVENTS !

“It is irrelevant whether in our mind, we think that we can or cannot do something. What is more impactful is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart. It is the one who is not willing, who cannot. It is the one who is willing, who can.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

North Korea

I do see the current cross-talk leading to January’s high tension between the US and NK.  February will be quieter, but in March, tensions will rise again, for a different reason than in January.  I do see NK putting a satellite in orbit.  I am NOT seeing efforts to start a legitimate war.  Leaders on both sides are concerned with their public presentation to ensure the morale of their supporters.


For 2020, I see that China’s government desires to increase trade, in order to stimulate the economy within China.  This is a primary goal of the Chinese government.  In addition, in 2020, it will seek to further it’s space program.  China does have a growing economy.  Meanwhile, China, also, has to face Global Warming, and will see their own disasters related to drought in some areas, and severe flooding in others.

[I did not foresee the Covid-19 pandemic for 2020.  However, in 2008, I did see this …. China.]


The prayers from the people of Russia will help Russia.  There is a sense of futility with a major percentage of Russian citizens.  What they’ve lived through – through this century and the last century, has weighted down many people.  God does hear prayers, and it will be through their prayers, that life will change.  However, as long as so many people think that it is futile to try, and therefore they don’t try, and don’t pray, then circumstances will continue as is.

The Middle East

I see many nations’ governments’ leaders working to not have their country take center stage with having all their events be on the front page of media around the world.  They will be seeking to keep mostly low profiles as to not get attention drawn to them.  All of these nations will be watching to see who will be elected in November.

Saudi Arabia

In 2020, I see the Saudi government trying to present itself as a legitimate peace-seeking, cooperation-offering nation of the world … to the world’s people in the media.  Reforms established in 2019, will stay in place with 1 or 2 exceptions/changes.  A few minor reforms will be set in 2020.   There will be information and reports which will tarnish the image.

The economy of Saudi Arabia will be semi-stable.  There will be some general fluctuation during the summer when oil prices fluctuate again at the beginning of summer.


The elections in Israel will not bring much change in the administration currently in place.  The policy and attitudes will be the same – 2020 will bring very little change in policy – bringing similar or the same circumstances and events as we’ve seen in 2019.  I am seeing armed conflicts – explosions at borders – not all year long, but incidences happening in April/May.


I see the situation in Syria continuing to be as it has in 2019.  While I see 2020 being a “quieter” year with regards to what the world is shown, it will be a country of hardship inside the borders.

European Union

I’m seeing the EU, Europe as a whole, establishing policy which will help to make Europe a solid economic and financial presence/power going into the 2020’s.  Europe will be seen as being stronger than any single nation of the world, including the US because of the US’s economic wobbliness.

Poland’s society’s struggles will continue on through many years. While the governments of its neighbors to the East sometimes don’t mind that Poland struggles in this way, their neighbors to the East will have their social struggles as well, and enough to frustrate those in leadership positions with things not going their way. The evolution of societies towards a people-centered “democracy” will not be stopped. While some leaders work to suppress it and can temporarily prevent it, they find that the roots of people-centered governments are alive and strong and continue to grow regardless of reversal tactics. It is only a matter of time.

“There will never be a day that we can stop hatred and violence in the world by opposing it using hatred and violence.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


South America

In 2020, I do see a major natural disaster – an earthquake in Southern Columbia or Northern Peru.  As early as April, or as late as June.  Most likely in May.  In the decade of the 2020’s, South America will be a hotbed of earthquakes through the years.


I see armed conflicts in NE India – between military/police and civilians.  This will be throughout the beginning 8 months of 2020.


I see the tariff “wars” continuing on into the summer of 2020.  More discord will develop between the U.S. and Europe during 2020.  This discord will diminish near the end of the year, with the change in the presidency.  Europe is poised to become a strong economic force in the 2020’s, taking the US’s place, because of the severe internal conflicts and problems which the US will go through from the log jam of the Federal Government.


Examining Australia and Global Warming, I’m seeing a continuation of the fires in Australia.  2020 will continue with the fires, but they’ll begin to diminish in June and July, which is wintertime in Australia.  But, the fires will begin again as Australia enters into its summer – the 2nd half of November and then December of 2020.  Further on, 2021 will be another year of fires, but I see 2022 as having significantly less fires.

Australia is in a position/location on the Earth, in which exists a process of focused pressurizing.  The changes in weather patterns are triggering ever greater atmospheric pressure – pushing away low pressure systems which would otherwise bring rain, as well as create situations which make Australia more capable of having such serious high pressure systems, that make fires more common.  Australia will suffer from these factors for the next 40 years.  This is the reality of Climate Change/Global Warming.  Australia’s government can do little to change this,  anymore.

As the years go on, the lack of replenishing water will motivate much effort to develop technologies to produce water, but even this is almost 2 decades away.

In 2020, Australia’s economy will be stable, but will be slowing down at the end of 2021, going into 2022.


In 2020, I see the stock markets being moderately active – less so than previous years because of the desire to wait and see what happens in the US elections.  While there will still be regular trading, 2020 will be seen to be a slow year.  I am not seeing a recession hit, yet in 2020, but there will be much talk about economists seeing the US economy going in that direction.  Most of this talk will be in the later half of 2020.  The 2nd half of the year, will see mild trading in the US stock markets, because of the major importance being put on the November elections.  Many businesses and investors are waiting to see what happens.


In 2020, the general attitude of voters throughout the US will lean toward focusing on state elections, with the belief that there is more influencing the policies of the state government to move in the directions voters want to go in.  There is some feeling and thought that “if we can’t influence the Federal government, let’s focus on the state elections which could return more control going in the desired directions.”  There will be more effort to sway the state governments to move in policy directions which are independent of the Federal policies.


In 2020, I don’t see a solution being presented regarding the mountains of plastics which are polluting the planet.  There won’t be a recycling path for plastics which would help in a large scale way.  I do see new ideas being made known and begun to be put forward in the fall months, but these ideas would take more time than just 2020 to put into action and see if the impact is large enough.

Plastics is a huge business force, and plastics are made from petroleum.  Both together are a massive force in the economics of the world.  I don’t see much change in the production side during any of the 2020’s.  Currently, I’m seeing a small solution happening in the 2nd half of the 2020’s.  But, this solution won’t be a wide-scale solution.


There will not be a social breakdown after the November elections.  There will be much heated words, and much voiced anger, but not a social breakdown.


Medical Industry

The Pharmaceutical Corporations are anchoring themselves deeper in the fields of Medical Practice.  With their ever deepening influence in the Field of Medicine, more and more of the laws will be written, and licenses will be based on, requiring treatments using drugs rather than Holistic or non-drug treatments.  This influence is for the purpose of ensuring that the drugs which they create are purchased.  While this is not widely viewed, the Opioid Crisis brought, to the forefront, the mindset which directs so many of the pharmaceutical corporations.  The year 2020 will see this become embedded even more.


Oil Industry

The Oil Industry will not fade away.  It will be a strong industry for many decades yet, and in some form, for several centuries yet.  In 2020, there is little to predict except that it will be business as usual.


Renewable Energy Industry

In 2020, I see the R. E. Industry forging ahead, struggling with going against the current of social norms and present day government policy.  The companies producing as well as doing research are the ones which will last into the decades ahead.  In 2020, these companies will be worthwhile investments.  More and more renewable energy systems will be established and producing.  Renewable Energy is the future.  And likewise, the Electric Car is the future.


If you have any questions related to these predictions which would serve to clarify or expand on an item, please post them in the comments, and I will add the answers to this document.

If you think this article has been helpful and informative, please, pass the Internet address of this article on to anyone whom you think would also be interested, this includes social media sites.  Thank you.

Remember – the future can be changed !!!


“No matter where we live on this planet, all 7+billion of us humans – when we look into the sky, we all see the exact same moon, and it’s because we’re all living on, and in contact with, the one exact same planet Earth.  As simple as this sounds, it differentiates us from all the other many planets, systems and galaxies in the universe, because WE, together, are on THIS planet.  This is a fact which unites us all.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


Psychic Predictions for 2019

[The password is removed from this article originally posted in Jan, 2019, making it now available to the public.]

2019 is going to be a somewhat more difficult year for so many people on his planet, and I’m not going to hold back in what I write in this article. There are disasters and there are positives. Life, as we know it, will change, but life will also persevere in all locations. 2019 by itself will not be a painfully more difficult year for every one of the 7+ billion people, but everyone will be affected by several things throughout the year. It is one of the 2 remaining years which are moving us deeper into the darker, low vibration energy/manifestations. These low-vibration energy manifestations will be recognized by disasters both human-derived and natural. By “moving us deeper”, I mean the beginning of the years will appear and be experienced as being better than the end of the years, in many ways.

I will mention FIRST, that prayers and meditation for the goodwill for all people and the well-being for all life, are that which will strengthen the Spirit and Energy of the Family of Man and all life, if and when we’re willing to bring forth Light – through expressing Love, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Encouragement, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Support, and more (flowing through ourselves) – and for all life on this planet – especially during this time. Prayers for all life will absolutely help all life. Absolutely – as in ‘absolute help’ – real help – to persevere through these coming times and experiences.

Humanity won’t easily see the difference between the two possible futures – with prayers vs. without prayers, (a few will), but changes happen when one’s heart is the source of prayers – for the goodwill and well-being of all people. Why for “the goodwill and well-being of all life”?  Because this prayer will have the strongest impact on humanity, all of nature, and the future. The predictions I speak of here are drastic to some parts of the planet. They will affect, to greater or lesser degrees, all of the planet. While many people’s lives will be minimally impacted, many people’s lives will be greatly impacted. The news is already reporting regular disasters, both natural and man-made, which are affecting people in a wide variety of places – sometimes places which are surprising.


For Britain: The Brexit is considered a mess, and it will become an even bigger mess in the 1st 5 months of 2019. After that, many of the loudest voices will consider the act of screaming the loudest isn’t working for their side anymore and will then begin working on solutions. See efforts beginning April and May. I see another 13-16 months of work for things to reach a point of acceptance. The reason why efforts are not working out is because of the energy of so many of the British people not wanting Brexit. The consciousness of the people is a formidable energy force, and it can prevent events from happening – whether the events are positive or negative.

“The more prayer that we put forth, then the more change, the more help, the more the presence of the Spirit of God will be felt and heard.” The Rainbow Cards

Weather 2019:

Worldwide – As one person put it, “The predictions that were made – are happening.” (This includes my own.  Scroll down to see the right hand column Category list: Weather)  During 2019, we will see more natural disasters which will affect millions of people. Weather related disasters are both caused by natural patterns and the effects of Climate Change/Global Warming. “Let those who have eyes to see, let them see. Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear. Let those who are blind, stay blind. Let those who are deaf, stay deaf.” These are famous words and referring to this time in history. Let there be no doubt here, weather is caused by human consciousness.  Climate Change is being caused by humans.  We will continue to have fights in the US about Climate Change, brought on by different people with different political agendas, rather than the science being questionable, which it is not.

The overall weather throughout the world will help bring greater flooding in the southern Asian nations, colder weather in Russia, erratic temperatures and erratic rainfall in Europe, and destructive drought and extreme heat without rain in the Midwest of the US.

In the US, more extreme temperatures will be experienced and the stamina of the people struggling with these effects will weaken due to growing tiredness and discouragement from the onslaught of damaging weather. The fires in California in 2018 are only a forerunner for the heat that will enter into the Rocky Mountains, and eventually potentially turning the Midwest into scorched land. The day is coming that the Midwest will see hotter temperatures than it has ever seen – drying up the land and making it unable or extremely difficult to grow crops. While not all of this will manifest in 2019, it will begin in 2019, and will eventually move towards that, on through the next 7 years with the very worst of it being 2025 before relief comes in the form of temporary better weather.  [PRAYERS CAN CHANGE THIS!]

Europe’s problems with Climate Change will grow, as well. The weather will bring greater amounts of rain throughout most regions – causing more flooding in various areas. The winters will be colder, in general, through central Europe. In 2019, Europe will face these changes, but this pattern will become regular from now on. There will be no year that Europe will not continue with this scenario when comparing it to the past decades. Europe’s growing seasons will be affected, and it will take several years to adapt the agriculture industry to the changes in weather. The weather changes are here and will remain with the next few generations of people through this century. This will create greater yearly demands for energy during the winter months.

Asia, in 2019, will begin to see regular yearly massive weather systems which will do massive damage to distinct yet massive areas of the continent. We, in the US, will hear about some of this via reporting the news, but many of the people of Asia will be going through devastating weather. By many, I see mostly rural areas being affected long-term in Asia as opposed to urban areas, because cities tend to have collective systems and structures in place to recover from the weather related disasters quicker, while rural residents have less collective support and structure helping to recover. Mountainous regions, in general, will be very much affected – with many large mudslides related to more rain than normal, and news of these will be heard around the world – because some will be great in size.

[For specific areas of the US, or other countries, please ask in the comments section.  And don’t forget, you can let others know about this blog article, too.]

“The Infinite Consciousness of the Heart of God is completely and fully aware of all things in our life. There are no surprises to Infinite Consciousness, and there are no factors which could ever separate us from God’s Infinite readiness to help.” The Rainbow Cards

Natural Disasters:

With regards to natural disasters, the years 2019 and 2020 will have a greater than average share of natural disasters – volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. I consider these effects on humanity to be different than man-made or economic disasters, like recession (which is slowly beginning,) war, and erratic, non-stable economies.

We will enter into 2019 with open eyes, watching for disasters, and on the whole, they will continue happening in South America – where they already are happening, the Pacific Rim will have a mixture of earthquakes and volcanic activity, Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean. I see fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2019 only, and the larger ones (right now I’m seeing this) will not threaten the US much.  I see two (1 larger and 1 smaller) storms which will come into the Southeastern states of the US – Florida, Georgian, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina: mostly rain affecting these states. Right now, what I’m seeing is that they are not as destructive as the last 2 years have been.  While there will be concern, I don’t see the same amount of danger happening in these states.

There will be some natural disasters outside of these examples, but I’m not yet identifying their locations. I see small storms (compared to large hurricanes) come into or rather build within the Gulf of Mexico.  One may develop into a tropical storm.

Every area of the planet and all people of the planet will be affected by Climate change and natural disasters. The smoke from fires, the ash from volcanoes, the mosquitoes from flooding, as well as drought causing some agriculture failures. These affect everyone – even those people and life not in the area of the destruction.  People will adapt somewhat. Wildlife and ‘nature’ will not adapt in the same way and much damage will come.  Extinctions will happen.

In 2019, Puerto Rico is not a target for another hurricane, but I do see storms which will bring much rain. The Caribbean areas will also have a year similar to the last 3 years. I see 3-4 storms. There is a chance they won’t develop into large hurricanes. HOWEVER, if any develop into hurricanes, I can see 1 grow to a category 2-3 while in that area. I’ve mentioned this possibility before, and I still see it going north of Puerto Rico. At this time, I still see 1 storm hitting Puerto Rico in 3 years, possibly in 2 years, but it won’t be equal to Maria in 2017. Even though it can be easy to dismiss the statement about praying, prayers can, will, and do truly help to change destructive weather. The more prayers and meditations for this purpose, the more change. The more Light we bring in, the more change happens.  Whether believed or not, weather is a manifestation of human consciousness and it can be changed by human consciousness.

“Faith unused does nothing.” The Rainbow Cards


Around the world, even more advances will happen in medicine. In some parts of the world, these advances will reach people – Europe especially. In 2019, the health care industry in the US, will offer no solutions to the erratic state of health care in the US. Financial devastation will still happen to some people. Many will be looking towards Alternative Healing Methods in order to find hope and help. While Alternative Healing Methods are derided and criticized – and sought to be shut out of being used, because they are anecdotally helpful, they will continue to be suggested and noted via the Internet. The pharmaceutical corporations will continue to lobby against Alternative Healing Methods, and in 2019, we will see their efforts increase with much media and online statements intending to turn people away from Alternative Healing Methods and make them illegal. In the US, the pharmaceutical corporations will seek to spread this “war”. (It is an effort to eradicate use of Alternative Methods, so I use the term “war”.) They will try to further this agenda in Europe, Canada and some East Asian nations. Their efforts in Mexico and East Asian nations will not be successful because their influence cannot reach the different consciousnesses of the peoples. But, in the US, fear will be generated by the Pharma. Corps. and this will effect the consciousness in general.

Still, the Alternative Healing cottage industry and the presence of Alternative Methods information on the Internet will continue to be present. Anecdotal information – information people share of their own experiences with certain healing methods or ingredients – will continue to influence the trying of Alt. Healing Methods. The Pharmaceutical information against non-pharmaceutical treatments will be meant to cause fear, and dissuade people away from them. It will succeed in some measure. An individual’s own effort at studying and researching healing methods will be the strongest force against the fear-based information onslaught. The interesting result will be several things – more and more Americans will look to Canada as a source of Medical Treatments, those informed more thoroughly with Alternative Medicine will grow a stronger and more entrenched base of people seeking to further it, and over time the reputations of the Pharmaceutical Corporations will suffer from being recognized as fostering misinformation and fear. Many doctors will work to help bring truthful information to the public. The struggle with health care in the US will continue for many decades, yet. I don’t see medicare for all happening in this decade even though support for it will grow. I see some changes to who qualifies being changed in the next decade, though, but not until after 2026.

Tremendous medical research discoveries will happen in the next 8 years. The treatment of childhood diabetes will make great strides over the next 5 years and will see magnificent treatments come forth. For 2019, I’m seeing a little bit of advances in the treatment of Alzheimers. Some medications will slow it down.  The effort to continue to raise prices of medicine treatments will continue, while the public push back will also continue. Pressure from the people can bring about better options.

With a change in elected officials, the ACA will continue, but there are still ways in which wrenches can still be thrown into the gears.  There will be efforts in the House of R. to make some changes to make it better, but the path to passing such a bill in the Senate and the president signing it, is “uphill”.  For the most part, there will not be any major changes to it in 2019.

“What we, personally, believe in, with the Infinite Consciousness of God, begins our opening to Infinite Possibilities.  What we, personally don’t believe in, limits only our-self. It doesn’t limit others, the truth or the Infinite Consciousness of God. ” The Rainbow Cards


In 2019, Cholera will begin to spread in a few areas of the planet, that are affected by natural disasters, including Asian nations and Cholera will increase somewhat over the next 7 years to come. There will be small outbreaks with other diseases in South American because of the massive rural destruction from weather related disasters PLUS diseases coming from (of all things), deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. There will be new evolved/mutated diseases coming from the Rainforest itself. No amount of destruction of the Rainforest would stop it. The natural life in those particular regions of the Amazon Rainforest have adapted to the evolved/mutated diseases and humans not native to the regions will contract the new diseases.

China will be hit with outbreaks of diseases in particular areas, but we won’t hear about them here in the west. In general, they won’t threaten large numbers of people outside China. They have the ability to eventually handle these outbreaks, but many lives will be lost.  In the west, the CDC will be strained from the work they will have over the next 7 years.

Ebola will not be eradicated, and will continue to be present in a few areas of Africa for years to come (with some of it moving north). Many other diseases will be faced because of the disasters which are coming. Dysentery will be one of those diseases coming from disasters.

The conflicts in the US over vaccinating children will continue for many years yet, because of the distrust of the US money driven health care system, – a system of treatments based on whether you have money to pay, rather than one based on care for the individual, distrust of the vaccine manufacturers, as well as a persistent distrust of the general medical profession’s attitude that doctors always know what’s right, and research which points to better protocols needing to be examined for use.  (Somewhat related to this – The US has an extremely hard lesson to learn: learning that trusting money more than trusting the heart will lead to serious problems of all kinds – problems which can eventually end the existence of the US as we know it. This can contribute to the US changing its structure in the 23rd century with the US split into 3 or 4 different countries with separate governments.)

Meanwhile, I’m seeing several medical progress announcements being made in 2019, but I’m not yet able to identify which diseases or medical issues they will be announcing about.  One major one will be this spring, with another announcement happening in July.

“Hell is not forever and ever, amen. God is the way out of hell – amen.” The Rainbow Cards

Spiritual Experiences and Spiritual Connections:

We will see more spiritual seeking in the latter part of 2019. “We will see more” refers to media attention and Internet information on individual experiences rather than great groups of people opening to spirituality. The true spiritual journey happens on the individual level, not on the group level.  While this will NOT be a widespread movement, this will begin a process of slow, more often, reporting of individual stories that help to open individual people’s minds and thoughts to spiritual involvement in everyday life. Over the next 7 years, during these “some of the most difficult” times for humanity, there will be many other stories of spiritual experiences and connections which will spread throughout the communication methods (Internet, media, etc.)

“The heaven or hell we have destined for our-self, is the heaven or hell which we create for others.” The Rainbow Cards


2019 will start January with political hope for Democrats and those who elected them. The Republicans will be working to solidify their bases. Except for introductory announcements in January, around mid-Feb (13th?) the public will hear about Congressional plans – The Democrat’s plans for putting forth legislation and Congressional investigations, and Republican’s plans for fighting them all the way. Mid-Feb through March will begin the process of conflict. The conflict will be loud, and this wave of conflict will continue through into the summer. Meanwhile, other investigations will begin in the spring, building up through into the fall. President Trump will face political challenges, but not yet serious enough to threaten his presidency, until the Fall when serious threats and challenges are then appearing. Whether we are pro-Trump or anti-Trump, and while the questions will come up as to the future, I do see Donald Trump as the President still, at the end of 2019. Some will be happy about this, some will not.

The public will see a few more governmental positions change around mid-Jan & Feb (2019), early spring, then again at the end of summer. These will not be top positions, but a few (what I consider) “2nd tier” positions.

This is another year which will shift both political parties’ directions away from Trump in 2020. The Democrats will feel emboldened. The Republicans will begin to resign themselves to the inevitable – run someone else or lose to the Democrats. 2019 will have many candidates announce themselves as running for the US President in 2020. Republican candidates will begin to announce themselves throughout the Spring. Lindsay Graham will be one of them and Mitt Romney possibly. Three other Republican Senators will also announce they will run. I see eventually about 4-5 Republicans seriously running to replace President Trump. I see a slew of Democrats – 14-15 that will announce their candidacy. Senators and House Representatives, and three women candidates announcing. I do NOT see Hillary Clinton running again although the question will be coming up for her and her supporters. I will not state in this article what I see as potential outcomes at this time.  I have stated in other public readings what I see for 2020’s elections.

I see many people considering there to be very serious information and testimony which has yet to be made public in the reports from those investigations happening. They consider the allegations to be valid and serious.  The investigations will not be considered frivolous.  The information revealed will shift Republican support to having a new 2020 candidate.  However, the Republican Party will have two factions – 1 faction for Trump continuing to be the 2020 candidate, mostly from his base, and 1 faction for a new candidate, mostly from the Republicans in Congress.

I’ve already mentioned much about what I see regarding the person who will be our next President. I have mentioned in several places that Donald Trump will be a 1-term president. I also had mentioned that if Hillary Clinton had won, she also would have been a 1-term president.

In 2019, little progress beyond saying nice words, will happen between China and the US. Tariffs will continue. The hidden reason and use for them by both sides is as a method of punishment. In 2019, the current relationship the US has with North Korea won’t get better, but it won’t get much worse, either. There will be posturing and “surface” challenging words, but this is more for show on both sides.

Most information coming forth regarding the Russian government will be about how the Russian government is involved with political situations and arenas in the nations surrounding Russia.  The Russian government will prove to be very active in world politics, involving themselves in ways on the world front.   This is an effort to control more countries, as the Soviet Union did.  Meanwhile, the Russian people are facing entering into more difficult times for them, with 2019 the beginning of more difficult economic times in the years ahead.  While the Russian people are used to hard times, in general, the Climate Change, in the next 6 years for them will bring disasters in Russia which no one could have imagined, and they will not easily be ready for.   Fortunately, these won’t be in every year.  Prayers are needed for the people of Russia and of Asia.

In 2019, the US and Canada relationship will be strained again by President Trump’s criticism. I see the Canadian government more acting to stay quiet and not contribute to more conflict – staying back mostly from engaging in return criticism.

In 2019, immigration policy problems will continue, and April/May will see a rise in media attention surrounding legal proceedings. However, attention to this will diminish as we move into Summer. As summer ends, then all media will be focused on what comes out of the investigations on through the end of 2019. I do see construction begin on a border wall, but then I see it abandoned – not from lack of money, but from lack of political will/support. If things continue as I see now, I do not see a border wall being completed.

I see more US businesses individually planning actions for addressing Climate Change, much in line with the Paris Agreement. I also see the US returning to the Paris Agreement after the new president is in office in 2021. (Not in 2019, though). Little change will happen in 2019 regarding the US place in the Paris Agreement. 2019 will also be another year where a huge amount of political news will take center stage.

“For others, pray not against others’ freewill, against others’ right to choose for their own life. Instead, pray that God’s presence, love and energy, be with them, surround them and bless them, more and more every day, so they might draw from God when the time comes that they make decisions for their life.” The Rainbow Cards

The US Economy:

In the Spring, 2019, and some after then, because of the greater political upheavals, the Stock Markets are going to react with erratic spikes, both up and down. This intermittent spiking will continue through at different times of the year – end of March to April, midsummer, 1st half of October. I don’t see it being as bad as we’ve seen recently (Dec, 2018), but it will happen too often for people to feel confidence. This Wall Street instability will influence the larger corporations to pull back on risk-taking. There will be mostly a desire to “play it safe” and not expand. Small businesses, in general, won’t immediately feel a drop in business, but over time in 2019, the slow down will start to be felt. Recessions are coming, but 2019 will only show some unmistakable evidence of this during the 2nd half of the year. When we move into the 2020s, we will be entering into a time of several years that a recession will develop, ultimately to 2023/2024.

“Forgiveness is letting go of our need to have others suffer.” The Rainbow Cards


I see more “grass roots” efforts to move away from fossil fuel derived energy. This will be done by smaller energy companies rather than large nation-wide efforts. I see alternative energy businesses continue to do well.  Consider these to invest in.  Whether popular or not, electric cars are the future.  Whether electric cars are selling right now or not, electric cars are the future.  Innovations in the next few decades will bring this about.

Problems in the Middle East will escalate.  Watch for this during May, June and July.

While not readily known, the Pope’s health will keep him home.  If he chooses to travel for humanitarian meetings and causes, his health will take a downturn and it won’t remain hidden from the public.

In 2019, Facebook will run into more trouble with more announcements of customer information being “allowed” to go to outside interests. Watch for this at the beginning of the summer.

In 2019, as I mentioned in many prediction pages before, I still see local involvement and community involvement being the strongest and most productive place for efforts where people can help each other, as opposed to Federal efforts. It will be local connections and local communities where the real work gets done to help people’s lives.

The reason that psychics are announcing what we’re seeing for the future is because we are facing some of the worst of the difficulties – economic and natural disasters – that people of Earth are going to go through from 2019-2026. We will slooooooowwwwwllllyyyyyy begin to come out of the difficult times in 2026-2027 to the mid-2030s and afterwards. Here at the beginning of 2019, we have not seen the worst of it.

There will NOT be a planetary breakdown in society and nations. This will not be what happens. Societies around the world did not breakdown during the Great Depression or during WW2, but during WW2, in some unique places (not all places) in the Earth, because of unique circumstances and unique politics in certain places, living individual and community-based lives became harmful and deadly for those unique places.

We can have a positive perspective of these times if we base that positive perspective on an attitude of fortitude, determination, helpful cooperation, friendship, and brotherhood. We will see many positive local community endeavors helping people.  We are a resilient species, and we’ve been through equally difficult times in our history, coming out the other end with greater understanding and higher levels of strength and ability to forge new ways into the future.

“We can be among the very last to follow the old ways of thinking and living of the past, or we can be among the very first to forge new ways of thinking and living for the future.” The Rainbow Cards


If you have any questions related to these predictions which would serve to clarify or expand on an item, please post them in the comments, and I will add the answers to this document.

If you think this article has been helpful and informative, please, pass the Internet address of this article on to anyone whom you think would be interested, this includes social media sites.  Thank you.

If you wish to make a donation to the Animal Rescue Efforts, go to the GoFundMe notice located in the right hand column.   Even though everyone says it, it’s still true – your financial support is helpful and very much appreciated.  Thank you.


The world gets better when any of us says, “I’m willing to try – to see what I can do to help.” Not when we say, “YOU didn’t do enough.” The Rainbow Cards


Questions, Comments and Additions

Added January 6, 2019

  1. In 2020, a change to the Presidency is possible, and could grow more probable as 2020 progresses.  If Donald Trump is caused to leave office early, or removed from being active, Mike Pence takes over as possibly “Vice-President as Acting-President”. He would make full use of the opportunity.  Some would be happy about this, some would not.
  2. “Can you elaborate more on the statement, “Problems in the Middle East will escalate. Watch for this during May, June and July.”? … Thank you.”  D.M.
    I’m seeing many more problems and increasing heated verbal battles regarding Saudi Arabia.  This will be like a pot boiling over.  Increasing conflict will continue to rise with the worst beginning around this spring.  There may be less media information, but some of the backlash within and with S. A. will be hidden from the outside world.  Some of the push back actions from the S. A. government will be hidden from the public.
  3. “I finished reading your 2019 predictions. In them you mention that you’ve discussed the results of the 2020 elections in other postings, but I don’t recall seeing this information, except in your reading shortly after the 2016 elections. Could you elaborate on what you see for the 2020 presidential elections? Thanks!” L.
    Yes, I go into some detail in the audio file of the 2016 elections reading.  There is more information there, so I’m just going to refer you to that, right now.  You can also check out the right hand column section of “Categories” where I list the “Presidency/Politics” category.  I’ll go into detail on the 2020 elections in the 2020 predictions.  I will say that we’ll see the campaigning start ramping up this spring and right before summer arrives.  We’ll then see the field of Democratic candidates.
  4. “What will happen to the Kurds?” E. B.
    The Kurds, as well as many other groups of people around the world, will continue to suffer from the actions of others and other governments.  The late spring and early summer months will be especially difficult times for the Kurds, specifically.  Their lives are another example of people who need help from those who are willing to help.  We have seen many human examples of mass cultural suffering and sorrow throughout the 20th century and now in the 21st.  Pray for the Kurds, also, because all prayers that go out for them will help these people in some way.
  5. (Added Feb 4, 2019) Now, I’ve read your psychic predictions for 2019 with high interest. You mention “Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean”. In this context, as I’m living at the outskirts of Tokyo, what can you see in particular for Japan? Many thanks in advance! L.P.
    As of today, in 2019, I do see the southern half of Japan most affected by storms, but not taking a direct hit from any Typhoon.  However, this can change, as I see potential (potential only) for a small but major storm which could move across Japan.  This would be between April and June.  I do see that the affect on the southern half of Japan will be enough to be very alert to dangers.  The main force of the storms will go into China and more southerly.  In the last 5 months of 2019, I see a possible 3 typhoon/storms for the Pacific Ocean, but the path being south of Japan (with 1 possibly going north of Japan.)  The southerly path puts the Philippines in danger with a real possibility of taking another direct hit.


“We live each day with the choice to pray, to love, to show mercy and compassion towards others for their own sake, knowing inside our very soul that these things are worthwhile, and are needed in a weary, weary world in order to bring that world out of the manifestation of those destructive acts which we created lifetimes ago, yet haven’t yet healed.
We can heal [destructive] events like the one in Las Vegas, before it happens. We have already done so much healing. Events destined to manifest, have been dissolved and healed, [never to happen]. We need only keep on keeping on with this work.” (Excerpt from “Las Vegas Horror”)


Why South America’s Deforestation of the Amazon Rain Forest Causes Destruction in the US.

High School science teaches us why deserts are cold at night – due to the high heat dissipating/rising quickly into the atmosphere at the end of the day – causing wide swings in high and low temperature from day to night.  It also can teach us the opposite – that forests hold the heat in at night – acting as a regulator of the heat buildup of the day – preventing wide swings in highs and lows.

So, when South America deforests the Amazon rain forest in millions of acres, it’s easy to understand how no longer having trees over millions and millions of acres causes much greater heat dissipating/rising into the atmosphere. Then it can be understood that when this massive amount of heat from millions of acres of bare land moves over the Atlantic from the winds in the atmosphere, (here it comes) that the Atlantic waters off the northeastern and eastern coast of South America heat up, as well.

And, when the Atlantic Ocean’s waters heat up, this means there are more hurricanes and tropical storms. And, because of the increase in heat in the atmosphere from South America added to the normal heat buildup of summer and fall, the high temperature builds even more in the Atlantic creating, not just more, but bigger storms.

Hurricane Florence 2018

With the high pressure systems already over the US during summer and early fall, from the very real Climate Change, the high pressure systems more now push the hurricanes up the east coast instead into the Gulf of Mexico, instead of which happened during the 20th century. This pattern will continue to happen in the decades ahead because there will be little change to the circumstances contributing to this pattern.

I see even more destructive hurricanes over the next 7 years and some even worse than what we’ve seen so far. Watch for them beginning in 2020, then worse in 2021, then even worse in 2022 and 2023. Then lessening some in 2024, then less in 2025 and 2026.

These processes can be and are understandable to those “who have eyes to see”, meaning who still have open minds and a willingness to learn the reality that is upon us. This is one small and simplified explanation about how we’re all in this together, all over the planet. If anyone is wondering if something that happens on another continent can have a direct effect on us here in the US, ask the people living on the East Coast of the US.

It is appropriate to say, “What a small world we live in.”


“Common Sense is just as much a spiritual quality as mercy and forgiveness.  We just call it wisdom, instead.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Go deeper, Look deeper, Examine deeper.  The deeper we go, the more truth we discover.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“The world gets better when any one of us says, ‘I’m willing to try – to see what I can do to help.’ Not when we say, ‘He didn’t – She didn’t – You didn’t do enough.’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

Shifting Sands: Predictions, Changes to Predictions, and Creating Experiences

The road which the future unfolds upon is always available for change.  This is because we have freewill to choose our own paths, actions, feelings and thoughts. At any time we can change our minds, heal our hearts, cry out to God for help, and thus change the road we’re going down.

First, … that which we call “good” from the human perspective in our lives is the good that we create and build for both ourselves and others.  That which we call “bad” that enters our lives, many times is from our created experiences in our past lives (and present lives) – that which we created and built for ourselves and others from our past which has returned home to us.  “Good” doesn’t happen by itself.  We must willingly create it – bringing it forth through our own heart-effort to give the experience of being loved to others (and ourselves).  In the same way, “bad” doesn’t happen by itself, either.

Generally speaking, I’m seeing some of the previously predicted darkness for humanity during these times (which I’ve described in past posts as being the years leading to 2026 then coming out of the worst times during the late 2020’s and into the 2030’s, and expanding on to 2038) be as clouds and some breaking up of the clouds. Some of the unbalanced and harm-centered energy being set to manifest is being healed/dissolved/re-integrated at the Earth plane level into the Higher vibration energy.  This is done through bringing forth into the Earth (people’s lives) that which has its source being the Highest Vibration – Love, Kindness, Forgiveness, Patience, Persistence, Oneness, Mercy, and meditation and prayers.

While the times/years of manifestation stated are still the expected time frame which I’ve been seeing, I’m seeing fragments of these times not be as dark as they had been before.

As I’ve said many times beginning with a reading done for the A.R.E. in 2012, then again in my election reading recording of November, 2016, (available on this blog site) in the US arena, Donald Trump is a one-term president. The democrats will win back the House of Reps. in Nov, 2018.  There is no change to this. While I’ve predicted the Affordable Care Act will be eliminated in 2018, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of this prediction will give some indication of how much success is occurring in healing the energy which would cause these manifestations.  As of this posting, the ACA has not been eliminated even though the current elected people have been trying to end it.  Meanwhile, the intention still is to harm it in some way and 2 months still exist in 2018. This would absolutely be harmful to the lives of many, many people.  Continued effort with meditation and prayers can help with this.

I’m still seeing events happen in different parts of the Earth – individual events which act as anchors of the low-vibration (darker) energy. These events will be devastating to some masses of people. We’ve seen natural and man-made disasters happen in our lifetimes. For the man-made disasters, the mindset and willingness to create these is still dominant.  Still yet to come – in the 2020’s – some of these natural disasters could happen to millions at once, and with super-high death tolls.  Meanwhile, watch for the years 2021-2024, then the end of 2025 and beginning of 2026.  Something is going to happen.  I’m not yet clear on what it is. It’s not as far away as you think.  Remember 2010 & 2011?  That’s the time distance.

We also have the very real potential for man-made serious problems – like disasters in the economy, and even more weather related disasters – of which much of the dark energy will manifest as.  There is not enough centered/balanced/high vibration energy to dissolve these.  To use a metaphor, the ball is now set in motion and will pick up speed through 2019.  We will see a big difference between the start of 2019 and the end of 2019, then again to the end of 2020.  I see greater poverty for a significant and noticeable number of people, loss of economic possibilities for people – in pocket areas.  Getting onto the road to reversing this won’t be successful until 2026.

While it could seem to be unreal or impossible, these are the “end times” – the end of this age of mankind. A new age of mankind begins in 2038 (but not with a noticeable event.)

Looking forward into the next decade, in the US, we will see horrendous conflict between the 2020 president (Democrat) and the Republican Senate. There will be so much animosity – beyond what can be repaired – without great pain and prayers. The venom will be massive – retribution for the animosity towards them during the previous years.   From 2020 to 2024, then diminishing through to 2026.  This will be worse than we’ve ever seen in this US setting.  Sorrow and pain for people across the nation will be the result.  Unfortunately, I see it only changing when people in office are eventually voted out.  Beginning in 2026, newly elected officials will seek to find ways to reestablish working to find common ground.


Now the good news:  Yes, there is good news and real good news.

There is an unrevokable principle in place that those who create the mess and problems in the world and in people’s lives are responsible for cleaning up or fixing the results of this mess. This is part of the real balance in the Spiritual/Physical Universe.  This is another facet of karma that is not usually perceived, because of the fulfillment of karma usually being in future lives.  However, this can be easier to understand if thought of in this way: we don’t’ just go through karma, we are responsible for healing/transforming it, because this process brings us back into the balance and center of the soul’s evolution of full awareness of our Higher Selves and the oneness we have with the Infinite Consciousness of God.  The purpose of karma – the creation principle in action – is to raise the energy vibrations.  We can do that in countless ways when we meet ourselves in the manifestation of the returning home of that experience we created for others – also known as “our karma”.

We can take a look at our own lives and perhaps see areas where we are working to heal, transform and “help clean up”, in order to give us an understanding of how this has been in effect in our own lives, as well.  We seek to create a better world than the worse one we helped create in one or more of our past lives.  The reward is the MASSIVE Joy of bringing light and healing to that part of our own world and that part of ourselves.  This redeeming principle is now, has been and will always be in effect – and fulfilled via one day at a time of the thousands of years yet to come for the purpose of helping all souls.

The Earth is now at a higher vibration, and will increase towards the higher vibrations as we continue our work here.  This is not up for debate, and is happening without regards to any “belief or non-belief”.  The world as we know it now is not the world we will have – but we must create the new world through our spiritual efforts in all areas of life.  And !!!   — one day at a time.

With regards to the fulfillment of this principle of karma, it is somewhat voluntary (because of freewill) as to when we choose to bring forth our own effort to “transform our mistakes”, but it is necessary for our own healing of ourselves and the world we live in. We cannot individually heal without these pockets of karma being unresolved.  Painful?  Yes.  Bringing forth tears at times? Yes – which is why we give each other comfort and compassion, patience and kindness – but this principle and it’s manifestation in our lives brings forth massive and exponential transformation beyond what has ever been on this planet before. Hence, why it also brings forth joy. With this transformation is the awareness of – the MASSIVE Joy and Light which lifts us beyond what we’ve ever known.   Yet…. not happening in full in just one day, or one week, or one year or one decade.

Our own willingness to help, to serve, to contribute, to pray, to meditate, is not just a healing process and evolutionary process for ourselves, but also for the Earth, and vice versa. Our learning, our helping, and our participation in bringing forth manifestations of love – is our evolution and our “salvation” (to use that term. I usually say, “healing”.)

This is what I see right now.


“The experiences we create for others are the experiences we are creating for ourselves.  The heaven or hell we are creating for others, is the heaven or hell we are creating for ourselves – down to including every part of the experience’s ‘DNA’ ”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

The World as We Knew It

There is a psychological phenomenon described this way – many older people, having lived a large part of their/our life in a world where there was no climate change whatsoever, and now living in a world where this is only a little climate change – don’t believe in climate change because they won’t see it – in that they’ll pass on before they see it or have it directly touch them. It is not something for them to worry about or deal with. This phenomenon is easily visible in publicly visible elected officials, especially considering that 50% of the US Senate is 65+.  The elderly make up the greater numbers of climate deniers or the climate “I don’t care” group.

It has been observed that as people age, they tend to hold onto the world of the year span in which they were in their teens to 40’s more than enter into the current world. This contributes to “generation gaps”. In other words, the world that we used to live in, we tend to hold onto in our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Generally, the world that exists today then becomes generally ignored at a certain level in our consciousnesses by older generations. Generally, even those who say they aren’t ignoring or denying the current world, are doing it in some ways, albeit not in others, without being 100% aware they are.  (All generalizations are false, including this one.)

We cannot avoid this process within ourselves. We tend to focus on “Life as we know it” because of how we feel and think. There are many feelings of confidence that go along with “knowing all about life”. Imagine the feelings that go along with “having no clue how to live in the world of today.” And we know the past ways of living better than we know the current ways of living, thus giving us a sense of safety and security by holding onto the past worlds that we already lived in.  There’s a difference of feeling our feet on solid ground vs. on constantly changing ground (like ocean waves).

A generalization is – “as elderly acknowledge they’ll die soon, knowing they’ll never deal with climate change, have no need to worry about climate change and therefore don’t.”

However, when there is awakened within someone a concern for future generations taking precedence over one’s own life and one’s own soon death – children and grandchildren – there is an awakening for what the future generations will face.

The younger generations carries the complete and total weight of the destruction which climate change is now bringing and with increasing levels, will bring in more widespread occurrences. It is the younger generation who will be living through the destruction – of which we’ve been getting more and more a taste every year – that comes with climate change.  And this destruction is not imaginary for the younger generation, like it is for older generations, many of whom cannot imagine how bad it will be because they’ve never had it in their world.

The questions for us are, which world do we live in today?  Which world are we creating to live in, if any, tomorrow?  Which world of the past are we holding onto and why are we holding onto it?  We have answers to these questions inside us.

Regardless of how we answer these or feel about them, the world we used to live in doesn’t exist anymore except in our own memories and wishes.  We can live our life in our memories or we can join the world of today and start living our life, again, deciding what we can give to the world – for the rest of today, and tomorrow, … and the next day… and the next.  We’re not dead, today, and this means we have work to do with some of that work preparing for the climate change destruction which is increasing each day.  The last question we have related to this is – how much can we reverse…. today?  (Remember, today is the only day we can work on this.)


“If we’re still alive in the Earth, then our work is not finished.”  All Spiritual Teachings

“Retirement is man-made, not God-made.  God does not mean for us to retire from society or from living, as long as we’re on this Earth.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We can be among the first ones to lead the new ways into the future,or we can be among the last ones to follow the old ways of the past.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©,1999-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

2018 Hurricane Season

First, for I want to say for Texas, that I’m NOT seeing a large hurricane coming into the Texas coast this year.  I am seeing possibly 2 smaller storms late in the summer/early fall, but not a hurricane.  These two storms will enter on the Eastern coastline of Texas – from Corpus Christi to Beaumont, and into Louisiana.

I am seeing 1 hurricane and 1 tropical storm going through the southern Gulf of Mexico into Mexico – through or near the Yucatan Peninsula.  There could be a 3rd going further south than the Yucatan.

I am seeing a storm/possibly tropical storm/hurricane going up the west coast of Florida into the panhandle of Florida, then heading northeast into Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia before it dissipates.

I am seeing 1 tropical storm at least, in the 2nd half of the summer going up the east coast of Florida, traveling through the central Florida landmass and eastern coast line.  Half way up, it could then go back out to the Atlantic or cross into the Gulf going westward.  This one could fluctuate a lot.  This one could even not happen at all.

As we go into the Fall, 2018, a few more storms, tropical storms, and hurricanes can go up the East Coast of the US.  1 small-medium size hurricane could then go inland into the Carolinas.  2 others stay in the Atlantic and don’t come inland.  The Eastern coastline will get “scraped” though by one of these 3 storms.

I don’t see any hurricanes or tropical storms threaten the Northeastern US, but I do see a heavy storm system in the area.  It just won’t be a hurricane or tropical storm.



Winter Weather Still

For those in the northern Midwest as well as the North Eastern states, the winter weather won’t leave completely until around the 1st week in May (depending on location) to the 2nd week in May.  This kind of winter experience will be duplicated many times in the years ahead.  For example, the bad news: 5 of the next 10 years will be worse than this year, 1-2 years of the next 10 years will be similar, but for the good news – 3 to 4 of the next 10 years will be better (warmer weather).

The discrepancy (looseness of the prediction for the last 2 categories) is based on human choice.  Human consciousness affects the weather.  No amount of arguing against this will change it.  In fact, just the opposite will occur.


Weather Predictions for 2017-2018 winter

Do you have a winter forecast for the US for 2017-18? A.K.

First and foremost, you’ll always find me writing that the meteorologists/scientists who are involved with predicting weather, are valid in their research, understanding, and predictions.  This is true for the short term – one season, as well as the long term – decades ahead.  The science is valid and worthy of serious attention and response with regard to Climate Change, Global Warming or whatever any of us calls it.  When examining these statements against any who oppose them, look more at the hearts of the individuals, and what anyone’s hearts cause to come out of one’s own mouth.  Weigh that which is within one’s heart and look for this one’s agenda and motivation.


The US has a variety of weather areas and each one will be somewhat different.  I’ll add also that the weather is like a stairway, each level is dependent on the previous level.  Each “stairstep” builds itself off the previous “stairstep”.

The Southwest: last year was warmer than average.  This year is going to continue this pattern.  Dec and January will be comparable to last years, with only slightly colder temperature.  February will see the 2 middle weeks being slightly colder than last year, but warmer than would be called “average”.

The Southeast:  I see a dryer winter for the S.E. for all 3 months.  I also see higher temperatures than would be considered winter temperatures.  This is for the 1st 2 months, then some colder weather in February, than in the Dec and Jan months.

The Northeast:  There’s no escaping the cold weather in the N.E. I see frozen temperatures – solid frozen.  I see an average amount of snow.  While Dec will come in weak, January will be windy and cold.  February will be frozen cold, but warmer temperatures will come in earlier in March than years past.

Midwest:  The M.W. is going to get hit with cold wind.  Lots of snow will cover the plains regions.  This is getting to be a new normal winter for this region.  In future years, there will be very few winters that are not like this.  Except for a slightly warmer 2018-2019 winter, all other winters for this decade will be COLD for this region.  Absolutely this will affect crop growth.

New England area:  December is when winter usually starts, but all meteorological predictions for November are already in and they predict cold in the Autumn month of November, also.  December will be much colder than November.  January will be a full-blown winter weather for the region.  February will be disastrous with serious winter weather related problems.  I see ice, wind and water problems.

Western US:  For the most  part, this region will not strongly experience serious winter weather.  January will be slightly colder, but still not a hazardous situation.    February will be slightly colder, but again, not serious and more closer to average.

Pacific Northwest:  This region will experience what could be called an average winter.  It will be slightly colder this year than last year, though in all 3 months.  However, Spring will come in earlier for this regions – close to the end of February.

Western Central states:  (Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and surrounding areas) Again, meteorologists have mentioned cold fronts coming in November, and I would add this will build in December.  There will be MUCH snow in the regions – for those who ski.  The cold fronts coming through will cause temperatures to dip into icy temperatures.  Much of the snow will turn to ice as the winter continues into January and the 1st 3 weeks of February.  Again, I’m seeing an earlier than normal spring with regard to temperatures.  The last week of Feb. will see temperatures rise, but there will be some late cold fronts in April and one in May, though not as bad as if it were Jan or Feb.

There will be a few anomalies this winter.
New Mexico will have several weeks of arctic temperatures in mid-January.
Eastern California will experience some warmer than average temperatures in the High Sierras overall.  The winter temperatures will hinder the fires, but not stop them completely.  A remnant of one fire believed to be burned out, will start up again in late November in the lower Sierras south of Yosemite, north of Kings Canyon Nat. Forest.
Tennessee will experience a pocket of warm weather with the Sun breaking through the clouds, in the midst of a cold front that would be happening all around them. It won’t last long.  (1st half of January)
Any other “anomalies” are so insignificant and small that they could be considered normal, and so I won’t bother with them here.

I’m ready for questions.


“Prayer and meditation changes things fundamentally and deeper than politics could ever reach.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We will have no changes in this nation, if we have no prayer.  Change will only come with prayer.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We will have no changes in this nation, if we have no mercy, no understanding, no patience extended to others, or no forgiveness.  Change comes when we bring these qualities alive within us.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Hurricane Harvey and Facebook

For anyone interested, I’m also on Facebook.  Type my name and my postings will come up.  All my postings are public, so there should be no difficulty in reading them.  I don’t do predictions on FB.

I mention FB because during hurricane Harvey, I haven’t posted here, but rather on FB.  There’s massive destruction as people have seen.  I know many people who have been hit hard and many who are helping those who are suffering the worst of the destruction.

Unfortunately, there are some that are using this as a criminal opportunity.  Looting and scamming is happening.

Please, continue to pray for all the people involved and connected to this event.  All.  If you feel you want to help, help in whatever way you feel you can.  Don’t worry about any that are adding more problems to the situation.  As Edgar Cayce said in one of his readings, “Do what is in your lap, to do.”  As Christ told Peter, “You don’t concern yourself with what others do or don’t do  I’ll concern myself with them.  You follow me.”

May God be with everyone during this time.


“It is irrelevant whether we can or cannot do something. What matters is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart. It is the one who is not willing, who cannot. It is the one who is willing, who can.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2002-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“The secret to healing is to let it be for all life – infinite life.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“When we’re seeing good in others, we’re seeing God in others.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2008-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Mid-2017 Psychic Predictions

  1. Weather:  With the hurricane season upon us, I see several storms coming onto the name list.  I see 4 Atlantic storms growing that will go up the East Coast.  Only 2 of them will impact the East Coast making landfall.  The other 2 will stay  further out, barely impacting the East coast.  Of these 2 going in affecting the land, I don’t see them being major storms equally.  1 larger going into Georgia, South Carolina and inland and north.  1 smaller going into South Carolina and North Carolina and north of there.  The larger could grow to a Category 2, but could stay a Cat. 1.  The 2nd will make a Cat. 1 but won’t last long.  A 3rd will come close enough to cause storm problems to the same area as #2, but will not go inland as a full hurricane.  This 3rd one could go up the coast without landing, but will still have indirect impact on the coastline with a little more than average impact in Maine.
  2. First, I see 2 major storms going into the Gulf of Mexico.  1 going southward into Mexico, possibly the Yucatan or south of the Yucatan.  A 2nd major storm going into Texas around Corpus Christi or slightly eastward, possibly in August.  This one could become strong enough to be a Tropical Storm or Cat. 1.  It could make landfall as a Cat 1, but it could grow at the last minute and make landfall as a Cat 2 with it quickly dying down.   I see several other storms, but not reaching Cat. status.  They would remain Tropical Depressions.  One of these could go into the Brownsville, Tx area.
  3. I do see storms going into Mississippi and western Florida, but not as major hurricanes.  These areas will get lots of rain and wind, though.
  4. While I’m seeing these storms as major storms, my use of the term “major” is still subjective.  This means that I could be off about the degree of seriousness that I’m speaking of.  If they are less than what I see, they would all be less than what I see as a whole.  They would not be greater than what I see.  The damage can still be significant, though.
  5. The drought happening in Texas and other areas will continue until October, 2017, which will be a month of much rain.
  6. Politics:  I’m still seeing a great desire to end Obamacare in Congress and by the President.  As of today, I still see a higher chance of them succeeding at ending it, than it staying in place.  The possibility of it staying as is, in place, is extremely low.  Again, this will happen in 2018.  There is very little interest by those who will decide this to leave it in place.  There is every intent on ending it.
    1. As sad as it is for me to say this, I see millions of people losing their health care and having nothing.
    2. There is great determination and intention by those pursuing this to make this happen.
    3. If it hasn’t ended before 2018 ends, those in power will end it without anything to replace it.
  7. I still see the 2018 elections to be a turning point.  If things continue as they are now, I see the House of Reps. switching to a Democrat majority.  I’ve mentioned this before in some other readings, and I still see it happening.
  8. I do see Jared Kushner stepping back as a presidential adviser half way through the 4 year term.
  9. I do see President Trump being open to working with the Democrats in the 2nd half of his term.
  10. President Trump will only have 1 term as president.  I’ve mentioned this before.  I’ll also say that had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, she also would only have had 1 term.
  11. I see 2020-2026 being 6 years of great conflict between the Republicans and Democrats.
  12. The Voter Fraud investigation won’t turn up anything more than a few instances in Arkansas.
  13. Natural Disasters:  In 2017, I’m seeing 1 major earthquake in southern California westward of the Fresno area.  As high as a 5.6.  Late October
  14. Weather related disasters – heat related – will impact the Midwestern states.  This will greatly impact food production.  Then in Jan – Feb, 2018, the same region will be hit with a cold winter.
  15. No, the dormant volcano in Yellowstone won’t erupt this decade or the next one, either.
  16. I see more earthquake activity happening in South America – Peru and western Brazil.
  17. Economy: I see gasoline prices at the pump staying relatively at the rate they are now through to the end of 2017.  Before the end of the year, prices at the pump could raise, some, but only by about 10%+ or so.
  18. I see the 2017 economy staying stable and optimistic.  Wall Street’s numbers will go upward slowly and slightly to the end of the year.
  19. Throughout the year 2018, the US will experience some economic setbacks.  It can be described as “it will be a rocky road – some bumps.”
  20. Several months back I saw a major event happening in May, 2018.  At that time, I saw it being a major event which would significantly impact the nation.  President Trump will not be able to do anything to stop it.  I don’t have more information right now.
  21. California’s economy will stay strong through 2017, but will be affected in 2018 by the economic directions in which the nation is going.
  22. Medical:  If or perhaps ‘when’ the end of Obamacare happens, this will create upheavals in the medical fields and industries, especially with MD’s.
    1. Every time I look at this, I see millions of Americans left with no health care coverage, as if “standing out in the cold” with no relief in sight.
  23. 2018-2020 will be very good years for medical research progress in several different areas related to major diseases.  I see this as a generality and not identifying specific diseases or maladies.
  24. World:  We won’t see much change happening for Europe in 2017.  As a whole, it is a time for the governments of Europe and the European Union to study and plan where to go from here.
    1. As the years progress into the next decade, Europe’s economy as a whole will struggle and seem to be slowly slipping.  However, around 2022 (5 years from now), specific steps taken will strengthen the economies of the European nations and Europe will take its place as an economic world leader.
    2. Europe will continue to be a prime tourist destination.
  25. Asia’s combined economy is stable for the rest of this year.  The policies in place will help their respective countries continue without any major problems through 2018.

You can ask questions via leaving it in the comments.



Climate Change Discussion

Well, I’m still skeptical that warming would increase weather extremes but think it would enhance rainfall and lead to more flooding. My reasoning, the polar regions heat up a lot but tropical regions temps remain about the same. That reduces the temperature gradient which would reduce energy available for severe storms to form. But I don’t think CO2 is causing the warming. It’s a trace gas, only 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. Something else bigger is going on that’s warming the climate. Anyway I really enjoy your website. You probably have the best spiritual messages out of all thy psychics online. Have a happy new year.  Joel

First of all, thank you very much for your good wishes for the new year, and may you truly be blessed by God during this next year.  Also, thank you for contributing to the discussion on the blog.

Now, you did not request this, but I would like to try to mention some information which could offer some thoughts on the climate.  I offer it as an effort only to give a simplified and much condensed perspective of some of the forces influencing climate and weather.

You’re right to think there are also other deeper forces at work with regards to climate change.  By itself, CO2 build up wouldn’t cause changes if the CO2 stayed in one place.  But, what CO2 does (plus many other factors) is throw off the balance of atmospheric pressure by the CO2 molecules’ activity generated by sunlight in the atmosphere.  Greater heat (CO2 activity) creates greater pressure from greater total molecular activity, like heating the air in a hot air balloon causes the balloon to expand (expansion is an increasing of the molecular activity that happens).  The heated air molecules are vastly more active pushing against each other creating that higher pressure (more active than non-heated air molecules).

Greater pressure builds up in certain areas.  This pressure pushes on the atmosphere (up, down and sideways) creating more activity in the atmosphere.  More activity in the atmosphere causes different patterns of atmospheric behavior than has been the usual atmospheric behavior in a particular area.  More pressure creates stronger atmospheric forces pushing on the atmosphere, which cause changes in how the normal weather behaved around the planet.  To use the balloon metaphor, as the balloon expands, it pushes the outside air outwardly like ripples in a lake when a boat is set down upon the water.

This means there are more planetary high pressure zones sometimes keeping low pressure zones from moving into an area- low pressure zones being that which helps bring rain – therefore an area has more droughts and heat buildup.  This also means the higher molecular (air) activity of the high pressure atmosphere both pulls (yes, “pulls”) and pushes on the colder arctic air sending it further into previously non-arctic regions thus bringing temperatures lower further than they have been in usually hot regions.

It is the stronger of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet or put another way, the hotter of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet.  Heat is building up in the arctic regions as well as other regions and therefore pushing the changed atmosphere out of the normal patterns – like coloring outside the lines in a coloring book.

What I mentioned before in other articles is something you hit upon in your previous comment – plants – namely trees.  If humanity planted billions, billions and more billions of trees – instead of cutting down billions and billions of trees, we’d have a reversing force helping to make rebalancing happen, with a normalization happen in the atmosphere.

One of the other many factors which I alluded to at the beginning of this article and in the past is that as trees are cut down, the soil/land/dirt is exposed to the sun heating up the soil.  Soil does not hold heat like trees hold/absorb heat, and so the sun heated soil allows greater heat to escape into the atmosphere at night – that’s why deserts are cold at night.  Unfortunately, as more and more land is made desert-like by cutting down trees, more and more soil-born heat rises into the atmosphere, fewer trees utilize the CO2 and the “warming” process continues.

Again, this is by no means all the forces that are active in this process.  This is only a simplified and much condensed explanation of some of the forces happening.


“Imagine a world where no science existed.  On our planet, that world existed during ‘cave-man’ days.   Imagine a world where no religion or spirituality existed.  On our planet, that has been attempted in a few communist countries.  Now, imagine a world where both science and religion/spirituality existed, even sometimes in conflict.  This is the world we live in.

Both science and spirituality either serve humanity or harm humanity – determined by the heart of the person who chooses.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Psychic Predictions for 2017

Predictions for the United States

In the days immediately after the swearing in ceremony, I see a stepping up of assaults against the North Dakota Standing Rock protesters.  It will last for at least 3 weeks, possibly 5 or more, before those in authority step back to examine other strategies.  Many will seek ways to circumvent the decision by the Corp of Engineers and go ahead with completion of the pipeline.

For the year of 2017, I see the US economy starting off well in the winter and spring months with only a few “not too worrisome” economic ups and downs happening until the summer of 2017.  The general public will not be aware of much of this.  As the US exits summer, greater economic ups and downs will happen.  The economic road in the last few months of 2017 will become rocky indeed.  By the end of 2017, many will be worried because of economic instability starting to be clear and visible to more than just a few.  The year will end with a general feeling of “getting a little beat up.”

Gasoline prices at the pump will slowly begin to climb at the beginning of the year, but will level off through the spring.  By mid-Summer, I see a slight drop before the beginning of Fall when I see gas prices begin to rise again.   I’m seeing a range from $2.40-$2.80/gallon coming back in 2017, although it’s fluctuation could still be all over the place.  What I definitely see is it not staying at the level it is now.  Gasoline prices are going up.

Alternative energies in the US, will not get a lot of government support, and so these companies will call on the people of the US to help the industries grow.  This call from those people in the industry will help generate some popular support, but the general population are also going to be dealing with the beginning of having less spending power.  Those industry leaders who call for finding ways to streamline or lower the costs for people will keep a steady business pace.  Some areas of R&D will slow down because of budget cuts.

2017 will see a continuing growth of personal involvement in grass-roots efforts and activism.  More people will seek ways to become more active in influencing directions the country goes.

For the US, during 2017, I see the potential for some mostly small earthquake activity in Arkansas, related to the fracking in Oklahoma.

The topic of extraterrestrial activity will get attention in the central to Midwest states.

A town in western Florida will have a wonderful event happen.  Somewhere around Quincy, FL area.  I don’t see what it is, but it will make them delighted and happy.

2017 is not the year that affordable health care coverage in the US will be made unavailable for many people.  That’s 2018.

In general, in the US, we will see more extreme weather events in 2017.  Most of it will be during January thru May.

The World

The Pope will travel more in Europe in 2017.  I also see him making a trip to South America and a potential trip into central Africa.  His message will be consistent with his overall message so far.  He is seeking to give hope to people.

In 2017, there will be little progress for peace in the Middle East.  Some cease fire agreements will happen, but eventually they will be broken.

In general, India’s economy will stay at the level it is now.   I don’t see much growth, if at all.  It won’t get worse, though.  India will be waiting to see how other countries go with regards to the new presidency in the US, so they won’t be taking risks in their economic progress.  Ideally, India would do better not waiting to see how the US goes, but step forward to take a lead in economic directions.  This next 50 years is India’s half-century and India has the potential to become a stronger leader than it currently is in the world’s economy.  However, the poverty in India will continue to be a very big problem for people for decades to come.  I’m not seeing progress for the general health care conditions.  But, I do see progress in the decades ahead in the area of education – especially in the 2020’s.

Minor progress will be made in the field of archaeology around the world.  I don’t see any significant discoveries in 2017.  However, there will be further understanding and expansion of those discoveries already made.  Archaeological discoveries in Egypt will not progress that much, or as much as many want.

China’s economy will continue to grow through the 1st half of the year.  It will become rocky during the 2nd half of the year making Chinese government officials nervous.  The Chinese economy in the 2nd half won’t be bad, but it won’t perform as many hoped it would.

In 2017, Japan’s economy will continue to be stable and a good place to invest.

2017 is not the year of direct dangerous activity from Russia.

Canada will be a productive nation in 2017.  I see much good energy and good progress for Canada in 2017.

2017 will be another difficult year for Great Britain.  There will be more governmental upheaval (around April-July) which will cause the country to “stumble” some.  In time, it will stand back up, but it will take more than just 2017.

Australia will have fires to deal with in 2017, with at least one that is massive in size.  The economy in Australia will be strong and stable throughout the year, but I don’t see much growth.  However, I don’t see it going down unless its a very small amount – still strong though.


More to come

Praying for Climate Change and the Weather: Yes or No?

(The original article was posted here on July 11, 2009.)

I want to bring up a few important points to answer this issue.

#1  God’s answer to any of our problems and difficulties has never been – “Don’t pray.”

#2 The Climate Change problems we have now are vastly created by human consciousness and only minimally by mother nature – whether believed or not.  Those that believe this can know to take steps to help change this.  Those that don’t believe this, usually do little to change this and usually create more problems.  Sadly, many choose to not believe and not do anything to help, than believe and help the work of turning things around.  But the Bible reminds us, “the prayers of a few will save many.”  The prayers and meditations of those willing to work will change and influence all things.

#3  The weather and climate change patterns we have now are also partially karmic related and so, like any other karmic energy pattern manifestation – can be changed and healed through the raising of the vibrations through any means, including prayer and meditation.  The amount of healing and rebalancing is directly related to the amount of prayer, meditation, and spiritual acts of brotherhood and oneness.

#4  If we’re concerned about what to pray for, always remember to include, “Father God, Mother God, please bring the life-giving help of all kinds for all people and all life according to what you know we all need.  Let my prayers go to you to be used to help in whatever way you may know to use them.  Here am I, use me and my prayers for your greatest will and service for all life.   Amen.”

#5  It’s okay to pray for God’s will to be done, even with regards to weather and climate change, because God’s will has never been to punish and smite, and always been to show mercy and give life – even in the form of healthy weather patterns.  God is also desiring for us to learn that praying is worthwhile even if we have to learn how best to do it.

#6  Pray for healthy weather patterns.  Pray for balanced weather patterns.  Pray “HELP US, GOD!”   Pray using no words whatsoever.  Pray for whatever you feel okay with, just pray, and then let God decide what is possible with our prayers.

#7  Praying and meditating accomplishes more than “not praying” and “not meditating”.

#8  Praying is like building a bridge, with prayers being like the bricks from which the bridge is built.  We can’t cross the bridge when just the first few bricks are in place.  The bridge isn’t ready for use until the all of the needed bricks are in place, too.

#9  Praying is like rowing a boat.  With each paddle in the water, and with each effort to row the boat, the boat moves eventually towards its destination.  But, when we stop rowing, there is no progress towards any destination and we are left to the currents made by others’ Karma.

#10 What are we willing to pray for those we love?  Are we willing to pray for healthier weather for those we love, because we know their lives will be helped from it?

#11  Nothing can stop God from helping in our lives more than a closed mind or a closed heart.

#12 Don’t put God to the test.  Don’t guess what God needs to do or not do.  God is not the one here needing to learn something – in this case – to pray – even if it’s for healthy weather patterns and healing the climate changes.

#13 God is not seeking just to change things on the outside of us- like the weather, but rather change things on the inside of us.  It is this change that we keep with us through time, and eventually changes the outside of us – even the weather.


“Let God Decide What is Possible.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007, Jodie Senkyrik)

The 2016 Winter Weather

I haven’t put up much weather predictions because the meteorologists watching and predicting the weather for the 2016 winter have been spot on close to what I see.

Overall, I see, again, the 2016 winter being harder than last year’s. There will be heating oil and other energy shortages and the winter weather will create problems getting heating fuels into the areas.

New England
The New England states are going to be the worst hit of the states with winter weather. Their temperatures and snow levels will be equal to last year and even a little worse. This includes New Jersey, Pennsylvania (the western edge of the worst weather) and Washington, D.C. reaching into Virginia and some into Ohio.

While the meteorologists see the winter being warmer, this doesn’t mean “warm”.  This means warmer than the average temperatures have been in years past.  We’ll still see very difficult weather for Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and parts of Vermont. The snow that is happening now in these states, is serving to give people a “heads-up” and will start coming down permanently in November. I see deep snow in these states on through the winter until it starts dwindling in March (but not gone) and then starts melting in April. The last of their snow will be on the ground in May and a little in June. And as odd as it might seem, I see a possibility for more snow at the end of April or beginning of May, but it won’t be enough to add to the hardship. For these northern most states, December will bring cold, snow and some storm winds, possibly having -50F being mentioned regularly in some form in the areas. [I am not seeing the -50F temperatures at this time of looking – 12/6/15]  January will be just as bad as December, and February will equal January. However, I see fewer storms in February, but the cold and snow will stay as is.

While March will see lessening of the severity for the lower New England states, I see the higher N.E. states Winter lasting well past March and include half of the Spring months. Spring temperatures won’t arrive until May/June in the higher N.E. states.

Eastern States
I see the Atlantic states having a harder winter than they did last year, as well.  The average temperatures of the years past would be colder and so it can be said that this winter’s temperatures will average out to be warmer, (but still not warm.)  The cold winds will be their most difficult part. There will be lots and lots of ice on the roads – especially January and February.  Once they get into [December and 12/6/15] January, they’ll see snow skiing become more and more unfavorable because of the ice forming. Their time in this difficult Winter weather will begin to end at the beginning of March. It will be sudden – like turning a switch. February will be very cold, and March will be suddenly warmer -rather than a gradual warming. There a chance for a late snow storm near the end of March but with the warmer temperatures happening, it can turn into rain. Some flooding could happen in a few areas in March.

Central US States
Again, warmer than the yearly averages does not mean “warm.”  The Winter in these states will be somewhat worse than last year, but most of the worst of it will be January and February and not past the Spring date in March. North Dakota, S. Dakota, Minnesota and that area will have what seems like normal winter weather for them – a hard cold winter equaling the New England states – but again, the average temperatures will be warmer than the past yearly averages.  [There won’t be much fluctuation better or worse away from what they usually get. 12/6/15] Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, will have winter storms with snow during December and January, but the harshness will back off some in February.  Spring will arrive in March.

The Southwest

We’re not going to see anything out of the ordinary – like a mild winter.  This will seem very much like a normal, cold, winter.  We’ll see it being much colder than last year’s mild winter.  But, not as bad as 2014 was – 2 years ago.  That doesn’t mean it won’t be cold.  It just means that it won’t be a repeat of 2014.   The Southwestern states will face many cold fronts and freezing temperatures.  For states that aren’t built for cold, this can be a very difficult time.   This winter should be considered a practice run for the winter of 2017 which currently looks like it will be extremely difficult almost equal to 2014.  Don’t block out the winter of 2014, it looks to be coming again and being forewarned is being forearmed.

The West & Northwest

California, Nevada, on up to Washington to Montana – this whole area will have a much warmer winter than the rest of the nation.  At times, the people of Colorado will wonder when winter is going to start.  There will be cold temperatures, [and storms 12/6/15] but for the most part, this will be the year of a milder winter than some of the past winters in the Western states.

For the most part, the meteorologists are forecasting some of the same things I see.  If anyone in the East decides to go west for the warmer winter, take your own water.




World Weather Predictions

Because weather is such an important topic to so many places on the whole Earth, I’ll add what I see with regards to different areas.


Australia has been going through a tremendous drought.  I still see 2.5 more years of drought happening, but after those 2.5 years, the drought will diminish step by step from then on. So, in 2018, I see the drought taking the other turn and begin the process of lessening.  While 2 more years of drought is a problem, I do see its end.  Australia is going into its Summer temperatures right now and this year will see some rain associated with at least 1  major storm.  Look for the storm to not hit Australia directly.  This means there won’t be a lot of rain, but there will be some.


I see a general direction of the same weather patterns which Europe has had for the last 4 years.  I don’t see a lot of fluctuation or dramatic changes.  Climate Change is real and the weather patterns of the last 4-5 years are to be considered the new normal.  The nearest time period I see any dramatic change will be 2018 when I see Europe having an extremely mild winter with 2019 being the pendulum swinging back the other way.  This is far off in the future, but gives the indication that the weather patterns Europe has had recently are going to continue.

As a whole, expect lots of rain over the next 18-24 months.  More than what has been “normal” in decades past.

South Africa

This is one area where the dramatic weather extremes are going to be felt less.  I’m still seeing some extreme weather – with regards to higher than average temperatures, but not beating up the area, like is happening in Australia.  I see the extremes in weather being related to temperatures rather than being extreme storms.  I see a severe mosquito (swarming) problem coming for South Africa – worse that before.  This is related to the weather somewhat.


As a whole, the Climate change effect for India’s weather will be a longer rainy season.  While I see the level of intensity of the storms will be near the same level as compared to decades past, the length of the rain season will be longer and come earlier.  This does mean that there will be significant flooding in cities as well as rural areas.  India will face some disasters related to flooding.  Disease and insects will become a problem because of the flooding.  Clean drinking water will be part of the challenge for people during the floods, and this should not be a surprise.
