Covid – a Vaccine Timetable

This spring the vaccine will be available – not quickly, but not slowly either, and the vast majority will take the vaccine over the duration of the spring months and going into summer. We will see a vast dropping of people infected and businesses will Slowly open up and build up business again, waiting for people to earn money to spend it. Jobs will increase, again, slowly over months’ time … in the spring, and like the flowers, life will start up anew as if it had been waiting for just the right timing.


And our prayers and meditations, like spring rains feeding the flowers, will bring nourishment and comfort for the hope and longing within the hearts and minds of many.
Yet, recovery will be slow, and we will be challenged by, still, many other problems we have on the Earth, right now. The best sources of help are the local help-lines we create for each other in our own communities and neighborhoods. Local suffering which we aren’t fully aware of, will still happen, even with the person next door, that we haven’t yet checked on.
Sadly, there will be no cooperation in D.C. leading to major help, because the elected officials represent the people, and the attitudes of the people. And on the federal level, the people of the country do not give forth cooperation, but rather give forth conflict. This conflict starts with the people and is then reflected by the actions of the elected officials. This is how it works.
But, even during these experiences, our prayers and meditations, like spring rains feeding the flowers, will bring forth nourishment and comfort for any open to receive it and share it, – for bringing hope, and fulfilling the longing for better communities, a better nation and better lives for all. May God bless our efforts for help for all people.