Is MAGA a cult?

If MAGA isn’t a cult, then what is it? D.
(Attached to the question was a meme speaking to the sale of Trump’s Bibles.)

No, it’s not a cult, but with all the anger towards the Republican party, these voters, and Donald Trump, as well as the general misunderstanding of why MAGA adherents act as they do, it became easy to say and think so. There’s a lot of misunderstanding going in all directions.

The short answer is as I’ve written already – We believe what we want to believe, because of all the reasons we want to, including both conscious and unconscious reasons and agendas. Our beliefs have very little to do with TRUTH. We don’t believe what we don’t want to for the same reasons.

(Of this topic, humans are not simple minded by any means, and there are no simple explanations about why humans decide particular choices. Therefore, I will give a deeper explanation than most humans think about.)

First, we live in a world where human beings are supremely complex beings. Humans have many multiple layers within our consciousnesses, including many layers of unconscious and subconscious memories and mental/emotional patterns. This point cannot be avoided when asking “WHAT and WHY?”

The reasons why MAGA members choose as they do, is as complex as to why non-MAGA members choose what they do…. including…

Many souls have a personally-unremembered soul history that is beyond conscious understanding in human terms. We think of human life as a single lifetime – with nothing else ever being true. But, many of us think way beyond this one life, and even go way beyond human existence. All of our varied and UNIMAGINABLE/unremembered histories have a strong influence on how and why we make decisions during our human life.

And yet, with freewill, we can change our minds at any time.


Second, our past lives and our past associations with different people, AS WELL AS, our past life motivations – all are extremely influential in our choosing how we live life now. This is true even though most people are completely unconscious to what these are, and we usually only get small hints to these in our life – yet still not understanding these hints – unless we undertake studying our past lives, and pre-human life.


I’ve already written much about the nature of “Beliefs” – that we formulate beliefs based on everything that we’ve ever experienced, lived, thought, felt, desired, learned, etc. We are the sum total of all of our past lives and past living, including both living in physical bodies and time living not in physical bodies. Our beliefs are as incomplete as we are, if we were to compare our consciousness to God, the Infinite Consciousness.

So, what MAGA is, is the exercise of freewill of a diverse collection of people who disagree with other diverse collections of people–of people who value different things that others value –of people who have different ideas of how to live life different than others. Trump’s sincerity is not the issue. The issue includes one’s willingness and capacity to look beyond a leader’s or “one who is looked up to“s faults, as well as the willingness to act unconsciously – making decisions without understanding ourselves, and all these choices made with conscious, unconscious and subconscious motivators. It is a “surface” way of life, rather than a deeper way of life.

This is why it is good to learn that God alone knows what is in a person’s heart (and consciousness). Many of us see “blind following”, and some of it may be, but God sees much, much more – something very different, and with a lot deeper motivations. A truer answer to the question includes all of these.

I think the meme is about hypocrisy and delusion. D.

[If anyone has seen it, the reference is to the meme beginning, “If you are buying a Bible from a guy who had …]

Even with that, none of us know another person more than God knows them. We can only know our self. The meme also demonstrates judgment and condemnation of others who act or think differently. None of us can know the hearts of others completely and thoroughly, not even a psychic.

These meme concepts may feel satisfactory momentarily, but we think and feel them inside ourselves, and these are also what we are called to let go of, and change within ourselves. Who among us are without sin? Who among us are saying the other person needs to remove the splinter in their eye when we haven’t yet removed the plank in our own?

Who among us has been part of any group in which someone else objected to or hated?

The true followers of Christ are not judging, criticizing, ridiculing or condemning others, but rather letting them have room in the Universe to find their own ways, in the same way we find our own ways and have found our ways to God. Hypocrisy is in all of us to some extent. Delusion is in all of us to some extent. Trump is in the public eye every single day and so his hypocrisy and delusion is easily visible. We have the luxury of not having our hypocrisy and delusion being in the public eye.

This is a working exercise – for 1 day only – to let go of judging others – even those others who may be misled. Do this exercise for 1 day. If you have trouble fulfilling it, then say a prayer asking God to be a part of your effort.

Our prayers are needed and our inner work is needed in these kinds of exercises – when we remember to do them, instead of when we’re enjoying ridiculing, insulting, belittling, disrespecting and killing others. Kindness is a better choice, when we remember.

When you look at Trump, what do you see? I know you see another soul in its development, but what do you see as his motivations? Does he really believe what he says? Or is it just using demagoguery to tap a market? D.

First, remember, and this is very important. When we work to size up another human being’s faults and character, are we doing so in order to learn about ourselves? Or are we doing so, in order to judge, condemn and feel superior to them. It is always the case that what we see in others, is also in ourselves. So, it does indeed behoove us, to work on ourselves, first. This is always the case. Our judgement and criticism of others never serves any healing path. We use judgment and criticism of others to try to make our self feel better about the human being that we have chosen to become.

As we heal/change/transform our self, unique things happen. Our energy and vibration increases, and our prayers and meditations become stronger. Our prayers and meditations then, in turn, become stronger to help the person in front of us, who we are assessing. Our prayers and meditations are able to help bring the Presence of God into the relationship or the person’s environment, thus being more available for the other human being (and our self) to draw upon that Spirit as they choose in their/our life.

The work at letting go of judging others, is for all of us humans. It is the original sin – eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We walk the razors edge of not judging good and evil, and we all fall off that edge quite often. As long as we get back up trying to walk that razor’s edge, we then are continuing to keep on keeping on- on our spiritual journey.

All souls are on a spiritual journey, because all souls are part of the Infinite Consciousness of God. Yet, all souls have misled, and are misled at some point, and so we try again each day, and each day pray for all souls and all life, because we all are seeking Truth. This is helped by our prayer, “Lord, teach us the Truth!”

The best of us humans still must deal with our own hypocrisy and blindness, and the worst of us are still worthy of love, kindness, patience, understanding and prayers. If any one of us could see into the very deepest aspect of another person’s soul, besides the victories, we would also see the deepest pain, the greatest suffering and continuous daily struggle deep within themselves, which they go through, and have been through in their soul journey through the Earth.

As one might guess – if we could, at our current stage of our evolution and growth – see these very same things within our self, we could easily be overwhelmed with the sadness, sorrow, grief and suffering which we experience, too, but keep just below our own level of consciousness. This sorrow, sadness and suffering – much of it comes from our unconscious belief and thoughts that we’ve lost our connection to the Infinite Spirit of Loving Kindness, Compassion, Understanding, Patience, etc, which is the God that we struggle to try to believe in. Every time we choose hatred, separation, impatience, intolerance, judgment, abusiveness, attack thoughts, disrespect, etc of others, we act from a disregard for our forgotten connection to the Infinite Spirit of Oneness with All Life.

Is it any wonder then that we experience despair, fear, and our own brand of insanity, when we believe we have no connection to the very Spirit within us that we are alive by?

So, to answer your question, when we look at Donald Trump, we will see our self. The behaviors, thoughts and feelings he has, are the very same behaviors, thoughts and feelings, all of us have, but in different arenas, different situations, different media coverage and different classrooms of spiritual learning. He believes what he thinks, the same way we believe what we think. He says what he believes, the same way we say what we believe. He is experiencing life situations that many of us have experienced in our past lives or may experience in our future lives. How many of us would like to be indicted on 91 counts of acts we might be guilty of? Would you, the questioner, or the reader? How many of us would like to be Donald Trump and in his life, with EVERYTHING that comes with his life? EVERYTHING!!! (Everything that glitters is not gold.)

How many of us envy the totality of his life, and who he is? Taught what he is taught, treating people as he treats people? If one doesn’t want to become as he is, then pray that we are willing to be open-minded and open-hearted to learning the soul lessons he also is learning, and pray that we don’t need to go the same route that he has taken. And then pray for those who are in the public eye, trying to live their life in front of 8 billion people who are watching… and judging. But, then, doubly pray for those who think they do want to live his exact life – thinking and feeling everything he thinks and feels.

I ask because i remember you looking into Putin and you saw someone who fashioned himself as a Czar (something like that.) D.

Yes, I saw the desire of an old king to continue to think that “if only I had more of xyz, I would be happy and have what I want.” How many of the rest of us humans sometimes feel the same way – “if only I had more xyz, I would be happy”? This is a statement of addiction because there is never an end to “if only I had more” – a statement of never having “Enough”. This is a hunger that is never filled – for eternity.

When I look at Trump, I see a human being with the same challenge of all human beings-with both failures and successes at one’s own challenges. I see a person with feelings and thoughts and patterns of beliefs and behaviors. I see this, because this is the truth – the reality – of every life and every human being. Yes, he has self-aggrandizement, in the same way we do with our lives – not as visible, because most of us no longer seek to build upon our own self-aggrandizement. We’re trying to diminish our egotism. But, we have it within us, and we still have inner work to do.

You ask what I see, and this is it. Nothing about him or his life makes him any better or any worse than any of the rest of us.

We are all equal. He may not know this, but he might learn it at some point in this life, especially if he reads my blog articles. (Maybe.) Otherwise, God will make sure it is a lesson he has a chance to learn in a future time, because God wants Donald to consciously grow to know the Infinite Spirit of Infinite Loving Kindness, Infinite Mercy, Infinite Forgiveness, and Infinite Patience and Understanding, just like God wants us to learn this, too. (So, we practice.)

Psychologically, he struggles with the same mental and emotion factors as every other human being struggles with. He may look different on the outside, but were any one of us in the same place, having lived the same life with the same influences and “teachers” of life, we might easily be demonstrating the same personality and mental state.

All of us who are judging, are also judging ourselves, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not. We are judging our capacity and ability for the same as we judge others. To say we would not do what he does or react and respond how he does, is saying “I’m a better soul than he. I can pat myself on the back, because I’m better than he is.”

You see how this is a two-sided coin? We judge and criticize the person on the other side of the coin, and we can only do that while being the other side of the same coin. When we judge another, we are judging ourselves. And we’ve been judging ourselves for such a long time that it is worth asking, “when will we stop? when will we let go of all this judging, and all this condemning and criticism of others?”

All of us humans have had thousands of years of many, many lifetimes of judging others, condemning others, killing others who don’t meet our standards or fall in line with our own selected aspects of life, because we tell ourselves we are capable in our consciousness of being judge and jury over another (EVERY) soul. Donald Trump thinks this way, too. See? We have something in common.

The serpent said, “partake of this fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and you will become gods.” And so we place ourselves in the position of God being judge and jury over others, telling ourselves we are gods now… but without the infinite wisdom, the infinite insight, the infinite compassion, understanding, kindness, patience, and etc, which the Infinite Consciousness of Love has.

I do the best to not judge. D.

I can relate. When working on ourselves, WE do our best to not judge. Sometimes we let it go and grow. Sometimes, we don’t let it go and stay stuck… until we come back around and try again.

Both Putin and Trump are like you and I, also. Driven by past-lives. I see some of what is driving Putin and Trump, but still, with God’s help, both of them will one day help to lead souls into the Light – also just like ourselves with God’s help, when we help lead souls into the Light.

And ultimately, in the evolution of our spirituality, it doesn’t matter what Putin and Trump do or think or say. Trying to pinpoint what they think, and feel, really is only a single moment in time – like a photo. (A muggle photo which doesn’t move-for those who know what I’m referring to.) Yet, what is the most important? Is it to know what they think in a moment in time, or is it to find ways to help the progress of his and our lives within the continuous journey of time?

Yes, in the physical world, it does matter what Putin and Trump do/think/say, and our call to address this is our prayers and our inner work. We change the world when we change ourselves.

What matters to ourselves is what we, our self, are thinking and feeling, and then what we do on our spiritual path. Again, are we open to learning and growth? Are we praying for those that are in our purview to pray for? To be so, we simply need to be willing to be open to learning and growth, and then put it in action through prayer and meditation. God does all the rest.

This is true, of all of us, and even me, of course. We are human beings and we are spiritual beings. And what we see in others, is what is in ourselves, because there is no real separation between us. Separation is not real. All the greatest spiritual teachers are telling us this – for a reason.

I also look at my past lives and see when I am setting myself up as king. When I realize it, I try to change it. Placing myself above others is not a place in consciousness I want to be, so I have to keep on keeping on with the work of walking the razor’s edge by practicing humility, patience, kindness, and letting go of judging another person. In my beliefs, the inner work I do, could help others in their inner work. In my beliefs, the effort I put in to becoming aware of Infinite Love, could help others to come to know Infinite Love.

We do the best we can with what we have – the understanding we have, the spiritual and psychological tools we have, the insight we have, the learning we have, the feelings we have, the thoughts we have, and the evolutionary progress we have. We do the best we can with what we have.


At the same time, remember, the majority are not consciously practicing their spiritual paths but they may be practicing their religious paths. This doesn’t mean they are not growing and learning, but it is a slower process with many religion-based diversions. Consciously working at a spiritual path tends to help to make exponential progress and learning. I define spiritual path being an evolving of our paradigm through the dogma of any particular religion-a sort of breaking of the egg shell of our beliefs and growing beyond the religion’s boundaries of understanding. I also hold to that God/Christ is the center of all religions which teach there is one God.

It is also important to remember that part of our inner work is also the working to let go of self-criticism and self-judgment. We can only do this if we let go of the same chains of criticism and judgement we place on others. As we do TO others, so are we doing TO ourselves. As we do FOR others, so are we doing FOR ourselves.

” ‘Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone’ also applies to how we are towards our self.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2008-2024, Jodie Senkyrik)

If we think any of this is impossible to do, we’re correct to think this. For human beings, this is impossible. “But, with God, all things are possible.”

How do we let go of criticizing and judging others??? Practice.

The MAGA culture is more a large example of “birds of a feather, flock together”. This culture unites politically, but not in so many other ways.
The MAGA culture is also born from citizens knowing that governments keep secrets. This is a fact of all organizations, governments and groups. (For example: even today, Coca-Cola does not reveal it’s recipe.)
The MAGA culture is also born from the fact that our beliefs are not necessarily based in the Truth, and the Truth is not born from our beliefs.

Judging another and their character is the best way for us as souls to “magnetize” ourselves to one day having a life when we walk in the shoes/walk the path, demonstrating the same things within ourselves as is in the one we judge. —– God means for us to be open-minded and open-hearted, not closed-minded and closed-hearted. Judging others is a chosen way to close one’s mind and heart. We can learn this lesson the hard way, if we need to.

We don’t save anyone by being judgmental, critical and condemning of them. Many believe we do. Unlearning this belief is part of our soul journey. If it takes 100,000 years of being in the Earth, to accept this lesson and begin practicing it in the Earth, then we will take 100,000 years. We can do it sooner if we choose to, because With God, all things are possible. But, He has given us eternity to learn what we need to learn, if we need eternity.

Mid-April, 2024 to the end of August, 2024

The latest I’ve been seeing is yet another dip in the energy – an image like when two people are at each ends of a rope and let it hang down in the middle. This is the graph shape of the level of what I see as the most challenging time of the challenging times. When we foresee this challenge, it is because our prayers and spiritual path efforts can do something to help when it comes about. As has been said, now is the time that our spiritual paths need to be our number #1 consideration – and our #1 priority. No, we are not called to be rigidly perfect in our actions, but rather to be as active within our hearts as we can – to hold to our thoughts of God, no matter what our religion, and generate the goodwill from our hearts which we seek to bring forth into the world.

Practice living one day at a time.

The metaphor of the ropes speaks to when people are at the ends of their rope with struggling. Many people in this state are struggling with various aspects of our lives – health, jobs, family, relationships, finances, food, etc. And some are struggling just to stay alive. Together we still make it through, past when we are at the ends of our ropes. It is worthwhile to ask for help – as difficult as this is to do – and to offer help when we become aware of how our help can benefit another.

“God, please go before us in all the challenges that we face in our world, today.”

We will become aware of many people who are at the ends of their ropes. This will show itself all around the world. This means that many of the most harmful events causing the greatest suffering will increase during this time. This means that as a planet, we will experience more climate crisis events during this time, and natural disasters, like earthquakes and flooding, drought and extreme heat temperatures.

If you’re thinking my postings here lately are very negative in tone, I won’t dispute this perspective. I consider the tone here to have the purpose to give warning of what we’re facing ahead in this year, so that like a ship trying to steer through a hurricane, we may arm ourselves with the prayers of many, the Light of God, and a legion of Light workers – our spiritual first responders, who are those who step up to answer the call for spiritual help whether on this side of the veil, or the other side of the veil.


Update to this: I’ve just read an article mentioning that Russia is amassing 100,000 troops for a possible offensive in the Ukraine for this summer – coinciding with the time range I’ve been seeing with the darker energy taking another dip, creating a lowering in the dark energy. While I am seeing the energy patterns, I’m not seeing a definitive manifestation of the energy, meaning that this energy dip has several channels through which it could manifest.

April 2024 through October/November 2024

(I’m going to add this predictions’ update in this separate blog.)

Many times in seeing the predictions, I’ve seen the darker energy set to manifest in some form, during 2024, as a darkness section in the vision which I see. I’ve also seen a “bottom” or minimum level at which the dark energy has been set – like seeing the bottom of a bucket of water – able to see where the bottom stops.

But, I’ve recently seen the darker energy go to another lower level, in the visions presentation and my effort to understand what I see and interpret accurately. This is more information than I previously saw.

For this update, what I see is that from April, 2024 through the summer and on through October/November of 2024, there will be an increase in the manifestation of events. I describe it as a time period where we’ll see something like “the disaster of the week” and this happening in what I best describe as “different” events, as well as some “same” events continuously happening.

I see the drop in another lower level of manifestation as being an increase in the number of events rather than the destructive level of the events. However, I can’t discount greater destructive levels happening. For this 7-8 month time period, we will see continued events, though. In April, I think, if we watch the world news and continue, some of us can notice this shift increase, and take notice most likely some time around June that “destruction is just non-stop”.

I understand this shift to be happening because of a shift in the minds and hearts of humanity. First, there is a correlation between human destructive events and natural disaster events. When human beings stand ready to have the energy manifest through human means, and the healing of it manifesting to respond to it then also be through human means, generally, we can see less physical natural disasters. But the energy has to go somewhere – or manifest somewhere. And it’s either through humans or we push the energy away, and generally, then it goes through the Earth as Earth destructions.

Our prayers and meditation, and our effort at bringing forth the Infinite Spirit and Consciousness of Love into our behaviors, thoughts and feelings – this will help heal the energies that are manifesting. I’ve written many times about the strength of these prayers, meditations and efforts.

I say it again. Praying is like rowing a boat. If all we seek to change is to move a tiny rowboat from one spot to another nearby spot, the energy/effort on our part that is needed is not that much. But, if we seek to move a massive ocean liner from one place to a far distance, then a greater effort and energy is needed – effort and energy which is accomplished by many, many people – thousands if not millions and millions of people praying and working at bringing forth Light.

To present a piece of information focused on helping, I still see 180 degree turn away from this 2024 8-month time period, start showing itself around the following 2025 end of winter/beginning of Spring. This will be like the metaphor of the storm clouds of a hurricane happening this April-November, 2024, but then the clouds clearing and sunlight coming forth next February/March, 2025.

I’ve used this “hurricane” metaphor before, because with 2024 being the year of destruction, I still see 2025 being the year of us coming out of our “places where we seek protection”, then seeing the results of 2024, and seeing what work needs to be done after the destruction to repair and heal.


While it is very real to read all of this and possibly feel despair, discouragement and suffering, remember that the information about this time period is coming forth with information also to help people have hope, to strengthen our beliefs, to expand on our beliefs and to keep on keeping on. There is encouragement in words that are put out into the world. Like Noah, whose ark served to help many survive through the flood waters of his time, the disaster receded and the sun came out, allowing life to keep going.

This is the message of our time, as well. The disasters we have already come to know are changing. There are souls seeking to help – to fulfill the need for first-responders. The call has come forth for us to add our prayers, meditations and efforts to join in so as to strengthen the hope and inner energy to face the dark energies, and the results of their manifestations, as much as possible.

The Red Horse

Be alert. Like people have been taking sides on the Russian/Ukraine war, people are also taking sides on the Israel/Palestine war happening in the Earth in the 2020’s. The death-filled, suffering-filled conflict of souls and lives happening in the Israel/Palestine area will continue with short-lived and difficult cease fires throughout the decade. By difficult, I mean it will be difficult for anyone seeking peace to find any meaningful and lasting peace. (I’ve psychically seen and thus written this in past predictions.) But, still all efforts are worth it and even making progress of 1 inch, helps us walk a path that could be a mile long.

This is an ancient hatred and vengeance for both sides, born within these souls thousands of years ago, and fanned by the fire of more violence and hatred. Both sides seek to continue to bring their hatred with little or no thought of the damage to any others on this planet. They will continue as long as they CHOOSE to, and in whatever location they find themselves.

If any of us feel the need to join one side or the other, telling ourselves that one side is better than the other, feeling as if one side is justified and the other is less so, … then we are free to blame who we want to and join the warring that will continue for hundreds and hundreds of years still to come.

In joining, we can kill who we seek to kill in order to blame and justify our revenge, but then the ones hated will kill for blame and revenge, too. And, then we can return and blame and kill for revenge again, and then our enemy will blame and kill again for revenge, and then both again, and both again and both again and both again and both again, to hate forever, kill forever, being exactly like the ones we hate, and them just like us…and all the time, both sides justifying one’s own hate and seeking vengeance, while telling ourselves our hatred is justice and justified.

And then keep going for centuries and centuries and centuries….
… like has been going on already for centuries and centuries and centuries.

With the results from this being only suffering and death.

“When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.”
— Revelation 6:3–4

If anyone thinks this is not a Biblically-noted time, they are mistaken. This may be and may yet become more so – one of the most Biblical of times that Mankind will go through.

“When all we seek is war, the one we kill, over and over, is our self.”
(The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We have wars, because we have not yet prayed enough to end wars.”
(The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, Jodie Senkyrik)

“For Mankind, it is impossible, but with God, ending war is possible.”
Only with God.
(The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, Jodie Senkyrik)