The New Age of Man Approaches: Part 2 of 2

It’s not by violence. It’s not by hatred. It’s not by furthering selfish-interests. It’s not through yelling or adding to conflict. It’s not by condemning, judging, or criticizing others. It’s not through self-praise or self-righteousness or the opposite – by beating ourselves up or being unforgiving or unmerciful to ourselves.

It’s not through being a member of any particular nation, government or religion. It’s not by putting someone down or oppressing, or even forcing someone. And, it’s not by eliminating people through war or any other means.

We move humanity forward in this Earthly evolution of consciousness through the bringing forth of our patience, kindness, forgiveness, our long-suffering, compassion, understanding, love, mercy, our charity, expressing brotherhood and tolerance, and our meditation and prayer practices.

We move all of humanity forward via unselfishness – for all of humanity – hence why humanity does not move forward except through the Spirit of God being part of the motivating Spirit within people’s hearts and souls. Only through Spiritual efforts of bringing forth the Fruits of the Spirit will humanity as a whole continue to evolve in all ways that humanity can evolve.

This can and will take many lifetimes and many eons according to human time tables, each leading us further down our path. While it may seem a long time – even be our experience of a long time, in the framework of the Infinite Consciousness of God/Love, it is accomplished in a blink of an eye.

Yet, for us, today, it is an act of Infinite Compassion that we can come to realize that we can experience this evolution – which we can also call ‘healing’ – happening every day, through each moment which we contribute/help to bring about for those in need – which is all of us.  We can experience Love.  We can experience mercy.  We can experience joy, compassion, understanding, wisdom and in doing so, slowly become aware that we are experiencing the Consciousness of God – maybe not the “Infinite” part, but rather a part that we can absorb as a human.

As we are present with the current times, even witnessing this current day, the following additional principles can help as we walk the road we’re on.

– As difficult as it is to understand why this is – we are not here on the planet to save the Earth.  We are here on the planet, to help each other remember and reawaken to our spiritual nature and reality.  We can only do this by demonstrating the fruits of our spiritual reality within human realms and arenas – each aspect formed from love – oneness, unity, brotherhood, … forgiveness, mercy, patience, respect … faith, trust, knowing oneself, … Loving God above all else, and loving our neighbor as our self.  And yes, we can extend these fruits to the Earth, as well.

– Learn the lesson of “Asking for help”.  We’re not in this life to go through life alone or take care of ourselves alone.  We didn’t give birth to ourselves. We didn’t change our own diapers or feed ourselves at 1 year old, or clothe ourselves at 2 years old or determine to go to school at 5 or 6, or teach our selves math or reading or all about how to live our life.  As adults, we are so intertwined with the work of other people, that we can never honestly say that we’re self-sufficient since we didn’t build our own vehicles, build our own roads, build our own telephones, etc and etc. We live relying on the work and effort of the billions of people around the whole planet. All equipment and supplies reach us via the work of ourselves and other people. Even the most extreme living in the woods away from civilization, we are not the sole person influencing our staying alive.

God designed us to “need one another.” Learn the lesson of “Asking for help” – the demonstration of “our needing each another”.

– It is helpful if one of our prayers is always, “Lord, teach me the truth.

– Christ’s words to Peter are also for us – “You don’t concern yourself about that other person or the path they walk.  They are My concern.  You follow me.”  Forgiveness is letting go of insisting the other one learn and grow first – before we ever choose to learn and grow. The higher energy comes to heal the low energy when we let go of our **requiring** or **demanding** someone else change instead of ourselves in life or in that moment.  God has already willed that no soul shall perish, and this means all souls will be guided to re-find their healing path – but this is in God’s times and God’s ways, and not in human time frames or human-understood ways.

– During this time, we may be called upon to help others in ways we haven’t been helping before, or at a certain level of helping in which we haven’t gone before.  In the last days of Jesus, before His death, He worked to take full advantage of every moment left.  He sought to help as much as He could, and as many people as He could in the few days/weeks He had left.  Time was short, but so many sought His help, still.  His heart was dedicated to helping as many as He could, in all ways which the Father directed Him.

We are called also, now, especially in the days ahead, to help in ways which could stretch us to step up to another level.  It is for each of us to decide for ourselves, but we also, can ask God, “Here am I, Lord.  I’m ready. How can I help?”  Each of us is unique, and our own uniqueness brings us to be able to help in ways only we could help, because of our uniqueness.  The place we find ourselves, the skills we have, the feelings in our own heart – these are where God brings us — so that we can help in the place we find ourselves with the skills we have and the feelings in our heart.  “How can I, being the unique me, help in my unique way?”

– If we are seeing darkness manifest, feeling in despair or discouraged, then also look for the Light.  We are not abandoned, because even on the worst stormy days and nights, the sun/Son is still active above all, and is still actively continuing to work to break through clouds of darkness.  It is for us to shine our Light from our underside of the storms, also.

– God does not have all of us experience the same difficulties or life circumstances.  Even in the times ahead, there will be different difficulties and circumstances for different people.  Some people will go through great pain and suffering.  Some will go through minor difficulties.  Some will not go through problems at all.  This is also under God’s guidance, like the blind man Christ healed, saying, “This man was born blind for the Glory of God.”  His blindness was not from his own karma.  And Christ did not leave him in blindness.  Rather, with his asking, Christ healed him so others could believe in the healing which they witnessed happen that day, and in turn, then believe God is available to all who call upon Him in times of need.  God calls upon each of us to be someone whom God can work through for someone’s help – with each of us being on a different experiential path to help the different ways that are needed.

– We let the prayer, “Lord, help me be honest with myself.” be with us over and over through the day. We let it be a prayer that is in our hearts sincerely regardless of our judgment of it. Let the truth that it brings, come up from within, without judging what comes up within us to be accurate or worthy, or realistic. God is all things – even the ‘human-impossible’. God is the “All Possible”, the “Infinite Possible” and the limitless Imaginative Possible”, even while we don’t understand how this possibly could be.

– It is when we stand eye-to-eye, shoulder-to-shoulder, as equals, that we are united brothers and sisters, and not when we place ourselves above or below someone else.  Every one of us is an average, regular and normal spirit entity inside a physical body (of various species.)


“There is no realm in which God’s Complete Consciousness is not present.  We swim inside, breathe inside, live inside the Infinite Consciousness of God, and all the while, with God’s complete and Infinite Awareness fully present – even of our individual self and all we go through.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God, thank you for your presence, guidance, help in my life, and love, even when I’m not aware of it.”


The Suffering We’re Seeing

Currently in this country, while government officials fight back and forth, while political pundits scream at each other, while Americans yell obscenities at one another across the Internet, social media and in each others presence, we see the suffering again which so many of us have seen before.  The treatment of those different from us, the treatment of those who seek our help, the treatment of those we see as “not us” is happening again, as it has before in the Earth.  This is a very real battle, but not of guns, swords and other weapons – rather a battle of what level of character and consciousness we will choose to determine how we treat one another.

It can be called government policy.  Government policy has done this throughout human history.  But, look deeper into the consciousness of each soul that lives in the Earth.  This isn’t just a “policy” of immigration, although this time it is manifesting as that issue in the current news. There is another perspective which this demonstrates.

It is many things manifesting at once.  Although it would be vehemently denied on the surface, it is ALSO a demonstration of an attitude of inequality – us vs them – and “Inferiority of ‘them’ vs the Superiority of ‘us’ “, which many still hold in their souls in the same way that we’ve witnessed in our world today and in our remembered and unremembered history.”

A Part of History Forgotten

From the beginning of souls entrance into this world, there have been some souls who were known as or perceived as angels or higher spiritual beings – who entered into the human path in the Earth – entering both before and during when other species of humans were present. They were not necessarily all Angels of Light which we think of today. Some of these spirits choosing a darker, lower-vibration, non-Love based path, held onto their “awareness of their own higher nature” even though they were on paths of losing the higher connection. Still, as human beings, this awareness of having been at the angel level of consciousness, became unconscious within them as they trapped themselves (like so many of us) through the human reincarnation process.

This unconscious perception became a belief that something innate to themselves makes them greater than others.  With the attitude of superiority still within them, and held onto, they consider themselves better or greater than other souls in the Earth. This attitude can be seen throughout many, many different cultures and many, many historical societies in the evolution of mankind.  I want to add that this quality is not present within them alone, but can be found within all of us to some greater or lesser extent – per our own choosing.

Because the battle of Light and Darkness began before the Earth existed, and continues now during the continued creation of the Physical Universe, this battle has been carried into the realm of the Earth. While the battle between the Light and Darkness has before been a battle among different spirits, we now have a process of reincarnation and karma within the Earth realm, which lawfully structures the evolutionary process of souls and spirits in the Earth.

These principles and laws bring in place the requirements that each soul and spirit must now face our own selves within our own consciousnesses in order to resolve the imbalances which heretofore had shown themselves externally, and which are now to be dealt with internally. We brought into this plane our imbalances and shortcomings (which we had before we entered) that we manifested in the physical Earth realm, and now we must heal these within the physical Earth realm – including by learning the development of the awareness of Oneness with all life, and the equality of all life – instead of the previous belief and manifestation of superiority/inferiority attitudes and actions.

We are at a point in the evolution of consciousness within the Earth whereby this battle is coming to the surface of awareness (although not known under the spiritual terms and conditions I mention here – which generally people would laugh at if they heard it called this).  Because of choices made to serve self alone, which is one cause of the consciousness of darkness, some souls have little within their own character to hinder their effort to mislead themselves and others.  (Some of us have willingly been walking the difficult road, indeed, back to balanced equality and truth.)  Therefore, they foster fear and paranoia beyond what is truthful. Other souls already have been misled to believe that which would be different than what they would otherwise learn from within their own hearts. These are misled to believe that Love would not be the path to take, but rather fear being the path to take.

Continued after the Side Notes …


Side Note: these examples in the previous paragraph are also examples of the imbalances yet to be worked out within a person’s own consciousness/soul. Within our own character, we potentially have the desire to hinder the truth due to our own fears and agendas. Within our own character, we potentially have the attitudes of our self being “a better person than that other person”. Within our own character, we potentially have the inclination to not listen to our hearts – the seat of our connection to God, and to not listen to the call of Love which comes from our connection to God.
Side Note: The state of consciousness of fear and paranoia exists in the 3rd Chakra. This is the Chakra of adrenaline and conflict – fight or flight – war – battle – overpowering others – oppressing others – exalting ourselves over others and the like. We can demonstrate the 3rd Chakra states of consciousness blindly or “asleep at the wheel” or instead we can seek to wake up, and to open our eyes, which leads us to learn and gain an understanding on our way to transformation with the 4th Chakra – seeking the lesson of awareness which is teaching us understanding that this is what it is like for human beings – the horror and torment – for humans to struggle within the 3rd Chakra – constant fear (as well as learn other awareness lessons related to the 3rd Chakra.) In this insight leading to transformation, thus we step out of the 3rd Chakra consciousness, work on patience, understanding and compassion, and even feeling long-suffering for those stuck in the 3rd Chakra, and recognize the statement Christ gave us when He said, “Perfect Love casteth out fear.” 1 John 4:18. This statement of Christ’s also shows the path of transformation out of the 3rd Chakra into the 4th.


To Continue…

Now, although we are still participating in the battle between the Light and the Dark, we are able to face these battles, not against other people, but within our own selves – within our own consciousnesses, our own attitudes and our own character. It is in this work – on ourselves within ourselves – where we are able to win the victory over our own darkness. And as we do this – change our own character from letting go of acts of darkness to acts of the Light – that the presence of God comes into our physical realm at ever greater levels of influence and healing at every level of the physical realm. It is this ever greater presence of God which brings the higher levels of Light, raising vibrations of all physical realms, including the Earth, and bringing about guidance and insight into steps we can take or make available to bring transformation into our societies, organizations, governments, and the healing and balance of ever more souls who seek healing and balance.

It is ever the process of choosing to open to greater Light within ourselves which helps to eliminate the darkness around us. To manifest this Light then comes the challenges to manifesting of the qualities which the Light has within it – compassion to those who need it and those who have none – understanding to those who ask for it and to those who throw it away – courage to listen to the wisdom and guidance coming from God who lives in our hearts, the 4th Chakra – humility to recognize that God is within every life equally and available to every life equally, and that our own paradigm is always changing, always evolving, and always creating room for more learning and more love – willingness to pray and meditate for the presence of God to increase in this Earth and all physical realms – patience for things which do not come to us on our own personal time table serving our self rather than God’s timetable serving all of us in possibly different ways – letting go of judging others by realizing that we’re also letting go of judging our past selves and possibly our future selves – mercy for those who suffer and are tormented from living in fear like we all have done, as well – and forgiveness for those who ask for it, for those who need it, and for those who reject it – with all 3 of these being our self, as well as others.

We live in a world where love exists and can exist more.  As with the Spirit that is God Consciousness – Love exists when we choose to love. This means that God is only brought forth when we bring forth Love. God is only manifest when we manifest Love. While watching the suffering happening, we are not helpless if we ask God to be within our hearts in order to direct our actions which we can manifest in our world – for the purpose of demonstrating actions based on Love instead of fear.


“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” The Infinite Spirit of Love which we call the Christ Spirit within – Revelation 22:13

“Every moment is an opportunity – an opportunity to Love …… someone or something – if we choose to in the moment.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)




The New Age of Man Approaches: Part 1 of 2

So many of us have come into this world for the times that are now coming upon us. These are the last of the days of this age of man. The new age of man will begin in 20 years – 2038. But, there’s some work to do before then, and … some difficult times are ahead for many all over this planet.  (If you remember 1998, that is how much time 20 years is.)

With the next 2 years, 2018-2020, we enter into a time when we will see ever increasing manifestations of low vibration/dark energy. (Not really ‘dark’ of itself but rather less and less of the Light.)  Much of this will be (1) physical harm, (2) economic hardship for more people, and  — (3) social aggression manifesting from the human choice to act this way due to the success of using aggression in the past eons of human life. (It is important to remember that aggression breeds aggression, hatred breeds hatred, war breeds war, etc.)

The times of “darkness” or “greater difficulties” will last 6 years more after that – 2020-2026, then there will be 2 more years of slowly climbing out of the low vibration/dark energy, 2026-2028.  This will then put us into a time of 10 years starting 2028 – of rebuilding, repairing, restoring, healing and by many more people – deciding to select/choose different ways to relate to each other in the world – different than the automatic ways of today – ways which are meant to select better ways to relate – which do not breed aggression, hatred, war, etc.

[Side note: dark energy is simply low vibration. Low vibration comes into existence as we move towards acts of hatred, bitterness, and vengeance in our heart and away from acts of Love, kindness, tolerance, patience, understanding – moving towards acts of  violence, both physical and social, and the other forms of self-centered acts/living (our self alone). Love and loving brings forth the higher vibrations and the Light. All the manifestations of love – kindness, compassion, and yes, long-suffering, bring us out of the low vibration and dark energy.]

[Side note: Long-suffering is the act of suffering through an event which one can do little about – seeking to persevere and suffer through the event and its ramifications.  More on this in a future posting.]

We are entering into a time to actively pursue and exercise our faith in God, faith in ourselves, and faith in others. These next 10 years mark the completion of bringing forth much karmic energy which we collectively set in motion from our past, which needs to be healed/faced/resolved/rebalanced/cleaned up before establishing the new age of Mankind.  The 10 years after that, not only will we be climbing higher out of the dark/low energy times, but also, we will be deciding which ideals to pursue as a human race in the new age which begins in 2038 – not in a “Pollyanna” way, but in ways that include the struggles and pain of holding onto and physically/socially manifesting higher ideals even in the face of the easiness of giving up.

We decide these ideals as individuals and not from a “group meeting.”  This means that if you or I set and practice higher ideals, this will spread.  If you or I don’t bother, this “not bothering” will spread, as well.  Don’t be surprised if these concepts are not readily recognizable or if anyone acknowledges it at all.  The process is not necessarily going to be conscious on a day-to-day level.  Remember, also, it is the beginning, not the “peak”.

It is for us a time now to practice what we’ve been preaching – to practice that which we’ve been learning. We are called to practice now many following principles:

– As simple as it might seem, taking life one day at a time in order to focus on the challenges which are in our laps today – on this one day.  While this may seem too simplistic on the surface, when practiced one can see very real benefits if practiced alongside the words of Christ to have faith in God to handle the worries of tomorrow while we focus on today.

– Accept that we will still have doubt come up within us, but in the face of that doubt, instead consciously choose to have faith in a Living, Active and Participating God.

– Lean not on our own beliefs and understandings which we’ve had throughout our life so far. Instead entertain an open mind – allowing for things we won’t immediately understand. With time, we will see how new information and awarenesses make sense and work in the world. Be ready to let go of some beliefs that don’t align with a larger paradigm – (this is a struggle indeed.)  Remember, Christ (going by every name humans use) understands many things that we do not.

– Many times in our day-to-day lives, we will find ourselves in ‘dead-ends’ where we get nowhere and accomplish nothing – whether it is from choices we’ve made or circumstances.  In these moments, we can pray, “Lord, do you have something else you want for me instead of this?” and “Whether yes or no, show me the way to move forward with this, through this, learn from this, gain from this, and then with moving into more than this.”

– The people in this Earth are desperately starving for kindness and compassion of all kinds. We can help with this by being awake and aware of expressing kindness and other mercies while we interact with people throughout the current day. Each act of kindness and mercy towards another person is a change towards a better Earth. Not just “random” acts of kindness, but deliberate acts of kindness.

– Great and grand gestures are for those who seek to praise themselves. God works through the quietness of one person helping one person.  Massive libraries beyond imagination could be filled with the works the Father/Christ/the Holy Spirit/Buddah/Allah/Jehovah has done to help people – quietly and known only within their own hearts, minds, bodies and souls.

– With God, our facing our difficulties, is possible – but without God, things start becoming noticeably not possible.

– Condemning and criticizing do not bring healing into the world.  But, condemning and criticizing do bring more pain and suffering into the world.  Instead trade up – patience, forgiveness, understanding, mercy – these things do bring healing into this world.  We do this one person at a time… and do it by choice, not by accident.

– Meditation and prayer – whether for 1 minute or 30 or an hour – each meditation and each prayer adds to change for individuals and the planet. The more prayer and meditation, the more higher energy comes into this world – both (1.) to heal the destined karmic energy coming to be manifested, which we all contributed to at some point in our past lives, and (2.) to strengthen the help, presence and Love of the Spirit of God in the planet for each life that exists in the planet.

(continued in Part 2)


In one of the next articles/postings, I will also post “What We Can Watch For or Expect”.


“No one religion, no one book can hold All of the Light, All of Love, and All of Oneness – All of the Infinite Consciousness of God.  No finite “anything” in this 3-dimensional planet can completely hold the Infinite.  As the Human Race, we need the diversity that exists so as to allow greater and greater numbers to find a path leading to the top of the mountain that is the connection to the Infinite One God.


Trust and Beliefs

“We can learn to trust others when they are being trustworthy, and learn to not trust them when they are not being trustworthy, but we need to learn when to trust ourselves in order to learn to tell the difference.” (The Rainbow Cards)

It is easy to be misled. We want to believe certain things. Sometimes, we want so badly to believe that we allow ourselves to be misled.

However, problems can arise from this in several ways. First problem is when we want to hold on to our beliefs so badly, that we act destructively towards others who we may see as challenging our beliefs. The second is when we then go on to help mislead others.

Everyone alive has different beliefs from everyone else alive.  Maybe not drastically or noticeably different beliefs, but somewhere in there, there are differences.  There is no avenue to dislodge someone else from their beliefs other than presenting different perspectives and different beliefs. This is because freewill is given to every soul, and will not be taken away from any soul.

We can be misled when we don’t have strong beliefs, and we can mislead others knowingly and unknowingly. We can also mislead ourselves. Every person has the freewill to choose what they will believe and hold to.  At the same time, we tend to think it’s the other person who has been misled and we are the ones with beliefs that are true.

Contrary to what one may think, one method of helping to not be misled by our self or by others is to keep an open and ever inquiring mind. It is a paradox, sometimes.  This is not an act of accepting everything we see and hear, but rather, working to understand in a deeper way that which could be new to us. This includes asking questions, asking more questions and then asking even more questions.

We are forever putting together an ever bigger paradigm of ourselves and the world in which we live.  The greater the paradigm of understanding, the stronger the foundation of that paradigm.

The act of knowing truth is a subjective act. It is not an experience that one person can give to another person. It is only an experience that we can own because of it coming from within our own heart, mind and soul. It may seem like “someone said something that rang true”, but had it not been within one’s own heart and soul first, it would not have “rung” at all.

With the great number of differing beliefs – about every facet of life – this then, is why I continue to mention, “It is not what we believe, but what we do with our beliefs, that is important.”  In other words, how do we motivate ourselves and others using our beliefs as the foundation?

It then behooves us to consider what then we  choose to believe – about ourselves, about others and about God.  We can choose to believe the very worst.  We can also choose to believe the very best.  Probably somewhere in between is what is actually true when we choose beliefs about individual people.  As Edgar Cayce said in one of his readings, “There is good in the worst of us, and there is bad in the best of us.”  Seeing life as one or the other, but not both – good or bad, white or black, left or right, right or wrong and not seeing the blending of the two within every person – good and bad together in one person – white and black together in one person – left and right together in one person – right and wrong together in one person – is the belief where we mislead ourselves the most.


“What is to be asked of ourselves is, do we want our beliefs or do we want the truth?  Holding onto just the first can sometimes prevent the second.  Allowing for more than just the first, can help discover the second.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Hawaiian Volcano

Any thoughts on the volcanoes in Hawaii and Wyoming? S.

In Hawaii – I’m seeing the volcano activity continuing at the pace it is now to near the end of July – even increasing some.  I then see the pace slow down from then to the end of August, but not stopping. I see it from August, coming to a greater ‘slow down’ through October, but still being active in a small way.   I see it reactivating in December and this will make everyone nervous, but I don’t see it being anything like it is now. The Dec. activity will be small and slowly come to an end near the end of December.  There will be a very small amount of activity through to the end of Feb. 2019. Then it will be quiet again for about 5-7 years.
Wyoming – The big one IS NOT ABOUT TO BLOW ! A small, little, tiny amount of activity is happening there, but it is minimal and will not increase to dangerous levels.