Just a Casual Conversation with M.

People who are forgiven are changed. Just like we’ve been changed every time we are forgiven. Even when we have no awareness we’ve been forgiven. We would not be on any spiritual path if we had not been forgiven quite often. Others cannot continue their spiritual path completely if we don’t forgive them. Of course, we don’t progress either if we don’t. We release them to go to God on their path. We release ourselves to go walking hand in hand with them on our joined spiritual paths. We cannot forgive others unless we also forgive ourselves and everyone. This means all life is walking hand in hand on our combined spiritual paths. In any given lifetime, we can all stumble, fall, and have the chance to start again. We forgive all so that others can learn how to do it also. With God this is possible to do.

…All hate crimes and violence, and negative vibes cause flooding and tornadoes… right?

A lot of this energy has been waiting to be used up and discharged/healed/resolved for the last 50,000 years. It has an opportunity now to manifest and be used up and finished/resolved. This is a lot from Atlantis’ days with actions from thousands of years, then after Atlantis’ days also. Humanity has chosen violence also, and the energy of this manifests physically, also.

Humanity took on the job of being God, judge and jury, when we all individually ate (and still eat) of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We decided (and we still individually decide) that we are equal to God in our ability to assess what is good and evil and then punish who we individually think has done evil. We punish through violence and have so for eons. This includes violent thoughts, and thoughts are things.

Through time, we have sought to add whatever wisdom that we have gained – as best we can to the world to change our world for the better. (Spiritual lesson – “Try to do the best we can with what we have.”) We have made worthwhile changes.

Yet, who among us has grown so high in consciousness as to individually (and eventually collectively) as to decide who or what is good and evil in everyone and everything? Who among us is so wise as to say, “I am everyone’s judge”? None of us, but we do it anyway, even to ourselves. When we do this to anyone, we are doing it to all life, and doing it to our self, all at the same moment, within the same thought, and from the same heart, mind, and soul.

And we can undo it in the same way.


All of this “mess” is our inner homework. We live on the Earth in a world which is a spiritual classroom and spiritual gymnasium, perfectly made for us to practice all spiritual qualities of Loving kindness, patience, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, humility, long-suffering, faith, trust, humor, joy, more patience, charity, understanding, and more patience.

And only one person has made all straight A’s, a perfect score – from 2000 years ago. And so He helps tutor the rest of us, as we continue to learn, grow and evolve our own awareness, consciousness, and understanding. He helps us then to tutor others.

Here in this “mess” is where we practice and learn how to bring forth loving kindness into making real and better relationships, lives and our world. We have lots of homework and we can do it here on Earth, when we are willing.

Do you have any idea when it will be finished. We are losing our country, losing free speech, equity among laws and others. I’m afraid for the country.

No one on Earth is losing God’s presence in their lives, regardless of if we believe or don’t, feel it or don’t, or what paradigm we hold to. This country and all countries are here and gone like all boundaries, or differences which have been in the past. This is a blink in God’s time. Where was the US and today’s world’s nations 10,000 years ago? Where will they be 10,000 years from now? But the souls of 10,000 years ago are here – in different situations, cultures, subgroups and positions. And today’s souls on Earth, many will be here in 10,000 years in different cultures, families, religions and circumstances. And all that is happening is that everyone is continuing to do their work to try to learn love more/grow more and learn from when we stumble more/make more mistakes/have accidents, hurt or be hurt, etc. and all of it in different environments, different bodies, different conditions, circumstances and spiritual laboratories.

No lesson is ever lost. This is the little picture vs. THE BIG PICTURE.

The little picture – our individual, momentary picture will never look good, because it is so limited in it’s scope, or rather we are so limited in our comprehension and understanding of the whole. Only the Big Picture – God’s Whole Picture – includes everyone and everything – rather everyone’s understanding, beliefs, paradigms, comprehension, consciousness, and more even than that. In the case of this Earth and all souls and soul growth, it is true that the whole is MUCH GREATER then the sum of all its parts.

No one will ever lose the freedom to love, to forgive, to be kind or to speak To God (or to cry out to God from the wilderness). Remember, the Earth is not here for human purposes. It is here for God’s purposes. No one can change this. God’s purpose is always Love and from that Love, Unity and Oneness.

I know God’s purpose has to win eventually.

Not “eventually”. It has always been in place. We just don’t have all understanding to be aware of this. There is no opposition to worry about this. This is not the battlefield humanity thinks it is. It is a classroom. But humanity has only gone half way with regards to what this Earth can offer.

This being a classroom is why our enlightenment is to be. It is why Love is to be. It is why our awareness of our Oneness with God is to be. God wills it. For all. Even those who we individually judge to be SO WRONG!!! (Our classmates, and gym partners, but then of course, judge ourselves to be wrong – from their point of consciousness.)

Who knew? This classroom is hard to [be a part of] without getting involved.

LOL. You got that right! :-)

But, we can be involved. That’s why we need each other. We need one another to help each other – to hold each other’s hand while we walk our paths of life and learning. We stumble and fall, – and – holding hands as we walk our paths to live our lives, helping one another, will always demonstrate the best to each other, and to let our hearts’ Love guide our learning.


“Many souls have traveled in the area of 15, 20, and even 25 million years to be in the Earth to do this spiritual learning and work of Loving Kindness for others and ourselves, in this Earth.

The question for us as individuals is, having gone through that much time to become human beings, are we doing what we came to do?” (The Rainbow Cards, 2023, ©, by Jodie Senkyrik)

The Good Friend
Everyone needs some tutoring and everyone gets to tutor.

The Old Ways Are Dying

The old ways of thinking are dying – the days of the past being the way we live life, with its past behaviors and thinking being the acceptable behaviors and thinking – are fewer and fewer. The old ways of living for selfishness and self-centeredness with our own self being our only center of life, are dying.

The sun is setting on the consciousness of the past – survival of the fittest – force and might winning all battles – violence serving and used to get what one wants. Like the passage of the day into night and the night into day, these changes are happening.

For any who have eyes to see it, these will see it. For those who do not have the eyes to see it – the consciousness to recognize it, or the mind to grasp it, these will not see it. Or rather, each will see according to one’s own willingness and capacity. Everyone has different willingness and capacities to see what is coming and what is leaving us.

It’s time to change or we find ourselves turning to being like dinosaurs. Many are helping the process to change towards qualities like tolerance and respect – both on this side of the veil and on the other side of the veil – both working to make the veil thinner and thinner until it ceases to exist, which will also be an evolutionary process. Those who can think to look for different ways of relating like cooperation and open-mindedness, and looking for new ideas like listening rather than screaming, who can look for ways to adapt and practice new concepts like kindness and compassion to bring forth that which serves all of humanity in better ways – adapting to changes like goodwill, self-reflection and inclusion happening, even during this minute which just passed, will awaken to even more of a new dawn and a greater age of Humankind which will last for a very long time.

The young ones and those born today, will never see the world we grew up in. That world of yesterday, yesteryear and yester-decade and yester-century are gone… and never coming back. Ever. For example, we have seen this in our own time with the worlds of our pasts, and on backwards, never returning. (Many try to bring these whole worlds back, but they do not succeed.) Even the entire physical Universe evolves and is moving past what it was long ago.

If we keep to the effort of change within ourselves, recognizing that self-change contributes to world-change, considering goodwill and the betterment for all of humanity and all of life, we will walk through a door into a world in which we will be able to become evermore aware of why there is hope.

God is greater than any force or movement in the Earth which on the surface appears to be opposing our spiritual evolution manifesting in the material world. God’s will is for us to grow, learn, love, and live life. God is committed to this and God’s Will comes about. Always with love and kindness, always with wisdom and understanding, and always with support, patience and persistence.

And… always God with the greater awareness of the path that has been and is yet to be walked.

We won’t recognize all of it, but like those on the other side, working with us, this ‘big picture’ reality is THE reality. All are destined to learn this, but not all at the same time, and never will freewill be taken away – meaning the freewill of when to learn this. Like the depth of water that changes in a swimming pool, as we change our place in the pool, gaining in skill, we are given the opportunity to learn to gain from our experiences and our changes – going ever more into greater paradigms, greater experiences, and greater understanding.

For this is also our souls’ evolution and our souls’ destiny – to live all of life in all arenas knowing we are the spiritual children of the One Infinite Consciousness of Love and Unity – God.

A Call for Unceasing Prayer

A psychic view of optional time lines with the war.

We are 9 months away from being in 2024 – the final and worse of the dark years. Many don’t want to think that P is capable of using nuclear weapons. But he is, because he has reached a desperate state of mind. Nothing has gone according to his plan. Using nuclear weapons is not smart, safe, sane or consequence free. Nothing good will come from it. Nothing. He wants to make Ukraine “no longer a country.”

I see that he has stepped past a line where his mind is no longer healthy. He is capable of using nuclear weapons. Make no mistake about it – prayers help whomever is prayed for.

The question is no longer whether he will or not, but when. He is preparing now for a scenario of using them. While it could be argued that he is playing a game of bluff poker, make no mistake. At this point, he is slipping into a distorted mental state in which he is capable because he is thinking it will help convince the world that he intends to get what he wants.

But, those days of using violence to get what one wants are coming to an end.

I’m remembering a dream now of seeing these particular two Asian presidents who met – with the world coming to this place in history. The President of the East is okay with the other’s use of nuclear weapons. He does not oppose it because it would serve the purpose for him to see how far the west is willing to go. The President of the East is betting that the west will be preoccupied with his nuclear weapons. The PotE can lose very little. But it won’t go according to PotE’s plans either. To PotE, either P uses nuclear weapons or he doesn’t, and it doesn’t matter. By not stopping P, using P like this, PotE allows the focus to be in Europe. Meanwhile, PotE will look at moving on the tiny Pacific island.

The scenario that is presented to the world – by the recent presidents who met to discuss opposing the west – their presentation does not reveal the truth of their intentions.

The PotE is using P to distract the west from the Pacific area.

Every person chooses. Elected officials choose. People with their fingers on the buttons choose. No one has freewill taken away. People who give orders choose. Each of us chooses.

I look for which timeline we will go down, and I’m seeing a dozen and more.
We can choose to pray that God surround, help, support and shine Light for all who must choose. For many, this is all we are in positions to do, but praying is one of the strongest and most powerful things to do. For if many do pray for help, the world will be helped. Many are praying, but many more are needed. It is only Spirit that can bring us out of this.

Many times, predictions are made, because we can see a person choosing 99 times out of 100. Right now, I’m seeing people all over the “spectrum” of choosing. I am not able to make a prediction about the people and what they will choose. It is a time of desperation. When people are desperate, they are not themselves.

What I AM seeing : I am seeing a handful of people standing at a crossroads. I see more destruction. I interpret the images of this destruction as an image from a use of a nuclear weapon. I see it in the area of Kyiv.

As I continue to look, I only see results – not which choices are made.

But, I can also see that another path is available – for it to be the path that is chosen – another path from the ones described above.


“There is never a time, there is never a place, there is never an event, …
in which God is not present already at work, …
with our praying simply making it a “taking it to the next level” thing.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2023, by Jodie Senkyrik)