Question about the Economy

Would you please elaborate more on the future economy of the U.S. I have followed you for several years, and I recall that you mentioned we should be prepared for what was coming a little beyond 2018 . I took your comments to mean food shortages and difficult times ahead. Do you still see this happening? Tee M.

First, I’d like to say, there is good and bad in all circumstances.  With that said, there are many factors which will lead to times which are “more difficult than current life circumstances”, – I’m seeing in the next 10-20 years.  Also, difficulties will not hit everywhere equally.  As of this date, September 20, 2017, we’ve already seen hurricanes cause hundreds of billions of dollars of destruction for the Caribbean and the U.S.  We’re also see massive fires destroying so much in the western states.  Other events like this will also contribute to the overall economic problems.  There will be more events like these destructive events which will impact the economy.  But, many societal factors will contribute to the overall problems, as well.

Countries like Venezuela and others that have unstable societies are already experiencing economic problems as we can see via news reports.  Mexico has had a devastating earthquake, and this too, will affect not just Mexico but indirectly, the US and other Latin American countries.

Unfortunately, there are few economic remedies being put forth or that will be put in place to help in this country.   Other nations will have varying success in dealing with their own.  Each of these disasters and those yet to happen over the next 9 years, (what I’ve categorized as “the 3rd of 3 events” – which is a conglomerate of many events linked together) will contribute to the economic difficulties.

What I see psychically for the U.S. is a slow decline in the overall economy.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, it will begin in the summer of 2017, progress into 2018, and continue downward into 2019 and 2020.  We’ve seen it begin with the hurricanes this summer.  Fuel prices have begun to rise, which in turn gives rise to commodity/food prices due to increasing delivery costs.  Because recovery is slow, the destruction in the US will impact many levels of the economy, including production, tourism, industry, and many other areas.  Remember, millions of people who have lost their homes and cars won’t have disposable income for quite some time which would otherwise help the economy. The logistics of recovery will be extremely slow to unfold.  As demand for recovery resources increases, (materials for rebuilding) this will drive prices up.

And this that I describe is only part of problems that arise over the next 3 years.

The Good News

The good news for 2017 is that at the community level, people are able to connect and help each other.  Local economies can recover in practical ways when people act to figure out how to work together, to make do and to help one’s neighbor.

More good news is that as people pray and meditate, the level of energy destined to manifest destructively lessens because much of the energy is either transformed, dissolved, or blended with higher healing/spiritual energy.  As I’ve mentioned, higher energy being prayed forth and meditated into existence affects destructive/lower energy like tuning forks that raise the vibration levels of the lower energies.  This means there is less manifested destruction.

This is the purpose of prayer and meditation.  Even if we don’t see or realize the change and transformation happening around us.

Specifically for 2018, worldwide, I see the economy taking strong hits throughout the year.  This will leave the economy weaker by the end of the 2018 year.  I see this in general, with specific events happening that will bring about this general state.

Specifically, I see man-made influences being half of the influences bringing this to happen.  I’ve seen an event in May, 2018, that we can pray for, but will be a major event.  It will be a strong enough event to overwhelm the White House.

The events will be half physical Earth disasters and half actions which will lead to unintended economic problems.  25% of this will be the first 6 months and 75% of this the last 6 months.

I see some chance that the current Health Care program will stay in place, but I see efforts yet to happen in 2018 to try to end the ACA, once again.

Climate change is having an affect on tectonic plates via the fluctuation of pressure and weight placed upon these plates.  This can cause more earthquakes and/or volcanoes in the spring and summer of 2018.  Prayers can help diminish these, but not remove them completely.

We have a lot of help at higher spiritual/energy levels, but humanity must take the lead on changing both within ourselves as well as the world outside us.

The alternative energy companies will quietly and slowly continue to create a presence in our society and the world.  While loud arguments abound about fossil fuels, the alternative energies will be slowly increasing.  [As I’ve mentioned to people before, from the higher realms, fossil fuels were meant to provide 10% of the total energy on this planet, because of what they can offer, but we’ve gotten off balance.]

There are some parts of the economy which will continue to crank along.  2018 will not be a depression, but will be a rocky road leading to what I see as being rockier roads.


“Sell All You Have and Give it to the Poor…..”

“Sell all you have and give to the poor, then come and follow me.” Mark 10:21

This is a well known story in the New Testament. Most people, if not almost all people, automatically think Christ is talking about money and possessions. After all, the story says Christ was talking to a rich man. The rich man then walked away sad, because he had so much.

I haven’t found any Bible version that says, the rich man was a man with lots of “money”. We assume the story refers to money and material possessions, because the term “rich” usually means this, but take another look at this in relation to the whole of Christ’s message.  Perhaps “rich” means something else.

Christ worked with people all the time. He traveled with them, ate with them, slept with them, and all of these things took money to pay for and required ownership of material things. Food cost money back then like it does today. Clothing cost money back then, too. Sandals, water, wine, all the needs of the body cost money back then.  His followers owned homes, boats, nets, tools of their trades.

So, was Christ saying these words to the ‘rich’ man, and all people with money and possessions? Was Christ saying sell all your possessions and give all your money to the poor?  Was He saying sell your possessions to someone, so that particular someone else will have more possessions?  This is close to what we’ve come to understand from reading this in the New Testament.   Yet, is this all it was?  Money is a tool or resource that can be used wisely. Possessions are useful tools also, to accomplish tasks.  Houses are needed to live inside.  The gist of what Christ said in looking at Christ’s entire message of His life is “Give what you have to those that do not have.”

Looking at this story in relation to all stories of Jesus, perhaps Christ was referring to something greater with more meaning.

What is it that God and Christ gives to us abundantly and without hesitation? What is it that God and Christ bestows upon us infinitely, even though we don’t accept it infinitely?  It  is these things that we have been given and possess in varying degrees of abundance.

It is the Fruits of the Spirit – loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, long-suffering, charity and more. This alone does God give us without hesitation, and without limit – even to the point that He could fill us up to overflowing were we open as much.

It is us who then are called to let go of, giving out these qualities, from within ourselves, pouring it forth to give to others that which we have within us. In this light, the message to the rich man becomes something else altogether if he was rich in the presence of Spirit and Love within his heart.

The message to us then becomes “take all the loving-kindness that you have within you, release it from holding on to it, and give it to the poor – those who appear to have no loving-kindness. Take all the mercy that you have within you, and are holding onto, and give to those who demonstrate having no mercy. Take all the patience and forgiveness that you have taken  possession of inside you and give to those who are poor of patience and forgiveness inside them. Take the compassion, the support, the charity, the fruits of the Spirit that you claim as your own bestowed upon you – and give to those who seem to possess none of these qualities.”

This is a different message altogether. To give away our money can be a superficial message referring to that which is external of our Self.  It is appropriate at times, yet, it can also be thought that giving money will buy our way into heaven, even though there’s no such thing as “buying our way into heaven”.

Christ’s message is always more about what is WITHIN us.  With understanding Christ’s life and message as a whole, we can begin to understand this story in a deeper way. His message has always been “Love one another as I have loved you.” And He repeats this to the “rich man”. Take the love I give to you and that you now have within you, and give this love to those who do not have love.

We can now understand why the rich man walked away, also. Because, just how easy is it to love those who don’t love? How easy is it to show compassion to someone who has very little compassion inside him/her? How easy is it to show kindness, patience, mercy or charity to someone who has no mercy inside them, or kindness, or patience or charity inside them?  It isn’t easy at all.

In our world today, we have many that we see as having no compassion, no mercy, no kindness, no patience, and we are called by Christ to “Don’t hold on to all the mercy, kindness, patience, etc that we have been given and is now within us, but rather give it all to those who have none inside them.”

We can understand how such a daunting task today could cause us to turn and walk away.  How can we show mercy and forgiveness to someone who is showing no mercy and no forgiveness? How can we show patience and kindness to someone who is showing no patience and no kindness?  How can we show these qualities to someone who we recently have shown contempt towards or slandered.

Again, there is only one way that we can do this, because “for man, this is impossible. But, with God, all things are possible.”

With God, we can release the loving-kindness within us sending it to someone who has no loving-kindness within them. With God, we can let flow the compassion, understanding and patience to someone who has no compassion or understanding or patience. With God, we can forgive and show mercy to someone who has no forgiveness or mercy within them.

With God, we can patiently and mercifully love those we never thought we could patiently and mercifully love – others, as well as our self. With God.


“Every time we act in a certain way, we add to the totality of consciousness to go in that certain direction – whether healthy or unhealthy, constructive or destructive.  Hence why persistent kindness and its companions can truly change the consciousness in the world.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We believe that which we believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to believe it, and for many different reasons or agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.  We don’t believe that which we don’t believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to not believe it, and for many different reasons or agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Hurricane Harvey and Facebook

For anyone interested, I’m also on Facebook.  Type my name and my postings will come up.  All my postings are public, so there should be no difficulty in reading them.  I don’t do predictions on FB.

I mention FB because during hurricane Harvey, I haven’t posted here, but rather on FB.  There’s massive destruction as people have seen.  I know many people who have been hit hard and many who are helping those who are suffering the worst of the destruction.

Unfortunately, there are some that are using this as a criminal opportunity.  Looting and scamming is happening.

Please, continue to pray for all the people involved and connected to this event.  All.  If you feel you want to help, help in whatever way you feel you can.  Don’t worry about any that are adding more problems to the situation.  As Edgar Cayce said in one of his readings, “Do what is in your lap, to do.”  As Christ told Peter, “You don’t concern yourself with what others do or don’t do  I’ll concern myself with them.  You follow me.”

May God be with everyone during this time.


“It is irrelevant whether we can or cannot do something. What matters is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart. It is the one who is not willing, who cannot. It is the one who is willing, who can.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2002-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“The secret to healing is to let it be for all life – infinite life.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“When we’re seeing good in others, we’re seeing God in others.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2008-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)