Another weather report

In response to another question about the Texas weather in Central and East Texas:

The temperatures in August in Central and East Texas will be like July, and continue into the 1st week of September.  But, slowly, the 2nd week of Sept., we’ll see temperatures start inching downward.  Around the 10th to the 15th of September, we’ll see real temperature change and from the 15th, we’ll have steady temperature drop with more clouds than we’ve seen this summer.  The temps will continue to become cooler as more clouds build up going through to the end of September into October.

We’ll have small amounts of sprinkling in September in some few spots in Texas, but going into October, we’ll have a gradual increase in raining.  October will actually have rain.  Those of you with rain collection systems, be ready starting in the 2nd half of September for a little, then for a lot from the October rains.

The rains will continue into November – around the 7th when I see what I think is a cold spell coming in around the 8th.  Nov. will be less rain than October with temperatures continuing to slowly creep southward on into December.  I see a milder cold December.  I think December’s rain will be spotty.

January and February will drop into the 20’s in Central Texas and into the upper teens in East Texas.  In East Texas, it can be considered a normal winter.  But, during this time, be ready for communication technology problems.  This goes for landlines and satelites both.  Consider having a backup where if one of your ways of staying connected is lost, another one can be relied on.  Satellites will have problems during this time period.

The Role of Prayer

There’s something I’ve not mentioned except in passing.  This is the changes to the future that prayer brings about.   These changes are present in the Akashic records as alternative timelines.  This information is also available.  This means that the effect of prayer can also be seen. This is true of whether it’s 100 people praying or 100,000 praying.

Because people have freewill, what is then seen are timelines related to how many people choose to pray.  In 2006, up to the summer hurricane season, I kept seeing a hurricane happening in August.  But, it never happened.  In looking over that information and learning about what changed and how I saw something that didn’t happen, I learned a lot.  I  learned that I had fixated on one timeline and did not spread my “looking” wider.  I did not look at the changes made from the prayers that came about motivated by the previous year’s (2005) hurricane destruction in Louisiana and the prayers that came from millions of people all over the United States.  Millions of people prayed for the Gulf Coast and this brought in what I saw as the Christ Spirit, protecting the entire Gulf Coast until the middle of the 2007 season.  The call went forth in the form of prayers, for protection and the sheer numbers of people praying brought about protection through the entire 2006 season and half of the 2007.  The meteorologists were surprised at the quiet 2006 season.

Why only half of 2007?  Because more people praying would have been needed to bring forth that much more energy that dissolved the hurricane energies that were set to manifest.

Weather is very much related to human consciousness.   This is why prayer and meditation can dissolve energy patterns that are set to manifest as destructive weather.  This is why praying and meditating have an effect on weather patterns, as well as the other things for which we pray and meditate.

On a side note, so many people think at times God is saying “No.” to prayers, but this isn’t the case.  Prayer and meditation are the sending of Spirit energy into a certain direction or purpose.  If there are few prayers and meditations, there is little Spirit energy going with that direction and purpose.  If there are a great many prayers and meditations, there is a great amount of Spirit energy being sent out with that direction and purpose.

As mentioned before, praying is like rowing a boat towards a target.  With many rowing that boat, it arrives quicker, but with few rowing, it takes longer and if we give up altogether, then that boat will stop moving in that direction.

Sure there are times that the outcomes of our prayers are different than what we desired.  There is still that factor of God wanting something better than what we think we want.  But, the factor that helps our prayers is remembering that the more unselfish our praying, the more that God can work through our prayers.

Edgar Cayce talked about seeing unanswered prayers when he went unconscious to give his psychic readings.  He reported that many times the people would give up on praying and meditating, when all they needed was to be patient and persevere.   There is a bumper sticker out now, that says, “P.U.S.H.”, which means Pray Until Something Happens.

That’s the way to pray.

BTW, with the prayers being said for the drought areas in Texas, this is having the effect of building up some cloud cover in August, 2011 to cool the places off.  It will take more yet, to add more rain, but the boat is moving in that direction, albeit slowly.   Don’t give up, keep on keeping on.  Keep on with prayer and meditation.

Heat in Texas, June 2011

For Central Texas during the summer of 2011:  We just got a rain here in central Texas (June 20, 2011).  This does NOT herald more rain for this area or for Texas.  As soon as June is over, the chance for rain will be extremely low.  I’m seeing July have some clouds in Central Texas, but also temperatures reaching 110 and August going over 110 degrees for this area.  This will be two of the hottest months on record.  You’ll hear this on tv a lot.

We got a little rain in May, 2011 in Central Texas, and one rain in June.  July will be dry and hot.  August will be dryer and hotter.  September will cool some, but still no significant rainfall.  October, I do see some amounts of rain for Central Texas.  Some but not a lot, though.  November, 2011 will have colder temperatures, of course, but again, not a lot of rain.  If it were a normal year, October and November, 2011 would be considered normal, but people are hoping the Autumn months will bring relief from the draught.  It won’t replenish, but it will bring some rain… just not what people hope.

If you believe in prayer, pray for healing of our weather patterns.  The prayers of a few will save many.   In cases like this, praying is like rowing a boat.  The more rowing the boat, the more power and speed it has to reach the destination.  But even if only three are rowing a boat of 10 million souls, the three will eventually after a long, long, long time, help all get to the destination.

And who are the three?  For where two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  (Matthew 18:20)

A Christian Nation?

There are many against the U.S. helping other nations that don’t support us or help us back.  But, the spirit of this country and hence the issue that affects this position has never been “what can other countries do for us?  Or who supports us?  Or what will other countries give us?”  Imagine if Christ came into this world saying, “What will you give me if I help you?  How will you support me if I heal you?  What will you do for me to make me number 1 if I preach to you?”  He only asked “How can I best serve all of you”, saying “He who would be first, must serve all the rest. John 9:35”

A nation with many professing it to be a Christian nation is not Christian based on what the people say it is.  A nation or a group or a church or a person is a particular religion based only on how they apply those beliefs in their life.   What if someone professed a religion but never applied any of the beliefs in their life?  Would they really be that religion?

The nations of the world do not develop by blindly following the big man on campus – the U.S.  They develop by learning to be true to themselves.  If we are going to be true to ourselves – true to what is in our own hearts and minds as Americans, and choose a path that is unpopular with other nations, and sometimes that may mean going to war, then we must acknowledge that that is what we are teaching to other nations – to be true to themselves- to what is in their own hearts and minds.  And sometimes this means disagreeing with the big man on campus and choosing a path that is unpopular with the BMOC.

For any that profess the U.S. to be a Christian nation, is it only for show and tell?  Or will we as individuals and groups apply, and therefore live the particular religious principles when within our Earth’s community of nations?  And looking at it from that point of view, don’t these principles also include acknowledging and accepting diversity and differences of opinion?

PS.  Can a nation as a whole demonstrate one “religion” based on its governmental policy and actions towards its citizens and others of the world, and have its citizens demonstrate a different religion based on each of their actions towards each other and others of the world?  Is our religion only based on the words we speak proclaiming it, or is our religion based on the actions we live out?

Japan, Earth Changes and Predictions for 2014: Weather

Let’s begin with Japan’s current state. The helpful aspects have been seen – the cultural support. International support.

The landmass. While it is true that this has been a significant shift for the landmass. This is also not unheard of when earthquakes happen. Some consider this an `end of the world” event, but it is not. Some consider this an “end of Japan” event.  It is not.  However, it is one of the most major of events to affect this earth, as we now know.

Some have reported that it cracked the island in two. This is a “Yes, and no” truth. It caused land mass movement and this movement goes deep into the earth, but in no way has this island now become two islands. Not even close.

The major devastation related exclusively to this particular earthquake is finished for Japan and will only continue in minor ways from other earthquakes as this event sequence settles down.  However, it looks like there could be a 6-7 point earthquake in the 3-4th week in May. This will not duplicate the devastation because it’s already happened. It will make people concerned greatly though.

The rumblings deep in the earth underneath Japan will continue and diminish into June, 2011. It will settle down in the Japan area but the shifts have moved and opened up the volcanic channels east of Japan, and in October we could see increased volcanic activity in the Pacific – a little in Hawaii, but not necessarily in a major way in Hawaii, but some of the other volcanic islands in the Pacific. Some increase in Hawaii, but I think more increase in the Pacific as a whole.

The devastation related to the nuclear power plant is long from over. “If all things stay the same,” it will be several months yet – the middle of May before they are able to effectively bring the radiation exhaust to a close. The deaths from this will also be added to the numbers. The illnesses from this will number in the hundreds of thousands over the next 16 years. The Japanese people will be treating those affected by radiation well into the 2nd half of the 2020’s. We won’t hear much more of this after the next few years have passed. This information will only be recorded in medical databases and government offices as time goes on.

As medical progress is made, better treatments will be available. Much of these advances will be in Japan. It will take about 4 years from now (2014-2015) to make the 1st significant medical step forward, and then another 7 years after that for another, which will then be the step that will greatly reduce the effects of the radiation. So, 10-11 years from now we will see successful remedies for those still alive and suffering from the effects of radiation.

The U.S.
The radiation will eventually reach into the entire western half of the United States. Not in great levels, but in measurable levels.  Lower elevations and more southern areas are the least affected. The greater and more dense the atmosphere above an area, the less radiation will be affecting people. Higher elevations in the Rockies will see higher levels of radiation which will find its way into the rivers and waterways that lead to the lower elevations when the snows melt. This will be most measured and observed during 2011 and 2012.

The radiation levels will not be devastating in the U.S. It will be at a level which can make those already seriously sick and in the most vulnerable position health-wise, become worse. It will affect those with severely compromised immune systems in a detrimental way.

For those that are healthy, it will be handleable, and may not even be noticed. The areas most vulnerable are the northern California coast up to Alaska, but there will be some from central Cal coast line down into Mexico. Some measurements will discover radiation levels higher than normal, but not in a danger to the public at large.

Only at very high elevations will the public at large need to be aware of potential problems. There is no stopping the radiation, but it is incorrect to think that all radiation levels are deadly. All are not. There will be increases in radiation levels, but not deadly increases.  Again, only at higher elevations, especially in the Rockies, will there be levels that can seriously impact health.  This means that wildlife will be affected in a detrimental way, also.

Those cities that have smog will find that their air pollution acts to shield and absorb some of the radiation. Strange world sometimes.

Earth Changes:
In 2005, I “saw” the Indonesian Tsunami as being like “an introduction to a book”. The “book”, metaphorically speaking is the earth changes yet to come. To continue with the metaphor of “the book”, there are 3 chapters to this book. In the same way as an introduction to a book doesn’t have the same strength as the book, the Indonesian Tsunami was not one of the three events. It was only an introduction to the events.

The Japanese event is “chapter one” or rather the 1st of 3 events. Each will be a major event affecting the entire world directly physically and/or indirectly economically.

Also, the Indonesian event was fully an earth event. The Japanese event was both earth source and human. The combination of the Earthquake, the Tsunami and the Nuclear Reactor disaster all add up to the first chapter to this most dramatic of “books”.

While I had not been fully able to see a timeline for all events in 2005, with this event happening, I’m seeing a time line now. I see the 2nd event happening in the time range of 2014-2015. I believe I’m seeing it be weather related. I believe it will be the most devastating winters ever to be on the planet FOR SOME, BUT NOT ALL AREAS OF THE PLANET. The weather will be compounded by mankind not being prepared for the winter-related effects.  For instance, loss of electricity will cause serious problems for some areas, as we saw happen in 2011.   There will be food and fuel shortages in some areas due to extreme temperatures.  Not long-term shortages as in months, but for a few areas, in central US and in some southern state areas, in the neighborhood of days to several weeks.  Preparation will diminish this affect.

While in the U.S., 2011 was a major winter event year, I think I’m seeing the 2014-2015 winter being far worse. Not just for the U.S. but for all of North America, the eastern Coasts of Asia, and in its turn the western coast of South America and Australia.  Britain will have a worse winter.  Continental Europe will have a more severe than normal winter, but not as severe as the western hemisphere. Russia and northern Asia will have a more severe winter than normal, but the worst of it will still be in the western hemisphere.

Interestingly enough, I’m seeing the winters of 2012 and 2013 being milder than usual.  If they are indeed as I see, then prepare for 2014, because events in 2013 will then contribute to the extremely serious winter of 2014.

Weather is changed by human consciousness. Ignoring this fact only means it will continue on the path it is on.  Prayer and meditation affect weather.  If anyone has concerns about prayer for the weather, I ask you to consider, what would God ask of us, to pray or to not pray?  What does Christ ask of us, to call on Him, or not to call on Him?

I see the 3rd and final “chapter” of this “book” in 2018 to 2019. I’m not yet clearly seeing the form it will take. I do believe I’m seeing it be man made, though.  As Yoda said, “the future is always changing”. The future can be changed. As the angels told Lott and his wife in the Old Testament, 10 people can save a city.

When I “read” in 2005, I also looked at how much can be changed of this that I “saw”. I saw that 20% of what I was seeing could be changed or healed, to the point that it would not happen. 80% was so well developed energetically, that even if all souls transformed and left the planet as enlightened beings, the earth itself would still go through these changes to rebalance itself in it’s own process. The combination of humans and earth processes have both created these energies that are now seeking to manifest.  80% is not stoppable and is already set in motion.  All events contribute to the events that follow them.  Weather patterns are like staircases, with each step contributing to the one after it.

The forms in which the energy will manifest into the earth and lives of the human species (as well as all life on Earth) will not be completely finalized until the split second that it happens. However, tendencies and probabilities for specific forms are a reality in this process of seeking manifestation, and this energy will lean towards specific forming into the physical world. Much of this energy can manifest through people’s lives, and some will, but that which doesn’t, will manifest through the earth itself through a change or reaction to the forces acting to manifest the physical event seed energy.

The energy seeking manifestation must come into a form based upon the pattern of the energy. This is why the New York destructive event of 2001, (which Edgar Cayce predicted as a different form- an earthquake) was only the two towers collapsing. The destructive energy was as such a large amount that if people had not worked spiritually throughout the previous decades to bring about healing to ourselves and our planet, Edgar Cayce’s prediction for New York to suffer a devastating earthquake would have occurred exactly as he foresaw. (As a side note, if the earthquake had occurred, the attack on the WTC would not have happened.)

Because people did raise the vibrations of ourselves and the planet, much of the energy directed towards New York could not stay in existence when seeking manifestation with the new higher vibrations that then came from the spiritual efforts. With continued unselfish spiritual efforts within individuals and for the earth itself, the vibration level continues to rise and thus continues to “heal” or dissolve the lower level destructive energy looking to manifest.

So, with the events of this “three chapter book”, it can easily be said that God has given us time in between each event to recuperate from the previous one and work to raise the vibrations of ourselves and our planet, through changing the level within ourselves from which we draw our desire to live. We have time to continue to try to affect some change in between events. We also have time to prepare for coming events.

Either the selfish (which is lower) energy will be what we draw from to live our lives or the unselfish (which is higher) energy will be what we draw from to live our lives. One direction of our thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs will dissolve the lower energy manifesting, the other direction of our thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs will maintain it.  Deciding to let everyone decide for themselves is an unselfish decision. God has given everyone freewill. Let us not act to try to take away from others that which God has given to all of us.

With the angels telling Lott and his wife that 10 souls can save a city, we can understand then how we can affect some changes in the whole world – by working unselfishly to contribute our efforts to grow, learn, and manifest the greater aspects and fruits of the Higher Spirit for the benefits of the whole of life on this planet.

I’m ready for questions.

California – 1. Southern Cal.

There was a great deal of information that came out in the 1960’s through the 1980’s and then in the 1990’s about possible land shifts and earth changes related to California.  In the Edgar Cayce readings, California is spoken about also.

But, while many people are speaking about Cayce’s predictions, few are speaking about what he said about his own predictions.  He said first that these things will happen “if all things stay the same.”  This means if humanity continues along its path of behavior, thought and feelings, the predictions based on these behaviors, thoughts and feelings will come to pass.  If humanity changes its behavior, thought and feelings, the predictions (the future) will be changed, also.

Change is what humanity has done.  Many millions have heard the call of Spirit and acted in line with the healing that comes with, “Love God above all else and love you’re neighbor as yourself.”  So, why does it surprise so many people when the earth changes don’t happen exactly as predicted?  Probably because so little is understood about the real way that spirituality and the energy of spirituality through prayer and meditation have an effect on humanity and human life, as well as how the act of predicting and the psychic mechanism work within the individual.

First, to make it short, prayer and meditation do impact the energy of manifestation guiding the form and scenario of  how circumstantial events play out.  It is the energy of the individual and group consciousnesses being sent out influencing energy that has been sent out previously and now returning.

Secondly, decades of misunderstanding of psychic ability and principles are both behind us as well as still ahead of us.  It won’t be until the last decade of this century that psychic ability and predicting is more readily understood – 80 years away.


Looking at the land itself from today on, if all things stay the same and if mankind continues on the time-line we are on………

The actual borders of California will not change in major ways.  There will be minor, minor changes related to some increased erosion of small amounts of cliff areas along the coast line in the central Cal area.  This small amounts of erosion of small areas of cliff-lines comes from weakening land structure of hundreds of small earthquakes eventually taking it’s toll on parts of the underground, deep foundation structure.  The shaking of central California over time creates a type of characteristic that I can only call “looseness” of the substructure underground.

With regards to earthquakes, in southern California, I’m not seeing a super major earthquake in California for several years and that could change to be longer.
a. I see a possible 4.3-4.4 in the middle of October, 2009.  It could be as small as a 3.3 or 3.4.
b. Many small ones through 2009 less than 4.0
c. The largest in Nov, 2009, will be 3.5, if it reaches that high.
d. In Jan, 2010, a 4.5 as the largest possible.  But, I think it will come in around 3.7 or 3.8.
e.  One more before July, 2010
f.  August -Dec, 2010, rather quiet unless…
g.  If a 5.0 happens in 2010, it will happen in Aug/Sept time period
h. No 6 or 7 pointers in 2010.
i.  in 2011, I see a possible reaching up to 6.0 to 6.3 in the winter/spring months – Feb, or Mar.  This will be extremely deep and may not be very destructive.  It could be as small as another 4.0 though.  I think it will come in at around 4.8.
j. In 2012, besides the fear of drastic events, I don’t see a lot happening.  Very similar to 2009 and 2010.  I do see one possibility, though, for a 6.5 occurring close to the surface and spreading throughout southern California, north of Pasadena and San Bernadino.  While it could potentially reach a 6.5, I think it will come in at 4.5 to 5.5.
k.  The sizes of these depends a lot on the sizes of many of the others that precede them.  With small earthquakes, some pressure is released that avoids large earthquakes.
l.  I see a potential 7.0 in 2013.  Ask me again about this before we get there.

Again, I’m not seeing a super earthquake in southern Cal in the next 4 years.  Just many, mostly small, (like normally happens) and a few of them larger than normal.


Fires will be like they have been before, and every year for the next 10 years.  Around 2017/2018, there will be “something” that causes an extremely low number of fires.  I think it will be a super amount of rain throughout the southern 75% of the state.  Rain – all the time in that year.

During the 2017 and 2018, there will also be better ways of fighting fires and keeping fires from starting (beginning in 2015) – some procedures and technology that work to protect the land and trees as a preventative measure. (This could either be the rain or it could be a widespread effort to try new “technology”.)


Water for southern Cal will be one of the serious issues that officials will have to deal with. Weather is more affected by humans than realized.
a. Steps are in place to ensure water for SoCal for the next 4 years, but after 2013, it will become more difficult to get for the southern part of the state.
b. A deal with Nevada to happen in 2013 will help So.  Cal., but it will cost Cal more than ever before.
c. 2010 will be below normal rainfall level
d. 2011 will start off appearing to be a rainy year but will not provide enough to equal the deficit.
e. Rainfall can be helped through prayer for healthier weather patterns.
f. 2012 will actually be a very rainy winter and spring.  Some rain at the beginning of the summer.
g. Each year’s weather is affected or influenced by the previous years weather.
h.  Nevada’s weather will not be like California’s and their desire to hold onto their water will be why the cost to Cal will be higher.
i.  2013 is looking like a drought year at the moment.


Southern Cal’s economy will steadily continue okay with little slow down.
a.  2009 has seen some tough troubles, but 2010 will be the time that SoCal climbs out of the hole with effort and struggle.
b.  2011 will be better than 2010, because there will be some noticeable changes in the business  of doing business in Southern California.  This will take the form of new innovations in industry and new businesses that weren’t developed much until the economy tanked.  New ways of doing business for some big money players, and new businesses that spring forth because now is the time for them.
c.  More investing will come from Southern Calif in 2011.  Not as much yet as were during 2007 or 2008, but better than ’09 and ’10.
2012 will see a few delays in the recovery and some metaphorical “potholes”, but the year will not be considered worse than 2011, just about the same.
d.  2013 will bring new hope, and a renewed sense of “let’s get to work and do this.”
e.  Starting in 2013, the economic problems for Southern Cal will be behind them and steady progress and increase in the years ahead until some problems slow things in 2017 or 2018.
f.  Again, regular economic progress from 2013 to 2017 or 18 before a slow down.
g.  For Southern Cal, the economy will seem to be dragging from 2018 to about late 2021.


a. No real influential technological improvements for 2009 affecting Southern Cal.
b. 2011 will bring some technological improvements which will be innovations that enter the market.
c.  In 2012 the bugs come forth – technologically speaking.  I see much frustration with electronics  and supposed improvements – things not working on the personal level.  But, this is not so much technology but the natural forces acting upon the technology bringing out the vulnerabilities which our technology has.  This will pertain to cell phone problems, some major computer networking problems, some electricity overload problems.  Natural forces pushing stronger and greater magnetic fields into and influencing the systems and overloading them.  Not all systems everywhere, but a handful of major systems by some of the big companies.
d.  The problems will mostly be worked out by the end of the spring, 2013.
e.  These problems won’t be avoided because there is not an understanding of the forces that will be affecting these technological systems.

What did I forget?

In looking at this right now, I look for the events and their strength of energy level that would bring them about.  There are some events which have high/strong levels and some that have low/weak levels of energy for manifesting.  That is why the future can be changed by human beings.  Humans sent energy out in times past bringing or influencing events that happen today.  Human energy sent out today can influence the human energy coming from past sending out.  This is in the same vein and hence why it’s true when John 4:18 says, “Perfect love casteth out fear.”  The energy we send out now (best done via prayer and meditation) can influence the energy we sent out previously.

Gas Prices

Each time I “look”, I see something similar.  The sad news is that gas prices will never go back down.  Each time I’ve looked, I see us paying on average $4.50/gal. by 2014-2015.  The earliest I see us paying $4/gal is 2011.  The latest is 2013, which is only 5 years away from this writing.  Do any of us remember 2003?  It wasn’t that long ago.  That’s how soon 2013 is.

I will always suggest people work more on becoming self-sufficient in whatever ways they can.  This will help the economic drain that gasoline prices will bring.  With higher gas prices, come higher prices on everything that has to be delivered somewhere.  With the exception of only a few items, everything gets delivered somewhere.

Russian and Chinese weather up to 2012

In General, there will be a lot of Earth movement activity west of China, south of Russia in the next 7 years (2005-2012). There will also be a general temperature drop in Siberia also, but won’t be noticed much. There will be more rainfall in south east Russia, not the European side. Not flooding, but higher than normal and becoming a more fertile area. Northwest China, west China, south Russia – that region. That region will become more fertile agriculturally at the same time that there will be flooding in the Midwest US.


An event in northwestern Canada – I don’t think its an earthquake, but more like NOT a natural disaster. A disaster, possibly industrial or manmade that will affect 1000’s of people. Possibly oil or energy disaster affecting 10’s of thousands of acres in some way, like the Valdez did. Possibly an outside cause, but triggering a larger disaster. I don’t know if there is a nuclear power plant in that area, but this could contribute to it. There will be an attempt to keep the causes or the event hidden. It will all come out 4 years afterwards – 2011.


In August of 2011, the process of “shifting” will start – whether it’s magnetic fields, pole shifts or some other type. In Oct, 2011, we’ll become aware of it and start to feel the energy shift which the Earth will go through. It will last about 14-17 months. Those of us who are familiar with this energy will experience it physically. It will cause pressure. We’ll have to address physically related events. There will be electronic events, sun effects, water effects, and effects on growing food. In some areas of the world, it may be considered insignificant. Not all will be aware of it physically. Some who are oblivious now, will be oblivious then.

Volcanic activity in the region west of China. North of India and West of China.  (reading of 2005)