Prediction for 2015: World Disaster Event 2 of 3

March, 2014

(Update: For more information on this topic, read the updated article, “More of the 2nd of 3 events – A Call to Prayer“)

I’m now seeing more of the 2015 “Event 2 of 3” that I’ve been seeing for several years now and commented about before here in this blog.  The area I’m seeing it occurring  is the Atlantic Ocean at the northeast section of South America.  I see it being larger than anything that has been experienced in that particular area. I don’t see it being a Level 5 Hurricane.  I see it being worse for some reason but worse because it spreads throughout the Atlantic Ocean – slowly – but spreads nonetheless. It could be triggered by another earthquake, but it is not an earthquake by itself.

I have seen there being two months of warning signs, but I don’t think the warning signs will be readily understood.  I think the warning signs might be upheavals of some type but this isn’t clear, yet.  The upheavals could be social, economic, or physical.  And this whole happening event begins in June of 2015 with the 2 months of “warning” then culminating in August of 2015.

We actually may not know of some of it until December, 2015.  The full impact will not be felt immediately, but alarms of the potential impact will become public.

The results of this event will eventually affect a vast area of the Atlantic, including the East Coast of the US in major ways. This event will devastate the people of the islands in the area. It will be slightly more impactful than the Japanese Tsunami/Nuclear disaster.  It could come from inland in the Northeast corner of South America – in the Guyana, Surname, Venezuela areas or the central most point of this event could be in the Northern most area of Brazil. But, it could also come from off the coast of these countries and be a combination of inland and offshore events which would cause greater devastation.

Naturally, the area of effect would include all the islands in the Caribbean and Florida.  The impact area will spread up along the Eastern Coast of the US.  The impact will eventually also affect the western coast of Africa and in time, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and areas around the Atlantic Ocean. This brings just as many questions as it does information.

I’ve looked at Volcanic activity, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear explosion and I’m not seeing any one of these being the cause.  That’s why I believe it will be a combination as well as more, just like Japan’s disaster was.

Our prayers would go to the people affected by this – citizens of the area.  The event itself is not stoppable.  This is the area where Atlantis existed.

June 26, 2014

Again, I see the event begin not as a cataclysmic event but rather as a gradual increase of devastating circumstances – growing and spreading over time via the Atlantic Ocean.  I believe natural phenomenon are going to help this happen, but there will be some man-made aspect to it, also. It could take many months to experience the full impact upon the areas.  But, people will be impacted severely.  I also see Europe being affected by the time the Autumn of 2015 moves into Winter.

Radiation from Japan

Many are talking about future disasters, including radioactive fallout from Japan.  I’m not seeing radioactive fallout from Japan being the bear others are saying it is or will be.  If you look back, though, on my blogs, I do see radiation high in the atmosphere.  However, I don’t see the amount in the atmosphere causing widespread harm to people in the US.  Those few at very high sea levels – above 9000 ft, will get some of the radiation, but again, the amount is not at a level that would cause widespread harm.  In the US, I see more fear than reality regarding people who will come into harm from radiation, and then it’s exacerbated – the people made vulnerable – from the high altitude and the sun’s effects.  The amounts will be measurable, but the harm to U.S. citizens will be negligible.

I see some of the western Pacific waters around Japan being harmed by the radioactivity, but I also see this being dissipated by the wide oceanic expanse eventually.  Will this harm the waters off Japan?  Yes, and it already has.  But, this part of the mess does have the ocean’s size helping it dissipate.  It will eventually be resolved.

Still, I will also admit that it’s prudent to stay alert to potential harm.

Japan, Earth Changes and Predictions for 2014: Weather

Let’s begin with Japan’s current state. The helpful aspects have been seen – the cultural support. International support.

The landmass. While it is true that this has been a significant shift for the landmass. This is also not unheard of when earthquakes happen. Some consider this an `end of the world” event, but it is not. Some consider this an “end of Japan” event.  It is not.  However, it is one of the most major of events to affect this earth, as we now know.

Some have reported that it cracked the island in two. This is a “Yes, and no” truth. It caused land mass movement and this movement goes deep into the earth, but in no way has this island now become two islands. Not even close.

The major devastation related exclusively to this particular earthquake is finished for Japan and will only continue in minor ways from other earthquakes as this event sequence settles down.  However, it looks like there could be a 6-7 point earthquake in the 3-4th week in May. This will not duplicate the devastation because it’s already happened. It will make people concerned greatly though.

The rumblings deep in the earth underneath Japan will continue and diminish into June, 2011. It will settle down in the Japan area but the shifts have moved and opened up the volcanic channels east of Japan, and in October we could see increased volcanic activity in the Pacific – a little in Hawaii, but not necessarily in a major way in Hawaii, but some of the other volcanic islands in the Pacific. Some increase in Hawaii, but I think more increase in the Pacific as a whole.

The devastation related to the nuclear power plant is long from over. “If all things stay the same,” it will be several months yet – the middle of May before they are able to effectively bring the radiation exhaust to a close. The deaths from this will also be added to the numbers. The illnesses from this will number in the hundreds of thousands over the next 16 years. The Japanese people will be treating those affected by radiation well into the 2nd half of the 2020’s. We won’t hear much more of this after the next few years have passed. This information will only be recorded in medical databases and government offices as time goes on.

As medical progress is made, better treatments will be available. Much of these advances will be in Japan. It will take about 4 years from now (2014-2015) to make the 1st significant medical step forward, and then another 7 years after that for another, which will then be the step that will greatly reduce the effects of the radiation. So, 10-11 years from now we will see successful remedies for those still alive and suffering from the effects of radiation.

The U.S.
The radiation will eventually reach into the entire western half of the United States. Not in great levels, but in measurable levels.  Lower elevations and more southern areas are the least affected. The greater and more dense the atmosphere above an area, the less radiation will be affecting people. Higher elevations in the Rockies will see higher levels of radiation which will find its way into the rivers and waterways that lead to the lower elevations when the snows melt. This will be most measured and observed during 2011 and 2012.

The radiation levels will not be devastating in the U.S. It will be at a level which can make those already seriously sick and in the most vulnerable position health-wise, become worse. It will affect those with severely compromised immune systems in a detrimental way.

For those that are healthy, it will be handleable, and may not even be noticed. The areas most vulnerable are the northern California coast up to Alaska, but there will be some from central Cal coast line down into Mexico. Some measurements will discover radiation levels higher than normal, but not in a danger to the public at large.

Only at very high elevations will the public at large need to be aware of potential problems. There is no stopping the radiation, but it is incorrect to think that all radiation levels are deadly. All are not. There will be increases in radiation levels, but not deadly increases.  Again, only at higher elevations, especially in the Rockies, will there be levels that can seriously impact health.  This means that wildlife will be affected in a detrimental way, also.

Those cities that have smog will find that their air pollution acts to shield and absorb some of the radiation. Strange world sometimes.

Earth Changes:
In 2005, I “saw” the Indonesian Tsunami as being like “an introduction to a book”. The “book”, metaphorically speaking is the earth changes yet to come. To continue with the metaphor of “the book”, there are 3 chapters to this book. In the same way as an introduction to a book doesn’t have the same strength as the book, the Indonesian Tsunami was not one of the three events. It was only an introduction to the events.

The Japanese event is “chapter one” or rather the 1st of 3 events. Each will be a major event affecting the entire world directly physically and/or indirectly economically.

Also, the Indonesian event was fully an earth event. The Japanese event was both earth source and human. The combination of the Earthquake, the Tsunami and the Nuclear Reactor disaster all add up to the first chapter to this most dramatic of “books”.

While I had not been fully able to see a timeline for all events in 2005, with this event happening, I’m seeing a time line now. I see the 2nd event happening in the time range of 2014-2015. I believe I’m seeing it be weather related. I believe it will be the most devastating winters ever to be on the planet FOR SOME, BUT NOT ALL AREAS OF THE PLANET. The weather will be compounded by mankind not being prepared for the winter-related effects.  For instance, loss of electricity will cause serious problems for some areas, as we saw happen in 2011.   There will be food and fuel shortages in some areas due to extreme temperatures.  Not long-term shortages as in months, but for a few areas, in central US and in some southern state areas, in the neighborhood of days to several weeks.  Preparation will diminish this affect.

While in the U.S., 2011 was a major winter event year, I think I’m seeing the 2014-2015 winter being far worse. Not just for the U.S. but for all of North America, the eastern Coasts of Asia, and in its turn the western coast of South America and Australia.  Britain will have a worse winter.  Continental Europe will have a more severe than normal winter, but not as severe as the western hemisphere. Russia and northern Asia will have a more severe winter than normal, but the worst of it will still be in the western hemisphere.

Interestingly enough, I’m seeing the winters of 2012 and 2013 being milder than usual.  If they are indeed as I see, then prepare for 2014, because events in 2013 will then contribute to the extremely serious winter of 2014.

Weather is changed by human consciousness. Ignoring this fact only means it will continue on the path it is on.  Prayer and meditation affect weather.  If anyone has concerns about prayer for the weather, I ask you to consider, what would God ask of us, to pray or to not pray?  What does Christ ask of us, to call on Him, or not to call on Him?

I see the 3rd and final “chapter” of this “book” in 2018 to 2019. I’m not yet clearly seeing the form it will take. I do believe I’m seeing it be man made, though.  As Yoda said, “the future is always changing”. The future can be changed. As the angels told Lott and his wife in the Old Testament, 10 people can save a city.

When I “read” in 2005, I also looked at how much can be changed of this that I “saw”. I saw that 20% of what I was seeing could be changed or healed, to the point that it would not happen. 80% was so well developed energetically, that even if all souls transformed and left the planet as enlightened beings, the earth itself would still go through these changes to rebalance itself in it’s own process. The combination of humans and earth processes have both created these energies that are now seeking to manifest.  80% is not stoppable and is already set in motion.  All events contribute to the events that follow them.  Weather patterns are like staircases, with each step contributing to the one after it.

The forms in which the energy will manifest into the earth and lives of the human species (as well as all life on Earth) will not be completely finalized until the split second that it happens. However, tendencies and probabilities for specific forms are a reality in this process of seeking manifestation, and this energy will lean towards specific forming into the physical world. Much of this energy can manifest through people’s lives, and some will, but that which doesn’t, will manifest through the earth itself through a change or reaction to the forces acting to manifest the physical event seed energy.

The energy seeking manifestation must come into a form based upon the pattern of the energy. This is why the New York destructive event of 2001, (which Edgar Cayce predicted as a different form- an earthquake) was only the two towers collapsing. The destructive energy was as such a large amount that if people had not worked spiritually throughout the previous decades to bring about healing to ourselves and our planet, Edgar Cayce’s prediction for New York to suffer a devastating earthquake would have occurred exactly as he foresaw. (As a side note, if the earthquake had occurred, the attack on the WTC would not have happened.)

Because people did raise the vibrations of ourselves and the planet, much of the energy directed towards New York could not stay in existence when seeking manifestation with the new higher vibrations that then came from the spiritual efforts. With continued unselfish spiritual efforts within individuals and for the earth itself, the vibration level continues to rise and thus continues to “heal” or dissolve the lower level destructive energy looking to manifest.

So, with the events of this “three chapter book”, it can easily be said that God has given us time in between each event to recuperate from the previous one and work to raise the vibrations of ourselves and our planet, through changing the level within ourselves from which we draw our desire to live. We have time to continue to try to affect some change in between events. We also have time to prepare for coming events.

Either the selfish (which is lower) energy will be what we draw from to live our lives or the unselfish (which is higher) energy will be what we draw from to live our lives. One direction of our thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs will dissolve the lower energy manifesting, the other direction of our thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs will maintain it.  Deciding to let everyone decide for themselves is an unselfish decision. God has given everyone freewill. Let us not act to try to take away from others that which God has given to all of us.

With the angels telling Lott and his wife that 10 souls can save a city, we can understand then how we can affect some changes in the whole world – by working unselfishly to contribute our efforts to grow, learn, and manifest the greater aspects and fruits of the Higher Spirit for the benefits of the whole of life on this planet.

I’m ready for questions.