Election 2016 Reading done Nov. 10, 2016

A few points to remember:

  1. Every person is a child of God. Everyone. There are no exceptions. God has given every one of us freewill with regards to the path we walk and the choices we make in life. God will not take away freewill from any of us.  Elected officials have freewill as well.
  2. Jesus said to Pontius Pilate, that which He knew was true, “You have authority over me, because God gave it to you.” This can show us that people are in positions of authority because God allows this. I add that my understanding is that God allows this to give each soul opportunities to face challenges to grow. Some souls take the opportunities to grow, some souls stumble and fall.
  3. This reading recording is presented as is, with a few personal pieces of information edited out. What is left in, is information available for general use.
  4. Some of you will be adamantly against what I present. That which I see psychically is what I stated. If it were not what I see psychically, I would tell you.
  5. I don’t see Donald Trump’s presidency as being either extremely good or extremely bad. Each presidency has had it’s good and bad. While many may argue against the point that, “There is good in the worst of us, and there is bad in the best of us.” (Edgar Cayce), the point is still true.

Finally, I’ll remind everyone who posts comments (which are welcome), I will monitor the comments and edit out – insults, demeaning names, effort to show disrespect, and slander. I will leave in discussion, differences of opinion, effort to show evidence of different views, and expression of different values.

Election Reading of 11-10-16  (2 hours long)


“Healing starts when condemnation and judgement stops.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1991-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Human nature is the best place to go to get a good laugh.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1992-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We believe what we believe, because we feel it serves us to believe it.  We don’t believe what we don’t believe, because we feel it serves us to not believe it.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1993-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

First 2016-2017 Weather Prediction

If you haven’t already become aware of this on your own, we’re in for a very hard winter in the next few months.  The signs are here.  The past patterns are here.  Common sense is here.  Warnings are here.  The writing is on the wall. We’ve established that we are on this road now.

What we’ve experienced in December, we’re going to get harder in January and much, much harder in February.

In general, across the nation, the remainder of December will look like “normal” winter weather that one would expect winter to be from past decades.  And I’m seeing January being more of the same only colder.  Then I see February being an “ice block” – frozen solid – nothing but cold – the whole month – with no relief whatsoever.

This is for pretty much the whole country – in general.  I can give some specifics if you’re interested – post a comment and I’ll answer it  when possible.  However, you’ll be able to extrapolate from what I’ve offered so far.

For Texas, a state that doesn’t do winter very well.  We’re going to be right in line with what I said above.   It will be a cold December, then in and out of freezing temperatures in January, then almost all freezing temperatures for all of February.  February will even be hard in the Rio Grande Valley – not as serious as the Texas area north of them, but cold enough to where they/you will need to take steps to protect people, plants, animals and pipes.

I’ve warned about this coming winter for many years.  It’s here and it’s going to be very cold, very difficult and very serious – and ALL ACROSS THE NATION.

AND…. regardless of what people say, this is a result of Global Warming.  Climate change is real.  Remember the words, “Anyone who tells you different, is selling something.”  Just because one may not understand how this is true, or doesn’t want it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.  The same scientific principles and laws of physics, chemistry and mathematics that go into understanding and building computers, go into understanding weather.  No one person completely understands how the whole computer works, but every human being in the United States uses or connects to computers.  Yet, no one questions if their computer is a hoax.

Finally, the difficult winter we’ll go through will ease up when we move into the beginning of March – in the southern half of the US.  The northern half of the US states, will have winter on through mid-March, and the most northern Northeastern states will have winter going to near the end of March.


I’m working on the Psychic Reading I did for the election results and will post it as an audio file real soon.  It will be controversial, but it is what I see psychically… (with a caveat that the future can change with prayer and meditation.)


“The teachings of many, many religions hold to “Do unto others, as you would want others to do unto you.”  The God of these religions gave all followers of these religions freewill, and will never take that freewill away.   That is why from time to time, we say ‘No’. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Pray for all those that are judged to be unworthy of prayers.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

Be Inspired ! !

Yes, even if we’re feeling discouraged about the politics in the U.S., now is a good time to get up in the morning with hope in our hearts.  Why, because now is a wonderful opportunity to do something specific.

Instead of being discouraged, angry and bitter, look for someone or something that you feel is inspiring.  These exist everywhere.  Look for topics.  Look for speakers.  Look for actions – all of which are inspiring to you.  All of these are happening.  We can see them on the Internet, in society, on Youtube, on Facebook, and many other places.

The energy we feel when we look for inspiration is a recognition that our hope is a hope for very real results.  Inspiration is the belief that there is a force of accomplishment in our planet which we can connect to and ride – like a surfer on a wave.  This wave of inspiration raises us up.  This energy of inspiration – of being inspired – of listening to someone or watching something that is inspiring – is a force that spreads – strengthening the heart of individuals all over the place.  Then, in turn, helping us to act in whatever way we find is best.

When we seek inspiration, we find inspiration. There are people in the world that are inspiring.  There are stories people share that inspire others.  There are speakers that inspire people.  When we join with these others, we feel the VERY REAL energy of being able to accomplish what we seek to accomplish.

Sure, we may get tired and weary, discouraged and feel despair sometimes.  After all, we are human beings.  But, we can also breath in strength, and as Og Mandino wrote in his book, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”, “He who is determined enough to succeed, will never fail.”  Who among us is advocating ‘giving up’ on anything that we know is worthwhile to pursue?

As the inspiration grows within one’s own heart and mind, let it also be turned within, to inspire us to accept and forgive, be patient and let go of judgment.  Let this inspiration also guide us inwardly to seek within our heart who to forgive and who to show mercy towards.  Let this energy inspire us to have compassion.  Let it inspire us to have fortitude to stay the course – to be patient – to have mercy towards others – to show charity when the need exists, and to seek out and learn wisdom.  Let this inspiration motivate us to give of our time or money or cooperation or energy or muscle to help join with others wherever we find ourselves – to cooperate in lifting up humanity, or our nation, or our community or our small group, or our family and friends.  Let this inspiration motivate us to show love to all the living beings around us – to give of our heart and mind.

Remember the Dr. Seuss cartoon story of the Who of Whoville?  When the Grinch stole their Christmas decorations, Christmas still happened within the hearts and minds of all the people of Whoville.  Did you feel good when you saw that part?  Was it because inspiration (Christmas), courage, fortitude, persistence, dedication, joy, community, friendship, joining together – all of these still exist within our hearts and are not based on external events?

If any of us need inspiration, look at historical events which are devastating.  Then look at how we respond to these devastating events.  People come together to persevere, to show courage, to rebuild, to give inspiration for those who are discouraged or suffering – to help people stand back up in the face of adversity.

Let whatever words from others that help to lift you up be hung as your banner and flag.  For me, I’ve always liked, “He or She, who is determined enough to succeed will never fail” and “Let God decide what is possible.” and “There will never be a day that we can stop hatred and violence in the world by opposing it using hatred and violence.” and many of the others in the Rainbow Cards.  I think of that for all individuals.  And when one person joins with another one person, and then another one person, and on and on, strength grows for us as a unified group.


If your counter-argument to what is above is that it’s hard to be inspired when one gets beat-up, spit upon, whipped, pushed around, kicked, and nailed up on a cross to die, then you’re absolutely right.  And yet, with God, all things are possible – even resurrection.


“It is irrelevant whether we can or cannot do something.  What matters is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart.  It is the one who is not willing, who cannot.  It is the one who is willing, who can.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“The greater issue is not whether we save the world from evil.
The greater issue is whether we become evil while we think we’re saving the world.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)



Rendering More Discussion

“Sorry, but “render unto Ceasar” means quite the opposite. No surprises there, everyone interprets the Bible to fit their own agenda. Jesus replied “render unto Ceasar” when asked how should the Children of God respond to the taxes and oppression of the Romans. What he was really saying is that there will always be these corrupt politicians to bully the people, and it is incumbent upon Christians to love ALL as you love yourself. You must somehow allow the bullies to have their day, and continue with your Christian mission is the meaning. You must shrink from the political way, for it is evil and sinful.”  jsinton

I’ll start like this – For some, the Pentecost, as described in the Bible, helped everyone to understand what was being said in their own language.  Language can also be defined as a way of understanding and conveying concepts.  Understanding language this way, each person can understand differently.  This we all have experienced – how  people can understand differently.

When we read or learn a new concept, we learn it by adding it to our current paradigm – (paradigm being our world view or our “language” of how we understand all things.)  We can then understand what is spoken or shared as being different for each of us, because we all have different world views – or paradigms.

At the same time, we all feel differently in our hearts about different things.  These differences mean we all come from our own distinct path of growing up and learning.  We all have a very different and personally distinct and unique heart-paradigm and mind-paradigm.  Put another way, we all have learned to feel differently (sometimes only slightly differently) and think differently because no two people are alike in 100% of ways.

So, the Pentecost which happened then, is now still going on, and therefore, the teachings in the Bible speak to us in our own personal ways – our own languages.  Even if many of us agree on what something means, we’re disagreeing with some others.  And all of us are deciding based on “how the teachings touch us inside ourselves personally.”  For that reason, some people resonate to some teachers and other people resonate with other teachers.

We can’t be any other way, because we have developed our own paradigms from the moment we came into being up to now.  We have all developed our own ways of thinking and feeling from the moment we came into being up to now.  All of us are unique individuals.  With God knowing exactly the numbers of hairs on our heads, and how many hairs we lose on that head from year to year as our hair gets thinner.  And then with God, knowing exactly what each of us needs to learn in our “Next Step” of learning.  Hence, again, why we all learn differently.

“Render unto Caeser, that which is Caeser’s, but render unto God, that which is God’s.” may mean to you what you have described, but I suggest you have that paradigm based on what you feel and think about all of life and of that which you’ve faced so far.  This method/process of creating paradigms is true for all of us.

For me, this phrase speaks of our responsibility to our communities and our nation – our taking an active part in the government that is by the people , of the people and for the people.  To me, it speaks to our responsibility to contribute to paying taxes, voting, going to meetings, voicing our “2-cents” and honoring the results when they happen – even if they’re not what we want.

To me, it means give to the government that which is of the government.  In the U.S., this is individual participation to the point of running for office or contacting our representatives to give our voice.  To me, it means supporting or protesting, as we, individually, feel is needed.

The statement then goes on to mean for me, to give back to God that which is of God.  For me, again, this is to love God above all else, to love our neighbor as our self.  For me, that means giving kindness, patience, forgiveness, and mercy – all of which are of and from God.  That which is God’s, to me, are the best of the qualities that exist within us, brotherhood, unity, oneness, cooperation, charity, (and yes, even long-suffering) – all the fruits of the Spirit – which to me, means the fruits from God imbued within us, waiting for us to willingly express these fruits – even when it’s very difficult and takes great effort.

Give to the government, that which is governmental, and give to the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love that which is Infinite Love.


“Stereotypes are not real people and they only exist in our own minds. Every person is a soul who is a cosmos, who is a universe unto themselves.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“No one speaking judgement and condemnation, speaks for God. No one speaking punishment and retribution, speaks for God. The one speaking love, forgiveness, kindness, brotherhood, cooperation, acceptance, patience and mercy – this one speaks for God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Has anyone ever wondered who has forgiven us so much so that God is now so much in our life?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)