Q-A: Truth vs Lies – What Fruit from What Tree?

I received this [conspiracy] E-mail [message] a couple of days ago… which you may have as well, & I’m overwhelmed at the specific info it entails. … This may or may not resonate with your intel, but have a look.” S.S.

My response regarding what the conspiracy email message says…..

Everyone of us, has our God-given freewill to choose our own path, our own beliefs, and our own choices about participation to learn and grow. This includes our choosing our own struggle with discerning truth and lies. Of our own freewill, we can even choose to be honest —— with ourselves and others – or we can choose to lie and mislead others and ourselves.


Yet, stepping back and looking objectively, when we consider the intentions or “agendas” of others, we can understand that every soul has both good and bad within us. We have both selfishness and unselfishness in us. As Edgar Cayce said in one of his readings, “There is good in the worst of us, and there is bad in the best of us.” There is no situation, circumstance, vocation, organization or anything where this is NOT the case. Everywhere there are human beings – souls – Edgar Cayce’s statement is true. No one is all good or all bad.

This principle of human character includes those people who have chosen to go into public service – our elected officials – who are people – souls – who have chosen this path (for many thousands of reasons,) and this truth does not change within them just because they disagree with each other and sometimes ourselves…. or just because they get accused and blamed – in other words, ‘demonized’.

There is no escaping the fact that we are all human beings, and they are all human beings, no matter how many times we humanly demonize these human beings inside our own human heads. They are people who experience all the feelings and emotions, ups and downs that all people experience. And there is bad in the best person who has chosen to be an elected official. There is good in the worst person who has chosen to be an elected official. —- As I said, there is good in the worst of people, and there is bad in the best of people.

When it comes time to decide who we trust, we must recognize this duality within ourselves, first. We have both good and bad within our self. At the same time, we must face that where trust is concerned, we do the best we can at figuring out who to trust and how to trust. And we don’t always get it right. If we try again, … and again and again, we can learn from our mistakes – whether it’s ourselves who bring both good and bad, or another person who brings both good and bad.

Because this principle of character is true, no one person is all trustworthy and no one person is all untrustworthy. Therefore, we must recognize that learning about trusting is a learning path only, and never a path of all-knowing who to trust and all-knowing who to not trust.

In our world, now, there are many that want us to buy into their version of the horrors of humanity and their version of the evils of the world, that they are willing to sell to us, with their intending us to follow their instruction on how to save ourselves from “All those others” who they claim “are the evil ones.”

It is very, very easy to sell fear, horror and evil. It is very, very easy to find ourselves overwhelmed, and then believe their claims of the horrors, which they tell us they alone can save us from – when they then tell us, they alone should be trusted.

Even if we are on any type of spiritual learning path, it is easy to be pulled away from the Truth which Christ teaches, because those who sell the story of the evils of others, yell loudly and scream often. They tell us that they alone know what is going on with the evils of the world, and they alone know who is at the center of the evil.

But yet, at the same time, Christ teaches Truth with a soft voice which quiets fear and turns away wrath, which makes us to lie down in green pastures and leads us beside still waters – from the place of loving kindness. We can ask ourselves, is there a stillness or kindness in those that sell their version of horrors and fears?

Christ teaches from patience and from compassion. Does anyone find patience and compassion in the messages meant to further demonize, or warn others to fear the “evil people” which they selectively chose for us?

Christ teaches from forgiveness and mercy. Does anyone find forgiveness and mercy in the writings of those who want us to follow their version of their fear reality and their version of their “secret truth”?

Does anyone find support for mankind’s brotherhood, encouragement for God’s Unending Acceptance and Love, or help with God’s unity and understanding in the writings that tell us that we should be afraid of the people who they tell us to?

If we find no love, no forgiveness, no mercy, no compassion, no patience, no kindness, no brotherhood, no understanding towards others, no support, no courage, no unity with Life and with other human beings, in these writings, or what they tell us, then Christ is not the source of what they offer, nor does He have any connection with it.

They live from triggering adrenaline by their words, selling panic and worry, and marketing fear, for the purpose of bringing harm and abuse, for their own gain. They will sell their panic, worry and fear to anyone who tends to have little interest in seeking God’s Truth, or who does not care about what Christ has to offer. They will sell themselves as “savior”, and claim only they have “truth”.

The Edgar Cayce readings will always tell us that there is good in the worst of us, and bad in the best of us. This reality helps us to see that all of us are equal in our struggles and challenges of being human, and also equal in the eyes of God, who Loves us without reservation – and without even thinking twice about it – all of us equally regardless of how many times we stumble and how great we create a mess in the world.

Eventually, we come to realize that we have the freewill to choose which we act on – which we decide to bring into the world – the good or the bad, the selfish or the unselfish. We then step forth in doing the best we can with bringing forth our choices.

In the same way, we have freewill to choose what to bring into the world with regards to: fear or love. The Light offers kindness, compassion, encouragement, forgiveness, mercy – this FRUIT from the TREE of Christ’s teachings of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, brotherhood, courage, faith and the like. Those who peddle fear offer fruit from the tree of fear: separation, isolation, hatred, anger, abuse, harm, confusion, darkness and despair – for these are what grow from the seeds of the fear being sold.

What do we then choose to give to others? What do we then choose to give to those we love? From what tree do we choose to give fruit? There are many of us souls who will choose – of our own freewill – fear and all that grows from this fear. There are many of us souls who will choose – of our own freewill – love and all that grows from love. But, we cannot choose both at the same time. We cannot choose both good and bad at the same time.

We choose day or we choose night. We choose light or we choose the dark. And we choose LIFE or we choose DEATH. We choose Love or we choose fear. But, we choose. And, we choose every single day. And we choose every single hour and minute and second.

We are called to learn, as best we can, what Christ offers. We are called further to try to put the seeds of the Tree of Love within our hearts, so that we can bring forth the fruit which is kindness, compassion, patience, courage, faith, forgiveness, brotherhood, courage and more. If we don’t know what Christ offers, we need only ask Christ directly, “Lord, what do you offer me – me, who is your brother and sister?”

Who do we want as our savior?


Meditating for 1 Million Years

1 Million years of meditation

Many, many of us have meditated or do meditate.  Now, using one’s imagination, and keeping an open mind, what can we imagine would be the transformation which happens within us, (just think about it for a moment), if we meditated for 1 million years. Keep an open mind here, and allow yourself to entertain the thought about this —-

—- if we meditated for 1 million years.

Imagine the level of transformation which we might be in or become aware of, or join with.

Again, think of the transformation of 1 million years meditating.

Now, tell me how important is it to be a part of the conflict going on in the United States? or in the world?

Which would you prefer to experience? The conflict with other’s opinions and points of view during this time period? during everyone’s learning paths? 

…. or to allow oneself to be a part of a transformation process which has us transform our existence in this Earth, and our existences in whichever levels of life expand into greater than just this Earth?

Would you be surprised to come to learn that the path for, and of this transformation – helped by meditation – is our destiny?

We are on this 1 million year path of meditation and transformation, (and longer yet.)

We are taking steps on this path each and every day.

And yes, we can get off the path at any time, and join in on the conflicts in the world, in the US, in our own state, in our own family….

And sometimes, we do…

And we can get back on our path of our 1 million years meditation – back to feeling the peace, joy and wonder that comes when we return to our path.

And when we are on our path of meditating for 1 million years, we can say to our struggling brothers and sisters, “God bless you.” …

… and feel how much we really mean it in our hearts, in our minds, and in our souls, … when we say it.

So, join me in saying it to all life in this world and beyond ….

… God bless us, Everyone.

1 Million years of meditation