The Red Horse

Be alert. Like people have been taking sides on the Russian/Ukraine war, people are also taking sides on the Israel/Palestine war happening in the Earth in the 2020’s. The death-filled, suffering-filled conflict of souls and lives happening in the Israel/Palestine area will continue with short-lived and difficult cease fires throughout the decade. By difficult, I mean it will be difficult for anyone seeking peace to find any meaningful and lasting peace. (I’ve psychically seen and thus written this in past predictions.) But, still all efforts are worth it and even making progress of 1 inch, helps us walk a path that could be a mile long.

This is an ancient hatred and vengeance for both sides, born within these souls thousands of years ago, and fanned by the fire of more violence and hatred. Both sides seek to continue to bring their hatred with little or no thought of the damage to any others on this planet. They will continue as long as they CHOOSE to, and in whatever location they find themselves.

If any of us feel the need to join one side or the other, telling ourselves that one side is better than the other, feeling as if one side is justified and the other is less so, … then we are free to blame who we want to and join the warring that will continue for hundreds and hundreds of years still to come.

In joining, we can kill who we seek to kill in order to blame and justify our revenge, but then the ones hated will kill for blame and revenge, too. And, then we can return and blame and kill for revenge again, and then our enemy will blame and kill again for revenge, and then both again, and both again and both again and both again and both again, to hate forever, kill forever, being exactly like the ones we hate, and them just like us…and all the time, both sides justifying one’s own hate and seeking vengeance, while telling ourselves our hatred is justice and justified.

And then keep going for centuries and centuries and centuries….
… like has been going on already for centuries and centuries and centuries.

With the results from this being only suffering and death.

“When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.”
— Revelation 6:3–4

If anyone thinks this is not a Biblically-noted time, they are mistaken. This may be and may yet become more so – one of the most Biblical of times that Mankind will go through.

“When all we seek is war, the one we kill, over and over, is our self.”
(The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We have wars, because we have not yet prayed enough to end wars.”
(The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, Jodie Senkyrik)

“For Mankind, it is impossible, but with God, ending war is possible.”
Only with God.
(The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, Jodie Senkyrik)

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