Why South America’s Deforestation of the Amazon Rain Forest Causes Destruction in the US.

High School science teaches us why deserts are cold at night – due to the high heat dissipating/rising quickly into the atmosphere at the end of the day – causing wide swings in high and low temperature from day to night.  It also can teach us the opposite – that forests hold the heat in at night – acting as a regulator of the heat buildup of the day – preventing wide swings in highs and lows.

So, when South America deforests the Amazon rain forest in millions of acres, it’s easy to understand how no longer having trees over millions and millions of acres causes much greater heat dissipating/rising into the atmosphere. Then it can be understood that when this massive amount of heat from millions of acres of bare land moves over the Atlantic from the winds in the atmosphere, (here it comes) that the Atlantic waters off the northeastern and eastern coast of South America heat up, as well.

And, when the Atlantic Ocean’s waters heat up, this means there are more hurricanes and tropical storms. And, because of the increase in heat in the atmosphere from South America added to the normal heat buildup of summer and fall, the high temperature builds even more in the Atlantic creating, not just more, but bigger storms.

Hurricane Florence 2018

With the high pressure systems already over the US during summer and early fall, from the very real Climate Change, the high pressure systems more now push the hurricanes up the east coast instead into the Gulf of Mexico, instead of which happened during the 20th century. This pattern will continue to happen in the decades ahead because there will be little change to the circumstances contributing to this pattern.

I see even more destructive hurricanes over the next 7 years and some even worse than what we’ve seen so far. Watch for them beginning in 2020, then worse in 2021, then even worse in 2022 and 2023. Then lessening some in 2024, then less in 2025 and 2026.

These processes can be and are understandable to those “who have eyes to see”, meaning who still have open minds and a willingness to learn the reality that is upon us. This is one small and simplified explanation about how we’re all in this together, all over the planet. If anyone is wondering if something that happens on another continent can have a direct effect on us here in the US, ask the people living on the East Coast of the US.

It is appropriate to say, “What a small world we live in.”


“Common Sense is just as much a spiritual quality as mercy and forgiveness.  We just call it wisdom, instead.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Go deeper, Look deeper, Examine deeper.  The deeper we go, the more truth we discover.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“The world gets better when any one of us says, ‘I’m willing to try – to see what I can do to help.’ Not when we say, ‘He didn’t – She didn’t – You didn’t do enough.’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)