Window Dressing for Mannequins

What is “living from spirit”?  What is “living from spirituality”?  What is “Spirit”?

I’m going to answer this way.  We have all chosen certain lifestyles.  For the quote Spiritually-minded person unquote, a certain lifestyle is chosen.

Unfortunately, people start thinking that the lifestyle is what is Spirit in our lives.

Too many times, I’ve seen any number of us decorate our homes with the “right spiritually-minded” things.  We go to the right “spiritually-minded” restaurants.  We attend the right “Spiritually-minded” events.  We have the right “spiritually-minded” clothing.  We eat the right “spiritually-minded” foods.  We vote “spiritually-minded” for the right candidates.  We practice the right “spiritually-minded” exercise.  Yet, it’s all window dressing, because it is external from our heart and consciousness.  We’re going by what we think in our head or lifestyle that we consider “spiritually-based”.  As one person said, “It’s vanity.”

Window dressers are decorating a manikin and manikins aren’t real people.

Being human, even when we wear the right clothing, and attend or teach the right classes, we can still blame others for our own issues and problems in our lives.  We blame others in our relationship problems.  We project our shortcomings and dislikes onto others.  We can hold resentments, judgements, bitterness and all likes of other issues.

How many people do you know that blame Republicans for the problems in this nation – or blame Democrats – or blame men – or blame women – or blame this group or that group or this person or that, etc. etc. etc.


I know some car mechanics who know who they are more than some window dressing “spiritually-minded” people who do the right spiritually-minded things, and say the right spiritually minded words.  Some of these who know themselves – even a car mechanic – lead quiet lives of service to others with no window dressing at all – wearing dirty overalls, with grease under their fingernails and worn out t-shirts.  No one of any level of awareness knows that a Bodhisattva (your word, not mine) lives near by and the B. couldn’t care less about the label.

No amount of decorating with the right wall decorations or playing the right music or going to the right circle dances or eating the right foods or attending the right psychic faire, or anything outside ourselves will of itself be any answer to what we really seek.

We seek our self.  But more often than not, we reject this as the answer to our problems.  And the reason we reject this answer is because we reject our self.  We think so little of our-self that we believe we couldn’t possibly be the answer to what we seek.  We think “our self is so unworthy of being sought”.  So, we add more window dressing and eat the right foods and say the right words, and attend the right events, and continue to think so little of ourselves.

And when we finally come to realize that we think so little of our own self, we blame others for this – our parents, our spouse, our children, the Republicans, the Democrats, the president, men, women, etc. etc. etc. (take your pick.) for our own attitudes about our self.


The journey within is just that.  It is a journey to find out the truth about our self, and why we think so little of our self that we start to decorate our life to distract us from how little we think of our self.  We can then start thinking the decoration is what “Spirit” is all about.

The answer is and will always be to seek our own self.  To know oneself.  Why do I feel this way about that person or group?  How does condemning others, blaming others or criticizing others serve me?  Why do I blame that political group or this religious group?  Am I willing to be more honest with myself in my answers?

We are a cosmos unto ourselves – a true cosmos.  The journey will one day start, and we will reach the deepest parts of our self in this journey.  But, the journey won’t progress when we choose instead to window dress the manikins – the external – and ignore the internal.

So, the answer to the questions at the beginning?  Every human on this planet, (every life form on this planet) in truth of fact, is on a very real spiritual path.  Even the ones we blame for all the external window dressings that we don’t like.  The cosmos that we seek isn’t “out there”.   When we finally get it, we’ll realize “out there” is just window dressing manikins.

What may strike so many as a horrible statement is that the real issue here isn’t what happens with the Earth or our physical life, (it will one day pass away in a destruction like how it was born) the real issue to focus on is what happens within us – in our hearts and minds.

Where do we window dress compassion?  Not on the walls.  Where do we apply forgiveness and understanding, patience and mercy?  Not starting in a set of exercises or the food we eat or the people we vote for.  Rather, in our day to day activities, from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we go back to sleep, relating to our self and the others in our lives and to the aspects of our lives that we come face to face with every day – like road rage, and clerks at the grocery store, or politicians in the news.

Our spiritual practice does not have the Earth and it’s inhabitants as what we need to change first and foremost.  Our own heart, mind and soul is what we change, first and foremost.  This is the greatest of purposes of a spiritual practice – to change from resentment, dishonesty with ourselves, bitterness and more to practicing patience, understanding, and tolerance.   From condemning another to recognizing that when we condemn one person, we are condemning our self.  From shaming another person, or assigning guilt, to realizing that when we shame one person, or assign guilt, we are shaming all of life and assigning guilt to all life – including our self.

When we change that which is within our hearts towards others, we are, in truth of fact, changing the world we live in – because we just changed one of the world’s inhabitants – an inhabitant that helps to create the world, helped to create it before and will again.  And that doesn’t necessarily need yoga pants to do.

Of course, if the dressing of manikins is your meditation practice, let it lead you within, to find out why you are who you are, and God bless you for it.  Remember, even taking out the garbage that goes to the landfill can serve as a spiritual practice, especially if we bless the garbage as something useful for those life forms here in 10,000-50,000 years.


“All life forms in the Earth are Spirit in matter, exploring and learning about life and Spirit – even the Earth, itself.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

10 Benefits of an Open Mind

10. An open mind is more creative.

9.  An open mind learns a great deal more useful stuff.

8.  An open mind helps us to allow other people to have what God has given them – freewill.

7. An open mind relieves us of the great burden of having to judge and condemn all other people.

6. An open mind can build an open heart which fosters love.

5. An open mind attracts other open minds.

4. An open mind begins to understand.

3. An open mind looks beneath the surface.

2. An open mind finds more than what it seeks.

1.5 An open mind evolves beyond itself.

1.  An open mind gets filled with the Infinite Creative Universe of all things.


“Imagine a mind as great and expansive as the Physical Universe with all it’s galaxies and planets and other stuff.  The Infinite Consciousness of God is more than what we can currently imagine.  But, don’t worry, we have eternity to expand beyond to it, and eternity is larger than the Physical Universe is wide.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)


Coming to Our Senses?

I was thinking about your comment that 9/11 is a lessening of what would have occurred if it weren’t for prayers. However, millions of people died because of 9/11 – in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria. Our rights have been severely restricted and people have been tortured and had their lives taken away from them by imprisonment. It appears to me that there was no abatement in suffering and that 9/11 and its aftermath will create more before this madness ends.

Is an economic collapse necessary to bring people to their senses? Is it necessary to defund and dismantle the war machine? Will the US finally look inward when things come crashing down?  Lisa H

You are right.  Millions of people died because of the 9/11 attack. You’re also right that there is no abatement in the existence and presence of suffering. But, all I say now is recorded in the Akashic Records available for all to investigate. That future of which we were able to heal so much, the future which included the prayers and meditations of millions of people bringing forth change, the future which these millions were able to raise the vibrations of this whole planet through spiritual effort – is a future which had been helped to be avoided where billions of people would have died instead. There would have been suffering for all humanity for a whole generation and longer still.

The planet itself was slated to undergo cataclysmic destruction from energy and consciousness patterns destined to manifest.  Through the great effort of so many, who brought forth the love, mercy, compassion, cooperation and all manners of other help, so much has been healed.  But, so much has not yet been healed, also.

What we see today is still great suffering.  Yet, there is a great difference, because of what has been healed and therefore avoided because of the healing. Are there still serious problems? Absolutely.  “Is an economic collapse necessary to bring people to their senses?” An economic collapse would NOT bring people to their senses.

Are you asking what would bring people to their senses? My answer is not the answer you might look for. You’re asking for an external event to trigger people looking inwardly. External events don’t bring about civilizations to look inward. Internal events bring about individuals looking inwardly. Internal events only happen when individuals of their own freewill choose to be open in their hearts and minds to have internal events happen.  So, what would bring people to their senses?

Patience. A quality which so many deem so insignificant and unworthy that it is ignored and dismissed without so much as a second thought. Patience is a quality which people feel is so unimportant that few seek to develop this quality, (and many choose not to at all.)  Yet, in patience we will know our very souls – because of walking our path to go within to seek our own souls. And in knowing our souls, we will recognized our innate inner spiritual nature, knowing then that we are eternal spiritual beings with Infinity within us and at our fingertips, not fleshly beings that have to fight each other for every scrap of physical food.

This Earth is not our spiritual home.  We come from the awareness of our spirit nature, and in time, we will return to the awareness of our spirit nature.  Christ said to all of us, “I go to prepare a place for you.”  This is the place in consciousness where we are once again aware of the truth and existence of being spirit.  We are spirit beings, born in the spirit image of God.  Because Jesus Christ has completed the spiritualization of the Earth, this transformation of consciousness – from believing we are flesh beings to being aware that we are spirit beings – is guaranteed, but not in a single lifetime.  Neither God, nor Christ, nor so many other souls helping will give up on any soul.  God has willed that no soul shall perish – forever destined to believe they are a fleshly, separated being.  And so, the path is slow, so that no soul is left behind – not a single soul.

Hence, patience with one another and patience with ourselves is to be learned.  And with God, learning patience is possible.


“God’s Patience is as Infinite as God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2004-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God does not accept “No” for an answer when He calls us. He does accept “Not Yet”, but He does not accept “No”. He will wait with Infinite Love and Infinite Patience until we’re ready to have “I’m ready, now, to say ‘Yes'” come from inside our heart. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2004-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God does not approach us with judgement or criticism in His heart, but rather Patience, Understanding, Kindness and Love.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2004-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)


Faith in God, Faith in Ourselves, Faith in Others.

If we’re not working on any particular one of these three areas of faith, then we’re trying to sit on a stool with 1 or 2 of it’s 3 legs missing.

Faith in God, we know.  We’ve been taught this, and we try to practice it.  We’re familiar with what it calls for.  This has been with us for a long time growing up and as adults.  It is what is most pointed to when people talk of faith at all.

Faith in ourselves, is a little harder, because it’s easy to forget this.  When we’re struggling with life’s slings and arrows, it’s easy to get lost on our own woes and sorrows.  When we’re overwhelmed with the serious and bulldozing experiences which can come forth in life, we may call upon God and have faith in Him/Her, but it’s easy to forget to have faith also in ourselves to make it through even these desperate challenges.

But, faith in others???

Here is where we stumble and fall over and over, again.  So, many of us think of others and think the worst.  We see the worst in some people and think the worst in all, sometimes.  It is so easy, and it seems automatic, like a recorded response that plays over and over in our minds and hearts triggered by … whatever triggers the response.

Faith in others is one of the more challenging “faiths” to have.  We can easily become cynical, bitter, resentful and angry when we choose to not even try to have faith in others.

Yet, we may have faith in everyone who thinks and feels exactly like we do – everyone who believes exactly like we believe.  However, we may give up the struggle to have faith in any of the many human beings who feel, think and believe differently.

It is so easy to have faith in someone who believes exactly like we do – even though there is no one in existence who believes actually EXACTLY like we do.  It is so easy to have faith in anyone who speaks the same words, espousing the same views, demonstrating the same feelings and thoughts, as we ourselves – even though there is no one in existence who PERFECTLY matches our own views, words, beliefs, feelings and thoughts.

It takes a decision within ourselves to have faith in others, and what can help is to have faith in their higher self – that part of ourselves that is still connected to the Infinite Universal Divine Consciousness, and sees with the eyes of this Divine Perspective.

We have a hard time living our human lives from this Divine Perspective place in our consciousness.  But, the choice still exists for us to make.  In addition, many people seem far, far, away from this place in our consciousness what with the horrors people bring forth in our world.

All things are possible with God, and it is possible to have faith in others when we remember that, like God, who has given them eternity, we, too, can give them eternity to work things out within themselves – working out the cynicism, bitterness, resentment. hatred and more.  1 million, 2 million, 5 million years is not that long for working out inner issues – to change our hearts and minds.  Yet, eternity (which is even more than 5 million years) is what God gives us, and at no time does God abandon us to work on ourselves without Him/Her in all this eternity.  Infinite Love is like that.

We can look at this one life and think we’re doomed, or they’re doomed or he’s bad or she’s wrong or this or that or the like.  But, God looks at us through the eyes of Eternity and in that Eternity, God can do all things – including bring us back into an awareness and Oneness with Infinite Love – the Love that permeates Infinity and connects us to the Love that exists inside Eternity.

With Faith in God, we can better practice faith in ourselves, and with both of these, we can learn how to have faith in others – knowing there is something within each soul that is connected to God and will never be disconnected – remaining connected for Eternity.


“Nothing has manifested in the world that wasn’t first imagined.
This includes harmony, cooperation, kindness and peace. That which we imagine in our minds, will be what we manifest in the world – even if we imagine harm and violence upon others. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We accept that computers work even though we don’t understand how. We know someone somewhere knows how they work. We have faith in that. Can we have faith in Christ even though we don’t understand or know how it’s all possible? The fact is Jesus Christ understands completely how it’s all possible.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Suffering is not a failure. This experience is what the soul has sought, in order to walk the journey out of suffering, and in doing so, leading other souls out of the suffering which they have indeed been experiencing and been lost in for more millenniums than we could even count. Jesus is the first.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013, Jodie Senkyrik)

A Young Soul Still Learning

Look into a person’s past lives and it reveals a great deal about how they came to be who they appear to be, today. For example, current president, Donald Trump is a “young” soul (not an insult) who has had several recent past lives where his mentors have told him, “Yes, you can.” (Sound familiar? This and “You can do it!” is what we tell our children all the time.) Donald Trump trusted his mentors, and came to believe that “He can do whatever he believes.” So, he takes himself in that direction.

However, on the surface of this particular life, trying to do just that – to enact the belief that “You can do it” – appears to be hubris to so many. It appears to be effort by others.

He is a young soul, learning as he goes, but young souls are the majority or us on this planet – no matter what people think. He has future lives where he will continue to learn just how to fulfill, “You can do it.” In these future lives, he will continue to strive to get things done. Every human being is on a spiritual path of learning in this school called Earth.

For him, like so many of us, it is more a lesson in patience, when we can see the potential someone has, or that something is, in fact, achievable. But, then we think it can be done overnight or in one lifetime – impatience. We judge many people for not living up to a standard in our own minds thinking they should be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Instead, it would be better, if we held in our minds that the standard that we can see is meant to be achieved in many (sometimes many, many) lifetimes of learning and striving.

As an example, the soul we know as Mozart was in his 4th of 7 lifetimes focused directly on music when he composed the music we are familiar with. His 1st through 3rd lives were not at the same level of mastering music with which he came into his 4th life. His 5th lifetime is a lifetime of teaching music. His 6th and 7th deal with healing effects of music, as well as reaching into the vibrations and music of the spheres – what I’d call, for lack of a better term, what we think of as angelic music – in that realm.

If you don’t like what I’ve shared here – which I got from the Akashic records, it’s all in the Akashic records for anyone and everyone. You’re welcome to look for yourselves.

Epilogue: The Pharaohs in Egypt over the 9000+ years (actual history) that Pharaohs ruled Egypt – of the over 3000 Pharaohs – about 20-25% were younger than 12-14 years old. The scenario of “young” souls ruling the country happens quite often. God gives everyone a chance to learn and grow from the circumstances of our lives.


“One thing that blocks us from learning our spiritual lesson when we find ourselves stuck, is feeling sorry for ourselves (which we all do from time to time.) Feeling sorry for ourselves has never been the lesson we’re meant to learn.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, by Jodie Senkyrik)

“The peace which we seek in this world, will it come if we don’t forgive?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2017, by Jodie Senkyrik)