Supporting Israel

Things happen for a purpose. I chose to psychically look into what would unfold if the US pulled out of supporting Israel.

The great purpose of God is active, always. God’s ways are not man’s ways. We are not capable of taking God’s place in being judge or jury, or completely understanding events and how they come to be, in God’s big picture.

The US under President Biden is adamant about supporting Israel. This is rock solid, and it is happening for a reason – although it is NOT the reason so many of us think or assume. That’s why I’m writing this article.

What I see psychically:

It is known that Israel has more enemies than just Hamas and Iran, and these enemies, I will write about, are quiet. They are quiet for a reason. The US is a strong power and ally.

If the US should pull out of supporting Israel: I hope it doesn’t because of what I see then unfolding, (I know many people hope it does.) If it pulls out, it will be a statement to Israel’s enemies saying, “Do what you want to do.”

What then would unfold is that the enemies (both known and visible as well as those that are unknown and quiet) will come forth and attack Israel like a great pack wolves attacking a deer, like Jackals attacking an antelope, like a pack of hyenas attacking – until the prey is dead and gone.

I see this on this different timeline, because I see lesser minds and lesser souls would then become dominant and the scent of blood will be in the air. There are lesser minds in positions of power and they will seize this opportunity believing God gives them their enemy to cause their enemy to cease to exist. In this case – effort to cause Israel to cease to exist. Nazi Germany tried to do similar acts.

(Many will think this ludicrous, and won’t believe – like others before who consider warnings to be “ludicrous”. That’s okay. With God’s help, we won’t walk down that timeline.)

(to continue) The enemies of Israel will cause so much damage and destruction that Israel as we know it, will no longer exist.

Israel has silent/hidden enemies in the Middle East, enemies in North Africa, and north of Israel. These will mobilize in various ways.

The presence of the US keeps the lid on the boiling pot, not because it would boil over, but because it would explode.

With that, Israel would be forced to take the most drastic of measures just to exist. This would include (as of 4/20/2024, I see this as a 75-93% chance if we go down that road) the use of nuclear weapons. This would then open the door to WW3, and a nuclear war would begin in the region which would soon spread its results through the world.

Few nations would survive this.

If the US pulls out, a vacuum would form, and this vacuum would be filled by Israel’s military enemies who seek to destroy Israel completely. This type of vacuum did happen in Afghanistan when the US pulled out. The Taliban came in and filled the vacuum. Women and children suffered the most from this and still suffer the most.

Those few Arab nations which would respect the close ties to the US, would step back and not interfere.

Our prayers need to go for the healing of all the people to be helped and for keeping WW3 from happening. Let go of prayers against any one side or the other, but rather the healing of all who God can help at this time. Because these different sides are brothers in blood, our prayers need to be for the family of mankind in the Middle East. These are family members, and all sides have the right to exist even though many want to cause the deaths of other family members.

Those who seek to stop the existence of the other will face themselves their actions in time and space, just like all the rest of us do even though we’re not aware of this. All we send out to others returns to us. We call this karma. Prayers for healing can help at this time in the same way prayers for our own personal family’s problems and conflicts can be helped from our praying for healing.

Right now in the Earth, we are dealing with karma that reaches back tens of thousands of years. Few know this – that so much of the serious problems humans are facing, are karmic, and fewer people still know specifically what started the karma. Yet, now much of it manifests in disasters and will manifest more.


Our praying to God for help is needed. Currently, the timeline we’re on – it will get worse yet still during April – August, 2024. Tremors, disasters, wars – it will be as if the Earth itself is going to war to defend itself against our damage.

We are capable of destroying the Earth. We are either praying for God’s help to heal or we’re adding fuel to the fire to cause more burning. We’re either praying to try to bring people together or we act to separate ourselves and others. Bringing people together will not happen without God’s help.

We need only look at how we treat one another individually, including our family members, neighbors, friends and strangers. Anger is normal, but if we’re angry without praying for help, then we are again, adding gasoline to the already out-of-control fire.

If all we have is rage, bitterness, abusive words and actions, but no prayers, no patience, no bringing in Light or no effort to try to understand, then we are NOT helping, we are the ones who seek to scorch the Earth. If we’re not working to help heal our own individual relationships, then we’re doing nothing real to help the planet or the human beings on this planet.

Right now, the US and parts of Europe are supporting Israel. And Israel itself is angry. There are people still alive who directly remember Nazi Germany, the death and concentration camps, and the 16 million people who were killed across Europe.

So, there is anger in Israel, in Palestine, and everywhere else on both sides, but not everyone is saying, “Okay, go ahead and exist.”

We can work to prevent a nuclear war or we can let it happen. Those who support a nuclear war to annihilate one’s enemies will also die from it. But, then a nuclear war will bring death and destruction to the entire planet. There is no such thing as a limited nuclear war.

In a smaller way, if we provide more conflict, abuse and condemnation in our own families and relationships, then we aren’t helping anywhere in the world. We are adding to the conflict in the world.

Be vigilant in praying, and please, join us in praying. If it helps anyone when we pray, we can verbally and in thought, ask Christ to pray with us, as we pray.

He also is asking us to join Him in praying for all of us.


2 thoughts on “Supporting Israel

  1. Thank you Jodie, for sharing what you see about this crucial situation. I am adding my prayers to yours and many others. Love, Stephanie


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