Leaving the World a Better Place

We’ve all heard of the phrase, “Leaving the world a better place than when we came into it.”

We can also leave a day a better day than when we entered into it.

We can daily leave a relationship a better relationship than when we entered into it.

We can also leave our mind and heart a better place than when we first started the day.

We can do these by adding kindness and patience to the day, or adding forgiveness and understanding to the relationship, or adding wonder and compassion to our hearts and minds.

We can by also adding mercy, or letting go of criticism, or by fostering a sense of humor towards all that exists.

Cheesecake, although wonderful on any day, won’t do it by itself.


“Have we really chosen to end the day without changing anything about our self for the better?”  The Rainbow Cards, (©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2012)

Truth and Enlightenment

It is the worker bees that will bring this transformation about. It is the laborers.  It isn’t about spouting the enlightenment language or thinking the enlightenment thoughts or reading the enlightenment books or hiring psychics or eating macrobiotically.  It isn’t about being vegetarian or going to church or doing yoga or anything else.

It’s about going into the septic tank and cleaning out the feces and urine that has been inside our own self for lifetime after lifetime.  It’s about going into our own subconscious that we’re deathly afraid of and vehemently denying, and looking face to face with our own prejudice and hatred of others, dishonesty and contempt, judgement and bitterness, lies and deceit, violence and harm to ourselves and others.  It’s about looking at our self in the mirror and knowing that we’ve contributed to the suffering, pain, and death in our lives and other’s lives….
and then deciding to hold all that manure and sewage in our hands, take it to the sink and start washing.

This is because our love for God, our love for our self and our love for others is what it is that is underneath the sewage as we wash it.

If we’re not willing to do this, instead if we’re telling ourselves that we are an enlightened being, if we’re speaking the language but not working on the sewage inside ourselves (including telling ourselves it doesn’t exist), and believe me, there are many people who fit this description, we will return our next life and not have this so called enlightenment with us.  Instead, we’ll be back living from our own prejudice and hatred, dishonesty and contempt, judgement and bitterness, lies and deceit, violence and harm to others.  We will be once more the ones who cause suffering, pain and death to others, because we chose not to go into our own selves – into our own subconscious and self-centeredness to clean up the sewage that is shunted aside.

Anyone who says this is not the case, is selling something.  Enlightenment has no shortcuts – none.  Evolving has no shortcuts.  We face our self or we don’t grow.  We face our selfishness, our self-centeredness, our suffering and pain, we labor, we work, or else we accomplish nothing that will last beyond this particular life.  We face these by offering patience, by forgiving, by understanding, by extending mercy, by letting go of criticism and condemning others and ourselves.  We face these by responding with fruits of the Spirit rather than inflicting the same harm and selfishness, impatience, judgement, resentment, bitterness and attacks.

The sewage we do wash inside ourselves now – this life – will have been washed and not be with us the next life, and instead will serve as stepping stones and foundations to climb higher.

However, that which we do not clean up, will not go away.  We may not admit it to ourselves.  It may be buried deep within us.  We may think our own shit smells okay.  We may decide we’ll live with it.  And this will ensure that we will have it again with us and act on it our next life, and our next life and our next life and our next life and our next life and our next life and on and on, until we face that we lie even to ourselves, and it has not served us as we told ourselves it would.

It behooves us to work to be honest about what we have stuffed away in our own subconscious closet, and even to go searching for it.  And believe it or not, this includes recognizing that part of what we’re here to clean up is the guilt, shame, judgment, “casting of stones”, at our self.  So, to those who decide to labor, to those who choose to be worker bees, to those who will work, to those of us who love ourselves enough to be honest with ourselves, I leave this beginning consideration.  “Let he, who is without sin, cast the first stone.” also applies to how we treat ourselves.

If we don’t face our self – even digging deep into our own subconscious, we’re not doing the real work of transformation.  If we don’t do our work of transforming our subconscious and everything within it, our world will not transform .   The only world then to transform is somebody else’s world – transformed by the work of that someone else, who is willing to dig deeper into their own subconscious to face themselves.

Dig deep.  Though the journey within is fraught with the shadows of dragons, the reward is wonders and jewels of our self that we’ve never known before.

Let’s go to work.


Because we cannot bring forth kindness when we have violence and contempt within us hidden in our subconscious.  We cannot bring forth compassion, when we have judgement and condemnation entrenched deep inside.  We cannot be patient, or loving, or understanding towards others, if bitterness and resentment still come forth in how we live in our life.  We won’t bring peace to others’ lives if we don’t bring peace to our own deepest levels within.  We cannot demonstrate or express any fruits of the spirit towards others if we haven’t resolved the conflict within that hinders us expressing these even to ourselves.

Remember, nothing anyone has done to us – nothing we have done to others – has separated God from us.  But with our own actions, thoughts, beliefs and feelings to ourselves and others, some of which we’ve stuffed deep into our subconscious closet, we have, in effect, separated our self from God in our own hearts and minds.


Just because we see nothing but darkness, doesn’t necessarily mean the light has gone out.  Sometimes, it’s because we’ve closed our eyes.   (from The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013)

God’s forgiveness is not up to us to decide.  God’s forgiveness is up to God to decide.  And it’s always been the easiest of decisions for Him/Her.   (from The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013)

Remember, we’ve been given eternity to accomplish our healing and  growth.   (from The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013)

Predictions for 2012 and Beyond

Two friends of mine, who are also intuitive and receive information about this time and more, have shared information with me.  D.T. and C.B. have shared information about the 2012 impacts and the years coming up.

D.T. shared information regarding spiritual changes happening starting Dec. 21, 2012.   His information rings true when he shared it with me.   I share his information and my explanation of why it’s accurate in my latest audio file available here and on the download page.  Warning, it is difficult to understand on the surface, but if you listen through to the end of the discussion, hopefully, an understanding will come.

And in a discussion with C.B. we both confirmed what the other was seeing – a dark time/destructive event or series of events happening sometime in 2014 to 2016.  I see it more happening in the 2nd half of 2015 and in talking to him, we fleshed out more that there would be real signs in the two months leading up to the major event.  (I’ve had a flash of how it would manifest but at this moment, the flash is eluding me.  However, I will seek more information if available.)

I talked about this some in the blog article “Japan and Earth Changes”.  In the article, I put forth that the 2nd is weather related and speak of a seriously devastating 2014 winter.  What I get now is that the 2nd event is more than just a bad winter in 2014.

It is the second of three major events of which the 2004 Tsunami of Indonesia and Indian Ocean was the Preface of three events.  The Japanese Nuclear/Tsunami disaster was #1.  Two more disasters are in place to manifest.  In talking to C.B., we were able to identify that two months of signs giving warning will precede the 2nd event.

By the time the Summer of 2013 comes upon us, I believe I’ll be able to give information on the severity or non-severity of the 2014 winter in time to prepare, if needed.   Remember, I’m seeing the 2nd event in 2015, not 2014.

Meanwhile, I believe the 3rd event will now be spread out over 2017-2019/20 and will be economic in nature.


Having faith has always been God’s answer to a problem.  Not having faith has never been God’s answer to a problem. (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2006-2013)

Use your imagination to imagine what it would be like to have Christ holding your hand right now.  Do this when trouble arises, too.  (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2006-2013)

Harvest Time is Here

Harvest is here

If anyone is wondering whether this is the time or not… this is the time of harvest.  And I’m not talking about vegetables.

This is the time of opening.  This is the time of transformation.  This is the time of waking up.  This is the time of people searching.  This is the time that minds and hearts seek what is better.  It has been for some time, is now and will be more.  Yes, this is the time of harvest.

Before the election, many times, I got the question, “Who’s going to win the election?”  Always this was the wrong question to ask, because this was not the issue.  The question wasn’t then and isn’t now, who will win or who is holding office (even though the election is over.)  The question and issue is “Who will help us?”

It won’t be any politician that leads the world into a better way of living.  Some will always be glad and some will always be sorry.  Looking to politics and politicians for making life better will never produce what we seek.  Hearts and minds holding the spirit of service to all life is what serves.

If we look to politicians to be the source of help, some of us will be helped in some particular way, and some of us won’t.  Some who need and deserve help, won’t get it and some who don’t need or don’t deserve help will get it.  This is what politics offers.  This is always what politics has offered in the past and what it will offer in the future when there is a spirit of “Serve one’s own needs”.

Real help and true help comes from the Spiritual Source.  If we go to the source of all good things, then we are beginning where we need to begin – by going to the One who has what is needed to be able to help and who is willing to help.  It’s not just an axiom or a saying in the Bible.

God’s help reaches into the deepest parts of us, where the awareness of what real help is really needed to be applied in our life.  God may not always “feed us a fish”, as much as He “teaches us how to fish”.  God doesn’t necessarily supply superficial or material needs on the asking.  Of course, neither does the government.  But, the help that comes from the source of all good, applies to the secret needs inside our soul, that we have underneath our superficial and material needs – the deepest needs of our hearts, minds and souls.

Even with all I’ve written here, God does indeed work through people in politics, when the people in office have the spirit of service within their hearts and minds.  And many do.  Even some of the ones we voted against.