Psychic Predictions for 2016

Because I’ve been so busy and haven’t had any opportunities – that’s why I haven’t gotten my 2016 predictions up yet.


I don’t see ***a lot*** of change happening on a Global scale comparing 2015 to 2016.  By this I mean, I don’t see many major events making large changes from what we have in 2015.  A few – but not many.

What I do see for 2016 more often is a continuation of that which has already been brought forth in 2015.

The Economy

In general, the World’s economy will overall stay steady as she goes.  The economy at the beginning of 2016 will pretty much be where we are at the end of 2016.  However, there will be some economic problems or scares related to Europe, up and down, but ending at a stable place at the end of 2016.

India’s economy is still slowly growing and I see it continue to grow in 2016.  China’s economy, too, will grow, but not as strong as India.   Although, we won’t get any word of it, the country with the initials, NK – I see their economy getting worse.  Sad indeed.  The citizens there will suffer.  The citizens of NK need our prayers, as they always have.  The leader(s) don’t see a need to do anything about it.

Russia’s economy will fluctuate some because of their ties with Europe and Asia both.  They’re invested in the countries around them, as well as their own.  Some of their “investments” in other countries will bring bad results.

For the most part, except for the continued warring, the economies of the Middle East are stable, because they’re based on the sale of oil in the regions.  Moving away from oil in any way will trigger some fluctuation, but in 2016 I don’t see any major disasters for any countries based on oil.

The US economy will continue as is it in 2015.  At the end of Spring, 2016, I see an announcement from Washington that will help boost the economy more, even.

A Presidential Year in the US

As of December 29, 2015, a total of 1,458 candidates had filed a Statement of Candidacy with the Federal Election Commission. No, that’s not a typo.  1,458.  That’s the total of all party candidates, independent. write-in, and non-affiliated candidates.  Some of these were “meant as jokes”, but the majority are real people.  There will not be 1,458 names on the ballots, because not all candidates register or meet the requirements to be on the ballots in all states.

As we get closer to the November, 2016 elections, we will see more and more what we can term as -“bizarre behavior” in our government officials.  It’s hard to describe what it will be, but that word – “bizarre” – will be used by many.

What I see is that the diversity of opinions and beliefs in the U.S. can do nothing but remain the status quo.  I’m seeing no success by any candidate in unifying the country.  Every person who has their own opinions and beliefs thinks they’re opinions are right and the other people need to wake up to it.  With this way of thinking, there is no middle ground where people are willing to come together.

I see extremism in American politics being the theme of the November, 2016 campaign trail.


The economy for the US will stay stable and doing well.  The gasoline prices will remain at a lower level, but look for them starting to inch up around the end of the summer.  I’m seeing a “flash” of an average price around $2.25 being the high by the end of the year.  This will be an average with some areas of the nation being only slightly higher.  What I’m also seeing is how volatile this price is – moved by human consciousness which moves like flocks of birds in the sky.

I’m seeing several medical breakthroughs announced in 2016.  These will get little press time.  What is getting press will be several more mass shootings happening sometime around May.  Prayers can help to curb, minimize and even stop some of these shootings.

Overall, 2016 won’t be a “great” year for the Midwest large-scale farming or the US car industry.  Although starting strong throughout the spring, midsummer will bring downward trends and struggles.

I see the immigration issue in the US as being a mud wrestling pit.  There is no clarity and cleanliness to this issue.  The politics of this issue will increase the separation of the divided camps.  I see no worthwhile progress, just running for office dictating what is said and done.  Congress will have another year of passing a low amount of legislation.

The economy will be good in general and overall.  Food prices won’t increase much.  Local farms will continue to serve their local customers.  The drought will hit somewhat, but not as bad as in the past (in general.  Different states will have different levels of it hitting.)


I see Africa struggling with similar issues as 2015.  I see areas where government officials ignore the needs of the citizens in need, illnesses and diseases getting a toe hold.

I also see other nations reaching out to help African nations and this will keep Africa’s problems from getting too much worse – it won’t remove or solve the problems, but it will help it from getting much worse.  A few areas will have serious problems.


Europe’s nation-cooperation will become more a stormy struggle and will require a great deal of hard work.  Some of that hard work will come in 2016.  The Syrian refugee issues will still be a major issue through the 1st half of 2016.  The hugely vast majority of refugees will come to be seen as good citizens in the years ahead.  But, it will also be years before the stigma is worn away.

The Middle East

I see an optimistic announcement coming from Washington sometime near the end of spring to mid-summer that a breakthrough has come in negotiations for better cooperation and acceptance among nations in the Middle East.  This will be an uneasy breakthrough – and will come from a “compromise” – the definition of this compromise being “when both sides are equally dissatisfied with the results.”


Australia’s economy will not gain but will not lose much either.  It is relatively active, but won’t increase, even with the incentives brought in.  The problem is the vast amount of foreign investments are going to wait and see what happens, rather than take an aggressive or optimistic approach for 2016.  On the plus side, the economy won’t lose that much because of it.  Were foreign investments to take a more aggressive approach in vast numbers, Australia’s economy would grow.

Meanwhile, the drought will continue through 2016, as well.  I see more potential for fires.  Even with this happening, I see Sydney continuing in positive and growing ways.  The energy of the city will be more celebratory than discouraging.

South America

They will continue with some major earthquakes in the same old areas – mostly western S.A.  Mudslides will accompany the earthquakes.  The differences between 2015 and 2016 in so many areas of comment will be almost unnoticeable, except in Southwest S.A. which has a potential large destructive event which would be reported in world news.  Prayers for this area will bring the destruction down to a small event – hardly worth mentioning and therefore not by news agencies.

The Pope

The Pope will be more active in the 1st half of 2016, continuing to be in the public eye, but will stay more close to Rome in the 2nd half with much less visibility and press.  His speeches will focus mostly on the poor, needy and suffering people in the world – some about the refugees.  His messages will carry some sternness towards world leaders for the recalcitrance towards compassion and helpfulness of many nations’ leaders.

Natural Disasters

While the world will continue to experience natural disasters, I’m not seeing a hugely world event in 2016.  The 2nd of 3 events I saw for August, 2015 has been broken up into smaller, better handled events over a number of areas, including what I think is deep water earthquakes off the coast of N.W Africa.   If this does happen as I’m seeing it, it will be in the same area near where the southern tip of Atlantis existed over 12,000 to 200,000 years ago.

In General

Because of the lower fuel costs, there will be less incentives for automakers to proceed with more efficient vehicle production.  However, the research into electric vehicles will continue – especially in Japan.  In the years ahead, the progress made in Japan, in the electric vehicle batteries will lead the industry, while American manufacturers will do more observing than research.  The Tesla company will have some improvements, but Japan’s research is still ahead.  Japan’s intention is to move the auto industry further into the electric vehicle direction by 2020.  They see the China market – with it’s current pollution problems – and envision Japan’s cars as being a solution for China’s problems along that line.  This is in actuality a positive move and will put them ahead of the game again, leaving the American manufacturers playing catch-up in electric vehicles as a solution.  The growing China economy and growing spending power, plus China’s growing numbers of younger car buyers will be very open to electric vehicles.  There will be a push for this to happen in 2019 and 2020, but will lessen going into 2021-2023.  The focus during 21-23 will be on trying to come up with the next generation of technology for electric cars.

At the same time, during these years gas powered vehicles will still have the dominate share of the market.  Unfortunately, for American car manufacturers, they are looking to much to the present and past, while Japan’s are looking more to the future.

Medicine and Medical Care

We won’t see much change over all from 2015 to 2016.  A few unmentioned breakthroughs in medicine will be announced in a few medical journals.  The controversies with vaccines will continue with the same arguments happening on both sides, but little pursuit to solidify any deeper insight or understanding of vaccines and autism.  If more medical research were to happen in the field, more would be revealed that hasn’t been understood before.  Currently, the status quo is pursued by pharmaceutical industries and the medical community (which doesn’t have research to say anything else.)  The opposition to vaccines won’t go away soon, and may get louder until the medical community starts asking more questions about what is possible with vaccines and autism.  Research is happening, but only in small pockets and effort is made more to ignore it.

Update:  A New Energy

A new type of energy which I’ve been seeing coming into our lives within the next few decades is being delayed.  The person I foresaw as spearheading the research is taking a longer approach in his research and therefore could add another 7-8 years before he finally develops his theories.  The delay may only move the completion of the research into working models from 2045 or so, to 2050-2052.  This also will change the timeline for the world’s beginning to make welcome contact with extraterrestrials, who, more than anything else, are waiting for humans to develop our own technologies to help the planet – technologies in energy that will move us away from polluting, non-sustainable energy sources.


The Spring of 2016 will see a bountiful harvest of local producing small farms.  The weather from 2015-2016 will help bring water to the farms.  Even though flooded, many areas will benefit from the water for food crops.  As mentioned earlier, the large-scale farming operations will have trouble from the same weather.  The small farms can recover faster.


2017 is different.

More of the 2nd of 3 events – A Call to Prayer

December 25.2014

(This is the previously password protected article and no one needs the password from here on.  This is written in reverse chronological order with the earliest parts at the bottom of the article.   I always added at the top of the article.)

The closer the time comes to the August, 2015, event timeline, the stronger I see it, but I also see that prayers will help.  I’m currently seeing it happening during the 2nd week of August with the earliest start time being August 7, the earliest visibility time being around August 9, the earliest reporting time being the first week of August, and the event day being between August 11-15, with the highest possible day being August 13th and 14th, 2015 both.

November 17, 2014

Here’s an odd piece of information that came forward in discussing predictions – around 58,000,000 years ago, processes in the Earth started that set up the foundation that is contributing to this event.  Then, 16 million years ago another contributing process happened within the Earth, then more as time gets closer to now.   (Yes, even this information is available in the Akashic Records to be gathered.)

As time continues, I’m seeing the event happen, and I’m NOT seeing it NOT happen.  Both of these are important.  What this means is that I’m seeing the processes that will lead to it and I’m seeing that with these processes in the Earth happening, and having happened, it can’t not happen.

I see a volcano, but more than a volcano.  It’s almost like the volcano or volcanoes that is/are currently there will be made larger.   The potential earthquake and tsunami will come as a result of the volcano/s.

After the new year, I’m going to make this a public article.  Some preparations can be made.  Greater benefits would be to not be in the area from the 2nd week of August until after the 2nd week of September.  I see it happen in August, but the devastation could be harmful to life until after mid-September.

November 2, 2014

I haven’t mentioned much lately, but as time progresses I still see additional aspects of the event.

I’m seeing June and July, 2015 being very prominent and if these two months have some serious activity, (I think – geological activity) then the 2 months will precede the month of August bringing much worse.

The 2nd to 3rd weeks in June is what I see, and then the 1st to 2nd week in July.  Then I see a lull until the 2nd week in August.  I see the beginnings of the August event being deep in the Earth.  Now, in August, I think I see earthquakes over about 7-8 or so days, causing a fissure deep in the Earth’s crust that will trigger volcanic activity off the coast of Venezuela.

If there is no activity in June and July, 2015, then the event in August will be much, much less.

October 10, 2014

I continue to test the vibrations that I believe I see, in the hopes of finding that which is accurate understanding of what is vibrationally visible.  With this, I believe I’m not seeing a meteorite effects and result, but the combination of an earthquake and with it – a volcano spurred by the earthquake.

While I’ve seen what looked like the results of a meteorite, I’ve never seen a meteorite, itself causing the “results”.  This doesn’t mean there is none, but I still don’t see it.

Meanwhile, we’re reaching a time that we now must wait and see, spending the time praying, meditating to bring forth and send energy/light.

October 2, 2014

“So, the second event you see happening is between July and Dec 2015 with a two month pre-warning…..then the 3rd (economic) event will happen within the following 4 years ? 2016-2020……how on earth could we possibly prepare for any of this?”

As time goes on, we’ll have more exacting information.  But, meanwhile…

We prepare the same way we prepared for Japan’s event and the Indonesian Tsunami.  We live our life.  Be aware.  Pray.  Meditate.  Learn.  Love.  Live.  Laugh.  We do the best we can.  Obviously these events are serious, but living our lives is more important than having perfect preparation for any of these or like events.  If special preparations are in order, then common sense and wise decisions are what are called for.  I’ll share what I suggest and see is helpful as time continues.

We will face all kinds of situations all of our lives.  We will face pain and joy, agony and ecstasy.  No event of any level or magnitude calls for us to live a life in fear.  Live wisely – yes.  Be cautious – yes.  Take appropriate action and response – yes.  But, live in fear of life – no.

Always and forever, the issue isn’t whether we’re prepared or not prepared for the future Earth disasters.  We can take wise steps to some extent, but remember death happens every day.  The real issue is whether we’re preparing for helping and healing our relationships with those in our lives today.  What steps have we taken to love, to forgive, to show mercy and understanding?  Relationships are what we live with every day.  This is where we need our real effort.

The important relationships I refer to also includes relationships with our communities.  What steps do we take to strengthen our communities,  or support those members who may not have what they need?  How do we contribute to the lives of those around us?  This is where we start.  If we can unify and help solidify the lives of those we’re connected to, we can survive any disaster.  If we strengthen the brotherhood/sisterhood of humankind, we can face all of life’s challenges.

If we’ve done this work, then even if we should die in an event, we would have succeeded in preparing for the most important parts of life – and leave the legacy of Love and service from which others may learn and follow.


“The next time you wonder how to deal with certain people, don’t ask, ‘How would Jesus deal with them?’.  Ask, ‘How does Jesus deal with me, when I’m like that?’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

September 10, 2014

One of the things I saw during the 2006 hurricane season which never manifested – was the Christ Spirit and Energy covering and protecting the entire Gulf of Mexico all the way into the hurricane mid-season of 2007.  This presence came because of millions of prayers from across the nation for the Gulf Coast as a result of Hurricane Rita, and had the affect of balancing all the energy that would otherwise have manifested as hurricanes during 2006.  Remember, Christ said to the storm, “Peace, be still.” and the storm quieted.  As 2000 years ago, so also in our days.

I now do see the beginning of a start of the presence of Christ Energy and Spirit.  This Spirit and Energy comes as a call from prayers and meditations.  Christ knocks at the door and can only enter through the door if welcomed.  We do welcome Him.


“The fall of the asteroid is the first phase of this judgment, the second will be the shock-wave on these places, immediately the earthquake of 12 degrees, the tsunami, the three days of darkness and the sixth will be the outbreak of a great pestilence. This will be the worst of the six events. It will be a result of the decomposition of bodies floating on the water and left unburied. (The 3 days of darkness and the flooding of oceans and rivers will make it very difficult to get rid of the bodies). Everybody will be affected in different days and times.
No matter how many medications are stored, Jehovah God will bring this nation back to His feet, through this punishment. God will move the entire continent in a way that has never been seen.”  G.

Your views and beliefs are common in our world.  But, let’s examine this.  Believing in a judgmental, vengeful God has contributed to millions and millions of people believing that natural occurrences are the manifestations of that vengeance, and millions have gone on to believe that they must carry out the vengeance of the God who they believe exists.  At the same time, then, millions and millions through the ages have suffered and do suffer at the hands of and at the perceptions of those who believe in – and justify their own actions based on – a vengeful God – a God who brings condemnation, punishment and death as His gift to humans.

Isn’t that why we’re in such a mess on this planet?  All along, we’ve used and still use bitter, rage-filled anger, our own desire for vengeance and our own condemning of ourselves and others as the fuel for the fire.  Then we justify our own hate-filled actions adding pain and suffering to people’s lives by calling it either an act of God or our own “acting on God’s behalf.”   I suggest that what we pursue in our own life to further and develop within ourselves, is the kind of God we’ll decide to further and believe in – including vengeance within ourselves and therefore within the God that we choose of our own freewill to believe in.

Even the Bible is filled with vengeance attributed to God.  Look how easy it has been to further that belief and teach that in our world.  Yet, when Jesus came and told us, “He that has seen me, has seen the Father,” (John 14:9) Jesus carried out absolutely no vengeance, whatsoever.  None.  In fact, what He gave us and demonstrated to us was the exact opposite of vengeance, the opposite of hatred and the opposite of condemning each other.  What He gave us was the chance to witness a Father/Mother God of Loving kindness, of mercy and of forgiveness.  He demonstrated compassion, tolerance, understanding, helping service, support, patience, and goodwill to everyone and everything. “He that has seen me, has seen the Father,” (John 14:9) is what He said.  Yet, many of us still choose to believe the opposite of what He said.

Your views and beliefs are common in our world, and of your own freewill, you can continue to believe as you decide for yourself.  I would suggest that the kind of God we decide to believe in, is what we will seek to become like.

I don’t choose the views and beliefs that you state here.  I believe in a God whose gifts to us are Tolerance, Understanding, Life, Love, Service, Mercy, Goodwill and never-ending Presence, Patience and Help in our lives regardless of what we believe.  Perhaps you might agree with some of this.

I think we benefit from striving to believe in the very best God that we believe could exist.  We then may strive to be the very best children of that Father/Mother God.

There are over 7 billion people on the planet.  No two people believe exactly and perfectly the same.  That means there are over 7 billions different belief systems on the planet.  That’s not a bad thing.  Imagine if everyone believed exactly the same thing in every way.  No belief would ever be challenged.

September 9, 2014

I”m now convinced the timing is about right.  With signs beginning in June, 2015 through July, 2015 and the event happening in August, 2015.  Why am I convinced? Because I realize now that I’ve also been looking for ways for it to NOT happen and I can find none.  By “ways” I mean ‘timelines” or event lines or some way that I can be off or completely backwards or not see correctly to give some hope or chance that we can avoid it as a planet.  But, I’ve found none.

The world will experience this – not all in the same way – but like the Indonesian event and the Japanese event, the whole world will watch.

Since there were two tsunamis for the Indonesian and Japanese events, it’s also possible that a tsunami will occur in this one.  Whether caused by an earthquake or meteorite, I’m seeing a giant wave moving southward into Venezuela.

September 5, 2014

I believe I’m coming to a point to make this public.  Each time I look, I see energy playing out in the form of a unique event that will come forth physically as a catastrophic event.  I use this wording because this is the process that I am aware of.

I present the information not as a means to frighten, but a call for prayers for any and all ways that may help in some beneficial way for those involved.  This is the time to respond now – with a call for prayers to help in whatever way God knows will truly help, and I say to all that God does indeed know very real ways that will truly help – more-so than we do.

God does NOT reveal Himself through disasters and horrors. God reveals Himself through the hearts of those that respond to help during disasters and horrors.  God does  not inflict punishment in the form of earthquakes and natural disasters.  God is in the people’s hearts that rush in to help those who are hurt or suffering because of the earthquake.  These events are natural events and truly if no human existed on this planet, any “disaster” would go unnamed as such, because no human would be harmed.  These “natural” events have happened before mankind came onto this planet and will happen after mankind moves on from this planet.  Even the sun’s eventual expansion and engulfment of the planets of this solar system is a natural event.  Yes, God’s hand is in the creation of all things, but believing God to be infinite Love and infinite Mercy, then we can look to how we respond during events like these in order to “see” Him.  Hence, why it is God in the responding to help those who are hurt, injured, homeless, etc. and not in the cause.

While I’m not seeing a clear cause, yet.  I’m seeing the result of the cause – this being a “tsunami-like” event heading south towards the northern part of Venezuela.  The direction is southward from it’s causal point.  However, the reverse of the force will then be felt throughout the islands in the Caribbean.

While I’ve tried to identify the cause, I am having difficulty with either seeing it or believing what I’m seeing.  It may be possible that the cause is a large meteorite that hits in the waters off the coast of Venezuela and lands at such an angle that the water is “pushed” onto the coast of Venezuela.

And, again, a natural disaster but one where God comes forth through the work, the hearts and the willingness of those that help others who are in dire situations.

If it is a large meteorite, then the “signs” in June and July, might be precursor meteors and/or meteorites in those months.

I think the “explosion” I was seeing may be the result of a large superheated meteorite hitting a body of water.  This easily can be many!!! times larger than a WW2 size atomic bomb.

Could I be wrong?  Absolutely.

August, 26, 2014

The prayers of a few will save many.

I’m not seeing a direct connection with any events happening at this day and date – 2014.  What I’m seeing is in the neighborhood of the same levels of destruction as the Japanese devastation of 2011.  They had a 9.0 earthquake, a massively high Tsunami and a radioactive disaster/meltdown.  19,000 people died. In 2013, there were still 300,000 living in temporary shelter.

In 2010, Haiti was devastated by a 7.0 earthquake that killed over 200,000 people.  While I haven’t considered this before, this event might be part of the 2nd of 3 events with the 2nd half happening in August, 2015.  But, I don’t think so.  Because this happened to an isolated area.  I think the 2nd of the 3 events is more than a 1 country event.  Japan’s events affected many other countries.

I think the event off the coast of northern South AMerica will be a multiple country event.  I believe those other countries will be the many islands in the area, on both sides of Venezuela, some of the Gulf Coast, and then on through the Atlantic.  I believe we’ll see the death toll go up to hundreds of thousands, if not more than a million.  It is conceivable that some of the smallest of the islands may disappear – islands that are sparcely populated.

I think the region it will hit most will be the Venezuelan coast, with Guyana and Columbia getting hit sideways.  I think it will happen close to the coast line of Venezuela and the devastation will go southward mostly.  In looking at maps of the region in the water, there is deeper water northward and this could help the islands north of there – Puerto Rico and such.  The islands east of there will be affected, of course.  But, I see the major force moved southward with an epicenter of some type being NNE of Caracas.  I’m seeing the darkest energy and most destruction from Curacao to Port of Spain.

Then many diseases will spread like wildfire.  This will affect the same areas and the diseases will escape the efforts to contain them completely for quite a while.  There will be little to no SAFE drinking water for so many areas, which will help the diseases spread.

The islands east of there.  I’m not sure, but I may be seeing them almost being wiped off the map.  It’s hard to see this because of my own difficulties with what I see.  I try to see accurately and yet I see such disaster that I hope isn’t what will really happen.

“The prayers of a few will save many.”  This is the time to start praying.  The event cannot be stopped, but people can be saved.  I don’t think we’ll get enough prayers but if you’re reading this consider yourself part of a spiritual Red Cross.  Your prayers are being asked for.  There is much we can do through prayer.  We have a year to go before I see it happening.

The signs of this will be in June and early July.  I think there will be earth events in the Gulf of Mexico east of this area – perhaps Cuba in June.

If any of the oil rigs in the Gulf is destroyed from a Gulf Tsunami, then the whole Gulf will be a disaster area.  The shorelines along the Gulf will be the biggest mess we’ve ever seen.  Take a look at the Japan event disaster.  Each aspect of the disaster affected the other aspects of the disaster.  I think we’ll see waves along the entire coast at that level – several feet high Tsunami.

The prayers of a few will save many.

August 20, 2014

I believe I am identifying a Tsunami as part of this event.  That is why it’s devastation spreads to islands and eventually goes out into the Atlantic.  It appears that the force of the Tsunami is facing southward.  But, some smaller part is going to affect Florida, Cuba, and the northern Islands.

While I’m NOT seeing this as of yet, I’m wondering if there could be a land mass that comes out of the water.  This would have to be accompanied by massive earthquakes.  I’m trying to see what I don’t like seeing.

August 5, 2014

I see the entire North East portion of land in South America being affected by the event in August, 2015.

I see it possibly being connected underground to the 8 point earthquake in Chile.

July 19,2014

While it will affect the islands in that region, I think the spreading of the event, will dissipate the harm that it would inflict on any one area.


I think I see it being about 10x-20x worse than an oil spill like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but the problem with be spread out over a much larger area.


I’m starting to see something of the size of a volcano happening underground, perhaps a nuclear explosion.


By the Spring of 2016, this event’s effects will have spread throughout the entire Atlantic Ocean.


We’re All in This Together.

We are in this together.

There are times ahead – it will take several decades, and gradually grow – when there will be suffering around the world on such a scale that equals the 1930’s – centered on poverty, the economy, and food.  We have faced problems of all sorts in the passing times and half times (decades).  Everyone alive today has seen difficulties.  I’ve mentioned in past blogs, that the 2030’s will remind many of the 1930’s in the sense of there being hardships on many, many people.

We will be a planet of 8 billion people and growing.  This is not that far away.  Those in 1st grade today will be in their 20’s.  Those in high school today will be in their 30’s.  Those graduating from college today will have their children nearly grown up.

I’m seeing this as the road we’re going down.  However, as is mentioned in the Edgar Cayce readings, “If all things stay the same, this will happen.”  In the past, we’ve made sure things have not stayed the same – we prayed, we learned to meditate, we acted with kindness, compassion, tolerance and more.  We sought to help those that need help.  We acted to bring out the best from within our hearts.

If we continue to choose prayer, meditation, forgiveness, understanding, mercy, kindness, patience with the other person, we will diminish the suffering according to the numbers of those who do seek the higher road of Love, forgiveness, mercy, and patience.  As we walk a path of effort, one day at a time, one hair at a time – of study, of listening within, of praying for guidance, of trying our best, and of picking ourselves up when we fail miserably, – one day at a time – we heal, we move forward and we create a better Earth.

Past successes when we’ve changed the future:
1. Our efforts towards spiritual growth through the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s has changed Edgar Cayce’s predictions of potential 1998 horrors (which otherwise would have happen as predicted) and lessened the destructive energy which would have otherwise fulfilled his predictions.

2. Shrunk Edgar Cayce’s prediction for New York from complete New York City city-wide destruction to what we experienced on 9-11-2001.

3. Spread out Edgar Cayce’s earth wide destructive predictions to make it possible for greater numbers to survive the physical devastations by spreading the energy out over longer time periods.

4. Changed the 2006 hurricane season for the Gulf of Mexico because of the prayers of millions – from many hurricanes to one of the quietest seasons on record baffling the meteorologists studying hurricanes.

Remember three things:
We’re all in this together.
With God, all things are possible.
“Faith unused, does nothing.” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000, Jodie Senkyrik)

And finally, the Bible tells us the prayers of a few will save many.  I add to that, the efforts we put forth today will save many tomorrow… and the next day.  The efforts today are the foundations for the accomplishments tomorrow.  We truly are all in this together.

Question about the Ukraine

Now that things are heating up in the Ukraine, what do you see as the outcome of all this? Will it escalate into something bigger?

Remember, Lisa, when humans are involved, things can get very messy.  When God is involved, things can get cleaned up.

There are so many souls in the Ukraine region and associated with dealing with this region (many that aren’t physically in the region) that are wanting to add their voices to how things should be worked out.  The effort is meant to be diplomatic, but military force is what many use in their tool chest, and call it “a tool of diplomacy.”

The Ukraine will be a hot area on into the end of this decade, when a quiet time will be in place.  The quiet time only will hide the dissatisfaction with the solutions put in place, but will not be a real solution.  In the next decade, 2020’s the next round of “heat” will come forth.

I add that the issue here isn’t whether this is a hotly debated area, or a hotbed of struggle, or whether war will break out – even though these are important issues.  The issue here is that there is potential for effort and real work to come forth in this area.  This “effort and real work” includes work that all of us can do – praying for this region.  This is not just for us to observe, but rather contribute or help in whatever way we are willing.  They are struggling to find a peace for their lives.  Our prayers can help them.


“The best prayer is the one in which we stop using words and instead use the heart.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Praying for others is very, truly helpful, as long as our prayer isn’t ‘God, make them into what I want them to be.’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006, Jodie Senkyrik)

Who are we?

I know there is a lot of talk about drought but in the Dallas area we are in the 3rd worst drought since 1899. The lake I drive over, one side is dry the other is drying up. It’s the worst I’ve seen. This is May, the hot summer months are ahead. Will we have a record breaking 100 degree summer again? When will this end! When it does rains for a minute I remember what rain really is. I watch the TV and see all the storms in the east causing lots of damage and all we got was a sprinkle or two. It’s kind of scary.  (Vicki, May 3, 2014)

It can, indeed, be kind of scary.  Yet, life is such that we don’t live going backwards, no matter how much we may want to try to hold onto the past.  And as scary as it sounds, our living forward is a good thing.

We will not see weather patterns of the past – weather that we consider normal weather – in the future.  We no longer live in that climate or world situation.  We have a different world existing now based on over 7 billion people living on the planet, and this different world is where we now live ever moving onward to 8 billion people.  We will have greater pendulum swings, and in between these swings will be what appears to be normal as compared to the past.  But, we will find ways to help to live our lives, as every generation before us has.

There are many factors in our world that have brought about “the end of the world as we know it” and so we’ve experienced this “end of the world as we know it” over and over again.  Take a look at Sept 11, 2001 as an easy example to see this.  But, it is true in other ways, also.  Neal Armstrong walking on the moon was another example, as was the end of the Soviet Union.  Others are yet to happen.  One of these examples is climate change.  We don’t live in that past world – we no longer live in a world of only 5 billion or 6 billion people.  We are here, now, and this world has challenges to face and work on.  We will work for solutions and we will pray for guidance.  We will continue to live our lives, as every generation before us has.

While it could be easy to say the past was better for us, remember, for some, the past was way worse, also.  How many people in Europe would like to return to the 1940’s to live?  How many people in Viet Nam would like to return to the 1960’s to live?
But, the question and issue isn’t “what is the world like, today.”  The question and issue is “who are we, today.”  This is a question that every generation before us has had to answer, and now, it’s up to us.   Who are we?


“Just because we see nothing but darkness, doesn’t necessarily mean the light has gone out.  Sometimes, it’s because we’ve closed our eyes.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God does not praise us for being perfect yet treating others harmfully.  God does not chastise us for having faults yet being kind and forgiving.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006, Jodie Senkyrik)

“If you want things to change, then change.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2004, Jodie Senkyrik)

DIYers and Grid Independence in the Coming Decades

(Photo credit to

There is a huge resurgence of Do-It-Yourselfers and independent living enthusiasts in the U.S., also called “getting off the grid” with the numbers growing all the time.  The Internet is one of the best tools for finding out how to do this.

This is perceived by some as extremism.  If one thinks the nation is going to turn upside down in the next few years, and that they’ll be vindicated, then, yes, I would say this is an extreme view.  However, what I see isn’t that there is an extremism movement, but that people are tuning into their intuition, recognizing that their lives are dependent on their own actions, promises from any ‘outside-of-themselves source’ i.e. the government, are rarely going to happen, if at all.   An important factor in this perception is not knowing the correct timeline for this self-reliance to be most needed.

The movement isn’t happening just because of fear.  Extremism is happening because of fear, but not the movement to DIY and becoming more independent.  This is based on an inner resource.  What I “see” is that times are coming when DIY skills and grid independence are going to be needed, and people are intuitively tuning into this need for more self-reliance – a need which will grow in the coming decades as populations grow around the entire Earth.

All this is coming forth into our awareness, because it’s all going to be needed.  But, don’t mistake this for living alone and relying only on one’s self.  This is not what is needed.  As human beings, we need one another.  We need to rely on each other, as well.  God created us to need one another, and efforts to be an island unto one’s self don’t succeed.   Neighborhoods and communities which foster cooperation and helping one another have been successful for millennium after millennium.

The road ahead I see is this:

Food prices are set to rise significantly in the next three years specifically (2014-2016) at a greater rate of increase than average.  Starting in 2016, poor government actions and judgement directly impacting several contributing factors will set the foundation for 6 years of reduction of support to the majority of people, with support instead going to corporations and bigger business.

This will push for even greater reliance on corporations and bigger businesses to supply the needs of most Americans.  In general, I see most people who run corporations seeking to maximize profits (which corporations are always designed to fulfill.)   However, in the U.S. with corporate level efforts to control more and more of consumer markets,  many of the alternatives to corporate products, which are available today, will no longer be allowed to be available.

Those that are seeking to be DIYers and move towards more independence will be in  better positions to ride through the years ahead, because, after the 6 years, which end in 2022, there will be no turning back the tide of what is coming.

Photo credit to

The population is rising around the planet leading up to 8 billion people.  This will lead, going into the 2030’s and 2040’s to experience much of what was experienced in the 1930’s.  A trend in the 2020’s will lead into the decade of the 2030’s where there will be a tighter supply of food.  It will be harder to afford what is affordable in today’s world.  The hardships will fall on the vast masses of people.   The government will be unable to do anything to help, because this will have been set in motion many decades even before the results manifest.

We see today the results of decisions made decades ago.  In the same way, today’s decisions, whether left or right, good or bad, will manifest decades from now.

What Can We Do

What can we do as people today?  Educate ourselves, believe in ourselves.  Rely on that which comes from within.  Let go of thinking that someone other than our self will make our lives better.  Let go of thinking that an elected official controls the quality of our own life.

Allow yourself to entertain the real idea that there may be more to life than just a physical existence.  Ask the spiritual world to come forth for the purpose of helping.  Entertain the idea of Christ as “a better friend” to us than we’ve imagined, and we’ve been to Him, and Him willing to give His very best to help His friends who welcome Him in.  Remember, Spiritual help that goes unused or untried, accomplishes nothing.  Spiritual help only becomes practical – only works in helping us with our lives on the Earth – if it is practiced and put to practical and pragmatic use in our lives – by applying our Spiritual principles to the different parts of our everyday lives for the goodwill and benefit of ourselves and others together.


“The question is not who is in political power that will help the world.  The question is who is in spiritual power that will help the world.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2008-2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

Threat to Psychics?

My pastor has had a very strong vision, that one day, those of us known as psychics, although we are all in some form or potentially, might become in danger or threatened. That we might have to communicate telepathically. She said this is a strong possibility. Have you foreseen anything in this way? Also our church has a prayer energy group for world peace and love. Do you know of a group(s) that is doing this that I may connect with to do with? As in a regular schedule? Thank you.


The vision is not going to be a worldwide experience in our time or even in this century.  It is going to manifest as internal feelings of prejudice by some, but not by all.  But, remember, if you change the word “psychic” to any of today’s oppressed groups, you would easily have a true statement.  In this same way, prejudice and hatred has manifested towards women, blacks, immigrants, the poor, homosexuals, those with AIDS, Jews, this religion or that, this race or that, this lifestyle or that, and any number of other cultural groups.  In our world, we still have slavery, abuse, bigotry, hatred, genocide, wars and the like and all because one sub-culture or nationality doesn’t like another.  It is also now and has been in the past, towards those dealing with psychic ability, “occult”, the “New Age” and the like.  Remember Salem, Mass. in the early colonial times?

Currently, in the world, many forms of prejudice come forth, are known and are practiced.  As time continues, our current society slowwwwwwwly grows out of these prejudices.  But, it’s slow and sometimes change doesn’t happen until those that encourage the ways of past hatred pass on.

“We can be among the first to lead the new ways into the future, or we can be among the last to follow old ways of the past.”  The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007

“What changes do we want within ourselves, that we want to take hold for all eternity?” The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013.

PS.  As for prayer groups, if you’re church doesn’t have one yet, it’s time to start one.  You may be surprised who else is waiting for it to be started, so they can join.

Predictions for the Winter of 2014: #4

With regards to the weather of next winter, I’m pretty much not seeing anything but what I’ve been telling you.  The signs along the way have been milder or colder spring for 2013, leading into a milder summer of 2013, leading into a colder autumn of 2013, leading into a cold December, a colder January, and then in February 2014 temperatures taking January’s temperatures and dropping another 20° F from there throughout the entire month of February.  I don’t see temperatures coming up to the usual temperatures (averages) until May of 2014, when it will get hot again.  March will still be a “colder than the averages” March affected by the cold February.  April will still have some residual low temperatures and then May.  I currently don’t see March and April of 2014 temperatures fluctuating up and down as much as this year’s March and April, but rather being a steady cooler than normal few months.

This is more the predictions for the states hit hardest, including Texas, during the winter of 2014.  The states in the southeast, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, will have  a milder spring compared to previous years, but nothing to write home about.

Keep your coats and jackets out until May of 2014.

In December of 2013, in your regions, keep your ears open for the meteorologists to start giving warning about what kind of winter we’re going to have.  That’s when they’ll have the weather models to back this up.  I’m mentioning it now, because I’m getting ready for it now.

Many people make predictions about coming events.  Many of these events never happen.  If I’m wrong, there is always a viable reason and that information is also available psychically.  I study this factor regularly to be able to be as accurate as possible.

Currently, in much of Texas, I see  2 1/2 to 3 weeks of continued frozen temperatures – not going above freezing during the day – in the single digits to 20’s.  Texas and states of the south aren’t designed for Minnesota weather and hence why it is so difficult.  All the homes, all the infrastructure is designed to handle heat, not cold.

The North and New England states will “weather” (pardon the pun) the winter better simply because they are “built” for this type of hard cold.  Their homes and infrastructures are built to help them endure the cold.

Expect airports to close and airline flights to be severely affected by the cold of the winter of 2014.

A national emergency will be declared in some areas.

People will remember this.

More on the Predictions for the Winter of 2014: #3 of ?

Excerpts from comments earlier:

All the factors are lining up for it being a seriously severe winter in 2014. Because the temperatures are mild / cold right now in much of the areas I’m mentioning, this means that the temperatures in the winter of 2014 will be colder. This is not a causal factor, but rather “signs along the road” factor. This means that winter coldness is not caused by spring and summer coldness but rather that the temperatures in the spring and summer of 2013 and the temperatures in the winter of 2014 are being affected by the same things.

The bottom line answer is ‘Yes’, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Colorado especially, – these states will be hit extremely hard during the winter of 2014… and over a longer duration.

This is what I see psychically.

Also more excerpts:

North Carolina will be hit especially hard during the winter of 2014. Right now, I’m seeing very hard storms – meaning high winds, extra-low temperatures, more snow than average, and it lasting for longer durations. I can see one very long period of three weeks where it seems like it will NEVER end. I encourage preparations to be made.

With regards to whether to prepare or not – don’t gamble based on whether you think I’m wrong or right. The issue isn’t whether I’m wrong or right – the issue is whether you’re prepared. It’s not a matter of “if” it happens – it’s a matter of “when” it’s going to happen. Psychically, I see it happening. I can be off some, but I have no qualms of putting that here if I am. Currently, I’m still psychically seeing what I’ve stated above. If it changes, I will put that here, also.

Finally, praying helps more than not praying.

Predictions for the Winter of 2014 (Part 2 of ?)

We’re barely into the winter of 2013, but I’m going to talk about 2014 some more.  This is an addendum to the 2014 winter conditions.

Folks, I’m still seeing serious conditions for the winter of 2014.  However, I do see some potential help in the form of weather conditions during the summer of 2013 helping to alleviate the drastic 2014 winter.

Weather patterns are such that each day or week or month or year of weather is a stair step from the previous day or week or month or year.  Each weather pattern impacts the next pattern, which then impacts the next and so forth and so on.

I am seeing that if we have a very hot summer of 2013, this will help alleviate the energy contributing to the patterns leading up to the winter of 2014.  I see a reciprocal effect.  If the heat temperatures are extreme during the summer of 2013, the winter temperatures will go up.  If the summer of 2013 temperatures are mild, the winter 2014 temperatures will be lower and the conditions harsher.

With this, in Colorado especially, I see blizzards and blizzards.  I see potentially 4-5 weeks of steady blizzard storms being so bad as to cause Colorado potentially to be declared a national disaster area.

This is not a normal winter of a blizzard going through for a few days and then the sun coming out.  This is an experience of virtually no one seeing the sun for 5 weeks or so with storm after storm after storm over and over creating the effect of seeing no end in sight for a long period of time.  I see winds and snow constantly and continuously requiring people to take emergency steps to get through this.

This is why I pray for healthier weather patterns – because I see people suffering and people dying through a winter like this.  This is why I pray and meditate now, so that weather patterns can be normalized by whatever way may be available for us to help.

This that I see in Colorado will be equaled in the New England states.

Those of you who like to ski and snowboard in Colorado, there will be times for you to enjoy it, but I see it being safer earlier in the season – before mid-December or way later in the season – March.  The second half of December will be storms with some lessening in the first half of January, but not much.  Then the 2nd half of January it will hit until March and as of today, I see it hitting hard.

Remember what I saw and wrote about the Gulf of Mexico hurricane season of 2006.  There were so many millions praying across the nation to help the people hit by Katrina that they brought forth the Christ Spirit to protect the Gulf from hurricanes during the 2006 and half of the 2007 hurricane seasons.  Prayers can help now.   Prayer can change the future.  I would rather prayers come to change this than someone say, “Hey, you were right about 2014.”


“Which do you think will help more, praying or not praying?”  The Rainbow Cards (©, 2009,-2013 Jodie Senkyrik)

“Prayer can change things.  The more prayer, the more change.”  The Rainbow Cards (©, 2009,-2013 Jodie Senkyrik)

“If you’re having trouble praying, ask God to help you.”  The Rainbow Cards (©, 2009,-2013 Jodie Senkyrik)

Leaving the World a Better Place

We’ve all heard of the phrase, “Leaving the world a better place than when we came into it.”

We can also leave a day a better day than when we entered into it.

We can daily leave a relationship a better relationship than when we entered into it.

We can also leave our mind and heart a better place than when we first started the day.

We can do these by adding kindness and patience to the day, or adding forgiveness and understanding to the relationship, or adding wonder and compassion to our hearts and minds.

We can by also adding mercy, or letting go of criticism, or by fostering a sense of humor towards all that exists.

Cheesecake, although wonderful on any day, won’t do it by itself.


“Have we really chosen to end the day without changing anything about our self for the better?”  The Rainbow Cards, (©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2012)

Predictions for 2012 and Beyond

Two friends of mine, who are also intuitive and receive information about this time and more, have shared information with me.  D.T. and C.B. have shared information about the 2012 impacts and the years coming up.

D.T. shared information regarding spiritual changes happening starting Dec. 21, 2012.   His information rings true when he shared it with me.   I share his information and my explanation of why it’s accurate in my latest audio file available here and on the download page.  Warning, it is difficult to understand on the surface, but if you listen through to the end of the discussion, hopefully, an understanding will come.

And in a discussion with C.B. we both confirmed what the other was seeing – a dark time/destructive event or series of events happening sometime in 2014 to 2016.  I see it more happening in the 2nd half of 2015 and in talking to him, we fleshed out more that there would be real signs in the two months leading up to the major event.  (I’ve had a flash of how it would manifest but at this moment, the flash is eluding me.  However, I will seek more information if available.)

I talked about this some in the blog article “Japan and Earth Changes”.  In the article, I put forth that the 2nd is weather related and speak of a seriously devastating 2014 winter.  What I get now is that the 2nd event is more than just a bad winter in 2014.

It is the second of three major events of which the 2004 Tsunami of Indonesia and Indian Ocean was the Preface of three events.  The Japanese Nuclear/Tsunami disaster was #1.  Two more disasters are in place to manifest.  In talking to C.B., we were able to identify that two months of signs giving warning will precede the 2nd event.

By the time the Summer of 2013 comes upon us, I believe I’ll be able to give information on the severity or non-severity of the 2014 winter in time to prepare, if needed.   Remember, I’m seeing the 2nd event in 2015, not 2014.

Meanwhile, I believe the 3rd event will now be spread out over 2017-2019/20 and will be economic in nature.


Having faith has always been God’s answer to a problem.  Not having faith has never been God’s answer to a problem. (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2006-2013)

Use your imagination to imagine what it would be like to have Christ holding your hand right now.  Do this when trouble arises, too.  (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2006-2013)

Sleep, the Body, and Recovery from Illness

When we work physically and mentally, we insert our spirit – our energy, that vibrates at a higher rate, more-so into the body in order to manipulate the body the way we need to accomplish what we choose.  Because the body can only handle this energy for a certain amount of time, before it overwhelms the body’s recuperating ability and causes the body to break down, the body therefore needs time free from this higher vibration spirit energy in order to recuperate.  This free time is called rest and sleep.

During physical healing times, the insertion of the spirit energy can require the body to attend to the body recovery needs associated with the spirit energy insertion instead of attending to the healing process of the damaged body.   The body has limited capabilities sometimes, and needs to allow for appropriate direction of the healing forces.  It’s better if we channel these capabilities into the needs that are needed most at that moment.  Hence why sleep and rest are important for a recovering body.

As we move through 2012, and then beyond this unique time, many will experience being sleepy or needing a nap more often.  Do not necessarily consider this a bad thing.  There are very real soul activities happening during times of sleep.  Many of these activities involve helping others on the soul plane or integrating greater energies and understandings – while asleep.  So, go ahead and take that “power” nap.  Einstein did.  I suggest hold in your mind – a willingness to help or learn – as you drift off.

Lemurians, and more

There is hardly no physical evidence of Lemurians in the Earth… except buried deep in the ground in China.  The evidence speaks of ethereal beings living in the Earth, coming and going as they choose.  The evidence considers the point of view that the Lemurians were mythical or legendary.  In fact, the Lemurians were real and many of them are reincarnated in the Earth, today.

There is evidence of “descendents” of Lemurians, or rather long-gone “followers” of Lemurians.  These “followers” held Lemurians to be real and worth learning from – much in the same way as religious followers believing in the higher realm ways of life.

To find evidence of Lemurians, though, in people, merely look at the two halves of the United States.  The philosophies and perspectives of the western half vs. the philosophies and perspectives of the eastern half.  This splitting of the country in mind-set is direct evidence of the minds of Lemurians vs. Atlanteans.  Lemurians are more incarnated into the western U.S., and Atlanteans are more incarnated into the eastern U.S.

The western U.S. is generally more Nature-based, eco-minded, with practical manifestations of this way of life evidenced in public policy and business – all generally Lemurian traits.  The eastern U.S. is generally more industrial-based, and technological based with the financial/industrial centers based on the east coast – all generally Atlantean traits.

The areas around the opposite oceans can also show this factor.  Larger numbers of Lemurians have incarnated in and around the Pacific Ocean, while more Atlanteans have incarnated in and around the Atlantic Ocean.

In a few hundred years, if the schism in thinking continues, Colorado may become a major governmental influencing center, especially for the western United States.  If one side tries to subdue the other, great destruction will occur.  Atlantis tried this once before during the days Atlantis was still existing.  Atlantean efforts to subdue others contributed to their own self-destruction.

However, also if a few earth changes still come about in a few hundred years – that cause serious destruction of coastal areas, the U.S. may move the center of government from Washington D.C. to a more centrally located area, around or near Missouri bringing both sides back into one location.  (There are other possible reasons of this move several hundred years from now, also – not just earth changes.)

Side note: with the schism happening in the U.S. political arena today – and little change in this schism because of each side blaming and attacking the other side, we will see the U.S. and its citizens as a whole suffer greatly from the lack of elected officials’ willingness to work together – suffering more-so even than today.  The suffering of the citizens is now and on-the-whole will increase steadily through this entire decade.

Food Prices Predictions: 2

The news is saying the price of food is going to increase.  It’s true.
What the news hasn’t mentioned is that the price of food is going to go up for the next 4 years.  Each year  from 2012 to 2016, we will see the prices at the supermarkets increase from the previous year’s prices.    While some will say we can consider this normal inflation, what we’ll see won’t be normal at all.

I encourage people to once again begin gardening to grow some of their own vegetables.   We may not be able to grow all our food, but we can offset some of the steady rise in prices that is coming.  Check out to see all the creative ways people are growing their own food.  Our creativity is only limited by our own willingness or unwillingness.  If you need help with creativity, ask God to be creative through you.  Remember, an infinite God has infinite creativity, and infinite creativity creates infinitely.