Question about the Ukraine

Now that things are heating up in the Ukraine, what do you see as the outcome of all this? Will it escalate into something bigger?

Remember, Lisa, when humans are involved, things can get very messy.  When God is involved, things can get cleaned up.

There are so many souls in the Ukraine region and associated with dealing with this region (many that aren’t physically in the region) that are wanting to add their voices to how things should be worked out.  The effort is meant to be diplomatic, but military force is what many use in their tool chest, and call it “a tool of diplomacy.”

The Ukraine will be a hot area on into the end of this decade, when a quiet time will be in place.  The quiet time only will hide the dissatisfaction with the solutions put in place, but will not be a real solution.  In the next decade, 2020’s the next round of “heat” will come forth.

I add that the issue here isn’t whether this is a hotly debated area, or a hotbed of struggle, or whether war will break out – even though these are important issues.  The issue here is that there is potential for effort and real work to come forth in this area.  This “effort and real work” includes work that all of us can do – praying for this region.  This is not just for us to observe, but rather contribute or help in whatever way we are willing.  They are struggling to find a peace for their lives.  Our prayers can help them.


“The best prayer is the one in which we stop using words and instead use the heart.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Praying for others is very, truly helpful, as long as our prayer isn’t ‘God, make them into what I want them to be.’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006, Jodie Senkyrik)

2 thoughts on “Question about the Ukraine

  1. Whether the Ukraine or Syria or some other area of the world, conflict will always raise it’s ugly head when those leading the way have a heavy mind-set, being more self-serving and blind to the real needs of others, rather than being open to truth that lies in the heart and seeing the real needs that should be addressed in unifying the nation.


  2. Thank you for your reply. I read your words and am very much reminded of what happened after WW1 – a dissatisfying outcome after a summer of “peace” talks, then war again.

    Will this area (Eastern Europe) break into little countries? Or will they be absorbed into the countries around them? I see no problem with Crimea going back to Russia – they voted for it and wanted it. But will the rest stay independent or break into little countries? Thank you.


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