Update on the Ukraine/Russian War

I do semi-regularly look for hope in this war. There is still a great need for prayers. Please, continue to add prayers for God’s energy and peace to grow stronger in the midst of this war.

Putin wants to continue to wage war against Ukraine until there is very little or nothing left of Ukraine. He is willing to cause greater problems for the Russian people – to do it.

It is a time to continue to pray for the people of both countries.

For him, any End of War Talks are a tool to help him continue to delay the stopping of the attacks. His DESIRE! is to demolish the Ukraine as an independent nation, and he won’t voluntarily or willingly tell his Generals and troops to stop and withdraw. He means to be in the Ukraine until the end of Ukraine as we know it. He wants Ukraine for its resources and to show the world his strength.

Putin sees the Western/European nations as an annoyance, he does not see them as deterring his actions – simply as a buzzing bee around him – not strong enough in any way to stop him.

Our prayers can and do help, when we remember to pray for the end of this war and the people of both countries. The more prayers from all people willing to pray, the stronger and more available the path to end the war. If prayers do not come, this war could last almost up to 2 more years. We can bring this war to an end for everyone through our prayers.

To Access the “Psychic Predictions for 2020 (!)” Reading …

I am presenting “Psychic Predictions for 2020” and it is posted below this one.  The fee for accessing these predictions is $7.50.  Some of you will not consider this information to be something for which you would want to pay a fee.  I understand.  (Regrettably, I will not offer refunds.)


As I have in previous years, within the reading, I share what I see on the national and international political scene, world weather predictions, the economy, immigration issues, medicine and health care, natural disasters and more.  Again, I will answer questions to clarify or gain more information, and then post the question and information at the end of the article.

To access “Psychic Predictions for 2020“, click on the Paypal button below.  After payment, within 24 hours (I will try hard to honor this), you will be sent the password via the email address you use when paying with Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account to pay through Paypal.  But, you do need either a Paypal account or a credit card.  If you wish to pay by cash or check, you may email me and I will email you back with instructions.

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My Radio Interview on BBSradio.com

On February 17th, I was interviewed on the “Let’s Find Out” show hosted by author and psychic Elizabeth Joyce.  This show is being repeated tonight at 10pm EST, 9pm CST, MST, and 17pm PST.  In this interview, I share my understandings on several topics including Karma and what we face ahead.  The whole show is 1 hour long (with commercials)

To listen, simply go to https://bbsradio.com/letsfindout and on the left side of the page, click on either the Station 1 or Station 2 icons – either html or flash, whichever works for you.

If you don’t get to listen tonight, but would like to at another time, the shows are archived and available for listening at your convenience.


If you decide to listen, come back here and let me know what you think.  Plus, if you have a question you would have loved to have asked if you could have, post it here.


2018 Hurricane Season

“Hurricane season is approaching. Do you see Central Florida (Orlando) getting a direct hit this year?” M.

As of this writing today, there are hurricanes building in the Atlantic. I am not seeing Central Florida being in a direct path this hurricane season. I did see 1 major storm side-swiping your area, but I think that was Gordon which has already passed. However, I can see potential for another one to “drive by”. I do see some storm activity for your area of Florida, but not a hurricane. However, I do see hurricanes going up the East Coast and hitting hardest from Georgian up to New Jersey with the worst being North Carolina and Virginia. I see a potential 3 hurricanes going into the East Coast of the US. Yes, it/they will cause extensive damage to the middle East Coast states. Anyone reading this, please prepare now.  Don’t ‘wait and see.’


What is Long-Suffering?

There are many teachings which say we are meant to learn long-suffering as much as to develop kindness, compassion, love, mercy, oneness, etc. Many of us intellectually shy away from this with great energy.  There is a perspective that long-suffering is the choosing of suffering, when instead we could choose to not suffer.  The idea of not suffering is a very popular one.  As human beings, we know suffering all too well, as we’ve all gone through it and all been witness to it.

And yet, …

we are meant to learn long-suffering, so, as humans, we do learn it and mostly learn it without realizing it is also a part of being alive. Here are some experiences in which we have learned it.

1. Long-suffering is seeing someone cause suffering to another person/persons, and our wanting to but being unable to stop it.

2. Long-suffering is the awareness of the suffering of people in faraway lands, with us not having the ability to change it except in seemingly small ways from so far away.

3. Long-suffering is seeing people and other lives in need, but not being able to help them except through prayer.

4. Long-suffering is knowing people, like ourselves, going through horrors which we know could be ourselves on any other day.

5. Long-suffering is caring about another person, but not being able to save them from themselves or the path of pain they choose.

6. Long-suffering is loving a child, and not able to completely protect them from the world’s dangers or the world’s horrors.

7. Long-suffering is loving a parent and not able to stop their body or their brain from breaking down and losing themselves during a very long, slow process of disappearing.

8. Long-suffering is doing the best we can, and still it’s not good enough for those who criticize and judge.

9. Long-suffering is knowing the path of pain which we have walked, but still being judged so easily by those who don’t know our life.

10. Long-suffering is dying on a cross and some of our last prayers being for help for others in “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

11. Long-suffering is offering a beautiful, wonderful, healing, joy-filled, loving Sacred Truth to others but it being rejected with mocking and contempt.

12. Long-suffering is when we offer real water to someone dying of thirst, and they reject it choosing instead their familiarity to dying of thirst.

13. Long-suffering is knowing all we have to offer some people is love, but they would have none of it.

14. Long-suffering is having received regular prejudice, hatred, violence, injustice, harm and worse because of who and what we are, yet knowing that others who are like us in some way (color, race, religion, gender, etc) – even those we love with all our hearts – could receive the same prejudice, hatred, violence, pain, suffering and/or horrors that we have received and we can’t protect them from it.

15. Long Suffering is believing in God, but knowing that innocence, unselfishness and goodness, as within Christ, will not stop others whose agenda is for themselves only and them to hate, harm or even kill people.

16. Long suffering is realizing deep inside that the horrors of the world don’t just happen to “other people” and not ourselves. The horrors of the world can and many times do happen also to ourselves and those we love.

17. Long suffering is only experienced by those people who choose to experience oneness with life, who see life eye-to-eye equal with others, who seek to let others know they are not alone, who seek to help heal all life.

Part of long-suffering is realizing there’s little we can do to change others’ immediate sorrow and pain – sometimes nothing that is quick and responsive. But, as we pray, which calls for us to be patient and endure the suffering, along with others who may feel hopelessness, we can pray, choosing the faith which, with our prayers, comes healing and change.

We experience long-suffering, because we are human beings, we care, we love, and we keep on keeping on, even with pain in our hearts and tears in our eyes.  We believe that healing can come and so we endure.  We rarely choose “learning long suffering”.  But, we find we experience it as part of living, loving and being loved.

This, and more, is long-suffering.


Sexual Harassment? Yes, but Look Deeper

We have a lot of news about sexual harassment and sexual predators, people – mostly well-known men – who are charged with misusing their positions of power or influence to harass others sexually.  Because it has been easier than usual to isolate these incidences and charge the people with these abuses, it has been very easy for many people to jump on the band-wagon to condemn and judge those who are singled-out.

The trouble is that the problem has a deeper core.  On the surface, we can easily imagine and see how these harassing incidences play out.  We can also understand how people can take advantage of others.  We have been doing this to each other for millennium after millennium.

But, in looking at this, I’m seeing a deeper issue and cause that is across the board – human related – rather than just being isolated incidences.  I’m seeing sexual harassment on the job as only a symptom of this deeper human-wide issue.

What I see is that the issue is not about sex and power.  It is about respect.  It is about whether we respect other people in other situations, in other circumstances of life, in other genders, other religions, other cultures, other races.  The question is put to us – do we respect others?

It’s easy to say, ‘well, respect has to be earned.’  No, it doesn’t.  No infant has ever been charged with ‘not deserving respect’ because they haven’t yet earned it.  No child has ever been labeled in school – “undeserving of anyone’s respect because they haven’t fulfilled anything deserving it”.  We don’t say at some point, ‘they’ve now grown up, and we can decide whether they’ve earned respect or not.’

As human beings, we don’t think about these things, but in the back of our minds, as family and friends of those infants and children, and without thinking, we hold some level of respect for them automatically.  That level is usually based on the amount of respect we generate in our own heart for human beings in general.

As human beings and spiritual beings, we are born into deserving of Love, of mercy, of kindness, etc., … and of respect.  But, across the board of all human existence, we can see where we fall extremely short on giving that respect, or love or kindness, etc. to others.

When we actively work to respect another person – consciously – we treat that person so much better.  We work to not harm them.  We work to be kind, generous and merciful to them.  We work to forgive them, to support them and to offer them as much of the best of ourselves whenever they need it.

When we actively don’t respect someone, it becomes so easy for us to demonstrate that lack or small amount of respect through abuse of all kinds, harassment, insults, condemnation, judgmental criticism and every other means to demean them and look down on them.  It becomes easy for us to charge them with “no longer deserving respect’.  When we choose to not respect, it becomes easy to mistreat and abuse them.  When we have little or no respect for another person or group of people, it becomes easier for us to enslave and kill them.  (When we have little or no respect for others, subconsciously, we can have little or no respect for our self.)

We usually have in our individual minds and hearts that measuring stick which we hold up to them and say, ‘they don’t deserve respect because…’.  The reasons are vast and numerous.  They don’t deserve respect because of . . . their gender, their race, their religion, their lack of religion, their social status, their occupation, their age, their spiritual beliefs, their country of origin, their education, their location, their behaviors, their lack of behaviors, their affiliations, their past, their present, their future, their X, their Y, their Z and on and on.

Look across the board to all humans and look for some person or group who is giving respect to every human on the planet.  Not someone who is “saying” I give respect, but rather someone who is giving that respect without being asked.  Look far and wide, because when we are honest with ourselves, and respecting what honesty really is – and the level of honesty within ourselves – we will find all of ourselves wanting and failing at respecting all others.  Many women (and men) have been on the receiving end of sexual harassment. All human beings have been on the receiving end of being shown little or no respect.  All human beings have also been on the giving end of ‘little or no respect’ towards another individual or a group (and ourselves.)

For myself, I can think of only 1 man who, in His heart, mind, and soul respected each and every human alive – albeit all life.  And while He may have chastised and warned people against those who said one thing and did another, when it came to His end, He recognized the respect all deserve as children of God in His words of equality and humility -“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  In essence, saying “Father, they are deserving of forgiveness.  They are deserving of mercy.  They are deserving of the Love You have for them – even that Love through Me.  They are deserving of consideration, of patience, of encouragement, of all You have to give, … and they are deserving of respect… even though they don’t know it or take it on for themselves to bestow it to others.”  He saw then, and He sees today, all of us as His equals deserving all that God gave Him and all God has to give.

As souls, we are innately born into existence with respect from the Father/Mother God.  As souls, we recognize the reality of each of us having our own parcel of the Godhead within our own existence and spirit.  We are all sparks of the Infinite Consciousness of God, and from this Infinite Consciousness of God comes respect as well as the other Spirit Qualities of Love, Compassion, Mercy and others.  These qualities reside within us waiting for us to express them outwardly towards others.  By the very nature of our existence, we are children of God and innately are already deserving of respect, and called to give respect (as well as deserving of love, kindness, mercy, etc. – then called to give love, kindness, mercy, etc) by our very existence.  Yet, we don’t always automatically receive them from others or give them to others.

Every effort we make to change our own ‘lack of respect’ into ‘respecting’ moves us one step closer to creating a better world for all people.  It could help if we remember His words, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”, and take them on for ourselves to bring into the world towards others and to ourselves.  In a world one day filled to the brim with our respect for one another, (and other qualities), then we will have Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards All Men and Women (and all life).


” ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’ (John 8:7) applies to how we treat our self, also.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Jesus never lied when he spoke. Yet, sometimes we still find it hard to believe him… and sometimes, we absolutely don’t.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Disappointment in others occurs when there is a small amount of our assistance for them to reach a large amount of our expectations.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“There will never be a day that we can stop hatred and violence in the world by opposing it using hatred and violence.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

Question about the Economy

Would you please elaborate more on the future economy of the U.S. I have followed you for several years, and I recall that you mentioned we should be prepared for what was coming a little beyond 2018 . I took your comments to mean food shortages and difficult times ahead. Do you still see this happening? Tee M.

First, I’d like to say, there is good and bad in all circumstances.  With that said, there are many factors which will lead to times which are “more difficult than current life circumstances”, – I’m seeing in the next 10-20 years.  Also, difficulties will not hit everywhere equally.  As of this date, September 20, 2017, we’ve already seen hurricanes cause hundreds of billions of dollars of destruction for the Caribbean and the U.S.  We’re also see massive fires destroying so much in the western states.  Other events like this will also contribute to the overall economic problems.  There will be more events like these destructive events which will impact the economy.  But, many societal factors will contribute to the overall problems, as well.

Countries like Venezuela and others that have unstable societies are already experiencing economic problems as we can see via news reports.  Mexico has had a devastating earthquake, and this too, will affect not just Mexico but indirectly, the US and other Latin American countries.

Unfortunately, there are few economic remedies being put forth or that will be put in place to help in this country.   Other nations will have varying success in dealing with their own.  Each of these disasters and those yet to happen over the next 9 years, (what I’ve categorized as “the 3rd of 3 events” – which is a conglomerate of many events linked together) will contribute to the economic difficulties.

What I see psychically for the U.S. is a slow decline in the overall economy.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, it will begin in the summer of 2017, progress into 2018, and continue downward into 2019 and 2020.  We’ve seen it begin with the hurricanes this summer.  Fuel prices have begun to rise, which in turn gives rise to commodity/food prices due to increasing delivery costs.  Because recovery is slow, the destruction in the US will impact many levels of the economy, including production, tourism, industry, and many other areas.  Remember, millions of people who have lost their homes and cars won’t have disposable income for quite some time which would otherwise help the economy. The logistics of recovery will be extremely slow to unfold.  As demand for recovery resources increases, (materials for rebuilding) this will drive prices up.

And this that I describe is only part of problems that arise over the next 3 years.

The Good News

The good news for 2017 is that at the community level, people are able to connect and help each other.  Local economies can recover in practical ways when people act to figure out how to work together, to make do and to help one’s neighbor.

More good news is that as people pray and meditate, the level of energy destined to manifest destructively lessens because much of the energy is either transformed, dissolved, or blended with higher healing/spiritual energy.  As I’ve mentioned, higher energy being prayed forth and meditated into existence affects destructive/lower energy like tuning forks that raise the vibration levels of the lower energies.  This means there is less manifested destruction.

This is the purpose of prayer and meditation.  Even if we don’t see or realize the change and transformation happening around us.

Specifically for 2018, worldwide, I see the economy taking strong hits throughout the year.  This will leave the economy weaker by the end of the 2018 year.  I see this in general, with specific events happening that will bring about this general state.

Specifically, I see man-made influences being half of the influences bringing this to happen.  I’ve seen an event in May, 2018, that we can pray for, but will be a major event.  It will be a strong enough event to overwhelm the White House.

The events will be half physical Earth disasters and half actions which will lead to unintended economic problems.  25% of this will be the first 6 months and 75% of this the last 6 months.

I see some chance that the current Health Care program will stay in place, but I see efforts yet to happen in 2018 to try to end the ACA, once again.

Climate change is having an affect on tectonic plates via the fluctuation of pressure and weight placed upon these plates.  This can cause more earthquakes and/or volcanoes in the spring and summer of 2018.  Prayers can help diminish these, but not remove them completely.

We have a lot of help at higher spiritual/energy levels, but humanity must take the lead on changing both within ourselves as well as the world outside us.

The alternative energy companies will quietly and slowly continue to create a presence in our society and the world.  While loud arguments abound about fossil fuels, the alternative energies will be slowly increasing.  [As I’ve mentioned to people before, from the higher realms, fossil fuels were meant to provide 10% of the total energy on this planet, because of what they can offer, but we’ve gotten off balance.]

There are some parts of the economy which will continue to crank along.  2018 will not be a depression, but will be a rocky road leading to what I see as being rockier roads.


“Sell All You Have and Give it to the Poor…..”

“Sell all you have and give to the poor, then come and follow me.” Mark 10:21

This is a well known story in the New Testament. Most people, if not almost all people, automatically think Christ is talking about money and possessions. After all, the story says Christ was talking to a rich man. The rich man then walked away sad, because he had so much.

I haven’t found any Bible version that says, the rich man was a man with lots of “money”. We assume the story refers to money and material possessions, because the term “rich” usually means this, but take another look at this in relation to the whole of Christ’s message.  Perhaps “rich” means something else.

Christ worked with people all the time. He traveled with them, ate with them, slept with them, and all of these things took money to pay for and required ownership of material things. Food cost money back then like it does today. Clothing cost money back then, too. Sandals, water, wine, all the needs of the body cost money back then.  His followers owned homes, boats, nets, tools of their trades.

So, was Christ saying these words to the ‘rich’ man, and all people with money and possessions? Was Christ saying sell all your possessions and give all your money to the poor?  Was He saying sell your possessions to someone, so that particular someone else will have more possessions?  This is close to what we’ve come to understand from reading this in the New Testament.   Yet, is this all it was?  Money is a tool or resource that can be used wisely. Possessions are useful tools also, to accomplish tasks.  Houses are needed to live inside.  The gist of what Christ said in looking at Christ’s entire message of His life is “Give what you have to those that do not have.”

Looking at this story in relation to all stories of Jesus, perhaps Christ was referring to something greater with more meaning.

What is it that God and Christ gives to us abundantly and without hesitation? What is it that God and Christ bestows upon us infinitely, even though we don’t accept it infinitely?  It  is these things that we have been given and possess in varying degrees of abundance.

It is the Fruits of the Spirit – loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, long-suffering, charity and more. This alone does God give us without hesitation, and without limit – even to the point that He could fill us up to overflowing were we open as much.

It is us who then are called to let go of, giving out these qualities, from within ourselves, pouring it forth to give to others that which we have within us. In this light, the message to the rich man becomes something else altogether if he was rich in the presence of Spirit and Love within his heart.

The message to us then becomes “take all the loving-kindness that you have within you, release it from holding on to it, and give it to the poor – those who appear to have no loving-kindness. Take all the mercy that you have within you, and are holding onto, and give to those who demonstrate having no mercy. Take all the patience and forgiveness that you have taken  possession of inside you and give to those who are poor of patience and forgiveness inside them. Take the compassion, the support, the charity, the fruits of the Spirit that you claim as your own bestowed upon you – and give to those who seem to possess none of these qualities.”

This is a different message altogether. To give away our money can be a superficial message referring to that which is external of our Self.  It is appropriate at times, yet, it can also be thought that giving money will buy our way into heaven, even though there’s no such thing as “buying our way into heaven”.

Christ’s message is always more about what is WITHIN us.  With understanding Christ’s life and message as a whole, we can begin to understand this story in a deeper way. His message has always been “Love one another as I have loved you.” And He repeats this to the “rich man”. Take the love I give to you and that you now have within you, and give this love to those who do not have love.

We can now understand why the rich man walked away, also. Because, just how easy is it to love those who don’t love? How easy is it to show compassion to someone who has very little compassion inside him/her? How easy is it to show kindness, patience, mercy or charity to someone who has no mercy inside them, or kindness, or patience or charity inside them?  It isn’t easy at all.

In our world today, we have many that we see as having no compassion, no mercy, no kindness, no patience, and we are called by Christ to “Don’t hold on to all the mercy, kindness, patience, etc that we have been given and is now within us, but rather give it all to those who have none inside them.”

We can understand how such a daunting task today could cause us to turn and walk away.  How can we show mercy and forgiveness to someone who is showing no mercy and no forgiveness? How can we show patience and kindness to someone who is showing no patience and no kindness?  How can we show these qualities to someone who we recently have shown contempt towards or slandered.

Again, there is only one way that we can do this, because “for man, this is impossible. But, with God, all things are possible.”

With God, we can release the loving-kindness within us sending it to someone who has no loving-kindness within them. With God, we can let flow the compassion, understanding and patience to someone who has no compassion or understanding or patience. With God, we can forgive and show mercy to someone who has no forgiveness or mercy within them.

With God, we can patiently and mercifully love those we never thought we could patiently and mercifully love – others, as well as our self. With God.


“Every time we act in a certain way, we add to the totality of consciousness to go in that certain direction – whether healthy or unhealthy, constructive or destructive.  Hence why persistent kindness and its companions can truly change the consciousness in the world.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We believe that which we believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to believe it, and for many different reasons or agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.  We don’t believe that which we don’t believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to not believe it, and for many different reasons or agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

10 Benefits of an Open Mind

10. An open mind is more creative.

9.  An open mind learns a great deal more useful stuff.

8.  An open mind helps us to allow other people to have what God has given them – freewill.

7. An open mind relieves us of the great burden of having to judge and condemn all other people.

6. An open mind can build an open heart which fosters love.

5. An open mind attracts other open minds.

4. An open mind begins to understand.

3. An open mind looks beneath the surface.

2. An open mind finds more than what it seeks.

1.5 An open mind evolves beyond itself.

1.  An open mind gets filled with the Infinite Creative Universe of all things.


“Imagine a mind as great and expansive as the Physical Universe with all it’s galaxies and planets and other stuff.  The Infinite Consciousness of God is more than what we can currently imagine.  But, don’t worry, we have eternity to expand beyond to it, and eternity is larger than the Physical Universe is wide.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)


Climate Change Discussion

Well, I’m still skeptical that warming would increase weather extremes but think it would enhance rainfall and lead to more flooding. My reasoning, the polar regions heat up a lot but tropical regions temps remain about the same. That reduces the temperature gradient which would reduce energy available for severe storms to form. But I don’t think CO2 is causing the warming. It’s a trace gas, only 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. Something else bigger is going on that’s warming the climate. Anyway I really enjoy your website. You probably have the best spiritual messages out of all thy psychics online. Have a happy new year.  Joel

First of all, thank you very much for your good wishes for the new year, and may you truly be blessed by God during this next year.  Also, thank you for contributing to the discussion on the blog.

Now, you did not request this, but I would like to try to mention some information which could offer some thoughts on the climate.  I offer it as an effort only to give a simplified and much condensed perspective of some of the forces influencing climate and weather.

You’re right to think there are also other deeper forces at work with regards to climate change.  By itself, CO2 build up wouldn’t cause changes if the CO2 stayed in one place.  But, what CO2 does (plus many other factors) is throw off the balance of atmospheric pressure by the CO2 molecules’ activity generated by sunlight in the atmosphere.  Greater heat (CO2 activity) creates greater pressure from greater total molecular activity, like heating the air in a hot air balloon causes the balloon to expand (expansion is an increasing of the molecular activity that happens).  The heated air molecules are vastly more active pushing against each other creating that higher pressure (more active than non-heated air molecules).

Greater pressure builds up in certain areas.  This pressure pushes on the atmosphere (up, down and sideways) creating more activity in the atmosphere.  More activity in the atmosphere causes different patterns of atmospheric behavior than has been the usual atmospheric behavior in a particular area.  More pressure creates stronger atmospheric forces pushing on the atmosphere, which cause changes in how the normal weather behaved around the planet.  To use the balloon metaphor, as the balloon expands, it pushes the outside air outwardly like ripples in a lake when a boat is set down upon the water.

This means there are more planetary high pressure zones sometimes keeping low pressure zones from moving into an area- low pressure zones being that which helps bring rain – therefore an area has more droughts and heat buildup.  This also means the higher molecular (air) activity of the high pressure atmosphere both pulls (yes, “pulls”) and pushes on the colder arctic air sending it further into previously non-arctic regions thus bringing temperatures lower further than they have been in usually hot regions.

It is the stronger of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet or put another way, the hotter of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet.  Heat is building up in the arctic regions as well as other regions and therefore pushing the changed atmosphere out of the normal patterns – like coloring outside the lines in a coloring book.

What I mentioned before in other articles is something you hit upon in your previous comment – plants – namely trees.  If humanity planted billions, billions and more billions of trees – instead of cutting down billions and billions of trees, we’d have a reversing force helping to make rebalancing happen, with a normalization happen in the atmosphere.

One of the other many factors which I alluded to at the beginning of this article and in the past is that as trees are cut down, the soil/land/dirt is exposed to the sun heating up the soil.  Soil does not hold heat like trees hold/absorb heat, and so the sun heated soil allows greater heat to escape into the atmosphere at night – that’s why deserts are cold at night.  Unfortunately, as more and more land is made desert-like by cutting down trees, more and more soil-born heat rises into the atmosphere, fewer trees utilize the CO2 and the “warming” process continues.

Again, this is by no means all the forces that are active in this process.  This is only a simplified and much condensed explanation of some of the forces happening.


“Imagine a world where no science existed.  On our planet, that world existed during ‘cave-man’ days.   Imagine a world where no religion or spirituality existed.  On our planet, that has been attempted in a few communist countries.  Now, imagine a world where both science and religion/spirituality existed, even sometimes in conflict.  This is the world we live in.

Both science and spirituality either serve humanity or harm humanity – determined by the heart of the person who chooses.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Rendering More Discussion

“Sorry, but “render unto Ceasar” means quite the opposite. No surprises there, everyone interprets the Bible to fit their own agenda. Jesus replied “render unto Ceasar” when asked how should the Children of God respond to the taxes and oppression of the Romans. What he was really saying is that there will always be these corrupt politicians to bully the people, and it is incumbent upon Christians to love ALL as you love yourself. You must somehow allow the bullies to have their day, and continue with your Christian mission is the meaning. You must shrink from the political way, for it is evil and sinful.”  jsinton

I’ll start like this – For some, the Pentecost, as described in the Bible, helped everyone to understand what was being said in their own language.  Language can also be defined as a way of understanding and conveying concepts.  Understanding language this way, each person can understand differently.  This we all have experienced – how  people can understand differently.

When we read or learn a new concept, we learn it by adding it to our current paradigm – (paradigm being our world view or our “language” of how we understand all things.)  We can then understand what is spoken or shared as being different for each of us, because we all have different world views – or paradigms.

At the same time, we all feel differently in our hearts about different things.  These differences mean we all come from our own distinct path of growing up and learning.  We all have a very different and personally distinct and unique heart-paradigm and mind-paradigm.  Put another way, we all have learned to feel differently (sometimes only slightly differently) and think differently because no two people are alike in 100% of ways.

So, the Pentecost which happened then, is now still going on, and therefore, the teachings in the Bible speak to us in our own personal ways – our own languages.  Even if many of us agree on what something means, we’re disagreeing with some others.  And all of us are deciding based on “how the teachings touch us inside ourselves personally.”  For that reason, some people resonate to some teachers and other people resonate with other teachers.

We can’t be any other way, because we have developed our own paradigms from the moment we came into being up to now.  We have all developed our own ways of thinking and feeling from the moment we came into being up to now.  All of us are unique individuals.  With God knowing exactly the numbers of hairs on our heads, and how many hairs we lose on that head from year to year as our hair gets thinner.  And then with God, knowing exactly what each of us needs to learn in our “Next Step” of learning.  Hence, again, why we all learn differently.

“Render unto Caeser, that which is Caeser’s, but render unto God, that which is God’s.” may mean to you what you have described, but I suggest you have that paradigm based on what you feel and think about all of life and of that which you’ve faced so far.  This method/process of creating paradigms is true for all of us.

For me, this phrase speaks of our responsibility to our communities and our nation – our taking an active part in the government that is by the people , of the people and for the people.  To me, it speaks to our responsibility to contribute to paying taxes, voting, going to meetings, voicing our “2-cents” and honoring the results when they happen – even if they’re not what we want.

To me, it means give to the government that which is of the government.  In the U.S., this is individual participation to the point of running for office or contacting our representatives to give our voice.  To me, it means supporting or protesting, as we, individually, feel is needed.

The statement then goes on to mean for me, to give back to God that which is of God.  For me, again, this is to love God above all else, to love our neighbor as our self.  For me, that means giving kindness, patience, forgiveness, and mercy – all of which are of and from God.  That which is God’s, to me, are the best of the qualities that exist within us, brotherhood, unity, oneness, cooperation, charity, (and yes, even long-suffering) – all the fruits of the Spirit – which to me, means the fruits from God imbued within us, waiting for us to willingly express these fruits – even when it’s very difficult and takes great effort.

Give to the government, that which is governmental, and give to the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love that which is Infinite Love.


“Stereotypes are not real people and they only exist in our own minds. Every person is a soul who is a cosmos, who is a universe unto themselves.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“No one speaking judgement and condemnation, speaks for God. No one speaking punishment and retribution, speaks for God. The one speaking love, forgiveness, kindness, brotherhood, cooperation, acceptance, patience and mercy – this one speaks for God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Has anyone ever wondered who has forgiven us so much so that God is now so much in our life?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

A Boost for the Soul

Look at the person in front of you.
Look at the person beside you.
Think about the person you saw yesterday,
or the family member that made you angry,
or the coworker who you get upset with,
or person on TV,
or the politician that most disgusts you.

This person needs help, in some way, with the challenges they, as souls, were born into this world to face.

Soul challenges are hard. All people need some type of assistance to help us with the struggles we came to learn how to deal with.

Each soul we see, from one day to the other, was born with challenges to face. The souls we see need help, just as much as the face of the soul we see in the mirror. We all need help, and we get it from each other. We all know how hard these challenges are in our own life. No one’s soul challenges are any easier, and don’t assume a lot of money solves any SOUL challenges. In fact, usually a lot of money creates greater and more difficult soul challenges.

A prayer, a kind word, a kind thought, a change from impatience to patience, catching ourselves from blurting out that criticism, thanking someone, another prayer – these will help souls working on the challenges during their life which they purposefully came to face.

We may never see the results of this help, but a human body takes millions of breaths each life and perhaps, if only for a small moment in their time, we can help someone catch a breathe of some fresh air during one of their breaths. Sometimes a boost from someone can help us reconnect to the best parts of ourselves.

If we doubt this, we need only consider all the people that have prayed for us, given us a kind word or kind thought, been patient with us instead of impatient, caught themselves from blurting out a criticism or judgement to us, or thanked us for something.  Were you aware this was happening?  Their numbers are more than we ever could imagine. We are where we are, because others have helped to boost us to this level – those others whom we don’t know about and without whom we would not be here.

God Bless You.


The Fear and Violence part of the 3rd Chakra

We can look at the world and see violence happening all over the place. We can also look at the world and feel the fear which is within people all over the place. And both violence and fear seemingly grow, and seemingly grow and seemingly grow.

The 3rd Chakra Connection

The spiritual consciousness 3rd Chakra is connected to the physical Adrenaline Gland. This particular Chakra part of the whole consciousness activates the Adrenaline Gland. We all know what adrenaline is. We all feel it when we’re pumped up for an athletic event or the latest roller coaster ride, or a scary movie, or a James Bond movie or an X-men movie or Deadpool Movie or a war movie or any number of all the other movies which are designed, written, and purposed to give an adrenaline thrill ride. It is the “fight or flight” experience.  It is meant to be associated with personal power.  (Even reading this last paragraph brings back memories of these activities and triggers adrenaline.)

It is the adrenaline experience that fuels many actions including violence – the “fight” part of the coin. This is the thirst for blood – the rush of adrenaline that comes with violence.  Many seek this.  Fear is also the adrenaline experience – the “flight” part of the experience. We either “run like everything the other way” or we fight.  Many seek this, also.  Fight or flight are both the 2 sides of one coin.

Currently, in our world, our reaction to violence is to bring forth more violence, because the original violence triggers fear within us, and through our response of violence, we’re trying to no longer be afraid via overpowering the original fear and violence.

Put another way, in our world, our reaction to this type of 3rd Chakra experience is to bring forth more of these types of 3rd Chakra experiences, because the original 3rd Chakra experience triggers another 3rd Chakra experience within us, and through our responding with this type of 3rd Chakra experience we’re trying to no longer have these types of 3rd Chakra experiences by trying to overpower the original 3rd Chakra experience with another 3rd Chakra experience.

Do you kind of get where the problem is with fear and violence – fight or flight?

Einstein once said, “We can’t solve a problem at the level at which it was created.” We can’t solve the cycle of violence and fear – a type of 3rd Chakra cycle of experiences – by bringing forth more violence and fear – more of the same types of 3rd Chakra experiences.

Options for Something Different

However, we can step out of the cycles of these 3rd Chakra experiences with two different changes in consciousness.

The 2nd option for change is to move our awareness up to the 4th Chakra and begin practicing 4th Chakra experiences whenever we are aware that we are responding to our life situations, circumstances, and experiences with adrenaline.  It’s not always easy to do, because this act requires self-awareness.  The self-awareness also needs to include the knowledge and awareness of the difference between 3rd and 4th Chakra experiences.  This takes practice – months of practice added to years of practice added to one’s life path full of practicing.

This is a process of observing one’s self.  It is also referred to “stepping aside and watching one’s self pass by.”  Many times we can recall memories of our experiences easier, and this gives us the chance to “observe” how we reacted in the past.  It also can become possible then to remember the present and our current responses happening in the ‘now’ moment.

The 4th Chakra’s center of response can move us to much different responses.  It also can move us to many different choices available to us.  None of the choices are “to not feel the 3rd Chakra” or “to feel nothing at all”.  The 4th Chakra isn’t about “feeling nothing”.

Quite the opposite – the 4th Chakra is about feeling more than only what the 3rd Chakra offered.  The 4th Chakra, the heart Chakra, is the Chakra centered on Love and the many different forms which love can take.  Love can take many forms – compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience, understanding, tolerance, etc.

In this topic, Love can come forth from the 4th Chakra in the form of compassion and understanding.  This is the 1st option which I skipped over previously.  The 1st change to the 3rd Chakra experiences from moving our response into the 4th Chakra is the compassion and understanding of the 3rd Chakra experiences of fight or flight – the compassion and understanding of the experiencing of fear and violence and why we experience these.

A transformation can take place by moving our responses into the 4th Chakra.  As human beings, holding on to our compassion, we can begin to understand just how difficult and confusing it is to be a human being.  We can understand what human beings go through to struggle and live on this planet.  We can understand how our thinking styles, our ways of responding to experiences, and our chosen ways of believing can be so difficult to step out of, that it is any wonder that we’re able to find peace at all.

Being a human being is hard.  We try to latch onto some way of living that may possibly lead us to something better.  But, as human beings we can only do the best we can.  Sometimes, we can only do the best we can at doing the best we can.  Hence why responding from the 4th Chakra can be so important and helpful.  It is from our heart that we offer compassion for the struggles of life that people face.  It is from our heart that we find patience to extend to someone else who needs just that.  It is from our heart that we find it within ourselves to live in some form of peace with others, allowing all the different ways of being human to try to coexist.

It is from our heart that we can transform the experience of fear and violence to one of compassion and understanding which in turn, can lead to acceptance and tolerance.  Love is possible, when we move our consciousness from our adrenaline experiences to our heart – the center of love experiences and all the different forms that love could manifest.

As humans and spirits, we are all our Chakras and all our experiences – the sum total of all experiences we’ve ever had, plus the sum of all our potential possibilities for the future.  That’s a lot, so, no experience or response we’ve ever had, is not “not part of us”.  Nor should they be.

But, we have choices that we can make.  We are more than automatic responses of fear and violence.  We can make choices of healing and learning.  We can make choices of compassion and understanding.  We can make choices of growing in our awareness of our self and our being a human being.  These choices can help us heal our self, our relationship, our communities, and even, our world.  “With God, all is possible” no longer are just fancy words, but can become a new way of living.

The transformation of the 3rd Chakra by moving into the 4th, is a transformation of fear and violence to one of learning, understanding, compassion, and patience.   In turn, these can also lead to mercy, forgiveness, and a healing of our Family of Man.


“Never underestimate the Infinite possibilities of the Infinite Consciousness of God bringing forth Infinite Love.  Infinite things can happen.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

World Weather Predictions

Because weather is such an important topic to so many places on the whole Earth, I’ll add what I see with regards to different areas.


Australia has been going through a tremendous drought.  I still see 2.5 more years of drought happening, but after those 2.5 years, the drought will diminish step by step from then on. So, in 2018, I see the drought taking the other turn and begin the process of lessening.  While 2 more years of drought is a problem, I do see its end.  Australia is going into its Summer temperatures right now and this year will see some rain associated with at least 1  major storm.  Look for the storm to not hit Australia directly.  This means there won’t be a lot of rain, but there will be some.


I see a general direction of the same weather patterns which Europe has had for the last 4 years.  I don’t see a lot of fluctuation or dramatic changes.  Climate Change is real and the weather patterns of the last 4-5 years are to be considered the new normal.  The nearest time period I see any dramatic change will be 2018 when I see Europe having an extremely mild winter with 2019 being the pendulum swinging back the other way.  This is far off in the future, but gives the indication that the weather patterns Europe has had recently are going to continue.

As a whole, expect lots of rain over the next 18-24 months.  More than what has been “normal” in decades past.

South Africa

This is one area where the dramatic weather extremes are going to be felt less.  I’m still seeing some extreme weather – with regards to higher than average temperatures, but not beating up the area, like is happening in Australia.  I see the extremes in weather being related to temperatures rather than being extreme storms.  I see a severe mosquito (swarming) problem coming for South Africa – worse that before.  This is related to the weather somewhat.


As a whole, the Climate change effect for India’s weather will be a longer rainy season.  While I see the level of intensity of the storms will be near the same level as compared to decades past, the length of the rain season will be longer and come earlier.  This does mean that there will be significant flooding in cities as well as rural areas.  India will face some disasters related to flooding.  Disease and insects will become a problem because of the flooding.  Clean drinking water will be part of the challenge for people during the floods, and this should not be a surprise.
