The New Age of Man Approaches: Part 2 of 2

It’s not by violence. It’s not by hatred. It’s not by furthering selfish-interests. It’s not through yelling or adding to conflict. It’s not by condemning, judging, or criticizing others. It’s not through self-praise or self-righteousness or the opposite – by beating ourselves up or being unforgiving or unmerciful to ourselves.

It’s not through being a member of any particular nation, government or religion. It’s not by putting someone down or oppressing, or even forcing someone. And, it’s not by eliminating people through war or any other means.

We move humanity forward in this Earthly evolution of consciousness through the bringing forth of our patience, kindness, forgiveness, our long-suffering, compassion, understanding, love, mercy, our charity, expressing brotherhood and tolerance, and our meditation and prayer practices.

We move all of humanity forward via unselfishness – for all of humanity – hence why humanity does not move forward except through the Spirit of God being part of the motivating Spirit within people’s hearts and souls. Only through Spiritual efforts of bringing forth the Fruits of the Spirit will humanity as a whole continue to evolve in all ways that humanity can evolve.

This can and will take many lifetimes and many eons according to human time tables, each leading us further down our path. While it may seem a long time – even be our experience of a long time, in the framework of the Infinite Consciousness of God/Love, it is accomplished in a blink of an eye.

Yet, for us, today, it is an act of Infinite Compassion that we can come to realize that we can experience this evolution – which we can also call ‘healing’ – happening every day, through each moment which we contribute/help to bring about for those in need – which is all of us.  We can experience Love.  We can experience mercy.  We can experience joy, compassion, understanding, wisdom and in doing so, slowly become aware that we are experiencing the Consciousness of God – maybe not the “Infinite” part, but rather a part that we can absorb as a human.

As we are present with the current times, even witnessing this current day, the following additional principles can help as we walk the road we’re on.

– As difficult as it is to understand why this is – we are not here on the planet to save the Earth.  We are here on the planet, to help each other remember and reawaken to our spiritual nature and reality.  We can only do this by demonstrating the fruits of our spiritual reality within human realms and arenas – each aspect formed from love – oneness, unity, brotherhood, … forgiveness, mercy, patience, respect … faith, trust, knowing oneself, … Loving God above all else, and loving our neighbor as our self.  And yes, we can extend these fruits to the Earth, as well.

– Learn the lesson of “Asking for help”.  We’re not in this life to go through life alone or take care of ourselves alone.  We didn’t give birth to ourselves. We didn’t change our own diapers or feed ourselves at 1 year old, or clothe ourselves at 2 years old or determine to go to school at 5 or 6, or teach our selves math or reading or all about how to live our life.  As adults, we are so intertwined with the work of other people, that we can never honestly say that we’re self-sufficient since we didn’t build our own vehicles, build our own roads, build our own telephones, etc and etc. We live relying on the work and effort of the billions of people around the whole planet. All equipment and supplies reach us via the work of ourselves and other people. Even the most extreme living in the woods away from civilization, we are not the sole person influencing our staying alive.

God designed us to “need one another.” Learn the lesson of “Asking for help” – the demonstration of “our needing each another”.

– It is helpful if one of our prayers is always, “Lord, teach me the truth.

– Christ’s words to Peter are also for us – “You don’t concern yourself about that other person or the path they walk.  They are My concern.  You follow me.”  Forgiveness is letting go of insisting the other one learn and grow first – before we ever choose to learn and grow. The higher energy comes to heal the low energy when we let go of our **requiring** or **demanding** someone else change instead of ourselves in life or in that moment.  God has already willed that no soul shall perish, and this means all souls will be guided to re-find their healing path – but this is in God’s times and God’s ways, and not in human time frames or human-understood ways.

– During this time, we may be called upon to help others in ways we haven’t been helping before, or at a certain level of helping in which we haven’t gone before.  In the last days of Jesus, before His death, He worked to take full advantage of every moment left.  He sought to help as much as He could, and as many people as He could in the few days/weeks He had left.  Time was short, but so many sought His help, still.  His heart was dedicated to helping as many as He could, in all ways which the Father directed Him.

We are called also, now, especially in the days ahead, to help in ways which could stretch us to step up to another level.  It is for each of us to decide for ourselves, but we also, can ask God, “Here am I, Lord.  I’m ready. How can I help?”  Each of us is unique, and our own uniqueness brings us to be able to help in ways only we could help, because of our uniqueness.  The place we find ourselves, the skills we have, the feelings in our own heart – these are where God brings us — so that we can help in the place we find ourselves with the skills we have and the feelings in our heart.  “How can I, being the unique me, help in my unique way?”

– If we are seeing darkness manifest, feeling in despair or discouraged, then also look for the Light.  We are not abandoned, because even on the worst stormy days and nights, the sun/Son is still active above all, and is still actively continuing to work to break through clouds of darkness.  It is for us to shine our Light from our underside of the storms, also.

– God does not have all of us experience the same difficulties or life circumstances.  Even in the times ahead, there will be different difficulties and circumstances for different people.  Some people will go through great pain and suffering.  Some will go through minor difficulties.  Some will not go through problems at all.  This is also under God’s guidance, like the blind man Christ healed, saying, “This man was born blind for the Glory of God.”  His blindness was not from his own karma.  And Christ did not leave him in blindness.  Rather, with his asking, Christ healed him so others could believe in the healing which they witnessed happen that day, and in turn, then believe God is available to all who call upon Him in times of need.  God calls upon each of us to be someone whom God can work through for someone’s help – with each of us being on a different experiential path to help the different ways that are needed.

– We let the prayer, “Lord, help me be honest with myself.” be with us over and over through the day. We let it be a prayer that is in our hearts sincerely regardless of our judgment of it. Let the truth that it brings, come up from within, without judging what comes up within us to be accurate or worthy, or realistic. God is all things – even the ‘human-impossible’. God is the “All Possible”, the “Infinite Possible” and the limitless Imaginative Possible”, even while we don’t understand how this possibly could be.

– It is when we stand eye-to-eye, shoulder-to-shoulder, as equals, that we are united brothers and sisters, and not when we place ourselves above or below someone else.  Every one of us is an average, regular and normal spirit entity inside a physical body (of various species.)


“There is no realm in which God’s Complete Consciousness is not present.  We swim inside, breathe inside, live inside the Infinite Consciousness of God, and all the while, with God’s complete and Infinite Awareness fully present – even of our individual self and all we go through.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God, thank you for your presence, guidance, help in my life, and love, even when I’m not aware of it.”


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