2018 Hurricane Season

First, for I want to say for Texas, that I’m NOT seeing a large hurricane coming into the Texas coast this year.  I am seeing possibly 2 smaller storms late in the summer/early fall, but not a hurricane.  These two storms will enter on the Eastern coastline of Texas – from Corpus Christi to Beaumont, and into Louisiana.

I am seeing 1 hurricane and 1 tropical storm going through the southern Gulf of Mexico into Mexico – through or near the Yucatan Peninsula.  There could be a 3rd going further south than the Yucatan.

I am seeing a storm/possibly tropical storm/hurricane going up the west coast of Florida into the panhandle of Florida, then heading northeast into Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia before it dissipates.

I am seeing 1 tropical storm at least, in the 2nd half of the summer going up the east coast of Florida, traveling through the central Florida landmass and eastern coast line.  Half way up, it could then go back out to the Atlantic or cross into the Gulf going westward.  This one could fluctuate a lot.  This one could even not happen at all.

As we go into the Fall, 2018, a few more storms, tropical storms, and hurricanes can go up the East Coast of the US.  1 small-medium size hurricane could then go inland into the Carolinas.  2 others stay in the Atlantic and don’t come inland.  The Eastern coastline will get “scraped” though by one of these 3 storms.

I don’t see any hurricanes or tropical storms threaten the Northeastern US, but I do see a heavy storm system in the area.  It just won’t be a hurricane or tropical storm.



Forgiveness DNA

The giving and receiving of forgiveness is like the coming and going of DNA.  DNA in equals DNA out.   The level of forgiveness which we receive is simply the level of forgiveness we give. If we’re 100% sincere when we forgive, we will be forgiven 100%. If we are half sincere when we forgive, we will be forgiven half sincerely.  If we have conditions when we forgive, we will be forgiven but only with conditions. If we forgive, yet with no mercy, then we will be shown no mercy when we are forgiven.

That which resides deep inside our hearts and minds when we forgive – the DNA of our own intentions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors – is that same DNA with which we will be forgiven. No amount of being honest with ourselves or lying to ourselves will change this.  All of this is true also if we offer no forgiveness whatsoever from within our hearts.

In addition, if faced with forgiving someone, if we are greatly disappointed with the one we feel we need to forgive, then we’d better start being more active in helping them, because disappointment in others comes from high expectations of their behaviors, but with low levels of our active involvement helping or supporting them on their path. Praying regularly for the ones we’re disappointed in, is the place to start.


“There will be no peace on Earth, if there is no forgiveness among each of us.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Forgiveness is letting go of the idea and belief that “So-and-so owes ME!” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1998-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Forgiveness is like helping someone clean their house.  It’s not particularly fun, but it does help in a very real way.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1994-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“If someone we loved very much, needed food or clothing, would we give them some? If this person that we loved with all our heart needed a kidney, would we give them one? What if they needed forgiveness, or mercy, or patience, or understanding, would we give it to them? Which of these is easier to give? What if it was someone we didn’t love or even like at all? Would we also give them forgiveness, or mercy, or patience, or understanding? Does giving forgiveness, understanding, mercy, etc, depend on whether we like them or not?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

Prayers are Needed

The current world events news includes many stories about what on going on across the Pacific Ocean. There are efforts to bring long disconnected “family” members back together. These efforts need our prayers. There is much “self-serving” going on with all players. Not all of the agendas are seeking peace. But, our prayers can bring about changes which can be helpful to the world in ways others haven’t yet learned. This month of May is a very significant month and will bring surprises – some helpful, but not all of them good. Again, our prayers can be a powerful force for good. Our prayers can and will add another dimension to the related events.


“The real truth of the world we live in vs. our perspectives and understanding of the world we live in – are worlds apart.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God’s presence is strengthened in the lives of those prayed for.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Prayer can change things.  The more prayer, the more change.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

Holding On For Hope

Many versions of Christ’s crucifixion exist in many forms to tell the story. One thing that is in all the versions is the torture and suffering inflicted upon Him throughout the many hours He was taken into custody. I won’t go through all the levels of suffering, but rather that He chose to walk the path which led to this. He knew long before this time that this is why He came into this world, also. He willingly went through this.

While gathering somewhere else and His followers giving up hope for a world where Jesus led them, Christ walked this entire road to this end – stumbling, blood, sweat, acceptance, pain, nails, the cross, even to the sword through His side and His last words, “It is done.” and His death. As a human being, He experienced every moment of these things.

“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” In these words, He speaks of seeing past the material world, past earthly actions and behaviors, and past the cause of His death. In Him was the hope that comes with seeing past the physical world to that which is beyond our own ability to see. His sight was capable of seeing His life continuing in the way that was Truth of who He was and who we are.  Hence how He could ask for their/our forgiveness.

Like His followers, there are so many times and situations where we feel our own loss of hope. Despair, discouragement, sorrow, grief for things lost or never gained, suffering – each of these are things we know and experience. We don’t see what He sees, but we are challenged to look beyond the material experiences – look beyond our material circumstances and our physical situations.

When we find ourselves in these experiences – experiences leading to our lost hope, it is these times – which we all go through – when we are little children, in pain, lost in the dark, and very scared – children in adult bodies still thinking we are adults. “Suffer the little children to come unto me” is His statement to our “adult belief” to let the hurt, lost and scared child self come to Him. Then we can reach up as children must do, to His waist and wrap our arms around Him, holding on with all our strength.

It is these moments with His arms reaching down to us bringing us in, that He gives His most to us – His most love, His most caring, His most comfort, His most acceptance, His most everything – when we let ourselves “come unto Him”.

There are things which He knows, and sometimes we get to learn if we work at it. One of these things is hope. We are all still learning. And as we hold onto His waist with our child-strength, He lets us know, “Remember, I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


“If we have loving kindness in our hearts, patience in our hearts, humor in our hearts, compassion, mercy and forgiveness in our hearts, and more, then Jesus knows us by name, because then, Christ is in our hearts. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God has hope, because God knows of possibilities for success far beyond our own awareness, knowledge and understanding.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God enjoys saying, “Good try. Keep going, don’t give up, let’s try again.” ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)