Beware of Ignorance

Take a look at the world we live in. In looking at the world, look at what human beings’ pursuit of education has offered the world.  At the same time, look at what people’s lack of the pursuit of education – ignorance – has offered the world.  Which state of the mind has offered the best and which has offered the worst for mankind?

There are many that will criticize both – and in doing so, seek to justify their own position.  One might easily argue that it is education that created the atomic bomb and put the whole world in jeopardy.  One might easily argue that it is education that created weapons of destruction, which led to terrorism.  One might equally argue that this or that particular ignorance is the cause of this or that failure in the world.

But, it is ignorance that makes all these arguments.  It is ignorance that takes education and shapes it into tools to serve ignorance.  It is the ignorance in people that look at technology and think different technologies are either good or bad, instead of seeing that deeper within people’s hearts and minds that use technology lies the motivation for how technology is used – for good or for bad.  It is also ignorance that says that this or that shortfall is the cause of a certain problem that the world faces.

The greater ignorance of which I speak is the ignorance of all of humanity being one family.  I speak of the ignorance that we are all brothers and sisters.  This ignorance leads people to further their beliefs of separation based on subjective measurements – like where a person was born, or what color skin a person has, or what religion a person chooses.

While some may think these factors are important, they simply are looking at the surface measurements – which change as rapidly as time.  The boundaries of countries have changed throughout time and will continue, for all countries – all – in time.  The differences of the pigment colors in the skin are superficial, at best, and comparable to what size feet a person has, at worst.  Can you imagine if we chose our cultures and groups based on the size of a person’s foot?  or whether they have freckles? or if they’re left handed or right? or if they gesture with their hands when they talk?  In addition, the use of religious beliefs to separate different groups of people totally defeats the purpose of religious beliefs, which have been meant to help unify people, and not separate people.  Many people who have educated themselves on many religions see the vast number of similarities of religious principles.  The people who haven’t, see much less – the surface.

Education leads a person to examine deeper than the surface.  Ignorance leads a person to believe only what they see or experience on the surface.   Education takes work.  Ignorance is easy.  This is why we find it so easy to choose ignorance.

We all think that we choose education, because we’ve been to school.  Yet, schools aren’t exactly known to teach only truth – more often it is what is accepted in that particular moment in time.  To see this, we only need to compare what specifically was taught in schools 500 years ago, and what is specifically taught in schools, today.  Then looking further, compare what is specifically taught today, to what will be taught in schools 500 years from now.  (Don’t be fooled by the argument of ignorance saying, “We don’t know what will be taught in schools 500 years from now.” Anyone who looks deeper than the surface can come up with some understanding of what the future holds by looking at how education evolves and progresses.)

Beware of Ignorance.  We all have ignorance of some type within us.  All of us.  There is only one way to move away from ignorance – to continue to look deeper into all things – including our own hearts, minds and souls – educating ourselves throughout our entire lives – learning more about our own humanness, our own self, each other, what life is really meant to be about, how to enrich our own minds and hearts, how to interact in the Earth in better ways, how to love, forgive and join with others, how to move beyond our own chosen prison bars, and how to expand ourselves and the planet we live on.

The alternative is ignorance of ourselves, of our own hearts, our own minds, our own souls and our world – hearts, minds, souls and a world which, with ignorance, will shrink and eventually die from a starvation of life and growth.

To continue to learn requires choosing to learn more.  Learning requires informing ourselves and seeking out that which is beyond our current “paradigm” of understanding.  To learn and grow requires seeking beyond the surface of what we think is both true and false to test the validity of our beliefs. To fear to go beyond our own beliefs leads to ignorance.

Everyone is inspired, enlivened, and enriched by something.  Find what inspires, enlivens and enriches.  It will lead to knowing one’s self in ever deeper ways.

“Know Thyself.”


Knowing One’s True Self

“My question is pertaining to knowing one’s true self and truth. How do we know we are making the right decisions and being true to ourselves and not just making a wrong, selfish decision? God is telling us things all the time, but how do I know which voice It is? The one that says “be true to yourself and go for what you are feeling right now ( this feeling overwhelms me)” or the one that says “are you sure you want to do this, the grass may not be greener on the other side, and people will get hurt in the process?” Its like a battle. How do I know the right way to go? Which voice is right?” M.

How do we know?  Through practice, practice, practice, practice and more practice. Life is not just a process of learning what God wants of us. It is a process of learning about our own self, in addition to common sense, understanding, and wisdom (eventually), and even with all this, learning that mistakes can be learning opportunities, also.

Think of this process, even this life as a “school-like” opportunity, not a tight-rope that one has to get perfect or else lose everything. This is why Christ is recognized as a teacher rather than a judge, jury and executioner. He is a gentle yet persistent teacher.

Our life is more like a school that gives us many, many opportunities to learn about how to live our lives with love from our hearts and what we’ve learned in our minds.

Some advice I encourage is:

  • Continue to practice having an open mind and an open heart. God can fill both of these.
  • Continue to practice the Fruits of the Spirit – like kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness and more. God comes into this world in those moments that these are expressed.
  • When praying and meditating, pray for sincerity in one’s prayers.
  • And another: it helps to regularly ask ourselves, “Am I willing to learn, to love, to live, and to practice? Am I willing?”


“If you can’t decide between the left hand choice and the right hand choice, then throw them both out and pick from the third hand.” The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1993, Jodie Senkyrik

The Hidden, Yet Absolute Need for Humility

Our lessons come in many ways. In fact, there is no end to when something will come into our life from which we can learn – including for psychics.

I’ve been Clairvoyant for many lifetimes. I’ve worked at this ability each opportunity it comes. Yet, the learning continues even past today.

One of the lessons I learn is humility. For me, this lesson comes via learning that what I have to say and write is not for everyone. In fact, there are many people with whom nothing I have to say is for them. This is a very difficult lesson because I know that there are words of wisdom and help that will help heal every soul. The lesson is that it is not I that can give these words to them. In fact, for some, anything and everything that would come from me would be rejected even if it were exactly what would be needed. It would be, and is, rejected for the very reason that it comes from me.

This is the humility which I am to learn – that I am not the person able to help them. I am not the person that will give them light or learning or any words or concepts which will be the key that will unlock their chains.

This is a lesson that so many of us must learn – that we are not the person that will unlock the suffering for many others. Even Christ learned this lesson of humility – that even though He knew He could help, He also knew that some people rejected and would reject everything that He would give.

When He said, “Do not throw your pearls before swine”, He didn’t see people as swine – as “less than” any other soul. He saw the consciousness of the person as being someone who would no more hear, see or understand His words in a similar way that a farm animal could – a farm animal whose main focus is to eat and have babies. A farm animal is not open to understand the words of Christ. (For the record, even farm animals respond to kindness, to love, to patience, to compassion and to mercy.)

Human beings are not farm animals. They have the choice to have an open mind and open heart – open to all the Christ has to teach. All human beings also have the choice of having a closed mind and a closed heart. As you and I are, so are all other souls. We have the potential for making any and all choices.

There is a saying, “Don’t try to teach mathematics to a turtle. It will annoy both you and the turtle.” It is a lesson in humility, to recognize when we are not able to help. Perhaps all we can offer some souls is to pray that God be with them or bless them in whatever way they need. God alone has Infinite Insight into what will help another and how best to bless them.


One of the best mantras to help with learning humility:

“It’s not about me.” K.G.

The 2016 Winter Weather

I haven’t put up much weather predictions because the meteorologists watching and predicting the weather for the 2016 winter have been spot on close to what I see.

Overall, I see, again, the 2016 winter being harder than last year’s. There will be heating oil and other energy shortages and the winter weather will create problems getting heating fuels into the areas.

New England
The New England states are going to be the worst hit of the states with winter weather. Their temperatures and snow levels will be equal to last year and even a little worse. This includes New Jersey, Pennsylvania (the western edge of the worst weather) and Washington, D.C. reaching into Virginia and some into Ohio.

While the meteorologists see the winter being warmer, this doesn’t mean “warm”.  This means warmer than the average temperatures have been in years past.  We’ll still see very difficult weather for Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and parts of Vermont. The snow that is happening now in these states, is serving to give people a “heads-up” and will start coming down permanently in November. I see deep snow in these states on through the winter until it starts dwindling in March (but not gone) and then starts melting in April. The last of their snow will be on the ground in May and a little in June. And as odd as it might seem, I see a possibility for more snow at the end of April or beginning of May, but it won’t be enough to add to the hardship. For these northern most states, December will bring cold, snow and some storm winds, possibly having -50F being mentioned regularly in some form in the areas. [I am not seeing the -50F temperatures at this time of looking – 12/6/15]  January will be just as bad as December, and February will equal January. However, I see fewer storms in February, but the cold and snow will stay as is.

While March will see lessening of the severity for the lower New England states, I see the higher N.E. states Winter lasting well past March and include half of the Spring months. Spring temperatures won’t arrive until May/June in the higher N.E. states.

Eastern States
I see the Atlantic states having a harder winter than they did last year, as well.  The average temperatures of the years past would be colder and so it can be said that this winter’s temperatures will average out to be warmer, (but still not warm.)  The cold winds will be their most difficult part. There will be lots and lots of ice on the roads – especially January and February.  Once they get into [December and 12/6/15] January, they’ll see snow skiing become more and more unfavorable because of the ice forming. Their time in this difficult Winter weather will begin to end at the beginning of March. It will be sudden – like turning a switch. February will be very cold, and March will be suddenly warmer -rather than a gradual warming. There a chance for a late snow storm near the end of March but with the warmer temperatures happening, it can turn into rain. Some flooding could happen in a few areas in March.

Central US States
Again, warmer than the yearly averages does not mean “warm.”  The Winter in these states will be somewhat worse than last year, but most of the worst of it will be January and February and not past the Spring date in March. North Dakota, S. Dakota, Minnesota and that area will have what seems like normal winter weather for them – a hard cold winter equaling the New England states – but again, the average temperatures will be warmer than the past yearly averages.  [There won’t be much fluctuation better or worse away from what they usually get. 12/6/15] Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, will have winter storms with snow during December and January, but the harshness will back off some in February.  Spring will arrive in March.

The Southwest

We’re not going to see anything out of the ordinary – like a mild winter.  This will seem very much like a normal, cold, winter.  We’ll see it being much colder than last year’s mild winter.  But, not as bad as 2014 was – 2 years ago.  That doesn’t mean it won’t be cold.  It just means that it won’t be a repeat of 2014.   The Southwestern states will face many cold fronts and freezing temperatures.  For states that aren’t built for cold, this can be a very difficult time.   This winter should be considered a practice run for the winter of 2017 which currently looks like it will be extremely difficult almost equal to 2014.  Don’t block out the winter of 2014, it looks to be coming again and being forewarned is being forearmed.

The West & Northwest

California, Nevada, on up to Washington to Montana – this whole area will have a much warmer winter than the rest of the nation.  At times, the people of Colorado will wonder when winter is going to start.  There will be cold temperatures, [and storms 12/6/15] but for the most part, this will be the year of a milder winter than some of the past winters in the Western states.

For the most part, the meteorologists are forecasting some of the same things I see.  If anyone in the East decides to go west for the warmer winter, take your own water.




How to Pray for Refugees

This is one of the more difficult posts to write.  Not because of any hesitation, but because of what the topic is about.

There is a better way to pray than how some of us are praying, so far.

About Refugees, the debate rages on and as we all know, many are enraged.  We Americans, like others in our world, are people who pray, but how?  On the whole, we haven’t been starting at a good spot.  There are too many people praying “God bless America first before everyone else, if ever anyone else at all.”  There are some praying, “God, take away the freewill of others, or turn them into [people that we are not afraid.]”  There was a movie some years back with a character running for President who’s slogan was “God bless America and no one else.”

Unfortunately, real life seems to be imitating cinema art.  This is no longer a movie line, but is closer to becoming a reality of how some pray, if not already here.

These are common prayers, coming from people tired, frightened, and in pain.  Yet, are these the prayers that God asks us to offer for anyone going through disasters or horrors?

Whatever and whenever we pray for someone else, we are saying the exact same prayer for ourselves without realizing it.  What we pray for others, we are praying for ourselves.  God sees us as all in this together, equally.  What is available to one person from God, is available to all.  What is prayed for one person, is prayed for all people, without us always aware of this.

Consequently, we might consider a better way to pray than the examples above.


We easily see the differences in our American lives and those in other nations.  We see the differences in our nationalities, our religions, our ways of life, our skin color and many other areas.  From these differences, it is easy to take on the “Us vs. Them” state of mind.  Even when there are also many similarities.

But, other options are available.  There are possibilities in the way that we can help them with our prayers.  These possibilities come from reducing our similarities down to that one common quality which we humans all share.  We only need to distill down to that one thing which ties people together, which no one can dispute and which both the “us” and the “them” share in common.

Human suffering.

Individually in our lives, and as a collective, we, Americans, know human suffering.  We know real pain and real sorrow felt deep within us.  We know fear of the coming of even more suffering, pain and sorrow.  In truth, there is no human being on the planet that doesn’t know human suffering in some form within each  individual’s self (and what it is – is known only to God.)

If we distill our prayers down to what we can pray for those suffering – we can then pray very real and helpful prayers that God asks from us.  These prayers:

“God, please help all who suffer.”

“God, please help all who are under great pain and great sorrow.”

“God, please help all of us who have lost someone we love through violence or through any means.”

“God, all of us need Your help and only You know the true and real help that each one of us needs.  Please, help in whatever ways we need.”

“God, please, help all life.”

“God, please, do not limit Your help by our beliefs, our thoughts and our feelings.”

Thank you and Amen.


“Those prayed for will have more of God’s loving, patient, merciful and healing presence available to help than those not prayed for.”  (the Rainbow Cards, 1994-2015, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)


A few of the many helpful prayers that have changed things through the Ages.

God, help the Hebrews under the thumbs of Egypt’s Pharaoh.

God, help slavery end for black people.

God, help stop the massacring  of Indians.

God, help stop the murders of Jewish people, and all other people at the hands of the Nazis.

God, help stop the killing of people in Rwanda.

God, help the people under Soviet Communist oppression.

God, help end Apartheid and the suffering with it.

Prayers that are still needed.

God, please help people find peace both within and without.

God, please help heal all people, everywhere.

God, please, help.

God, give us wisdom to know better.  God, give us patience so we don’t react from panic and fear.  God, give us kindness in our hearts.  Thank you for these.  God give us the willingness to put these to use with each person in our lives.


World Weather Predictions

Because weather is such an important topic to so many places on the whole Earth, I’ll add what I see with regards to different areas.


Australia has been going through a tremendous drought.  I still see 2.5 more years of drought happening, but after those 2.5 years, the drought will diminish step by step from then on. So, in 2018, I see the drought taking the other turn and begin the process of lessening.  While 2 more years of drought is a problem, I do see its end.  Australia is going into its Summer temperatures right now and this year will see some rain associated with at least 1  major storm.  Look for the storm to not hit Australia directly.  This means there won’t be a lot of rain, but there will be some.


I see a general direction of the same weather patterns which Europe has had for the last 4 years.  I don’t see a lot of fluctuation or dramatic changes.  Climate Change is real and the weather patterns of the last 4-5 years are to be considered the new normal.  The nearest time period I see any dramatic change will be 2018 when I see Europe having an extremely mild winter with 2019 being the pendulum swinging back the other way.  This is far off in the future, but gives the indication that the weather patterns Europe has had recently are going to continue.

As a whole, expect lots of rain over the next 18-24 months.  More than what has been “normal” in decades past.

South Africa

This is one area where the dramatic weather extremes are going to be felt less.  I’m still seeing some extreme weather – with regards to higher than average temperatures, but not beating up the area, like is happening in Australia.  I see the extremes in weather being related to temperatures rather than being extreme storms.  I see a severe mosquito (swarming) problem coming for South Africa – worse that before.  This is related to the weather somewhat.


As a whole, the Climate change effect for India’s weather will be a longer rainy season.  While I see the level of intensity of the storms will be near the same level as compared to decades past, the length of the rain season will be longer and come earlier.  This does mean that there will be significant flooding in cities as well as rural areas.  India will face some disasters related to flooding.  Disease and insects will become a problem because of the flooding.  Clean drinking water will be part of the challenge for people during the floods, and this should not be a surprise.
