The Sum of Ourselves

As souls living in the Earth, we create circumstances for ourselves and others.

What is not widely understood is that in looking at the sum of all human lives which a soul experiences, and under the umbrella of what is commonly called, “Karma”, when we, through our own freewill, create problem experiences in individual lives and/or in the world as a whole, we are then the ones who are given the divine task of cleaning up those problems.  Of course, this cleaning is done over whatever time or lives are needed, and with as much help as is needed.

Look out at all the people who want to help clean up the planet, or clean up societal issues, or clean up a certain aspect of life – the environment, the government, medical knowledge, law, spirituality, education etc.  They are people like you and I.  This means like us, they feel within their hearts and minds the desire to bring better things into this Earth – to help make the world a better place.

As you might understand where I’m going with this, almost all of the 7.3 billion people who want to help “clean up” this world – make it a better place for all people – are the one’s who helped create these problems from within our past lives.  (Not everyone.)  Like you and I, others have learned from mistakes of past lives, and this learning is now deep within our hearts and souls helping us be inspired, motivated and understanding of the benefits of creating a better world for all life.

Those of us who are ready to do something to help – whenever we are ready of our own freewill to be willing to do something to help – are the ones who enter into the middle of the “problems” in some form, and work at leading new ways into the future. If we led the way in creating the mess, we can find ourselves with opportunities to lead the way in cleaning up the mess.

This process is not punishment.  It is not obligation or penance.  It is a process of healing, forgiveness, mercy and more.  It comes from within our hearts – a new recognition of the opportunity for brotherhood among peoples – a recognition of the benefit and healing that comes with compassion and cooperation, kindness, forgiveness and patience.  This feeling of wanting to contribute to the betterment of humankind comes from the best and greatest part of ourselves.

I’ve had past lives in Atlantis, partially as military personnel. In several lives and in several roles. I went to war, attacked, harmed and killed people. Without choosing further learning on my part, I then experienced lives where I had been attacked, harmed and killed. However, from then a willingness to learn greater understandings of the human experience, that which I learned from human life as a whole, led to a greater understanding of much of the experiences I created for others on the receiving end of what I dished out.

After much of these “learning” lives, I became priests, doctors, Seers and other service roles which have given me opportunity to help heal whom I wounded, help clean up the messes I’ve made, help repair the things I broke, and help bring together that which I took apart.  This greater purpose gave me inspiration and life in the doing.

I’ve been so many different nationalities and races, that my memories of these lives  help me to listen to and feel more understanding of the pain and suffering of others, as well as willingness to work hard at letting go of knee-jerk judgment and condemning of people on a particular side. (I still stumble at times, though.)

I walk in my shoes as a white man this life, but I recognized the other lives still existing within me, and in some I still seek and learn to bring forth life rather than take away life – meaning I still have work to do.

I have past lives as female, so they are within me. I have past lives as other races, other social roles, different religions and different sexual orientations, so those experiences are within me. I’m not those people on the outside anymore, but I am, like every one of us humans, the sum of all my past lives, experiences and learning, even if remembering all these experiences doesn’t come easy or automatic, (as every human knows.)

Why do some people choose to harm if they’ve had past lives? Because we all “remember in our soul” different things. As I’ve written in other articles, the 9-11 hijackers subconsciously remembered being on the receiving end of tremendous Atlantean attacks – with their feelings and thoughts that Atlantis- a great technical power invading everywhere in the world- was wrong to do that to people. The hijackers wanted opposition and revenge. They remembered their hatred even though they didn’t remember their past lives.

A lot of us remember our hatred. A lot of us humans remember feelings of bitterness and desire for vengeance.  We may come up with today’s version of justification, but we are still the sum of all our feelings whether healing or harmful.  We still, of our own freewill, get to choose which feelings we will act upon.

Some of us subconsciously remember love, also. Some of us “remember” lives in which the Master touched our life – directly or through others. Some remember spiritual lessons which they’ve learned, some remember a drive within our hearts motivating us to greater purposes.

It’s not an easy mix when we remember something worthwhile. We can lead ways to better paths, but we need to remember that it was ourselves who helped create those worse paths. When we seek to help bring healing from pain and suffering, we have to watch out for our blaming anyone who represents the person who we were, back when we helped create the pain and suffering. In actuality, most of us, are struggling not with the other person, but rather with who we were in that past life.  We may “remember in our soul” that the “other person” is capable of harm, because we caused harm when we walked in those same shoes.

We are on this path together, meaning all of us are called to help heal all the different aspects of human consciousness that need healing within ourselves, whether we approach this task from one direction or some other direction. As we heal ourselves, we are helping heal the whole of human consciousness – not all in one lifetime, of course, but as Edgar Cayce says, “One hair at a time”.

If this seems daunting, just remember, we have eternity to do this, and as John says, “All you need is Love, dat, da, da, da dahhhhhhh.”  Love is “leading new paths into the future, instead of following the old paths of the past” – leading the new ways of love, cooperation, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, patience, respect, and letting go of judgment instead of following the old ways of selfishness, hatred, condemnation, judgment and disregard.

We’re in this world together.  We won’t have the same ideas, beliefs, paths and ways to manifest our hearts and souls, but that’s not the important part.  The important part is that since we have the freewill to choose what motivates us, we can choose to manifest the best healing parts within us, or the worst harming parts within us.


“We can be among the first ones to lead the new ways into the future, or we can be among the last ones to follow the old ways of the past. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We have eternity to work this out. This means that we have eternity to forgive ourselves and others … if we really want to take that long.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Those who are willing to forgive, will find they can. Those who are unwilling to forgive, will find it impossible.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)