Heat in Texas, June 2011

For Central Texas during the summer of 2011:  We just got a rain here in central Texas (June 20, 2011).  This does NOT herald more rain for this area or for Texas.  As soon as June is over, the chance for rain will be extremely low.  I’m seeing July have some clouds in Central Texas, but also temperatures reaching 110 and August going over 110 degrees for this area.  This will be two of the hottest months on record.  You’ll hear this on tv a lot.

We got a little rain in May, 2011 in Central Texas, and one rain in June.  July will be dry and hot.  August will be dryer and hotter.  September will cool some, but still no significant rainfall.  October, I do see some amounts of rain for Central Texas.  Some but not a lot, though.  November, 2011 will have colder temperatures, of course, but again, not a lot of rain.  If it were a normal year, October and November, 2011 would be considered normal, but people are hoping the Autumn months will bring relief from the draught.  It won’t replenish, but it will bring some rain… just not what people hope.

If you believe in prayer, pray for healing of our weather patterns.  The prayers of a few will save many.   In cases like this, praying is like rowing a boat.  The more rowing the boat, the more power and speed it has to reach the destination.  But even if only three are rowing a boat of 10 million souls, the three will eventually after a long, long, long time, help all get to the destination.

And who are the three?  For where two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  (Matthew 18:20)