Sunday, July 29, 2018 Group Psychic Reading

This is just a reminder that on this Sunday, July 29th, at 5pm Central Standard Time, I will be offering a group reading over the phone. While I am using Skype, you only need a regular U.S. phone number for me to connect to you.  For me to open it up, I need to make the call to you.  (No one can call in during the event. I have to call out to connect you in.)

If you’re interested in joining us, the fee is $20 and it will be for 90 minutes. Pay on this blog website – the Paypal “Buy Now” button, which will take you through the process. At that time, send me your phone number which I will dial up to connect you in, or you can send me an email with the phone number.

You may record the live conference call for yourself. I will be recording it to make it available on my website for $12. The benefit of the live reading is you get to ask your questions.


Learning the Language of God: 1-night retreat (see change in 1st paragraph)

Afterwards: We had a wonderful 24 hour retreat.  There was much to share, much to discuss, much to learn and much to eat.  Thank you to everyone who joined in.


(Due to a booking mistake, we’re changing the event time to begin Sunday, August 26th at noon (including lunch) and ending at Monday, August 27th at noon (not including lunch).

We are experiencing a time where people of the world seemingly are all but “going crazy”. This is not completely what is happening. Rather, what we see are some of the issues and problems which have been buried – present during all this time, and are now coming to the surface to be addressed and healed. Each of us can attest to some of it happening within ourselves and in our own lives.

The energy of the times, however, is helping to make this happen. This is not “destructive” energy with evil intent, but rather a higher moving energy which permeates through all phases of physical life – bringing change which appears destructive to the old paradigms, old behaviors and lower levels of consciousness vibration. We are both helping to facilitate this evolutionary energy into place while in the Earth, as well as being on the receiving end of more energy which comes in from higher levels with the purpose of matching and supporting us in this evolutionary process.

With these times upon us, it helps to connect in ever clearer ways with our Higher Source – to gain guidance from this Source to navigate these rough waters.  A connection to our Higher Spiritual Guidance can help us to gain from the One Infinite Consciousness which has our well-being in the present and our evolution into the future, in mind.

The purpose and hope of this 24-hour retreat is to explore the different methods of Divination, which can help us to connect to the Energy Field of the Infinite Consciousness of God.  These “languages of God” or communication and interpretation tools for potentially that which is greater than ourselves, help us to connect to, relate to and understand our Spiritual Guidance, Higher Guidance and Inner Guidance – not just to circumnavigate these times, but for our lives in general.

We will discuss the different methods – dreams, Tarot, Runes, I-Ching, Dowsing, Water-witching, and others.  We will cover the principles and workings of the divination methods for greater understanding, share our own personal experiences and insights to learn from each other, and explore how each can eventually serve to help us develop our intuition and psychic faculties.  We will also integrate making the Higher Self connection, with regards to doing these methods for ensuring the highest and best, be what we connect to and facilitate our better practices.

Divination methods are tools to help us to develop and understand greater guidance which is happening and thus available all the time. For example: where the idea of waking up one day and going from 0% psychic to being 100% psychic could be compared to leaping a tall building in a single bound, divination methods can be compared to taking the stairs or elevator to get to the top of the tall building – real spiritual guidance tools for real humans dealing with real life – and which helps us to develop an everyday familiarity with our own connection to the flow of Spiritual Guidance.  As with all tools, the effort and intent towards greater Spiritual Unity within the heart and mind of the individual determines whether any tool gets used helpfully or harmfully.

We will also include meditation times and explore how meditation and prayer serve as foundations for learning the language of Spirit. Attendees are welcome to bring their own divination method or tools to the retreat.

Details and Logistics

Time and Date:

Begins: noon Sunday, August 26th, 2018
Ends:  noon Monday, August 27th, 2018


Camp Capers, 418 FM 1621, Waring, Texas, (830) 995-3966

Accomodations and Fees for Attendees:

Tuition: $40/person

Lodge rooms (hotel style with linens): double occupancy – $72/person/room
single occupancy – $83/room.   OR

Cabins (bunk beds, no linens) – $31/person

Meals: Saturday dinner – $15, Sunday breakfast – $10, Sunday lunch – $13.  (They have excellent meals.)

Insurance: $0.23/person

Day-only attendees:  $25 tuition + chosen meals + insurance + $16 Camp day use fee.

Registration : To register, send an email to me at  I need:

1. the number of people,

2. the number of people per meals each desires, and

3. your choice of rooms/beds.

By August 10th, Camp Capers requires (A) the best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) the best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.  Credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) can be accepted only through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register, send an email with your information to  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal login page, BUT scroll down and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people for whom to prepare meals.)

Itinerary (subject to change)

Saturday evening:

5-6pm: check-in on the patio of the office building for overnight attendees.
6:30pm: Saturday dinner in the cafeteria
7:45pm: Opening meditation, intro to the program (more detail will be provided)

Sunday morning:  program

8-8:30am: Day-only attendees check-in on the patio of the office building.
8:30am: Breakfast in the cafeteria for overnight attendees
9:30am: program (with a break) (more detail will be provided)

12 noon:  Lunch in the cafeteria

Sunday afternoon:

1:30pm: Program (more detail will be provided)
3:00pm:  Break
3:30pm:  Program (more detail will be provided)

5:00pm:  “Official” ending.


For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

For anyone wanting to attend Sunday only, and arriving in the morning, then I’ll have registration before breakfast, from 8-8:30am at the office front patio.

As always, if you wish to pay by check, you can pay when you arrive, and it is still a good idea to register beforehand as soon as you know. C.C. needs to prepare many days before for the number of people eating any of the meals.

What information did I leave out?  What questions did I not answer about the retreat?

Jodie Senkyrik

Is There Real Magic?

Is there real magic?

Yes, it lies in the ways that love, forgiveness, patience, kindness and mercy can heal the heart, the mind and the soul.

It lies in the way that cooperation can bring people together to accomplish great tasks, can transform enemies into friends,
can fulfill the maxim that the prayers of a few will save many, and the prayers of many will save a country.

It lies in meditation, which can lift us above our own shortcomings, above our own resentments, bitterness and stumbling blocks.

It lies in the way that willingness to have an open mind and an open heart can reveal long hidden deep secrets about life and love, ourselves and even God, which we’ve not been aware of before.

It lies in the ways that kindness, compassion and charity can change the face of any individual from a face of pain and suffering to a face of thankfulness and relief.

It lies in the ways that faith really can move mountains – faith in God, faith in one’s Self, and faith in others – each of these opening doors to the Spirit of God working within any who are willing and the recognizing of such.

It lies in the ways that all of these can open the locked door of ourselves which Christ stands behind, saying “I stand at the door and knock”, thus welcoming Him in.

Yes, there is real magic, but we just don’t call it that.  We call it the presence of God, and the touch of Christ.


Live Online Group Reading

On Sunday, July 29th, 2018, at 5pm (Central Standard Time – Texas), I will be offering an online conference call group psychic reading. I plan to use Skype which will allow only up to 24 people to be in the conference call,  making it a group call.  You don’t need Skype to participate.

The session will be audio only. No video at this time. This first session may have some technical issues to work out, but I’m sure they can be worked out.  If technical issues causes it to be cancelled, everyone will be refunded their fee or I’ll set a later date allowing me time to work out the issues.

The many group readings I’ve done in person have been for 90 minutes and this amount of time seems to work for getting as many questions answered as possible. The cost will be $20/person to be paid at least 24 hours before the group reading session.  I will need at least 24 hours to set up the tech aspects on my end.

To participate, go to my blog, click on the “For a Personal Psychic Reading” tab, and you can find the “Buy Now” button on the right side.  This will take you to Paypal (no account needed) where you can pay with credit cards and other methods.

I will do the calling when the appointment happens, so when you pay the fee, at the same time add your phone number (or Skype name) – which you wish me to call to open you into the session when it happens – in the ‘notes’ section on the payment page. You can also add 1 question which you would like to ask.   Your phone number must be a US phone number.  I can’t call out of the US at this time for this event.  When the time to begin the reading arrives, I will dial your phone number (or Skype name).  Obviously, your regular rates will apply.

If you choose not to participate, I will be recording the session, and will make it available on this blog’s download page in the same way I offer the 1-day retreat recordings – with a password protected page. If you are paying the $20 fee to attend, you may record the session for your own use or request a digital copy of the group reading at no additional cost. The cost for the group reading recording (.mp3 format) for non-participants will be $12. The benefit of the live session is that, hopefully, you can ask questions.

I don’t yet have a prescribed protocol in which I will answer questions during the session. Usually, in person, it’s from raising hands, but that won’t be possible here. I understand that when connected, we may all hear each other,…

therefore, …

I will ask that when connected, in order to ask a question during the group reading, say your first name, and I will call your name – then please, be patient. I will not limit any person’s number of questions, but I prefer everyone take turns to give each person a chance – especially if there are 24.  Many times attendees will have similar or the same questions, so they get answered.

I believe in these readings and I have confidence in the information. Like all psychic information, some change regarding questions about the future can occur due to Human Freewill, and the willingness to change course. The future is not set in rock, but as I mention, the future is like a huge ship going in a certain direction, and which takes many souls in order to change directions. The question is not whether we humans CAN change course, but rather if we’re WILLING to take steps to change course.  Personal and private questions, would not be appropriate at this time.

I also know that some information which I give can be joyful to some people at the same time it is frustrating and unsettling to others, especially about world affairs. I do work hard to offer balanced information, since all information comes from a non-judgemental origin.

You are welcome to participate.

Again, it will be July 29, Sunday at 5pm Central Standard Time – US.

Jodie Senkyrik
PS. Since Skype sets a limit at 24 people besides myself, if I get more than 24 people seeking to call in, I will set a second session – most likely 1 week later.

PSS. Again, you are welcome to send me one question with your phone number after you sign up, but you don’t have to.

PSSS. If you have any difficulty, and you miss the event, I will be glad to refund the full amount of the fee.

Proof of God?

Many people fret and fume that we don’t have objective proof that there is a God, or even that there was a Christ, or a Buddha, or any sign that the soul exists or a spiritual dimension is real.

This is by design, folks.

What physical evidence would YOU accept?  What physical evidence would anyone accept?  Would physical evidence gives us the sense of “knowing” which exists inside of us?  Whose expertise would you accept?  What, if anything, exists in the physical world that everyone agrees about in the same exact way?

Do we all agree that man went to the moon?  There is physical evidence – but not to all people.  Do we all agree that the Earth is round?  There is evidence – but still some say no.  Do we agree that there is evidence that proves that life needs water and air to be alive and nothing that doesn’t breathe or need water is alive?  Maybe on Earth that’s true – maybe – on Earth.  But what about viruses which don’t breathe or need water?  Who agrees on the evidence of climate change?

See.  The mental world – the logical world – the physical world is open to debate and each of us determines for ourselves the answer which we will accept.  So, physical evidence is subjective, because we all have feelings and thoughts about things – springing forth from our hearts.  These feelings and thoughts determine so much of what we choose.

We all have desires and hopes – things we want to be real or true.  These desires, feelings, hopes, etc come from within the heart – but not from the physical heart.  There we go again.

The beliefs and “knowing” of God, Spirit, the soul and the spiritual world – also are subjective only – simply because we cannot give one another our own feelings.  Our freewill to choose for ourselves how to feel and think is the freewill that everyone has to choose for themselves.

One reason why logical arguments don’t work is because the experience of God doesn’t come from the mind, but rather from the heart (not the physical heart) – where love exists.  There  is no physical proof or evidence that love exists, either.  No vial exists that contains the fluid of the love that a child has for their parent.  No bottle exists that contains the love that a mother has for her child, and on and on.  Even though some say that love is just a chemical in the brain, this too is a subjective belief based on a particular interpretation of chemical measurements.

The believe in God comes from our personal experience – which is helped by our inner experience we call “knowing”, which also is personal experience.  There is no way to share the same experiences of God, because they happen within a part of our consciousness – our heart – which we only subjectively admit exists.  The experiences of the Love of God come only because we love, also.  The experiences of a connection to God come only because our minds are open and our hearts are open.  At no time are these experiences measurable or provable that they are what we “know” them to be.

So, the belief in God, which exists in our heart, mind and soul can only happen within this one person – our self.  No one can have a relationship with God through anyone’s but their own heart.  We cannot have a relationship with God through another person’s experiences, mind or heart.

This is how it works, and will continue to work.  So, any “proof” of God may only barely come from how we treat another person – with loving kindness, patience, understanding, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness and the like.  “If God exists,” He/She lives in our hearts and actions through these qualities.  This is the only way we can share our experiences of God – by demonstrating Love.


“No one speaking of judgment and condemnation speaks for God. No one speaking fear and retribution speaks for God. The one speaking love and forgiveness, kindness and mercy – this one speaks for God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2008-2018 by Jodie Senkyrik)

“God’s will for Himself is to love us, to heal us, to nurture us, to be patient with us, to show us mercy, to give to us, to support us, to teach us, to guide us, to listen to us, to accept us, to comfort us, to welcome us, etc.

God fulfills His own will. (The Rainbow Cards, ©,1996-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“There is more of God in the air that we breathe, than there is air that we breathe.”(The Rainbow Cards,©,1998-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

The World as We Knew It

There is a psychological phenomenon described this way – many older people, having lived a large part of their/our life in a world where there was no climate change whatsoever, and now living in a world where this is only a little climate change – don’t believe in climate change because they won’t see it – in that they’ll pass on before they see it or have it directly touch them. It is not something for them to worry about or deal with. This phenomenon is easily visible in publicly visible elected officials, especially considering that 50% of the US Senate is 65+.  The elderly make up the greater numbers of climate deniers or the climate “I don’t care” group.

It has been observed that as people age, they tend to hold onto the world of the year span in which they were in their teens to 40’s more than enter into the current world. This contributes to “generation gaps”. In other words, the world that we used to live in, we tend to hold onto in our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Generally, the world that exists today then becomes generally ignored at a certain level in our consciousnesses by older generations. Generally, even those who say they aren’t ignoring or denying the current world, are doing it in some ways, albeit not in others, without being 100% aware they are.  (All generalizations are false, including this one.)

We cannot avoid this process within ourselves. We tend to focus on “Life as we know it” because of how we feel and think. There are many feelings of confidence that go along with “knowing all about life”. Imagine the feelings that go along with “having no clue how to live in the world of today.” And we know the past ways of living better than we know the current ways of living, thus giving us a sense of safety and security by holding onto the past worlds that we already lived in.  There’s a difference of feeling our feet on solid ground vs. on constantly changing ground (like ocean waves).

A generalization is – “as elderly acknowledge they’ll die soon, knowing they’ll never deal with climate change, have no need to worry about climate change and therefore don’t.”

However, when there is awakened within someone a concern for future generations taking precedence over one’s own life and one’s own soon death – children and grandchildren – there is an awakening for what the future generations will face.

The younger generations carries the complete and total weight of the destruction which climate change is now bringing and with increasing levels, will bring in more widespread occurrences. It is the younger generation who will be living through the destruction – of which we’ve been getting more and more a taste every year – that comes with climate change.  And this destruction is not imaginary for the younger generation, like it is for older generations, many of whom cannot imagine how bad it will be because they’ve never had it in their world.

The questions for us are, which world do we live in today?  Which world are we creating to live in, if any, tomorrow?  Which world of the past are we holding onto and why are we holding onto it?  We have answers to these questions inside us.

Regardless of how we answer these or feel about them, the world we used to live in doesn’t exist anymore except in our own memories and wishes.  We can live our life in our memories or we can join the world of today and start living our life, again, deciding what we can give to the world – for the rest of today, and tomorrow, … and the next day… and the next.  We’re not dead, today, and this means we have work to do with some of that work preparing for the climate change destruction which is increasing each day.  The last question we have related to this is – how much can we reverse…. today?  (Remember, today is the only day we can work on this.)


“If we’re still alive in the Earth, then our work is not finished.”  All Spiritual Teachings

“Retirement is man-made, not God-made.  God does not mean for us to retire from society or from living, as long as we’re on this Earth.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We can be among the first ones to lead the new ways into the future,or we can be among the last ones to follow the old ways of the past.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©,1999-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

What is Long-Suffering?

There are many teachings which say we are meant to learn long-suffering as much as to develop kindness, compassion, love, mercy, oneness, etc. Many of us intellectually shy away from this with great energy.  There is a perspective that long-suffering is the choosing of suffering, when instead we could choose to not suffer.  The idea of not suffering is a very popular one.  As human beings, we know suffering all too well, as we’ve all gone through it and all been witness to it.

And yet, …

we are meant to learn long-suffering, so, as humans, we do learn it and mostly learn it without realizing it is also a part of being alive. Here are some experiences in which we have learned it.

1. Long-suffering is seeing someone cause suffering to another person/persons, and our wanting to but being unable to stop it.

2. Long-suffering is the awareness of the suffering of people in faraway lands, with us not having the ability to change it except in seemingly small ways from so far away.

3. Long-suffering is seeing people and other lives in need, but not being able to help them except through prayer.

4. Long-suffering is knowing people, like ourselves, going through horrors which we know could be ourselves on any other day.

5. Long-suffering is caring about another person, but not being able to save them from themselves or the path of pain they choose.

6. Long-suffering is loving a child, and not able to completely protect them from the world’s dangers or the world’s horrors.

7. Long-suffering is loving a parent and not able to stop their body or their brain from breaking down and losing themselves during a very long, slow process of disappearing.

8. Long-suffering is doing the best we can, and still it’s not good enough for those who criticize and judge.

9. Long-suffering is knowing the path of pain which we have walked, but still being judged so easily by those who don’t know our life.

10. Long-suffering is dying on a cross and some of our last prayers being for help for others in “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

11. Long-suffering is offering a beautiful, wonderful, healing, joy-filled, loving Sacred Truth to others but it being rejected with mocking and contempt.

12. Long-suffering is when we offer real water to someone dying of thirst, and they reject it choosing instead their familiarity to dying of thirst.

13. Long-suffering is knowing all we have to offer some people is love, but they would have none of it.

14. Long-suffering is having received regular prejudice, hatred, violence, injustice, harm and worse because of who and what we are, yet knowing that others who are like us in some way (color, race, religion, gender, etc) – even those we love with all our hearts – could receive the same prejudice, hatred, violence, pain, suffering and/or horrors that we have received and we can’t protect them from it.

15. Long Suffering is believing in God, but knowing that innocence, unselfishness and goodness, as within Christ, will not stop others whose agenda is for themselves only and them to hate, harm or even kill people.

16. Long suffering is realizing deep inside that the horrors of the world don’t just happen to “other people” and not ourselves. The horrors of the world can and many times do happen also to ourselves and those we love.

17. Long suffering is only experienced by those people who choose to experience oneness with life, who see life eye-to-eye equal with others, who seek to let others know they are not alone, who seek to help heal all life.

Part of long-suffering is realizing there’s little we can do to change others’ immediate sorrow and pain – sometimes nothing that is quick and responsive. But, as we pray, which calls for us to be patient and endure the suffering, along with others who may feel hopelessness, we can pray, choosing the faith which, with our prayers, comes healing and change.

We experience long-suffering, because we are human beings, we care, we love, and we keep on keeping on, even with pain in our hearts and tears in our eyes.  We believe that healing can come and so we endure.  We rarely choose “learning long suffering”.  But, we find we experience it as part of living, loving and being loved.

This, and more, is long-suffering.
