Proof of God?

Many people fret and fume that we don’t have objective proof that there is a God, or even that there was a Christ, or a Buddha, or any sign that the soul exists or a spiritual dimension is real.

This is by design, folks.

What physical evidence would YOU accept?  What physical evidence would anyone accept?  Would physical evidence gives us the sense of “knowing” which exists inside of us?  Whose expertise would you accept?  What, if anything, exists in the physical world that everyone agrees about in the same exact way?

Do we all agree that man went to the moon?  There is physical evidence – but not to all people.  Do we all agree that the Earth is round?  There is evidence – but still some say no.  Do we agree that there is evidence that proves that life needs water and air to be alive and nothing that doesn’t breathe or need water is alive?  Maybe on Earth that’s true – maybe – on Earth.  But what about viruses which don’t breathe or need water?  Who agrees on the evidence of climate change?

See.  The mental world – the logical world – the physical world is open to debate and each of us determines for ourselves the answer which we will accept.  So, physical evidence is subjective, because we all have feelings and thoughts about things – springing forth from our hearts.  These feelings and thoughts determine so much of what we choose.

We all have desires and hopes – things we want to be real or true.  These desires, feelings, hopes, etc come from within the heart – but not from the physical heart.  There we go again.

The beliefs and “knowing” of God, Spirit, the soul and the spiritual world – also are subjective only – simply because we cannot give one another our own feelings.  Our freewill to choose for ourselves how to feel and think is the freewill that everyone has to choose for themselves.

One reason why logical arguments don’t work is because the experience of God doesn’t come from the mind, but rather from the heart (not the physical heart) – where love exists.  There  is no physical proof or evidence that love exists, either.  No vial exists that contains the fluid of the love that a child has for their parent.  No bottle exists that contains the love that a mother has for her child, and on and on.  Even though some say that love is just a chemical in the brain, this too is a subjective belief based on a particular interpretation of chemical measurements.

The believe in God comes from our personal experience – which is helped by our inner experience we call “knowing”, which also is personal experience.  There is no way to share the same experiences of God, because they happen within a part of our consciousness – our heart – which we only subjectively admit exists.  The experiences of the Love of God come only because we love, also.  The experiences of a connection to God come only because our minds are open and our hearts are open.  At no time are these experiences measurable or provable that they are what we “know” them to be.

So, the belief in God, which exists in our heart, mind and soul can only happen within this one person – our self.  No one can have a relationship with God through anyone’s but their own heart.  We cannot have a relationship with God through another person’s experiences, mind or heart.

This is how it works, and will continue to work.  So, any “proof” of God may only barely come from how we treat another person – with loving kindness, patience, understanding, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness and the like.  “If God exists,” He/She lives in our hearts and actions through these qualities.  This is the only way we can share our experiences of God – by demonstrating Love.


“No one speaking of judgment and condemnation speaks for God. No one speaking fear and retribution speaks for God. The one speaking love and forgiveness, kindness and mercy – this one speaks for God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2008-2018 by Jodie Senkyrik)

“God’s will for Himself is to love us, to heal us, to nurture us, to be patient with us, to show us mercy, to give to us, to support us, to teach us, to guide us, to listen to us, to accept us, to comfort us, to welcome us, etc.

God fulfills His own will. (The Rainbow Cards, ©,1996-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“There is more of God in the air that we breathe, than there is air that we breathe.”(The Rainbow Cards,©,1998-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

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