The World as We Knew It

There is a psychological phenomenon described this way – many older people, having lived a large part of their/our life in a world where there was no climate change whatsoever, and now living in a world where this is only a little climate change – don’t believe in climate change because they won’t see it – in that they’ll pass on before they see it or have it directly touch them. It is not something for them to worry about or deal with. This phenomenon is easily visible in publicly visible elected officials, especially considering that 50% of the US Senate is 65+.  The elderly make up the greater numbers of climate deniers or the climate “I don’t care” group.

It has been observed that as people age, they tend to hold onto the world of the year span in which they were in their teens to 40’s more than enter into the current world. This contributes to “generation gaps”. In other words, the world that we used to live in, we tend to hold onto in our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Generally, the world that exists today then becomes generally ignored at a certain level in our consciousnesses by older generations. Generally, even those who say they aren’t ignoring or denying the current world, are doing it in some ways, albeit not in others, without being 100% aware they are.  (All generalizations are false, including this one.)

We cannot avoid this process within ourselves. We tend to focus on “Life as we know it” because of how we feel and think. There are many feelings of confidence that go along with “knowing all about life”. Imagine the feelings that go along with “having no clue how to live in the world of today.” And we know the past ways of living better than we know the current ways of living, thus giving us a sense of safety and security by holding onto the past worlds that we already lived in.  There’s a difference of feeling our feet on solid ground vs. on constantly changing ground (like ocean waves).

A generalization is – “as elderly acknowledge they’ll die soon, knowing they’ll never deal with climate change, have no need to worry about climate change and therefore don’t.”

However, when there is awakened within someone a concern for future generations taking precedence over one’s own life and one’s own soon death – children and grandchildren – there is an awakening for what the future generations will face.

The younger generations carries the complete and total weight of the destruction which climate change is now bringing and with increasing levels, will bring in more widespread occurrences. It is the younger generation who will be living through the destruction – of which we’ve been getting more and more a taste every year – that comes with climate change.  And this destruction is not imaginary for the younger generation, like it is for older generations, many of whom cannot imagine how bad it will be because they’ve never had it in their world.

The questions for us are, which world do we live in today?  Which world are we creating to live in, if any, tomorrow?  Which world of the past are we holding onto and why are we holding onto it?  We have answers to these questions inside us.

Regardless of how we answer these or feel about them, the world we used to live in doesn’t exist anymore except in our own memories and wishes.  We can live our life in our memories or we can join the world of today and start living our life, again, deciding what we can give to the world – for the rest of today, and tomorrow, … and the next day… and the next.  We’re not dead, today, and this means we have work to do with some of that work preparing for the climate change destruction which is increasing each day.  The last question we have related to this is – how much can we reverse…. today?  (Remember, today is the only day we can work on this.)


“If we’re still alive in the Earth, then our work is not finished.”  All Spiritual Teachings

“Retirement is man-made, not God-made.  God does not mean for us to retire from society or from living, as long as we’re on this Earth.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We can be among the first ones to lead the new ways into the future,or we can be among the last ones to follow the old ways of the past.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©,1999-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)