Boomerang Karma

Those of us who recognize and directly experience the spiritual reality of past lives and future lives, know that what we send out there comes back to us. Karma is simply a boomerang. The trash we send out is the trash that returns to us, and we have to clean up. The problems we create for others (and ourselves) are the problems that return to us, and we are responsible for cleaning up. The disasters we create are the disasters that we’re responsible for cleaning up.

So, when we look at others, it is aaaaaaalllllllllwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaays! easy to point out the boomerang that they’ll be dealing with in their future lives. But, what good does condemning others do for ourselves? None.

Only when we look at our own lives and clean up the messes in our own life are we fulfilling the task that “Boomerang Karma” calls for. The healing we do in relationships, the resolving of issues within ourselves, and the prayers and meditations for others in need – these things are what cleans up our own boomerang karmic messes.

If our life is screwed up, messed up or we’re dealing with problems in any way at all, then we’ve simply received back the boomerang that we sent out. Even judging ourselves is its own boomerang mess.

We can look at the world and fret, gripe, become angered at all the @$#%^#%& that others are dumping into the Earth – our Earth. But remember, if we’re dealing with @$#%^#%& in our own lives, it means only one thing. This phrase is appropriate in this case – “Let He/She who is without sin, cast the first stone.” We all have heard that phrase and know what it means, because we’ve walked that messy path, also.

We created messes in this world, and we now live a life trying to clean them up. We try any number of acts to help make the world a better place.  We are meditators, activists, pray-ers, light workers and more.  And it pisses us off when we’re trying to clean up our mess and others come along and mess it up again.

Others create messes in this world, and they will be responsible for cleaning up their messes. Like watching children make a mess on the floor, or the carpet, or the walls, or the ceilings, or they set the house on fire, we can remember that there is no mess that cannot be cleaned up.  All things broken can be fixed.   All things demolished can be rebuilt.  Life goes on, and as Christ told Peter after Christ had risen, “You don’t worry about them. I’ll worry about them. You follow me.” Put another way, ‘Helping all souls  everywhere through all time is my job.  Cleaning up your life now is your job.’

It is our own work on our self that transforms the energy of who we are. It is this work that in turn, impacts the Earth. It is this energy that transforms the world. The raising of our energy through inner work, raises the Earth energy, which in turns slowly helps those in lower energy be brought up to higher energy, also.

One could say, we are physicians seeking to heal ourselves of the wounds we’ve inflicted on others and ourselves, and in turn, demonstrate to those who observe us (and learn from observing us), how to heal one’s self of one’s own self-inflicted wounds. The Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love is the foundation of this path and will carry it all the way through to it’s conclusion, and in a way that no soul shall perish or be left behind. The Infinite Consciousness of God has the Infinite Patience that this job calls for.

Here’s a thought – after souls are finished in the Earth plane – souls have innumerable other greater dimensions to go to and from which to learn. Don’t worry, we have eternity to do this – plenty of time.


“An act of forgiveness is an act of giving ourselves freedom and joy. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“If you were to want to experience God, would you wish to see water turned into wine? Or would you rather wish to experience being deeply loved or forgiven?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

Who Knows What is Good or Bad?

I’m providing a link to an article citing an old Toaist parable teaching a very worthwhile lesson.

It is especially important to remember this lesson, right now, after this 2016 election.  More often, we allow the fear we have generated in our own minds – the disasters we imagine in our minds – the monsters that have only existed in our minds – to be what we act from.  In this election and the months preceding it, we see countless examples of people on both sides living from these fears and deciding from these fears – many of which have been fostered by those who benefit from people fearing.

Many will catch themselves, and try to do better, but many will continue to live this way.  This is because many have more faith in their fear than they do in God.  The question for ourselves is which way do we, as individuals, choose to go in our own lives.  Do we have more faith in fear or do we have more faith in God?

The truth is – who knows what is good or bad?  If we believe we have God’s wisdom inside our own minds, or can take God’s place in judging good and bad, then we may say to ourselves, “I know what is good or bad.”  But, Joseph told his brother, “What you meant for evil, God meant for good.”  God can take all things and all events and bring forth good from them.  Read the parable.  It is part of life.  Withhold judgement that the end is near.  There is a reason why some things happen.  It will be revealed.  Remember, for Joseph being sold into slavery was not a good thing, but God took that thing and brought Good out of it.


“It’s possible to do everything right and still lose.  That is not a malfunction, that is life.” Jean-Luc Picard to Data after being beaten in a game of Strategema against “Kolrami”. Star Trek- The Next Generation

“Do not trust the doubt you have in yourself and that you have in God.  The doubt is not the truth.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

After the Election

The election is in and at this point, I can share what I psychically see from here on.

Much of this has been in place for not just years, but decades. I’ll begin by writing that there has been some transformation for the better. The “better” doesn’t come from any political events, such as the 2016 election. The “better” has come from a very consistent, strong, and unstoppable spiritual level of energy and force moving us slowly through our evolution on this planet.

Politically, we’re seeing a seesaw effect – a cycling back and forth. And this is normal at the “every-day” level of life. In the summer of 2008, and before the 2012 election, I was asked if Hillary Clinton would be president. At that time, I saw that it would be many decades before a woman would win the presidency. I did not see Hillary Clinton ever being president.  (But, I allowed for the future to change.)

In October, 2012, I was asked who would win in 2012. At that time, I psychically saw that Obama would win a 2nd term and the Republicans would win in 2016.

With this, we can look back and see the seesaw as a regular effect happen over and over again. Rep/Dem/Rep/Dem/Rep.

And as I’ve said many times, there are factors in play that are in play regardless of who is elected. These factors are entire world events and entire world trends. The U.S. is not independent from the world or immune to entire world events and entire world trends. The U.S. is growing into being one of many voices in the world – and not THE WORLD LEADER. It is not meant to be the world leader. No amount of venom spewed from the mouths of irate citizens will change that.

Before I begin with what I see psychically, I want to repeat that the future can change. Many aspects of change are possible. The years leading up to now have been filled with change. The future we have coming to fruition today, while it may seem wonderful to many or horrible to many, has been changed for the better – and again, I’m not talking about political matters.

What is not seen by the billions of people that aren’t psychic is that the future has been changed for the better already. For example: predicted forces which would have caused catastrophic physical Earth changes bringing death to millions if not billions, has been changed because of decades of prayer and meditation – bringing forth tremendous, yet “NOT SEEN” by normal methods – spiritual evolution. The alternate future that we had available (but have raised ourselves away from) was so far worse that I don’t want to mention it – part of which would have been a 3rd World War and worse than that.

An understanding of vibrations and the metaphysical principles would help to bring an awareness of how and why this is true. (But not in this article.)

While the timeline leading to today had been changed for the better, it doesn’t mean that all things are wonderful. It only means that we are in a better place from which to begin today. That which has been changed for the spiritual “better” cannot be undone. So, we move forward from here on.

This also doesn’t mean that the events in the world will align themselves with what individuals think should happen – the world looking like they think it should look. This idea will never happen. Many people in Jesus’ time believed along the same lines and instead of getting instant freedom from the “Roman demons”, humanity got challenged in many generations for individuals to face the inner demons, are still being challenged in this way, and will continue to be challenged . This is the real path for us and it will continue for all souls. This includes the inner demon of thinking “Other” people need to be the ones to change rather than ourselves with how we think and feel about them.

So, I’ll be adding predictions here in the following months. These will cover mostly the next 20 years which will be significant years – not without their own difficulties and challenges.

Please check back from time to time over the next few years for what I write. Or you can subscribe and get notices of when I’ve posted another article.


“The real question is not ‘Who is in political power?’  It is ‘Who is in Spiritual Power?’ ”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1996-2016, by Jodie Senkyrik)

A Boost for the Soul

Look at the person in front of you.
Look at the person beside you.
Think about the person you saw yesterday,
or the family member that made you angry,
or the coworker who you get upset with,
or person on TV,
or the politician that most disgusts you.

This person needs help, in some way, with the challenges they, as souls, were born into this world to face.

Soul challenges are hard. All people need some type of assistance to help us with the struggles we came to learn how to deal with.

Each soul we see, from one day to the other, was born with challenges to face. The souls we see need help, just as much as the face of the soul we see in the mirror. We all need help, and we get it from each other. We all know how hard these challenges are in our own life. No one’s soul challenges are any easier, and don’t assume a lot of money solves any SOUL challenges. In fact, usually a lot of money creates greater and more difficult soul challenges.

A prayer, a kind word, a kind thought, a change from impatience to patience, catching ourselves from blurting out that criticism, thanking someone, another prayer – these will help souls working on the challenges during their life which they purposefully came to face.

We may never see the results of this help, but a human body takes millions of breaths each life and perhaps, if only for a small moment in their time, we can help someone catch a breathe of some fresh air during one of their breaths. Sometimes a boost from someone can help us reconnect to the best parts of ourselves.

If we doubt this, we need only consider all the people that have prayed for us, given us a kind word or kind thought, been patient with us instead of impatient, caught themselves from blurting out a criticism or judgement to us, or thanked us for something.  Were you aware this was happening?  Their numbers are more than we ever could imagine. We are where we are, because others have helped to boost us to this level – those others whom we don’t know about and without whom we would not be here.

God Bless You.


Cooperating with Love

The reason I don’t title this “Cooperating with God” is because each of us has generated our own idea of God in our heads. We then believe that the idea of God which we have – with all the character traits that we assign to the “God” in our head – is the real God that exists. In essence, as individuals, we have created our own God in our own minds.  Our own minds fall way short in being able to conceptualize the real God.

Even when we join others, in organized religions, or accepted spiritual beliefs systems, we have our own individual slant on these ways of believing. This means that on the Earth today, considering we have 7-8 billion people on the planet, we have that number of ideas of who and what God is. Is there any wonder why when we tell others that our beliefs (ideas in our head of what God is) are right and their beliefs (ideas in their heads of what God is) are wrong (or vice versa)- that we have wars, wars and more wars?

There truly is no way for any human to have a comprehensive and finished idea of who and what God is. If we allow for our learning to change as we grow older, we would also allow for our understanding of God to change as we grow older. The fact is our beliefs and ideas of God were never exactly the same during any part of our lives growing into adulthood. If we continue this path, our idea of God can grow and evolve throughout our entire lives.

The challenge is to accept that our path of learning an ever-growing and changing idea of God, will continue even unto our own death. Don’t worry. This is okay. There is no book, religious or spiritual belief that gives us the task of completely, and comprehensively understanding the ALL OF GOD. We barely learn to understand much of ourselves throughout this entire life. It’s possibly more important to have an open mind about God, than have a complete understanding of God. Remember, once we lock onto the idea, thought or belief that we completely understand God, in any particular moment, we are no longer open to gaining an even greater understanding than we momentarily have.

However, when we start thinking about “Love”, and considering what Love is, we start coming together in similar awareness of the experience of Love. We no longer have billions of ideas of love, but rather billions of experiences of that which is Love. These experiences of love – from the act of loving another person, or life, or life form, we recognize as vastly similar to others’ experiences of love. So, when we talk of Love, each of us has a connection to the concept, feelings, experiences and understanding of Love which other people have as well. For the most part, we all hold to the same sense of what Love is. This is why we can make so many movies with Love as the theme, and so many people can relate and enjoy the movies.

Cooperating with Love becomes understandable. Anyone who loves their partner, spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend, pet, etc, at some point, recognizes that they love them. Loving is a consistent experience. Even if we change the target of our love, we are still able to recognize that we love, when we change targets. When we talk of Love and Loving with someone, we are able to understand the experience to which the other person is referring.

The challenge, then is to cooperate with the Love that we have within us. Instead of acting from an idea of God that is in our head, we act from the love we know first hand. This can vastly change what we put forth into our relationships and into the Earth.

Many will quote the well-known axiom, “God is Love”, but again, we have our billions of different ideas of God that comes with that axiom. In turn, we barely understand what this saying could mean. It’s an idea that starts with an unknown. Some would even say that God is the opposite of Love – anger, hate, vengefulness. Isn’t that what humans exhibit many times when we take up the flag of our own “God” and wage war?

I prefer “Love is God” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 1990-2016). We know the experience of love and loving. The experience of Love and Loving then brings a whole new dimension to the idea of God. This brings a dimension of personal experience. If we’ve experienced Love by loving another, and in turn, allow for the possibility of God being connected to Love, then we can add this experience to our understanding of our limited belief of God. We can add a personal experience of a part of God.

I also prefer, “If we want a direct experience of God, then Love someone.” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009)

As human beings, we have the freewill to choose our own beliefs about God and religions. Many will choose “God is hate, God is anger, God is vengefulness” and live from these beliefs – cooperating with these beliefs. But, at anytime, we can also choose to Love, thus making Love real in the Earth and in our relationships – cooperating with Love. Because our understanding of God is ever-changing and ever-growing, we can learn one or the other. While some may choose “God is hate”, we don’t have to do the same. We know that Love is real. We’ve experienced it. We know that Love is good. We’ve experienced that, also. We know that Love is worthwhile. We know that Love is valuable, and we can love at any moment of any day. We know that we can add more Love into this world, and it will change relationships and change the world. We can choose, “Love is God” and make this part of God real in the Earth.

Love is real; love is patient; love is kind; love is forgiving; love is merciful; love is powerful; Love is God.
