Dreaming of Storms

In my dreams, I see clouds, water, storms, – and I always feel I need to run, to escape this disaster situation, in which my world around me is becoming a global natural disaster. Weird thing is though, is that I live in British Columbia, Canada. A mountainous climate, with green forests. I have never seen a tornado, hurricane, typhoon, or felt an earthquake, or any other mother nature disaster. The weather where I live, doesn’t have a lot of wind because of the mountains that surround me. So I ask, how did I dream, on more than one occasion, that I was actually running from a storm. How did I feel the wind? The water? … the fear of not escaping in time? T.B.

In our dreams, first and foremost, don’t assume the dream is literal.  The dream must be studied and investigated to determine the message it carries.  We do have some literal dreams, but the biggest number of dreams are symbolic and hence will need examined and investigated.

Also, consider that some dreams are precognitive but not necessarily “Tomorrow.”  Some precognitive dreams are months, years, decades and even centuries into the future.

With this in mind, I suggest you look up the words – ‘storm’, ‘water’, ‘clouds’ and ‘running’ in the dictionary.  You’ll find many different meanings to these words.  Then look at how these words can go together – i.e. water also runs.

With other meanings to these words, take a look at the different parts of your life.  Do the meanings of these words parallel any part of your life?  For example: Is there a storm in your life anywhere?  Is there anything in your life that is clouding up another part of you?

Even water has several meanings, and in dreams can sometimes be symbolic of emotions.

With just these small tips, perhaps you can make more sense of the dreams.

Dreams are a language, but they’re not English.  They speak in symbols because the messages they try to convey have many levels and facets.  Dreams “speak” holistically, while in our waking life, we speak “linearly”.  This is why studying and examining them in greater depth than their literal happenings can be extremely helpful.

For anyone wishing to pursue greater understanding of dreams, I recommend starting with “Edgar Cayce on Dreams”, and “Dreams, God’s Forgotten Language”, as two of many good books on dream study.


“Listen to your dreams, what are they saying?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1990-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

Prayer Without Words

Prayer Without Words is not just symbolic or metaphorical.  It is a very real act.  Praying without using words, isn’t empty.    It’s also not the act of using images or thinking thoughts.   If anyone is sincere in their prayers, but uses words to make up the body of the prayer, then they can also pray without the use of words.

Guide for how to pray without words.

To proceed in practicing this method of praying:

As we pray with sincerity – as we pray our normal way of praying, we usually have both words and feelings.  We especially have both when we pray for someone we love who is suffering or in need.  It is these prayers which come from our heart and it is the heart that is at the core of the Prayer Without Words.

If we find we’ve relied so much on words, that we’ve forgotten to add our heart, then we may have a little difficulty.  But, try anyway.

We begin by praying one’s normal prayer, for example, The Lord’s Prayer or any other prayer that  is meaningful to us.  In praying this with sincerity, we are talking to God, not reciting to Him.  Go ahead, talk to Him.  Then, as we’re talking to Him, we let go of wondering whether we’re doing any good.  We simply talk to Him through our words.  We talk to Him, letting our hearts be a part of the contact.

If we need to change the words of the prayer to make it real for ourselves, then go ahead.

Then, when we’re in the middle of the prayer, stop speaking – stop thinking the words – leave “words” behind, but continue to pray.  Keep going.  Don’t judge or critique anything.  Continue the heart in prayer, but don’t use words.  Don’t analyze either, and just continue the heart in prayer.

I will not add my comments to what the experience will or won’t be for anyone.  But, a word to the wise, if ever our heart is not in it, then we are not really praying.

I’ve found for myself, that occasionally a word or 3 may still come forth wanting to be expressed.  When so, I’ve expressed them.

The two types of prayer – with and without words are both different from each other yet still hold similar aspects.  Both have their purpose.


“God’s presence is strengthened in the lives of those prayed for.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“It is still appropriate for us as the human race to pray ‘God forgive us, for we still know not what we do.’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“A good prayer – “God, help us be good soil.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)



“Who are you?”

“I’d also love to know who you are, where you came from and how did you know all those stuffs. It’s amazing revealing. I’d love to learn from you.” M.

If we look for learning within ourselves, from the “still, small voice of God” within the heart and soul, we will learn from God. If we look for learning outside of ourselves, we might get lucky.
We come to know that we learn from what others put forth in books and discussions, but others are not the source of that which is truly worth learning. God speaks to us within ourselves, and others merely are putting into words that which God is trying to teach us from within our own heart and soul. The source is God, but sometimes we need help from other people in “getting it put into concepts and words that we understand”.

In these moments, we recognize the words of God within us, even though He used an “outside of us” translator in that moment.  This also means that God will teach us with the help of many people. The Bible says that wisdom comes from having many teachers.


I am a traveler on the path, one who asks questions and listens for answers.  In the words of the Beatles, “I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are altogether.”

I strive to practice what I learn and make it real.  I work on myself and share what adds to my understanding.  I strive to know myself and my relationship to God and others.  I am a human being striving to evolve.  I pray and meditate.

Isn’t it amazing what God can do with the “dust of the Earth?”


“Humanity IS evolution.  Evolution IS humanity.  You cannot have one without the other.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1990-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Amazon Rainforest and the Hurricanes up the US’ East Coast

Sometimes, psychic information supports the scientific data that is brought forth; however, sometimes it presents it in a different way.

Around 1989 or so, I gave a reading on the Amazon Rainforest.  At that time, psychically I saw that the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest – clear cutting hundreds of thousands of acres of the trees and vegetation – will contribute to a weather process that will be destructive to the United States.

As millions of acres of Rainforest are clear cut, and now, in 2014, have been cut down, the ability of the Rainforest to moderate the heat diminishes.  Trees everywhere, and especially in forests, have the ability to trap heat.  This capacity helps to keep temperatures of a forest region stable and within a moderate range.  This also means that very little heat escapes into the atmosphere from that area.

When the trees are cut en masse, like they have been in so many areas of the world – in this case – the Amazon Rainforest – there is nothing to trap the sun’s heat.  The heat then which is absorbed by the soil (land) during the day,  then escapes into the atmosphere in the night.  (This is why deserts get cold at night – nothing to stop the heat from rising into the atmosphere – leaving the air cold at ground level.)

The temperatures fluctuate in greater swings/ranges.  In addition, the increased heat stays in the atmosphere and collects.  In the case of the Amazon Rainforest, this massive volume of heated air  via the consistent production of heated air then spreads and one of the area it spreads to is over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America – the birth place of hurricanes.   All hurricanes need in order to get started in the Atlantic is heat.  They’re getting that more and more in huge volumes of heated air.

Now, with a similar process happening,  plus high pressure remaining in the atmosphere in Texas, and surrounding states of the Midwest, South and Southwest, the high pressure in the atmosphere pushes across into and past the Gulf of Mexico against the hurricane preventing it from moving along the old-time paths that hurricanes took – entering the Gulf of Mexico.  The hurricanes seek the path of least resistance (low pressure) which is now up the east coast of the United States.

This is how the destruction of the Rainforest contributes to hurricanes going up the East Coast of the United States.  It is a ludicrous idea until we see it happening and eventually understand the physics of how and why.

The drought in Texas and other states has many causes, and there is systematic cutting of trees in Texas, also contributing to this – without replacing the same number that are cut down.  We have much development all through Texas, requiring large swaths to be cut down, widening of roads and highways, plus the massive cutting of cedar trees in central Texas and other areas.  Over the decades of development and the cutting of trees, what one might usually consider only a drop in the bucket, now becomes millions of drops in many, many buckets.

There are many causes to the drought in Texas, and fewer and fewer trees is helping all the other causes, also.

At the same time, a very useful helpful measure would be to plant trees en masse.  Looking at it again psychically, I see that were the people of Texas and California to plant millions of acres of trees – this would change the weather patterns considerably over the states and combat much of the other causes, plus contribute to more rain for the states.

Drought is many years in the making and built via the years and patterns previous.   We can help reverse the human contribution to droughts.  Please, don’t use the lame excuse that we can’t plant trees during a drought.  Mother Nature plants trees under all conditions regularly.


“Sometimes, we prefer to still think we’re right, rather than accept that we’re not and correct it.  And boy, how visible this is to the other people who observe us.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“To successfully heal, we must let go of the benefits we believe we get from NOT healing.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We cannot heal our selves by harming someone else.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)



Prediction for August, 2015

FYI:  I will not be making the blog article describing the event I see happening in August, 2015 available to the public at large until sometime in late Winter or early Spring of 2015.  Until then, I will continue to add to the “Protected: More of the 2nd of 3 events – A Call to Prayer” article, and it can be accessed with the password.  You can reach that article via the link above or by going to the homepage and scrolling down.

UPDATE:  The release date has been changed to Dec. 25.2014.  You may access all blog articles at the main page – jodie1.wordpress.com.